HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-06, Page 8PAO> EI( GEORQE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE; 9tik, 11946 y, S.:20110143Z COMMUNIO?1. 1%60 a... SUNDAY. SV ROOLI. 11..60 ' ,;i14., MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. 7.00 pan. EVEN 80NG, AN ".1. SERMON. RIJV. REV;E>[ LY II. FARR, D.A., Ltb., RECTOR. MRS. E. JESSOI), Organist and Choir Leader. North St.' United Church MINISTE REV. R. 11. TURNBULI , RA., 13.6.. SALM, Sunday' School 10 a.m. Priary Department 1.1 a.m. 11. a.m. REV. t . L. BEECH, B.A., of Ripley. 7 p.m, REV. A. L. BEECH. Organist and Choir Leader — Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. — PUBLIC WORSHIP — 7 p.m. ' • , AT BOTH SERVICES. REV. E A. THO:ViSON , TORONTO, . _ M4M STER-�- EEiRLVEND-'RICU_ - D S WAE 1 - Direetor of Praise --Mrs. W, F. ° Saunders _.. -_., Orgzt -Muss Maw_ J. Strachan Curse !i$- Worship the Loni in. t1_ eBeauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE II. TURNER B.A. ORGANIST—MISS BARBARA CUTT 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. . '2.712-72-W;' ' �.�.�(%�' .-,�'A7 U EC�Ii ".'.71��'`�f .... .__ _w::'�':Y ,„ _ P., _,.. 7.00. p.m. "A FRAGMENT FROM CONFERENCE." UNION 9A5 a.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU Goderich Baptist REV. JOSEPH Mrs. 10 a.m. Sunday School. rfi 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP 7 pm. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer M ANNIVERSARY STRANGERS Church JANES, M.A., PASTOR Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist . "The Measure of Our Redemption." "Present -Day Tendencies in Religion" eeting. SERVICES, JUNE ''16th AWAYS WELCOME • 'BETHEL. TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor.' 10 nm. Evangelist Cash will speak to' the S,S. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. This is your last opportunity to hear Evangelists Jackson and Cash, Coloured Preachers from Boston, Mass. • Tuesday 8 p.kn. Young People. Friday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting, ALL WELCOME Free Methodist Church' REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. 10' a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. 4th in a series on "PENTECOSTAL DISCIPLESHIP." ' 7.30 p.m. GOSPEL SERVICE. ry A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. THE SALVATION ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS Major Joyce Clarke Lieut. Margaret Farmer - Officers in' Charge. 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 7 p.m. SALVATION SERVICE MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 8 p.m. Major and Mrs. Corbett, returned Missionaries from India Be sure you hear and see 'these Officer°s in Native Costume.. CHURCH NOTES . Rev. R. H. Turnbull will conduct anniversary services at Ripley United church on Sunday next. PANTING AND DECORATING Interior—and,-,Exterior .'!ORT ALBERT (R.R. 3, Goderich) 21tf BORN FITZSIMONS.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on June . 5th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Norris Fitzsimons. Albert street, ' Goderich, a daughter. NLcCLINCHEY. At Alexandra Flos- pital, Goderich, on May 3lst, 1946, to Mr.. and Mrs. Alberti McClinchey, R.R. 5, Goderich, Aa. daughter, Sharon Anne. • • S.W'4'A.'Y.— S.t.Alexandr-a Hospital, Gode- __. on Jpne .and, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan, Goderich,, a chug$- ter, Barbara Ann. Your family and your friends really respee ge».-for..: qqr attendance. Stearn power transformed the nin- teenth century. It will take team power to transform the twentieth. COAL WHEN; YOV REQUIRE COAL OR COKE; ., CALL Charles C. Lee Estate. COAL AND .fA tDWAI;rE AT bin HARBOUR TELEPHONE 22 • 8, Er; 4 a� TI E GOD ��RICSIGNAL-STAR Brief s A silver tea wit/be held at Vie hone of Mrs. C. Holland, St. Georges ('res - cent, <,ad Wednesday, June 12th, from 3 to 5 pan., auspices Women's Institute.. Everybody w lcome23 TUIURSD'A7 , . I°N(At, 194f` ossified Ad ALIS 14, OUD TOMATO ' PLANTS ARI needed when planting later if they are to ripen before tiie frost. We still have a few gond ones. Parties ]laving plaints un order Etre requested to call for them or to advise by Julie 10th; otherwise they will be. resold. JACK- Ladies' e t;�h:�'S ;i~ LORISTS, 49 Bruce street, or Lildies' f cli`l day at the Maitland phone 105. -` 3 Golf Club on Wednesday, June 12th, and each Wednesday following at 4 p.m. Lady members are asked to keep this date in mind. -23 The ]flay ".Good Gracious Grandma" will be .preseutei. in Victoria street United church on Wednesday, June 12th, at tf.3U p.m., by ,the Port Albert players, under the auspices of the Wo.R span's Association. Admission 40c ant$' 20c. ,22-3 St. George's Churchwoinan's Guild will hold, their annual ,garden party, July 18th. -23 "THAR'S SIONEY IN THEM 'THAR Don't suffer with your feet. greengrass ranges, Mister," and a PEMTLAC' the amazing new, flock of Tweddle chicks will gather speedy remedy for it up find put it right in your pocltet, athlete's foot, corns, _callouses. itching ..'ronint delivery of your Tweddle or burning feet, poison' ivy or itching chicks now will assure bigger profits, skin. Money back guarantee. At all beeause plentiful grass range will do Goderich drug steres. • 21-30x a lot to lower, feed. costs. Tweddle If you have been slipping in your prices , are reduced again after June clhurele-attendance. resolve now to get 15th, Fuel costs are lower at this time back to, par. -23 of the year and the market demand for Mr. A. L. Cole will not be in his eggs and ' chicken meat is practically office on Monday, 'Tuesday ,and Wed- unlim_ iced. It is good business judg- nesday, June 10th, llth and 12th. - He went' to order extra Tweddle chicks will attend the optometrists' convention now. No waiting, prompt delivery. at London. .°-___ . Free catalogue. Also older pullets Band concert—Sunday, June 9, at eight weeks to 20 weeks. TWEIJ►DL] 8.30, by the Goderich Blue Water Band. CHICK HATCHERIES, LIMITED, 'Silver collection to aid „Canadian Sea- .Fergus, Ontario. 6 23-4 men's Union members in Goderich. The next regular' meeting of the Maple Leaf -.quitter, I.O.D.E.,:witI be -held- =Time' 14th -- MacKay Hall, a f -3 30-p 9;, a41 arrangements concern- ing ,the -carnival will be made and all members are requested to be present. -23 A treat for ye -feet ! Use Lloyd's F'OR SALE. A,lktF HOUSE- AND Corn and C;tllotis Salve for prompt barn on east eiii -6th concession relief. 50c at Campbell's and Emer- Colborne township. Apply T. J. son's Drug Stores. ..'23 PATTON, R.R. 5,. Goderich. 23x The `2nd nWolf Cub" Pack of Goderich, under the leadership of their Akela and Bagheera, will take part in the district parade and church service at Exeter on Sunday next. '23 Burping- is a - sot;ial error. _Take' fFde"'k�'�.S*"`,�`�tiib.•1C'h :IWO , to -s`ti '1".e ` el: ,pain •of indigestion, heartburn or sour accepted. Write 350 Waterloo street, stomach. 50c and . <$1. et' Campbell's • ° and all druggists. -'23 London, Ont. 22-4x Fast, sure relief for constipation, biltausness; eas iges neer--with Kipp' R SALE.. -12. -.INCH SOFT WOOD ; Herb Tablets, A safe, helpful -tonic also quantity- of cedar. pjanks : E. laxative. 25c and 75c sizes, at Camp- G. ZINN, Dungannon, R.R. 1, ,phone bell:s and all druggists. 23-96 114 r 15, Dungannon.23-4x "Kleere.x" for eczema and other skin _ailments. Quick relief while you work. FjS�T.E=TIiREL++'-PIECE BED- ROO.M stliite,.. nearly new ; piano; Axminster rug; 2'/.r x 3 yards. Write BOX 132, SIGNAL -STAR. • -22 FOR SALE.—NEW ELECTRIC AN semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines Also used ones. Goderich havingan now included in our division, our representatives .will be in town weekly. For prompt service call or write THE., SINGER SEWING 'MACHINE COMPANY, 73 Ontario street; Stratford. 1 -'hone 727. If your machine is new, have it checked free within ninety days. 42tf FOR SALE.— ANGORA RABBITS. For a profitable business requiring small -capital raise pedigreed Angora rabbits. For full information _ and prices " vvilte IMPERIAL ANGORAS; Dunbarton, Ont. 22-4x FOR SALE. — ONE ELECTRIC fencer ; 1 wind -charger ; 2 "4" batteries • (1) 17=plate ; 1 Sparton B l fret i s�nab rad ��e .n a � A Q - - '50c-:1.00 (medium and strong). At all druggists. 23-26 Reserve Thursday evening, June 13, dor, the dressed ham slipper and play at-Union United church, Goderich town- ship. Supper 6 to 8. The play is "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town," by the Bayfield players. Admission 60e and 30c. -23 Slender Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Campbell's and ' Emerson's Drug Stores. 23-26 The regular Meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held on Mon-• day, June 10, at 3 p.m., in MacKay FOR SALE. — MOTOR SCOOTER Hall: -231 with side car, new tires, motor in Miss Winn ifreli O'Neil, Clinton, i good shape. $125.00. Apply •CHRIST phone 75J, will be in Goderich during ANGLICAN CHURCH, Port Albert. June, July and August. 32tf 23-4 Rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago quickly relieved 'by using , Rumacape. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Campbell's Drug Store. -23 Hygienic supplies (rubber goods), ,Det_ T-53,.. NOV-RUBBER_CO., Box FOB, SALE.=F P mailed -postpaid in plain, RAME -HOUSE, 18' envelope with `price lit. Six samples x 24', in good condition ;. about six 25c; 24 samples $1.001 • Vail -Order miles from Goderich. For information 91, Hamilton, Ont. 23-26 call or write SIGNAL -STAR. • 23x OR SALE.—BEAGLE PUP, FIVE months old. .Apply, MARCEL LASSALINE, R.R. 5, Goderich.. . FOR SALE. — WATERFRONT IN town of- Goderich: • Attractive bank and beach. Healthful elevation. Or- chard, sewers • water, light. A quiet location for summer •cottages or for small farming. Particulars from 11. C. HAYS, Goderich. 13tf FOR SALE.—EIGHT-RO0Yr—MOD- ERN home. Three-piece bath; electric- water heater, furnace; hard- wood floors, ideal location, west side. Price $4,000. Phone 273. -23 IN MEMORIAM , FOR SALE.—NINE-ROOM FRAME HUTCHINS.—In memory of Harry house, R ith all modern conven- iences, furnace.. garden. Call 6 Britannia road. 23tf Hutchins, who passed away. .3une 10th, 1944. 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before, —His loving Wife and Family. 23- POLLOCK.—In loving mennory, of George Pollock. who passed away six years ago, on June 2nd; 1940. —Ever remembered by Wife and Fami13 . 23x MacDONALD.—In memory of Gorden MacDonald, who passed away one year ago,' June 6th. _ He is gone but not forgotten, ' And, as " dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are.always near. Days of sadness willp come o'er lis, Friends may think the wound is healed, . . But they little know the sorrow That lies within the° heart concealed. °=-Lovingly remembered by' Wife and Daughter, Glenda, 23x McWIIINNEY.—In loving memory of nay dear husband, Richard McWIlin- ney, wile passed away one year ago, June 4th, 1945.• "Until the day break and the shadows flee away." —Deeply mourned and lovingly re- membered by his Wife. - 23x CL1EMENTS.-- In loving memory our dear daughter, Mildred G. Powell Clemente,-c}ho- -passed. away$ve years ago—June 9th, 1941. Her faint last wish We +should ' like to have .heard, And breathed in her° ear '`:'"One 'ia st'par'ting word: Only. those who have lost. Are able to tell The pain of farewell ,•' The heart is not saying. ®--Ever remembered by Mother and Dad. • 23 CLEMENTS.—In loving memory of our dear sister, :Mildred Grace. Powell Clements, who passed away five years ago --.June ;)th, 1941. A bitter grief, a shock' severe, To part with her we loved so dear. Onr lost is great, we'll not complain; We know in Christ we'll meet again. —Everremembered by -Sisters and Brother, Edna, Ernie, and Frieda Powell. . , - 23 AU URN AUI1TTRN, Jnn' S.- 1r. 3. J. Waah- ington, well-known fi, ident of West Wawanoah, will celebrate his ninetieth II I., I FOR SALE.—BABY -BUGGY AND play 'pen. Can be seen at 10 Light- house street. -23 FALL -WINTER MARKETS -WILh- makebig • •dem-ands on poultry - keepers. 'Kitchener _Big -4 Chicks are priced specially low for June delivery. All breeds. Also cockerels. Contact us soon. RYAN PRODUCE CO. -23 FOR SALE.—SMALL HOUSE AND lot with all conveniences. Apply BOX 135, SIGNAIJSTAR. 23x ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE, two chesterfield chairs, radios, dining and bedroom furniture, baby cribs, fox fur,' wicker set of 6 chairs, table and floOFfirmpgralso.other articles. C. WOODS, Secondhand -Store, 12' East street, phone 242J. - -23 FOR SALE.—MAN'S BIC'CLE, IN good condition. HERB' McADAM; R.R. 2, Goderich. 23x FOR '•SALE, TREATED TENT, 10 x 10, 3 ft. wall ; board floor; 40 ft. extension cord. Excellent con- dition. Phone 753. ,” • . TEACHER WANTED ANTED. A. PR0'I�ESTANT teacher- for 1946-47 term is re- quired for No. 6, Goderich Township School Area. The - school is well c[fll edTindw_i►eur Goderich: .A pupils' supplies are provided and an itinerant supervisor of Music visits the school weekly. Please state salary and qualifications. A personal inter- vr ew will be arranged. AppT'i°eut;dfnW will be received up to Friday, June 14th, by PRANK YEO, Secretary -Treas- urer, R.R. No. 3, Clinton: -23 TEACHER WANTED.—THE COL - BORNE Township School Board re- quires Protestant teacher to eommence duties September 3. Applicants to state qualifications and salary. WM. WATSON, Secretary, Goderieh, R.R. 5. -23 birthday on Friday, lune 7th. • - Rev. Dr. Austin Budge of Hamilton, called on friends here on Tuesdat '. Ile was accompanied- by Mr. Coulfes of California, Mr. Stonehouse and Mr. ('oulteis of Delgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mogrldge spent a few days with their daughter, Mra. Gormley 'Thompson, and Mr. Thompson, at Brampton. ' • {See Auburn news also on page 7) or \•'� \� 1► W. N'OPPORTUNITY. — E 8 T A IEI - dLISIIED Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, - said between the ages of. 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this in your opportunity to get established in a profitable. business of your own. For fu1i, particulars. write today to TH LJ„ ' R. WATKINS (X) PANY, ,Dept. 0-9-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que., 23-20 WANTBD. -�. CAPABLE. WOMAN v for practical nursing, experience preferred, to are for semi-iuvalitl in your hoxue. See• + 'RS. BAKER, 498t. Vincent street.' 23x WANTED .---A FULL-TIME GIRL assistant, in restaurant, also a dishwasher, man or woman. Good' wages, and good meals. VENUS RESTAU ANT, Goderieh. -22 WANTIID._'w.OM.A:N FOR GENER- AL housework for summer cottage near 'G>derich and go with us, to De- troit later if you wish. Assist with children,. Own room. Write MRS. 8. PARKER,. 2047 Hazelwood, Detroit, 6, Michigan. . 28x ANTED. -A -•HOUSE OR APART- MENT, on ,first floor preferred; unfurnished. Write P.O. BOX 868, Goderich, Ont. 23tf I{OS7't PST.-,kSIC'imD Y, MAY 24Ab3, ohFJC'. beach or Harbor Park, ° child's brown jaclaet. Finder please phone 317J. . ..1 WANTED TO' RENT.—HOUSE, UN- FURNISHED, five to seven rooms. by executive recently moved to Gode- rich. Will maintain , property as if owned and make small improvements' when' necessary. , Write BOX 134, SIGNAL -STAR: 23x WANTED.-- SMALL APARTMENT �Y or cottage, furnished or unioUrn- ished. Write 130X 133, SIGNAL STAR. 23x V1/47-.ANTED.—BOARDER, WORKING girl preferred. Apply 43 St. David's street. 2311„ ANTED—TO RENT. —= 'SMALL' house or apartment. Write BOX' 136, SIGNAL -STAR. -23 ANTED, GOOD USED CAR, fir'- ., ,. 3f�r3de1; :uP,zp r Write P,0. BOX. 101, Goderich. 23x WAN -TED. MARRIED COUPLE desire one' week's room, or Cabin, and good .horse , meals in quiet private home. • Must have safe bathing beach. Abstainers. Week of August 4th. Write , imnmediately.. W. B. 'ARM- STRONG, 726 Whetter ave., London, Ontario. • 23x WANTED.—TO EXCHAl�''GE A SIX - ROOM house in Toronto for ac- commodation in Goderich. Write P.O. BOX 635, or ° phone_ 530, Goderich. 23-5 WANTED _POSITIONA-S "HOUSE- KEEPER for gentleman, by widow with one child. BOX 137, SIGNAL - STAR. t ' • • -23 WANTED. — UNFURNISHED house wanted to rent, by small family moving to Goderich. Will take first-cless.care of property. BOX 140, SIGNAL -STAR. ' - SPECIALISTS TO PROVIDE COURSES IN RURAL AREAS' The Women's Institute Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, under the direction of Miss Anna P. Lewis,, is ' offering to ' its district and local Women's Institutes ..throughout Ontario a comprehensive course of training in nutrition, to be presented to the women of the rural areas of the Province. This course covers a varietys of food • subjects, and will be taught by lectures and pra tical demon- strations by, a staff of ained nutri- tional experts who hay recently been added . to the—staff of the Institutes. Branch. The subjec which are in- cluded in the courses available to Insti- tlxtes during the period of 1946-1947 are as follows : • ' . "Salads the Year Round"; "Better Meals with Whole Grain Cereals" ; "Food- -for Young Children"; "Oven Meals"-; "Frozen roods"; "The -Bride's Primer of Food Preparation"; and 'The School Lunch" The a courses all relate CO the problems of . the .rural' areas -in connection with food prepar- ation, menu planning, food- preserva- tion, food conservation and -gardening,' and are open to all women in the various communities under the sponsor- ship of the district or the local Wo - •men's Institute. Today, with food of such major im- portance, it is vital that reliable in- formation be disseminated pertaining to well-bala-nced, nutritious diet, and how it can be provided ,for every fam- ily, it is pointed out by Miss Lewis in announcing these courses. A know- ledge of nutrition will give farm house- wives a means of evaluating the types of foots available, and will enable them to . set high nutritional standards In their daily meals: Four trained nutri- tionists, Miss Helen E. Abell, 13.11.Sc., Miss Evelyn M. McDonald, B.Sc. (H.Ec.), Miss Margaret S. Roy,, B.Sc. (I1.F.c. ), and Miss Margaret H. Schweider, B.II.Sc., have been ap- pointed and . are new engaged in carry- ing this nutrition prograin---to- the -rural districts. - TO TIENT TO 1.TTRACTIVELY furnished rooms for light house-' keeping, in new home. Phone 992 or apply at 7$. Elgin avenue. 23tf BUSINESS NOTICES BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks.. I buy and sell Used furniture and household articles. I repair sewing machine. C-, :1" OODS. 12 East street. Phone 24J. 13tf AUCTION SALE 4'• AU -LI OF HOUSE FURN- ISUINGS AND EFFECTS and the residential property of the late Ida May Love, deceased. will be offered for sale at site, William street, Gode- rieb, on SATURDAY, • JUNE 15th at 1.30 p.m. Further announcement, with par- ticulars, next week. Terms on household goods—Cash. Terms on real estate, being lot 35, Reed's survey, Goderich, on which is said to be erected a frame dwelling house, suitable for immediate occupa- tion -20% cash; balance in 30 days (subject to reserve bid). HAROLD W. JACKSON, Auctioneer. WILLIAM A. SUTHERLAND, 32- Administrator. T:NOTICE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting. of • the =Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing Tuesday, June 18th, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations end other business requiring the at- sten/ion of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturdai; June' 15th. N, : W. MILLER, • nun C t Ql r y: .e k G d'ericli Ontario. io. Meir `w NOTICE TO CREDITORS - NOTICE TO ---CR bITURS. p - "Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Edward Francis Lynn; late of the Town •of Goderich, in the County of Huron, decorator,• who died on or about the thirtieth day of April, 1946, to send same to the undersigned on or before the fourteenth day of June, 1946, as on and after that date the admin- istrator. of the said estate shall pro- ceed to make distribution of . the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims of which he has notice. Dated at Goderich this twentieth day of May, A.D. 1946. ' R. C. HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, 21-2-3 Solicitor for the Estate. juitaIMINISINOmft KEYS— GAUNT - CULBERT Shorthorn » Saie- 4 MALES,43 -FEMALES Elrnandorph Stock Farm = 3 MILES FROM VARNA Wednesday,June 12, at 1.30' Herd fully accredited and vac- cinated agajnst , Bang's disease. For Catalogue write 23x C. H. KEYS & SONS, Varna Wante4 Girls and Young Womefn' to learn Woollen Cloth Weaving , Good Wages Steady, Work 48 hours (5 days) per week Excellent Lunch Room Communicate with GEO. ?AT')INSON & °CO. LI ITER PRESTON, Ol'TARIO ` 22-3-4 CURRY'S ' BAKERY 4 d Tho IV) , 0 of Tasty Pastry" WEER -END SI'ECfAL CHOP 3UBY LO.' 15c i cb JUNE IS HERE with its Brides and Roses, That tneaus WEDDING CIKEI4 Please Place your order early. All orders of $1.00 or over delivered. , ' -PHONE 465 MEL,; CUJLBERT, Proprietor TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Repairs to North Pier, Grand Bend, Ont.," will be received until 3.00 p.m. (Eastern daylight sav- ing..time), Wednesday, June 19i 1946, for repairs to the North Pier at Grand Bend, Huron County, Ont. Plans, form of contract and specific. 9 ation can be seen and forms of tender . obtained at the office of the ,.Chief n Engineer, Department of Public Works, .Ottawa, at the office_of the District Engineer, Dominion Public Building, London, Ont.,. and at the Post Office at Grand Bend, Ont. *Tenders will not be considered unless_ . made on priuted forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions °'set forth ,therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank. . in Canada, payable' to the order of -the . Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 ,per cent. of the Bearer Bonds amount of the tender, or B e e ow r f -.e h .�aminion �fCanflea q�i - o etsheat Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can- ada, or the aforementioned bonds and, a certified cheque if required to, make up an odd amount. - NOTE : The Department 'will swirly blueprints and specification of the work, 'on deposit of a sum -of $20.00, in the, form of a certified bank cheque pay- able to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit willbe re- leased-bn the return of the -blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of "tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. By order, J. • M. SOMT:1WILLE, Secretary. Department of Public•Works, - Ottawa, May 27, 1946. 23-4 CHECK : • Values Have Risen More Than. Two -Thirds in the past. 13 years. . HAVE YOU INCREASED YOUR FIRE INSURANCE? • , , . SEE Hr M. FORD Get Insured • — Staj° Insured— • Rest Assured. North St. » _ TeL 268w SHOES , REPAIRED & CLEANED Quick and Courteou Service All Work Guaranteed C. J. Bridgwater EAST .ST. 22-5x . WANTED Quantity of . HARD WIT'E -MAPLE To cut 5/4" • Write - µ Brroughes . &-Watts (Canada) Ltd. 36 YONGE. ST. TORONTO. 1, ONT, paying Qard, Spraying -.,-- V•.elln. Whitewashing Warble LFly • • Agent for J. K., drang and Co. (chemical 'division) DDT, 2-4-D weedkiller, Rotenon Powder (garble fly control) sa 'P0 OWNERS AND' HARBORERS OF DOGS Dog licenses were' .lue May. 1st. Tags are, on sale at the Tax Collector's' O fee.' • Please call a,7i(1 obtain your tai by July 1st.. • . „ • . O. W. STURDY, -23. Tax Collector Edward W. Elliott BOX • 293 23-35 o O POWER SPRAYING CLI iTON PHONE 203