HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-24, Page 8gr. ...... ire..9,0. Ziff Suter nu/gyp*. nfr. Jas. L. Hetherington, of Philadelpbia. . _.... 1 - - - --- het. He left for Deuver, Col., on Saturde Ps,„ watt the guest of John White on Frida ' THI.THSDAI , SEP1 24tb, 1885: -44B. StePheasEor. of Icinbarn, is the gees °nine N. 1. Clark. --Air. S. Harrison, of . Exeter, lemma in a few deye for Buffalo, to TnezezeiTepertinefer nretinsertion, ante study rnedioine. Miss e. Spicer, who has reeett GENTS per eine foresees subsequent in been visItleg at S. teleir, has returned.- sertioo wilt pe charged, for notices eppearini A report weeenronlitteel that Be,'. Mr. Medd, in tnitt contemn- . . . • • • A. Q. Bobier shippee M this stew% usea the Arnold' Ani utoatio Steam Cooker r. Afrom e few days ago a quantity of butter. and are extremist)? well satisfied with it. We Don't forget to read Barnwell & Plokard'e cooked diflerent vegetables, meets and des - w chews of advertisement in another eolumn. sert sites same time,with the moat sans - Sheets the union' of the Methodist and B. factory We readilyreconemend it as C. Churehea tile attendance at the Etireellie the most labor-saving, as well as one of the church, especially in the evenings. has been most wholesome modes of preparing food.° very large, it often being difficult to nod The number of ratmey orders issued at standing room. The ohnreb will have to be enlarged tbe Exeter post office during the past six months, oemmenoing Meech let, was 326, e o the Elie:urine circuit, had met his Jim, the obliging salesmen in Flamers with amounts as follows ; To Canadian of- death by being thrown out at a bane et Boot and Shoe Room, says be eau down, any., noes, 1578M8; comrniesion, $28•91. To thing in town for value. LOCAL NEWS. -We shalt be happy to re- London a fewdays ago, but ins many friends effete at all times, frost any part o"Me rn Usborneerill be glad to learn that word aottaty, items of local sumssuch ,is tee- has been received that the report is founds - cantata,. aNy wens ting incide%t what nereens.-Miss Tena nieldrent, of Gotierieh, even/rant any of our subscribers or read- wee tenting friends in town last week. -Mr. ors generally for the purpose oy public- Job n Trick and family, who mored from matfett. here to Toronto a abort time siuce, ha:In- terne& Ur. Currelley will elsoreturn after hie Arrival from England.. There is to platie like Exeter. tepparently.---Wallue _ (imbue, of the Parkhill carette, waa in tlast week i LOCAL )IAPPENINGS. Without n"ePtIPP• tbe beat 5n41elleaPeet own and gave ns a friendiy Master 'WM. Quietly has obtained the pod - lines in BOotsaud Shoes we Ileum yet seen, goo esnene.eapen xenon sal:Owen ,Ann now be bed. et °*Eaerattle„„,_• enbil4rea.a, Biowa's gore. to ell the vacancy made by Carriages, Evros* Watineee* eleab*" an en Muter In. Grigg, who intends leaving town.. sizes, Felt Boots and nterne Band -made Boots • rase nutmeat of every deur ption Ceuetaintly on hauti. Call auil see them. Butter And Eggs taken in exebange for pods. C. Eugene. ifslg Work. Mond* last Weirs E. It. Biseett and Job* Steniae dug 112 poet holes in 81. hours, using only etudes and shunts. Tbe hales were sunk 3 feet deep. Thus is con. adored pretty good work, Ann they went to know nit tWO persons wins OAR Wit It with ehe wee kind of toote. 11111T1.1 TIMM Tag Plum Crop. In many place/tin this district the. plum crop has been very good. Farther north the jeld bas been eery /ergo. Thou who have neon Paris green ou their trees es a remedy the United States, 0426.22 commission, Exeter next week will miss tbe smiling 16.20, British, 1686.68; comissien, $6.00. faces of.its four medical +dents. who will FeretRe neeetrIes. 134•37; eaewelesiee 30 depart for their respective etillegee to prose. c,ents. Total amount sent, 16,932.95. Total IS/NAG. CARLING'S s • • -.•Expter,. Ontario. onto their Median The town nut boast izf .amount of commission, 141.61. 'rho meney as many students in tbis brew% of teem. deposited in the P. 0. Salines !Bank for the A large number went to London bed Aming°1t el.teleSrle2ifid7ce8; beTinhfitsaisfte4eagt°°41noarbe:swe week to see Barnanne circus. Tee say the show woe far inferior to what lute been dyer tbe corresponding period last year. A_N.1) • iug as any teller place itssiae. past six months oommelenng March 1st, 5 BOOTS AND SHOES in past years; Perbaps the death of jumbo If you wish long like keep your stomach put a damper on tbe ourying out success- and bowels regulate Dr. Carson's Stomach fully of the precut:rings. Bitters will do in Safe. A baby may take AL Mr. Murdock, florist, of Exeter, tolls us of them. Tiy one bottle, 5C1 cents, all drug - a pee frora whilst* 8 vines 12 feet Ione have gists- -Mrs. Wm. Ned. of Sarnia. la at grown, on the farm of Mr. MeArtney, of Present 1 Breve/old. From another pea on the stone SALE REGISTER brevetles. visiting at Eel. Mr. pigkson'a, farm there have Urines grown, but not so • • long set the others. Mr. M. says the pea crop tucasni.y, (54 lat.-Farm Stook, 'mine - has been good all over Reid E. riatea naw advertisement in an. By recent regulation; it le required Oxen 'Pante* 4e*, ou lot 17. con. 8, tearuebIP uf other column. eereey public imbed 'bell be opened with Stephed Henry Eilber, auctioneer. Sale Tee Ola Establisbea imports Plumee direst which means, a big save to customers. Coo* hunting is being extensively carried on in this tieighborhood. Throw way that old bat and get a now one at Renton Breen either soft or Olen The tops of the maples tipped.with auturn. Pea red, as well as the calender Kinkade Gun this le September. Samwell & Pienerelet millinery opening on Monday and Tuesday. September 28th au4 29th. Everebotly is kindly invited to cell and inspect, 'Wnds of wisdom -1f the heart of a man fer Minnie sey worked well, And the treee is oppressed with it wont help him any $0 winch the remedy was appliedlsore to goon a It a wonder Out nobody thouglit of ibis remedy enenter. 1.••••• 41410.! !Fruit fleeraliage TIIII is becoming a popular, evening Pete time with email tele, and large ones, too, Just now, as several ;Ahem lune, to their disgaht, realizea. Two nfontrein boys have baen. sent to the reform -tore for two and three years reepectieely for stealing full • It was Pittstono to say one Hundred it 11.0n1d have boon aver three hand Ronne ties at Rattan Brine' B.T. Mr. Dickson will preach a sermon to the youog men in the Wei -street church Sabbeela morning. Every line is now complete at the Old Establiehed. Threshers eity the yield of value is very little below the *mirage, notwithstanding the erre) the century. tient Prd"• Hereto contained a want' For * Styliele Munk or Ulster call at log to local proltard birds. Unwell et Pickerdne If the ',ruttier only feeoreblo the S. A =Aden Muni iluentlee 00 Lova' I Boron exhibltion to be bald here premium A. lady letter writer went* to know whet * be eueeele. eeseeig men won't when he m. lonn ek.Servant Girl wanted to do generalthonee wen, be woo.% eat *Inane, be won't give bis work in a small hunily. Apply to Idre. Q. Bolger, near the diem. Tim new roller rink la vary nearly cone pleteil and arrangements are being made to have it Opened at euly date, possibly the 2903 init. All woe' gray flanncle at Renton Bros: for 25 cents. Apple pickers are about to coinmeace operations. The orop of fall apples is very good. while winter apples are not so plea. Piokard'* Millinery Stock surpasses former seasons -in variety and value. We are much pleased to see that Mr. 'Manaus. Chu. Gialey, who has beep laid up ell summer with rheumatism, is able to be around again. When at the fair be sure and call at Sanawell & Pickeran, and sea the beat show of the day. For sale cheap, a number elf Plymouth Rock, Leghorn and Black Javan Cuickenn, pure bred. W. G. DISSZTT. The "world's fair " held at Zurich on Tuesday and Wednesday, was fairly attended. Ou Tuesday the weatber was dreary, but ou Wedneaday it *s flue. I will be heated by means of a hot air faunae, Ladies dont forget about those fine put in by by our erterpritting hardware met. dress goods at Banton Bros.' Rich plushes chants, Bissett Bros, which is by far the and velveteens to match. cheapest and best way of heating large build. n. ga. Mr. Geo, Eacrett has been improving his Remember the three days' auction sale of harness £120, b7 putting in a new front, -it Dry Goods and Groceries at thee Bankrupt is neat, and roomy, and greatly enhanoes the Store, Exeter, on Thursday, Friday and Sat. appetuance of the premises, The Exeter band played at the Zarneh urday, 24th, 25th and 2602 September., 1885. Auction sales commence at 2 and 7 fair yesterday. The crowd seemed to enjoy o'clock p. m. The last chance Tho goods the novelty, this being the first tune the must positively be sold. No reserve what - society has engaged a baud to play at their ever. I. W. BRODERICK, Mr. Frain the 6th to 12th of September was Remember the Millinery Opening at the enumeration week at the Exeter past office, Old Established Tuesday and Wednesday and the fallowing will show that business is 29th and 30th. e iucreasing : No. of letters posted, 926; poet Daring the past week the potato rot has cards, 301; newspapers and periodisals, 81; attention bat business, bo wont eo to see * his girl •titie a poorly laundriel shirt. be won't pato see his girl until he bee oiled hie hair and ;punted bie potion haxelkerthief, ne won't levee lens Eiri at night until hears amettp at her exespereted father on the stairs, WOn't believe his girl is anything tut an =enlister he never Sew her banging tut the washing with ktelf-sedoeen teethes pins in her mouth at one*. He won't take ono" for an *newer %ten he is parting with her on the stoop and asks for lust one," wont --but What's the us$ ef,goiog further. Wm. fm010 Annxeluinge earns -Look out for patent right "bay fork" and owathiog unchiize" Meru They have been working bard in tine 'County fee the past two weeks, and hue enceseded in victiredzieg some nuinspecting farmers. For any sake stick to your farms, and don't imaglue you are going to make your fortune by purchasing patent rights. This ad is published for the beuefia of persons"who are liebte to Allow themselves • to be approached by strangers and talked ant of their.neoney by. glib tongued agents of worthless patent milts in which they say estbere are millions in it" The best way to do 8, when any of the mealyenouthea gent* appear on the premises is to at the dog on teem. Fanners, talco notice of what you are signing your names to. Beware .1 Apples In riernes. At the last session of the Dominion Par - Bement several cbanges were made iu the set relating to weights and. measures. The principal apple barrels. The °Immo in the not reads as follows : All apples packed in Canada for sale by the barrel, than be pack- ed in good and strong barrels of seasouea weed made as nearly cylindrical as may be; the staves of such barrels shall be 27 inches * length from croe to eroe, with headl from sixteen and one halite toventeen in diame- ter; and such barrels shall be sufficiently Cooped, with a lining hoop within the climes. the whole well secured by nails. Every per gen who offers or exposes apples for sale by the buret, otherwise than in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section, shall lie liable to a penalty of 25 cents for each barrel of apples so offered or exposed for sale. Large Tree. Mr. James Willis, of Chicago, formerely a Exeter, brother of Mr. John and Mr. Geo. Willis, ef this place, sends ns from San Fran- cisco, Cal., a statement concerning the size of the trees in that country Be Sayt3 that he measured several trees, the largest one mea- suring 62 feat, 5 inches in oiroumference and 300 feet high. Seyeral others were mailer dence on Main -street and has built under - by ten or twelve feet. This seems an enor- I neath it a good brick cellar. This improve - moue size for a tree. and did the information iment gives the street a much better appear- oot come from such a reliable source we sue and many tethers wouldfnot be inolmed to -Ladies, save money by going up stares and believe it. but Mr. Willis' gives the state- inspecting Piokard's Boot and Shoe Stook. went lie a fact, therefore thane's no room Yon will be sure to bay. fax questioning. If any farmer in this Thin- Mr. Wm. Howard II» completed the ereo- ity has a tree in his bush that can "down" tion of anew fence in the front and at the these, we would be glad to hear from them. side of his residences on Main -street. It Mr. W. also says the air is chilly out in makes a very noticeable improvement to the California, the weather h beautiful and the appearance of the property. -.climate healthy. Our thanks are due Mr. A party of young folks from Exeter visited NW. for a small map and a list of the best the residence.of Mr. Peter Moir, in Usborne -counties adjacent to rail and water accom- one evening last week, and spent a very en- -ModatiOn. joyable time. The report Mr. Moir and fa- mily as being very,hospitable. The number or entries in the middle horse class at the approaching exhibition promises to be4arge. There are Several horses in -town under training, and there will be a number from other plates. Merchants and. others in want of printing for fah day should call early and leave their orders, so as to avoid the rush on day of show. We guaraatee good work, cheapness veld despatch. ▪ The song service is becoming quite a , pot pular mode of worship, and is held on an occasional Sabbath evening throughout the country. It increases the . attendance at church and meets with universal favor. Full lines of Scotch, English and Cana- dian Tweeds for overcoats and suits at Samwell 8s,,Pickard's. At the sale of fora stook, &e., of Mr. Wm. Snell last week, there was a good crowd. The cattle eold. well, while there was no competi- tion for horses. Implements end other ar- ticles sold crparatively well. The Exeter game -seekers, who left here for the North-West a iew weeks ago, have i been heard. from. They are making a thor- ough scour of the country and. are shooting the Lord's ewer and CIOSfal with reading a portion cif Scripture, with oomment and ex- planation. and the Lord's prayer or the prayer suctioned by the Department of Edo - Winn. at ane o'clock. TIODAT. Cor. 2u4. -Farm Stock and Imple- ments, the property of Pratt Fisherelot14, 3rd core yaborne. Salo at one o'clock p. me JAM% Oke. auetiopeer. A full assortment of Boots and Shoe% W" Partite getting their stale lelle printed for fall and winter et Seamen ott PielartIn. ott this aloe. will get Mum native similar Silk Flushes and Velveteens in all colors to the above. and prices et &unwell & Pickard's. At the firemen's tournament held at Wet. ford on Wednesday of hot week, Mr. Euro% of Tilsonburg, son Ol Mr. M. Ba. crett, our clerk, won itt prize iu 400 yard race. lot for thigh Penni. 2nd in 100 yarn rue and 3rd in a hen* Tue. Dick hi oonaidereble 01 50 athelete. We uuderstena that a bleolonnith oboe ia to be erected on Wellington•street just wont of the sheds whloh are to be put up in emu motion with the Ow storm Farmers who haulm nuessity_to go down town oan then - _ bare their wants m the blankunithing lice u4Ns*"e-Wanted 14‘t the Henee0 Oat - Meal Mille, fifty thousand bushels of good attended to opposite the market square. sound Oats for Milling purpoess. The legit - Ur. J. T. Mitobell bee again come to lIght est pries will be paid- exchanged in Palmereton with a new paper called the Vindicator. fle announce* Out he cloaca to for oats, straddle the fence, and has adopted the sterling motto, "Hew to the line. let the chip* fall whore they may." Whet a Wadi. Hitzsaua, Roulet lifzezie-One of the cater with nothing to Tindleale want; With myt complete realer utile in the Provineeees . "General Pickard," the mammoth steer When. Orbiting clone to order on. abort which was sold some time ago by Hr. Amer, notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try Picsard, of this place, to Guelpli man, was it and be nonvinood. 20 tons of good elid. exhibited at the Protiuoial in Lentlen. The dings ou biota at low limes. A few cars of unmet weighs 3,800 Thee and it is Om inten- Corn and Corn Chop an band, tion of bit owner to make him go 4,000 this BANNIX Ilreountur. fall. The "General" is being travelled ' through the country as a curiosity. tne .next four weeks, at least, the Turas The season of fairs is upon US, and for MARICE400.0TieeRkEp.PD.RwTadt ra °gingen will contain the prize lists of the different (Perneeted Fall Shows In 1885. South Huron. Exeter, Been 28, 29. Tuokeramith, &Worth, Oct. 1, 2. West Hurcatt, Goderiele Sept. 29, 80, Beath Verde St. Marie Oct, 6,7, Fullerton, Oen 13. Blaneleat4, at Kirkten. Thursday and Fri. thy, Oetaber 8 end 9, ugh a red hot polity is a puzzler. ea stently ranutug and peon the but sena- shows in the communities where the paper t. L T • oirealates to any extent. It is to be hoped Wnit4wItark 2 - - - 0 80 to 0 82 that those or our readers who aro not ht. WI, wi*t K.,' :, .:' .., "',.11,81? g o VI terested in this kind of "literature" will wee Wheattow .. 0 s 0 442 kindly bear with ue for the time mentionetl. 4 cm,riu wkiliAS7 tl° u Mr. Chas. Senior hesinst got some Beene; Wife • (new) --• --• --- .. ti 62 to 0 tie ery in his photograph gallery, whish is really dole) ,e ••• - ••• ••• 0 48 to 002 elegant. Takc a peep at the *tares in his giot;,?ei; :hurl It rug 0 0a0 to 0 anew window Saturday evening, and you dill TIpeotby 25 CO 2 00 agree with us that for variety and elegem* Peas r 0 ss to 0 60 otphotographic scenery Senior downs them tun u 58 to 0 61 all. Viiiitors to tiro fair stroll call and ditto _ - .,. ... 0 3,1 to C 12 ... ... ... ... C 31 to 0 31 inspect his work. Flour eenete . ... ... - . 5 DO to 5 55 The Swenerton block Is almost crimpletea Pounc:18,1,er bit g ... ..... ...... 00 270 tto0 00 5032 formal opening on fair day. It is a hand - and preparations are beiug made to have a citerele.).:18Ap.roTerit bagoy rb ... ... ... : : 00 ti tt 00 00 01 some building and. conveniently laid out. It DTuureickyrepterrylb ... ... .. 0 03 to 0 06 ... ... ..." 0 40 to o 00 08haeictkensperpr .. ... ,.. 0 25 tO 0 35 Gogiyireesedpor 100 ... -. 530 to 5 75 lildesrouhg. ::: ':: ::: ..".• 55 °°00 to° 06 01 " dressed . ... .., .. 0 09 to e Po been discovered to he worse than was anti- books, circulars, deo., 79 • parcel poet, 9 • ---- - Sheepskin 0 40 10 C 75 Calfskina Wool per lb ... Hay per ton Onionsperbuali wood p er cord HENSALL MARKETS Fall Wheat penl,1: 0 80 to 0 80 Suring " .0 to 0 80 Barley (bright) 0 50 to 0 60 33arley (Burling) ... 0 95 to 0 46 White Oats, 0 28 to 0 3C Black Oats 0 35 to 0 38 Apples perbbl. 1 00 to 1 00 otatoos per bh ... 0 25 to 0 52 MERCHANDISE • Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual- ity and Latest Styles. Families iu the village and surround- ing 'country can rely on Good Value for . their money. Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if dfssired. A Trial Respectfully.Solicitecl 194.A.0 CARLINGS' GEN ERAL STORE, s wpm utter & Eggs WANTED. JIM atheson Has opened out in Currency & Co's. Old Stand, ' EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 1$3 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts-Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prins, A nicely feculent stock of A R, D .A. R FORKS, SCYTHES, BreiDINII GLOVES, I I, 4414111.24 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vionity, that he hes opened out Boot and Shoo Shop in the vorner Store North of Barnwell & Pickard's, where ha is prepared to make all kinds a:ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager 0. Eneretne Boot autl Shoe (Cheap.) Beet Machine Oil 60e per Gal. Esteblienment COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. May 141h 84. 1. A reduction of 25 Per Cent, on Tweeds, and Readynnadee. A good. Snit of LTE TR! lson ALL -WOOL SERGE fax $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cbetip, Our Dress Goods are marked down to • the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLA.B. 0 50 to 0 70 0 17 to 0 18 A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to • 000 to 8 00 0 00 to 0 75 2 60 to 2 76 cipated, some patohes being almost entirely registered letters, 52. Total amount of STMATONED To APPEAR worthless. postage, $34.70, against 029.80 for corre• - sponding week last year. On Tuesday lasewhile a gentleman and two ladies (one an elderly lady) were driving to- wards Exeter, in a buggy. the* horses got frightened at an approaebing bicycle, and made a sudden jump into a deep ditch, pre- cipitating the occupants to the ground. One of the ladies was thrown over the frontwheel, just behind the heels of the horses, and nar- rowly escaped injury.. The other two per- sons also escaped inpuy, while the pole of the buggy was broken. Benj. Simmons, the murderer of Mary Stokes, has been sentenced to be hanged November 27th. It will be remembered that on the 8th of June last Simmons, in a driunc. en fit, stabbed the woman who was living with him as his wife. bocaase she refused to give him money. Simmons, having, no money, and his friends refusing to help him,was unable to procure the bestcounsel, consequently the trial was somewhat one- sided. He heard the sentence and bore up with remarkable fortitude. A. petition fax a reprieve or to have the:prisoner pardoned is in circulation Audis being largely signed. A. meeting of those interested in poultry breeding fps held on Wednesday evening of last week. After discussing the question of the formation of an Association and other matters, Mr: E. Spieeewas appointed secre- tary pro tem. and the meeting was adjourn- ed until more persona interested in poultry and pet stock can be got together. All who desire to become connected with the As- sociatian oan obtain all necessary infbrtna- tion regarding it by °ailing on Mr. E. Spitler atithe post office. Ther are, we believe, a sufficient number of persons in town who take an interest in poultry raising to form a successful society, if the noway energy be put into the matter. How soon a mile can be covered by the different species oel000motion we now enjoy, the following table will about showe-L000m- otive, Pennsylvania railroad, 43' sun; run- ning horse, Ten Bromic, 1 min. 39f secs.; pacing horse, Johnston, 2 min. 61 sees.; trot- ting horse, Maud, S., 2 mins. 81 new; bicycling, Feed Wood, 2 mine. 35 sone ekat. ing "Fish", Smart, 3 mins. running Mall, William Cummings, 4 mins. 16 1-5 sees.; rowing, four oars, Jjnins. 11 secs.; snow shoes, J. F. &holes. 6 mins. 39f secs.; walk- ing man. W. Perkins, 6 mins. 23 secs.; swim. ming, C. F. Senk (with strong tide) 12 mins. 421 nose swimming, J. J, Collier (still water,) 28 mins. 191 secs. Mr. W. A. Elder is in town introducing the "Arnold Automatic Steam Cooker. He will remain here one week longer, and per- sons who Irish to procure one of the Cook- ers will kindly drop a note in the post office. On Tuesday last a watering cart was very much needed on oar streets to lay the dust, which blew in blinding clouds, and covered store fronts are goods. .All should do it. The Truss, the best lboalpaper in the county, will be sent to any address in the world from now until January, 1886, for the sum of 91.25. Now is the time. Satawell & Pickard have just received direct from England a goodrange of Ladies' Mantles and Mantle Cletbs, wbich they of- fer cheap. While Jumbo, Barnum's big elephant was lying in the ditch at St. Thonias the other day, some person stole a portion of his ear, and Barnum offers a reward of $400 for .the discovery of the thief. • Mr. Peter Bawden has removed his red- kOrgan Recital. The James -street Methodist bur& was %crowded last Friday evening, 18th inst., on .the otemaion of the opening of the elegant ,newrpipeorgan. Mr. W. J. Birke, of Lon, aton presided at the organ in a very Accept. able manner, his solos on the instilment being highly appredated and enthusiastically applauded by the audience. Members o1 the elturals choir sang beautiful and well chosen selections between each orgin epee and at the dose of the lengthy programliie all were of the opinion that the conoert was one of ▪ the best that had been held in Exeter for Some time. Rev. Mr. Pascoe, pastor of the church, occupied ane cheir in his nand happy manner, and Mr. F. .inise conducted the singing very ably. We were in error last week in statine that the instrument oost $1,000 ; It is a $1,500 organ, and the congre- gation is to be nongratulated on baving such a fine instrument in their church. The proceeds of the concert and the special col- lection -ern aid of the organ Thud on Sunday last ainciented to $95. • ---- Roalias. Piekardet o)iange of "ad,' and everything they can. The say the weather is at:no4al:14f Millinery Opening. beautiful out there. The Gaon& Signal says :7"W,, have • napouthenAir E E. FISH, NEAR, THE POST OFFICE. Where the mut who came at the cry ar "neat" received a Shave and a Raft -cut which could not possibly have been surpassed by any barber, Colonial Exhibition in London, England,111130 FIFTY•FOUR THOUSAND FEET RESERVED FOR CANADA. FIRST ROYAL EXHIBITION COMMIS- SION SINCE 1862. 11.••.••••11=1M. rpaE COLONIAL AND INDIAN 1. EXHIBITION to be held. in LONDON, England, commencing Bliarlst .1886,i� intend- ed to be on a scale of great magnitude, iniving for object to mak an epoch in the relations of all the parts of the British Empire with each other, In order to give becoming significance to the event a Boval Commission is issued for the holding of this exhibition, for the first time since 1862; and His Royal Highnessoby ger Majesty. 1 The verylarge space of 54.000 square feet has beep allotted to the Dominion or Canada by command of the President, His Royal High- iteTBEihi. s Exhibition is to be purely Colonial and Indian, end no competition from the United Kingdom or from foreign nations will be pei- mitted, the obi act being to exhibit to the world at large what the colonies can do. The:grandest opportunity over offered to Canada is thus afforded to show the distinguish ed place she occupies, by the progress sue has made in Agriculture, in Horticulture, in the In- dustrial and Fine Arts, in the Manufacturing Industries, in the Newest Improvements in Manufacturing Machinery and Implements, in Public Works by Models and Designs; also in an adequate display of her vast resources intik Fieheries, in the Forest and Mineral wealth, and also in Shipping: • All Canadians of all parties and classes are invited to come forward and vie with each other in endeavouring on this•great occasion to put Canada in her true place as the premier colony of th-e British Empire, and to Estab- lish her proper position before the world. Every farmer, every producer, and every manufaeturek, has interest in assisting, it hav- ing been already demonstrated that extension of trade always followBsysuoorhdeerfiorts. jOHN LOWE, Seo. of the Dept, of Agriculture. (it tawa,ist Sept., 1885. • JOHN MATEEStN. • HAY P. O. BY ONLY THE BEST. Laurance's Coldraid Speclaclos The Lenses of these Spectacles, being scien- tifically ground from Pure Pebble, are without exception, the.best adapted to preserve perfect vision and restore the sight whan damaged by old age and other causes. They have the rec- corn mendatian.of the most eminent members 01.512. medical profession in England as well as in Cantula.eand a large number of our moat prominent citizens, (READ THE FOLLOWING : Chief justice Macdonald, N, Ei„ writes : The, give the highest satisfaction. Senator Arahlhald writes :1 nave experienc- ed great satisfaction from their use. Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes : They give a clearer audmar light under gas !than any I have previotudy Obtained hero or else- where. JohnF: Wood, it: D. writes For ease or comfort they excel any I have ever used. J. Mackenzie, r 0 0 8, Kingston, writes Carefully constraated,'good defining power an glasses in each frame of fociul equal lan A 0 Blair, Esq.. Premibr; N .-B., writes :01 the comfort and assistance erperienced. Lt . Gov. Haviland. P T., writes:: I never experiencedany strain on My eyes after, ming them. BeY.Father Bolduc, Quebec, Writes That he finds them superior to any previously used. Peter Lynch, Esq.,Q.0..Hallfax,writes one pair of Lanrance's Spectacles for 13 years with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes,. De Cure De Quebec, writes :*He is more than satisfied with the selection made,. 11. F. Walsh, Esq., Seo. Minister of tiiir tarter, writes: The glasses suit admirably and give every Satisfaction, Dean of Ontario writes ;.01 thergreat comfort and relief found in wearing his spectacles. Lt. Gov. Skill. McDougall, K. C;5J o.orrites:: He is greatly pleased with the selection made. Dr. Phelan, 1Cingston, writes : Tirey supply to those with every derangement of the vision! a long felt want. SOLE ACIESTar Dom Laborafr UR. W31. LINE is prepartito40 CUSTOM TAILORING At Kir1ton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest *tyles, and Satisfaction guaranteed, in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give Mtn a trial and be confused that will eatishotion. WILLIAM LYNE. • C u RE S-AnfrOMIAT FREEMAN'S WORM POWERS. • Are pleasant to take. Contain tl oir own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and e ikaroyer of worms in Children Or Adulti, Health is Wealth , , , 1, •••• Dn. E. C. WHIM'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT. tial1r, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache Nervous Prostration caused b th y e use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men. talDepbession, Softening of the Brain, retiult- ing in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of•Power in either sex.Involuntary Loss- es and Spermatorrhcest, caused by over-exer- tion of the brain, self-abuse or overindulgence. One bog will ouie reoent cases. Each box COE- fains one month1k treatment. One dollar a box, or sM boxes for five dollars; sent bymail EXETER.- boxes to Cure- any case, With each order re - prepaid op receipt of price. We guarantee six ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our J: VV• BROWNIN 7 treatment does not effect a aired Guarantees written guarantee to refund the money if the issued only by JOHN O. WEST * CO., Sole Proprie PROPRIETOR. Witt tbra, el it 85' Sing St. East, Toronto,