HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-20, Page 2) obtrir �ignul-�ur Pas' by'' Signal -SW t're3:1, LiAs ted ptimi� ]dates r,, Canada and Great' Briliva, $2.00 year; to United - States, $2.Ci . •••• a0,41v44rtloint" ABates • on request. Autinerized as sea ond-class. mail, Post 0 ce • Department, nt, •0iGtaw a. Telephone 71 TuulitsIDaAlr, JUNiu 20th, 3.91G w TUE. FEDERATION OF -the puri)oes that lie behind this sue- . ...„.____ . s AvaticriavatE cession of strikes; but there can be no shadow. of doubt that the'st3M)U es It would be to very , short-sighted of work and. the confusion and loss notice her fixing and fussing around person- indeed who • could oat se© :the which they entail are suiting; ,exactly the ' flo 'er-beds and trilatle be at the tree and shrubs that have been more . apoStance of farmers and the farming the plans of the Cor amunists to" break ur Ie `rulaaiing wild for' the last five, Industry ill the life of Canada. 'In down the industrial aii4economic years. The `station agent reported at Huron county pa.rticulnrly we see now life of the country and supplant it the grist mill with a shake of his head 'that they were getting all kinds of closely rural and urban communities with a Communistic system' Lakes Pant ' and shrubs shipped ' in. Jbe are associated ,and hviv much"the avel- At ports all along the ca rent~ Gant .just shook his head 'and. said, fare of the farm means to the prosper- vessels are tied up with cargoes of ..The... won't lasts long if theyspend ity and well-being of the town. That grain which should be on its way their ruinitime not gardening: A farm qs for growing flowers on."Mrs. A. J. Cal., is visiting his cousin, farmers do not share in rightful faro- to feed starving people, or with. cargoes Joe's front yard has been distinguished 'Ferguson, and Mr. Ferguson. portion • in the national wealth is a of coal which is needed to keep wheels fur veal. ads braving the best annual Mr. Jas• Dawson of Detroit is visit - fact that is generally recognized, but turning for the manufacture , of the 'Crop ()f)ttrdoeks and sow thistles in lug his sister, Mrs. Amos Ball, and farming has Compensations that are necessaries of life? e7-1tbe poor- lyd tow -,ship. Mr, hall: It is tweltty-two years since You should' have seen 'that front left these beyond consideration 6f-- material .sal iafartiola to the strtkersl` to know 'yard equal this spring. There were Mr. Mr.; and Mrs. Rayl O'Neil and daugh- wealth. Farming is not merely a bust- that they have .von au. argument with tulips b!F' the hundreds. People used ter Lynn left ou Tuesday for Jasper, ness—it is a way of living, and happy the shipowners but have coutrlbuted just to drive by on this roadto get Alberta, where they will spend the indeed is the man who loves the rural t the distress of men and women and a look at them. They certainly looked next three months. life and is able to find .in it comfort t fidren who are in infinitely worse good. The local newspaper had a Mr. and Mrs. Haarry Rinderkiiecht, c ditiuu than they are themselves. picture of the front lawn in it and 1 jr., and Maynard, of Detroit, and Air. and a competency for himself and his somebody told me that a biggatrdening itnil JYr Clifford Brown, of Walton, magazine .had a picture of Milly and ' visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle at . family. - • e who e place as a front cover. + - Jtibile iu other industries men are ®'®�NG FOR COAL®�L thi went over last night to see about thMiv::e Mala Munro R.N., and JIiss reaching out for the material things There is a demand that the Federal sharpening the mower knife. Tommy Zeta Munro are holidaying at Wasaga and buttressing their economic posi-q beds a power sharpener. . Milly asked Beach. Government should adopt a, national me to take a look at the garden. Well, - Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, • tion, ..farniere have: gone on quietly fuel olicytl .whereby r~,oal° should .:ice s' Irv$ newel* ed into . a Ice �, - ver �_ He ri). inning's .,,... a p .. •. .. ,..,., .. ... i .t week.snd . u. e >a food ..., .. 1 g s- and -rod g` _ - - - -.. illiII their fields-- i it I see=tea �txe elle . i h __ ,. : ; .. t brou„h� from -l�u� a. -Sc Ia. Iii the Dust rte , .' In _ _ 9." jt xxr='+►f _Pui2tfers coil._ and 1lr.-t3ilcp tills, i: n oI. foe -their- feliur -c eU1iU mE.n .a d -in-the O , _ bout-ev'ery� Foss to klitX,(yf- •ower .1.,.loyd I titlrb of L-ontions:°,_....-..., � and_ Alberta West to the- central ;� - - aid -: ue letting . �.- . _in --,,that-: u-,-.- t .Jii zed ,- Cora _ A -.sec Hoti.-.wh,s.�li ,in-lh I+.ures s. --Other peoples offhe- wo g Provinces, Ontario and Gulches, which ' , any definite effort to improve their and white odes • . . and strange- Hall on Tuesday night in honor of Mr, have -been largely s,dependent on sup- colored iris flowers, and" pansies that and Mrs. 'Ted' Straughan (nee Marie own econotaie position. To remedy alias theited States. lun_ked. like little fairies-.peekiia up., , . Miner .m, Trona. LI,n . _ _.st _ _. _ ;stoked. _._.. g w Pro '''''';;;;g . _- _. r -:-osis ,,for dance., ,was yy. a Lr . S .l. � • ...�..y ...it .. _.. , -.- _ . _. lt_ .... < 4. 'n. .. .., .. _ w y,pj�jTa h�- _ iiia 'y� � . "� •� tk; Ike �i 0tt U beset An ad fez o� .. . .. _ .. .I~ d" y � �. o a, aitu � . . � ft a� m�gat- _ ... ... � Tho matttaraa red ) . lad the smell of the roses was really some- dress was read to the young couple by thing. It was warm and pleasant and Miss Norma Daer and a purse of T---must,eonfessK I--ha-t-edL to-- lease-- the money was presented to them by Dolly place. :1lilly was . quite proud of. it, _Beadle.. • " -'Tommy- came• along and slumped down "lower .Sunday" will be observed in a seat. He looked tired out from in Knox United Church next Sunday, working. - June 23rd. A,_'eb� ldre ' c-10, ,r ; v`i11 `•rhtEmtTi' ''alar,- -"Try ---nev°'•bereir ea''& ilia ervicef s ..00ng and- Rev. H. much of a man for flowers. When 1 J. nel1 will give the message. was a boy at home on the Tarin we ' Welcome Extended tot Returned Men. never paid much attention to such —A. reception was held • in Knox things. 'T'\ -e discovered one ,,thing, United church on Friday in however. When Saturday night comes honor of four returned men, Robert J. along and it's a pleasant night I'd a Craig, Leslie Nice, Wilbert Lawlor and darn sight rather sit down here than Clifford'.arter. " The latter two were I would go to town." unable to be present. The pastor, Rev. I think the Simpsons have some- 11. J. Snell, presided and also read the thing there. I know one thing they've Scripture and- offered prayer. A piano caused trouble for a lot of us men- duet was rendered by Margaret Jack - folks. Coir wives are beginning to say, sou and Evelyn RaithbY, a reading .'Well, if the Simpsons can have a nice by Mrs. A. Kirke,onnell •and a solo by place like they have, why can't we Miss Zeta Munro; readings, Mrs. Wil- too?" il- too" fred .Vesterfelt ; duet, Marion Taylor and -Laura May Letherland ; reading, ELECTORS SHOULD GOVERN A: Rollinson; duet, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer (Hanover Post) and Mrs. Sidney McClinchey. Accom• One of the chief objections raised to panists were Mrs. R: D. Munro, Mrs. the original recommendation of a G. Taylor and Mrs. H. Snell. Mr. county health unit was that it called Amos Andrew, ew, representing tlocal for the administration to be: placed in societies, extended a weieotlje to the -charge of an appointed, board, Midland, returned mere. Rev. Root& MacCennel Barrie, Sunnidaie,, Medonte, the town °ora behalf• of the ministers gave a short of_ Cts ilia; anti -,ta number o - they address. Refre llmeuts were served -at municipal' councils all protested 'this. the close of the • meeting. provision, feeling that administration W.M.S. Meeting. -1I3 s. Wellington should be made a direct responsibility Good gave her home for the June meet - of elected members ` of the County ing of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian. Council. Past Qexperience has shown, church. The meeting 'MIS 111 charge the dissenting resolution endorsed by the Orillia Council said, ,that generally appointed boards do not take the same interest in keeping down taxes as those elected and directly responsible to the electorate. There is na doubt that the r`y''y�1j C ,�•�1�aa}'Iyy�'�gnj. //�y���K TIITYI SE •Z. JUNI] 20ttl 1 • 0 os.IFE0 OF LAME MEADOW By Harry J. Soule • ,TUR' AtilW tees June 1 fi.—Alra. Alred • Astiuitb, who spent, tine winter with her daughter, Mrs. 0. 11. \IeIlfr eeaae, A EAlt51 GARD E Bownaanville, has returned to her home The t, )son fart, is the .envy. f here. 1, I 'lT,rs. Elmer Keller and datiighter • everyone well, almost everyone on th --,- Lucilleare visiting friends at Wood - concession. Tommy is a returned stoop. and ,Windsor• soldier and his bride was for some ` Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nutt of Stratford years an employee of a ttrgn of florists visited Mr. and Ws. T. Robison on in a big eity. ,They ,loved out of the, Sunday. etty anal' took over the old Petersen Mrs.� A. laarls has retul Iae(i to Tur- place last fall. unto after visiting ,liars. Wm. J. Milly immediately went to work. on onthit npaun. the grounds. Going to town, you would Mrs. John Grainger of Bruceileld spent ,,Tuesday with Mrs. Fred Ross. Visitors with 1ev, and ', rs. H. Snell on Tuesday Were Professor and Mrs. Kingston, of London, Mr: and Mrs, sI.'lunaseeel and Miss Eleanor Plutusteel,. of Clinton. , Visitors with Mrs. WPI. J. Thonipson over the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Guire, of Hart, Mich. Mr. James Ciciakey, of San' Diego, r 4 , "LS fIT organized the Federation of Agnelli - although ,it grgelil- although,it ia'a comparatively ypi g_ institution . the Federation Inas-'. succeeded already in' arousing --the: pride of farmers in their calling and • sodY e • > . xer_ts qch - r �• ..w h � g Influence in Govgl nment Folk leg and in. aq yariety of °ways is definitely raising the standing oeagriculture in Canada. __As we have already suggested, agri- culture is of particular importance in this county , of Huron, is indeed • far and away its. most important industry, and the people of Huron, of urban as well as rural communities, have good . reason to be gratified with what the Federation has already accomplished, and to . • wish it continued and even greater success in its work 'for the future. WHAT 1VIR. 1ViITOHELL. SAID Exception has been taken by seamen on strike to a statement by Hon. 'Humphrey Mitchell, Minister of Labor, .c);F Commons ou June llth. . Mr. Mitchell is charged with having declared that the Seamen's U nion. was Communistic. It might be well that the public should know, from the record of -Hansard. just what 'Mr. Mitchell did say. He had been_ speaking of a _ dispute in the 'steel industry in Nova Scotia and he went on to say: Mr. Speaker, I might just --as well mention' another 1)ig strike - in the .cminrrq.. the •seamen's strike, because' I shall probably be asked a horse of another color—so far as a question aboi)t ,it. The parties are closer together today than they Toronto is concerned. ever were before. I think., that is a fait' thing. torsay: May I add ' that 'we ,are getting all the Old tricks -4)f the' traicle in this dispute. «'e have the usual gang `of over- . night revolutionaries,, professing to give ,leadership to the sank and. Light and)lor are great things in w,lth• the general tourist trade from all lite df the seamen's, organization. life: For instance, those:. strings of., parts of._L,l.pada and the United States, fluty last week the saltie" old. Coto lighta in Geclerich's, Ramous Square. one local "industry" of. great poten- tial- iuuinisr triols was played: I was ities•- remains to be developed — the billed to address a meeting in Cel- -•Inanufa tuie of tourist souvenirs. MuchLand, nty,-castituenct:, _along_�vitll Mo tltieail firllahas_been fined.1,4,Q4 has beela written. a ,taunt the works of Mr. Pat Sullivan; a Mr. McLean, for selling handkerchiefs above W.P.�the habitants 1 and C. S. Jackson of the electrical. T.B. price., Th- firm -,couldn't afford workers' union, but I had not been much of a bloivotlt ou that sort of (Hngulted. At least somebody did business. send a .wire to me but my" office ' s. wired back that I could not be there. Those who know the intim- The weatherman claims that in the ate workings of the labor move - last month his forecasts for seven Inept -appreciate this kind of dodge. Canadian cities have been (Si h As I have said before, I km pre- g i y three pared as - Minister of Labor to per cent. correet. But it's in the .support any just causca: I always country that weather is igxaportaxlt and endeavor to be fair °and decent predictions should be ,more than and to avoid taking sides except seweni nper cent. right.° when absolutely necessary. This �� kind of gag, you understand, does * * „ * • ---. not fool me or further the interests Senator Johnson • of Colorado 'wants of the working people of this Britain to. turn over to the United country: I repeat that,, the Com - States • her mandate over Palestine. munist crowd in , this- country do not want a_ settle lent Well,. we don't see why Britain should of ,strikes. Let me ,say this to object to getting rid of a thorn in the them: -Speaking as an individual, flesh. She might even be willing, .to if they want a battle, well, the throw in India also if Uncle 'Sam is battle is on. - • We are told that these words were anxious b) take on more trouble, •* * ,. * last week and there was an interesting .debate.....Two, Toxtxu.to::n ntbers.;-.T: Chu cis: and J. R:-M•a;..cNicol m•partieular- ly were insistent that the Government should provide transportation for coal to -�Ei aro . : It wa's pointed. out by Hon. C. D. Howe that mare than half of the coal used in Canada is imported, -uud that Millions of - dollars are spent by the Federal Government every : year in moving Nova Scotia and Xlberta coal to the -central Provinces. The Govern - 'tient is making arrangements to in- crease this movement, • but even at the best it will be impossible to bring t� Ontario and Quebec from Canadian sources' more than a fraction of their requirements.. The mines cannot pro- duce and the railways cannot carry enough coal from East and West to render this country indepeudent,of the United States in coal supply.' a It -is interesting to note that, while the Toronto. members ask that the taxpayers of .Canada - pay ...millions -to bring coal to Toronto and other Eastern centres, `they 'represent a city Which refuses consent to a similar policy with regard .to Ontario's Hydro -electric power supply. Each municipality in Ontario must paythe cost of bringing .electric power to its borders -•-a policy very agreeable to Toronto and other cities close to- the source of -power— hut ask Toronto to pay the cost of EDITORIAL DOTES -Knee deep in June." •* * of • Mrs. Fred Ross, who read the Scripture and gave a meditation -on the passage. She also' gave a report of the executive meeting of the Presby- terial held at 'Clinton. The secretary, Mrs. Edna Cowaii,._gai.ve a report of` he county health plan has some -merit, previous meeting and also react a letter. butthe proposed -administrative setup of thanks from Mrs. J.C. Stoltz for. is something wile e oun y on - ar•'•get well' card she ha receive members should keep in mhind,when the. ` The •"'Bi'ble •stiidy was -given by Mrs. matter conies up for discussion again. Edgar Lawson.' Mrs. W. T. .Robison1 WHAT HAVE WE .IN HURON? gave a reading, and the topic, the third chapter of the study book. was. -.--given (Owen Sound Sun -Times) by Mrs. % . Good` The meeting was 'With the ever-increasing•,popularity closed with a. hymn and- prayer by of Owen Sound and the surrounding firs. ,Sautes Woods. Refreshments Georgian Bay and Lake Huron district were" served by The hostess. . (See :Auburn• news on page 9) Vim can speak to the. point without being sharp. rw miraw w s+:.rn .a FARM IMPLEMENT • It pays to buy for cash. Use �a low=cctst bank loan'to purchase new implements and uipcgxeltt, Pay.caAh t4.: �:cdlal ,earn "va1uiiTlT3 counts. Strengthen .your position with suppliers. Terms of _ repayment ar- ranged to meet your needs. Come in and talk it over. Pay for it with a low-cost FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Repay -by convenient instalments — t Loans fgr many.. usef> _ Fil�ffi•- 1xlllrc��1�,�>� —w- ..._ Purpoda ,o>.'r . ....... .•w Canati�.:, ,this attractive - financing plan to improve. your . d iY l cQnditidans am the � n ) 1 New Buildings, Improvements, &epairs and Ex. - ...tensions through a Farm wtensions can also be financed� Improvement Loan. - eas 1@)t� d aka �e ar! F �ItI F ET 7� more pleasant for yourself and your family. You can finance the purchase and installation of a farm fvlectrio system with a low-cost Farm Improvement Loan. Come in - and' talk your plans over with us. • ` _ THE:ROYAL SAN'' OF CANADA- - GODERICH BRANCH N. G. DULMAGE, Manager INDIVIDUALISM -The modern tendency to reduce every- -thing -to a formula-ula-ia_deplored by hi scientists. In the field of infant rear- ing, while many books have been writ- i rots of Old Quebec and, their wood carvings,- their colorful weavings and other native arts. These have been _dea`eloped into not only a great ad- vertising project, but a very paying pro- position -as well. Mexico and -many sections of Southern United States have made much of their Indian arts of pottery--inakirig, nseu ring. etc Other tourist centres have adapted the crafts of ,:their native. people. to the, modern age of travel. received with a storm .of applause from the members of the 'House of Commons, and there ttis .no doubt that .that ap 1: x1aiuse 'Was' .echoed - in malty -quarters throughout the country. It will be seen that Mr. letchell did not accuse • -the membership of the Seamen's , Union of Communistic pur- pOSes. Hi's reference was distinctly to those "profesSing to give leadership to the rank and file of the seamen's organization," and it would be well .Ter the members of the Union to:give Careful thought to his words. There l always a considerable degree of sympathy' with workers ,striving tt Im- prove their condition in life, and cer- tainly the men who brave the dangers of great waters can rightly claim a greater measure do that ' sympathy `than ticrson engaged in some other pursuits; but at the - present time there is a, growing stmapicion that the Suecevs'ion of ,strikes which we 'here Icon. T. L. Kennedy urges farmers to maintain "one strong united organiz- atlirn of fariix a:s : able • s ak- ith� -_i. a, .. ...in.,.ff he said, ,`.hove nirany e. to �l 't� fi �...It,s_.alx7ia.�_ f, single voice for all the farmers:" - .Thitt 'people think they have. won 'a 'victory, is the ideal of the Canadian Federation when they have got Something from of,,Agricniture, which is now recognized their municipal, Proyineia1 or as the representative of the farming Dominion Government. ---The Dolnin- interest, chosen as such by deinoerat.ic ion's wealth, is a pile into. which process. ,we've all been clipping. The only, way *. * n° -to increase and replenish the national British authorities at Berlin an- wealth i:; to settle down and produce. pounce that correspondents of every It has seemed to nae that we got 'into country with the exception of ,Russia the depression in 1'929 because publicly will be allowed tit) visit and inspect the and privately we were spending money British sone of Germany. ' This is in we didn't earn to . buy things we ,,kill t retaliation for Russian refusal to allow want to impress people we didn't like press representatives from Britain to The War made necessary vast expendi1� make inspection of the Russian zone. tures by the national Government mid;, "You can't play in.. our yard if you people have got into the way of think' won't he 'good to me." Ins;that money 'is easily raised. It 1 * * w there is a different .story to be told. Here post; -war recovery has been re= tarded•by a succession of strikes which keeps production at a low level and increases the danger of a disastrous inflation. .Have the workers of Britain mklre intelligent leadership than those of Canada and the United States?, * * * In an address given before the assessing officers of Ontario at their recent convention Hon, W. J. Stewart said some 'things worth repeating. ten on the methods 'parents should follow, doctors urge that the individual - and essentially personal needs of the child be studied - and taken into account. The best, way to , bring up a child is not by rigid adherence to codes aiSd customs, they „say, but by such particular attention as the'sfamily_,.�....,_ PTYsician ada-ises for each individual youngster.' „ • ��-,.r-4- mss% •a y • • • • to be, borne in mind,. however, th€t: The workers of Britain ,etre making e. large part of the wartime expendituI spell good use of their time that exhort was met by borrowing and it 'will - ecu in I°ec tat months is l ilxg de- markets ,lost while the country was require heavy talatfon for years til liberatel; engineered for rtirgoco3 engaged in war are being rapidlli re- come to repay the borrowings. Instead White% i d IIt)t, feve 1fd,, te, the -0111)11e' eovereii and the danger Of •itag.ation of 'matting new yrejeete fnvolvinm o2 erantz milnf�' tho' 1orkLriiah�€been av)E d by the increased large outlays, (4(►vertlYitents t and muni. tT.a �taa��� l :e4. • ;it :taea ie;t2lIt t event' tlad Ini°01.eti(111 a�f ',r),:000,; , go1r home+on. 'tl»liltiel should praCtif-T ''Ottley \and loatIsrp , l4 e not -zp arei cgs icitAlon.::Oi this r� l y niill Bialtic Itdp„ within t41.0ti1-,Abie i14n1Yl THE TIRE PREFERRED BY' CANADIAN MOTORISTS 3 to 1 OVER A(IY OTHER MAKE SEE US Your! GOOD TODAY! VE AR DEALEtt Milli otor Sales ( gAPpry, UOLIDAYS-!- --Thei*kes s andforesf�s,:olida . and stream .� u � land are yours to enjoy an rskto prote�w from their greatest enemy, fire. Most forest fires are started by human beings. -Thousands of 'acres are blackened and destroyed every year because someone was not careful, with•fire. . Y - W.hen you use -a match, break it in two before you throw it away. Be sure your discarded - cigarette is out too. ,, When you make a campfire, build it small and in a safe place. When you leave, put the fire dead out with `Water.loy'vemet 'We ic ie froteet euer''Peng,44.. fat -;f ..rest • Give you a grand place to holiday. 41 Provide beauty spots for our.ssx, •vitors. - ,_- • Shelter game animals and fishing haunts., - .. • Control flow of water . . . help even, the flow of rivers so they do not dry up in summer. - • Helm tp ensure , a 'year-round supply of Hydro power for ypu. • Provide thousands of jobs in, lumber, pulpywoodt and other forest industries.' • Influence climate