HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-20, Page 14414r,., NINETY-NINT --see New High School District Created epartment of .Education Give$ pprOVal tO .00nlity Bylaw Goderich, Clintone Seaforth and Exeter will be the Centees of high schtiOI districts if bYlaws to this effect are adopted by the littrote County Council, at present In June session at tim Coiirt House. ' s The byle.we' were given nest and second readings on Tuesday afternoon, opening day of the COuncil meeting, and have b€en. enbmitted for approval of the Ontario Department of Edw.*, tion. If such: approval is 'given they will be presented before Council for a third and Anal reading on Friday. Tile bylawseeeeeetyed hearing, when a resolution 'wee pretiefileTTI-LIteeve J. D. Beecroft, chairman of the con- sultative committee, seconded by John W. Armstrong, that the present High School districts of Goderich, Clinton, Exeter and ,Seaforth be diesolved and - -Plat bYle:Witiebe Reseed to get itp new - - 'God ri h ss -s• high.; school- -district - e. Clintolfee 'E-easteee and _ Seaforthesleas ecentreseeeethaf- a bylaw- also- be paised to include' a poition of The township of Grey hi the Listowel high' school 'district; that in the portions connty„not.:, lnehedecie. the, ' ation be given to the question so that the proper solution 'nay result. The big,4 school cite/Acts have 'been arranged by the consultatiVecommitt as follows: Clinton -Town of Clinton, .village of Blythespottions .„Gpelerieh. townships, illetf'StanleY , Godericfi-Town of Goderich, town - townships of Ashfield, Godertch, Hui- ' lett, 'East Wawanosh and West Wasvaeosh. @ Seaforth-Town of Seaforth, town- ship of McKillop, portions of Hullett, Tuckersmith and Hibbert townships. Exeter -Villages of Exeter and Hen - sail, townshipof Hay, Stephen and Usborne. . The proposed high school districts are to go into effect .tha January 1, '1947. Reeve Cousins asked that the town- ships of Grey and Morris be combined with 13russels'as a high sabor district, Brusse.ls to be the, centre. Reeve Cousies is to meet with the consultative comnaittee at this seesion •'of sdouncil. The committee pointed -out that efficient transportation is an important factor, along with the type of .courseS Offered in ithe high eehools, in indue- - Ina pupils to. attend. school. The number of pupils from ,Coiborlie wnship attending Goderich Collegiate ',institute ,has Increased, et -web -stated, . from twenty-seven to forty-five since a bus service was put, ha op'eration three years ago. ' Seaforth• has had an increase in its total enrolment from eighty-eight in June of last year to 125 at presents due to better trensport- ation provided rural pupils... Correspondence the following correspondence was read and action taken' as indicated: Resolution -from the'-e-Ceun-ty NOrthumberland to the Department of Highways requesting a fifty per cent. road subsidy to towns and villages, as is now received 1ff.• townships. Re- ferred to the good toads Committee. Report on the Rural Youth Organiz- ation from the Ontario Agiicultural Committee, in which a province -wide youth program was- suggested. The agencies which were suggested to work together to assist the Youth Organiz- • ation were:* Ontario Department Zpf Agriculteee, Ontario Department of Education, Ontario Federation of Agri- culture, Co -Operative Union, and the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' Club. Work, Inc. Referred to agricultural -committee. •, Resolution requeetingeaction-• to; pre- ' hibit the •sale Of toy guns, from the County of Dufferin. Referred to the legi1ative committee. Resolution from the County of Perth requesting the Department of High- • ways to ,subsidize the expenditure, on township roads to the extent of 75 per cent, To good roads cOmmittee. Resolution, from the County Of Diff- ferhe advocating the sterilization of the unfit Legislative .committee. Resolution from the Court-' of Ox- • ford, requesting the .:Fecleral Govern- ment tis stop the large scale purchasing of materials for home building. Legis- • latiVe Committee. The Department of Agriculture ack- nowledged a communication regarding tuberculin tests of cattle in which the Huron Council requested that the De- partment undertake the initial tither- cuMr test of cattle in the county under the restricted area plan. The Depart- weeminted out that there wee 'a ,,eetageef;Ve-terinariahS ter4te1d dutY, throughiiiirtlie-Doirdnion. Assktrande was given that the- neeeeeity for the initial test of cattle inqiuron was not being overlooked. Resolution from the County Of Peel, regnesting legislation 'allowing the Municipalities to license tourist camps. F lution from the County of York r.ing the collection of radio•lieeeesees AS- • Legislative committee: ° eltevision of Hospital Grant , letter from the Depertment of Health, outlining the proposed new hospital grant for Maintenance. It is now planned to • pay a. per .diem grant for all public 'Ward beds in hoepitals. „ That is, a hospital with a high per- centage of public ward beds will get Tmore in the way of ,gittet than a hospital that Ixas a higher percentage of private and semi -private beds than pubne ward, beds. • Referred to health and -hospital' corainittee.- . An increase in the „County, grant veal; asked by the, IBlyth Agricultural Society. rilxeeutive cOratoiftee. Resolution from the, County of On - teed°, itequesting a revision of the old age penbion, wher(N, roensions • Weeld 111.3 granted at the rate of V. MBS� trakraY,,I2Z11.0 A gainer resident of Goderich, Mre. Annie Oke, another ot. Ira Oke, Huron road, was a victim of the. tornado which' Struck Wiruiser and wreaked such great, havoe in that. city on Mon- darevening. Mre. Oke, who is seventy- nine years of age, is in a Windsor hospital and, according to word re- ceived.in Goderich on WednesdaY morn- ing,ls in a critical tondition, with little ehance of recovery. The injured woman. who was staying at the home of her son Graham, Sandwich, is reported to have been thrown forty feet by the storm. he Is believed to have been in the upper gear, of her son's home !when the tornado ,styucit. The house is now Alma a complete loss. No other member of the family was seriously in- jured. 4 The home of another son, Wilson Oke, onlya few miles from Graham's, was undamaged. Mrs.' °Ice had been living with her son Graham for several months, hayingespent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Allan Walker of Hamilton. Three sons from 'Goderich district, Ira, of Goderich, and Irwin and Albert -Anee ehf-'4a44.1eh' tehrnehibes left for Virhideor Shortieestifte*hrederVing . word ofetheir metherVinjhries. MrshGeerge reegitlaseBennaillere is a daughter. - TWO TONS CLOTHING RECEIVED There was. a lively time at_the tal'•.Theatre on SatukdaY-nieridife when keenly interested children crowded in with 'bundles of *clothing as their admission fee. The 'eve -it was in connection, with the National Cloth- ing Collection,' the show being given - through •the courtesy of Mr. H. J. Sutherland, proprietor of the theatre. st."*.ieetsulesoveretevehstouszeofaeseebiese. were received. First prize for the 'largest single bundle handed in went to-ar-eirinbine of ,Moyra Demnelly and Joan Allaire, whose bundle' Weighed 91 lbs. Barry Whetgtoee with 86 lbswas second and Charlie Lyennan with 70 lbs. took third prize. • The Lions Club committee in charge of the Saturchg morning collection was composed of D. J. Allan, George Mac - Ewan, Con. Baechler, Ebb RosS, Arnold McConnell and Jeseph Lemaire. GOD:ERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1946 I Approve Plans for SALUTE TO AGRICULTURE ,Recreation Centre laer diem at the age of sixty-five. Legislative committee. A brief from the Ontario Hotel As- sociation, regarding the Canada Temperance .Act, was read, in which it wae pointed out that hotels in Huron county upon losing their licenses were deprived a a -source of revenue the- loss of which in some cases might lead to b nkreptcy by hotel - o wne rs . • nliirafiVe-Voin-falfrelf.-7, Appro,val of the road- expenditure ,bylaw, amounting to $250,000, Was given by the Department of Highways. Resolution feom the County of Hastings respecting •eompulsory, mebh- anidal inspection- of all motor vehicles and the ,enforced carrying of public liability and property damage on all 'motor vehicles. Legislative committee. Resolution from the Winglearia High School Board requesting a high school district with , Wiegham as a centre .cLia seeco.mmendation_framethe_Tql,- of Wingham fee' tfie formation of such a high school district. Referred to the consultative committee. SA copy of an act to provide for the centrol, of the cutting of trees, from the Ikparement of Lands and ,Forests. Legislative. committee. From the County of Grey, a resolu- then objecting to the rdduction in peetniuiris on grade A and grade B hogs. Agriculture committee.' . To Reslore Rural Population From the Counties of Lennox and AddingtOn, a resolution requesting Goverument action in retfirning popul-, fetions to the rural menicipalities. The recommendation ,,was made that the various Government departments con- cerned sholild either build or move froni the more cangested district such houses as may be necessary. The measures were recommended for the following reasons: Relieving eongeetion of urban •centres, making Available in rural districts more help in agri cultural pursuits, and the -establish- ment of Small tradesmea in- rural dis- tricts. Legislative committee. A letter from elle Ontario Horticul- tural, Association respecting the pass- ing of a bylatv to 'control the cutting of 'trees. Reforestation committee. Notice of the forty-eighth annual • convention of the Ontario ,Municipal Association, to be held in •Toronto,' August 27, 28, 29 and 30. Governor-General- Mayt,Come A letter from the Ontario Plowmen's Association was, read, advising that an invitation had been extended Gover- nor-Generaf• Viscount Alexander to visit the International plowing match to be held in this county in Oetober. • The „4oVernor,..0etterara7veretaxweeIiatL in foimed- the' Asseciatiolf-tunt-'*ikile'it •was .saot -possible et that -date- to -give any definite -assurance, arrangements would be made for the Governor-Gen- eral to visit cities and fbwits InsOntarie and it 'was hoped, to include e -visit to Goderich. A 'letter from the Wingham branch of the Canadian Legion. B.E.S.L., ask- ing a grant by the County to each brAnch: of the Legion in Huron. county, 'wee refeired to the executlie com- mittee.' Deputations Heard , On Wednesday morning' Dr. R. G. Struthers, of the Provincial .Depart- ment of Health, fiddreseed the Council, urging the establishing Of a complete health system in the county. The' Council.heard a deputatien from the 'University of Western Ontario ask- ing financial support of the University. The,. Council adjourned ,over. Wed- nesday, .afternoon in order that the members might attend at s the Feder- ation of Agritulture lield' day at Clin- ton. . Or Thursday morning a telegram wee received from the Minister Education giving approval of the bYlaw regarding high Sehool distrietS. To Be Sliblilitted to Public Meeting at Town Ijall anly `and. At a meeting held in the Town tall on Tuesday evening, .pe- Goderiels Recreational Cemmittee deetded. ,to adopt the -plane for a recreational centre submitted by architect S. Ken- -, nedy Sinclair of Toronte. A public meeting of the citizens of Goderich will be held in the Tema Hall on Tuesday evening, July 2,. and the plans will then be submitted for ap- proVaL . A new committee may be appointed at that time to carry on 'the work of the present committee, appointed a year ago at ,a public meeting. The present conehittee .was selected from repre- sentatives of the various organizations' in town, with W. J. fiodge as chair - roan, to lay the groundwork for a•new recreational centre. They have worked untiringly and, enthusiastically in the face of, many discouragements until their plans are now at a. well advanced stage. It is ,hoped to. have the proposed arena situated on West street. The plans WI -for a building 253 ft. by 183 ft., with seating accommodation in the hockey arena for 2,150 people. A beautiful memorial rotunde„ wtil pre - An itaposiug- entrance,* eneilities* will be provided for stores, offices, artificial ice rink, curling, badminton,: showers, and snack bar, and a portable floor will be available to be used for roller skating-. dancing 'and" public meetings. ,•e• ,r-AVIAMEs-LEAP*-01.1APTERc.,.. ' Th_essInneeme.esting_of the ,Maiale.,Leafe Chapter, was held' in MaciraY Hall, on Friday, june 14th, with a goad 'attendance. , A letter of thanks was read from Miss Norma Dunbar on behalf of the Guides for the cars. which took them to London for the recent rally. Ten cars went with about fifty Guides. " Miss Wurtele read a letterfromthe Mueic Club thanking the Chapter for the $25 scholarship given for the best solo by a boy under eleven at the -Music' Festival. a The Chapter- was asked to c� -operate in the coming drive against tuber- colosis by helping to send out cards announcing the date and thes-location of the mobile: nnit 'which Will cohduct the clinic. Miss Dicks& __was' ap- pointed eonvenet of the committee to assist in this work. Attention was called to the Govern- entSse-recettest-that-ea. II -unused me coupons be •destroyed. . The highlights of the repert on the national convention at Wiepipeg were- - react. The importance of membership in an Empire "Organization at theepree sent time, and also L of the study af Empire affairS, -.was stressed et the convention. • It was decided at the convention•7that in future the subscription t� Echoes would be included in the membership fee, The ,chief buein.ess of the meeting concerned he final arrangefuents for the carnival to be held on the Square next itiOnth... Miss Wurtele reported that the pet parade led by the Boys' Band will begin at 7.15. There will be twenty classes this year, the new one being for horse or pony with eider. The entry fee for all classes will be 10c. ' The members are eeminded that all aprons or other donations for the apron table should be left with Mrs. N. C. Jackson by •June 25th.- Dona- tions for the fish -pond may be left at Mr. Harry Ford's office on North street The -Chapter adjourned. for two months, the next meeting to be held September 13th. MISS LAURA JECKEI.L, • ADDRESSES KNOX W,M.S. The June meeting of the W.M.S.. of Knox church was a special one for the Horne Helpers, under ,the leader- ship .of Mrs. J. W. Smith.- The presie dent, .Mts. G. Bisset, Waa;in the chair. Mrs. Albert Tasefor gave the •address of welcome to the Home Helpers. Mrs. Smith and Miss Wtggins. led in the devotions. • Miss.Irene Milne sang very shreetly, "Angels Guard Thee," accom- panied. on the piano by Mollie Bisset. The special 'speaker wa§ the Pres- byterial Hoene Helperi"seCretary; •Miss Laura Jeckell of Exeter, .who gave an inspiring' address on the work .of her department. • The president extended an invitation to,the Society to have the July -meeting at her home at Saltford Heighte., an invitation. Which 'wee gratefully ac- cepted. .ENGAGEMENT$ „ANNOUNCED... . ee-mreand Mese Robet-&irnfiepij wish- to announce the 'enga gemen t of their only daughter, Lillian. Elizabeth, to Hubert . Martell, 'youngest son of Mrs. • Martell and the late Michael Aleirtell of , Descousse, Nova- Scotia: The 'wedding will • take place in the Church of Our Lady, Guelph, on June 29'th. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pettman, Nile, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cora Luella, to John Frank- lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nile; the wedding' to take plaee the lattet part of June.. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Reynerd announce the engagement of their Old- est daughter, Afary Lucinda Jean, to Mr. Wilfred „Thomas McLean, son of Mrs, Ieniese McLean and the late Wil- fred Thomas' Thornberry McLean; all of Gedericli. The marriage to' take place early in July. 4is, Regent street, wishes to announce the' engagement of her second daughter, Doris Marie, to joseph Gerdon, second son of Mr., and Mrs. John Glousher, Raglan street, all -of , Goderiele The marriage to take place at &fox Presbyterian ehureli manse, SaturdaY, -June 22nd, This week halting been eliesen'by tile Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association , for an expression_of appreciation of -the importance of agriculture in the We of Canada, and for a tante to the farmers of Canada . for their magrihkeent effort during the war years in the production of foodstuffs, this' issue, of The Sigrial-Ritv gives espeeial. attentionto the farming industry. Many Of our advertisers 'have co-operated' in -this expression, and doubtless others: *mild have done .had, we, been 4b1e to canvass therm and acquaint thtra With the ' special object of this issue. Agriculture is the backbone.. of our country, arid The Signal Star takes great pleasure in joining with .the other weekly newspapers of Canada hi this concerted 'SALUTE TO THE FARMER. BLUE WATER BAND'S PROGRAM BROADCAST The Goderigh Blue Water band, com- prising twenty-six pieces, under the direction of ,Bandmaster. Peter Weir, on Sunday , afternoon gave a thirty- neinute breadeast, over station QKNX, The broadcast, beginnin at ,2.30 .p.m., was the highlight - of a concert given from the bandstands -In Court House Park that afternoon. Wet weather dispersed a good-sized crowd which had gathered in- 'the part of the afternoon and played have'with the .bandAiken's :siceeratiale; biltit-did" not, prevent the broadcast from going over the air as scheduled..IOfficials of, CKNX in attendance at 'thes-broad-• eget were,entbasuistie over the fine type of music furnished by the Gode- rich bend and one went so far as to say it was the beet broadcast given by nny-locei„band,Whic_k_thaL,station has handled. - • seeessseesses -INJURED 11T FALL Mr. John Johnston, Newgate street, had the misfortune on Wednesday afternoon of last week to fallon the kitchen floor at the home of his. daughter, Airs. Clarence Chamney, East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had gone some time ago to visit their daughter for several days, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Johnston they were unable to return to 'their home here. Mr. Johnston wes brought to Alexandra Hospital when it . 'was feared he haebtoken his leg, but the X-ray, revealed no bones broken. Be will, however, be confuted to the hos- pital, as he has for &atm time suffered a great deal 'and the fall has ag- gravated the affliction. , INJURED IN CONST-R-UCTION WQRK „ Vincent Atestin, jLR. 1, 'LnelLow, -was painfully Injure -d errr-Thurgday afternoon last when a heavy, truck passed everhim on the Blue Water Highway sonth qf Amberley. Austin, who. was engaged in construction work on the highway with the Storm Con- struction Co., was lying on the highway in the act of sighting preparatory to putting in stakes, when an asphalt - loaded truck, drieen,by Raymond Brad, Toronto, backedover him, The injured man was ;attended by 'a Lucknow doctor, who determined his injuries as f turedepeAs' right leg. He was removed to Alex- andra Hospital, Gederich, ,where he is at present resting. TO RECEIVE MILITARY MEDAL Spr. Lewis Mel:lardy, R.C.E,• • of Goderich, who has been awarded the Military Medal for gallant service in driving a• 'bulldozer under heavy fire during the advance on the Rhine, is to receive the decoration on, June 28th, at Windsor, -11t the hands of His Exs' cellency the Governor -Generale -Sapper MeHardy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Mellardy of town. J. W. Coates Elected Lions' President ExcentiVe EmpOWerea te Engage Full-time Director ReereatiOn 3. W, Coates was elected president of the Lions Club at the meeting on Friday, erYening. last. Other officere are: Pas e president, Bruce Tennant; vice-presidents, Guy Emerson, R. G. Sanderson, Harold Bettger; secretary, R. O. Staples; treasurer,' W. C. At- added events, airount to $100, making tridge; dues secretary, Clayton Ed. thIettinisotalbptrizbee wliesut ntoearelYxpia%100,that ward; tali. twisters, M. J. Ainslie, Fred tjie lion tamer"Nip" whet. Saddle.Club is not a oney-making con - Armstrong; , cern. It is putting on this program to give' the Ming People an (oPPortunitY of exhibiting their horsemanship and to give the people of Goderich and the district an opportunity of rioting the progress "being made by the boys and girls in equestrianship. If there should be any "profit" from the Dominion 1:kW event it will be spent in promoting these objeetis of the Club. Admission tickets may be had at Lauder's drug store or from_Reg; Mc- Gee and other members of the Club. • (See list of events on page 110_ 'THREE 4DJ EVENTS FOR, SADDLE CLUB PROGRAM o The program arranged for the sporte 'day' at A gricultur al Park on Dominion Day, under the auepices of the Goderich Junior Saddle 13lub, Is attracting Wide 'elt tendon, and with faiorable vveather there will be a big field a c...petitoia and a groat gathering of spectatOra. Three events have been added to: the program as first published -a gentle - 'metes road race, hackney ponies in harness, aingle, and hackney penies in harneSs, double.. Prizes for 'these stone; directors, for two yetults, J. D. Allan, Harry Watson; for one year, S. ,H. Prevett, E. H. Jessop. Installa- tion will take place at the next meeting. The executive was given power to engage a full-time director of recre- ation for the town. W. Armstrong of Wingham, Casualty rehabilitation officer for the Depart- ment of Veterans' Affairs for the counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, addressed the club. He said Canada has 25,000 rehabilitation cases, over 2,00() of theinjen Jonara In Huron there were -2,078 enlisfhaente; rninxc�.3,03g4--in-Berth, 4,142 - these counties there are -315-easua1ty cases listed; so -of 'them. fir hospitals: There are few eases of unerapleyment. )3eautiful1Y decorated with baskets Goderich enlistments numbered 506, ef summer flowers, the Sunday schoel a very -high. percentage„ and largerethan roem....of the:Baptist ohureh .was atir4t:lideld-w72-irtrcpmet.7.--- Steite-lif a happY'gattierinreirilonditee Moving ,pictures were presented evening, whenemenabers--and adherents lustrating the work of the Department gathered to extend a welcome to one In rehabilitation. . of 'our English' war brides*, Mrs. Wal - The. inueical programelneluded ea1 1aee-4veeye._MA..eveninge,w4ks spent In solos by Patsy Duquette, with Mrs. J. Musicsand eontests."--Ird-C47jantsk•gave G. McDougall as accompanist, and an address welcoming Mrs. Avery to ".',Bnd" Wilson; of, the Department of church, country ard community, with Highway, •Arnold McConnell accom- a welcome back to Wallace after sev- wedsaSees• • -;:=2;=-7"--:- ---,gentle years, . overseaia-dfityes.--Itisad Grace and Florence Hudson presented FLTowlat szwirrey-AT--• and. Mrs. Avery with an artistically NORTH . UNITED Cll'URCH _decorated basket of miAcellaneous gifts. 1ST_ ENGLISH WAR BRIDE - GIVEN CORDIAL WELCOME •On Sunday moening the annual flower service was held in North street United .church, members of the Sunday' school occupying the centre seats of the auditorium. A beautiful arraege- ment .of flowers •-filled the pulpit plet- form, and et dainty lovebird, toue its little bell, added to the harmony. The girls •of the C.G.I.T., in uniform, assisted the choir, and the musical program consieted of a selection by the choir, "I Walked in the Garden Alone" - a 'chorus, "June Brings Us Roses," by .the C.G.I.T. Oris, a solo, "Fairest Lord -Jesus, Ruler of All Nature, -"--by Jane Grabana, and a chorus by pupils. Of the primary dePartment, accom- panied by Miss Barbara Henry. Judith Turnbull read a poem, "The Garden." Mr. and Mrs. Avery thanked their many friendfor their `khadness arid -Mrs. Avery tendered thanks to her new friends for ;•extending to a stranger such a warm and friendly welcome. From an attractively arranged tea, table, Mrs. Janes and Mrs. Clutton, sr., poured tee. _The luncheon was served by members of the' "Young Ladies' Circle. -Mr. and Mrs, • Avery intend making their new home in Holmesville. The singing of the National Anthem brought a delightful evening to a close. W.C.U. MEETING The regular. ' meeting of the W.C. T. . T.V. Was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs.P. J. Cantelon, Lighthouse Street, With. a fair attendance. Mrs. oTaler had charge of the devotional periled and Mrs. Raithby read the .....An_approPelate _paxt of the eerqce. -Seriptureelesson- from Isaigh-12:- The - Was the baptism of two babies, Eliza- clip -sheet on reduction of sale of in - beth Anne Baiter, daughter of Mt. and tokicants in the different Provinces was taken up. Mrs. Janes gave a report on Mrs. Harvey I3exter, and, Judith Anne Westbreok, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the convention held in Exeter and Walter Westbrook. stressed the need of the younger wo- men taking up the work in these cora- school, -Mr. H. S. Turner, . read tne The superintendent of the Sundey munities. Mrs. Phillips had charge of Scripture lesson," the story of three the bueiness portion. Mrs. Janes was , Bible gardens, and the brief sermon July naeeting. will_ be held at Harbor be- the minister, Rev. R. H. Turnbull, Park. 'The - meeting. closed with the was on lessons learned from gardens. theme song and prayer by Mrs. Janes. G._ Retresslime COLLECTED YESTERDAY time spent. - appointed second evice-president The Three toes of clothing were picked PET PARADE JULY 4th up yesterday by the Goderich Lions in their .house-to-house collection for the NatiOfiale„Clething,Collection. With the two tons' brought in bythe children on Saturday, :the local. Contribution now amounts to five tons. The cam- paigil. continues to June 29, and anyone still'-evishing tocontrihete clothing 'fot the needy in Europe is invited to leave ,it either .,4ef Allan's grocery store -on the Square or at the Holeproof Hosiery faceoey on 'East street. An interestingeevent for the boys and girls, and, for their pets as well, will be the pet parade to be held 'under the ausPices of the Maple Leaf Chapter,' I.O.D.E., on Thursday evening, July 4th. The list of classes for which prizes will be given is .published on page 4 of this paper. Pretty nearly' every boy and girl in town ought to ebe able to get in on some ,one of these classes. S.A. OFFICERS FAREWELLINLieG ut. .04. C. L Scholaiships and PiPromotionLis,t elajor Joyce Clarke and Scholarships have been awarded to Goderich Collegiate Institute, students as follows: e s'Veterans' memorial in grade 1X-lst, Mary -Ann Erskine; 2nd, Donald Mac - Ewan. ' Peter Adamson -memorial in grade X -Marie Wall. McKim memorial in , grade XI - Betty Marsh. ' , • , Peter Adamson: naemorial in grade XIII -Donald Scott. J. A. Grahara shield to outstanding student in character, leadership, scholarship, athletics--VIctoria Baedh- ler. PROMOTION. LIST Following is the promotion list in, alphabetical order. Where subjects appear in brackets after a name, the student will be required to pass a test in Seefteraber in order' -to -'take up the subject in the new grade. Students in rafts- Ifssaitele•>t -W,heeles-t.h. li_failed,. win, e-requires4s-teerepea t lesuhjeets. --- Grade IX to, Gihale • X.---Gretta Arbour, Gordon Aegyle, Marion Bogie, Beverley Brown (math.), Allan Bech- anan, Carol Campbell, Abbie Crich, Catharine Cutt, Raymond Cutt, Marion Dougherty (hist.), Mary Ann Erskine, Gordon Feagan, Jim Fellows, Charles Fuller, Eleanor Fuller, Gene Hamilton, Rose Hertman, Donald Holmes, Eric Holmes, Ruth Hoy, Harold Jeffrey; Marie Johnston, Phyllis Johnston, Don- ald Kernighan, Jean Kirkeonnell (hist.), Helen MacDougall, Doneld Maell3wan, Walter. Moore (conditional), Donald MacPhail, Rota McIntyre, Joan Menzies, Bob Moorhead, Charles Mug- ford, Lois Aingford, Charlea Orr, Itarjoile , Overholt, IR ek Pickering, Marlon Powell (hist.), 'Marie Raithby, Kathleen Raymond, Marion ,Reis, Jim Roberts, Shirley • Robertson, Dorothy fledges, Sally' Sharpe, Ronald Skelton, Betty Sowerby, Con Spain, ,Ruth Stokes, Betty Taylor (hist.); Stewart Toll, Hattie I,Vightman, Reta Wilson, Raymond, Young, Glenn Yonngblut, Grade X to Grade XL -Helen Aiken - head, Howard 'Aitken, Carlyle Ban- nister, Joanne Baeehler, Dorene Baker, Leo Baker, :Mollie Bisset, 9ia.ham Bogie (math., Fr.), Madeline Bogie, Aileen Castle, Grant Chisholm (math.), Edward Clutton, Betty Craig, Evelyn Dustow, Jack. Eedy, Joyce Feagan, Bruce Finlay, Vivian _Glenn, Grace Hayden, Carolyn Hunter (Latin), Florence -.nevelt Helen Johnston (hist.), Bob LeMaire,• Evelyn Lynch (hist.), Bruce D. MacDonald (Fr.), Brece, J. MacDonald, Flora .MacDonald, Sally MacDonald, Isabel McLean, "Jack '-"Massey, Helen Montgomery, Rbbert Moore (hist.), Yvonne Moore, Maxine Oke, Doreen Orr, Bertha Popp„ Vernon Postill, Donald Jlivers, Arlyne, Rouse, Margaret Rutherford (Lathe math.), Margaret Tigert, Evelyn Turban, Marie Wall, Harold Warren, Eleanor Willis, Kenneth Wilniot (Fr.), John 'Wilson. Oracle XI to Grade XIL-Ramona Baer, Marjorie ,leakter, Ruth Bogie, Margaret' Bowra, Dorothy Brad/ey, Marilyn Butler, Donald Campbell, Bill Chaetler (aig., Fr.); .Elizabeth Chis- hoieneRetit hui1gw,fliii. Craig - Howes, Helen Inglis.. Dorothy Johnston, Murney Johnston (alg.), Mary Laithwaite, Douglas Madge (nig), Betty Marsh, Harry Moiitgoni- ery (Latin.). Donald Mooney, Jack Ne e dh ate ( Fr.), Mary Pridles'edi --Wefigete Robertson, Jim, Saunders, Joan Scott, Beulah Shackleton, Eleanor Smyth, William Smyth, Benson • Setraughan (alg., Fr.), Colleen Thompson (alg.), Donald Warren, Mac Wilson. ." Grade XII to Grade x111.-110 Diggon, -Jim Doimelly, Ross', Errington, Gwen Finnigan, Audrey Ginn, .Marie Hawkins (English), Barbara Henry, Sheila. Hill, Dorothy Holmes, Kath- leen Holmes, Christine Leishman, • Bill MacDonald, Eleeeor Martin, Bill New- combe, 'Peter PattersoneJim Reynolds, Donald Scott, Madeline , Smith, Evan Sparks, reed' Sole,. Mary Straughan, Harvey Wightman.'. •• • • COMMERCIAL Grade XI to Grade XII, -Ruth Alli - 'eon, Helen Arnistrong, Joyce )3aechler,, Noreen MeAsLy, HelenMcLean, Jean McPhee; Joan McPhee,' Elinor Watson. -Diploneas, Grade XII-Eleanoe Mae - Dougall (honor), Ronald Patterson (honor), Thelma Bennett (pass). Margaret Fatmer, of the Salvation Army, will farewell on Sunday eve/ling,' June 23rd. Major ' Clarke is 'being teittisferred to Hamilton after serving two years in Goderich. Lieut. Farmer, who has been in Goderich for a year, goes to 'London. The new officers, Captain Gladys- Smith and Captain A.S. Lockwood, come to Goderich frOnt Hamilton ad will be welcomed on Thursday evening, „Tune 27th. • VICTORIA HELPERS' CLASS ' The June meeting of . the Victohla Helpers' Class of Victoria street United ehurch was held at the home of Mrs,. Ogle 'Miller, with 'Mrs. W. Roope pre- siding, airs. Melvin Cranston read the scripture- lesson and ways and means of raising funds were discussed. - The July meeting will be held at Mrs. Reg. McGee's home. The MiMah henedic- tion closed the meeting. Sirte Miller served., a dainty- lunch and was tend- ered a vote of thanks, CARLOW STORE BEING'ENLARGED ,.ee4iwtngeto incriewed, buslnesr rank :1-1(41erti hp he sf-ftrund necessary to enlarge his general store at Carlow and is building 'a warehouse at the rear of the store. The main store will nee) be ,enlarged and well equipped so at stock mage,btwilisplayed to ad n t - 'Age and still better service given to customers and the general public. DR. STAPLES NOW e At the reeent convocation of the University of Toronto Public School Inseeetor R. 0. Staples received the degree' of Doctor of pedagogy (D.Paed.). • THE WEATHER Temperatures of the past week in Goderich, with those ef the correspond- ing week'a year ago, as officially reeorded, were as followe: 1940 1045 Max. Min. Max. Min. There., Rine 13 ....07 51. 80 ,50 Fri., June 14 ....67 41' 84 63 Sat,. June 15 ....73 • 46 75 05 Sun. jnne 10 51 75 66 June 17 ....79 59 74 53 Tues., 3un 18 -.73 54 08 52 Wed., 3I1)30 19 ..e70 49 ., Premier Geo, A. Drew" peaks .Clinton Hiron, (101.inty Federation TraO Succes4u1 Field Dpy Wedneoday 'The annual field day of the Huron Federation of Agrieulture, heldyester-' day at Clinton, was very largely at- tended, the afternoon proWd being Otilinatoi at 2,000. 'The weather was 'aecia and in addition to an extensive Pst of sports there Was a Program of speeeliq. • The gathering was welcomed by • Rusbell Bolton, president of the County Vederatierna, and Mayor Megurray, of Clinton. The principal speaker was lion. George*A.. Dievv, Premier of On- tario, who was introduced by Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, M.P.P. for.SOuth Huron. - The Preinier.„ said. he had just re- turned from a trip to Winnipeg and on his way back by 'plane he noail the prospect of abundant crops and compared Ontario very favorably with - any of :the European countries he had visited. This splendid appearance, he •eaid, wae :nor solely,: due teeesuperkor. _see_ soil but Was the result:Of, steady in. - provement by 014. 'inefe4Q4:200.0040::" of the verxessraalle populatierie. art ime provement which was being further stinaulated by the Federation el. Agi* culture. The neceseitieS ef the flame leeXiforinereasttprothi: etiefgfffita* and -adequate' return to the farmer,,". _ so that food might be provided for the eaeople •overseas, failing *which there might ise, a, ..ceranlete. ig„ealtdOwn of , -.** The Premier devoted the greater part of his address to the recent Dominion - Provincial cohference, explaining the ASIVelletagen, by the Ontario Govern-ee. Prize Essays by School Pupils Prizes for the best essays by public school pupils cavere presented by the Premier. In theeuriraer school division Phyllis Baxter, of Goderich Central ' Sch.00l, Won ' the first prize for her essay on S"The History of Huron County." Phyllis is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil- Baxter, Gederich. Other prize -winners, in order, were: Christine Bogie, Goderich; Marguerite Hall, Blyth; Teddy How.ell, • Bruce Erskine and Douglas Webster, all of -Goderich. • In the rural section the winners -were: Bernice Tilling, Tuckersmith; Donald Murray, Wawatiosh; Anna Porter, Stanley; Helen Mary Stewart, Stanley; Marian DoWeen, Stanley; Robert Love, Hay. Subjects given for the essays were "The lifietory of Huron County," and "Why I Am Proud to Live in Huron CounteeSS_e• • Awards for Livestock Judging Awards for the Huron county live- stock judging competition .held the previous Saturday also were presented by the Premier. Heading the prize- • winners was Bruce Roy of Londesboro, with 650 points out of a total of 700. -Others in the senior division were Elston Speiran, Brussels, 627 points; Harry Feagan, Goderich, 616; Winston Shapten, Exeter, 610;- Richard Leg- gett, Blyth, 606; Alvtn Wise, Clinton, 09 s JOPottPrynr esie, both of Clinton; tied at 598. In the intermediate section -the win- ners were: Murray Roy; Lotidesboro", 664 points; Wm,' Clutton, Goderich, 056; Ed. Clutton, Goderich, 636; Glen Wise, Clihton, 630; Ross Knight, Bilis- sels,. 627; _Donald Middleton, Clinton, 628; Jin1 Lobb, Clinton, 616; Geo. Turton, Goderich, 613. Winners in the junior sectien: *Ger- ald Dhstow, Port. Albert, 640 points; Elmer Hunter, Goderich, 636; Harold Pocock, Wingham, 626; Victor Camp- , bell, Belgrave, 024; Jim Snell, Clinton, ' -622; Fred liaberer, 620; Nor- man Pocock, Wingham, and Chas. Turn- bull, Brussels, tied ae 613. -"MIDNIGHT"-LEADS BIRDS HOME 'Percy Johnston's.. "Midnight" was the winner of the Goderich Pigeon Club's race from Port Hope on 'Sun- day teeming. The birds were released at 7 a.m. The first ten home, with their time of ae-rival, were: 1st, John- ston, 11.05; 2nd. • Pitblado, 11.0614; 3rd, Johnston, 11.07; 4th,' _Baker, 11.07Se ; 5th, Peachy; 11.071/2; 6th, Baker, 11.07%; 7th, Johnston, 11.08; 8th and 9th, Peachy, 11.15 s 10th, Jerky; 11.25. Next Sunday's race willebe a, repeat from Port Hope. Ernest•Peachy was the owner of the winning bird 111 the race from 'Toronto June 9th. The birds were released at 8 a.m. E.D.S.T. and the first bird was in ite l'oost at 1132. The times were slower than the- previous week, as the birds were facing a strong •noethwest wind all the way. The first ten birds in their Order of arrival. were : lst, Peachy's, 11.32;, 2nd, Johnston's, 11.3314,: 31e1. Pitblado's, 11.341e ; 4th, Baker's, 11.30; 5th, Pit- h'eeel-C35144.-th1t„. -.1e-rres, .1130; rth. Johirmttny,,c1-11 tiths *ands -•-• 10th, Peachy's, 11.371e. e • ARTHUR CIRCLE The Arthur Cirele*ef Knox church held its. June meeting on Monday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Gs Knitting, MacDonald street. The topic for study was 'early missionary .work in Africa, and Mrs. Knitting presented a eplendid paper on the labors ef Mtn Moffatt, David Livingstone and Alexander Mac- Kay. Mrs, A. McCiinnell told of the life and work of Dr. Sweitzer, and Mrs. M. Bell and Mrs. C. Cutt of the work in the .Belgian Conee) and Nigeria. 1%e Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. Jerry, and .Mrs. Geo. Meet:wan led in prayer. A •solo by Miss Gail Saimders, .with klise* Mary joyce. Strachan ila accompanist, was much enjoyed. The aneeting closedwith the singing' of the beautiful hymn, "Abide with Me." the origin of which IVO& told by Mrs. P. Lodge. The next meeting vsill be held at • the home of Mrs. IL Rivere, Newgate Street, On 'Wednesday, July 1711i, whell.. members and their rateS,to will mow a picnic supper. 'y