The Exeter Times, 1885-9-24, Page 5Jxtta : 's Poet Morttal*. St. Thorne', Sept. I.80 -'The work of dieseoting thaw mew of jumbo ie. still in progress, already a large por- tion of the festa }tae been burned. Prof. Ward and his aesistan►e have been at work incessantly sines yes. Interesting items. , terday carvins out the bones of the Germany bas postpanel the order for the discharge of her naval reserve°. monster end cremating the flesh- IIAM1LTQN HeePSN NGs. The work was prosecuted with vigor" There is now being manufactured her e a all night long in order to have it article for inetantiy removing pain of an completed before the oarpase became acute external nature, and it is certainly the euough to drive the workmen away. Huge chunks of wood were pi gset on .are, sad slices of meati thenwere thrown on the top. The neige of the hitchers Exeter at Dr. Brownieg's drug store 5 r The Militia Department is busy proper av e o - t9,4 era US alley soup d fila bones fang aha list of those onittted wood or seri the the defunct giant made the air Delco?' ie unavoidable in. some cases, owing t ring, while Prof. Ward carved Bice,, the commanding ofe;ars not sending in alt lists promptly to the Department, No Lode' who delights in Flow- Ore, low-e* , and likes to see them do well and bloom abnudently, sbonid be without Iltrn- nington'a ,8004 for Flowers. Ordinary pack. ages 30e.—sumelent for 20 plants for one of elm beingrequired to euro a. it fear, Are ,you, made miserable by indigestion, towith t w 1 vete he brine it be Quipped inconstipation, dizztuesa, lose of appetite, yet. to Rochester either this oveuiug or low akin 7 Shilolt's tomorrow, Information has been received by the fei13i and tall as Jumbo wap, he had Mie. Department that au imperial silver medal will be (=toned, on the troops re - not attained to hie full 41ZO and was contiy engaged in the suppression, of the expected to grow for three or four North-west rebellion. years to come. Hie food consisted of LOST l grain bran, hay, vegetables, such as mote of beet roots, etc,, and of theee articles he consumed between GOO au ,.00Q pomade per day, He drank About three barrels of water a day. In additioo to hie great eiza there were several peculiar phyeioal features about Jumbo whioh excited much ouriosity among naturalists, and and eom lwinent sciontifils to mimeo A. nwajsrdios, M. P„, of Montreal, bee forwarded to tb.e .Bahr ,. of Stttk.'a petition signed by 400 French Canadisus living in Miuiiesots asking for the cammutetion of Riel'u sen. teuce. A�t� aene• EE.insetoa rine 4^D S3 tory cow &* l�beo^. A O A.11 D. '.Co all who are suffering from the errors and iudiseretzons of youth,; nervous weakness, early decay. lose of Manhood, dm,.I will send recelpo Chet will cure you, FREE 05' °MARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a eeie- alonary in South America. Rend a self -ad Tressed envelope to Rurv, TosZe 5 T, IOOLAN Station A, Near 5 ork City, Bight Iion. William il, Forster, formerly n Chief Secretary for Ireland, is seriously ,i 11^ • most perfect cure for Neuralgia, headache, Toothache, and the -Bee that has ever been tried, It is called Fluid Ltgbtning from the rapid, mauner in which it acts, and is manu- factured by McGregor & Parke. Sold in 0SltT4IN CURE A CURE Pott CbOI.ERA ttfoanus.—A positive cure for this dangerous eomplaint, end for acute or chronic forms of Bowel Complaint incident to Summer and Fall, is found in .Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; . to be procured from any dregeist.. p, flog ebolera is spreading in the southern to of the country, Cases have already e been found in North and South Colchester and in Goefteld townships. from the blood -dripping flanks and piled them upon the funeral pyre. The imwenee bide of Jumbo, weigh- ing 1,000 pounds, is now in pickle, nearly a ton of salt and 100 pound, How many people of both sexes are suffer- ing from lost vitality all broken down, and an the verge of Consumption that might be restored, as, many have been whoa given up to die, if they would use Burdock Blood Bit. tors, whish restores loot vitality and gives now vigor to the debilitated system. Why will you cough When Shilob'a Curs will give immediate relief f Pelee 10a., 50e, and 5i, Sold by J, W. Browning, Frank, Alexis, formerly a saloorekeeper itt rrhorhtreel, has just boon poieoued at St. the o Inion that be was not an ale• Alo„ by a girl named ,Tulle LaFay, pwho iirea with flim as his wife. She sup• pliant at all, bat that iia was anion pectsall him of infidelity. and in a fit of jeal. to the old and now extinct methadon (tinily poisoned hire, She will be tried for species. In his back there was a murder'5lcORECIORee PARKE, deep hollow, where, in other 413- of Hamilton, Ont., are the tnaunfeeturers pbants, there was a large convex of the greatest healing and purifying com- ourvo, and his head wits owed in a Pound known for Sores, Burns, Oats, Scalds Salt p xB�etc. E Prost , t is called h Rnm McGregor & i'arke'n Carbolic. Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine McGregor eePerko'a Cerbolia Corot. sold et Dr. Browuiug'e drug store at 25c, a box, 5 A targe preirie fire started Freleer after. noon near Maple River. Dak., and spread marked MOADIOIC where ether ele- phants are hollow. Moe knee*, too, are net io the saline place as are those of other elephant*. They woe much nearly hie thigh, racking the upper part of his leg riaaeually short raptly, taking everything iu iia course. It rand t�'c ander pati unusually long is naw uearwg the town of Buffalo. The 13uf1'alo, Sept. 18.--L Haight, of wboto eauutry is out Sighting the tire, which I3arnum's elbow, said yesterday that is still sprradiag, jumbo was lulled while trying to save • Gees' Litsiatettt Iodide Ammonia cures Tom Thumb from pending death,. Ae Jumbo saw the train only wheu it was clove upon him, he made a rush for hie protege and grasping bun iii his trunk, threw hint away aoroae the tracks as if he had been a kitten. The little fellow landed spinet a box. car, and lay there %ruling like a whip- ped puppy. Jumbo then tried to get out of the way bimeolf, but it was too late, and he was crushed between the engine and the care. Mo roared terribly, but his agony was short. s»w.� A Nasal Injeater free with each bottle of Shiloh's Ca rh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Sold by Z. Browning. ;touringis, thea ache, rbenuaatlsm, gout frost- ed feat, chilblains, seri throat, erysipelas, bruieoi. and wounds of every nature in man or animal. The remarkable cures this rem• edy has effected class, it as one of the mod importaut and valuable remedies ever dis- cuvored for the cure and relief of pain, Sold At C. Lute' central Drug Store, Exeter. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you bare a printed Imarantro an every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never faits to cure. "WHAT SAX YOU TO APIECE OF ROAST BEEF AND MUSTARD 1” Well, there is touch to be said. ..tIrci qum tion being asked of the banqueter at the av- erage bearding house, calls up rominisoenons of cloae contiguity to the horns, endboefstenk three outs south thereof. Ho, of course. will. pass, unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Shouldthere be any suffering, the effocta of an indulgence in such sinuous fare, use hfoGregor's Speedy Cure, Canadian. a sure and effectual rem ely for Dyspepsia, Constipation and all affections of the atom- -'" - aclt and liver; Sold at Dr. Browning's drug The Canadian Pacific people say store. Trial botticsireo. 5 their line from Montreal through to ,Tohn File. collector for a largo brewery at Baltimore, has come to Canada with 5000 of his employer's money. A itfALARIAT,, NEIGBORHOOD. People so uufortuuato as to reside, t a ma- lariai region should cleanest and t$orongly tono up the eystem with Burdock Blood Bitters, that promptly acts upon the Stem - nab, Bowels, Liver and Kidneys, thus pre- venting Aguo and all Bilious Complaints. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Tha standard time went into effect in Detroit Friday IN SEASON. It is now in season to warn. our readers against the sudden attacks of Cholera, Cramp, Colic, and the various Bowel Com- plaints incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables. etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Strawberry is the grand specific for those troubles. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by J. W. Browning. A MAN OF NERVE. We all admire a man of nerve, who is cool-headed and equal to any emergency, but nervous debility is the prevailing weak- ness of most people. Burdock Blood Bit- ters is a good nervine and general tonic, which regulates and strengthens the whole system, imparting bodily and mental vigor. The excitement in the West Division of Quebec over be Dominion election is notice- able. The names of Maims. 0. Murphy, M. A. Hearn, Q. C. Councillor Maloney and Chas. Fitzpatrick are mentioned as candi- dates for the approaching vacancy. Your Druggist is authorized to refund you the money if Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters do not benefit any case of Dyspepsia, Kid- ney 6r Liver Complaint. All Druggists, 60 gents. HONESTY THE BEST POLICY. An honest medicine is the noblest work of man, and we can assure our readers that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild. Straw - Berry is not only reliable, but is almost infallible to euro Cholera Morbus, Dysent. ery, Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and the varions Sumner Complaints, whose attacks are often sudden and fatal. Holloway's Pills.—Previous.—As autumn treads on winter, slender, delicate and pale - faced youths become listless, languid, and debilitated, unless an alterative, combined with some tonic, be administered to quicken their enfeebled organs. This p•ecise re- quirement is supplied in these noted Pills, which can and willaccomplish all that is ac P wanted.P rovided the printed instructions surrounding them meet with scrupulous at- tention. Holloway's Pills are espeeially ad- apted to supply the medical wants of youth, because his medicine acts gently, though Puget Sound at Port Moody will be completalil earley in October, and pos- aibly by the 1.1. They also report a large inorease in their local business. The Bev. J. 0".Qanyonn, the well- known colored vocalist, proposes to give up preeohing and begin teach- ing. 11e thinks of building a house in Pleasant Valley, Colchester South, and teaching school in that Section. The return of the Yost Office Say- ings Bank for Augnab shows deposits during the month $575,873; interest allowed depositors,$694; repayments during the month, $40,724.44—total ' at credit of depositors, $15,812.417. A return of circulation and specie shows the total paper circulation on Aug. 31st was $171,469.480; excess of specie and guaranteed debentures, $1,569,088 47; excess of unguaran- teed debentures, $397,964 83—total excess, $1, 967, 052 80. John Watkins, living in the town- ship of Plympton, near Hillsboro' P. 0.. shot himself Saturday near his dwelling, the shot entering his chest Ind passing out behind the right shoulder, He was an old pensioner. Supposed to bo a ease of suicide. An Ottawa despatch says:—The difference between Riel'e case and that of O'Connor's, referred to b3 the Grit organ', is that in O'Connor',, ease his counsel appealed io the Privy Couaoil, but neglected to notify the Governor-Generaj, whose warrant of course issued, as no objection was rainy ' In BBial'e case the Governor. General was duly notified of the fact of an appeal having bean made. ,Three large barna belonging to Mr. Dunoan Campbell, a farmer residing on the Union road in Southwold, were totally destroyed by fire on Sal. urday, together with almoei the en- tire Drop' of she season, which were stowed therein. A steam thresher was in operation on the premises at n the fire is supposed the time,and to h PP have originated through a spark from the engine falling into the straw. Mrs. Benjamin Pbfile, of the 14th con. of Hay, died very suddenly a surely, as a purifier, regulator,alterative, few days ago. She had been going tonic, and mild aperient. A very few does of these Pills will convince any discouraged invalid that his cure lies in his own hands, and a little perseverance only is demanded for its completion, about during the day, apparently in her usual health, but in the evening she tock suddenly ill, and despite all that medical aid could do for her re- covery, she passed away as above stated. She was forty-one years of age. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon,' Ind., says "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by J, W. Browning. CATARRH-- A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that Utas been aehievod iu modern medicine hat ;teem attaiuedbyy the Dixon treatment for ca- tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated duringtbn last six months, fully ninety per cent. bay. beaucurodof this stubborn. malady, Tem i none the lase startling when it is remember°. thatnot five per cent, of patients presentiui themselves to the regular practitioner are be- nefttted,whtle the natant medicines and other advertcsodcures never record a cure at ail. Starting with the claim now generally oelioved hythe most scientific men that disease is dap to the presence of living »arasites ie the tissue. Mr,Uixanatonce adapted bis cure to their exterunination--this accomplished, be claims Me Catarrh is practically cured, and the per. manicy nnquestioued, as eures effected by him skieryears ago are cures still. No cue else fl' atteianto4 to dire Catarrh In this manner,and no other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Thi application of tbo remedy to Alruplo. anal van be dose at home, ansa the present Reason of the year is the moat lavor- able for speedy anti pormanent cure, ilia Majority of cellos being cured at ciao treat - Ment. Sutferere should correspond with Masers. A. ii.Dla.QN,t SQN,20.;King street sweet, Toronto,Canadaa, and enclose stamp far their treatise on Gatatrrh,-aroutreal$tor, Noe.. 17.108'4, LONDON, HURON AND ItitilelE I'Y. ii OM NOBTA, lifted, Mail. Loud au,de art - , ,.. .,... t DC A�:ars 4 SO rat. Exeter B lU 6 10 Uensall.... „ 8 46 6 21 Rtppen 4 tri 0 2,,.y Itrucatield Clinton...., 9 55 G 34 Londesboro 1018 `` Birth i ii . 10 35 tgra 11 Ot D e ve o Winfthaur arrive.,..,. 13 30 Geniu Swum Mixed Mail. n 30 S.W. 31."1 a S We �1 12 87 7 907 05 7 27 �u n. 1 ndala rt 7„ l bielgraYe H 4e Illy th i ;,st l oadtaboro 8 efi $ lirneedeld •. a 51 Kinnon . a 01 Ilett ail 9 tr. Exeter, ....... , . a 31 Loudon anise • , , IQ 413 i ^�.es Ac`s Touthiil Nurseries A e.. The Largest in the Dominion. SALESMEN WANTED To begin canvassing at ones on tall Pales. Steady employment to successful me i, fiood STONII & WELLINGTON. agents are oarlene from $40 to x1;75 per month xp and eenoes. Terms and ontat free. Address 1 -"'.'."..."""."""""'""--11,100011 Bros. i ., Co, Toronto., POR SALE BY JAS PICKARD, EXETER. The .above reward will be paid foretbe.eonvietion of those Merehents who are selling inferior Machine Oils, and calling them Moon s Lardine The only gentling is manufactured by Burilock BLo�1? BITTERS HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re - =MS Dandruff, stops the hail from failing out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skits, As :it hair ares. sing, it has no superior. Guar. enteedbarmless, Prepared by Harkness 8t Co London, Ont. Sold by all Dru. and Fateut M Dealers, 3ui-duck BLOOD .BITTERS Cures Dizziness, loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the ,T iver and Kidneys., .Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Mentors, ,Salt ,Rheum, Scrgfeu. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure B Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowel's. RENOWNED REMEDIES.. ♦ NTOFK NOW COMPLETE AT ,0 2 12 0 (0 • • 30.1 5 30 JOIIN ERA, NTN, UNDERTAKER CABINET-MAKER, Walnut tk Rosewood Caskets ALso Corms or Evans Deset trrtm.. is A. Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on band. FUNERALS FURNIS: ED Am) CON- DUCTED AT Low 1LA1'L3. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t. GIVE MEACALL. KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofnls because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purifica- tion of the blood. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatie developments are: Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu- mors, Boils Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sisal Collapse, etc. I1 allowed to cons tine Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca. tarr)h, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari- ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, ars produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the onlypowerful and always reliable blood -purifying medicine. Itis, so effect- ual an alterative that it eradicates front the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful . action to . the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the _genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow .Dock, 811i- lingia, the Iodides ofPotassium and Iron, and other ingredents of great po- tency, carefully and scientifically com- pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best physioians constantly prescribe AYER% 6ARSAPARILLA as an I Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood.ntrat s t concentrated i ace ed to the high- est ig h -est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed,•and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi- cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytical Chemists.] Bold by all Druggists: price el; els ' .1-ZA N TON U N B U S bottles for O. Pickard's MONDAY & TUESDAY We will]. open our Millinery Show Room, at which, time we will show all the latest desigus for the coming season. Also Full Lines in New DRESS GOuI)S PLUSHES,cC SILKS, VELVETS, dz VELVETEENS, Hosiery. Moves, &c AU of wllicll will be offered at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. THE LiGHT RUNNING SEWING a' Vis-'. t7 NII_ MACHINE SIMPLE 7 i �.t,, ' i316RT13 , l\.-@ ; a 1 N 4 THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE L--,- THAT GIVES - PfRTECT S T/NCT/O r HAS QFYERY1 NO EQUAL -1 elliCrIGUIAR EW OME SEWING MACHINE ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL. ST. LOUIS -MO. ATLANTA GA. ' h$AR SALE BYE - EXE 1'h,ll, ON eA141o. THE PILLS Purify the Bicod, correct all Disorders of the: LIVER, ST091A,CU, I IDN.RYS, AND BQWRLS- i"ltey invigorltte and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, aod, are iuvaivabl 'OMplaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children ane the aged they are 1 THE OiNTMENT Ia an infallible remedy for Bed Legs, 13ad Breasts, Old Wouudo, Sores and Ulcera. It li famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DIAORPIRS OF TRU CREST 1T NMI NO NQUA,I,. For Sore Threat*, Bronebitis, Ceughe, Wee, Glandelar Sweliipgs. and chi akin tliseas it lies no rival ; and for eoutraeted and stiff joints itactalike a obarm The Pills and Ointment ere sold et Tnouas HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78 NEW CXFORD.STRE;ETIate (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of M :afodiaiue, in. Boxes and Pots .at 1s.1 d, Vis, 46. 6d$tZ, , Is i. " . 22s.,and , 3 a each. The „*., tai o 9d size a a a t iia three times Is lid, size ; the 4a. Gd- size sir ; the lia, size sixteen ; the 23s size thirtl.tbreet ;t awl the 33a t' a ze Fttytwo time; the quentilg of the Smallest Boxes and Fats. Full printed directions are Affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be bait in any!angnego » Purchasers should look to the Label ou the Pots and Boxes. If the addreee is not 33 Oxford Street. Louden, they are spurious. undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EX�aTER, 01\1-TAR20 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BAND. e. NIUOIN11110M PRICES CONSIDERABLY RLDUEED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on. hand. Alf Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and. Superior Finish. it will pap yon to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully,' solicited. MIAs. SOUTIZOOTT- Fas►tionable Tailor, Exeter. E$eter Post Office Time Table. MA.ILS Eirkton, Woodham Winchelsea and Elimville ... ... ... ... ... South,east and wow:. including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Manitoba, United States, Englith and f oreign mails ,,, .., South, east west &c ... North and east, including Godericli, Wingham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States,., North oast, &c ... Sarelita Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays 815 a m 2,30 p, m, GLOBE. 9 30 a.;n,. 9.15 a.m. 9.09 e. no 6.45 2.80 p. m - MOO a,m 8.00 a. mu 3,30 p,m, 7,15 p , m, 6.30 p. m„ MOVE Y ORDERS 5.30 p.mt' 10 00 a.mi Issued and paid c,n and from any Money Orclor 011lce in the Dominion of Oanada,Gren tr Iteritair and Irelc,ncl,Orit"sh india, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia., New South Wales, Tasmania, Nap Zeland, France an Algeria, the Germ an Empire, Sweden ,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, BelgTuma the VHthrlands,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, r oumania, United. States, Jamaica and Bar bados. POSTO1rMB SAVINGSt3ANk, Deposits wi11 be received at this oftleo from *1 to *30e. Depositors obtaining the 1'ost4 maser -General's special permission can deposit $1000. Deliosits on Savings Bank account re ceived from 0 a.in. to 4 p, m. Interest at 4 pet Cent per annuhi will be allowed on e11 dtp„gits Office hours ftonr 7.30a.m,to7 p.m. Letterointendeclfor registration must be posted 15 minutes before the closing of each mail N.1l.-Ltig particularyrequested that the venders of matter will kindly add the nam Cie Conntiestothe addresses," elaof D:JOHN $, Postmaetet: 17.