HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-24, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES. Is -published every Thursday morning,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Muth -street, nearly opposite Fitton's Jewelery Store,Rxetor, Ont.,by John 'white a: Sou, Pro - Reese oe ADVBATOGN. : First insertion, per line 10 oeuts. Each eubsenneat insertion,per liflO 3 emits, To insure insertion, advertisements should Bo Seat in oetleter than Wednesday niormog„ ChM 3011 PRINTINQ DRFARTUENT is one of the largest and best equipped, in the County of Murex'. All work entrusted, to us will receive) our 'prompt attent Val; Decisions ltegnralfug News., papore. Ane xenon who takes paperrenularly from the post -office, whether directed ia he name or anothers. or whether helms subscribed or not is responsible for payment. S. If a person orders his paper discontinued he roust pay tU arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole Rtneilat, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 In suits for subscriptioos, the suit may he instituted in the place where the paper is pub /idled, although the subscriber may reside hundreds ol miles away, 4 The courts have deeided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud, he troter 1,1105. Tux Toronto iliaa expresses our sentiments in regard to the carrying out of the Scott Act, when it claims that the Liaoal Government should explain the rerteon wby they have ne- gleetea to authorize their officiate to Joe that the law is enforced. It has the goutrot of ail the local machinery for the auforcerneot of all laws, aud why does it not put the machieery into operation to enforce line law., The Dainiaiou Gevekinnent has sof 1 fered blame for not making provident, for the enforcement of the law, but as they have appropriated money to cerry prosecutions agaiust violet ore And instructed their officiate to see that the law is respected, it re. Maine for the Coterie:Government to eet to work and sea that their aMoials do all iu their power to enforce the law. Tim Mail gives the following "WM ACT UNFORDEMENT, At the prohibition convention in session this week cotnpleinta were made that the Scott Act, where oarri ed, has not been vigorously enforced. T.Tutil the Liquor License Act was paeeed and license commissioners were appointed, the ,Oonamion &ovate- ment had not the maohinery with which to euforoe the measure; nor cauld the Goverumsnt, even after the THURSDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1885. 1 sFeointinentof commissioners, under - nn take any expenditures in enforcing ' the prohibitory provisions of the AO, in abeence of a vote from Parliament to meet the Mite. Last session the Micister of Inland Revenue asked for an appropriation to meet the difflonitY and secured tt. .A.e a result the fol— lowing circular has been hailed to chairmen of Boards of License, corn— raiseioners by the Department of Inland Revenue: "Sin—I am directed by the Eon, the Mn. ister to inform you that the intimation con Toyed to your Hated. before Parliament has made an appropriation for the enforcing 0 the provis.ons of the Canada Temperance Act, that prosecutions must not be entered upou unless security for costs were forth. coram, s nolonger to direct your actions. The department is desirous that in all dis— tricts m which that Act is in force, no /art shoad be spored on the par: of Government officers loyally and faithfully to tarry out tlie provisions of the tato," "E. Mr t Commissioner Lit." This explains the position of the Dominion Goyernraent with reference to the matter. It now remains for the Ontario Government to explaiu why, with all its license machinery, ite commissioners and inspectors, its control of the local pollee, the Crown proaeoutors, the police, magistrate', and justices of the peace, it failed to take any steps in the matter,—Tor— onto Mail. EDIT ORLIL .NOTES. IN Galt $20,000 worth of new buildings have been erected during the present year. In Milton it ie impossible to get a house to rent; and and in every town large building operations are in progress and values are improving. Eincardiuo Standerth--Tholie who have children attending school have teemed the coat of Hon. G. W. Ross' control of the education department by paying 10 ciente for a book that can be produced for 2} cents, and and fifty for a boon that can be pro- duced for fifteen, TRH Wif1811801 Advance takes ers eeptiou to our statement that the Trues is the oldest paper in the county under the one proprietorship exempt the Expositor, and says it has changed. hands onve ohne inaugura- tion. The Trues is one year in "ad- vanoe" of our cetera, and is still un- der the control of the founder, John White, couaaquently it has not cluing - ea hands, and our statement is cor- rect. (Five in, brother. HENRY GEM= is of the opinion that land oaunot be rightfully owned. Thus the farmers of Ontario aro not entitled to their farms, and their ejectment, if decided upon by a legis. lature of I1r. George's way of think— ing, would not be robbery. And so with city property; the artisan who has laboured to secure a little home, can, because his propeity is in land, be turned adrift, according to Mr. Geoige's doctrines, without compen— sation, and this robbery would not be robbery but justice. --- A Montreal telegram says:.—Some idea of the superstition of the lower class of French Canadians may be gathered from the fact that pictures of St. Roche, with a prayer on the back, are having a rapid sale as a protection from small -pox. Grownup men and women, girls and lade wear them at their work, firmly believing the efficacy of the protection, though they have no faith in vaccination. When they pass a placarded house the picture card is held up and the prayer muttered. Strange to say, they catch the small -pox all the same. Tua injury which has been inflict. ed on the wholesale business of Montreal, owing to the small pox epidemic, will probably be permanent, especially in reference to the West,— which is ruppiying its wants in Lon— don, Hamilton and Toronto; the wholesale houses in which have successfully seized their opportunity to "mare a trade wbioh is naturally theirs. No doubt the western whole - salient will make things so pleasent to their new customers that a resort to Montreal in future will be unneces- sary. A gentleman representing a large American patent medicine firm made us a bnsinese call last 'week. In the course of conversation he said that hie house was just on the point of opening a branch manufactory in Canada when the question of ono - meroa1 union loomed up. The idea was at once laid over for further coin sideration, for, as our caller put it, with commercial union there would be no need of a Canadian branch; the goods would be put up in New York and sent here. He also said that if the proposed union were consummat- ed many American branch foctoriee now employing labor in Chia country would be closed and the business con- centrated across the tine, the same as before the present tariff went into operation. We give the above for the consideration of our friends favor- able to commercial nnion.—Inclge— town Standard. 10-10111.0-41 SMall•PDX in Ha/HM(4h Hamilton, Sept. 22.—There is u case of email pox in Hamilton. Michael Redding, a young Irish laborer, came here froth Montreal. A. week ago Monday he was taken sick, Towards evening it was dis- covered that he had small pox, Dr. Ryall, Medical Health Offioer, was notified, and about 8 o'clock in the evening the sink man was taken to a disused engine house some sixty yarde in rear of the House of Refuge. He is isolated there. So far the disease has only developed in a mild form. The Chairman of the Board of Health has given orders not to allow Any inmates of the Homo to go out without first having their clothing thorougbly disinfected. - - 4 Not ParFrom Home. News Condensed. — — At Goderich on Thursday morning the marriage of Miss Lena Cameron, eldest daughter of M. C. Cameron, Esq., to Mr. John Galt, of Moncton, N. B., nephew of Sir A. T. Galt, was celebrated with great pomp and sir- cumetance. Mr. J. H. Scott, of Kincardine, has been elected a member of the ex— ecutive committee of the Mechanics' Institutes' Association of Ontario, and Mr. A. A. Manoing, of Clinton, has been chosen vice-president of that body. At a meeting of the Executive of the Scott Act Association, on Friday, it was decided to hold a mammoth demonstration in Clinton on Tuesday the lath of Oct. Arrangement. are being made to secure addresses from some of the best speakers on temper— s ce. The barn and sheds of Mr. Hugh Thompson, the noted cattle breeder, on the south-eastern bouudry of Si. Mary's, were destroyed by fire early on Tuesday morning last. The barn contained the season's crops, which will be a very heavy losa to Mr. Thompson. How the building was set on fire is a mystery. On Tuesday evening of last , week Mr. ,Terepti Cook, a respected resi- dent of Kincardine, left bis home at a late hour and did not return. The family thought he had gone to some friends and that he would soon re. tarn. Falling to do this enquiries were set on foot, but without result. On Wednesday a body was obeerved floating on the water near the en- traece of the harbor, and on recovery it proved to be that of the missing man. A fatal accident happened in God , erich Thursday morning lest, just as (Motu), WHOOPING COUGH and Bron. the morning train was leaving for the chitis immeastely relieved by bhilohli Cure east, by which Mr. Thos. Wyatt, an old employee of the road, 100 his Sold by .1. W. Brownine. , ,—,emeentainesene.... Iife He woe engaged its doing some fixing beneath the cars, when they started, not knowing that he Was 1,1D- derueath, the wheels cuttiug off sue arm and jamming him ao badly that he died soon after. He leaves a !ergo A man named Rouleton and an accomplice have been arrested, charged with defrauding and Reemng farmers in Luther and Garafraxa West, by pratiMilitlEI bo Sell then1 township and couaty rights for the sale of patent washing machines and obtaining uotes for certain ittlIOUnts, which the agente would have 'sold at a discount at the first opportunity and leave the luckless parties to re- deem them at their leieure. Win- Kyle, the well-knowe whole - Belo tea and wine rnerohant of Well- ington street, Toronto, it appeare, was arrested Saturday for uttering a forged note for $200, knowing it to be snob. There as many other notes au the same position, and ru- mor has it that the total amount got from the banks on these forged notes, which were lodged as colliterel eecur- ity, is at, high as $25,000, but no 431114 thisto eXaggerated. Efforts were made Saturday to get Kyle bell- ed out, but as it was fixed at $10 000 in ilia CVM reeognizanees, and two sureties of $5,000 each, at could not be obtained, and he is now in gaol. The banks are determined to ee0Urb the arrest of Colin Munro, vbo ab- sconded last Tasaday, and detectives are taunting for itim in all directions. The hooka of the firm lia,ve been eeiz. ed by the bauk and placed in an aecountant'e hands. It is said they are iu a great muddle, It is mine - emery to say that Kyle's amid; has caused Emulation in financial circles. Bordering 071-137O—Miriilotii7—Mr. W. A,. Sherwood, of Stanwood, Miolugau, was a sur Terex from Kidney Complaints for four years. he was totally unfit for work. tried all the local doctors, took "cures" by the dozen. Two bottles of Dr. Carson's Stomach. Bit. tera made a new man of him. TEST YOUR BMW POWDER TODAY Brands adytuttett at absolutely puts censniesseexasr .ftsurarforws.a... THE TEST; rine ean top down on a het store u wit II b osted. thee nquevo uto cover sag mall, .4 await; wW net to ne *attired to detect the ineteeee et stitele DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS itaahrltrrISESS MS NEVER BM QrattriONTD. In a million homes for a quarter of a century It has steed the consenterle reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., MAKILMS OF Dr. Prico's Special Fluorin! Extracts, oho ,tronsest,rost &Wm sad natural Ilmerlutems.and Ir. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems or Light, Meant*, Bread, Tha Bost Dry Mop Yeast in the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. citicac0. ST. LOUIS. a tcOnfilEt EKON— FlArorist sPMC(, SPECIAL iZAVORIft EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and stroirst Natural Fruit. Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, range. Almond, Rose, etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. C. 8c S. G-IDLEY, UNDERTAKE -RS! Furniture Manufacurers C riToelloIr8 4031:70T,t4iimodpsr,:inudryixotuoliu:lowt ibthy kin°1xOrce4 !i1)4 than anything Q1150 tu A1140XION5 You fortune if you Start quie't. CITY NOVELyie4rlitaCouot,h,`..N. 8. To Canadian Advertisers. We will iusert a One ineti Advertisement, Qno Month in 13 dailies 1 Tri -Weekly and 48 Weeklies of our SELECT LOOAL LIST of OR(- 1 an papers for *TO. 'ro those w'ao want ci r tt acivertisiug to paV. we eau Otter no better 7ne, (hum. Copy of List sent free on application. GEO. P. RQWELL & renWeintasEr: ADVERTISISU 10 Spruce Ht., Now York. litEWAR;011‘ COUNTERE'EITS, GILES' LINIMEXT IODIDE AMMONIA. The speediest and most certain weiicine in the woild. ALL FA.MILISS USE IT. Weak Back, Entargea Johns, Paialysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheris„ Sciatica., Prolapsus, LTburei, Female Weseeees. Tbe l*T.t, Una ma.) e..3.ttAkiit YOMeily to relieve nein of all kiwis, no iivitter of bow loop stand - tug. Instant relief gintrasteed erinpes. Swot. len Jo -us, Varicose Veins. Bites of Insects et Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is clean era eweet ; will not INK,Ans.ciTion ar'rum StPxuYs, BRUMea tliasaoa.pialuttos. inoontitionoe ab 1.1rine, Is tuemity Liniment in the worm possesSing a i- terative powers. Can 1 -ti taken internally; ottrail OtanlIts end Colic, Diarrhoea and Dys. ontetT. SOT,S SYtia, DiuloaSera, TittAI, BUTYL'S 25a. Write Dr. Hiles. box 3,432, Y. „ who will give advice an all disease.; free of obarge. PrItewsro of UtlaertipeleUS dealers u lid coun- terfeits. The Reniiinellea the name blown in the glass and, Tao sithilte et tile discoverer's name over each cork. 05L458` Istrnoven Ha'SPPANK SC,41-41tEr4AUI4t 1111(11•11,71,011VF:. Do Nivr Gams. They 4+0 COMpOSOtt entirely VI vee table sub. stanees. and can he taken at all saisons of the year without restriction 55 to bet o- clothing. or alld isonlers of the Stomach, laver. Dowels. 46. P(.40, 254, per box. C. Lurz, Agent Rxeter, Ontario MAC KINAC. SUMMER TOUR sum Palace nisamsrs. Lew Ratti. Wear Tris Da Walt attire= DETROIT AND MACKINAC " Ana Sway Was Day Daman DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 11 Itxj. oar "Picturesque Mackinae? Illustrated, Contains rail Partial:rt. Staital Pm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Moro Coo &C. D. WHITC0MI. Otts. PASS. Asi,, DETROIT. Molt. NORTHERN PACIFI R. R. LANDS !IIn Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon - talia, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, Fro= Lake Superior to Paget Sound, At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6' per acre, on 5 to 10 years time. This is the Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. FREE littivragePtu Volt= ;Zig and Timber Culture TAWS NOTE —10.818.433 Acres ent MOM: THAN HALF ot ail the Public Lauds diaposed of in la.,%*t, were in the Northern Pacific country. Books and Maps sent rune, describing the Northern ramie country„the Railroad Lands for Sale and the FREE Government Len", Address,Cli AS. B. LAMBORN. Land Colter. N. P. 11. if., St. Paul, Minn. ateeentir.V7? —A FULL STJOIC OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wauts • We have one of the very best HearSes in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low ,prices. How Lost, 1 -Tow Restosed. 'V, it.tve recentl: 0 :Wished a new whition '5 I .R.,1,11,VETi 1 SAN ell the 1-11.4iell3 Ofleel,e1P1 Curt, with. t 1D Heine501 ::(10'1 .14( ntalr rid physics) (alpaca) ,Itio,edau,.),t, to thee, ere.. ro-miting rom oNeosses, Mee, in sealed ,.i)volcilw, cents ,o3 two Dostsoo_ stare ps. The celebrated au thlr c,S tb i admirable es- say aloarly demonstrates, from thirty years' sueospsful practice. that alarm in g con setiri en. ces may be radically cured 'without the dang- erous use et internal medicines or the UNO of the knife; Point out a moue of cure at once simple certain and °Hecht' , by means of whtob every sufferer, no in.tttor what his con- ditionmay be,may cure himself ch.mply, pit vatelv and radically. t.. -"Thi lecture should be in the hands o/ ev. ery youth and every man in the land. Addrese THE CULVETWELL MEDICAL COMPANT, others, just Look! And II:Slaughters, tool( ,.. f' you will be delighted 'UL crowded with goods ; to look at Five Dress Goods, Rich.Plushes, Beau- tiful Silks, Satins, Merveillerms, Velveteens, Man– tle Cloths, all in ladies' wear. See the All -wool Grey Flannel for 25 cents at Banton Bros.' 'Young Men and Fathers, you, too, are welcome and we certainly have much to interest you. Spe- cial ixtention we make about our Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds ; very Dice goods an ex- ceedingly low in price. An immense range co and Stiff Felt Etats, the latest styles and shapes ; 4' Soft Over three hundred Ties and Scarfs to select from, from tic. up. Undershirts and Drawers, all -wool and heavy, thegreatest value to be had. Don't forget to call and see us., We deem it a pleasure to show you such value as we have never offered before. Everything is away down at RAWDON BROM We have -so many things to tell y o u 1 about regarding our New Fall Stock thak it would take half the side of this paper. To read about is very good, but to see is far better; so we cordially invite you all to call and see us. Come whether you want to buy or not. Ourstore is ZOOS AUTTSIVIN 4$404$0 MILLINERY OPENING! THE OLD ESTABLISHED WILL ON -- TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, 29th 8c 30th MAKE TtiEllt BEST DISPLAY OF Hats and Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, Ornaments, ecc. Flushes, Velvets and a variety of TrAnmings in all colors. MISS Doherty*, who fur the past three moons has successfully condipted this branch, again resutues, and will be more than delighted to have every lady in 'the village and surroundings give her a call. ta" "Grand General Opening" lime days, Everything corziplete, Everybody came. arArams PICKARD. GAZE ON TIII6 FOR THIRTY DAYS BISSETT BROTHERS OFFER TEN' FEB. CENT. 71011. CAS= OnIFORKS ofall kinds, CRADLES, SWATHS, SCYTHES, ETC. BINDING- GLOVES CHEAP. Machine Oils,Rock Bottom Prices American Water White and Canadian relined Oils away down. BISSErrir EROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. Tilos. FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches • And Train, are and to please the Most fastidious. warranted coKrect for Tirne, Tide, or Railroad JEWE xnEny That is Rich, ,Rare, Sparkling and Substantial Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children, Hus- bands, to., Etc. SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to. show Goods. .Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought t Time. ElgIILE5tY SY0LTEE SOCIZETLES• Pant Waco Bo: 440