The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-06-06, Page 2()DEMI" SIGNAL -,STAR
L)nbliohetit by _Signal -Star Press, Limited
SulilkoexiiptiOr4 Eatea—Canada. and Great Britain, $2.00 a year ; 'to United
SDAY, 6th, 1.940
challenged the Soviet .idea that It assia
ere comes the June hride
deaf. security of R'neSsia ean- be maintained
'press despatch', tells of a
Mute 'whQ lifter many years recoVerecl 019:y Mien -eVert eptuitry in' the' wiirld-
idea, he eaid, is a great obstacle to
the're are net :a few people neither deaf
nor tspeeclaless who might be :helped peace, and he warued that if. Rusela
valued peace above all else it should
witlAtt:good ',lack in the right plaee.
* not miss •the present opportunity, "It
Mhmbers of the British House of way, never happen again." These are
Comfains are having , their pay
belief has heen growiug oir this side Of
'Canadian •kX.'s get Stii000 for Shorter the Atlantic, that Russia is pursuing
sessious than they have in the British
,Parlialuent. The Canadian taxpayer
The soft cual strike is overe so far
as John Ihe LeWis' miuers are con-
cerned, but still to° come, apd stay, is
exiets. To -use a colloquialism, Mr.
the. increase in the cost of chat that
Bevin. puts Shinn and Molotov distinct:
prices are-'annouuced. If 'anybody 13. "i"hill°' shot:"
ANT111$ 1)C' a strike—which is. doubtful— -
a coarse that may end only in serious
sound. That's thedown in
coutlict, and \\alien Mr. Bevin, a man the huff part. Every so often there's
of peace, and one wins has come into one noise that seems to stand uut
talks Qin this Strain there can be no street -car.
doube that' there is real ground fur
the uneasy feeliug that uuqueetionably
Harry J. J;otrda
There's `sonteXi t; stout a city in
the stili of night that's fascinating.
I stayed at my sister's place in thh
city thye other night. Of course, being
country bred t� couldn't quite grit t
sleep for ;some,.. time. I• think my
graudfather used to :say, "Take away
�r sun's regular bed and give hiau
"Fools rush in where angels fear to roams could be re -arranged and mod-
ernized tread." p ernaized and eventually the court room
The s though. trite, 9 euuld be n'entodelled for some Such
.abuvr,. -attaotatioaa, F� purpose alp a +�unanInuzaity centre for thza:�
'tans appropriate on Llai occasion. boye and•girls _of the citv.
• st, .'tie Court House proble.�'m has been I un nota tanpayer iaa Huron -County
written about and talked about a great at present, so submit myself to criti
deaata Thee. are so many divergent assns for suggestions that entail ex -
opinions that, no matter what 1 solei penditures to -Which I do not contribute
-gest, there will be u host. of l3eoiale through taxation, hut' I expect iu the
who will disagree. . . near future to make my permanent
Let us #first of all get a few historical home iu Ontario's prettiest' town atnd
a person's
The Court House Question Nkain
facts as a basis for suggestions. even now 'I feel a 1teell interest in any-
anothea and what have you got? ... 'The records in the Registry Office thing that will contribute to the wet-,
no sleep." , show Haat on April 26th, 1554, the flare and attraction of Goderieh.
We slat up bind of late and tall ed Canada Conipiaus granted ai.ud released I$. II. MOBRISH.
find had eotfee and sandwiches. Thea,. Town
v ' - jt ch ail tht' In er oll, Ont., June Al,
10 iht. �sawaa of
t1Ma .t n Square."
qday' 1Uth, 1854,
_ ..
I went off. up to heti, determined to granted to the , -"A C UNG STORY"
fall; into a sound' sleep. The bed felt Municipal Connell ' of the- <Lulled`
Con -
wonderful. Sleep didn't come as swill l' "Thr' Unreasoning Heart," by Cour
as it should have. Maybe it was the l uuaaties et Huron and Bruce a space stance Beresford-Ilcrwe, has had some
salmon Sandwiches beifzg dissolved by 120 ft. x 66 ft. in the centre of the
the coffer;. Anyhow, d twisted and Market Square fora site on which to very favorable reviews. The young
turned and tried finding a •cool spot ,erect a Court House for the said United , authoress is the granddaughter_ of the
ou the pillow and then gave up.. renz
Counties and for no other purpose, late Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moore of Gode-
The sound of a suburban area of as with free ingress and egress . to and rich, her grandfather being em -
Treat city at midnight is quite inter -from said Court iko'use, of four ap- bered by Goderich Collegiate Institute
esting. i�verythiug pis perfectly ati i proaches each.titi ft. wide, ench.extend- ex-�;tudents all over the •continent as
Ing from the Court House to a street a member of the teaching star over
e et,lt for a far;ulYF sort uff humming by ft. wide, by which the Market Place forty,' ;ears ago.
is bounded.
lu the May iesue of The Narrator,
So far as 1 have discovered, there are literary monthly published at Toroth%
four 'school's of thought regarding the,,,S"I'lie Unreasoning Heart" is reviewed
First : Those whu want, for seuti- ! "The helmet of -abbey's personality
A starter , whirs a motor into
mental reaeous, to preserve the build- was terrific : When she, an orphan.
'agitated action . . . there's a grinding,
ing, aS it is externatly, and to modern- was Welted to live with the gay;
high-pitched humming sound and a car
ize the interior. .. ni•urotic Archers, they•tiest saw in her
has started' off. It fades off into the,
1 ant nut devoid of sentiment hi this just a big -boned, adolescent gni.
silence of the night. A car hura touts.
matter, but it is dulled :somewhat be-, "Ihran invited her because ehe Inew
cduse the. building, which was cousid- her mother, and Fean's - family goon
cludisy and rougla-sounding. Then the:
silence closes ill again and you feel hered grandiose in its early day, is by came 'to love tied respect her. There
. , , no -ineaus ail lachiteetural work of ' was David, weak-willed but wonder-
-The 'llorouto Star. telling of the the cool, denipieb. air that sittus o
John et. Thblie is a sure lteser.
art from •
settlement reaehed in the soft `'.&Oal l' gush in the bedihiein window.
*. - * s ' — • d d , etandards. and scorned by his wife, Fay, Con,
Over In the U.S.' they are discussing Strikee,'"3.':
The mike' has won a substantial- .
the proposal: of an O'bserve-the-Teus
Sietorv. :.and it was Julie L. I.ewis
a ho ‘s on tt for them. The dislike
educational campaign Would be in / of tht' mine owners for Mr. Lewis chatter away alid there air pro onee .
- honk o t ope is s • As a matter - of , convenience, all -,, I haul s brother, hitter and morose—
calls a cat : or. A dog. ' The screen ."door
Comity , ottiee-s should be hauseu inider 4, craving a love and affection he never
bangs shut. Somewhere, hi the neiele-
roof instead of ha vim; them, scat- ! got from - his mother in the. cloying
borhood a door opens and party sounds eue
tered as is now the case. This 1 be:,' widow, Isobel. Then there was•Teddy.
tumble out into the night. The voices lieve hupoe.sible in the present build-) Free's hfother, anthills young daughter,
- ' • / ing, no matter how economically the ' Paule. Teddy was Victorien aud al -
order, for front what vre hear we' jadge ! is as nature), as the loyalty to him
of the Mine Workers', union. But
there are quite a lot of' people'
I it ie 'not so easy to explain the ,,
across the line --some in' Canada too,- • • " • -
„ 1 iiolent and almost Unanimous 11
perhaps—who do not know what thel enmity of press and radio com- -
Ontario's -crop prospects this year auature. The strike thieatened people
eair_e_e with losses, which they ceuld realize
. are said to be the best in
century. So much sO that arrange- perkoinildy = empty- coal \bins, cold
meats are heing made to .bring thutts-j
ands. of men from the :West to help she -tient - loss of wages. ' And most
faiewells, an a tat S , i S i . I space is re -arranged. - • ways slightly hpsy. . •
transports the sound with it and the
Secondly.: There are those who, be- ' • "In this turbulent Jalna-like setting,
eight closes in again like the swell "
behind a' ship.
• • • 'cause it would cost much less than to Abbey soon Aids S herself eouipletely
erect a new building, advise- adding involved_ in . the ves, joys, and
wings to the present structure. This tragedies of the Archers. How she
if they wanted to get rid a some possibly could be done on the 120 ft, finds her own happiness makes for one.
excess -energY before :going re bed. x 66 ft. space,. but a new - additioa to of the most charming and unpretentious
They part and 'euntinue loud -voiced an old buildiug is always an eyesore. of love stories.. - ' .
conversation f at leest a block. A "This ,noyel of family -life -in Mon -
police car.- shri -treat --- won - for. -- its ' pretty, .. young
sound of the authoress the Dodd 'Mead literary. fel-
down your spine. • could probably be , done on the limits lowship. Constance Beresford-lelowe is
A lone walker whistieS his way past. .
"What the
world needs
is .more
pest. eThe whirring
n sends &fills up and.
modern on uu the -same site. This
bading there that would destroy the there now' for her maiter's--- degree.
with the harvest..'Later these •?:nees petipleiallaterahrTiefn'tpr.' Se they were well goes lushly bee sing -mg Jerkl 3 beauty _ atid balauced stvininetry • of She has a spontaneity and naturalness
can retarn to the West ha time Sia•F: . latest Lewis and ileainst the Strilae. A train moans away off across the city. , • •
molding and park 'as it pow is, which to her prose that many a moee experi-
hey didn't ' know 'much about the
ettite,learveet .theres-- 4. 41-1.147-Y-IYAIM A car, evidently a big one with e. silent
motor and soft tires, slips by on pussys
lookihg te ' Canada this Year hs never striking miners, who were eepresented feet. Ail impertinent little dog barks
in their Winds by the hated figure of
*before. irritably. Then comes' another. silent
* * Lewis. Ciniversely. President Truman period and a -motor car comes to life
The Londou 'Free Press- paragrapher girs gLiding down a nearby street.
wee never so popular, and may never .9 -4(11 -
he, broke the raitwataatrike. The roars to a -near y stop sigu.
longegeif they would sell their cars and I day And •so you .fall asleep finally,. think-
preeent epidemic of. strikes shows once ing of the difference between. the night
observes: "Human beings „Would live be so popular again,' as he -was the thelV
a scream of brakes as a jalopy
saying that• the outside' of a horse sounda in a quiet -part-of--the 'city -and-1-
again that there is rouin for flinch
those tu a quiet part of the country,
good for the inside of a -man; but on ! improvement in, the handling of iu-
• the other hand 'is the solid 'fact -that
since the days of horeeback travel the i
average span of human life ,has County_ Libraries
lengthened materially.
Show Good Growth
At, the United Chureh Conferencel
meeting, in Totontri. the other day the! Clinton and .`" Wingham - Have
retiring president -pleaded for the older 1- Joined Association and
minister, "the one, over forty"; who, . , • Others Corning
he said, seldom gets, a call. eLife
begins 'arforty" IS a dictum evidently
hot generally accepteele among the eer:
m,on-tasters, but slimly it ie-aftei. forty, s
or even fifty, that -man reachee
best, in experience 'and wisdom, and
• according- to fluty Writ .-wkdom is
:Mrs. R. la Eckiilier, librarian for
the Hitren County Library Association,
reports further progress in this growing
organization. Since, the -beginniug of
.-S3ehr the Clinton and Wingliam
libraries have become members. and
sen ire. A gre;at increase in circul-
age. ,..)f man centinues to increaee, aud..
thiee over fifily are to be laid aside
fro!.. aetii the' ,Ayorld is going
been cliscariled.
(Fort* Wiltiant Times Journal')
More than 2,000, ;United States
farmers and their families ere reported
"Yes, Prank, there's a whole tangle of troubles to be straightened .
oue all over the world. Makes your head swim to think of it."
"And yet, Jim, most of it springs from one cause ... suspicion.
You apd I wouldn't be very good neighbours if we suspected each
other pf all sorts pf_skulldeggery. Actually, what the world needs
is more good -neighbours. _
"Yes, the life insurance business is a good example. British life
insurance companies have had offices in Canada since 1833 and
several of our Canadian companies are well known throughout the
United Kingdom"
"What about American companies?"
'We found it good business to be good neighbours with the
American life insurance companies. We welcome them here. They
carry almost one-third of all the life insurance in force in Canada.
And our Canadian companies are well liked in the 'U.S.A. where they
do a large and increasing business. AS a matter of fact, they are well
and favourably known throughout the world. Nearly half the busi-
ness of the Canadian companies is outside Canada."
Life insurance is truly an international business—a neighbourly
business. At home Canadians buytheir life insurance as they choose
from British or United States or Canadian companies. And our
Canadian life insurance companies abroad! Who can assess the
value to Canada of the confidence in the Dominion which they have
built up over the years in their dealings with tens of thousands of
foreigp clients and of their services in establishing Cariada's reputa-
tion for financial integrity and security throughout the world?
"A -message from the Life Insurance Companies Canada 'Ind their. hosts.
for more than -the year �rtruce, but futtre readjustment constrtictive
everyone concerned might learn enough rather than the maelstrom it threatens
from the co-operative effort to_ make to become today.
is the pride of every Goderich enced, author, would give euueb. to
citizen, when there are. sQuiany cheap
and suitable sitesh'
House on sume other ehe.
If this is dime, the present site, eed
presumably the building, would auto-
matically revert to the Town of Crode-
rich under the, stipulations of the
original grant.
—Tale -fnsiiiheSreift-Sti.iit_71ffeCiiihnild"
preserved to the satisfaction of the
sentimentalistasind in addition it would
be a valuable asset of -the city in whieh
to house- its oilice.s and to conetruct in
the basement, at trivial casq, much-
needed rest rooms. From, Hine to time,
(Elora Express)
Maybe it would be a gael idea if
; everyone were to lay off eonvereation
! for a year's truce and just get busy
and produce. If tabor would forswear,
lethsee and capital call a truce on pro;
politheinns• wait a year for their
; salary increase and. everyone turn in
ti) feed the world ae such and supply
! the vital heeds of sis many people as
possible. Not being Of a political faith
.! we NA'0111d not suggest for a minute, that
•to be planning tu enove north into as ,fund$ became aVailable; the tAlee '1'his scheme of existence could remain 1
Canada seeking - uew. .and permanent !
homes. Aceurding to the eeports the !
trend of the immigration is toward the
plains uf -.Northern Alberta, -where therel
is believed to be. much land - whichhisst
suitable for agriculture.
It_ is eaid that bulk ef' this immigra-
tion will be from such states as Ida.ho;
in the nerthwest section of the republie.
As A matter ot fact _there are_ vast;
areas of land hi the western and coastal:,
states which aro not naturally fertile
and which are not inviting to the e•
settler who tu engage in agri-
a tifin bailis also is noted. culfure. There are vast spices or
:hat -three months of the year, witai waete hind in Utah. -Montana, Ideho,
le25 books „ui in the (senses-, the pit.- 'Ne\zida a"- Arizen". seine of it is
, rocky and untamable and :some of it
-Since the IK -ginning 1)1 this year is either deeert parfielly sterile.
s52" boeks hate, been added to- the Eneli o'f these States ilas its "wn
counts' colltiction and \\enty-one have peculiar ad \ antages and certain re -
weapons, the- theowing of stones thuS,
the tlainagleg of property which bAve
Stith,%; puint-: cannot be excii,ed and are
not helping- the strikers' cause. In
struggle 1,f this kind angry passions'
--esonietimes get, 'the . bettea of men_ whose
*jobs are concerned, and _the leaders
are unwise in not discouraging out-
burste of violene'e. The strikers at this
port. we • are glad to be• able to 'Say,
have refrained from the nse .of dis-
orderly methods, and have certainly
lest nothing from. their good behavior.
It is, to be hoped that an 'amicable set-
tlement of the strike will be reached
and that, traffie on the- Great Lakes,.
never more important. and necespiry
• than this Season, re.sumed be-
' fere irreparable' injury is caused to
- the veteied interests involved.
Alarm is expressed over the migra-
tion from Canada to the States, par-
ticularly of men and women who have
reeeived valuable training in this ,
•country but see better prospects acrols;
ieg greater interest, in their, libraries,
lection and, the redeCoratimi of the
library, quarters. Lunge mien 'has made
a- tine' job of tilts and has ipstalled
-an aerreditt,d card system -Auburn and
Bayfield have discarded warn -vet and
out-of-date books.
• • The "Annual. Meeting -
her report for the year 1945.
Mre. Eckmier, county librarian since
lest August. stated that owing to the
lack ofea librarian for some time after.
the resignation ot, Miss Rose Aitken,
which was, regretrilllyaaccepted at the
May meeting last year, only three
book exchanges, instead of i.he
ary .four; were made during the year,
in julY, September and December,
owing. to this circemstanee the 1045
emulation was' slightly under that for
19 Many of the member libraries
callet in their !books -in March,sexpect-
ing the usual exchange at that time,
and held them until July,
The total- circulation was -14,872,
made up of' 11;723 aidult end 3,149
juvenile. •The classitieation. was as
follows: •
the tine tif making profitable use of !
• - • that- t raiseffig. it is just another phase_.. arts
of the rush froni the country to t1H Fine. arts
city, from the small Ware to the larger, !
Blographrsa„ 13R
Pict ion 10,4361
which has been so much in evident:ea,
-it 'is deplorable, fere:mare tiler) One
point of view, that we cannot keep our
young people at holne,.even though we ,
may .take pride in theia,,having :raised the ;
our neighbor;h There is something ts);.
'' be 'sa id, hefwever, in favor of the stardy
tient of big monei' and elects to ret1
main in its Wive plaee and devote. iits,1
,brawn and its brain to'the developMOnt.
of its own country.. There is scoPe for.
'useful and successful careers in Can -
ada, -find Canada needs all the oiergy
and intelleet and patriotism. that it cad t
sources of natural weenie but they
ha Se little appeal' left for the than vi ho
has the farming instinct, The treed
lands in all these atetes let 0.• _lean
taken up lens ago and the bad lands
are inhospitable and forbidding.
on the rich, bleck sell of Nerthern
Alberta or in sections ot h.orth-Western
Ontario the man who wauLS to farm,
tO. grow grain and 'graze cattle will
have a• better .outlook. This ie -a
propitioue time for the food producer
to locate a farm and settle on it. The
world 'is in need of what he can pro-
Office equipment 5)9.19
Travelling expenses 33.32
Exchanging 'books 187.50
Stationery, supplies 10.50
Libra rians' serviees 4;50.00
Secretary and trensurey 40.00
Cash on hand Dec. 31, 11/-15 56,12
The- member librarces represented at
the anti -mil meeting were Anthill', II -Aye
field. Blyth. Itruesels, Dun-
' ga mem. Ethel 14eter. Goderich, Hen -
Sea ferth, VII 'Walton, -FOrdWieh,
Ethel I)111).111* 801001, three Farm Forum
vie. eleelerich : secretary, Itev. II. C.
Erskine,' Goderieli: County Council
Had Another Bad Night?
Couldn't You Get Any Rest?
To' thol§e who toss, night after night, on sleepless
beds. To those who Sleep in a kind of a way, but •
• whose rest is broken by bad dreams and nightmaae.
To those who Wake Up in the morning as tired. as when
Nerve Pills a tonic remedy to help soothe end strengthen the nerves.
• When this is done there should be no more restless nights ,due to.„baii
, dreams and nightmares.
Price 50c a box -65 pilfss at all drug counters.
Look for oar registered trade mark a "Red Heart" on
The T. Milburn Co.:Limited, Terouto, Ont..
the package.,
111, iNillikammilicimo.30111.Milbir201111..11.110
hung &midmost
11,723 3,149
Financial Statement
• The finale -lel report for the
ending December 31. 1915, was as
Balanee Dee. 31. 1911, $ 227.20
County Colleen 1,000.00
.t:roviiirial Gov't 1,000.00
Protimitil Gov't, • ,1 50:00
Member libraries 325.00
In Europe -today even -a viva of-breod-is-treasured—
Teen-Agers! High School Students! Young men -and
women! Join the Ontario Farm Service Forie now.
Head for the open fieldS,for a month, or better still for
the season. Help share in producing Inoke food. for
PrivOte Farm Homes and Y Supervised Canips are
Perin Fornins
Bank interest
fed—swell-paid—and well fookpd -after.
Remember, almost every Ont rio farmer is critically
short-handed. Remember, too, the present food crisis ,
is bsting felt at home—ces well as abroad. Fill in the.
• attached coupon an4 'the Ontario Farm Service Force
will send you a registration fortn plus all particulars—.
without delay! tt,
am goo am r pin rut re' r lin 89.1
112 C011ogo St., Toronto.
1 want to "Land a Hand". Ploaso pond nto a ronitt7otion lours and ,
to maze a Imbue oreort at “appeatw:1 'toys' and girls' books
Adult fiction 35.'4.411
• Itnportant to Matriculants
So dosp‘erate ils Europe's need for food ... so ureont our farmer's
need for help, that local schoid boards are being ankodeto back
Matriculant* wIloto tom work has boon catinfoctdrys On ovary
rospod inlay hood for the opon field:. NOW. Upper Sehpol istudonts
con loin thorn an noon as final exams aro wi•ttiton. Tbe flood IS
(pions° print)
Tols Ho.
I will bo avallablo ?tom
(must ho oroVo.r.)
to • And Would litto to
*it two Nom. rile arm rim iv* ion ONO ma Ours ems tom INNS