The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-13, Page 1/ :11INETYsN'INT11:-YEAR. ALL SERENE WHEN REPORT ON FIRE DEPARTMENT WITHDRAWN 0 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING. PERMITS Ckwalcia Alakes 1096.1 crease in Ircq of Ali Chlo Employees - •••••••••••••••••••••••• There was an air of expectancy as the Town Council, met on. Friday evens Ing last, as there were reports of an intended reorganization Of the Are department and the engagement 'of a. new chief. Several members of the, brigade were present to see 'what was to happen, but when the time came forreading Of committee reperts, COU; Taylor, chairman of the fire committee, Peeved that the eOmaalttee's repertain 'Withdrawn. The Motion was seconded by Coma Kaitting and adopted, and the report was not even read, ` The members of Council were all in their seats. Mayor Mooney in his opening remarks took occasion to men- tion the closing during the past week of the Red Cross workrooms, which had been in operation since October lst, 1930. In that time the ladies, working -- two aftertioonS ea week, -had- made 140,535 dressings and articles of elotha ing. They had also raiSed_44,44.0.M.4Y- teas and bridge and "500" marathons. Besides -this 'Ire local Red Cross bad raised $67,000. elikeeets this timai , s His Worship,' `,`to pay the highest trib- ute in mY poWer to the ladies for the wonderful contribution they have made and to assure them that their effort deserves our deepest appreciation and . our thanks for a job well done." • Chief of Police Ross reported Weights of coal checked in May.: eezeeeeiseeasseseseeeee Town Company '4-Seal&easeesWeiglere Saults Coal Co. 2030 lb. 2000 lb. Dean Coal Co. 10201b. 10501b. C. Edward Coal Co2230 lb. 1400 lb. Seabrook.Coal Co. -4900 lb. '4950lb. J. E. -Muteh. asked pestmission_ move his barber pole to a new location at the corner of Newgate and -Hamil- ton. streets. ' Referred to public works committee. Petitions for New Sidewalks Several petitions for cement side- walks were referred to the public works committee: One for e walk on the _southside of Picton - street between Victoria and Toronto streets; one for a walk on ihe north side of Wolfe street between Vittoria street and Cambria road; one for a walk on the south side of WOlfe street between Victoria street and Cambria road; and one for a walls on the north side of Park street between Cambria road -and Victoria atreet. The application of the Community Nursing Registry 'fox permiesion ,rfo hold a tag day on Saturday, August ,,31st, was referred to the special corn.; ittee; and the application of the eelaple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. for per- xnission hold a carnival in ourt House Park on July 4th was sent to the cemetery and parks committee. W. A. Sutherland, in behalf of Emmerson Overholt, asked permission to operate from his home, a, "drive yourself" taxi. Referred to special committee. • - _ • Bandmaster Woods' remit' of the attendance of memberof ' the Boys' Band Was referred to -the- 'special 'cone .mittee. The, average was 89 per cent: at the four practices in' May, in a membership of twenty-eight. Excuses for absence -Were mainly "Studying for examinations." The boys have a habit, the bandmaster reported, of diopping in at any time up to 8 o'clock instead of at 7.30, and he . would Appreciate eo-operation of the parents towards punctuality. ,_______. • • An account for $600 was reeeived from Victoria Hospital, Loedon, for plasma and blood transfusions given in 1945 to a patient, now deceased; whose husband lives in Goderich. The County and the Town had paid the maintenance and penicillin charges. Referred to the finance censmfttee. The -Clerk and the Assessor were authorized to attend -the convention of. assessing officers at Terouto june.ipth to 12th. . To Address Public Meeting A letterfrona the Provincial Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs advised that Mr. W. • A. Orr of that department would address ' a public meeting In Goderich on assessment matters. Jena 18th- was fixed as the date of the meeting and it was decided. to invite the ,reeves and assessors of neighboring municipalities to 'attend. , ,• A memorandum...4pm the Ontario • ' Department of Education with regard . to a Red Cross "swimming and water safety" program Was sent to the special committee. A request from L..0. Lane regarding as. new sign at his taxi stand was referred to the public works committee, and an application from 'Imperial 'Oil for permission to erect a sign at Bert, MacDonald's station at the harbor was sent t� the water, light and harbor , • committee. • ".. . , _ 'i ,,... _ .. - Th S Belt Telephone Qtr.',R requeet rat approval of ';' work on Walnut ancl Cypress streets Sva$'4 referred to • the publie works committee. ' From th4 Ontario Department of , Lands and Foreste was received a • license of occimation of a water lot * , 4 • 'acres at the lake Shore. . Corinnittee Reports •-- t ,,,,,•*. public 'works comnlitree recom- Aed that Purify Flour. Mills be ' pertnitted to load trucks on Wactivr Lane providing the thoroughfare is widened to give a footpath for pedestrians; that. the C.P.R. be asked to movetheir tele- gteph wires to perinit the erection .of storage tanks for 'Purity Flour Mille on the bank below IIarbor Park; that the offer of $50' fi'mn Ivan Louzon for that portion of lot 105, Huron road, , owned by the Town be accepted; that George Jenher and Stewart Cartet be advised that the Town is willing to •"sell them that portfon of lot 193, Que- bec street, requeeted for - 625 --and 415 respeetively ; that the cliairnian.beeem- powered to purchase a tank of Rota'. Trimer and a tank of Rotar and to arrange for application of mine r that the; Pell Telephone CO. be advised that , Applications for building permits pre- sented at the,. meeting of the Town Council on Friday eveninglast in- cluded, one. fr.= Purity, Flour Milis Liraited, for repair and replacement •of the present, salt plant b,uildiieg, itt an estimated cost of $80,000. Others were: From Doneild Frank Williams, Regent street, frame dwellileg, eetira- ated cost. $500; Dr. J. M. Graham, •Nelson • street, reMOdelling •of o lice, eatimated cost $750; Mrs. W, •H. Beattie, Regent street; re -siding dwell- ing and building sun porch, estimated cost $500; Ws G. Freeth, Park street, impro venien t - to dwelling, estimated •cost. . $1,400; Ray Meriam, East street, front verandah at dwelling; Russell Drennan, Bayfield road, ,re -siding' dwelling and garage; I. Piersop, Eliza- • beth street, temporary office; Archie J-ohnston, Baytield read, sun _portal; J: W. Rear; Brace street raisinghouse Cement' foundation itar--7erecting-- _ getrage;-D-:.C. ..A.berhart, St. Andrew's street, alterations to showroom; Raya mond Barker, Hincks -streete-addition , dWellInga KUM. .Ryan e._ .Marthae street, poultry 'muse; Miss Edna Driver, Elgin ave., re -siding dwelling; Mrs. Elliott, Essex street, chicken house. For minor repairs or imprevements: Fe D. Brown, Elgin ave.; 0. Henderson, Nelson street; Mrs. W. F. Saunders, Newgate street; Mrs. George Huffman, East street. •_ Ben Peareoe. -gaging. 'streeta7Ween'Sittitt editTr Hiram Brindley, Huron road; Bert Barbet; Britannia road; J. E. Mutch, Victoria stree,t; II. J. Davidson, Bridge street; Raymond Barker, e_teeete_Mra, Fe _1_3_rePhey,. Quebec street. • . -A SUNDAY MORNING RE An -alarm .shortly before neon on Sunday took the fire brigade be the harbor, where the rear portion of Jack, Graham's fish -house, formerly used for the storage of ice, was. ablaze. The brigade atrived at the scene every quickly .and prevented the spread 9f the fire to the front part of the build- ing and to other frame ,buildings on the wharf, though thelladiiiing build- ing formerly' used as the local offiee of the Dominion Department of Public Works got a ‘scorching. A- C.P.R.-hose- =car also took fire and was partially destroyed.' Mr. Graham has not been carrying on his fishing business this year and there was nothing of importance in the building, ,which was not .insured. the Council. is 'dot .prepared to take any action on the bylaw submitted to move poles and anchor on Victoria street north'of Napier until such time as writ -ten consent is received from the property -owners interested. The special committee recommended that P. Ae.' Zimmerman be granted re- newal of his. license. on the ender - standing that the area surrounding, his -motor wagon, be cleaned up each night after closing; that the 'tender of Chas. Black for police uniforms be 'accepted; that the Mayor issue a' proclamation declaring, June 17th to 29th National • Clothiag Collection weeks; that the Mayor issue a proclamr ation declaring June 10th a public holiday. The cemetery and parks •committee recommended that the Goderich Saddle Club be granted permission to , hold their field day in Agricultural Park on July 1st. • The finance committee passed a large number of accounts arid reported relief, accounts for May amounted to $241..89. • Committee' of the Whole reported hearing delegationfrom- the_ Blue Water- Band and the fir a brigade. It was recommended that the chairman of the -special -committee make contact With the band cOmmittee of the Lions Club and endeavor to ,arrange matters in dispute between. the Blue Water. Band and the Boys' Bawl. The dele-, gation from the ---fir& brigade protested the action -of the fire committee in ern ,Getmany. advertising for a new chief: • It seas after joining the army of oc- The public works committee was eupation that he received his promOtion td corporal. Jack is on thirty-eight days' leave, after which he will receive his dis-, cherge. His plans for the future are isidetinete. • ? When •Pte. George McCabe returned to bis Britannia road home on Tuesday evening, after twenty mopths' overseas service with the -Canadian army, he had' the great ,plaasure of seeing his seventeen -months -old soh, Dpnald, for the first time. Pte. McCabe was over- joyed tit the first sight of his boy, but be reports that Donald' didn't make fetich_ af, a_ fuss ,over him:- being. GODERICH, ONTARIOr THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 190 MUSIC CLUB CLOSES To 194546 ZWISON por the clueing meeting of the Gude- rich 'elusie Club for the 1945-46 season. the members and their guests attended together the dinnetcput ou by the ladies ok North street tuited chureh on Fri- day evening, and after the dinner a rqeeting was held in the church parlors. , In the absence of the presidedt, Mr. J. Snider, Mrs. Murray Hetherington Presided. Miss Nellie Colborne pre- eeeted the slate of officers for the codl- ing year: President; Mr. J. A. Sider; first vice-president„alre. M. Hethering- ton; second vice-prefsidenf,„ Miss N, Colborne; eecreeary, Miss M. Staibert; treasurer, Mr. E. D. Brown S program, Mr. R. Henderson; social convener, Miss P. Roope, A. committee Wa9 ap- pointed to plan for a concertto be presented during the summer months. Mies Coronna Wendorf, of Clinton, accompanied by Mrs. G. Wendorf, sang "One Alone" and "In My Garden." The Misses Barbara and Margaret ,Henry favored with a piano duet. "Ceardas." Mrs. Lawson of Clinton trike "Ile Sh.all Feed HIS Flock." Mr. Kenneth Lemaire, accemparded by" Mrs. Hetherington, !sang "I Heard -You •Go --Byw and "The Song ofSongs" UTH NMERICAIrfr TO-- , BE HERE THIS FRIDAY ••••••••••••••••!•••••••• - • e The passenger steamer South Am- erican is to inake, enother call at this pprt tomorrow (Friday), according to word received by ,Town ClerkBialee from the owuers. Time of anrival as announced is 1.30 D.S.T. and departure 2.30. • In their letter to the Town Clerk the management express Neaten appreci- ation of the. receptipn tb. reutiPffitiel,lcan ItniasSengers- the ship's previdus •calls •at Goderich. THE 'STRIKE STILL ON This has been a quiet week at the harbor. • The three vessels .held ulaby the 'seamen's strike ate still here, with their cares undischarged. Today Wm. McLean. union repre- sentative here, sent the following tele- gram to Hon. .Hamphrey Mitchell, Minister of Labor at 'Ottawa: teYour accusation- that ,the Seamen's Union coninamistic is resented strongly by all its metubera at chis port: We feel that, an apology s,hoald be forthcoming immediately." GObERIOR $4.1ODIDN OLITIVS riONLINION DAT PROGRAM •••••••,•••••••••*••••• • A Dominion Day event which pro- , raises to provide an afternoon Of eare sport is r announeed bY the- tioderich Saddle: Club. 'hose who saw the splendid eXhibRien equestrianship given k under thai auspices of the Saddle Club last Thanksgiving Day, will look forward eagerly to 'the 1st of July event, for 'which a snore extended pregrant has been arranged: , In addition to several running races, I/lauding one for girl riders, there will be jumplang coinpetitions,' wrestling herseback,„.,a buggy race, and a variety , of nov'elty , events. 'generous prizes, amounting to PA should as- sure the participatien of riders,' male ,and female, from a wide district. The 'Het of prizes has been printed for, distribution, and any further inform- ation may be had on application to the secretary, J. H. Lauder, Goderich. AHMEEK CHAPTER • MAKES DONATIONS On Monday afternoon, June 10,..,the Ahnteek Chapter, met in Mac- Kay- Hall *with the regent, Mrs. C. Stanifoeth, -presiding - aelkirs. H. C. Dunlop, post-war °con- vener, reported that three :Afghans were tnade to send to Britain for seamen's organizations before the end of June. Fifty dollars was donated to the British and European relief fund and $25 to Polish relief. Mrs. F. R. Redditt read an interest- ing article from the biographies of the Fathers of Confederation on the life of Sir John,A.,Mecdoeald, Canada's first Prime Minister. In apeeraeliat,ipn Afe,..h.eranatenaayeeess 'faithful' service in 170:D:E.. work, the Ahmeek Chhpter • is coutributieg towards tile presentation of, national life -membership to Mrs. Hickey, who is retiring from office. • Final plane Were arranged for the' tfasTaahes held at 1111.s. -Hibliertice?t; fage in July. new building. COUNTY COUNCIL NEXT WEEK . The court 'muse question may get another . airbag at tile meeting of the County Council which opens on Tiles - day afterdoon next. Architect Bridge- manapf Landon is .expected to be here to discuss the plans for the projected Home from Scenes of War eae. aareeeepeediayesaf te rear elaile gele..Inte land - in July, 1944, Cpl. Jack McIver was in action in thefront line fighting at Caen, evidence of the urgent need the Canadian Army' had for re- inforcements owing to the heavY toll of casualtie4 in the bitter figheing in Normandy'. Jack, Who is the son of Mrs. Norman. McPhail, William street, and the late Alex. Meteor, arrived in Goderich on Tuesday evenipg, having been met at London by his family. He was royally feted at 'a family welcome home cele- bration_ upon his 'arrival here: ' He returned Canada early -in the week on the Aquitania with the Highland. 'Light infantry_ ,Regiment,. with. which he , had fought dis Europe and with 'which he served in the Canadian Army of Oceupatien for ten months. e ••Jack enlisted in the,. army at London in January, 1944, and 'went overseas the following June; arriving in England July 1st. On July 15 he went , action at Caen with the let -Batten° Of the LI.L.I., and for the next month saw all the heavy °fighting. in which the Canadian army 'was art that tins called"upon to take. part. His unit was. one of those .which were mistakenly bombed by 'Leer'. and R.C.A.F. aircraft in July and he re- ports. the attack about the most fear- ful thing he went through during- his front liee, service, , On August 14, ..while engaged in the fighting near Felaise: Jack was wounded in, the hip and •hand by shrapnel. He was removed to a hos- pital in England, Where doctors found it necessai'Y to ansputate'a 'finger. Flom March 24, 1945, he was again in action 'until the end Of the -,fighting in West- ern Europe, which found him in North - asked to inquire 'and bring in a report on. the immedia-te codstruction• of a sewer el; Regent street.' Replies received by, the Clerk from a number of municipalities in re- sponse to,,,a2 request for information 'regarding control of cemeteries were .sent to the cemetery and parks com- inittee. To Increase Salaries — Conn. Sanderson moved, seconded by -Come Mathieson, that salaries or wages of all regular empleyees of the Town be increased by ten 'per. cent. from June 1st. This Was passed, Without oppositionrathough -Reeve,. Tanner .re-. marked that the time waA cdming.when too young to realize Who the strange the adMinistration of the Town would; men in khaki. was. Ne. 'McCebe is become "top-heavY." ikonfidelet, however; that he ean 'win Coma Taylor said the statement hadtheyoutigetgreayAr to him in no time been made that Fire Chief Beacom land what' the word. had lost four days' pay by illness "Daddy" -means. , through being overcome by smoke at aleotge, who le a son of .the late the i'ark Iipuse fire. . Mr. and. James McCabe, Goderich Nobody aeemed to know exactly the townshiee- enlisted -early-Ina 1944 and. truth of the matter, and the •Clerk went overseas in,October of. that year aaid he would look inbteit. e with • a reihforcement unit, Ile 'VMS The Clerk said he had a number attached to the Highland Light In of applicatiOns for the position of fire !entry upon his arrival in Holland and chief and on Coen. Breraton's Few- ,went lato action eihth that snit in gestion thee were tabled. Jaimary, 1945, seeing almost connive, Reeve Turner said that deputations ous aetion until the ,cessation of hose should be heard on Council meeting tilities, '.Later he served vrith,, the nights, when the press was present army af occupation in .Gormeny,. until (rather than me committee meetihg. ,his unit was sent fortngland at the nights). , ,end of April., 'View No. 13, was passed, fixing the Pte. -AleCabe's ,main impression of Siroportion �f cost of cement cbrbing _Germany is the deWuction of, tha which will be paid by the Town at- emintry:s cities. Bremen and. Wilhelms-- twentyefive per cent., the remainder of , luiven nee almost eniupletely in ruins the cost to be assessed ageing the and It WaS a continual -sderce of amaze- ptoperty.:Oweers concerned. • ' ment to him that •th'e German people Bylaw .No. 14, providing for thc &Imaged to live among the rubble. licenshig and, readdtion of public balls,. George was qiiet fltt 'London, Ont., was held over for examinationa by the on Tuesday evening by his wife and special COinmittee. daughter Evelyn and other relatives. 1 ' Tion his aarivagein„fladerichethat even- ing a famlly celebration, attended by forty-five, was held at• his home. , Returning to Canada on. the A.-quitan- la', after almost:five years' overseas service, CSM. A. E. Venus. son of -Mr: and Mrs. 'William Venus, Hincks street, arrived in Goderich on Tuesday even- ing., CSM: Venus enlieted with the Elgin Regiment on October 17, 1941, and a year later- went overseas with that'unit. He was transferred to tile Regina Rifles ,while in „England and went into France. on D7Day. He •served. throsigh the entire campaign and,after the termination _of the war volunteered for, pecupational duties in Germany With the Highland Light April. Left Guernsey Just Before Enemy Came Mrs,. Robert Carey Arrives •00deidoll td) JOilk Her linsband- To be eVactiated from the island of Guernsey Only two days before the German occupation, and to •be under bombing by German. aircraft during the evacuation, is the story 'of ' Mrs. Robert Carey. who recently, arrived in Goderich after, makinglhe Atlantic 'crossing from Eneelend aboard the liner Queen Mary. She is the wife of ,F/Lt. Robert Carey, who returned tb-." Canada early in April and received 'his discharge from the R.C.A.F. a month .ago. Canada is. the fifth c,ountry in which Mrs. Carey has lived in her brief life- time. ,She was born in Belgium of Swiss parentage, her maiden puree being Georgette Rufenacht. At the age of fourteen she moved to Guernsey with her parents and it was there that the -August, 1939, she met her husband, then an larcraftinanSsue his Kid _lave. in the -RAY; The outbreak-o-ar interrupted theayaungeeoupleee much of -each: OTher.-but -shortrY later hex arrival in England.from Guernsey in June,- 1940; the -Young -evacuee- got jia teach, _eyithe., Mr. _Carey, then her fiance; - and 'the- were—n-fftrried -in Jauuary, 1941. During the next four years, Mrs. Carey lived in Northern Ireland and England,. in the. vicinity of various Air Force stations at yvhich her huss band wee quartered, and she well re- members rthe anxiety which she felt while 14,tr husband was on dangerous &fiibiiIidoiks'oVer 'flie-entetineAt. Mrs: Carey speaks excellent English, despite the' fact that French was her only language until the age -of fourteen. Of Goderich, she says,."The town- is the most beautiful that 1 have ever seen." She- scannote getsaayer- the -extent -of area •it deepite its ,population of under 5,000. An Euglish teem Of similar tam -illation could be crowded into . one corner of Goderich, she. re- marked: - As with all English brides, she is impressed with the anionnt of clothing lied food, particularly 'fruit, on the Canadian market. A four-year-old son, Bob; junior, also is quite impressed with -Canada, espec- ially the wide .oped spaces of Sunset Beach, Where the young family ev,ill Make their summer home. Mr. Carey has taken a position with. his uncle, Mr. P. F. ,Caeey, in the 0. Ceeey & Son investment business... HOLy NAME RALLY' • AT KINGSBRIDGE . , Members of. the Goderich, Kings- bridge, St. Augustine and Wiegham Roman Catholic perishes gathered in large numbers at the annual district Holy. Nettie. Society rally, held at Kingsbridge on Sunday afternooe.' The service was opened with the! Litany of the Holy Name, following! which Rev. Basil W. Kenney, C.S.P., addressed the -gathering. - Father Kenpey revealed that the itutvethene to reverence the 'holy name au -s- C heist -began-- -lee-Fra cee in 1274 and had grOwn in, popularity throughout, many copniries, until in 1896. by a decree Of 'Pope Leo XIII, the •Holy Name. Society was declared. universal and perthission was givaaethe • Members of. any parish to organrze a branch of the society. Father Kenney •asked the members of -the -society' toe be constant in their devotiop and respect for the holy name of Jesus' -7 Father sKenneyaeoatee, ducted. the renewal. of the Holy Name. pledge,by the attending members. Benediction of the Blessed. Sacra- ment was celebrated by • Rev. Joseph Paquette of Wingiusen: ,. The service concluded 4-witli the singing of "Holy Godl We Praise Thy .Name,". by .the church Participating in 'the services were Rev. Louie Mitten of St. Augustine - parish, Rev. Joseph Paquette of Wing - ham', Rev. IT. T. Fallon' of 43,-oderich, Rev. J. R. Quigley of Kingsbridge. and Rev. 'Fathar Kenney, of the Paulist brder of Missionary priests. Thi!s is the first nine- the Holy -Name rally .bus been hod in this district; stnee 1941. , • To be in action oS Europe's fretht- line battlefield only one month after arniving in England is the record- of Cpl. Joseph, Baker,' on of Mr. and Mrs, 'William Baker,. Pine "street, who arrived from England on the troopship, sAquitania early this week. t,„ Joe enlisted at :London in . March, 1944,.and went- overseas with a re- inforcement unit in October of that year. After two weeks at a disembark- ation depot in Eagland, he wqs- sent to the Continent and in a short time was attached to the Bleck. Watch In- fantry ' regiment. He saw action first at Nijmegen, Holland. He wee; woanded on February 2, just-sa few days before. the 1st Canadian Army ,began its big push into the Hochwald 'Forest, His wound in the thigh; caused by shrapnel, confieed him to a, hospital in Belgium for a month and a half, but he re- turned to the tiont line on April 6 and fought', with his regiment until hostilities ceased in Western Europe. • Since the' end of the war Joe served with the Canadian army.of oecupationa during, 'which service hereceived- his promotionto, the rank of corporal. He was ih Germany until the end of April;. when his an -it. --was sent to England. It Was his firstopportunity to get around raid see England... ,Joe was met by this father and three brothers on his artiaal at London, Ont., on 'Tuesday evening and motored with them to Goderich, where he was wel- comed by his mother and the remaining members.. of • the family. A brother, L/Cpl. William Baker, received his discharge. from the army three weeke'ago, after three and a -half, years",serviee. served a consider- ableelerigth of _time am st'aff. -claim :with the Army Signai eiftw at 'Kingston. Among the Goderieh omen who re- turned from England on the Aquitania this week is Pte. Leonard Squires, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Squires, Al- bert street.- Leonerd --was met at Lon- don -by his parents on Tuesday 'evening and motored, with them to Goderich, *here a family celebratioh took place.. Leonard Was attached to • the Can-, adian Arley of Occupation Prt Germany until April 28. Shorn's' after his re. turn to England, which he had left for the Continental lighting almosttwo - years, previoosly, .he married an Eng- lish girl, Miss Dorothy Poole- " of Buckinghamshire. • Pte, "Sires 'joined •thee C quanadian army at Londpnin' March, 1943. Ile went overseas fn Deeember that year as meMber. of the ,etrinar Service Corps and uponehie arrival in Englaad was attached to, the 'Essex Scottish Itegi- 'bent. , Ile Went into France with his with -it' through Franco, regiment on July (1, 1944, and fought land and' into GetiMlny, being in the last-nanled country whee'lhostilities ceased. ANNYTAL SALKELD REU141015 HELD AT SEAVORTILI Over seventy descendants ef th; late' John Salkeld and his wife Martha Wilson, who* settled in (.4oderiele." Iowa - ship in 1.6.z.V., gathered the Liotte Park, tieaforth, on Saturday for their annual reunion. Guests were vvelcomed by the presigent, Mr. Wilmer Wallis, and Mrs. Wallis of Clinton and Mrs. Salkeld, wife of Mr. T. 3. Salkeld of Lucknew, the vice-president, vrho, vras unable to be present owing to illness'. The afternoon` was spent in renewing aequaintances,- while a..ball game also was engaged in. A prograin ,or sports was carried • out with Mr. Wallace Helens, Mr. -Antos Andrew of A.uburn and Mr. Irving Hunter of Goderich in •eliarge. After supper the following officers were elected for next year: President, Mr. T. J. Saikeld of Lucknow ; vice - President, Mr. Wm. Ilislop of Strate ford; secretary, Miss Ethel Washing- ton of Auburn. •• Miss M. E. Salkeld read a most inter- esting edition of The Spectator, giving -the highlights in the various branches •o1-tthe family during. the year. Mary Lou Mathieson Goderich sag a Solo. honors were paid Mr, _J. 3. 1Vashington-orAuburn, who on Friday had celebrated his ninetieth birthdaY. Guests were present from Stratford, Godericit, Aliburna Clinton, Lucknow, St. Efelees, Benniiller, Xinlough, Monk - ton and other points. BAPTISTS TO CELEBRATE 44th ANNIVERSARY The tioderich Baptist church will Celebeate, the fortyefourth ,eneivereary of fts eargatiliation eieit---Stindafe"ReV: A.• S. McGrath, of St. ThomaSavill.be the guest preacher. Mr. McGrath is the minister of one of the -largest Baptist churches hf Westerp Ontario. arise Dorothy Iftgrain, a talented singer of -Chatha•m-, willesingeat both -services. The citizens of Goderich and district are cordially invited to attend tbete anniversary service. • HANSON—MeNAMEE • A quiet wedding .took place at St. George's Anglican i'.b.urch. on Tuesday afternoon, when Marie McNamee, of Toronto was united in .marriage to Robert - C. Hanson of Minneapelia, Minn. The attendants were Mie and Mrs, J. 0. Laughlin of Minneapolis. Mirntsslik. E. M. Harmon of Toronto gave the 'bride, -away. 8he wore a 'white satin dresa with shoulder -length_ veil anct a.. headdress of carnatiods and freesia, •and carried a bouquet of white and pink carnations. Rev. B. He Farr condueted the cefemony.- After the wedding ceremony a dinner recep- tion • was 'held at the Bedford Hotel. ,GEORGE'S . The closing Afeeting for the neason,Of the XY.P..A. of St. George's church imaxed a busy, hdppy and prosperous year. A splendid prbgram was carried out -under the .capable teaderelsip of Helen Videam Norma Dunbar, Harold WINS SCHOLARSHIP IN NURSING Miss Ea Menne, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs: William Meikle of Loiadon add. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs A. D. McLean of town, has conc'lud'ed her course as a nurseqnstraining at the Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- onto, and is the xeinneraof a scholar- ship for •high 'standing in the practice of • nursing. Mr. a,nd Mrs., McLean were at Toronto for the graduation -exercises on-WednesTak. • GrIDES AND CUBS AT MIMES on Fridae a large coetingeht of Girl Gnides. under, MrS: G. EnierSon and Miss Gertrude 'Wilkes, went to London to join with other Girl Guides of West- ern Onterio in welcoming their World Chief Guide L-aly Baden-Powell.' The .3td 'Goderich 'Wolf Cub Pack, under ,emaniand of Miss Ann Wurtele and• Mr. 0. N. DowkerS were at Exeter on•- Sunday taking part in a, district rally of 4Cubs, Guide* and Scouts. Service at Trivia Memorial church was couducted by Rev. A. M. limit. RETURNS TO FORMER 'POSITION, Kenneth Peneingtoe, son of e Mr, and, Mrs. , Charles Penningtou. Elgin: ave., who since his discharge frmu the Can- adian army two months ago has been employed at the Dominion store here, .on Tuesday left for Wieghani, ,where lie will resume his prn e-enlistient posi- tion as manager of the Dominion store, in that town. Mrs. Pennington and her sonewill remain in Goderich until suit- able liling querters are arranged le Wingham., • THE. 'WEATHER Temperateres of the past week in Goderich, with those' of •the coerespond- ing • week a year ago, is reeorded, were. a§ follows: • 1946 , 1945 'Max. Min. Max. Min. Shore and Fred Whittinghams, After Thur.< June 6 ....72 4S 58 37 the "grand march" there was a "trees- Fee, elm, 7 77 5.8 (12 37' ure Inlet," in • turn followed by relays, Set., June- 8 75 • 02 66 43 a singsong and dancing to a grandl sun line q •-•08aas4i-v-,- 70 ee variety of records'. During' the ,clanc- Mon., June 10 62 , 38 '73 • 50 ing prizes were awarded to Mark Gra- Tues., June 11 78 50 72 57 hane and Bob Needhane Norma Drmbar I wee., ewe, 12 e 71 • • ee 70 ea and Walt Thomas. During the even- I . l' - -.OBITUARY .-- -- ' 1 th av eineette *Aka: wrea-preesented- to the people's' warden, Mr. S. Prevett, to covh6 cover. tcost of purchasing 'some .combination prayer 'and hymn books. GRADUATES.AT STRATFORD, , tholist at nurses graduating from the • Stretford General Hospital last week were. the names. of Elizabeth Ruth Moore and' Margaret Jenn 11111, Ceoderich. 'Vies Moore is the daughtee of Mr. end Mrs. Mired Moore, Benmiller, and MiSs•Hill is the daugh- ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Russell Hill of •Listowel, formerly of Colborne town- ship. Miss 'Hill was the Winner of the prier gime by the ' Perth County Medical Society for the highest marks in orthopedic trurgery. • • e pUNDAY EVENING'S BAND , CONCERT - The cool temperature no doubt pre- yented many , from •Owning Mit on Sunday evening to hear the concert' given in. the Squake by the Blue 'Water Nand. 'However, the band did IN part by giving an excellent program. 'A' collection taken up for the benefit of the striking sailors =minted to about $17. ,.I•••.••••I•••• , MRS. - ROBERT -CULVER After 1 illness of two weeks...ars. Robert Wirer, the former e Elizabeth Margaret Skelton, died in the gala: ton General Hospital on Thursday last. ,Born in East Zorra township, Oxford county, • seventy-four yeam ago, Mrs. Culver was the daughter of Mr. and elle:. William Skelton.. She attended ed Collegiate Institute and after %'11'(1( was on the public-. school teaeli- ing staff 'here for several years. Later she lived in Saskatchewan, where •iThe was matried to Mr. Culver, who pre- deceased her About' eighteen veers. She had, elect) lived in Hamilton. Suraiv- ing are a, brother, Geerge Skelton, of formerly of, • Stratford; .stepdaughter,, Mises Heleu Culver. of Hamilton, and it step, son, Ralph Culver, in Western Canada. , . After a funeral serviee at Hamilton ,�n Slitnrday morning, the' remains Were conveyed to Stratford; where the burial service in Avondale cemetery WWI con - dueled bY Rey. • S. M. Roadliallfle of St. John's" church on Saturday after- noon. .N.O. 2 Mrs. Rose to Be Tried at• Novcrober Coat • rreliminau Bearing 0 11, Murder •Oiltarg before Mgistzte • 'Morley Totlaf • Mrs. Ella Martha Rose, (*area:1*RA the murder- of her nineteen-dapold ' baby daughter Sheila, Lily on May gOo was remanded for trial at the8upreie Court sitting On DlOveinber 3r4 wben, she appeared pefore Vagistrate Morley for preliminarr hearing Pits • (Thursday) afternoon. Evidence given before the MagiStrate by Dr. John Wallace, who attended at • the birth of the child, was that it WaS normal at birth and a healthy Child when Mrs. Rose was released from the hospital. On the afternoon of May, • 25 he was called to the home of Mrs. G. W. MacDonald, Lighthou,se street, where Mrs.' Rose resided with: ,her husbend, Alfred Rose.- When he ar- rived he found the child dead. He. it had been dead aa least three or four hours, as rigor mortis had set in, • _ . Jh Wallace testified thetelie wants in`starele of MrS. Rese,and foundher - sitting, on a bench at Liglitheuse. Point. Mrs. „Roses first wards were, ."The baby's dead." When staked by the ' doctor what had happened,'Mrs. Rosa told- him- the sbaby-- bad rolled -off :theF---1*---- table. Dr. Wallace then drove Mrs. Rose to her home and ealled Dr. W. P. Gallow, M.O.H. • 'Dr. John F. Fisher of Loudon, dis- trict pathologise, testified that he had performed a post-MOrtem on the baby's body on Sunday morning, May 20. All organs of fhe body were examined= microseopleallyaasalea aummarey, ,tleatesela findings was niade in a report which „ was introduCedato the court. ' • ISe testified' that the lungs were found: to be dark and •congested Sued 'in a collapsed state. There were 'very oe- easiplial, tiny ..hmorrliages-just..-tuider the surface of the lung and in 'the lung tissue itself.. Pr. 'Fisher was of opinion that such defects in these organs were consisteret with death from some form of . asphyxia, such smethering or choking. • A statement made by Mrs.' Rose in Provincial Constable' Gaul's office was introduced. In thie' she admitted that .she had shaken the baby violently when it Cried on the morning of, May 25th and later realized that the infant was dead. Mrs. Rose made no statement on her behalf in court and F'. R. Darrow,. de- fence counsel, tailed no witnesses. •HONORED AT • LONDON . Sixteen railway mail clerks who retired'durbeg the war years, including .Mr. W. A. Coulthurst of Goderich, were hoeored at aalinner held at Lon- don on Sunday by elie Railway Mail Clerks' Association. Wallets' were pre- sented. to the guests of honor. Over 100 clerks were present at the dinner," DON'T WE. LOOK GAY? The evening scene on the Square •ist again illtuninated Wilth colored lights. ' The job of stringing wires and bulbs was completed yesterday by the Publie Utilities men wed the illumination was.: '• tunfeil WI- last evening, • - WHAT CAN YOU SPARE? • The local committee in' charge for - the National Clothing Collection asks hat ,citizens wilt kindly co-operate by having their bundles ready tee be picked lip on the • colleetion day, June 19th. ,Contribetions any be Aeft any day to June- 29th at 'Allan's store on the Square .or at the HoleproOf Hosiery factory, .East street. FIRST IN SURGICAL' NURSING Miss Helen Robert:4bn,, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs, J. Howard Robertson of town is theWinner of the priee for • . • highest standing in surgrcal nursing • at Wellesley Hospital, Toronta.:Gradta, ating exercises will take place .at the - hospital on Friday of tbis week. PERSONAL MENTION' MT. and Mrs. Ezra Durst and son, of Detroit,: visited in Colborne and Gode- rich townships . during the past week. Miss Agnes Flick lilts returned to town after spending the winter ,months weth her ,sisters at -Lake Orion' and .Detroit. •.• . Mt. and Mrs. Harvey Holhuan, of near • Kitchener, were visiting with friends aroand Benniiller and 'Goderich last week. Mr. and Mes. Rooney and Mr. and a, Mrs. elelady and daughter, all of Londenawere. week -end visitors with_:„.., Mr„ and 'Mts. This.. Chisholm. Mr. R. Grafit Johnston. who has suc- cessfully completed his second year_ at Ontario College ofAra Toronto, with honors in four major subjects, 18 vim- tionaig et his 'home here. Mr. ;led Airs. Gordon S. Taylor and ,c11ildren._T0mmie._Ba1hie. and Neile and. sister ;Ma rga re t Elizelbeth, of Eden - Grovca- spent the week -end with Mr. and: Mrs. Bina,. East street. Rev. • Beverly Farr s of St. George's elneeeh- w -as itt Derham on .Thurstlity- to •attend the double funeral . of his aunt,. Miss Jaee Hughes, and nncle, Mr. Robert Ilughes.ett Trinity church. Harry Edwie , craig, .of the MS. Navy, spentapart °flits leave visiting Goderich relatives. He Is trainidg at Fort Sampson, New York. He is a -son ,of Mr. and Mrs, E., C. Craig of Detroit, botlaformer Goderieh residents: 'Airs': Charles, Lloyd of 'Aberdeen, Senth ',Dakota. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. George James, Palmerston. street'. 'Mrs. Lloyd resided id Gode- rich for -ten pars, leaving here thirty-'. Tour yearn ago. rt is twenty-one years since 'she laPt visited Goderich. Mrs. E. II. Jordan Of Sudbury Wag 11Ore to attend the serviee at St. George's ehureh on Thursday night last at which Archbishop Seam 'dedicated a Memorial window in itteMory Of, her - mother, the late, 'Mrs. William Pon - foot. Mrs. W. L. • Eliot of LOiltiota formitrly01 Goderieh. also :eanie to attend the' service. r -ft, , '