HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-24, Page 3HEALTH. The Dangers of Nareetie5- The London Lancet hair delivered Pertain admonitions with regard to the prevalent use of narcotic poisons for excitability and sleeplessneea, in ouch energetic and fitting terms ae these ; " The death of a medical man --Dr. John Middleton, late Surgeon -major in the Mud Life Gouda, but at the time or his decease a praotltiener at Stockton -will again drew attention to the rniechevioue and, as we be- lieve, wholly indefensible practice of ,giving and taking such depreseieg narcotics as chloral and bromide of pot eedel t as a rem- edy for sleepleeenees, aleeplessneas is al - wave wakefulnese in one or mere of its raultitudinou,s forme, and the resource to narcotic persons for its relief is utterly un- scientific and deplorable from atherapeutie- al point of view. It 28 as olumay in theory -in so far as it: can be slid to have a theory --as knocking a man down because he needs rest, What is it that prevents the natural and physiological rest of the body atrhyth- micai periods 3 The brain leas truly a of the body as the stomach, and it is as much a fault of the organa of the mind to prevent Sleep by mantel worry or wakeful- ness as itis a four; of the stomach to render sleep impossible by bad digestion. No in- telligent practitioner dreamer of uarcotiziog the nerve* of the gadtric organs to promote sleep. Why in the name of common Renee should any medical man for an instant think it legitimate to narcotize the brain because it exhibits tome disturbing irregularity In its fuuottons " Steen ie Pet a *peeled prerogative of the brain. Emery organ deeps, and general sleep le til r (aggregate of many sleeper, It is time te`proteet agaivat this clumsy proec- dure. If we do so warmly, it IS h694004 we feel that the mistake is of common making. It le an much easter to write rt preeeription or hake up a bottle of modickze or a box of Ulla with ons of the rank potions that retai- n) steep, and se they do so deprave cerebral axil nerve tissue, than it would be to search out the real and active ranee of wakef uluea s. When will the progress of prof mimed en- lightenment reaeii that point at wh cin all thane cloaka for ignorance that depend ace much for their elgnifaicance on the negative in are ostracized feorn our nomonaleture? Dr. Clifford Allbutt baa just pleaded foreib- ly and eloquently for the diecarding�of that wondrously silly wordt indigestion. Will no splrltod relent -leo help to exorcise the haunting folly that silage to the terrair- sontuia e an terns with in, negetive, plyigaoraneeOrt the part'ef those who frame and use them, and, which is worse, are cote tont with she stat of knowiedgearrived at, or aro too indolent to extend and improve it. Who shell sound the depth* or measure the range of the stupendous unknown over which the audacity of e'probity and the apathy of a profe *los conspire to cast the ✓ ent of " inanity" There are more than a score made heti of known causes orforme of aleepleasuess, each one requiring direct and ;Tootle treetmeot, and yet, as by common', consent, the profeesaion aanctione the abuse o£euch drags re *Morel and bromide at. poisoned nisep' producer%. No inedicai' man is lnetilled in undertaking the trait - meat of hie own maladie*. It is impossible' that he should se far step ont of himself ,.a to be obis to form reasonable judgment of bin ease efifrrarefy ; and no practitioner hex the juetida;aa:,ion of sclance for the recourse to narcotics u remedies for aleepleesncssex- cept when an cxoaptisnal pain is the aoai- dental disturborof a sleep function, or a habit of wakefulness may be broken by an oc• ca.ianal doze of the stupelier." We have knewn severed team of young men, who by/ medical advice have taken doses of gaiorne or chloral, or of a bromide compound, and in the course of a y ear haves broken down with ;battered nerves and a mental state bordering on insanity. A ra- tional observance of simple hygienic rule would have saved them the loss and worry incident to each a condition. • PEOPLE. Florence, the actor, got into a street care' the other day. Ile says : "The seats were all full. A lady had her little boy in the seat along aide of her. She told him to get up, and letthe old gentleman, meaning rhe; eh; dawn. I game home feeling znji 54 year*" A book called "Wieland and Reinhold," which has just appeared in Germany, con- tains the following extraordinary estimate of one of thegreatestGermanmusioiana by one of the greaceet Gerson poste. In 1793 Wie- land wrote to Reinhold : ahould be pleased if your vielt could occur on a day when the operetta. 'Der Baum. der Diana will be given, the music of which is paid to be extraordinarily sweet and charming---' whereas, on the other hand, Maz irt'a'Figaro' which was rn add to the pleasures of out celebration day before yesterday, Lathe met'i disagreeable thing I have ever heard in pay W. William M. Evarts felt in love with his wife when she waa aixteee, and he a green boy at college. She was the daughter of Treasurer Wardner, elV ermont, and waa as pretty as young Erarte was homely. They became engaged at her home in Vermont; and Everts west away to New York, prom - Wog to come back when he had mode enough to warrant his marrying .11t twenty-five he had made a name for himself as a lawyer, and was a member of ono of the chief New York law €irme, one mekiag,'it ie arid, a to- tal of $130,000 a year, At thiktime he mar tied, and hie Wife, after bearing btu* thirteen children, in (till welland happy. Once In a while the question is heard i "What hes become of 14rs. Titterer' The little woman who was a few goitre age the most widely -known Amerloau woman in the world, liver with her aged mother, hire, Morse, on Pacific street, to Brooklyn, in °cmfort and quiet, Ever educe one remark- able scandal trial she: hats lived is the same way. Tile home of Mra. Tilton with her mother is ons of taste, rednerent and eleg- ance. Many of thepictarea that were inade faruoas by the -repeated yarna len the court- room, of how Theodore, na hie urghtelxirt, used to go around the house rehagging them at all house of the night, aro to be seen on the walla of her present browa.*tone home, A good story was told about Mr. Henry Irving at a reception of Ilarvard alumni at lluli',tto. «'ben the b aglish actor visited Boston, Preeldeut and Aire. Eliot were among the spectators at his brat perform- ance; and la order to do honor to the!, stranger, he was invited Out to ifirvard, ;Mown all the college ".tons" sed finally en.' tertainrel at a lunehren to which a m000t', party of diatiugui.hed ouoa were bidden. "By the way, Mr. Irving," said the presi- dent, with a praise -worthy desire to open! the convereatian upon a subject of general interest, "Are you a univoradty mss' "No, air," wee the actor's answer ; then, an if he felt that the reply might be taken as iu some way implying disrespect to the col. loge and co"lesee in general, he added, "but my heelaoss manager here fa," In a new volume by Ma Reed, the veter- an roporter, a chapter on "hearing aoc nein- hearing gives SWIM *miming llluatrationa of the mistaken sometimes made by report - era owing to imperfect hearing, coned not hafregaentiy by the imperfect articulation of the speakers they were reporting. 'Glue "overtax" was once written down for "over sot;" "Wetobiug from the Roman aye" for "W'atching from their horse on bight" "a good Sunday cont" for"a goose and a goat;: and the "Count -as of Ayr' for "county sur- veyor,' b. speaker in parliament onoe said, "What do tate Turks want? To he a no- tion." Thin waa printed "To be in Alta." " atteedera of oluba," loose of Mr, Bright's speeches, wan tran.formed. into 'vendors of gloves' The atter part of the statement That "all reforms inthis country have been brought about by pressure," was reported "brought about by Prussia." "Pew rates are the greatest anomies of the Church" was converted into"curates are the greatest en- emios of the Churoh. B Air for the Brain. A physician noted for bis skill in curing nervous diseases almost invariably separates the patient from her family, her old nur.ea, and the familiar, anxious, aympethiztngctr- ole of friends, and placers her in a_ oh•erfal atmosphere, among new faces and soenea, where she no longer can believe herself the centre of the universe. " There is a certain healthy, helpful in- fluence which naturally Domes from human beings to each other," he said, Iately, while *peaking to one of his patient*. " Thin wo. man has drained all which her friends had to give years ago. We need occasionally a fresh moral and mental atmosphere, just as much as fresh material air to breathe." Another physician, visiting in a country hoose where the mother a delicate, affection- ate, self•savrifioing woman, who lived but for her husband and children) lay ill, with no disease apparently but extreme weakness and weariness, ordered her to go to the city alone ; to spend a month in absolute idle- ness, mixing as often impossible with crowds of people who were interested and excited, at church, at concerts, even in public meet. Ings. The patient, a shy, diffident woman, obeyed, and came home with color in her cheeka and new life in her heart. " I onoe asked," said a well-known law- yer, " the famous backwoods preaoher Bas- com what was the secret of his power as an orator ; how he contrived to away ,large numbers of 'nen to his will. ' First,' he an- swered, ' I bring them close to me and to each other. Leave no empty benches be- tween your audience. The electric spark. will not pass across a gap from one man to the other,' " These ideas may seem fanciful, but there is a solid basis of truth under them all. Phy- sicians usually brine all their drill to bear in curing the ailments of the body. There is a human ma etism which we are all apt to overlook ' , our materia medicti. Hard.- ' rking women in the lonely farms or isolated villages of this oountry often find themselves growing irritable and nervous, and even troubled with religious doubts, in spite of their fervent prayers. They do not need tonics or moral discipline. They need friction with unfamiliar minds, new ideas, novel scenes, just astheir lungs, after using up all the oxygen in a close room, need the air out of doors, Young girls are too apt, voluntarily, to force themselves into this state ; disappoint• ed in their natural longings for a congenial companion, they resolve to live alone, and shut themselves into their own souls. The resouroes are not sufficient to keep off famine. " Only a God or a brute can dwell in solitude," says the wise old German. Mme. Adam, who edits the Nouvelle .Re vue, is pronounced to ,be the bestdressed woman in Paris, whioh is noted as singular, since her journal is not a fashion paper. Signor Luigi Canepa a composer whose three previous works have had some emcees in Italy, is writing an opera with the title " In Carnevale," which represents an episode of Florentine history ` in the timeof the Mediot, The Editor Reid the Ports A few years ago a lane number of tail way passenger agoutis were congregated at Jaoksonville, endeavoring to mare butd- ness for their respective nada, as the trims el of Northern tourists happened to be very Inge that Winter. While the paasenger agents were infesting the hotels and mak. nig ithinge lively and having a jolly time among themselves, the editor of one of the Jacksonville papers came out In an editori- al ana called the passenger agents body - snatcher% and declare& that they were a nuisance, and stated in positive terms that they should be kept away from the dephts by the pollee. The article aroused the we of the passenger men, and they held a meet- ing in a hotel to devise ways and means to be Bean Campbell offered motion which was adopted, to appoint a committee to be called the retraction committee, who should call on the editor and compel him to apolo- gize. Mr. Campbell, so the joke goes, was made chairman of the committee. and in company with several others started in search of the office of the abusive paper. After some difficulty the office was found, and, ascending a couple of flight* of dark, rickety stairs, Mr. Campbell and his com- mittee entered a room and discovered a hin, consumptive -looking little man seated at a pine table, writing by the light of a dirty tallow candle. " Are you the editor and responsible man of this paper ?" said Campbell, becoming very bold as he noted the fact that the edi- tor was a very diminutive man. " Yes, sir, I am the editor and rem:menet. ble man." -,Well, sir, did von write this outrageone article ?" thundered Campbell, as he put on a look of terrible rage. " Yes, I wrote that article," camly re- plied the small editor. " Then, sir, we demand that you apolo- gize and retract what you have said, instant- ly," said Campbell, in a thundering manner. " I never apologize," replied the editor " and I want you to get out of here in very quick style ;" and he pulled out of a drawer in the table before him a six.shooter as long as a cornstalk and covered the °roved with it. Col. Bob Garrett, who was there to render moral support to the committee, saya he reached the bottom of the stairs first, 'with the rest of the committee galloping dose at his heels. When the committee reached the hotel the other pamenger agents were anxious to know what success they had met with. Mr. Campbell. after calming himself, explained that the intention was laudable, but owing to circumstances the exeoution was faulty. He also remarked that his friends would have to wait until the Gulf was frozen over before he would content to serve on a re- traction committee again. Col. Garrett says the next morning the editor came out in his paper and ripped the beim up the back, but no one oared to call his attention to the matter. Professor Huxley will be forced by im- paired healtb. to retire from all his active London Book Laborers• In sunshine or shower, fog or fair wee- ther, thet pproaches tothedockeand Wharves from catarrh. To all such we say • Catarrh of the metro polis are every . morning can be cured by Dr. • age's Catarrh Remedy. throngedby crowds of eager, anxious men, struggiing-nay, in many cases fighting like wild beasts --to obtain work within the Enclose a stamp to Wor d'a Depository gates. Medical Asaociacion, Buffalo, N. Y., for As the hone draws near for the ringing pamphlet on this disease, of the great bell aonouncing the commence. went of work, a crowd of often a couple of thousand men press around the . principal entrance of the London docks, and, as the big gates swing slowly open, the mighty MASS of humanity rushes forward like au overwhelming flood to the chain -barrier where the Superietendennt gives out the me- tal tokens entitling the holder to employ- ment within, Of oenrae he shote preference to those previeualy employed, but there it always the chance of obtaraiugatrcket, anddthemien strive to clutair one at the talismans with intense, passionate eagerness. Tha:y push, and joetle and str*w le, leaping on each other's smoulders and lighting and wrestling in the mad rush like famishing animate,. rather than human being% The moetdeaperatedetermination ie writ- ten on every face, and there is small thought in the mind of any man of that sarglug crowd, for anyone but himself. For work means food --poor and 'scanty, no doubt, but still something to keep the terrible wolf from the aoor, Rennie meanie aemi-starvation, or worse. But of the crowds who struggle and fight at the-getes, frequently not more than ons- third are seleckoa, and the remainder, bear- ing their sad fate with a* much philosophi- cal fortitude we they oars muster-perhape it is stony despair, rather --tarn diecoueolete- iylaway, somo to took work et other played. "l Hon't want Relief, But Cure; is the exclamation of tbouaanda suffering It has been done in thousands of cases; why not in yours ? : Y our danger is in delay. The latest dieooverer among the doctors, Dr. E L Nichols, clearly demonstrates to hiaowu satisfaction thatnten'a eyes are more sensitive than those of women to the color red, yellow and green. An Important Airreit The arrest of a suspicious character upou his general ai'peeranoe, movement' or cont- panionehip, without waiting until he has robbed a traveler, fired a house, or murder. ed a fellow -man, is an important function of a shrewd detective. Even more important is the arrest of a disease which, if not check ed, will blight and destroy a human life. The feequenzcough, loss of appetite, genera languor or debility, pallid skip, and bodily aches and palate, anuounos the approaen of pulmonary consumption, which ie promptly arrested and permanently cured by Dr. Pierra>, "� Golden Medical r13e...,..�.... n Sold 1;1' druggiete. The brewer who nuilreth pea beer in the day and patteth. a good howl me it ia better than whe drinketh the beer at night and leo- it wriketh up in the meriting with a good head en himself. JAMS ''ARK & bON. , I CYTS. THIS OUT 1 Pork Packers, Toronto. L. 0. $aeon, BoUed Spice Baswn, p ft Bpoon, Glasgow Eeoi Items. Sugar Cured 13am, Aried Baal. Br est Baoon, (noised Ton. Buse, alese York l'lok1d; ongueta. Ohsaee, i's'Uy or Hast' reek Iard lu !Wil sad ilabe. yhe Bark stands or Eng• Ash ilia Dairy Salt to Stook T FOR ' illi.a.843.I'7 ",G" SIW1 —USA ONLY t ; ti C1a ertoo a Spool $Jc oil I W*ni *e4 ta7LI,I.enaa», ane an me onmel, as •a, terra„; maohiae. Bee.: that OLLFPXRTow's name n as . '••a i1" fin* .aa. fi4 of a 71..-ti.;na.7f...t,.w .. aw:a", Ramer le ma a Ria+Awa r na.4that *w...�; „„r4LA 0/' 104. a .W. Deli .2t5au o.ni, ,wn Ito( e.a vs. andc *very lady wet lazy altar try1/4 wAr(-1,,e ROw1880111 04 to ATI TatIMMA cottva Xe beck o The New 0o -Operative koIewing lo achines --ARE Tao- 13E2T IN TIE MAIIKET. low SURD 1 MAW WITKNITVISX Latest Improved Attachments Agents price for almilarraaaille 1811 °or price only 125 out Salons buying send al stomp for OW ineignn9 pine* (int aod smote of sewing, bilifstrAbeinasegTIROOT4004120X WOO Mil and 000 Aar lady TE.141134g ,S410121n0 Ida Wen $9 =MI Ihe TUE co-orzaaTivis v42 SewingMachine Goo Weak lunge, spitting of blood, 002241110P' phyrildau. Midterm for treatise, with two TX 0 NI "ARIV8 which olv • It beyenci ell doubt that "Myrtle "collie" which nmy occur at any time ant' sc n f bac • th Mot a vleitor, etrollieg through the fine dooke, tied admiring the ahipping and ion every hund, la suddenly Arreitied by the etreege eight of a sea of white, armiene favea, preming wistfnily against the bora on a eider entrance. Yee, men are Mill waiting there for auy cell for Motet* teat may come during the day. Ana presently, all you wait, the Superintendent Appears, and cries ; " One man wanted 1" Ineteutly all the watchera opting up like caged solmele when food le brought them elliog,thouting, eked extendtng their beanie., emokere of Canada. They (beam more en- jots:omit from it than from eny ether tobric- • meole end those of them who heve aged, it lorig enough to test ite merite never Aban- don it for any otheT breush The reason for thie preference is that the "Myrtle Navy " is made of the very dwelt leaf vrhich is grown and that in every preemie of its man- ufecture tho moat vigilant care le exercited to preeerve the oeuttine arome of the loaf. If you with. to pater a whitewashed wall, bruah it over with etrong alum wirter• Out. • has full eteff aind complete come in loap on eiwk 4411061 lack', and obkm., Literature, Music, Fine Atte. and Gortunere her up to the Impute* reit ; sod ell thie few. 1°„251 S0Jetwo. Rwortoms September 10, litS5. tat tic.ket,-perimps for One hour worn_ k Auitau. 13, D. at meet 1 One 014 01 the birge number reeeivere *kat, appereutly by chime, mbar thou by eny other manner of ;selection, and then the noise euboides, end the men welt on, pliant, dogged, hungry -eyed as Infer% At auothertime the cell will oome for tsvo Men, and the mime soene will 000ur &Rein. and for ou throughout the day. But of the great: munhere who (lewd the Woe la ment, * et y few, complwatively, can over he engaged. Ono in every Omit or four rippers to he the average number who obtoin, work. Enduranoe of the risqltionehT. The Mime t of eold these northern nomeds eon endure, however, borders on the phonon:t- enet I beve Seen the little babies, two and three years old, play, perfectly naked, for hours at a thne, on the retadeer robes of the bed in the igloo, the tompereture as I have mad, being constantly below freezing ; end in the fall I have seen them naked, playing and splaahing in a pond of water, long mediae's:ft lee forming on the quiet Dittoes. I once ewer an Erquimatt baby boy taken /remits motherh hood, and netted, made to stand on the IOW until she found its rein- deer skin clothieg from the sledge A feirly strong wind, sufficient to drift Ithe lower snow along with it blowirm at the time, the thermometer minus 3,8 , the only protection it hed being a sledge loaded about three feet high, around eud over which the wind poured. Ito exposure thua was a good mirk. ute, and to appreciate this one must take a, watch in hie baud and toe that length of time drag by, a time that IN not unooneolen- tious but eenrational writer might readily jot downas five or ten minutes. Ana I hews known a naked man eurprie- ed aaleep in his igloo by a polar bear, heath ly grasp a gun and pursue his enemy 200 or 300 yards in the anow, the thermometer 15 to 20 ° below zero, and slay him. These Eequimaux rub slushy snow, dipped in water on the runners of their sledges with the open palms of the hands until it freezes into solid ice the thermometer being from zelo to SO beilow, when I have known it to be done. I have seen an &embalm traveller throw himself on the snow and rest comfort- ably far halt an hem'. the thertasmeter 71 0 below zero, or 103 °below freezing, and pro- babty doing some light work with ungloved hands. The Kinneptoo Esquimau, who sel- dom build even the small fires of the native stone lamp in their igloos during the very coldest weather of winter, are probably the hardiest of all these boreal tribes in with- standing low temperatures, and sit around in their cold, cheerless snow house with on- ly their undergarments on (the Fequimaux has two suits of reindeer skims, the outer with the hair turned outward, and the inner with the hair turifed to weird and resting against the body), their arms withdrawn from their sleeves and resting on their bare bodies across their breasts ohattipg all the while pleasantly about various matters, the thermometer often being below zero; in fact, the onlwwarmth the snow house has is that given off by their bodies. The bthorer tido) is worthy of hie hire la leo worthy of hie lore. 'revention Better Than ure. Meet/ of the dile:ism ecr prevalent lu thews day* are ceased by Wag leap omit -slain impure and Latakia.* matter. Avoid ail risk hy using Partraersox Laundry Soap, which is abeolutely pnre, Ask your poor for H104200rieN. Maaufeetured only by the Toronto Suop Co. A Lawyer's Story. Speaking about hate reminds me of an in- cident that happened delvers). years agh, when I was living at a friehionable-house, a leading city. It was rather a high-toned place ana contained among its tnembera as fine a lot of young ladies and gentlemen as you would care to meet. Well, one day in midsummerroind it was a terribly hot day, too -white we were all down at dinner, a man entered the hall door, whioh was standing open, and gathering up the hats on the rack in a pile --there were about thirty of them, and some fine ones, too -he started down the front steps. Before he reached the side- walk he met a salesman who wee a little late for dinner, and who asked him wliat he was doing with aU those hats: " Why," odd the fellow "I'm a hat dealer just around the corner, and I m going to clean these hats while the gentlemen are at dinner." " AU right, replied the salesman, " take mute a- palette. Also from Daltimore,Tia Halifax and 84.vonir long, and clean it up, too." There was WOO l'4.igaVet",reallgerlitZWZM'",94,1t. the biggest crowd of bareheaded olerks in en moons, warm, Pommel, Bowen atio "Tonsael that house you ever saw. And the one vrho eaw the rasoal lugging the hats all off, and helped him, teo, by giving hirable own hat - well we nearly thumped the life out of him Wet Ion Otteich, lairfeUtt YOU AG FRENCH SHOE BLACKING 11.: yearling heifers sad ens hail. WOW tor desrvir- Mos Orbs an 1 OVUM* PIG. IA Baircharaialger, 2210.• whit 0; ea, et K. Thereat Per par- $lonlontaddresa J. LEWIS, New Sarum, Ont. ishal It Is cOnOrded by an thia the Noncom filoi INTARIO YBTERINA.ItY COLLEGE, Temper - II Pined St., Toronto. Patrons, Gov. Oen. of Canada. filvY Inetitution In America-- Over five hundred graduates in enroassful practise. AR expellimoe4 Principal, PROF- 51111T11, V. 8, lama' Ere War has proved Itself a s000ess. who have used it aciaiuding to direetiona if their eyes ware curable, aa will be ven br the unserelgoed 000,12084a. It aurae me, years mullet 0. /forth; ; it hoe owed mr, occults' would no% try me, Elle Dufour; 39 years blind and now I see, John Leon ix. Aek your &mains for Wholentie-94 wan Soaa 0e,, 4.44 Elk Moetreal. PRINTERS WHO REQUIRE New or Second-hand itesses, OR 01/11111 MACHINERY OR MATIZIAL tomer nun; will get the lowest prices mid best berms from 27 & 20 Adelaide St. East, 'reroute. Ai in. Rs ViTEITI• BORING Will bore 5 to 25 Inch hole; hand or horse -power .• test per hour. Our oombined augur and Rook Drill a grand moms, worked by Moan or hone -power. Send ler Catalog ur. 88 Mew Street. Hatatilten. Ont. Onta io Agricultural College WI LL P.E.OPON 01211111T 00T011101. EXAMINATIONS TOR ADMISSION ON 2ND Charossa. Course of Instruction SPECIALLY ADAPTED to wants of farmers' sons. For circular giving informa- tion as to terms of admission, cost, course of study, eto., apply to JAMES MILLS, M.A.. (Name fhtspdper.) - President, Guelph. IX Ruptured, . ar. Tann cure you In four monrhs, Infants In t wo months. Doctors themselves wear and recommend them as the best for all classes -Ministers, Pro. and Laborers. The most per- ect eyxtem to send by mar. Send 60. stamp for Book on Rupture and Human Frame, 8th Edition. Address, CHAS. OLUTEE, aitiRGICAL MIOUINIST, 118 Zing 'lip Went, Toronto, rant. ER UM DISINFECTANT SAGIIIIETS, plaoed in Drawers, Trunks, Wardrobes, eto.- They drive away and destroy Moths and otherinsects, imparting & delightful and delicate perfume to the clothlog, carried or worn upon the person they are of disease, giving oft at the eame time a most delight- ful odor ; mule entirely of eatin in assorted colors, Tory pretty, unique, and neat. Every one should have them. Price 10o. each -three for 25o. Thymo• Cresol Soap the great English dieinfectant toilet map, awarded the gold medal, London, Eng., 1884. Large cakes, price 15o., or 250 per box of 3 !take% postage paid to any address upon receipt of price, Address TIITMO-CRES01, COMPANY, 'Ms araig St., 1,lan- Ciroulare and descriptions of our English Thy - mo -Cresol preparations mailed free on application. Agemie wanted. Write for terms. dozing winter from Portland et eni Thumb Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and br seem tem quabee every Saturday to Liverpool, selling at Pe lenderes, to land malleand passengers for Seetlauti Sir Michael Hicks-Berich says frankly that he favors granting the right of suffrage to unmarried women. thin ; and dorms yammer between Glasgow 0091a Mom tU.141, Wee/II; Oittasow and norkomireetiy: toad Glasgow md Philadelphia, fortnightly. "more te CO, Balifex; Shea ft Co.. St stoke": to• rk ;H. Peurlier, Toronto taunt Pao foal Portland. Bowen, lelontreal YRTLE NA°Y 18 MARKED STA./IDA= SCALES ;r. prolog) vuottmh: Fil ODIUM! Adapted to urelutra Work. team. Working qualities guaranteed Slater • funded if not eaUsbetery atter fair trial. withoUt cohere sad bridlee, 1)E.YVVEIC CO., teiferl b7 the rite that WIT* aro more of our tn IA Um Dominion Um of all mbar mate* combined. Ray. Stork wad Coal Sallee. Farmers* - Scales. *Woo for Derueitlo rue. Housekeepers, Consult Your intereote By purchasing a wale, and In buTioir one be eitaa to tot the beet, Our males aro fulir warranted la 0'07 Pootirulgr. All gad ilatIroad. Wareham, and IOW Trucks. Alarm Weary Drawer". For sale by the ErArdware Trade generally. luotreted Catalogue and Price List forwarded upon $10 Reward for the Conviction F: issi pet 31141CALC331323EATM OXEN. Eureka:Cylinder, Bolt Cuttintok Wool ONLY $3.00. ONLY $3.11do The Cheapest lw the market. Warranted &st- funded. Send di- ved to manufac- turers, or procure from your Hard- ware or ,House - Furnishing dealer, Clothee wringer of All Marti. Mangles, Two Roller and Three Roller. Write for HAMILTON INDIIHRIAL WORKS 00, MANEFAOTHRERS, HAMILTON, DIN Goods stamped Merl. den Silver Plate CO. re nof our mole. If 7ott want reliable goods insist on -getting thou made by the FINEST Blectro Plate Examine Their -Superior Merit1 NEW BARRIS ROT AIR FURNACES 0 0 irt4; moss Effective, Eleast,19rurable itconotertera Neater sin the Market for warming ani ventilating Churches. !Schools, Public Ptoros and Private Itesidenees, Simple in construction and eaaily managed, capable of giving more heat with less consumption of fuel than any othes heating apparatus. Par Absoluseiy Gas Tight. nall Seven sizes are made and can be get either; ha Briok or Portable Form. Correspondence imbibed. For Catalogues and !tinker information address,