HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-11, Page 10PAVE T ST. GEORGE'S HUR U11 Aldi Qilbg 4010,' t $ LY OMiilMUNIO1,830a iia . l!YQ9 �_.f�. ,-. 10.00 . MORNING SCHOOL. 11.00 .3.11411. MOJ NING I'It A ER .AND SERMON. 7.00, van. ,EVEN SONG. . b • REV. A. C. CALD R, dol St. George's, London, yin 7� wUllq q'bQe.the �spey�cil 1 speeta��'13�eT.�A a a A r t LY. H. F+7RR, B -A., •Allltll.D .44 1R/.RO>•'A'. ,a^ E. aIISSOPD O gat:4st and Cl14d 1.e311er. North St, United Church Knox PresbyterianCla ,'cb Mini ter : Bev. R: i s , Turnbull Minister: Rey. R. Stewart Combined. Services daring July in North Street Church 11 a.m. -- PU a:, LIC W OR`s IP — 7 p.m. " CONDUCTED BY Reverend Richard Stewart KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS° SUMMER VISITORS Victoria St. ' United Chu rck MINISTER—REV.rend Rich 'ISTTURM1SS BARBARA CUTT 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. x1,;00 a.m.. "WITH JESUS IN THE OUT-OF-DOORS." 7.00 p.m. "GOD ENCOMPASSED." 1 I OR VZ, CO I �M Plit GUE ,. 7 �e T .,n.. �:k ,tti .w+.i"'"i'^R�i'+ "1�Ti?t•:`�55 a' "c...pwr-H:,ELi.. awuaD 1!�_••A.»,i5' ?s.� �'..,. rt Lb`! _......._. !'. n-. Goderich Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH J,ANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella. I.Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Q7"rght " 10 a.nn. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 X.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Vine and Branches." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Failure of Success." "Von Need the Church and the Church Needs Yon" Wednesday, 8 • p.m. Prayer Meefring. • STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. 'A DOOR INTO HEAVEN." THE PASTOR WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES.' Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's. Friday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. .Daily Vacation Bible School—Monday through Friday at 9.30 a.m. ALL WELCOME Free Methodist Church REV. > C. ,McCALLU1i, Pastor. Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. SPEAKER—REV. A. E. ALLIN. - • Yip ,the: absence of the pastor the evening service will be cancelled. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL OBITUARY MISS EMILY HICKS 111 only a short time, Miss Emily Hicks, a resident of Goderil:h for the last twenty years, died here on Wed- nesday evening. She was in her" eighty- third Year, ighty-thirdyear. Deceased was born near Belleville and was .the daughter of Mr.• and Mrs. William,. Hicks. She. spent the greater part of _herlife in_ this vicinity, having resided in H'olmes- ville and Goderich township prior to coining to Goderich to live. A sister, Mrs. Robert Oke, Goderich, is the sole immediate survivor. The funeral will take place from the. Park street residence of Mrs. Oke on Friday after- noon. Rev. B. H; Farr will conduct the service. Interment.- will 'be in ' Maitland cemetery. MRS. BEAWIJICE ARNOLD 'The death of firs. Beatrice Arnold, a native of England, occurred in Alex- andra hospital on Saturday, in her silty -fifth' year, after several months Of illness. Mrs: Arnold was born in Tkos - Koviak PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior PORT ALBERT. (R.1: 3, Gpcleric1i 21tf r e 'f+'`T?.I+ T 4 T( it T_QM A D SI AS dF AE For Results A Classiiied Ad • yt 4wU1 :, xr,.ta IlaaaaQs. TEA) Miss- �11cC nttu,,� number ui' Singer ebfaaet electric SkNG �>, %1'bNC CI,C,Nr,ERE, rib ratan u street', Stratford. Phone 2,7. pl eme 75J, will be in Goderich dui lib 2tf' Fanuc*, July and .August."d Vigor��ia{e-� than "pep" tonic for na,c'ab - who are ,N W a laD nervous, exhausted, 1- day treatment S1.t0U. At Emerson's Drug Store:, ,-7-30 . Solid 4 may golf and fishing ay be )i1OLM4, UI ,, Ac ,British Exchange lIo'8x FOR SAIL:. •M BROWN BLAZER, new, *izc 24. Write GRACE O.I., . but go to .church too. Look younger : Restore natural color to greying hair with Angelique Grey klair Restorer. $.I .at 'Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores, 27-31) %t4'+s - 'Beauty •Sct-louu 'will be closed until further notice ,becatttse 'of illness. Felt' the beat l:eatalts from your snap- shots, drop your films and 40e in an envelope and send it to us; sent back same day as received. FOWLER • BROS., Mitchell, Out. 2.6-0x Come to St. George's church garden party,, and .bazaar Thursday, July 18. Afternoon tea, fortune-telling, lucky dip, fancy work and Itower table. Supper at 5.30.-50c. " . 27-8 The regular meeting t the W.C.T.u. will, be held on Tuesday, July 16th, at 4 pan., in Harbor Park. Don't 'suffer , rwith your feet. PEMILAC, the amazing new, speedy remedy for athlete's fool, corns, callouses. itching or burning feet, poison ivy or itching skin. Money back guarantee. At all Goderich drug steres. 21-30x BORN BRINDLEY.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 5th, 1946, Lu -Mir. and Mrs. Gordon' Brindley, R.R. 6, Goderich, a daughter. DAVIDSON.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich,. on July 4th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davidson, Wolfe street, Goderich, a daughter, Eleanor Jean. , POLLOCK.—At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on July 9th, 1946, to Mr. ASTHMA SUFFERERS. — ENJOY and Mrs. Howard I'ullock,1)urYtam, a good night's sleep, without cough - Ont„ a daughter: ing, choking, the same as others are SIEMON.—At Alexandra Hospital, doing. FREE offer. Write F. L. Goderich, on -July 5th, 19.46, -to Mr. HOWEY, 144 Catharine' South, H.amil- ��_., L and Mrs. Harold Siemon, Nelson ton. _ 28tf street, Goderich, aduugh ter, Dianne Marie. WEIR.._—At Alexandra Hospital. Gode- rich, on July 7th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. John 'Weir, Auburn, •Ont., (nee . Ii.. a ��r�E'gri�i,. �1��f1.trl r. 4lh��'�'�1�'�3cr.c 1,1C�!,'��_ oa McA.LLISTER.—At Peterborough, Ont., on Saturday, Judy 6th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAllister, a son. - DIED , It' OR SALE. - a„'U'j FLOWERS, sweet peas and lilies, Ititio oGlter seasonal flowers. Call or phone MRA. L. R. HOLMikN, Cameron street. Plione 27tf722. pL .NT THAT VACANT t' .. c MN• your garden • with . CUSHION 'MUMS. Mounds of bloom, in mauve, pint; or bronze. Three for 25c. JACKSUNS FLORISTS. FOR SALE. — B,EADX,-BUILT fence, close boards, painted. Irina feet high, in sections -16 feet long or less. THOS. LEGG, Goderich. -26-8 Ii OR . SAL;:',.—FEEL) QATS AND barley, FRANK LINKLATER, R.R. 5, tioderich. Phone Carlow .148. w7 -8x FOR SALE. — LATE CABBAGE plants, petunias, geraniums. trailers and foliages. JACKSON FLORISTS, 4J, Bruce street, phone 105, Goderich. -26 FOR SALE. — E,LECT1O111ONE record player, also a few records; practically new. Phone 1061W. 28x 'FOR SALE.—EIGHT-ROOM MOD- ERN home; ,three-piece bath; ele0- tric water heater ; furnace; hardwood. floors. Corner Elgin avenue and Wellington street. Possession shortly. Phone 273. 27tf Wli► LLD O ,aTT ') k 1"3x',- t GU CLEAN i';,.t); r for shirts, underwear, ete., suitable for dustears. 1l1ghest 16rieec ,paid. 4.°. W OW)i, 12 last street. .,,. 2 -' . a'iaozac �, �aJ. .�6 DOWKER.—At Miami, Florida, on July 10th, John Bagnall, beloved son of George N.wton Dowker, Goderich, aged 23. , LOWE.—At `Hackensack' Hospital, on July 7th, Gladys .McLean Lowe. FOR SALE. -A GOOD INVEST MENT. Lot No. 414, facing east on South,street, between Ficton street and Britannia road; 'surrounded,., by e :. ee ii memt . std wlai..• 2n a r gYr •x tr 11 -three- .n.= ' -• .: Sides, k i oin- 1 C S .l 'two bl7 ib, o .il.y Square, schools, exhibitign grounds, garages. Front part of building is. solid frame sided with asphalt red shingles, -roofed with windlock green shingles. Back .part. solid .brick; roof, cedar `shingles. There are five apart- ments, each one its own electric. light and metre, water, heat, toilet and bath ; a front verandah and balcony, above ; front and back stairs: TERMS—Part cast, balance ar- WANTED TO RENtt HODS ., UN- Ep1$NIS11EI), five to reve.t rooms. by executive recently moved, to ()lode - rich. Will maintain property as if owned and make small °iraprovementh when necessary. Iffrite" BOX 134, SIGNAL -STAR. 24tf \VAN Tk D.—LADIES vi'ANTED FOR pleasant part or full -`time 'work. Splendid earnings and opportunity for advancement. Write BOX 21;SIGNAL- STAR. -28 WANTED TO RENT. --- space—two or more medium-sized rooms, on ground floor level, forpro, fessional man,. Apply B.O. BON. b 96. . 25-6 WAITED,—ABOUT 20 ACRES OR', less of lid' with barn, close to Goderich. BOX 20,"SIGNAL-STAR. 28.9x° CAR WANTL;D.—WILL PAY HIGH- - EST cash price for low mileage - coach or sedan. Write P,;O, BOX 869, Goderich. -28t2 WANTED.—TO,BUY A HOUSE IN town of. Goderich, preferably with large lot. Write BOX -22, SIGNAL - STAR. -28 WANTED TO RENT. — TWO TO four bedroom house. Will reward informer $25 (not payable t6 land- lord) . Write P.O. BOX 635. Goderich. 28-30x AUTO ACCESSORIES BEEVERS AUTO AND BICYCLE Supply. Car floor mats with felt back from $2.25 up. Bulk oil, all grades, 49c gallon. Axle and bumper jacks on hand. 48 Interment in Dungannon cemetery on ran ed Friday, following arrival of- C.P.R. train, and after a short stop at Brophey Funeral Home, Goderich. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. W. K. Tlioliison . is at Kingston in attendance at Queen's University. Mr. William Lacey of Detroit spent ,the past week with his sister,' Miss• •Malzy Lacey, Oxford street. Miss Joyce `Breckow -As, spending' a vacation in Port Colborne at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Stewart. Mrs. Oly Brown of Modesto, Calif., visited with Mrs. R. J. Howard and other relatives in town this week. r' - Miss Elizabeth Gliddon of Detroit is enjoying 'a month's- vacation with her mother, .Mgrs. Wm. Gliddon. , Mr. and Mrs, Chas: Ross of Detroit are visiting relatives in town for two weeks. - Mrs. Cecil Jackson, of Harrow, is a summer guest with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. • Edward Wells and fancily spent the past week with -rela- tives ith relatires at Preston, Galt and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J.- S. Henderson, of Detroit, are at their Summer home 'here. Mr. Bert Wiggins of Brantford was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Scrimgeour. Miss Leilla Cronk, R.N., has returned to Detroit after a pleasant vacation spent with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCormick 'of De- troit are visiting at the home of Mr. John Graham, Gloucester Terrace. Mrs. -R. A. Jackson and her house guest, Mrs. Cecil Jackson, spent from Thursday to Sunday;wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jackson's daughter at Port Huron. Hon. J. H. Sturdy and Mrs. Sturdy with their son, • Ferris, and wife, of Regina, Sask., are visiting relatives and friends in Goderich and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Lennon, the latter the former Mona Kidd of Gode- rich, -now of Montreal, are spending a week at the Bedford Hotel. 'Dr. and Mrs. Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. H.. Matcheson,, of Detroit, spent the 'past week at the home of Miss Mary Lacey. Mr. M. R. Ballard,. principal of Moose Jaw ,Collegiate Institute, and Mrs: =Ballard spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Elgin avenue. Mrs. I. B. Lucas and. Shelagh Lucas; of Markdale, and Mrs.W. S. Mills and children, of Orillia. are enjoying the - summer months at Black's Point. Mr. Duncan Cartwright, of Timmins, renewed acquaintances in Goderich 'on' Sunday. His wife, who arrived from-- England rom`England -last week, aeeompanied him. Mr. and Mrs.' Allan Charlton and baby daughter have returned to their home at Stratford after enjoying a two weeks' visit with the lady's mo- thern4a t I:, Whitely, Nelson street. London, England, came to this country thirty-five years ago and had resided in Goderich ever since. She, was a member of Victoria street United church. She was an active: fled Cross worker and a'member of th'e Women's Institute. Surviving relatives are a daughter, Mrs. Gordon McGratten, St. David's street, town, anda sister, Mrs. Arthur Halliday, in Essex, England. Her husband, the late Mark 'Arnold, r who went -overseas with the Hu on Battalion in the first Great War, was killed at Ypres on August.10, 1917. A son, Frederick, member of the Windsor City Council, died -suddenly at Camp Borden two years ago. - The funeral took place frbm Bra phey's funeral home on Monday after- noon, Rev. L. H. Turner... conducting the service.- The ' pallbearers were Jack Stewart of Kitchener, Lawrence Fraser 'of Windsor, and...Albert Shore, H. C. Dunlop,. Reg. Williamson and W. F. H. ,Price of Goderich. Among those attending the funeral from out of town were Mrs. Miriam Arnold, of `;'incisor,- daughter -in -'law of tie de ceased, • and six grandchildren from Windsor, Interment was in Maitland cemetery. . SAMUEL FREET1ii- Fatally stricken as he was about to, enter an automobile which was _to take him' •'to the hospital, Samuel. Freeth passed away at his- home ,on Keays • k street. on Sunday evening. lir. Freeth • had been in poor health for some time and had spent four months in the 'hospital this spring before returning to his home three weeks ago. Deceased was born in West Bromwich, England, seventy-two years ago, and came to Canada with his parents sixty years Arranged for' viewing it July 4, 5, froni 2-5 ands 7-9 p.m. Apply to J. E. HARNWELL, 27 Keays street, Gode- rich. 26tf FOR 4SALE. -- KITCHEN SET, three -wire electric stove, day bed, child's cot and bed, stroiler,.high chair, small desk, tables, ' chairs, buffets, dressers, eream separator, sealers, wringers, camp wooti stove, heaters, etc. C. WOODS, Secondhand Store', 12 East street. Phone 2427. _ -28 FOR SALE. WATERFRONT IN town of Goderich. Attractive bank and beach. H.ealtI ul elevation. Or- chard, r chard, sewer, wa#sSr;-• light.. A quiet location for summer cottages or for small farming. Particulars from R. FOR SALE.—YOUNG WHITE RAB- BITS. R. FRITZLEY, St. David's 'street 28x • FOR SALE. -1939 INDIAN SCOUT motorcycle overhauled recently ; ex- cellent tires. x$250 cash. Write BOX -19, SIGNAL -STAR.,:., WHEN IOU REWIRE COAL Olt won CAS Charles *Je. Estate COAL A,1 . 111Att1JLWMiE AT ¶'H1 11A1400tJR 1 NONE 2 Miss Ethel Whitely of Toronto ,also is holidaying at her 'home -here. Mr. and . Mrt. Arnold Anderson of Detroit . were visitors at the home of Mrs. R. J. Howard over the weekend and attended the Tebbutt reunion at Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Roush, Mr: and Mrs. Logan Murney and daughter Alice and niece, Myrian Stolz, all of Dayton, Ohio, .are visiting with Mr,' and Mrs. Fred SVlurney, Huron road. Mrs. R. J. Howard visited on Wed- nesday with her niece, firs. Wm. Eiseli- bach, and Mr. Eisenbach and family, of Detroit, at their summer home near Grand Bend. • Mrs. John Cuthbertson and daughter, Lucille, haVe returned -Jo their home here after spending some months . at Windsor. C,S.M:I. Cuthbertson is .sta- tioned at Ipperwash Camp. Rev. C. .R. Carrie, M.A., rector oi• St. John's church, Jersey City heights, is visiting his . mother, -Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Cambria road, and occupied the pulpit of, St. George's church on Sun- day -last most acceptably. Mr. and Mita. D. McIntyre of Galt were recent guests with Mrs. John Vickers.,Her daughter, Elaine, a nurse -in -raining at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, also spent._a holiday at her home recently. • Mrs. Walter Schluter and daughter Ann. of. Baltimore, have been v isiting the- former's aunt, Mrs. W. J. Andre' , as well as her.'cousin, Mrs. J. R. Whit- tingham, and her niece, Mrs. - Wm. Moore. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lithgow and faniilyy, of Toronto, are holidaying at the'tf stirrrr S:lome on the Huron road. Miss Dorothy Ilenctt rson, of Wash- ington, D.C., is enjoying ti vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,Anderson, -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt, -,Mr, and ':firs. Wallgate. Tebbutt and Mr's. D. 3. Curry, all of Goderich, at tended the Tebbutt reunion at Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland 'Walker • and son, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Walker's mother, Mrs. B. C. Munninga, and also at the home of her 'sister, Mrs. P. F. Carey. Mrs. "Walker and son are remaining for' it further visit. . Miss Evelyn 'McCartney of Detroit :visited 'rekative in town over the week- end, bridging ;ilr. strid i . 1larry` ebbutt from Detroit to attend the Tebbiitt rehuion.' Mi'. and Mrs. Clif- ford °Meoar'tney, Clifford, jr,, Musses nlizabeth and Mary visited relatives hi Goderich alis ; Clinton over the weel - end and also attended the Tebbutt re - `CARDS 'OF THANKS LOQ ST.—BROWN [ TIZIPL'U ' an i'aetaautain pm, in Bata; o1 (''canneree, ; (aturday morning, July •Orli. )b'imlcr pleot e leve ,at 28n 9 _ O IM -74.4`T TO RENT.—LARGE •ROOM, ABOUT "t) x on ft., ziewly decorated, heated; wash basin and toilet. Apply B UTItSII J XCIIANGE HOTEL; -27 TO RENT TWO . ABLE at onee, with orROOal_IS AVAIL- -7 without board. Phone 992 or apply at 7tI Elgin avenue. 27tf TO RENT.,--THRBI'a 1?URR,�[fi kII.D rooms fo'r light housekeeping, centrally located. -Phone 050. .- -28 TO RENT. — COTTAGES, 1'URN- "�' , ISUED` by week or season ; 3 ..bed- -rooms, living -room and .kitelien, hydro; good water, near. beach. Apply \V. JOHNSON, Deer Lodge, Bayfield.. 28-9x. HE , FAMILY OF THE LATE "�amitc I�.�'i cert;"'wieh�'to'than�•-tli' neighbors and friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement, and for the use:, of automobiles at the funeral, and also the Canadian Legion for their co-oper- ation in conducting the funeral service. HE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. EeatriceArnold wish to .take this opportunity of thanking their friends and neighbors for the many floral tributes and expressions of sympathy and Tor the use of automobiles for the funeral. They wish 'els to express their gratitud6, to Dr. W (tters and the nursing staff of Alexanll Marine and General Hospital for the kind attention given Mrs. Arnold while she was a patient at the hospital. ' BUSINESS NOTICES T BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household .articles: I repair sewing machines. C. S. 12 East street. 'Phone 2423. 13tf TENDERS WANTED • TpNISERS WANTED. ,Tenders for the painting of the class- rooms in schot l No. 2, 3, 4 and 17, in the West Wawanosn, School Area, will be received by the`lnidersigned to July 17, 1946. The work must be com- pTeted' by.ugust 25th. Full particu- lars and specifications will be furnished on request. DURNIN PHILLIPS, Secretary, 28- Lucknow,Ont., R.R. No. 2. ago, residing In Colborne and Goderich townships before coming to Goderich forty-three Fears ago. Ile fought over- seas In the first World War_as , a member of the 71st Forestry Battalion. Ile was a Member of the Canadian Legion and of the Orange Lodge. Sur- viving are two sons, Clifford and Wil- liam,- of Goderich, a brother, William, in Birmingham, England, and three grandchildren. Ms wife predeceased hint • 3n 1040. Tile funeral was held from the family residence,,, eaysi street, on W cones(W, afternoon, Ren, Turner Bone `acting the service;'. Mem- bers of Branch 109,' Canadian i', egion, =Milted Trie. alillbea,rerr,. allmembers of theLe were John ,Legion, Bell, .,Jos. Mc1Nevin, Robert Good, Robert Venus, Verne ;Sinitli and George Curren. President Kenneth hunter performed , the Legion burial `rites at Maitland cemetery. . Rev. Mr. Turner aZ n el elated at the graveside. "Last Post" was sounded by Robert 1lenry. '' ut •;Olid AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF MODERN FURNITURE at the borne of Jaines F. Lockwood, Orange •street, Clinton, on - - • SATURDAY, JULY 13th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp (D.S.T.), the fol- lowing: ol-lowing: Three-piece velour inner spring chesterfield suite (like new) ; Axmin- ster rug, wine leaf pattern, 6' 9" x 9'; Newcombe piano and stool (good con- dition) ; „6 -piece solid maple dinnette suite (natural wood finish) ; 4 solid maple chairs ; hall tree; end table; metal; Ala (walnut ,finish) and inner spring mattress; modern 4 -piece wal- nut bedreem suite; including vanity, 'hinge stA 1j cbiffoner, full-size bed and inner sprung mattress ; ,luodern Graham electric rangette ; Harrison range (like new) : kitchen enamel -top cabinet ; dropleaf table and ,4 kitchen chairs; 10 folding chairs; roll top couch; small table; occasional chair; dressing screen ;.jacket water heater with pipes .ad . ns.,3 � � R hl quart sealers ; teakettle; trays, stools; odd dishes. and numerous .other articles, This is --an exceptionally fine line of, .furniture and has been in use only a little over a year. • TERMS—CASH. JAMES V. LOCKWOOD, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 28 - CURRY'S BAKERY fiarhp 110 Tasty Pastry" 6Wi[�lH�r�-END SIa]I C 1 L OATMEAL COOKIES 156 doz. Piipub TIME Is IUICRF i Saye our Pies, Tarp, ans1-'copies for y & ' genie. ,ALIl Orders of $1.00 .or' over deliver'eit. PHONE' 465 EL. CULBERTi . 'Prop. tioned) ; 2 Axminster rugs, 7' x 3'01; 1irepla ce tongs, shovel and broom,; dresser,' wooden bed,. springs., and inner spring mattress; tdresser, washstand, wooden bed, springs and 'mattress; 2 dressers, iron , beds and springs; clothes. cupboard; 8 -day clock; 2 hitches tables :and 6 kitchen chairs; extension table; large kitchen cupboard; Leonard enamel lined ice- box' 7 cu. ft.. capacity (like ttgW).; Findlay modern, range (nearly, new) ; Harrison modern range (nearly new) ; Dominion cook stove; approximately one-half ton of coke; 3 trunks; Coleman gas lantern; 50 ft. garden hose16 ft. stepladder; 5 ft. step- ladder ;• garden tools; odd - dishes ; glassware l enamelware and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid; -the desirable property and dwelling 'consisting of a seven -room green - shingled cottage, with hardwood floors, modern bathroom anis cellar through- out; and the lots consisting of -a one- quarter acre of land,. mote or less, on which is D situated a double' garage, chicken house and the above-mentioned ;dwelling. TER1518 •ON CHATTELS — CASH. Terms on property made known , on day of sale. Auctioneer. 28-20_ T. G. N. ,COOK, - • Administrator. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, • Auctioneer., ADMII:'VISTRATOR'S' SALE OF PROPERTY ANISP FURlti'ITURE of the estate of the late T. 1I. Cook„ Queen street, Clinton, on - SATURDAY, JULY 20th at 1 -p.m. sharp .ST.). Consisting of the following: Walnut table ( (antique) ; 4 walnut chairs; occasional °chair ; leather rock- ing choir ; studio couch. rolltop couch; wicker armchair; wicker rocking chair ;' wicker fernery stand; oak -hall rack; end table ; 4 'small tables; 2 'rocking chairs; armchair ; 2 bedroom chairs; oak combination book case -and writing' desk; . oak likruary table 7 -tube Echo - phone electric' cabinet radio (recondi- TENDERS WANTED. Tenders for the transportation of pup ils from .S.S. No.. 14, West Wawa- nosh, to- Whitechurch ,school will be received by the undersigned up'to and, including July 17th. Tenders will also be received for .the __transportatiq_n of pupils from S.S. Na. 15, West Wawa - nosh, to" -No. 7 school in East Wawa - nosh Township. • - DURNIN PHILLIPS, Secretary, 28- • Lucknow, Ont., R.R. -No. 2. TENDERS • WANTED. ' • Tenders for transportation of students from the Goderich High School Area to Goderich Collegiate Institute beginning Tuesday, September 3, 1946, will be received. up to 6 p,m. Monday, July 22, covering any or all of six routes as follows: - No. 1—Beginning at concession 6- on the Cut Line, Goderich Town- -ship, thence west to the Blue Water Highway, thence north to Goderich Collegiate. , (15 • pupils.) ' No. 2 -Beginning at .Taylor's ' Corners, Goderich Township, thence south on cocessions 7 and 8 to lot 15, thence west to cdnces- sions 3 and 4, thence north to No. 8 highway, thence to Gode- rich Collegiate. (17 pupils.) No. 3—Beginning at S,S. No. 7, Col- ' borne, thence north to conces- sion 1, thence through Benmiller to Goderich Collegiate. (8• pupils.;., , No. 4—Beginning at Auburn school, thence through Auburn to Car- low, thence south to Benmiller, thence direct to 'Goderich Col- legiate. ' (35 pupils,) No. 5—Beginning one ' and sei en - eighths miles north of Dun- gannon,. thence south to thin - Bannon, thence west along con- cession 4, Ashfield, to the Blue Water Highway, thence south to' Goderich Collegiate, (0 pupils.) No. 6—Beginning at lot 19, concession 1, West' Wawanosh, thence to S.S., No. 11, West Wawanosh; thence to Nile, thence along Concession 12 to sideroad be- tween lots 8 and 9, thence south to Loyal, thence to Goderich +collegiate. (12 pupils.) Numbers of students given above are approximate an 1- for .the coining school year. . Further informatibn regarding con- tracts may ,be obtained (from Ii. M2. FORD, Vbairman, or A. R. SCOTT, ,Se f'lary (4o(lerlch Collegiate. Instt- tote. SUMMER. STORMS are often very destructive to property. BE SURE that your fire policy includes the SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT. SEE �. -- - --ill • 1v H• - FVD Get Insured Stay Insured— Rest . Assured. North St. TeL 268w - Lawn ' M�wers Sharpened ,Prompt Service ALSO: LATHE WORK Evenings After 5 p.m. KEN.. ALLIN BROCK ST. 15tf FOR SALE LORNESIDEE FARM Lot,: 2, L.R.W., Colborne Twp. Three -miles north of Goderjinh on Blue Water Highvvatiy Farm consists of 117 acres, with Barn 40x60; Dopble Garage; Artesian Well and Windmill; Fruit Trees. Close to School, Church and Lake. • •Large white frame house of seven roosts and sun -porch, open fireplace in living -room. , - House has hydro and full - _ - . , plumbing, For f prther particulars, phone MRS. M. K. McQUARRIE, PHONE 742, GODERICH rt . • TENDERS Tenders sire invited to serve and supply the 1,000 plate banquet of the Ontario Ploughmen's Association to be held at Port Albert air field, the evening of the 18th October, 1946. • A marked cheque for $100. • must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender' not necessarily accepted. Tenders, which must be .in. by August 15, are to be sent to : 28-32 W. A. HAY Secretary, Banquet Committee Goderich, Ontario. , a a28-tr Tile congregational picnic of Victoria Street Milted' church will be lielct at harbor fart' on Wednesday, 'July 17th, at 3 . p.un. WHY DRIVE A"N-D�WN" CAR? Protect your transportation and your car's trade-in value by letting the service it needs today, ' We -_have everything heeded for the right servicing of all makes " of cars. • BRING IT IN TO US FOR ALL-ROUND SERVICE :We are ServiceJleadquarters—equippvd. and manned to 'provide the kind of work that saves -and . satisfies. Drive in today! ' Gardner Motor Sales Poo 234 GODEfICI