HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-30, Page 7early for your Bay Dans, Track, Slings Pulleys, or Hay Forks. YOU may/ need Steel Stan- chions, Water Bowls or e, Lit-. ter Garrr for xtegt season. Order NOW: Paint and Spray Painting Barn. jobs a specialty. I1. . R. BAER' ASLFIELf : >F >4 u3i�11iD, Mi y . > .. (Dr.,) White of Chicago, is visiting with her another, Mrs., 13114abeth MaeLeurtarl. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald bIacEina> oan, cg Parkhill, visited at. .dads" 1%QIne of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.. •11$acintyre, Soiue from here ,attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Davidson ° at Dungannon on Thursday fast. Mr. Charles i acGregor of KitGheper called on friends here at the week -end. Miss Ethel Mae en le of . Toronto Spent the holiday at li€r home here. Also Miss Catharine MacKenzie of Tor• - PHONE CARLOW 2821 Truly a Funefral .I Lome lSit�1 . tness dignity. with reverenceakilli, .. -. nix' . nut needs are eitl fill � 0ver present" a,t. THE Smart Girls AiwaY s..arry Paradol s They know that ]?aradol' ii11 re- lieve them quickly of headaches, and . other discomforts, as well as help to • check colds.. One girl writes, "Until 1 used Paradol every monthrl 'suffered al- • tnost unbearable pains. It •is the most quickly effective relief I have ever used,and there is no disagreeable lifter eifect.'i Some people are so broad-minded everything slips through.. MAW and `Muriel W 3i'a> rh31, TM, were, at thein' bonle5 for "the holiday. DOM .(14 MIs. enueth 13, Mae- Levi w 1Phe whol neighborhood vas deeply grieved to, hear of the urge !meted' death of Mrs. I ebneth D. Mae - Lemma, which oecurrefl in .t incardine hospital on Wednesday., May 2. For smile time Mrr, Mae]r nmmn 'gad not ,enjoyed "good health, shut she bore her Illness with the patience told . resiaaa •tion of. a tr}alj Christian, woman. Three weeks previous. she read un.ilergone an opera -MA i'rom which, she recovered suiflciently to be taken to her brother • Doz;ald'$ in Lochalsh.' where she was tenderly nursed by his sister-in-law. Complications developed, however, an ,she was again. taken to 'hospital an 'all the skill of those. attending her proved in vain.,. Christina Iain Mac- Kenzie was born fifty, -eight years ago, in. Lochalsh, a (.laughter of the; late. Mr,. and Mrs. Jotui „MacKenzie, 'and resided there until her marriage to Kenneth D. MacLennan, when they made their home. on the MacLennan homestead on the banks of :Lake Huron. `She devoted herself" above all to her home and, family. Site - was of a quiet, un- tassuming disposition, genial and friend? ly, true to her church and the W.M.S. end a ,grreat help in Red Cross work. She is 'survived by her husband and two sons, Stewart and. Bain';, also by a brother, Donald MacKenziey in Loch- alsh, and two sisters, Mrs. Ed, John- ston (Rebecca) , of Detroit, and Mrs. John Moore (Belle) , of Duluth. No more bitting tribute et respect could be paid than that' which was evidenced by the large attendance of 'friends who gathered at her home on Saturday afternoon fo • the funeral service con- -ducted on- .. 1 t° �e 1 byr pastor,Rev. W, O. zz c t ct c �te . a I iiotc. Miss Marion, Munn `of Ripley sang very fittingly the beautiful hymn "One by One." Friends from a dis- tance attending the funeral were Mr. and \Irs. Ed. Johliton and family, of ,Detroit ; ,.firs. John Moore and Mr. and M'rs. John -MacGregor, of Duluth; Mrs. Effie MacLennan and Miss "Bell Ross, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacLennan. of Barrie. The remains were- laid to resit in Kintail cemetery beside those of their ' little daughter: The pallbearers were John and Gordon Johnston, Lloyd and Wil- mer Robb, and Charles and Stuart Wiley. All extend- sympathy to the griefstricken family in the loss of their dear one. row PAA' sr .', May 'S. "fi7°isitora far the wee-eti,c4 holiday at the home oi' Air. and Mrt3.. C I li. Crawford wer4 Mr. ,anal lairs.. John,-jelphaon-of 3400U-- lin, Ev o0U-lin, Ont., rind Mr. and Airs. Horace Cuiiniulaba of -Marton. Ur. and Mrs: Win. ' " alhwell o rantford 'vlbtteal 7last week with tie latter's parenits, r; .and, Mrs. 'Harry Mrs. Mercy. Palmer of ,Kitchener and: Miss Ma,r,orne McKenzie, omit a weep visiting with..their mother, Mrs.' J. McKenzie.. gomeroy, of near -Windsor,. wife of a' former pastor • he>:•e, visited for a few days of this weelr wain Mrs. Will.. Crawford . Miss Mary McKenzie has returned to her home here after spending the winter months, with her sister, .Miss Grace McKenzie, R.N., at Toronto. Still (Wing Strong.—The 'Draniatie Society of the United church presented •their play, "Good Gracious Grandma," for the ninth time when they took the play on Monday 'evening of this week to their neighboring church, the An- glican. There was a, very good' audi- ence. though this play had been pre- sented before in the United church here. The cant will,•present their play at the following places Within the next week.or two :Amberley Hall, Mildmay. Bervie, Victoria church in Goderich, -Whitechurch and 1ilincrieff. Chanrcii Workers Meet.—The W.M.S. and W.A. of the United church niet at the home, of Mrs.. H. Lednct'r for the May meeting, with a good attendance. Mrs. Jas. MacKenzie had charge of the meeting .in the_ absene of, the. president,. Drs.'It' ($a4Vford The_ Aro x m in the Missionary Monthly _was followed. Mrs. Elmer Graham gave a -full report on the presbyterial meeting in Wing - ham. A solo, "Higher Ground," Was sung by Mrs. Rogers, accompanied by Mrs. W. Crawford "on the :,rgau. A chapter in the study book was read by Mrs. Lelln_or and Mts. Gilmour gave a reading on temperance. Rev. W. J. Rogers closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the huste-.s and daughter, Miss Isabella. .:.r. , - ......<.... — - _. s•. -ins- -_, .. ,., -. .::. .....' �-_.:..re.. a.�'r�; � :,�.:c r ....�.:. f� ..,.. .. .,. _ .. c r. ..� r r.' Npip oM �I‘ A� A P� O P1p� OP I - Then comes the Cold which, if not attended to • immediately, shortly works down into the bronchial tubes, and the cough starts. On the first sign of 'a cold or cough go ta'any drug *counter and get a .bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrups . You will find it to be , a prompt pleasant and reliable remedy to help you get rid of your trouble. �..—market-fer,the.past A8. Don't experiment with shsa nted -tier , �-Dr W . W Ppoi r . ood's". Price 3Sc a bottle; the large family size,"about 3 times r.1,01 :IL ,.'c. Look for the trade mark "3 Pine Trees:" Ty.© T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. JaCits W. li'.taaninag has hien ate oi_Led a. rt or and to collector at. asm'ssc Clinton ata salary of. 5 a year. Vranh Woo,} died ,on. Friday last ullett towunsltip at the `age; of eighty years. Sia: vas once of the leading Shorthorn breeders of the dlstriet. Elton. T. L. 'Kennedy, (WWI* Min# inter of Agriculture, will open. the South Huron Agricultural ftoeiety'€ annual stock show at e'I snsal& on June 7th ° W. D. Eoy, I•,ondesboro, i _ rho win« ser of a Massey 1 'und scholarship ant the Ontario Agrieulturat. Co/lege. The award has a value of'b$1(0, half of which is provided by the Jliuxt u.County Connell. The, ngagement int • announced .off Ruth ellen, daughter of Mrs. filar Ball, Clinton, add the late Nelson pall, to William. d i•aha.m,. son of Mr. and Mrs. ,john McKinnon, Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly on June 5th itt Clinton. Miss Mary. Lane, ;daughter of Rev. Andrew Lane and Mrs. Lane of Clin- ton,was placed third in the Lions oratorical contest -•sat -Kitchener. Lill Thompson of Midland High School was the winder. There were ser°eu con- testants, each being the winner at a previous zone contest.' Miss Lane re- ceived $25. p - ' Buckingham—Chittick - At the Presbyterian church manse. Winghant, Rev. Alex. Nintmo united in marriage Elizabeth Anne, eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Chittick of Wingham and the late Samuel Chittick, and'" Ralph Goldwin Buckingham of Kincardine. b . late' son of ,Mss. Bucls;iitglt~ain and . then to_ 1 Frederick S. Buckingltatu. The happy couple left on a motor trip to Ken- tucky And on their return will reside Kincardine. - Injured when Hayload . Overturns • David Schroeder, of Dashwood, eighty-two yeears of age, received pain- ful injuries on Monday afternoon when the wagonload of • hay on which he was riding overturned. He was driv- ing -down the runway on. the farm of William Bender When the horse turned too short and • upset the wagon. Schroeder Itas a fractured right clavicle, three or four fractured ribs, and a fractured pelvis. He was oaken to Victoria, Hospital, London, for treatment..- ' Nine Little Foxes sem:, ��t� u fat, �- $EiF'•1 kr .�1� � of foxes . on the side afa hitt t.e - a rear .,of their neighbor's barn, W''Ls1e ? and }Toward Johns, of the 6th conces- sion of t sbol ne, deci iecl to investigate and discovered a fox -hole. With the aid of Mr. Les. Robinson, Kenneth Johns and Edwin Miller the men `with ,shovels started to • dig and after two hours carie upon the lair and there they found . nine little foxes and the lair stocked with two chickens and a groundhog. As Howard Jt)hnsis rais- ing a goodly number .of chickens he 'iio'w, .figures -Ale is gong .to have. Min'e- ST. HELENS •ST. FIELENS, May 27.—Visitors for the holiday week -end included Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto with Mr. Jas. Stuart sand Mr. and Mrs. George ... INr: -altd Waterloo. with Mr. and firs. R. Woods ;• Miss Norma Weatherhead . of Alton with Mr.. and Mrs. L. G. Weatherhetd ; _Mia. and . Mrs. Go1dw'in Purvis- of Tor- onto with Dir. and Mrs. Ed. Pnl;vis ; and Mrs. Elliot Webster of Kincardine and Mrs. Thompson of Winghain with Mr. and Diem. T. G. Todd. - Mrs. Earl Gauli~t returned home on Sunday after being a patient in the Clinton hospital for the past week. Miss .toy Stewart, daughter of Rev. J. 1V. and Mrs. Stewart. of Lucknow, has been engaged iui teacher of- the senior room in St. Helens school. Miss ,•fol' market than he otherwisewould. Beatrice MMlnillin has been re-engaged A keen, watch is being kept for the teacher of the junior older' foxes.—Exeter TimeS-Advocate. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL • • TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH The • Pownship -Connell met hi Holmesville on Monday, May 27, for coat of revision and general business-: A few minor corrections were made in the roll owing to property sold, etc. The Clerk was instructed to notify 'the County Treasurer that lot part 9, concession 4, pn, which the taxes were returned, was Crown lands and should nott-have been assessed.. John Buller ,was appointed Weed ,inspector for the township, „and W. W. Wise was .appointed"sheep valuer. Local _ • ,ett'sdi-re r. _ Dir., Benson Whitely was appointed' deputy treasureriluring his father*: -fl Council made, a grfint 350 to i Clinton Agricultural • Society Spring! at Ontario's racetracks) `moi ,qy come in hundreds frrom t Staten to w> tth the King's Kato ... one of Ozn>tinrica4s. ,greatcst attractions for racing cnthusias44; Whate r 10.41, -'t -toxio, '►h l have it stake an their x<etur»r_ .. sn let44 aro what wo can. to see tboy, ,enjoy every minute of thcilr yis% room. dntarior of i ... gyery to*gist dollar l a r asmuc*bra tourist :8sshared this way: business- as from gold 1. Hpteln .2. -.tares; each3. ages zninin .fit a3 upto Restaurants; , one Vof us to- eep this etc.; 5. Amusements; . business growing: 6. Garages. ' "Let's make them .want to come back!" PLANNING A HOLIDAY? Tune in "Ontario Holiday" CFRB, 10:90 p.m., • Thum, Fri, and Sat. PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY, JOHN LABATT LIMITED ' Fair. --• Accounts paid: Signal.Star, printing, 33.45; Department of Health, insulin, 37.31; H° J. Fisher, gifts for returned men. 32. 1•a yA J.-I c� AI e- IZ.eso rrav;_ ciln,ton Fair brant:40, -Miss , House, 35; H. McCartney, assessor, sal- ary 3100 .and postage 310; Srbperizi- tendent's pay roll No. 6, 3481:.6... Council -adjourned to meet - on Tues, day, July . at 1.30- Am: - TIME #c42/2 SPR/NG' CWANCE-OVER CHANGE TO New SHELL X -/OD. NOM CET EXTRA PA'OTECT/ON Of X "SAFETY FACTORS f 45 A QUART Agents. S < ELL SERVICE . STATION KINGSTON ST. — PHONE 535 — GODFRICH . Harvey Baxter '— . Allan Linfield 'i TkA qe �l�o • I1(11i1��14 1f'r r" � ".f1�fi:Y t L ° P,.� �,• o g,w.4 RFrW .:44"? i -r, ? t , rl o /..g, T.,.,71/.4 -rro FIND PLACe To °L i V tri MAYes 1 C.AN i L.P you CI`!! YOU A CALL- io-Hit;HT ll, .;u h ID if ppitlt , . ' tilj f � ltIry1tI(HIi1I 1� �!II.OIIIIIiIfll 1 'lllv)�'I".I(r*I;:ut��`� `n"!+ `r'` 't., 6 2 �•�'?Ir}�'\" ~'1.99' MY:M ..•4 . .1s., v The Immigrants --by Jack Martin, O..S. A .,: C. P. E. O • Or 4. 4. 41f4OM THE MOORS OF SCOTLAND,' the rocky coasts of Ireland, from English cities . and' farms they came, their _ ° *hearts filled with, wonder arid a great • •1)'ope. With then*. fleeing from the hardships and oppressions of the Old World, came the sttfrdy countrymen of Europe..- Canada! urope.Canada! and the very name was magic. Canada, land of opportunity . where a man's two strong hands could carve out security, Up the mighty St. - Lawrence to quaintly old-world . _Quebecon through the rolling fields of Ontario—to the vast fertile miles of the Prairies—t© the wooded slopes of the Rockies. •And wherever they made their homes the country of their choice justified, their dreams merged) into the one. dream that was to become a reality. The reality of "Catiada3Unliinited---thy Canada. of today. . And .:the bright light of freedom and prosper y-- which they saw, shine today for all of us with an e'ren greater brilliance, beckoning; us to the Canada of To- morrow ... the Canada that will be more surely and swiftly ours if we give expression to our coritinuirig faith by our purchase and :holding of Victory Bonds. new strength wad added. to '°the bonds of blood kinship ... new solidarity. to. the cause of Et'npire. Within a few Oiort years they had becthne a part 'of the fabric of Canada, their unbounded faith in • l63'EvEr. FEEL °LONELY As ma' W1 FE ANO itPU LooKAT Y i-iE c""-.MPYV ROOM =WHICH YOUR. PALCH-I'ER LEF VCP-;i -N sH� Gar N4AP.121e2 I 's The L.E4vr w CAN., 00 Oe: OO MPANY 'FOP: T90 I a Sur 148.K'r @v or wNG Y• OU HAPPSPI -ro ft.41"I•O A R+l .TURNE .O Sr L. • I 2 WHO — 'ELLS. YOU 'MAT HE AND HIS 'W,FE 'CAN'T FIND . PL.AC M 1"? LAVE 11146 , One of a wilco epicting the growth of Canada a) a nation; produced by O'Keefe') on the occasion of their IOOth anniversary. 6 r F3ti . Canada U,Jini ted INP -WH YOU COT TtlOF=FICE AMID ptIONl 1HE Wire SHE .maAtz ibY • 1 .00,44 1' , ` 11 fid cies 1,s°6val. FeeL:4 HAPP!Ela.YOulz. LIFO REALM i4At A c000 `rul i'' You kiiav "f 00144.4 'o • 11MM 1 doom ctiWalcvef,niattcgVp4 ;S i K4,