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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-18, Page 3
4 r, NINETY-NINTH YEA n` 11 Business Directoryll U 6AL , T UDLIitY E, HO Ea • Barrister, Etc. ©ce--Court House, Goaerieb. Telephone 55. T. K. HUNTER, Barrister Etc• Royal Bank Bldg. 13amilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. DUE DATES 0 TLATION COUPONS,. • Coupons nowvalid- are, sugar pre- serves 81 to S23; butter R.10 to R15; meat 1M40 to M40. • CHARTERER ACCOUNTANTS NONTEITH and ‘11IONTEITH, Chartered -Accountants 51 Albert Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 302 Bay Street - W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. CRART1 R1 J ACCOUNTANT Telephone : Eike 18, Residence 343. ,Goderich. BROCK, DAVIS & DUNN Chartered Accountants London -- Kitchener .. J. H. K. Broughton,. C.A.-Resident Partner 512 Huron & Erie ,Bldg. Phone Met. 2788. London. OTHERS ARE AASNIN Q, is the, ceiling price on loin lamb chops? A. --61e a pound is the .ceiling price on sirloin. or chump spring lamb and ' roasts or chops. 49e a pound on loin*rrb Q. -I am living in a summer cottage for the season April 15th to September 15th which is described as furnished add my receipt reads paid in lull for the season ' as above. I harp been given a water bill for ten dollars which ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ' For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Summaries - Business and Personal Income Returns bBERT-,SHORE .,. Office :Corner North St. and Square - 1 Phone 975.'- Residence Phone 444. is not made out. in smy name. I took it for granted the rent covers this; does it? A. -If the rent On this- summer place has been set py the Wartime Prices and Trade Board the llandlostd must give 'the services agreed upon when the rent was fixed. if no services were included in the rental the landlord does not need - to give any. If the rent for this summer place has neer been fixed the landlord must then rent for the esame price including the same services as' were given when he rented the cottage in the summer of 1941. HURON CO NTr -f ORT OS' '. ',, EK b A P GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY lSth, 14 6 Dashwood General Stre .Robbed Safe Turned. -Ovex' and Bottom Sashed Open --Loa of $1,000 Taken DASI-IWOOD, July 15.-A three-man. gang early this morning cracked open the safe in the general store of Reste- mayer & Miller at the main intersection here and escaped with over $1,000 in cash, ,bonds and cheques. Duncan Snider, a relative of the storesowners, who lives• next door to Tax the' store, heard the, men smashing the safe, but believing the noise to be coming from the operators working in the building did not sound an alarm until the men had left the scene. Mr. Snider said the noise awakened him but she was not aware of the hour immediately and when he did realize it was aboixt 4 a.m., he dressed hurried- ly and reached the street just as the thieves drove off in their car. Q.-My mother and father have lived in a rented house for six years, and now the landlordlwishes to move into this house, having sold the one he previously lived in. Can he do thlh? A. -If your parents. pay the rent- and - are considered "well behayed" tenants the landlord cannot 'give them notice to vacate even if'he wishes to live in the house himself. • Q.y-•-Where-do sIssendsthe,extie. smeut coupons Which I have not used when I want them to be used to increase the meat shipments to Europe? A. -You may surrender valid. meat coupons, to the' nearest local ration board or nearest branch office. Either take them yourself, or if you live in an isolated area send them in a care- fully sealed envelope by registered mail to the nearest local ration board. INSURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and mo- •• lated town property insured. Officers - President, Frank Mc-, . ger-l�nT�+im C�aIeraidetx BornnoTD No. t Manager and Secretary= Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. 'Directors -Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Broadfoot, Seafortb,; .W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; -George Leitch, - Clinton; E•- J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. e am Blyth; Hugh ��adRlton;J.. L. Malone, Seaforth. Agents -=John E. Pepper, Brucefield, No. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth; No. 1; R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. 1;- J. F. Prueter.' Brodhagen. Policy -holders can make .411- pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich; or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. �unE COMBINE °r T q���, ! Car* enters Much RUSIN] SSwag ]PLE,ASURE, A pleasant tinge was spent at Harbor Park ,on Thursday afternoon when the Woman's Association of Victoria. street United church met there t� hold a brief business' session and to enjoy a bounti- ful picnic lunch and souse sperts. Winners of prizes were as follows : Bitting bottle .with ball, Mrs. I',. Barker ; ' guessing • number of pennies In bottle, Mrs. F. Barker; kicking -the- slipper, Mrs. R. Good; contest No. 1, M. G. Baeehler; contest No. 2, Mrs. H. Phillips': oldest person present, Mrs. E. Good; person born farthest from Goderich, Mrs., Turner. , .At the close of the business session prayer, was offered by Mrs. Phillips. DEATH ®>1'''° FORMER RESIDENT The death, 'occurred at her residence, -3776 Draper avenue, Montreal, on July 1st, of Margaret Christina Hutchison, widow of James Thom, at the age of eighty` -eight years. Mrs. Thom was the last surviving member of the family f the -. late lira" and Mrs. Matthew Hutchison, former well-known resi- dents of Goderich, Mr. Hutchison being a member of the firm of Ogilvies & Hutchison who operated the Big Mill. Mrs. Thom retained her interest in Goderich_and from time to time visited here. MAGISTRATE GRANTS THREE REMANDS . Police Court • took. only ten minutes to conclude on, Thursday afternoon last, three remands to July 15 being,granted by, Magistrate J. W. Morley. Those who'd appeared were : Eliza Ritchie of Belgrave, charged -with vagrancy ; Allan Stonebridge, no address, charged with vagrancy, and Reginald Gooding, Grand Bend, charged with the theft of an automdbile. Bottom of Safe Smashed Investigation showed that the •gang forced the side door of the store, turned the safe on its side and smashed open the bottom with axes taken from stock in the store. One axehandle had been broken in half. . The automobile used by the safe- crackers was driven ,on to the sidewalk at the side entrance to the store and tracks were clearly distinguishable. The tracks were traced one and a- quarter miles south of here, a similar distance. west and then four .miles north, where the tr-ail was lost upon reaching the Blue Water Highway. It was reported that good prints of the tires are held by police. In their hurry to, leave the scene, the thieves left behind a pair of pliers and a hammer evidently taken from their .own-.k�.r A, xxQtelroQ�:, ,. a Pflrt: cf the . ,. . Y >a loot taken - from the safe, was found` on -the highway over a mile south of here. Three Men Seen MEDICAL Q:re "'"tilers - any more .sugar coupo s for canning to come due? - A. -No. The last five sugar -pre- serves , coupons. 'especially allotted for sugar for home canning' were declared valid on July 4th. The first five of the total ten coupons, for sugar for home canning were declared valid on 11Iay 2nd. 'DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late - House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. • s EYES TESTED,o GLASSES SUPPLIED - 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. , - Next visit Bedford Hotel, .Goderich, Wednesday, July 24th, at 2, p.m. t311 4.30 p.m. ; - The real. point _of giving something up is to make room for taking some- thing. on. a in Demand Here Over a T rnd.red Westerner Have Been ?laced o . Hyo County Farms, The 7:novement.; uf. ' farm, hell? from Western .Canada to Ontario or assist CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, -Friday and 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell/. Mineral fume baths by appointment only. A,. N. ATKINSON Registered under Drugless Praetitionersr Act for the Province of _Ontario. Optometrist -Optician 1 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich,. Ont. Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and MotAir Car Insurance OFFICE-MAgONIC TEMPLE' WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH Mr: Snider reported- that when he .finally looked out of. his bedroom window to find what was causing the disturbance he saw two men working in the store and another sitting behind the wheel thy watieg sear. done by experts, as the bottom ,hhd been, neatly taken out after the concrete.. base had been chopped out by the axes. It was said that no light .had been left burning ,in the store overnight and that the men had lieen able to Work at. the door of the building with the ?ull moon offering sufficient light for their in harvest operations has been under way Since the last week in June and has now beer completed. The local office. of the National Em- ployment Service' reports that, together 'with- the agricultural representative' for Ontario., 106 •men lave been dated by '.them in' this area on Huron county farms. This is ,the largest number of .men that have been placed since the National Employment office was estab- lished' in this area. Last year some sixty-seven men from the West were placed on Huron. farms. The type of men who have been sent down have evidently prod satisfactory, .as of the total number placed more than ninety - Live per cent. are still on the original farms on which they were placed and apparently are giving satisfaction, Both the Niit^onal Employment office and the agricultural representative, Mr. Brown, at Clinton,' express- great Satisfaction With the movement of farm help from the West this •year. In all probability help will be re- quired from the East to assist in taking off the Western crop, which, according to -reports, is showing great. probability of being a heavy one. If this move-. ment materializes, it Will commence in the latter part of August or the be- ginning of Septempber. Applications are already, beginning to come in at .the National Employment office and to the agricultural representative at Clin- ton fur perfhission to go West on the harvest excursion, but as yet no definite Word has been -received from Ottawa authorizing the movement from the East West. t o the W The National. Employment office • re- ports that there is practically no `un employment here for physically fit men who are willing to work, and with con- tracts Idoming ahead for bridge, road, and house building the demand for labor and skilled workers will be high. j2arpenters are very much in demand al the present -time, with no applicants listed in the local office. - as )1,41 gss,e . returned soldiers is cottitrmrrg•to Trrr e � ;dfi `1'rtt i -y;? Three Members of CoClan Ov er N net. � DONALD, B. BLUE. EXPERIENCED' AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk, Goderich, Ont: Upon the alarm beiog given. by ,Mis Snider., M. Merner, local_trucker, raced over the path taken by -the thieves but was unable to overtake them.. 'The -gang is believed to have started wOrlc on the safe at approximately 3.15 a.m._ and drove off with the loot shortly Huron County Constable Jack Fergu- son, of Exeter, -is investigating. It. is expected finger -prints .will be obtained from the tools used. GOOFS SQL ter ER '+ PRICE 00241-TROL A recent statement in Parliament assured Canadians that Canada will retain her price controls add rationing; program. In order to clarify the number of goods and services still under control the Wartime Pricee).ar Trade Board has listed these' under` vneDruck. Basic groups to which price ceilings still apply are. food, Clothing, fuel and shelter, according to a statement ,by W. HFrold. McPhillips, prices and Rip- ply representative of the oard for Western Ontario., As well as these basic groups pr'kes are maintained also over •a number of secondary. elemetlts in livineseosts, such as household equipment, supplies for the preparation and serving of; food, heating, cleaning and laundering, new cars and much farm machinery equip- ment, furniture, 'furnishing and other. Familt, Gathering at Harbor Park an Interesting • Event Harbor Park was the scene of a - ,,reunion of the "Cox -clan" on Saturday last, when a large gathering of the On arriying the members registered apd and a negligible number of ex-service- receiyed their name tags. Games and men are registered. with the local office races under the direction of Austin as.siot having found suitable 'employ- , Harris. were , enjoyed by the younger ment as yet and these are mostly t EDWARD W. ELLIOTT - LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements . can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203,, Clinton. • Charge moderate and satisfac- Thrifty people read the classified ads of The Signal -Star. It pays. 4:2 - a ant ti**a es W. M. McLean's ELo and FEED STORE GoderiebPhone 350- Automotive Supplies Jobbers and . Importers of Automotive Supplies. REBUILT MOTORS, STARTERS, GENERATORS, ETC. A limited quantity of car aerials. "PHONE ES 8SON: GRcr 658 BRAD1J 247 or -29- pntari group, while the older. tines were special cases. reminiscing. All gathered in the pak1.1- ion for- the picnic supper. ;Ats the close 'PAIR OF WOLVES a the lunch, Rev. Chas. D. Cox, of WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Schedule now in effect - Leaves Goderich daily including Sunday • Arrives Goderich daily Leaves Sundays and' holidays The 8.00 p.m. bus goes di.ect to London only. • Connections at Clinton, for London, Detroit, Wingh-am, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. • Connections at Stratford for Woodstock Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton and Connections at Mitchell, and- London. For information phone change phone 691 , HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' HURON AND PERTH For information, etc., write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (Col- lect) Seaforth, or 867, Goderich., 10. '111/1riE CAPITAL TliEATRE PTE Now -Vivian Blaine and Carmen Miranda in "DOLL FACE." MON. TUES. & WED.. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Paulette Goddard -Ray Milland-Patrich Knowles .8; Sara It*s-the story of tr London guttersnipe who 'rises to be a aer the route of intrigue and opportune 'Marriages "KITTY" Bervie, spoke briefly and welcomed the members of the clais and read -let -I slows out - 9 , titioe Visitors from the States bought Qver 70,000 angling 4 1C en 7 one -season! These rw guests help bring us prosperity .,, it's up to each of us to -de -what we can to make their visits pleasant! •1. TOO MUCH FOR DOG.. ters of greeting 'from ' Members who commotion in his barnyard on his farm were 'unable, tif attend-441-6in 'Miss May hear Lucknow.' Upon investigating he Newton, •Toronto, -holidaying in Nova , sessiey I found a pair of 'wolves trying to • takel - Scotia ; from tiRev. Jas. R. Cox, groundhog 'away from 'his dog. The I animals closed In on either side of the Alex. Cox, Roland,. VanitObit, president Mr. Carter tried. to frighten them of Tailed Churclr Conference of Mani- dog. without success,- The wolves toba ; from • Rey.' Graydon O. Cox, of I "*".. I I4-oved tdo much for the dog and didn't ConiSton, returned padre;. from Mrs.* leave .till they had secured the ground - (Dr.) Stevenson -of London. holidaying I rthm mi.,. R. i hog. 4,k.fter they had snatched it theY., in Northern -Ootario; ., vanished over a hill and into it swamp I in the vicinity of the, 'farm at mther - ISrize. to the oldest Cox went. to Miss times but ha ve resisted all (1fort s to: . °Euphemia Cox of Goderich : to the capture 'them - oldest 0110 present,, to Mrs. Win. Cox, GOderiell ; to the one coming the great- .. liAPTAST S.S. PICNIC New York ; to the mOs1 recently mar - held an enjoyable, picnic at Harbor rsio copple, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cox, Goderich township:and tO the -Youngest r '1•11` --41----W-edile'sdaY afternoon, 'July -. member pri,sent°, to little janet Harris, - there. was- it large attendanee.- The Goderich town:4111p. following, won - Prizes _in the races: There .were three members present Boys ,and girls, five years and :under, who were over ninety 3:•ears of ,age: Mrs. Wm. Cox, Goderich,;ninety-fouL; I.) eter Thonfson ; girls, tt ,to, $. ,vlears. nimbi Breckenridge; ,-.girls, '9 • to,' 14 Mrs. John (70x. of I161;'4,00d,.ninety-two, years, Betty • l!rew :. ,eontest. "hitting and Miss Euphemia C.:7ot of Goderich, I active i the bag.- Clara Donald..:40n ; contest for 'ninety- years of age. All are , married 'couple, Mr. lind M-rs. Earl and ;deg. and were keenlY interested Raithby. The sports cenunittee con - in t he reunion. , sisted of Miss Vera Wilkins. Miss SPecial chairs Were set in One group for the older oneTS the "honored guests" of the clan. Tnese were occupied by the three momjfers. who were , over ninety and by- Mrs. Jas. Ci'yx of Kin- cardine. A special cake. for these aged fox Listowel British Ex - F: T. Artiistrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square - Goderich "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow every WednesdaY •IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS ... honored' guests occupied the centre of A' his tor; of the clan, ,detiug back to the. days .0f. Cromwell, was given, by (Aso had prepared the "family tree,"' ' traced...back for Six generations, wlah MRS of great interest to everyone pre- SP11.1. - The grotty, were unanimous in their deske to organize and make this withering an„ annual affair. Rev., B. C.141X MIS- (1105011 ill IA' •Cilairi111111 110 to preside for the. lufsIness and organiz- ing. It was &vide(' to meet next year in Ho rbor l'a rk, Goderich. Officers elected ‘vere':. Prsident, Rex. Chas. D. 1 Cox orBervie; vice-presiflent, Jas. Cot, Airs. John solar, Pine Riyer. Com- mittees are to be 1111 1110(1 by the ex - Relatives were present from Kin- 1 :Tor'outo ..&.a.foRth, Port Colborne, Ham: .‘111MEEK GARDEN- 'PARTY .. The annual garden -party, under the auspices of Alimeek Chantey, I.O.D.E., was held on Or spacious lawn >tit Mrs. F. E. iliblwrt's cottage. overlooking the lake at Alemssetung Park, on Thursday afternoon. -lat., The guests Were- , re:; celyed by the regent, Mrs. Staniforth, and Mrs, Hilibert.. Amidst the trees, centred wifh roses and' baby's breath, two former regents, Mrs, I). .1. Lane Of Clinton and M Ts. Ch a rles Reid, pre- sided at the tea urns. A table of flowers added a deeorative note' and ihe waiting .list throughout 'the apernoon, ThOse in charge of the arrangements Ewan,' MISS BMW MacVicar ; flower committee, Mrs. C. Sounders, Mrs. ,II. Tichborue, Mrs. Henry, add. Mrs,Calvin Real Estate and Insurance Office and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street , Phone ''663 FOR SAT,F1--Houses of all kinds, ehoice building lots, business pro- perty and several good farms. Evelyn 1)(111;11(150n and Rev. Joseph Janes. A bomitiftil supper was served which included ice cream and Chocolate milk. Ontario profits alniost as much from the tourist , business as from the gold mining industry. It's up to us 'to keep this business growing. Every tourist dollar is 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. -Restaurants; 4. Taxes, . 6. Garages. "Let's make them, w.ant to come bock!" • PLANNING A HOLIDAY? Tune in CFRIr 10:30 p.m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday Published in the Public Interest by John Labatt Lirnited Allgood duchess PHONE 24 GODERICH THUR. FRI. and SAT. Dane Clark-Jania Paiges-sZachary, Scott add Faye Emerson . Here's your kind of star in qhis kind of pieture. A liright and breezy modern roncianee _liER_ KIND OF MAN" Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50 years in business, Canada's largest Fire IT'S. Co. Get our rates on Car and Wind GORDON, JEWELL Coming -In TeeiVie'olor-"THE VIRGINIAN." Matinees Vadnesday, Stiturday and lIolidays at 2.30 p.m. ' Phone Carlow 21-r-4. LLE That Will Bring Hours of Enjoynient to Your qhildren. nd When Y ou Visit O's Se,e Alio Our . ricycles HARVESTING • Pump Oilers Phone 135 Pulleys Belting Forks Hayfork Ropes AND Dail Prams • PLENTIFUL' SUPPLY ON • HAND OF Household BROOMS IF YOU NEED A COAL OIL STOVE SEE US TODAY.., BRECIRIENRIPGE Godaltlx