The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-20, Page 8PAGE EIGTO
Fine ;Success for
£liuton's: SStock Show
Neatly .h Tee Taovfxand PQop10
Attend a Now aomimmic
Tito Clinton spring stoeis show, poag-
poned u week;, on account of weather,
101: nothing f the kiustk,onetnt;ilt,
aic'arly 3,900 people being present. en
Thursday hast at Clitttuu s new Cunt-
It iuuity-< loris to see splendid exhibits
O itoracs, cantle and swine. ,
Jahn ,c\, Carroll, superintendent of
agricultural societies tar Ontario, aloe
{liar 'adttirer',a utheially opening the tuow
and eS.teudeU congratulations to tile
Marna Ceutral Agricultural Society,
:which. this ,year for the rust time as,
tanned' sponsorship or. the show.
The roan who touuUeU the Clinton
show forty-one years ago? Dr. J. W.
Shaw, reminisced a little fur the crowd,
telling hum the nrat i?huws were hen/
on town streets LUT Want ui Lair
-'There were more horses in those
days, for it was belure the tune ut cars
or tractors, but the quality uL animals
entered today is Just as high as it was
in these early clays," Dr. Shaw as-
The prize list:
Stallion foaled in lily:—T. J. Mc -
Nicholl, Seafurth; Charles Lindsay,
Clinton., 2nd and 3rd.
Stallion foaled iu 1:344--Q. L.
Switzer,, Clinton. ,,..
Percheron ur Belgian foaled in 1942
—J. cNichull, 1st and 2nd.
Filly ur gelding foaled 1u „19-1:;—M.
F. Ixepburu, at. Thomas; Fraser
Dewar, Atwood; 'Taylor 3rothers,'
Grand Valley.
Filly- ur gelding foaled in 1943—
.- eater- Gicdhaina,:-ald rto
„la'illy gelding1iut1ed in 1044—John
'remi n,, .liipperl:
.Team in Harness—M, F. Hepburn,
St. `Thomas; Taylor Brothers, Grand
Valley, Nile Shiantz, Plattsvillq.
-t rnisio i wand i et3erve—M,
General Plirpose
itlly__`_4r�` ge ing ossied 1942-=J'o '`
Kreis, Mitchell; Clayton Rdbinson,
Mitchell, '2nd and 3rd.
Team in l\arness—John :Breis, Clay-
ton Robinson.
• agricultural
Brood mare—Fraser. Dewar, Atwood
Charles Lindsay, Clinton:
-- Filly or gel4iin3, foaled 1942—M..F.
Hepburn, Leonard Listinan, Main Bro-
thers, Bright.
Filly or gelding foaled 1943—Taylor
{. arot`.ovs, s'ro,e,' 4314
j oidi .lj ' Ze led 1 a' -'T 1Yter
lkln oatlaert iiia or .powar.
Toam 9111 b4rutas s----Xl. k o ,ahtrr A
Leonard Listt>u u, Main 1 Votlae:ss.
Champion in claw$- M. S?', kk'2°lak�atrat.
Ite.t ervo----d,c,.?A),`:3rdd Lint au. —
A'elsrhore n ;naafi UTIg ttann
Stallion foaled. 1,942--T. J. McNichol",
16t anti :and.
Filly .ur gelding failed 19.42 --Leon-
ard. Listinan, Fred Utcgg, Salford;
.. D. Robinson, Ingersoll.
Filly ur gelding foaled 19,13—Fred
Fills. or geldint foaled 191•1 -&Tarry
Bolger, Walton ; Leonard d.Dinsluure,
Teain in harness -Leonard Listuaan,
1st and :.'Illi ; .£. 19 Robinson.
Champion and reserve _4-, Leonard
I.istmau. .
Four ht1r;e tandem—M. l''. >kieliburu,.
Leuuard Listitntu, Robinson ' Iareis.
stock. •
Siegle roadster in harness—J. L.
Wright, Listowel; L. L. 'Thibaudeau,_
Listowel, 2nd and 3rd. •
.Single roadster in harness ,under
15-2—Wallace Munro, 1st and .24a1..24a1.Carriage team—Wallace. Munro.
Roadster team—Wallace Munro, L.
L. Tbibaudeau.
Single hackney' ou the line—Wallace
Muuro, William Mayberry, 2nd and
Two'year-old hackney-- W. M. Mc-
Dougall, Walkerton.
Hack}ey tandem—Wallace Munro.
Gentlemen's turnout—J. L. Wright,
Wallace ZduiS£•o, William Mayberry.
Lady driver — Wallace Munro,
Charles Burrill, J. L. Wright.
Saddle horse—Syd Taylor, London ;
Charles Burrill, Alvin McGee, Guderic h.
Hurdle juutpiug—Alvin McGee, (lode -
rich ; Charles ,]Burrill, Bud Qke, Gode-
_Kich ,
H(rz seLL °isidtit�nm wo uian—Mrs__ 1:u
liras, Woodgook ,. 4,eau ; cN ughtifiti
Walk& ttah... :. ,, _
Half mile rea 1 race -J. 1. Wright,
Wallace Munro, L. L. Thibaudeau.
. Half , mile runiling..race—Alvin Mc-
Gee, Guderieh; Harry Oke; }Toward
Layman, Kippen,
LJiQn&ir'�' OES
Single, hackneyy under der 15 -.»--®Wallace
Munro, Enrbro; William Mayberry,
Woodstock; Charles Burrill,
rniURSDAY, wth, 1 0
PAW- M e* K. 0..D NOW '
01,111 o%O.,9 TO sef THAT. THIS
N • extra eh rge for the use
of bur Funeral Home, Toron-
toStreet. • -_-
Prompt Aabulance
Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7.
,Ajen$ber, THE
As It Should. Be
Our funeral home,
is truly a hoarse. It's
located near other
homes, it is cheerfully,
informally, .,old com-
fortably furnished 9 it
provides the' •atnnos-
liere of a private
residence, and at the
s,nie time the special
facilities of . a funeral
13 MONTREAL" ST. .PHONE. 120 ri
::::::T: Henr, LuckTorontoHuronit
ed uill & Son, Trus-
Open sow—John Powell, jr., sea- Have Old-time
forth; W. C. Montgomery,- Walton;
W. Turnbull & son. Baseball Races and Other Events
-Aged boar rW: e.---iou±gume3y,
Turnbull, Alvin Betties, Bayfield.
,Bear over one year—W. Turnbull,
Alfred\V&trner, Baylield;
Sow over one year -W. Tt'lrnbull,
John Powell, J. W. Smith, Brussels.
, Pen of four bacon hogs—Alfred
Buchanan, Clinton. -
Pen of two bacon hogs—Aldem Crich,
Clinton ; Arnold J amiesou, Clinton ;
W. R. Lobb & Con, Clinton. .
Bull calved in,,1944—R. M. Peck &
Sons, Kippeu ; W. E. Parker, Watford;
Kinsman Bros., Cromarty.
Bull calved in 1945—M. W. Staple-
ton, Seaforth; W. E. Parker, troy F.
Pepper, Seaforth.
first three- prizes. -
lleifer calved in 1945—W. E. Parker,
1st and 3rd; R. M. Peck,'Ltarich, 2nd.
i3u11 calved in 1944—W. S. O'Neill,
Dentielcl ; H, C. Wright, Crow
e'13nce,r--, -Lczvairioirr _
ctilatilLin 1945—George Ken-
nedy, W. 3. , O'Neill, George Keine
Ileifer calved in 1944—George Ken-
nedy, \V. S. O'Neill, H. -C. Wright.
Heifer caly-ed iu 1945=•W. S. O'Neill,
1st and 2nd; 11. (2: Wright.- 1 close behind. boys twelve years and
Aberdeen -Angus were nobly represented by,
Bull calved in hill -Edward Bro Bernard O'Keefe, wife won the race,
tilers, Watford, 1st and 2nd. , and Ernest Carter, who gave Bernard
Bull calved in 1945—Edward Bro- ti run for his money. Robert -McKenzie.
triers, L. B. \\'eldoln, London; F. G. was the -first across the tape among
Todd, `Lot kiiu�v ; \\': H. Thom & Son, the boys sixteen and under. Ronald
Auburn. McC'utcheon tame- in second- and Don -
Heifer calved in 1944-- . B. Weldon, Me'\ ay third,
Edward. Brothers, 'F. 'G. add. • The big open' race for girls was- a
Get of sire under two B. Weldon, star attraction and Mrs. McKellar
clipped off the distance in 'nothing flat
to take 4he honors that Betty O'Keefe
just nnissetL--by running second. The
open race for boys was afeature,- as
Wes. McCutcheou had vowed he'd re-
deem the honor of N girth Huron after
that baseball game, But alas and
alack ! Fred Elliott care° steaming in
ahead of hint. • car
• -The novelty 'contests. were• more fun
than the proverbial picnic. Mrs. Me-
('reath won the time. and distance
race s Mrs. McKellar won the peanut
and spoon race with Mrs. Wickens
taking second place; Mrs. Gould showed
that it :takes a woman to hit the nail
on the head when she won the nail
ilulsteiii cow—Dick Jacob, Clinton;
and hammer contest, and 'Mrs. •Mc -
J. \W . \•r.inEgnnoutl, Clinton, 2nd and
Heifer, two years and under three --
J. \V. . a.nEguiund ; Allen Betties.' -
Heifer, one year and under'"• two -s -
Dick Jacute; Allen Betties, 2nd and
;trtl; .1. W. VanEgmond, 4th.
Baby Beet --110 t -o �5U pounds --Ed-
ward tiros., 1'. G. Todd, \V. I . Parker;
Rake a Fine Program
of ,Sports
()n Friday, June 14th, the Huron
MAFE-SING, June 18,—Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hallam and family and Miss
Steep, of,Auburn, were guests on Sun-
.. - day ..witM1l,r -.and_-Mr•s,Chiis.- I allam.-
Mr. and rigs. S. B.. Stothers and
Stephen, of Arthur, spent Wednesday
of •last week at the farm
"Moores --of Lon dons—is—a. _g test
Old Boys' Association of Toronto re-
sumed its pre-�var practice of holding.
au annual picnrtic 'complete with base-
ball; .races and lucky draw.
The limonites gathered in High Park
about 5 o'clock and civil war- soon broke
out as a baseball game got under way
between -North and South Huron. Fred
Elliott's South- Huron "Wildcats"
trounced Wes. McCutcheon's North
Huron " Inviticibles" to the tune of -
8 -3,
8-3, .aid if it hadn't been for the
interrupting call to tits picnic tables
it's hard to say what that score might
�fii -e `been. - a
After supper the races got under
way. Two little ladies, Lucille White
and Sandra McKellar, fought it out for
top honors in the race for all under five
•ears b Llchle.._.,wo i- The boys
eight and under ran a hard race, Paul
McCutcheo;i winning but with 'Leland
White -and Philip-.J.itckau. right on his
heels. Valerie Carter won the race
for girls twelve_ and under, but Gay
Lowndes and Joanne Housway were
Guaranteed worknianship at
1,s -ices that will please you.
Call at our office; Phone 242J or
drop us a line to pox 161, Gode-
rich. We will be pleased to call
and help chorose A suitable mem-
orial for your family plot.
St. Andrew's St.
ave you
Perhaps_ you have put o0' -too
long -the purchase of a monument
or marker for y..ur loved one.
Now is the time to pay yotftr debt
to the memory of. those .who
meant sp much to you but are no
longer here. May we, help you
in your choice of a memorial?
T. Pryde & Son.
Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth
Phone 41J Exeter or Write us
and .we shall be pleased to call
at your convenience.
galiou� Ailack-r
Liycr- CornpainI
13iliouaneaa is just another nan 1.
fort 'clogged or ,sluggish liver. It
is a very common complaint, but can
be quickly remedied by -stimulating
the flow of bile. This softens the
accumulated mass, the poisons are
carried out of the system, and the
liver and bowels are relieved and
toned up.
Milburn 'a Lata -Liter Pills quicken
and enliven the sluggish liver, open-
ing up every channel, by canning a
fret flour of ialtr and thus cleansing
the liner ci the clogging impurities.
They ate small and early to talto.
Do not gripe, wealten or sicken',
I 4i
Zlitti� .. `lY r ut '
��} a
of her niece,' }Ctrs. Cecil Johnston. 'this
week -end.
Mrs. Jos. McCann, Nile, is spending
this week with her daughter, Mrs. Geo.
..The ---Blake's -Sunday _ school picnic
will be held at Kintail. Beach on Mon-
day evening, June 24th. Bring lunch
and enjoy a community supper at •the
lake. M1Everybody welcome.
'Painful, Pus Filled: Boils.
the -Cause of Much rter
If ,yoh- ander fraari ho1I' �yoti'`knOvit liovrsic -fid
miserable they made you feel:
Boils are an outward indication of impurities in •
the system, and just when you think you are rid of
one another drops up to take its place and prolong -
your misery. -All the Iancing and poulticing you can do may not stop' there
help yercoline boils- you -should purifythe blood, so why, not - give
that old, reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood . Bitters, a chance to show
what it will do in helping you get rid of them? Thousands have used it for
this purpose for the past 60 years. Why not you?
The T. 11%iillYurn Co,., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
ow! The motoring thrili ofa lifetim
Faiward -Brothers,
Sweepstake bull of Hereford, Short-
horn and Angus --\V. S. O'Neill.
Champion Shorthorn 17u11=It. 3I,
Peck & Son, Klppen.
Champion beet heifer calf—D. B.
'Weldon, Loudon.
Best exhibit of livestock owned and
exhibited by one exhibitor fruit Burrett,
Stanley, Gudericli, and _ Tuckersrnith :
R. \1. l'eck, Stanley township, with
Shorthorns; C. J, Carmichael, Hullett
township; Roy Pepper, Tuckersmith
Bull, one year and under two—Allen
Betties, Baytield. •
Kellar won the respect of all by getting
'first place in the 'needle and thread
contest, as did Mrs. Wickens by win-
ning the kicking shoe contest.
The draw for prizes was naturally.
an exciting event; as everyone kne'iv
the prizes were • to _be two pairs of
nylons and two hauls. - Airs. Roy
Lonnswhy and Mr. Ii. C. Sloan won the
nylons and Miss Ilills and Mrs.
5;i1) to OM pounds, Edward Bros., \V Wickens were able to take home the
E. Parker, t'. G. Todd.bacon---or rather the ham.
Finished Beef Steer -•--- over 850
----Edward Bros. F. G. Todd. ,r
ptllln(1 ,
The picnic is over Jor another year,
but the IIuron' ()l -d Boys' Association
of Toronto will ineet regularly until
Holstein bull, yearling—Aden Betties., .Mother picnic time rolls around.
Bas field. Ilitronites love -picnics and it is signifi-o
Low --Lick Jacob, -Clinton ; J. W.
Vanr.gui4,nd, 2n(1 and 3rd.
-- Helier under three—J., W. V.anEgs
maul, Mien Botha*.
_ eifer yearf ixg :'hick . J zc(l . t� l epi GSBR ID Et:
'Betties -2nd and 3rd. ,
Special event of three draught horses
- from any: one township was won by
-M. F. Hepburn, with" Taylor Bros.
2nd and Leonard Listman -3rd.
The half -mile race for saddle horses
was aeon by fifteen -year-old John Don-
aldson of Goderich, riding Peter, owned
by Alvin McGee, with Bud Oke- of
Guderich coming second on Champ.
cant that, it took something as catas-
trophic as the war to bring a temporary
lull. in their picnicking activities.
Membership in a ierviee club is a
mark of good citizenship, according
to officials of the Department of Na-
tional health and Welfare, Ottawa.
()ire senior official' said: "A service
club 'is just �a bunch of the best of
fellows banded together for The good
of the community., Theirs its the spirit
which "gets things done, and, as they
strive for tetter environment, they
advents., each one,. to happier and
httnitbier lig ins."
O. an ()1►t,esSi l ,'
e 1itot l t ' (1.o' tub i
KINGI4BR•IDGE, June 18. -- Mrs.
(Dr.) Casper and Mrs. Murray of
Detroit are spending a few days with
their mother, Mrs. M. J. O'Connor.
Mr. Frank Sullivan returned home
on. Saturday after visiting for two
weeks with friends in Detroit.
Father Dean's -Death Is Mourned. --
This community was. shocked on Sun-
day to hear of the death of Rev. Father
Deans of Port Lambton, :although' lila
condition fiad been reported as serious. t
Father bean .was born here sixty-nine
years ago. After his ordination • to
the priesthood he was parish" priest at
St. Augustine, thein in his hotpe'pa:rish,.
Kingabridge, and frcinn here he went
to Port Lambton twenty tsars ago,
Ile was a friend to all. and the singer-
est sympathy is extended- -to • tite sor-
rowing relatives. -
1)ealer---Yes, furs have gone up in
price ,lately. enrstomer- = I suppose it
Ioost , Ole anintalsthan it.
9,tae � I ,i`l tl • 1 ` t { Y
{ :11• hl1 ilt- A
�I1j{ '
You've never seen anything like it because there's never been may.
thing like it! All,yon'vs.everhopet for in any highlest gasoline; PLS'
a uniquenew sm�dn�tss—a uniformityuniformity of high knookless performance
in all cylinders that is not excelled by any otlher gasoline. at anypr ae l