The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-13, Page 6GIB 8T. HELENS THE GQDERICII SIGNAL -STAR PORT AU3ERT PORT ALBERT, tae 11. ---•-Mr. and M. Bert Crawford,. Airs. Ww. Crtawal turd ani Mr. and Mrs. Jab. Johnston of Cedar Valley spent last 'Sunday visiting with Mr. :And Mrs. Lorne Jolla sti n at Whitechurch. CQugratulations .are extended t() Air. Cecil McGee, who at the recent gradu- ation exercises at,o the University t)f Toruptu.i(' iy,ed the tit ree of Bachelor o the Science .of Forestry (II.Se.F.), .Atterspending; • a short lioliday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc- Gee, Cecil left to take a position with coy NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Send -what you Cala to your local collection. centre JUNE 17 .27 ifrimporommossompam BENIVIILLER, BENMILLl R, June 11.-7.Mr. Clyde Gledhill spent a couplk of gays in Toronto last week. A large__ congregation assembled ip. Benmfller church on Sunday for the Fathers' Day service. The choir, composed of fathers of the congrega- tion, was ably directed by Mr. Chas. GODERICH MEMORIAL - SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS BAST OF MATERIAL 1 -Ortlaranteed Workmanaldp at .. prices that will, please YOU. RAVE a.i Ju ACID TS FZ 8 Call at our o e P ce .- •Phone 2424., or drop us a line to Box 161, Gode- rich. We will be pleased to call and help choose a suitable mem- ortal" for your family plot. • R. A. SPOrON St. Andrew's St. 4.0 ORGCTTE N Perhaps you have put off -too long -the purchase of a monument or marker for y.,ur loved one. Now is the time to pay,,your debt to the memory of those who meant so much to you but aremo longer here. May we help you in your choice of a memorial? T. Pryde & Son N11E oRITIZ INFTS tEg -. Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth Phone 41J Exeter or Write its and we shall be pleased to call at your convenience. Breckow, jr., of Goderich. Much credit is due Mr. Breckow and the choir. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm delivered au appropriate address. Mrs. J. R. Long spent last Monday in Stratford. A number from around here at- tended the nurses' graduation at Strat- ford last Wednesday. We are glad to report Mr. William Bolton was able to return to his home from London hospital on Friday with a vert good report. Miss Beulah Long visited last week with her sister. Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, and Mr. Kilpatrick, in Toronto. ST. ki1;L1 Nb, June 10..- Dir*. W. ]I;, Gordon, Mr. and. Mrs. W. I. Miller, T Mir. Mrs. Gordon Miller, Mrs. T. J. Saalteld, Miss Helen,. Salkeld, R1rs. Jimmy Boyle aiad Air. Lawrence tiaalLeid, .'qr. and Mrs. W. A. duller, Mrs. T. J. Todd and Anne and Biro. T. V. Wilson and Terry attended the annual Salkeld reunion held at Sea - Find a big enough idea to live for and you'll never be unemployed. 41111.1.1111, Backache -Kidneys Cry: for Help Most people fail to' recognize the seriousness of a bad back. !Die stitches, twitches, and twinges are bad enough and cause great suf- fering, but back of the backache and the cause of it all is -the dis- ordered kidneys crying out a warn- ing through the back. the .baclkia th.e kidneys' - cry for help. Go to -their -assiBtttned: Get a box of Doan'* Kidney Pills. A remedy • for backache and sick forth on Saturday. ' • ° • - :Hiss 'Jure Newton of Wheatley spent the Holiday week -end with her parents, .Itev. M. 0: and Mrs. Newton. Mr. bench Mrs. Hector 'McGregor and, the Department .of. 'Lands. anal forests daughter Margaret, and" -Mr. tend Mrs., il'ri�rht and daughter Phyllis, at Pembroke. •(.list. We• wish him sac - Philip of Tas, Ma. and Mrs. Fred McGregor ctss in his future work. of Kintail, Mrs. iturgoch McGregor =fir. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and, faam- - ily'. of Goderich township,. visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham. . Mr. Arthur Martin of Lenora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin and other relatives in the vicinity. ,Air.. and Mrs.' Geo. Hodgins Mr. .tilarYTODAY,ZIN th, 1916 and Miss Katherine McGregor, of; Luck - now, were guests of Mr. and Mrs;. George Stuart on Saturday. Mr. Ale.%,Purvis and his wife, who has recently arrived-- from overseas, were guests of honor at a gathering of friends and neighbors held in the and Mrs, Andel Mason, all of Rip Community Hall on Friday night. After luuch Mr. Wilfred McQuillin read an address and Mr. J. D. Anderson made the presentation of a purse. - .Music for dancing was. provided by Mics Os- borne and Mr. Austin Martin. Junior Red Cross. --The ladies of sided over the ii}teresting program of the St. Helens school section were guests at the Junior Red, Cross meet- ing held at the school -en Friday after- noon. Lois Webb, the president, pre= choruses, solos, recitat&ijus and dia- logues. Lunch was served by the pupils, after which work done by the pupils . under the supervision of tfie teachers, Mr. James Cohlter-and Miss Beutriee -MeQuillin, were _shown, Mrs.; Harold Gaunt was the winner' of -a -magazine rack in-ade by iii oys:-...,.�, `Women's Institute, --The June meet- ing of the Women's Institute. was held on Thursday in the Community Hall evening. with.the,-glen as guests for the program. _ Mrs. Arehte" "Aitcheson;. president, was in the chair, It was. decided to' discontinue the quiltings until September. Mrs. Elwood Bar- bohr was appointed delegate to the district totilh held at Auburn, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young. Mr. Howard Quaid, opo has been engaged in construction work for the last few years, has given up this occupation and returned to the home of his father, Mr. John Quaid, to take over the working of the farm. Finis. -The play cast presented their play "Good Gracious Grandma." at Amberly. Mildmay and Bervie last week and at Victoria street ehurch, Goderieh, this week. to good audiences. On Friday evening of next week they will go to Monerieff, after which the old play -books will be thrown sky- Softball-=-Teens�l-scitlarl-tea °has- been . fortaxetk int -the corirmunYh ` arld being latin gettia: `atarte"''-wirs`un able �ro get in ie-"Tory"r Gregg longue, as the schedule of. ga-roes had been drawn up. After having • a talk with Mrs. Gregg: ut.._i?aghaoni y. are -•-to play exhibition games with the fol- lowing teams of .group , 2, B series: Goderieh Township, Benmiller, Londes- boro, Westfield, Auburn and Dungan-• annual e nen, until the playoffs, in which they She, Mrs. A. Aitcheson, the presidentwill_ take part. In a recent exhibition and Mrs. F.. W. Rice, the district repro- !genie they Ron over the Dungannon seiitative, will represent the St, Helens ! team, The Port Albert home games round.. ranch, ,firs. Gordon J ePhersim gave i are .played on •the airport g 4 a reading, "Down oh 0fir�'t''a"rty til 'e" """' Mrs.Rice sang a solo and Mrs. :tic - Kenzie_ \Ve1th gave i_reaiailag, "Modern CREWE kidneys. .. Men." Itev. M. G. Newton ;ave a' CREWE', Tune 10. -Mr. nine -MT's. "Dean's" are put.._up in an oblong grey box with. our trade „tiaark -a "Maple Leaf" on the wrapper.' Refuse substitutes. Get I'Doan's.." The T. Milt's Co_ Ltd. Toronto. Ont. wxEEiER's . FUNERAL SERVICE . No extra eh rge for the use Of our Funeral Home, Trop Prompt Ambulance' Service Phone 335- ' Ets. 355 or 7 MALSD. AD ori Dr A ppLED - -Quickly removed -in- Clean Sanitary- Trucks.. Phone _collect: 910 r 16 CLINTON - - 216 STRATF ORD William Stone Sons Limited INGERSOLL, ONTARIO very interesting lantern lecture 'show- Charlie Sherwood of Detroit visited iiig many pictures of beauty spots in', with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood re -- Canada. At the conclusion lunch was: 'cently. served, with Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs.,•Edna McWhinney returned on Mrs. McKenzie Webb and Mrs. W. A. I Monday from Echo Bay, 'where she Miller is hostesses. - • i spent the past several months. Miss Lois Montgomery, nurse-in- traiuing at Clinton hospital,' visited on Monday with Mrs: J. Sherwood. Mr. and' Mrs. T. I3rydges of Bel - grave called on- Mr.. -B. Treleaven on Wednesday. - "-- Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran on Wednes- day night attended the twentieth wed= ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jim tier of Stratford. P/b. Elliott Rivett left on Thursday for Lachine; Que.. to receive his dis- charge from the R.G.A.F: • - w a.11an` Corbett -visited oder .the week -enol with friends at NILE NILE.. June 10. -Mr. and Mrs. W. , D. p'ortl'y of Goderich spent the week- end with Mr. and Sirs. Graham McNee: • One day last week. Mr. and- Mrs. Albert Slesser, of ' Kincardine.-- Irs. Jack. ,Shier - and daughter Joan, of Aimow, and Mrs. Jessie ;3hewfelt and Mrs.. Jane McCalluin, of Newdale, :Clan:, visited at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Gratia -m - c'�4ee. - Sunbeam 'Club. -The Sunbeam Club' ,Ancaaster and Grand Valley. held its regular monthly meeting at -, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett and son the home of Mrs: W. Caldwell 'on Wed- called on Mrs. T. M. Durilin on Sunday. nesday of last week, with fourteen Mr.. Dprnin is spending a few- days in London: • Mr. • and Mrs. Fred Finlay of Gode- rich and Mr. and. Mrs. C. Blake, Jimmie and Lynda, of Dungannon; visited with -Mr. and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick. W.M.S. Meeting. -' The ladies of Crewe W.M.S. held their June Meeting held. It was decided to have a picnic at the hone `of_Mrs. (Rev:) Rogers on at Harbor Park, 'Goderich, - on June Thursday, June ti; with an attendance Barred Rick and Hybnd Rect X Dock. Now ° Avpplable ro ° EACH ,MONDAY AND THURSDAY UNTIL JUNE 13ph SOME STARTED OITIOICS=THA NUMBDR IS LIMITED Scott's Poultry Farm mSEAFORTH J. M. SCOTT, PHONE 851r32, SEAFORTH 23-4 Alf. Armstrong, Miss Dorothy Berry, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wes. Alton, of London, and Bertram Curran, of Toronto. %V.M,S. M,eexjng,-- _, he June meeting of the' Blake's W.M.S. was held at the parsonage .on Tuesday afternoon. Eight grandmothers were present. After a devotional and business period a pro- gram of interesting and humorous read - in ltd ti solo -.. were enjoyed. Many o.. rfinitiofS ; were received - for the birt ay boxy Mrsa•Thes.-J.P Andersen,. Lucknow, a former member, attended the meeting. A social half-hour was spent around- the tea table. Mrs. M. J. Blake, a. life member, had the honor of cutting the Balt; {especially donated for Grandmothers' Day. , , ASHFIELD ASHFIEsLD, June 11. -Misses Anna, Charlotte and Lois Loi s Ma. ck.e..na._z._ie. and Rev. v . J. LIT:pozaZ, lspent thCe Mackenzie. - ..-µ._.. :klisses Anila MacGregor andEthel Mackenzie - of Toronto were horns- for -- the week -end. • A-uiversary services in Ashfield `Presbyterian Church will be 'held on Sunday, June 23, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan., standard time. Rey. W. Budreau of Atwood will be the speaker. Miss Isabel Howes is visiting her aunt, Mrs, J. ' B. Rhodes, in Toronto. Mrs. A. Gilder*. • and daughter Wendy, of Goderich,.yspent last week at the home of Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie. LEEBURN LEEB'URN, June 11. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chisholm of Sarnia spent Sun- day' here. ' Mrs. Harvey Fisher - entertained at a trousseau tea in h� nor of her d augh- ter MISS Don oFriday afternoon and evening, Mine 7th. The guests were received, at the- door by the mothers . of f the bride and groom, and the gifts were shown by girl friends. Lunch was served, tea being poured by the three grandparents. Farm Forum. -On Monday evening,. June 17th, come to -No. 5 school house and hear Dr. John See, veterinarian, recently es, ablished in Goderich, speak on pis trip to the West Indies. Visitors welcome, Ladies please bring sand- wiches. -- - A soldier phoned a hotel - in Denver an a a mi d'ttslted •wleexe h might ..�n .d ._ P4..,_.,@8 -._ e. for the light: The -Yoke on the$her- -' end of the line asked where the soldier - • _ was. ",T,'m in a phone booth," he answered, "Pleasant' d eamsZ came _- - -- the reply. • A Pimple .Covered Face ; Kills Many 4- Romance. The lives of manyzroimg peOple are made miser ,ryr . ab)e��ii ni'ireBF�iiiflg ot�t I'3f �pit�#j3lew�1`�,{7JDIIl2'25�'J�',bl�" _. FA know of cases where a promising romance been spoiled by those red, white, festering and pus filled -- _ sores--on--the face.--- -= _ .. _ _ _ T _ ..._.._ ._._.,,.... The trouble is not so much physical pain, -but the __ mental --suffering caused by the embarrassilag disfigurement which very often makes the sufferer ashamed to .go out in cp . pany. Thequickest way togetrid of pimples is to irove the general fiealtlb • by a thorough cleansing.pof 'the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters helps to cleanse the blood and with the blood cleansed ,the complexion should clear up: - - The T. Milburn C,o.,T.hnited; Toronto, Ont. - members and one visitor present._, One quilt was partly finished., •MrS.„ ,Gere, .the president, was in charge of the business. Twenty-five dollars was don- ated to the "Christian .Homes for. Children." S.ome clothing• was, turned in for the Clothing drive -which- is being 21st. • It is hoped there will be 'a good -attendance of members and their fam- ilies .to make the picnic a success,., - The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Gladys Rivett, -the first Wed- nesday in July. • Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs,,.. Caldwell and Mrs. 1Cilli�am Nivins. • DTEVER I'M SORRY, I 'L L HAVE -TO GIVE MY BUSINESS "Fta SOMEONE ELSE r)S qU1 •FEET_. Like 'I'H 'O@X/ING UP Me • SPONGE. AS You GETALL e.lAMI MEI UP'WITH WORK.. - • 11-16 ,w - ot.E euSINES5 Wlt..L GO TO POT IF &Ot4''it- GS'T' some EXPEI2IENCEo HELP SOON./ • ti es.I4bb1q'O¢r"Tc�PIgTA LLWO LOSS' O'VI• V'in You. 8 Q.. T HMeW OMGR.' BECAUSE OF POOR $paVsc of eleven members and visitors. Mrs, Zinn was in charge of the- program. The., Missionary_ MonthLy program on home mission work was followed sand readings were given by Mrs. Finnigan, Mrs. Rivett, Mrs.. Treleaven,,,. Mrs: -1cii- patrick and .Edna McWhinney, while Mrs. Rogers sang asa solo, "God of the Prairies.' a There were several dis- cussions during - the business period with regard; -to sending clothing ;in a bale, also getting gifts for three re - ,turned men. Mrs. M.. Shackleton of- fered prayer and the 'btenediction, after which Mrs. Rogers serF4d refreshments. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL,. June 10. -Mr. and Mrs. Alien Betties, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picot and•'Mrs. F. 5. Weston attended' the funeral of their coalsin, •Mrs. •Pearl Grosvenor, Centralia. -Mrs. Grosvenor, Who had. been caring for her aunt, Miss Wilson, passed away during Saturday night in her sleep, having `retired in her usual health. The funeral took place_ to Strathroy cemetery on Tues- day. On Sunday, June 23. Rev. F. G. Stotesbury will conduct baptismal ser- vice at Grace church. Any. parents wishing ,to have their children baptised are invited to attend. Congratulations to Mr.- and Mrs. Reg. Miller, who were married June 1st fn Clinton. They• will reside on the 9111 c6ncession of Goderich township. Porter's 11111 Coininunit$ Club will hold their meeting. on •June 26, - in- stead of .Lane 19 as. 1orinerly platnned, at. the home of Mrs. A,.. Lockhart. A splendid turnout to morning ser- vice at Grace "church on • Sunday .was very enrouraging, We trust -the at- tendance may continue to increase. 'On • Sunday morning, Jure• 1Gth, Rei. Douglas :=toresbury will have. charge clf the services .in Grace church while father, Itec F. (i bitrteabat y, eon ducts anniversary '*cal kes at- his Bon's charge. - - tuziYistioD 604. A, Mi t-toti aueRS Pota - SOMEOMm 'rr LI EF '? u iia* KNOwg THV Pfl dHI f)a+ WS-IP.N II+I wAL.Ke 61,40 o1 ' .ydue. e. o -t MPIaOYI JUS' " 01661-DAI .-y,ieom 60I VIoe O.6 ...6A6JTo. S'IJ&1+ :r PAck skid MSS' LAIC '(3OI'z, !I MANIOH, MAd11 OttYV.VSge. PEEL MOMf LIKE kI3 "& ' A OIN tee YYf.)e t�d COt1lRIQtJT 9 BY MAFEKING • ur �v,$, visitors pntario� shows ° Visitors from the States bought over 70,000 angling licences in just one season! These -guests help bring us prosperity ... it's up to us to do all we can to make their visits pleasant! WHAT CAN 1 DO? The answer is plenty! Here are some of the things any- - one can do. The Auggestions comp from a well-known Ontario hotelman: 1. Know the place, of interest and A 2 beauty spotd in your distrie tell people about them. - 2. When you write your friends in the States tell them about the places they would ' enjoy, visiting, --- 3. -Try t� make any .visitor, glad he came to Canada. • 4. Take time to give requested information fully and graciously. 5.- In business dealings, remember '< Canada's reputation for courtesy and fairness depends on you. 6. To sum it all up_ , follow the "Golden Rule." MAFEKING, June 10. --Mr. and ears. Neil McDonald. of Paisley, visited at Rich. Kilpatrick's onFriday. evening.. Miss Vernal I ilpatrjek, Woodstock, is spending some holidays at hoille with her parents. - Mr: and Mrs. C. Hallam and family visited friends at Auburn on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rich, Kilpatrick 'find children visited , Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Atkinson, Brantford; on Sunday last. Mrs Lionel 'Watson, Echo Buy, vvho was a _delegate to the 'London Confer- ent.e of the I'nited Church, visited for a short time with her sister, Mrs. Will Irvin, concession . 9. Mr.,and Mrs. Isaac Cranston visited with Mr. aetul Mrs. Norman, Kerr on Sunday and - attended 'the lmptisni of tt eir dove ; anddaii,ghter Visit;ov i .1G a iite . t'tv e1kseii l 'r,, i y�i ri al'd,Mrd. Wil { ` i , were M .it l`i'CL Worth his weight iah gold! The Province of Ontario profits to almost the same extent front tourist busi- ness as it does from the gold mining industry. it's up to each of 'us to see that it goes on growing. This diagram shows how everyone benefits from the Ontario tourist income. Every dollar is' shared this way . , . 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Itesthtlran'ts; 4. `Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- ments; 6. Garages. It works both ways! They treat us royally, when we visit them ...- we can't do les$ than return the com- pliment. Remember,h that it costs money to take a holiday . . -SO let's see they get a good return for every . penny they spend. PLANNING A HOLIDAY? TECO in "Ontario Holidsy"'CFRt3, 1 ,s p oro t,' lhaer.,i Fri., acid Seal. I h PURLDSHtl1 IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST • BY J r /r1N LAEATl l.VM14ED