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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-20, Page 12
•V z 8.S0 10,60 a,m, 11:.00 araee. GEORGE'S t;fiCR(;H 13t SUNDAY AFTER.TRINITY HOLY COMMUNION. N1 ON. SOLLAY. SCHOOL. MORNING 1 'RA,Nu ANY) SERMON. EVEN SONG, Maitland It lge, No. 33, A., F. aerial A.M., will atteml d>ivipe serwko at 7 prim. BEV. EJ' `'ER`LY II �ib'ARIw, B.A., LtiA.a l�i.�I Cron. ' MRS. E. JESSOP, Organist and Chola' Leader. 4. N�rth St. Ignited Church . MINISTER -REV. R. IL i V RNBULL Smadby School 10 a.m. ' ' Primary Department 11 a.m. !Vaal. CO MUNION SERVICE. REV. W. J. ROGERS, OF DUNGANNON. Orgaid t and Choir Leader-. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. .JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. • THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S, SUPPER. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8 p.m. PREPARATORY SERVICE. THE MINISTER AT ALL SERVICES. MINISTER --REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mrs. W. F; Saunders • Organist—Miss Mary J. Strachan' Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty_ of Holiness. Victoria r, TES 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. "PARDON." 7.00 p.m. "I AM THE WAY . UNION 9.45.. a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU Ge MEIER Adtif t: Goderich " Baptist e Church . ':REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A.. PASTOR • Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.C.M.. Organist: SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a m. Il a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP; "Theo Storms of Liffe," 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Easy Yoke." The Annual Flower Service of the Sunday School will be held on June 30th, at 11 a.m. Wednesday 8' p.m. Prayer Meeting. STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME BET b4 -TABERNACLE— — .- (Penitecostal • Asseenblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, pastor. ' 10 aln. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING • WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC MEETING. Tuesday 8 p.m Young_ People's Meeting. Friday -8 -p.m. Prayer Meeting. Daily Vacation Bible School -July 1 to July 26 COME AND WORSHIP WITH US Free Methodist_ Church REV. R.C. McCALLUM, Pastor. Cor. Victoria and Park Sts.. 10 a:m SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11 a.m. 5th in the Series on "PENTECOSTAL DISCIPLESHIP." 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL THE SALVATION ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS SUNDAY; JUNE 23rd FAREWELL SERVICES .Major Joyce Clarke -Lieut. Margaret Farmer HOLINESS MEETING -11 a.m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL -2 p.m., SALVATION MEETING -7 p.m. THURSDAY,. . 8 p.m. PUBLIC WELCOME MEETING roil Captain -Gladys Smith and Captain M. LockWood Don't forget --Waterloo, Ontario, Sat• • urday, June 29th. All day and evening. Music, dancing, fireworks. The, big- gest and best musical show in Canada. Held in beautiful natural Waterloo Park. Daylight 'saving time. -25 Veteran's Taxi SEND Y SPECIAL TO CE•IVYETERi 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. STOPOVER AND RETURN 3 or more passengers -25c each From. VET'ERAN'S TAXI STAND Cor. St. Andrew's & Hamilton ,Sts. (EVERY SUNDAY) PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. J. W. Moore, Victoria street; is visiting relatives in Detroit _this week. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Straughan were- -week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Briefs GODERICH Nq•GA AR For Results A Classiliecl Ad 0H SALE You eau personalW help the great netricquent for world peace by going 9 church regularly. . ti The regular meeting of .the will be held on Tuesday, Juan; 18th, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. P. J. Cantelon, Lighthouse street. Don't suffer with - your feet. PEMILAC' the amazing new, speedy remedy for athlete's foot, burns, callouses. itching or burning feet, poison ivy or' itchipg skin}. Mtiney back guarantee,, At all Goderich drug stores. . • 21-30x, Your friends :respect you more if y,eu go t� church regularly. • A treat for your feet! Use Lloyd's Corn ani Callous Salve for pgonapt relief. 50c at Campbell's and Emer- son's Drug Stored. -28 Mixed bridge at Maitland Golf Club on Tuesday, June 25th, at 8 o'clock, under auspices of ladies' club. 50e, "Iileerex" for eczema and other skin ailments. Quick relief while you work. 50e-$1.00 (medium and strong). At all druggists: „ 23-26 Preparations are being aaaade< for the registration of beginners at the fall term, of the kindergarten and grade 1 elementary schools. Parents intending to send children who will be five years of age on or before December 31, 1946, are asked to register them at once with Miss E. Hume, Victoria School, or Miss G. McDowell, Central School. Will Will the parents arrange an appointment with Miss A. Cleaver, public. health nurse, Town Hall, phone 980, between the hours 9 to 10 a.m. or 1.30 to 3 p.m., when a pre-school health examination will be made and the child's school health card will be set tip? t -24-5. Slendor 'Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' 45, at Campbell's..and_Emerson's Drug ..Stores. Miess a nnif_ red O'Neil; -Clinton,,: phone 753 -:will be in Goderieh,during'' June, -July and August. 22ti -: y, y.�,,, to �t r� 1 b.ikz d a':'t b � ,��-�... z��� to o e October 5th. x25 Backaches go quickly, often after'! first dose. Ruinacaps tWo:zvay action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. Campbell's` Drug Store. 25x BANDS — BANDS — BANDS. Come A td the Waterloo Music Festival, Sat- urday, June 29th, Waterloo, Ontario. Musical competitions --concert bands— burgle bands—trumpet' bands—piping, and Scotch dancing. All -day. Great musical tattoo inevening with spectac- ular fireworks display. All in beauti- ful Waterloo Park. Daylight' saving time. •5 Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) , Dept. T-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box mailed postpaid ' in plain,, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples' 25c; 24 samples $1.00.. Mail -Order 91, -Hamilton, Ont. , 23-26 Sunday golf and ' fishing may be O.K., but go to church too. Lorne Snell, Mitcbell. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Schultz of St. Petersburg, ,Florida, are „ guests . this week of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. • Mrs. A. Buchanan and daughter, °Miss Mary Buchanan. were guests: at the Mcllwain-Keeling wedding at Toronto on -June 10th. Afterwards they went to Barrie, where they visited relat4ves for a week. • Mrs. H. MacPbee and Mrs. G. Mumby are in Toronto this week as repre- sentatives Of the Goderich Rebekah Lodge at the sessions of the Rebekah' Assembly, t.O,O.I°., being -held at the Royal -York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Davis and four COAL %VH1lN YOU REQUIRE COAL Oil COKE CALL Charles C. Lee `Estate COAL AND HARDWARE AT THE HEAIMOUR I 1 `HON1 BORN DOBIE: To Mr. -and Mrs. E. F. - Dobie (nee Elsie Stafford) , at Temiskam- iag- Hospital; , June 5th, a' son, William Stafford. MARTIN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 16th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Martin, R.R. 3; Goderich, a son, "John Peter. -1laeIVOR.—At Alexandra' Hospital, esederieh, on.slune 15th, 1946, to 1Yir. and Mrs. Wm. M'aclvor, William street, Goderich, a son, Thomas John: PHALEN.—A-t Stratford, on . May 25tH, 1946, to Mr., and Mrs. Harry Phalen sof Stratford, formerly. of -Goderich,. a son (Paul). ROB1.1s SON. At.- Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 18th, 1946, to Mr. and . Mrs. Burton Robinson, 'R.R. 4, Goderich, a daughter, Bonnie Jean. DIED WALKER.—.At . Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, June 16th, 1946, Sarah A. .Walker, widow of the late James Walker and mother of Mrs. \Murray McDougall, Goderich township. IN MEMORIAM COX.—In loving memory of ` James Leslie Cox, who passed away June 24, 1945. —Remembered by his wife Ellison and family, .Bill and Dorothy, -Jim and Emma. 25x McINTYRE.—In loving memory of our dear son Jimmie, who passed away June 23, 1941 We often -sit and think- of 'him ' When we are all alone,. For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak, When all other things decay, Our love for him will still keep green, And never fade away. —Ever remembered by Mother, Daddy and Sisters. - 25x RUDDOCK.—In loving memory of Robert Ruddock, who passed away June 21st, 1941. We often sit and. think of him when we are all alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak, when all other things decay, Our love for- him will still keep green and never fade away. —Lovinglyremembered by Mother, Father and Sister Phyllis. 25x children, late of Winona, Ont., have taken up residence on Newgate street. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are former well= known Goderichites who after some years in the Niagara district have re- turned to snake their home again - iiT Goderich. SUMMER STORMS aro often very destructive to ' - Property., ° -R1 SURE that your fire policy includes the SUPPLEMENTAL COPT TRACT. SSEE ° a- s FORD, Get insured -. Stay Insured—. Rest .Assured. ' N t.1{I St' FOR, SALE. ---TWO' ACRES OF LXX with S•room stucco houses, barn, 'first-class condition, at' Porter'essIIill. Immediate possession. Price $1500. 24tf J. W. CRAUGrIE. FOR SALE. - . NO. 16 De/LAVAL - ball-bearing cream separator, slight- ly used, D. W. HAMIION, R.R. 3, Auburn. Tela 11 r 15, Dungannon. 24-5x FOR SALE,--EIGHT-ROOM • MOD- 1:RN' home. Three-piece bath; electric water heater, furnace; hard- wood floors, ideal location, viest side. Price $4,000. Phone 273. -23 FOR SALE. — GERANIUMS AND - all other plants heeded for hanging baskets and porch, boxes,; also bedding plants. JACKSONS FLORISTS, 49 Bruce. street, phone 105. -24 BARGAINS .IN BARRED ROCK and Assorted Heavy Breed ebieks for this week and next. Barred Rocks: non -sexed 50 95, pullets $11.95, cock erels $9.75. Assorted Heavy Breeds: Non -sexed $8.95, pullets $10.95, cock- erels .$9.50 per hundred. This adver- tisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. .24-5 FORS" SALE.—ONE BRICK BUILD- ING on Hamilton street; 1 frame building on Hamilton street. Can be wrecked after, July 1, 1946, to provide for erection of new building by July 15, 1946. Apply to REG McGEE, Goderich, Qnt. -25 FOR SALE. — USED CHESTER- PIELD - suite; six -tube , .- radio; Remington. typewriter. _ BR11PH Y'S PU tt1T1-TU1 j STORE. 5 LAST LOST OR STRAYED. -4 TIDY P0111- ERANI4N dog, sand and white, answers to "Mickey." , Child's play- mate, , badly missed. Pinder please contact W. A. FREEMAN, South street. -25 OST. CHAIN OF KEYS. PINDI R please leave at SIGNAL -STAR. -25 r; LOST.—PAR ,t ER "51't FOUNTAIN pen, cedar blue, silver top, at Bank of Comarierce, Tuesday, June 18th, at 2 p.m. Pinder please phone 750. -25 TO RENT TO RENT.—TWO' ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms for light house- keeping, in new home. Phone 992 or apply at 78 Elgin avenue. . 23tf RENT.—CABIN AT SUNSET Beach, three miles north of 0ode- rich.Completely.. furnish, d and elec- trically equipped; screen porch. For month enr season only. A:'''Fi: TI+3Ns' NINES, R.R. 3, Goderich,;$ 25x p-Vr" AVAILABLE'; ---r- . LIMITED number of 'Singer Cabinet electric { y, _..1'Ti1"�8r iiEr astreet'�'S .z Phone 727. 25cltf KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS ARE available in most breeds: for de- livery this mouth, day-old or started!' Summer prices are -in effect; 'you'll find them very reasonable for these fine chicks, Agent, RYAN PRODUCE CO. -25 FOR .SALE.—TWENTY THOUSAND cement brick in first-class condition. J. E. HUCKINS, 74 Huron road. 25x 'OR SAI.{E.:•--100-ACRE FARM WITH house and barn, about two miles west -of Auburn or would exchange for smaller farm. WM. CORY, R -.R. 3, Auburn. p ' 24-6x ORDER `YOUR, JULY CHICKS TO- DAY. We can ' give prompt de livery ' on many of the popular pure 'breeds and hybrid crosses in non -sexed. - pullets. or cockerels, in day old -and two and" three week, old etarted.' Also eight week old -to laying pullets: Prices greatly reduced for .July. Last hatch July 12th.: TWEDDLE CIIICK HATCHERIES -LIMITED, - Fergus, Ontario. - 25-6 FOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM FRAME • house. Immediate possession. F. R. DARROW, Goderich. -25 FOR SALE. MASSEY-HARRIS mower, in good condition. BERT CRAWFORD, R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone 22 r 20, Dungannon, -25 AUCTION DALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS will be held at the farm. of Harvey Mole, lot 13. concession 6; West- Wawanosh, one mile' north of Dun- gannon, on FRIDAY, JUNE 21st at 1 'o'clock. Full line of implements and stock. No reserve as the farin has been sold. TERMS—CASH. HARVEY. .MOLE. ' Proprietor. DONALD B. BLUE, - 24-5 Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION ' SALE OF FARM ' STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at lot 33, concession 8, Goderich Town- ship, two miles 'west of •Holmesville and - two miles south, on - TUESDAY, JUNE 25th at 1 p.m. sharp (D.S.T.), the following: HORSES—Clyde gelding,. 4 years old; aged Percheron mare. CATTLE=—Durham, heifer, 4 years old, freshened ; Durham cow, 5 years old, freshened; Durham cow, 7 years old, calf at foot; Durham cow, 8 years old, freshened;' Durham cow, . 9 years old, freshened ; black cow, .8 years old, calf at fool,; black heifer,, 2 years. old, bred ; Holstein heifer, 2 years old, bred ; Holstein heifer calf, 4 months old ; 4 spring calves. • PIGS ---8 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS -- Massey -Harris_, binder, 7 -ft. cert (nearly new Y; Massey - Harris hoe drill; McCormick mower, 6 -ft. cut;, Tiger 10 -ft. hayrake (nearly•. new) ; spring -tooth cultivator ; '12 -plate in -throw disc ; No. 21 Fleury walking prow; farm wagon ; wagon box ; slobp sleighs and flat rack; DeLaval No. 12 cream separator; , 3 -drum steel roller ; fanning mill; cutter; steel tire buggy ; set team .harness; horse collars; horse blankots ; forks ; shovels, hn (numerous otheii articles. No reserve, as farm, is sold.. TERMS—CA SIT. - ALiIETtT . PEARSON, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 23- II. CORM, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. W. :i, Carrie of London were guests of Mrs. E: • W. Carrie, Cambria road, on ,l4unday: ..' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Westbrook, who were married at Toronto on May 24th, •are now residents of Goderieli, having taken M'ra.. Hetheringtoti's house on Waterloo street. Mrs. Westbrook is the former Julia "Young, youngest daught r ,of I114,oung,'�and the late R. M 1 � oung o '�'(,ol borne stow ship. - ,_ • p i ��I'' 111 1 WANTED WANTED TO BUY. --OLD HORSES and dead ,cattle ; must be suitable for mink feed. Removed promptly. JACK GILBERT, phone 908 r 21, Clinton, Calls paid for. 24tf A N' OPPORTUNITY. —B- LISHED Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages - Of 25- and 55, hav ox can "secure travel- outfit, this is your 1opportunity: to eget establisshed hi a rufitable business• u of e .... y Vit, For ftil: particulars _write ._today to THE J. R. WATKINS ,COMPANY, t�� 1., 'i.. a OO �tM S.`� d ��//ee�,n t � ��.,, }}�+ ��rr M ^aN+h WANTED. e HOUSE OR APART- MENT, on .first floor preferred; unfurnished. .Write P.O. BOX_ 868,. Goderich,, Ont. 231± '`ANTED TO RENT.—HOUSE, UN- FURNISHED, ,five to seven -rooms. by executive recently. moved to Gode- rich. Will 'maintain property as if owned and make small improvements when necessary. Write BOX 134, SIGNAL -STAR. 24tf FARM WANTED.=PARTICULARS, price, etc., in. first letter. Write - BOX 10, SIGNAL -STAR. ° - 24-6 SEWING. ;ALL KINDS AT 'PRI- VATE home. MRS,_ JACK GRA- HAM, South street, four blocks off Square. . • 2'4x WANTED.—TO EXCHANGE A SIX- • ROOM house in Toronto for ,.ac- commodation in Goderich. Write P.O. BOX 635, or phone 530, Goderich. 23-5 WANTED, TO M Y.—A .HOUSE IN Goderich. Write P.O. BOX 815, Goderich. 24tf WAITRESS WANTED. — `APPLY BEDFORD HOTEL. -25 ANTED TO RENT. OFFICE spa -Fe two or more ineda,um-sized rooms on ground floor level, for pro- fessional man. Apply P.O. BOX 696. 425-6 WANTED.—GIRL, FOR GENERAL YY • housework omit to assist with children; sleep. in • or out. $12 to $15 per week: Write BOX 13, SIGNAL - STAR. . z 25x WANTED.—AN ANNEX FOR AN electric stove. Apply 18' Cameron street. 25x WANTED. — SMART, RELIABLE girl twelve to, fifteen years old, to assist in light .housework, for July and August. Apply BOX 14, SIGNAL- STAI,I.. • ry25-6x Thos: KOviak PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and , Exterior PORT ALBERT. (R.R. 3, Goderich) SHOES - REPAIRED & CLEANED Quick and Courteou Service All Work Guaranteed C. J. Bridgwater EAST ST. 22.5x A Holiday f Hazard, Q'hia year, , dont tale a chance on summer complaint spoiling your vacation. Be pre- pared by taking along a sup- ply of DOCTOR FOWLER'S EXTRACT o WILD STRAWBERRY. At the first • sym tom of diarrhoea, intes=• tinal pains or summer ebm- plaint, take; the prescribed amount of this pleasant and ^ effective remedy. 'You'lI be agreeably surprised how quick- ly it works aild how much beth -you feel. DOCTOR FOWLER'S EXTRACT or WILD STRAWIIEERlt is an old fancily medicine, widely ucec • for neatly a century. Price 50e a bottle at all drug counters. he T. Matra Ce„ Ltd., ° °roniio Ontario 41111 -,RS AY, JUNE 2 bxW € TENDERS WANTED ITEND.ERS PO w ! COAL AND COKE 1 ealeral. - ulidings--Province of Ontario S EA.LED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Tender • for Coal," will be received until 3 pan. #' (E,D.S.T.) , Friday, June 28, 19' I, for the supply of coal and cope for the Dominion • Buildings throughout the 'Province of ' Ontario. Forms of tender with specification and conditions attached, .can be cob - tabled from. the Purchasing Agent, De. partment of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising "Architect; 30 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the 'forms ,supplied by the , Department and in accordonee with departmental specific. ations and conditions attached thereto. goal dealers' lit, ense numbers must be given when tendering. ,, The Department reserves the 'right to demand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a "security deposit in the form of a certified cheque 'on a chartere 'bank In Canada, made payable to the" order ,egthe Honorable the Minister. or Public Works, equal to 10 per Cent. of the amount of the tender, or bearer bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to -principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and .a certified cheque, if required to make tip an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the piper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department -of Public Works, -'©'ttdwa,: Jrnie 7, 190.__ TENDERS. rxTenda"t 7 .1 txr� eiv` e 4M' s h X for the sole privilege of selling score cards at our banner race met on August. 5.. A certified cheque for 25 per cent. must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. OSWALD GINN, Sec'y., 25-6 P.A. Box 141, Goderich. 1 BUSINESS NOTICES BUY RAGS, GOOSE 'AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household articles,, I repair sewing machines. C. WOODS. 12 East street. Phone 242J. 13tf CARD OF THANKS MRS. MURRAY MCDOUGALL AND, Mrs. John Walker wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown their dear mother and sister during . her last - illness. Special thanks to the 'nurses' and staff of Alexandra Hospital, 14ir. ;find Mrs, Frank Curry and the staff of the Bed-, ford Hotel, and to all, those who sent floral tributes or loaned their cars for the funeral. -25 ASFIFIELD ORGANIZED --NO- -R-TEMPERANCE • At a meeting held in the United church, Crewe, -a branch of the Ontario Temperance .Federation was organized far the township of Ashfield, ,with'of- ficers appointed as follows : President, Bert,llfeWhinney, R.R., 3, Dungannon ; vice-president, T. A. Cameron, R.R. 7, Lucknow; secretary, Russell . Alton, R.R., 7, Lucknow ; treasurer, Ewart Jamieson, R.R. 7, Lucknow. Representatives - by polling-, tub- CURRY'S BAKERY o a The Rome of Tufty V4stry q WEEK -END SPECIAL ..LEMON PIES , 30G eaolt JUNE IS HERE with its Brides and Roses. That means . WEDDING CAKES , Please /Place your order early. All orders of $1.00 or' over • delivered. A Q•. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, Proprietor. divisions are: No. .,' Dungannon, &[lis. Melvin Reed, Dungannon; No. 2, 9t% school, Ernest Blake; R.R. 7, Lucltnow°, 0, Zion` school, Jacob• Hunter, R.R. 3, Lucknow ; No.' 4, Port Albert, Ralph, Foster, R.R. 3, Goderich; No. 5, Kings- bridge, to be .appointed; No. 6, Hem- lock City, John Parrish, R.R. 7, Luck - now ; No. 7, Laurier, to be appointed. MOSS—JOHNSTON A pretty wedding took place in Luck - now when Rev. ' H. ?.' Dann of Soutta Kinloss Presbyterian church united in marriage Doris Evelyn, di'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston, Holy rood, and Albert Arthur Moss, son of Fred Moss, Auburn, and the late Mrs. Moss. The bride looked charming in a street -length frock of white silk jersey. Her only ornament" was a gold locket and chain. Her bridal bouquet was red roses and fern. The couple were unattended. After the oeremony thesswvedding dinner_ wee _ssel ved at _the home of the - bride's• -patents Mie,: ohnston, : the bride's- niothenf received a . _ a. ;en b1 .n ihev ti h in st e co uwe � 4 cloth - with corsage , of pink carnations and fern. The dining room was decor- ;aterl` .vt ;tlt ink :nu vh c _ stve€ lin s,.�_ YK { was served by Misses Helen and . Georgina Mills, of Goderich, nieces. of the bridegroom,=.and Miss Audrey Mur- ehey, Holyrood. Immediate relatives numbering fifty were present from Barrie, Bright, Goderich, . - Wingham; Holyrood and Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Moss left for a honeymoon at Niagara Falls. ,The bride chose for travelling an ensemble in American beauty shade with black accessories.: iUpon their re- turn they will reside on the bride- groonn'15 farm near Auburn. — PICTURES For Wedding Gifts — Showers and Birthdays BEAUTIFUL" FLOWERS AND LANDSCAPES Framed in Gold and, Ivory. Also New Serving Trays. BMrTH'SART AND GIFT STORE EAST'ST. - -,-PHONE- 1-3S . Lawn Mowers Sharpener Prompt Service ALSO LATHE WORK Evenings After 5 p.m. KEN. ALLIlV FROCK ST. • 15tf IRLS! fi• , A GOOD JOB is plaiting for YOU ! -'�► EXCELLENT PAY , �•-� PLEASANT.__ WORKING CONDITIONS • 1V Q --EXPERIENCE NEEDED —p► _EARN _ WHILE YOU' LEARN J o A PERMANENT! Y ,INTERESTING I An exceient opportunity for girls to learn a fight, clean interesting trade, operating seamless half -Bose' knitting machines. This is' °YOUR chance! Enquire right awa7! ;`i 111111111.11111 HOLE'PROOF HOSIERY COMPANY OF CANiADA, LIMITED EAST STREET • GODERICH Phon© 9160 • ' MIS • a rowerprayingOrchard S ra i Killing Weed Whitewashing. • Warble Fly . -Agent for J..K. Crani' and Co. (chemical division) RT, 2-4-D weed killer, Rotenon Powder (warble fly control)- , •r • ward W. Elliott POWER ,.,.SREA SYING BOX 293 • CLINTON 2,3-35 . PHONE 203' s °