HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-18, Page 51111"Cr SDA.
Godericii French Dry Cleaners
24tf C. R. ]rJ very.
AUBURN; July 17.—Mr. and Mrs.
£arl Yuugblut have returned to amil-
ton after visiting the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Yungblut.
Mrs. Wx. Dobie of . Fort Frances.
visited Mrs. Harry Govier for .a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson and
pobbv. of Brampton, spent the week-
end with relatives here.
Visitors With Mr.' and Mrs. Maitland
Anila were .fir. and Mrs. Lester Greuni-
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Brgkeninger;
all of Detroit, and dr. and°Mrs. Archie
Robinson of Hullett.
Mrs. Fred 'loss spent the Week -end
with Mar and Mrs. Gordon Anderson,
Mrs, Thos. Doyle has returned 'home
after a visit with her daughter, -Mrs.
lAndoroon; aeflo, Dotty Rodgers re,lita-
tions, Margaret t'ivins; piano solo,
Donna Etaggitt; recitation, Dotty
Sttat`ady ; reading, Chriateno Cunning-
ha+u ; duet, Grave and F;velyn Itiallaau;
eea(ling, Rutin DLer; Chorus by Rena
and Gladys l7teeltnchey, Bettye Sturdy,
Lauri. May Letherland, " Elva. Gross,,
i! a,rlene aalll,-.. J-otutne 1 ; a ilii.- 1„ ss.
Lawejnl moved a vote- of thanitq to the
program committee with Mrs. Sidney
McC linehey asouvener and to all th e
children who had taken part. A prize
donated by Mrs. Geo. Million was -won
by Mn.sHarry Govier, the ticket being
drawn by Mrs. Wxu. Moble. Refresh-
ments were nerved "by- Mrs Herb. Meg-
ridge, Mrs. Thos. MeNall, Mrs. LRu
Irwin and Mrs. Bert Daer. •
Harry Anderson, and Dir. Anderson,
at Lucknow.
Mrs. John IB.; Weir and baby daugh-
ter, Barbara 'Joan, cavae home from
Goderich hospital on Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washington ,of
Kirkland Lake are Visiting' the former's
parents, Mr.! and :-'Mrs. Joseph, Wash-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kirbcouuell and
son Jack and Miss Margaret Crawford
'of Frank, Alta., • motored to Ontario,
arriving at the home of Mrs. Dan Craw-
ford at the week -end.
\1r. and Mrs. •Eustace of Ottawa are
visiting their daughter, airs: J. R.
Bill Seers is spending the simmer
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Keyes,
Mitchell, and is assisting at the Keyes
service station. ••
Recent visitors at the home of air.
and Mrs. David Hamilton were Ben c Special services will -be held in Trin-
Hamiltun, of Toronto, and Mr. and ity AnglIean church on Sunday next
Mrs. Mac Alliston and Betty,. of 'ark- to commemorate the ninety-eighth an -
hill. niversary of the founding of the parish.
Presbyterian W.M.S.—The 1W._M.S. of Rev. tier:Priey rr• of St. George's
Knox PresbytQrian church held its July (*larch; Goderich, • will be in charge
meeting in the Sundayb school room, of the morning service and Rev. J.
Geoghegan•• -of ,V -Se. Paul's, -Wood-
stock, ill have charge of the evening
adv ice. k ;: ,.., .
Mrs: 'Mary . `itorntan of 'Detroit° is a
guest at. the .Albion Hotel this week
and is renewing old acquaintances in
the village.
77 Bottles are badly
i u* Pt
BAYF TELD,' July 17.• ssMiss Elva
Dewarsof 'Toronto is spending her" vaca-
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Dewar.
Mr. .. Ford King of Toronto is the
guest of his parents, Mr. and -Mrs.
George King.
Miss M. Volume hays returned to
Kingston after speeding t:he•past mouth
with Mrs. David -Volume.
Mrs. Robert Watson and son Ed-
waicis, of Broadview, Sask., arrived
last week to spend the summer with
her •mother, Mrs, F. A. F.dwards. Miss
Mary Gray Of London also is a guest
of Mrs. Edwards.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and
three sons, Charles, Bob and Jim, of
Trout Lake,.Sudbury, are the guests
Mrs. Mr: and Wm. L. Ferguson.
Mr.' Stuart Sturgeon has accepted a
position in Preston.
23c lb.
2 LBS, FOR 45c
20c Ib.
with Mrs. Edna Cowan in charge._,fter
the opening hyirin yrs. Cowan read a
Pioeill. -• • The devotional period teas
taken by Rev. Robt. Mtie2ounell, d-
reading, "Lifting Our Eyes to • the
Hills," was given by Mrs. James W ootlss
The. "Tidings" prayer was read in uni-
son. Rev-, R: •aiacConuell gave an ad-
dress on "Prayer,', Miss Viola Lether-
land coutrfbutdd a reading. Mrs.
Cowan closed the meeting; -with prayer. ASHFTELD, July 17.—Members of
Refreshments were served by 31rs.
Cowan_ and Mrs- Ross. the family of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Confirmation Service. --Right Rev. C. Donald •MacMurchy, former residsents
A. Seager, Archbishop. of Lot,ldou, was of Kintail, visited• the scenes of their
• at St. Mark's Anglican church on Mon-. youth last week. They were Mrs.
day evening and o,t iciated in the, eon- Harry Worsell- of Beeton, - Ont., Mrs.
U • uuar
I ented 1.1 'r are Z. bra d of
` I15 a
rso b
frrluation of nixie ,fie p es Margaret
Rev. J. L..H. Henderson, rector of the Monica, Cal., and Archie McMurchy, of
parish of Auburn; Belgrave and Blyth. Edmonton. It is forty years since the
Those confirmed were Mrs. Alvin Hig- family left here, but many old friends
gins aid Jack King, Belgrave; Samuel were very glad to see them. Mrs.
1hMak NW
10).a 3
i1 .e'•fd
' visited here in 1931.
Stewart,-TfIwald os u, fbetrTol1 W
Govier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, with her brother, Neil MacKenzie, and
Auburn., The service, also marred the Mrs. MacKenzie.
re -opening of the Auburn church after Miss • Anna .MacGregor of Toronto
its redecoration, and the Archbishop ; is spending holidays at the home of
congratulated the rector and the ions- hez•,-,llgaent_.5'k ;1,rs,, t,1 1-..,lSss ,ol.ilt'JL.1-
gregation upon the -handsome appear Gregor. 0. -
ance of the sacred edifice. The carpet Mr, and Mrs. Ambrose ITJhgan of
used in the chancel is one which was Hamilton visited Ashtield friends over
presented to the church sixty-eight the week -end. - -
years , ago by the late Mrs. Robert.
Medd. -Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor was
at the organ for the service and the
choir was assisted by Miss Mary Nesbit
' of Toronto and Miss Alice Rogersian
of Bly;,th. The chancel, Was adorned
lovely basketsa.et
, o.
}'omen's Institute.—Tie Women's
Institute met in the Foresters'. Hall on
Tuesclav, with the children as guests
I VAN LOLTZON Phone 470 We Deliver ES T6 ST.
Reason R new bottle
production slowed b y
shortage of materials. -
Remedy — Return ` ac-
- cumulated empties.
Put them back into
circulation. Check
your basement today.
Bring them to nearest •
Brewers Retail store or, '
telephone for •pick-up.
U.S. Tourists
Prefer Canada
Miss "Mickey" Kidd of Ottawa_ is
(Continued from page 1) speeding holidays in town.
and bustle of life in the United States Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dewey are spend -
that it is a. most welcome change," : ing six weeks at, Vancouver, B.C.
Is the way one Uuited States reurist 1'rtioihcial Constable James Culp and
put it. The word 'restful" was used fatuity are vacationing at Temabami.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Stowe of Toronto
more often than any other word i11 are gueatS Nrith -• Mrs. •W. J. Buchanan,
describing the preference fur'' l'auilda Mrs. Jas. Smith, Gloucester Terrace,
by these visitors. • left on -Tuesday for Josephine Isle,
•'•I like the easy-going, .friendly Lake \ipfguu,
people in Canada," said one woman Mr. and Mrs, L'. E. Murray,, and two
drum Detroit. "1 have walked, along buys, of Detru}t,,sare spending holidays
streets in Goderich and -have had .I)eo-
1'ersgnal Mention
i)UNGANNON, July 17. — Vatting,
Miss Bertha Jones the past week was to 'u to ;United S
(_'apt, • Howard r'd Haulmell • (Cameron b 1 ` ited St'a Publicity
IIighlatlders) of Teterboro, who has The widespread e Pub publicity throughout
i'(''C'etltly returned from O 'eraeaa, the tutted Staten gi.vela to Cuutida .la('-
llrs° J. II: Bell, Kitchener, is vi'sitin
Iger sister, _ is, ...'S ,ie Ste wiart, b cause -of her splendid wiir effort created
and with the president,, _Mrs. Edam `Ira. Robt, Fitzgerald is nursing her an, enpreccdeutecl interest in Canad
Lawson, in the chair. .The following:, aunt, Mrs. 'Thos. Ag,a1, Brampton, Ittld her people, and a de._ile, to visit
111.. lam presented by the children was Arlie Late Gladys :1IeL. Lowe.--Jlrs. tin country to see what it w•a5 like,
much enjoyed.: Piano solo, \I 111011 (;ladv> Lowe (foruu'1•ly Miss Gladys { - The smaller 111101111t of traffic on
I Teylor; solo, Ileene Cunningham; read- \l Leitil ). it, natilt • of Dung1)1I11)11, Canadian highi\ 1'. in comparison Mlle,• Ky., sae syen lillg; thi't e week
leg. Audrey Andrews:. trio, Jewel Mc- pu'.s,il..uw'nt n.t.tlle Ilackelisa k (N.J.) , with highways i11'the t 111teaT States and -ucittiull with the gaiter's luu111(1 •\les. {
t t' 1L
, tendency for more Margaret cu ct ti
\fax ei i c tit tl't t d
•n lc c n e ,
Million lion a d tl
"1 _ I11 1
C glut lney, ('ulltc 1 -> lluspital
in; Sunday, Jtaly: 7th, after all l John Clark, Nelson street.
Jacl.si,1) ; recitation, David Mc.>Clinchey ; u11 111iul',..IIer• parents were the lute lased driving was cited. e Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Iitr;hes have re
duet. Marie :aid Donna Hallam; read John JIcLf+an and Mrs. McLean '(Polly I Canadians have cliofi'tarent opinions turned to St. Thomas after"'a .week's
intr. Judith Grange; piano. duet, •from luar>,v of those 114Il by the oyer-
Ewelvlt Ilaithbv ; hytud 1, and she was both IL t•e m :1 rt> - citizen iii the United Statcs, and hilitliiys spent with. the I:tttcr's par
Margaret Jackson and 1tit►i, Her fitiher hied when .she wase ,,( c chis, JI r. sled•Jlts. IL. T. Edwards. re:tiling Jean Kirl:-con11(11 , trio, Edna, } r•, 1'r,lit11ilig eamessiuu Of 1ltese.upi11iu11s is 11 Ind Mrs. llaruld_Ii: Tomer filial1
Edith and Lila Doer; .recitation, -Wm. ` - 41 u... _married
. ►I1at yca . Turner
xtrl • rn i erica Harold • Turner and 1 interesting. .cn Robert. of Londuli" s),ellt the week a
)le whom I never met .before say a at Kintail-Beach
i hiss C. A. McKinnon and Miss S.
cheery word of greeting," she ex- _1leiiinuolt will attend rile millinery
plained, with obvious' surprise and de -
display's at Tutuutu next week. ,
light that Goderich citizens are so
friendly to visitors.
Second most important reason• for.
these visitors 'appears to be the'de-
lightful meals 'that are 'comparatively
easy tu..obtaiii in contrast with condi-
their families, and , others, celebrated
the ae's'enty-fifth anniversary of their --
father's birthday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Sanderson, Boit, of Mr. and Mrs. ,(Fern) Lawson Gillespie and son Fred;
George Sandersun, Quebec • street, who Major W. A. Moss, wife (Hazel) and
is in the Canadian permanent navy, is sou,..Billy'; Mr. and Mrs. (Jean.) Garry -
spellding a fourteeutday leave at his Campbell and sou Donald. Others pre -
home There. His ship recently do ked sent were, Mrs. Louise Campbell and
on the Pacific coast after an extensive Mr. Donald Campbell, Toronto, mother
voyage to different parts of the world. and brother of Gai ray Campbell; -Miss
Mr. T. D. Holloway, manager of the Lina Muss of Dundas, sister of Major
Royal Bank of Canada at Maryfield, Moss.'
Sask.; who is' holidaying with his Mr. Elford. burn in Waterloo county
mothers, Mrs. A. J. ,Holloway, at Cliu- and° reared iu Huron, (-utility,- Came
tun, Was in Goder'hieh on Wednesday re-- first to Ottawa in 1903 to join the Live-
new•ing old acquaintances:. Mr. Iloilo- stock Branch of the Department "of
way has lived in the Canadian West Agriculture; under the Ittte Ds.
since .19-18, going tram ' the Royal Robertson. Two years later -he ae
Bank iof Canada, Clinton, to Winnipeg companied Dr. Robertson to-Maedou-
'ut--that. time. hid College, • where he remained until
Miss Carrie O'Neill has returned to 1911, when he resigned to take up com-
mercial work in Buffalo and Toronto.
In the 'spring of $13 he • was appointed
the first Dominion Poiiiitry '37. Husband-
mWhich hlch position he held till.
Iii the fall of that year he was •pro--
moted to Poultry Gom-inissioner and
was loaned to the .U.S. Goverument,
where he remained till '40, ' when he
Miss Maude MacMath is visiting ,this her home after spending several weeks
•week at the home of Mr: and Mrs. D.,{ In the Middle States. While there she
Talbot, Bayfield. attended the first mass celebral'ted by
Mrs. S, 4tkiu, of , Niagara
' Fulls, her cuisin, Rev. Lawrence UKelly;
Out.,"is the guest of her brother, Mr. S;J., at Harper's Ferry. Iowa. Father
Alex, lineeshaw. • •Kelly is well known in Goderich, having
tiutta south of the border.• Stress is Miss Madeline Deyell of Wiugham is visited here. His classical studies
placed oil steals and ottiTer meats. a guest with Mrs and Jars. Wm. were taken at Florissant and at St.
Then f 11' d Variety f their
ni. uic. —11e—
t-t Eiu1 I... Ia•i k.,--. .It r,. 't-A
Gl-e 1=
r•a a -i
hen o u e > > ,. •t 'I < t
.r.. . _._ .,a s. .. -,.,.. ......<.s,. c .: ,. Hn.l -oar
ea5 us. --- ituotgbt' -fih'lr 41"(1.'"44A4--.. ..... r . ..,. ,.,
Mi. "atrcT tir •: -T:"= ae - htr` ---ttssgtrF3d'' to; ft5`ek rii'it -1II ' I "zlt-ooT, ilitce"•-'ti11 i _ a has-i3 'rr• lI•c-rng_ --
following: ter J1adeline, of 'luruutu, are spending Kansas City, where he taught for°'ever- tired" land is accused .of being busier
Because of ov.ereri 1ded conditions holidays at the Lark ITrltlse. ill Years.- FIe commenced the study than when he was paid for being busy.
in the -United States it more easy to lies. Belle Ingram`, of Chatham, i:s of theology at St, 3lary's .C'ulie ge,• St,
obtain reservations at Cauaclutn boli spending a few dsys at the Baptist Marys, Kansas, in 1943, ,,and has an-
ciaas..E;eutr•F;a• ' • ., .
' ` "'. 1.Szrttrsg;e, the biiial (7t 3Er : ;h=--{ -Y-- . -- icr c• before' etal i`'=-= ',cieutists pr, rrhar T,1 neF within the United States, Janes, . final year of spiritual training : at'
PL•emaum on Auleiicau money,, since Chicago r,
par with the Canadian
Jirs. Catharine Iiullenbuck of C hic ago { Decatur, •Illinufs, which will contplete
reduced to h`been wi itrug at the home of her his formal training. b
dollar, was an admitted inducement allele, John C ' 1h 14i, Gloucester Ter- i
to come to Canada Belief was ex- raasce - , 1•PRED ELFORD REACHES
Pressed that the present parity would M15s Ann Wurtele, accomp1tliic'd by HIS 75th BIRTHDAY
not stop the steady flow to Canada. • n
It wt,; Jointed out that it Is. in general, uta ol`d Bishop Strachan ticliuol. friend,
I as spending three Weeks on an island Thefulluwin reference to a former
less expensive to come to Canada than {g
•• en .the coast of _Maine.
well-knownIi m e n m tr is
u out a roils
holiday -centres. T _y
a \Ii•..und Mrs. D. 'McLean and daug;h. ; •
ter. Caroline, of Toronto, are guests i The Ottawa Journal of July '?rt,d
with Mr. -and Mrs, John, Marwick, ' _. A pleasant -party was held by the
Lighthouse street. .. { family at the home Of' 'Mr. and. Mrs.
Mrs. -Win. Hamilton of Iona visited Fred Elford, 301 Harmer avenue, Sat-
her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark, 1 urday, when the three daughters With
over the 'week -end aid attended the
Cwi reunion uu Saturday. {
M. and _lira. 1). M. TIurt, of Louis 1 ,p
.' : • 0 ANY SENSE o
oz rat- • M
Or WAY– 'T 'SE, '
New Shell Premium' gasoline is super-
charged with 224 T.M.P. It's four ways
better'—(1) more power -.-(2) quicker'
starting—(3) faster pickup—(4) more
mileage. Try it now—see' for yourself!
?.goal• Agents -
• _Hovey •,Baxter Allan Linfield •
Hours for 1 -Jose Service
4•-7toSaan ,. 5to9p.m.
public Utilities Commission
GODE1tIO1 i ' 23-9
l'anada':- lakes and atrei1in . 111 more after a" few years Spent iu Goderich 1 end -with 31r, Turner's 1)arents Mr:and
plentifully stocked tiitli lisp and the lir•."1{(,1►ert E. Turner. Elgin awe. T
she went to live.with them 1)t Bog,uta, , rt,
New Jersey. ' Ftir many yt*ar she finest• with g;lme. lir, and \Ira. 'led Chapman have
worked ill New Yolk 'City. as a book- i •1Woollen goods,-chitla)Ware. diamonds
sail many other articles are slnlgllt-by- returned, to their home.at with
to after
keeper and • secretliry. • Her mgther : u pleasant vacation ,Trent. w•ittl 3T r. and.
passed away two years -ago. Ilei aunt, United States tourists. •
Mrs. 1. C. Chapman.. Miss Ida 3Wlird, R \.,'left here two U.S. tourists lt,ave 'snore inouer to l Dr.._ands Mi a Vii. Chapman ' of
vninths ago it Bogota and was with `pend -this 'year and hare- their •mars fort Erie are guests .of the tumo'r's
in better shape to go longer - distances
her during the fatal illness.- Among brother, .lir. L. C. Chapman, soil Mrs.
other relatives living here are her to spend that money. Chapman, Cambria road,
Tlie boat trip don nl the St. Lawrence MBill Gibbs , and -Miss -1 hyllls
Gregg. of'tindtan, spent the past-•w•eek
with the furuler's .mother, Mrs, Wm.
Gibbs, Victoria st•1•eet.. • •
Miss Gladys Walker of Toronto, to .
representative of the Shut-in's Day- As-
ssociation is• visiting Mr. and 'Mi -.
Percy Barker and Mr. Ernest Barker
this Week: -
Rev, R. C. McCallum. 31ts . Mc('allum
andfamily 11ave returned to their home
after spending two weeks at Sault Ste.
Marie, where 31 r. t1eCallulu conducted
revival services.
Mrs. Clayton Robertson and' child-
rea,' i)ougla; a11(1 Icaren, of ('upper°
(Tiff, are visiting the' lady's patents,
air. and Mrs, ',Vin Stratigttatr, 1W'est
unclesThomas McLean. and her aunts,
the Misses Lilian and Fri nces McLean.
She was a , member of the- Methodist
church at,.Bogota and of the Wesleyan
Guild. and oI1 the Tuesday following
her death her pastor, Rev. Burke
White, conducted a service at the Snell present at Goderich is a Detroit resi-
fuueral home, Ridgefield Park. •The dent who in the summer of,1935 was
hotly w11-5 .then brought to the .13rophey :practising maw in Berlin, Germany.
•funeral home, Goderich, 'arriving on -
As native-born German,' he saw the war
Friday, and the funeral took place the clouds looming up (irt' his own ' Words:
same afternoon to the Durigall'noia mine --
Sin fact, we knew since 1933 that
tery, where Rev. W. J. Rogers, of, the plans were all laid for the- war") and
I)ungannoil United church, conducted 1 dt'cided •it was best to• leave- his country,
the burial service in the presence of 1 In October, 11)38, he arrived at New
u large gathering of relatives slid 13.ork_C'ity With his wife and lived there
friends. The ' plallbearers were five' 11 year. Then 'he went to Detroit:
cousi• ns, Arthur and 11irold Ialiutf where .he has since -resided. He stated
" ire w•n. it-`thtg- -( 'rmin ;truly in the ,
William McClure. Herbert Curran, and street. •
1 hest Great W`ar. At Detroit he got a
McLean, and her Uncle, Tilos, ; . Jliss M. I:ulnck of the Department
'1cT.ean, Be ides her stepfather and (101► "it1 11 palter box tntintlfactuiing eon- of Highways, ' I'.irr 3111ent Buildings
aunt, those (bluing fr'utn a distance for cern and has since risen to the position Tot011to asspending a few week,' hod -
of ',manager of that tlrnt, the
the funeral vele Mr. and Mrs. WalterToronto,
the 'fire( •that when he arrived day's with hercousin, Mrs. TI. Phillips,
at New York- in 11)38 he could hardly
I':ast str•eet, town.
s )F>tkk,n word of English. "The rest- 3Ir. Gavin IT. Green, antPn)t .)f the
b'•1' ,„ , Lugs -s,s . ul " attc'nde(1 • the uuntulL...
fulness and the frientfliness of Canada' l.ntet ting uf' the (►nt'atiu Historical : u
was given its" his reason fug, etntifug to cit1', held at the 4)nti io istoricatutal
!I'.O. CONST liti:lTOIII EXAMS: spend his holidays here (ol'lege,-Gui'll)h. -
Results of summer examinations of • y J JI r. Donald ,3m (1iunald 'of Btffalu.
the 1Weslern (ltitari r Conservatory of r with his wife and sun. Gordon, of
At li o'clock in the evening, near „
::lfttstt°:--fanninta - e -aissH-r►c-T4rielt .1,t'e- _-- ". file
* i'ttff:rirr is itrltl; this weep with his,
announced as follows: the clasp of the July 11Th celebration, Caledonia at Blyth, a car ('0111sion orcttrred as ; sister..1 dun 31ac1)unald, f alE dinia {.
kiNGTN(. the resatlt of which Miss Minnie (._t>,1'rey j'I'err(tce. 3[r. IT. I2 n;kdeschel of 11111
Grade: .3'111 Senior---.Fit•st-class 1 of Hite was brought to the hospital lere fait► is arcitupa3)viilt; the visiting party.
honors: - Phyllis Rodger,. Honors: with broken ribs -and severe bruises, I 3Ir, anFd Mr;. 'Norman Iinrl::+nd two
('liiire Kennly, I,'earl Roc►pe. , & sons, Norman and Douglas, of (lrft':tg,o,
Miss Currey- was ri( ng in ,the front
Grade I • Junior—Honors: Marietta seat of a car driven by her brother,, are guests with' the former's , sister,.
Stitigel. ranee Currey, who, suffered concussion
:Mrs. J. 1), Beecroft. Ind 31r. I3F c c•rc
(,rade TI .Tnniyi' -•-First-class honors; of Wir1g,'biulr and also with his norther,',
• of the bruin and; bruise(:, This cur was
their '
*Gory Ste niforth. Mrs. . . Kirk. He is also renewitlt;
TIT Vow,- lenity wrecked. when hit broadside by , :•
a cite from Clinton in which we're rid actlttaintances 10eafortll° Aub(trtl,
(,ni(10 I ---First-class honors: 31111•y lug two Clinton hall players and ! T.ucknow and (roderfch•+
Ann Erskine. Margaret Henry. Honors: wives. They were JIr. anMr. and Mrs. borne (lat•k and three
and Mrs.
Claire Kenny, Sanderson and Mr, and Mrs. Graham, i (1)1 1ren arta 3[r. and Sir:, Clifford
Damage to the Clinton car was estim-
! Biu king,harn and three chiltlreri, all (If'{
ATTENDS ;ONS FUNERAL Al'Klnehrdine, visited at Mr- ('lark's hotn1'
MIAM. ah'rl at about $17 by the insut'ilnc•e 1 on ('8nlbiltige street on Sunday.
Mr, G. N. I)owkei• left Goderich for adjusters. The ac'c itlent c)cc'tirre( on
i Miss (.lady. 1 tri 1111 is -home from
the ' outskirts of Blyth On No, 4 high- t f i tl course.
Tin mil, Florida; on Tharsda? last, On
Toronto. slii'te she iy ta1: n
lean irlt; of the death un July lOtit,°at wiay. _ at the S'chreil of Pharmacy, eti(L is in
Miami,. of his son, John, 'Marker, after }.I,and('r's ,dreg stores fele tlle_ vaeation
a brief it lraF sa. Ji r. +I)c)w ler is expected C, NOTES g I Period. '
> )F rfod, Gladys is also it wPtt ot11F' ld-
book In Godebicln'. toiiity. With the The F o'n regatton. of St. George's, c s (Miall to the GodF rh•it ladies'
R.A 1 Transport Command for several cltnrch had • the pleasure on..Stlnd:Iasi teem., s {
yt'ars, John I)owdeer was marriedl at last. of f;r eti8 a former rector, Ren. '--
Miami last ''September - to Dorothy A. C. ('aider, now of St. (reori e's COUNTY COUNCIL PTCNIC
Btdinert; of Miami, 'and had:, since re- church, London. Mr. ('alder conducted Huron Comity Connell is holding iti
sided in that eItv.' The fuller:11 was 'both morning and evening servieeo 011(11 animal Wide at harbor -Park this
hell and ititertilont took ,place at Miami, was heard by Itirge, ,rotigregations. 1 (Thursday ) of tel noon.
River-w•as-described by nuiuerous tour-
ists as the most delightful tholiday
they ever had. -
Forsook Germany
` Amongst • United- States tourists, at
Black and two sons, Donald and
(lortlon, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mc-
L&an, all of 'Toronto, Mrs. Black, being
31i' 't'urner's sister.
a few yeairs will be made of glass,
and then ysoif won'(mind if somebody
gives you a pane. -Windsor Star.
Stti Repot, Ou,>,00d,ng nll Oezos,on Groohn
Cod.— ,ed, .oved, nb,olurot, No O,ho,
• Volvo Ulm 1„ -
Udn° arn, int and realty eh your M.nd>
day Coeet.n` C°.d,' Cot,w.,• „j rndr^^. h
•hl,-,nd nth., avadrgn., V, nt.,.lay
103 Sone,. St . T,.,.0*
Refrigeration Troubles?
Expert workmanship and prompt service _on all kinds of
domestic and commercial refrigeration eriuipmeiit.
Manning Refrigeration Service
SINCE 1939.
Amount paid to plant employees .. . . a . DOUBLED
Incorne Tax payments INCREASED SIX FOLD .
Profits paid to shareholders ... NO INCREASE AT ALL
Year's payments by Year' ended March 31
Dominion Textile 1939 1946 Increase
To plant employees •$4,503,785 $9,297,538 1O6%°
To Income Tax '244;513 1,56047--6-17%7
To:shareholders°° 1,485,842 1,485,:' •12 NONE
°68% out of this is wage rate increases; the remaining
38% is due to increased production since 1939.
• "As of June 12, 1946, there were 3,765 shareholders. •
Wotton C o . the Mayer Fabric's