HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-07-11, Page 3LIu ETX-NINTl. "XEA•L. NO. 28 K► 'WEEKLY GODERIQH, (ONTARIO, ,THURSDAY, JULY UUthp 1946 a1jJ3usiness Director y . i cA14 DUDLEY E. P. 014E 4 Barrister,1~tc. Glee --Court Goderich. Telephone fie. ... L. HUNTER' Barrister, Etc. • Royal Bair Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderlch Phone .968. CHARTE)%ED ACCO1 NXAIVTS' ONTJ ITH, and MONTEITli, Chartered Accountants 6]l„ Albert Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 302 Pay Street CECIL ATTRIDGE. °�� CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone: 0 nee 18, Residence 343. Goderich. BROCK, DAVIS (,& DUNN Chartered Accountants London -- Kitchener J. H. H., Broughton, C.A.—Resident Partner 512 Huron & Erie Bldg. Moue Met. 2788. London. m DATES sol UATION COUPQI Coupons nosy valid are sugar-pre- :Serves' ugar-pre- : eryes' S1 to SO, butter R1.0 to G111.4, . meat M46 to M45. pM . HER:a C1iti #;Y ASIEJNG Q. -14y husband and I are. planning; bar spending two wee? s ,at a summerhotel; we will have to surrender .any ration ebupons? A.= -People taking up residence in summer Ttotels for - a continuous period of fourteen days must surrender two meat 'coupons, one sugaracouPon anti one butter eaupon for each person. fit. ---Is it true that returned service personnel may no longer receive ptior- ity certificates for suits? �.�--priority eertifcaates for suits will not -be issued to returned service per- sonnel after October 30.th, 1943. How- ever, ;aretailers and customs tailors will be required to honer' these up to De- cember 31, 1946. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING 44 'BOOKKEEPING For Small tusinesses, Stores, Ete. - Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books, Balanced Monthly Financial Statements • Wage 'Summaries Business and Personal Income Tax Returns • • ALBERT SHORE Office:Corner North St. and Square Phone 975. , Residence Phone 44C trimmomoommoiffivimom INSURANCE lated town • property insured. Officers — President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton, No. 5; Vice -President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, No. 1; Manager and .ecretary-Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.• Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt,. Bornholm; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W: R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; E. J, Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEying, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. ' Agents—John E. Pepper,'Brucefield, No. '1; George A. Watt, Blyth, No. 1; R. Finlay' McKercher, Dublin, Noo. 1; J-. F. Prneter. Brodhagen. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and ggt their aids receipted at the Royal Bank,.Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery; Kingston Street, Goderich, or Dxinesari A. Y. P. A. Counci1 Formed GETS APPOI TTMENT • Cpuncil.Votes $300 to PloWinfirmatch 404 OV0rr?1UC 1t to Retain Price CQa troi1 on NNce saNies 9,f LR l,g The Town Council went on record at its meeting on. Friday night last in favor of the retention of price Controls oh essential . colmodities in Canada, Ale following motion by Conn. Were., ton, seconded by Deputy Reeve Mac- Ewan, being, adopted unanimously "Whereas our neighbors to the south of us have abolished the office of tD.P.A., liffeetino Iomoi Adopt . tae' Constitution .and lects Deers At a meetingof representative A;r. P,A. members from every deanery in the Diocese of Huren, held `recently in St, Paul's Cathedxaa, London, the Huron Diocesan ,Council* of the A.Lr P.A. was formed. In the afternoon, the members pre- sent approved and amended the. coma stitution of the Council, as drtabvn up .by the conStitutiof committee. Dis- cussions were -held as to how the Council was to be financed, .and th'e motion was carried that each branch officers fOr the Council, which was Q.--The-price of tomatoes seems high. adopted by _those present, as follows: Is there a ceiling price on -them? Patron, His Grace Archbishop Seager ; A.—No, there is no ceiling price en tomatoes. Q,—I am unable to get any more 8c loaves of bread, The bread man tells me they have discontinued making these loaves; is that right? - A%---Bakers-4anst continue IA. the makitirtf the 8c loaves in the same propertion as 'they have been doing ilairieg the' year 1941. MEDICAL AUTOMOBILES -CLASH 'An automobile_ driven by Geotge Moore, Goderich, caused damage to a vehicle driven by William Ruddick, jr., of town, and.to property on Britan- nia 'road? in a rather peculiar accident on Sunday evening. Both vehicles successful meeting. were Proceeding on CamerOn street -At the first meeting a -the Council, Vfiga:Rairafekaaaamas.A zsaia,a143./ta,t,a; Jo be held in July at London, repre- nia road. Moore pulled his automobile sentallYerelfe_ 5476M-e-lantrarill'Aw Diocese will take their plates on the. out to pass Ruddick and ripped the Council, as convening members_fer the left rear fender Of the Ruddick vehicle. Moore continued across Britannia road coming year. with his automobile 'P'artially out of control and came to reit on the north side af the street after ripping down, the greater part of a fence belonging to Frank Jeffrey. There was nlinor damage to the right fender and grill of Moore's car. Police Constable Thompson investigated.. Have you -renewed your subscription to The Sig -nal -Star? If it is in arrears, it needs attention. honorary -President, Dean G. N. Ltix- Ruch"; Chesley; president, Miss Pat Hooper, Windsor ; vice-presidents, Jack Stnith, London, and Fred Janke, Water- loo and Kitchener ; secretary, Miss Ruth Davies, Brantford; treaSurer, Robert Doubt, Chesley, Votes of thanks .were - tendered to the constitution and nominating com- mittees,. the ladies of St. Matthew's Puild, Dean Luxton and the officials of the, Cathedral, Rev. Q. H. James .and Robert Doubt, temporary chairman and secretary of the meeting respective.. ly, the Diocesan, Councils of ' Ottawa, Frederictont„Nova Scotia, and ,Niagara, for the help given 14 them to -insure a (Reserve of Officers), of Hamilton. Ont., who has been appointed Com- mander Royal Artirlery,„ 1st Infantry Division, Military_ Districts No. 1 and No. 2, with the:rank of Brigadier. Artillely headquarters Of 1st -infantry Division. is in 'London. Goderich is the headquarters ofthe 21st Anti -Tank Regiment, one of the regiments of the lst Infantry Division It is not ex- pected that recruiting for the 21st Anti - Tank Regiment Will commence until some time this fall, according to Capt. A, B. Sturdy, officer commanding ,the Goderich ArmourieS, NOSE, THROAT ' Late House Surgeon NeW York. Ophthalmic and' Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital. and Golden ' Square Throat Hospital, ' EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, • CHIROPRACTOR. AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday. Monday and Thnrsday at Mitchell. Mineral fume baths by appointment I only. N. ATKINSON 51 South St Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province 'of Ontario. 'Eyes , Examined, Glasses Fitted ••1 Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. Geo. G. MacEwait Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH DONALD . B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Cleensed for Counties of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For 'information apply to J.. N. Kernighan, Division Court -Clerk, Goderich, Out. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HEARS TALK ON "OUR FLAG" EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER .Correspondence promptly an- . swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date` by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge, moderate and satisfac- HAROLD. JACKSON LICESED AUCTIONEER HURON' AND PERTH For 'information, etc., write R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seafoith; ,or 867, Goderich. :gm CAP. ITAL. THEATRE JOAN LESLIE; ROBERT'ALDA and JULIE BISHOP A sprightly ftm-tale tells of 'a lovely lady who made her re s come true; with a vengeance "CINDERULA ONES" Faye 'Emerson, Zachary ScOtt and Dick Erdinan Round out,,an entertaining program with a swift exciting anima THUR. FRI. and SAT. VIVIAN BLAINE, CARMEN, MIRANDA and DENNIS O'KEEFE. It's musical, exhilemting, and the laughs are paced to yonr en- joyment throughout "DOLL .FACE" - Matinees Wednesday; Saluda* and ilolidays at 2'.20 p.m. To Have Picnic Meeting, at Harbor , Park 'in August Under the subjeca of citizenship Mrs. B. Wilmot ,gave ail interesting talk on 4,`"Our Flag" at the meeting of the Wumen's Institute on Thursday, July OVER, SIXTY PRESENT AT thereby releasing control of price ceil- ings, and Ohereas prices of COnunoclities -and rentals have sky -rocketed, as A re - Suit, far beyOnd the mcans of many og working and Small bust- ness people.; therefore be ).t resblved by. this Council that a telegram be 'despatched to the Right Hon. W. 'L. Mackeniie King, Prime Minister of Canada, that we as representatives of tile Corporation of Goderich earnestlY request that the status ,quo be main- tained in Canada for some considerable tinie in respect to Government contra of ceilings on all corambdities necessary to life." Ali the members of Council were pre - Sent exeept Coun. Sanderson. Chief of •Police Ross reported for, June: Number of offences reported or known to paice, 12;- arrests, 6; sum- monses, 7; Prosecutions before magis- trate, 8; sent up for trial before jadge and jury, 1; convictions, 6; bicycles stolen, 2; bicycles 'recovered, 2; ear accidents, 64; persons injured: 0 ; persons given shelter, 12; lost "children found, 2; complaints investigated, 42; total amount of tines, $60; taken to ,Ontario The Chief of Police also reported weights 'of Ioads of coal checked in June: Town Compirhy Scale 'Weight 8000 lb. 8000 lb. Sauits Coal Co. 3890 lb. 3820 lb. Seabrook Coal Co. 3300 lb. 3200 lb. The Riehl *family .held- their annual reunion at the fame of Dan Riehl,'Bay- field road, Goderich, on Friday aften- noon and evening last. Over sixty sat down °. for supper, whii:h was ranch enjOyed. lifter supper sports wer'e held under the direction of Harry GObons, and Bill Riehl, Blyth, 4th, in MacKay The president, Mrs. A. Wilkin, Was in charge and - there Was a large attendance -of mem- bers and two visitors. Splendid reports. of the district an- nual meeting at Auburn. Were given by Mrs. Israay MeLean and Mrs. Nor- man Miller. The president reported three bedAamps had • been purchased AS a gift te the hospital. Plans Were made .for the August meeting, which will be a famkly picnic at Harbor Pafk. The roll call was ansvered with "CharaCteristics.?of a' Good Citizen." The members were remnided of the line for not answering the roll call. °Miss Evelyn Raithby of Auburn, winrrer of the Wonien's Institute scholarship at the Goderieh Festival of 'Music, played a piano solo, and also, with Miss Margaret Jackson, another _prize-winner, a 'duet, ti.oth numbers being well rendered. Current events of interest were given bY Mrs. Isnarty Thanks were extended to Mrs. Holland for the use of her home for a successfpl tea, also to those who helped in anzway.• Two members 'were reported ill. With Mrs. G. Bisset, at the piano, patriotic songs -were sung. Lunch was •served under the convener - ship of Mrs. Tichborne, assisted by Mys. C.,Lockhart, Mrs. Grigg and Mrs. Public -Utilities Cominissioii•wm,RIA0Cum tra• purctaase lots 5 and w30a on Bridge, i treat and Britaua kZ road, O wT2Cd 'by the Town.: , Tlav+fie lots ' been appiOV 1t by the `;artinte Ifiratarag CommiF„Sion as 'the Fite for four housea and the.aCouneil,”' was reluctaant to interfere with t]iW plains. towever, it wail decided tbait if a satisfactory .-arra. a bnerlt corilai be arcade with the 3[ousing people for chane of loeaa.tioat for the four 8aortcea the lots would be gold to tho Comwission.• The request of Albert; Ohere for per; micsiin to erect a sma'll'sign over the door of: his office oh Forth street was sent to the public "worlts cirmmittee. • A brief note from Cha,s...Woods, stat- ing that. he wished to "resignfro.m.,411' responsibility in connection with the Boys' Band,"'waas. referred t9 the spec- iaal committee with power to act. = ' Louis E. Taylor, who , oWns land on. the . south side of Thomas street, froima Eldon to Elizabeth street,where time road is "very narrow,, •wrote etfering to deed to the 'Town a strip: ten feet" in.. depth if ,the Town would erect a nevi fence along the north side. 9:f _his,pro- perty, approximately forty rods; or he 'would sell a frontage 1510 feet deep along the forty rods for $800. This was referred to the public works com- mittee. A request from the Lions Club for the use, of Agricultural Park for a band tattoo proposed to be. ]held on August 14th was -left in the hands of the cemetery and parks committee. Dean Coal Co. Following 'are, the -results of the, waterlotellal Wellington -was received sports': Children up to four years, 1st and sent to the.public works committee., Irene Lawrence, 2nd BobbY Meehan, . Applications for Building Permits. 3rd Bonny Toyne ; -five to six,. 1st:Ethel - Eleven applications Or building psi - Machan, 2nd Fredda Riehl, 3rd, Betty naits were presented. Leoreard F. Gibbons, - 2nd 'Teddy Riehl; SheardovA proposes to erect one-story Glousher ; seven to eight, 1st Delights nine to cement block. store on the north side of twelve, ,1st Evelyn Wousher, 2ud Jim Hamilton 'Street, at an, estimated cost Riehl, 3rd Donglas Riehl ;. kicking the of $4,000.0 An afiplication by F. W. slipper, Mrs. J. Glousher; three-legged *Hamilton was for a story -and -a -half race, Mrs. Gordon Eiehl -and Charles frame dwelling -on the- east side of Meehan; backward• race. Marguerite Huron road, between Britannia, road 'lliehr and Mr. GeorgelIaggitt ; Women's and Oxford gtreet, at an estimated cest race, Mrs:—Gordon Giousher ; wheel; of $2,500. C. R. Holland proposes to barrow race, Mrs.* Gibbons and Mr. remo01. and eularge the,garage at his Dan Riehl; .men -s race, Mr: Gordon home on St. George's Creseent. Other ,for minor improvements or repairscwere from Mrs. -Rose Willis, South street; Mrs. D. Little, Elgin Wm,J. Cook, Victoria street ; M. Mae- Donahl, Warren street; Earl Raith- by, Cameron street; E.- Overholt, Cam. bridge street; Anua Moser, Hamilton Grant Of $300 for Muting Niateh' The finance committee recoMmended payment of a number of accounts, re- SIGNAL -STAR •orAssiFign jlpiolillsiOnbeofgtihveenCaP.Rie.4sgheeclaatticitit;re leaurtbr earl ar a rental of $15 per month. These reports were all adopted. - It was decided to have the .fire hall and equipment cleaned up and repairs made to the hose on the chemical tanU, the matter behr, left in the hands of the chairman oethe Are committee. Bylaws Nos. 15 and 16 were Dassed, authorizing work by the Bell Telephone ,Co: on South and Bennett street,s, and 'on'Mainut and Cypress streets, for the extension of its service. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST "See Armstrong and. See Better" At Luckhow every Wedne'sday Giousher ; paper raee, Mrs. Reg., Bridle and Mr., Billy Riehl, Clinton. The oldes$ perspn of the -Mehl family pre- sent was Mrs. C. Riehl of Blyth. person coming the_ greatest distance was .Mr.• Orval Selling, of Kitchener. The youngest ,persou present was Shir- ley Aim Maehan. The wpmen's tog -A -war .was woo by 'street. Mrs. ban- Riehl's team ; 'the Men's tug- A request for more tables at .flarbor of,War by Mr. ,Dan Riehl's team. . Park was referred to the cemetery gud • After the sports were over dancing was -next on the program, \vial old and .new -time dancing. Two spot dances were daneed, the tic,st being won by. Mrs. Jim. 7.1.1-oyne and Mr. deorge Hag- ; the second by- Mr. and Gordon Johnstqn. Daneing_was carried onAntil about 4 o'clock in the morning.. Everyane-had -a Riehl -good -time, -both old and young. • 1 Real Estate and Insurance Office and 'Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- 'perty and seV'eral good farms. J. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE ° and REAL ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICH ported that relief accounts for June "ADS" BRING RESULTS amounted to $203.04, and recommended a grant of $300 to the Provincial plow -- The public works committee recom- mended that Leonard Overhdlt be granted permission to, erect a sign on Kingston street,' anal that petitions for sidewalks on payfield road and Albert street' be tabled until all,petitions are received. Special committee 'recommended thaf the Navy League be granted permission to hold a tag_day.on August 3rd. Cemetery and parks committee recommended that the Goderich Trot- ting Association be eTanted the use of Agracalturai Park f''rom Jury 29th to range to have the • portion of Harbor Park used as a trailer camp re -wired and new lights installed. The water, light and harbor Tom - limmerammilosimosinsumpareir " Wawanetiti• Mutual Fire Um - ranee' Co. ZO years in business, Canada's largest Fire ins. Co. Get Our rates on Car and Wind., ' Among t4e lowest in Canada.. , Boring "I'm. going fe kiss you before go;" said the young mau wile had outstayed relined the girl, wearily. " One hour after The §ignal-Star came oft the. press last week, a classited advertisement for a lost camera brought- results. • Toronto, lost a camera on the beach at - Goderich, he inserted a "lost", advertiSe; moat 'in The Signal -Star. Miss Marjorie Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jehnston, of town, had 1, found the camera on the harbor pier, and when she noted the small aavertise- ment in The. Signal -Star, only One hour after the paper was published, she notified' this office that sbe had feundl in The Signal -Star are bringing results. The mix -pp in the world come§ frpnl trying to mix right and wrong. Jas, Barrie presented the request of the 'Trades and Labor Council fur the use 'Of ,Agrieultural Park fur , a Labor .Day demonstration. This was granted, and a further request for' grant towards the expense qf putting on the Labor Day prograni was re - Mr. Barrie. stated there wtig a little .sUrplus_ from last. „year's Labor Day program, .but . expenses in. oonitection with the Bine Water•Band, which the had taken 'under their wane., L. E. Dancey wrote sfating that the Lakeview casino - Grand Bend Dancing Every Night CANADA'S SENSATIONAL NEW BANDLEADER Goidon Delamont and his Orchestra • Von Won't question Gorden Delamont's amazing popularity when you„come to the Bend arid see the crowds; and hear his Music! MART ICTINNEY COMING AUGUST -13th \ SOFTBALL GAME* EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 'THE VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" • SUNDAY, JULY 14th -9 pail. A Great Variety i'rogram for Youn!,, and Old! We want everybody to come to the Bend -and enjoy all the.euter- tainment and fun we offer—Good Pinners--,x-Niee Lunches—Amuse- ments Galore—Sivinuning—giames—Horseback • Riding—Boats for -Hire—Dancing—Bat-ling—Roller Skating. SUPER HEALTH Sugkests. . Gifts o Quality foi- the tiorn wit ookware No finer gift for -the lome. With, mini- mum of care they give yeari. of excellent seryice. Vegetables. cooked the Super Health way are deliciously appetizing, juicy and flavourful, and lose little of their minefal or vitamin content. Meat cooked the Super Health Way is juicy, tender and palaiable. Cheaper cuts 'of meat ,may be used with great sat- isfaction. Did you know that y'ou! can ' use 50 per cent. less sugar when you use a Super gealth ?reserving Kettle/ To mention a few of the Super Health gifts': Large sizepreserving kettle; smaller size preserving kettle; three -quart sauce- pan; large" coml!inatioti. unit; bye -quart saucepan; oblong roaster; small sauce. pan; teapot; small griddle, triple sauce - B REC ENRIDGE -„Phorte 1 Hardware— lumbingsbolleating , Goderich