HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-30, Page 3''likfei •, , /v X- raN ra XI4R. `° a t1 NO, 22 LEGAL DUDLEY JO. HOLMES Barrister, Etc. Office—Court House, Goderich. , Telephone op. j. K. HUNTER Barrister,- Etc. Royal Bank Bldg; Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. WM. A. SUTHII1RLAND Barrister and Solicitor Office—North St., Goderich. ?Acme 750 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountants 151 ,Albert Street, Stratford W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. ` CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TelePhon., ; Office 18, Residence 343. Chartered Accountants London Kitchener J. H. K. Broughton, C.A.—Resident Partuer '512 Huron & Erie Bldg. Phone Met. 2788. London. ACCOUNTING AND' BOOKKEEPING For Small, Businesses, Stores, Ete. - Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly _ Financial Statements. Business and Personal Incpme Office :Corner North St. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. - Tax : INSURANCE lated town Property insured. - Officers — President, Frank . Mc- Gregor, Clinton, No. 5; Vice-Praidtlit, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholns No. 1; Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—Frank SIcGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; E. Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. ' Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield, R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. I; J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, King,ston Street, Gogerich, or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. 1 DUE DATES OF , RATION COUPONS -HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOS'T wrEiray GODERIcli, ONTARIO, Reftmeesnavelleen 1 an Asset to„Canada Coupons now valid are Bugar-pre- serves 81 to 814, butter 4.1 to It0 and meat M20 to M39. OTHERS ARN ASKING. Q.—I was not. allowed to purehae.e- two. eans of fruit which called for One- half coupon per can, but was told I could have one can of fruit with one half -pound of sugar.- I did not need the sugar, therefore could not have the fruit. ,is this within the ration law? A.—The ration law' •does not require anyone to sell two cans of fruit w/aich is in short supply and your dealer was within his righta in offering you the sugar. Q.—I. used to get three' dozen of clothespins for 10 Cents; now my dealer is selling them at two dozen ,,for 10 cents, Isn't this illegal? • A.—We would have to .knew the name Of the dealer to check this mat -- based on price set fer•the manufacturer by. the Board plus a set maximum wholesale and retail. markup. The prices appear correct, but a cheek of the actual costs•would have to be made before a definite ruling could be given. Q.—Why can grocers refuse to sell 'certain goods when I know thenhave them. in stock? A.—This question has been asked many times. The Boerd does not re- quire a dealer to sell any article and Sometimes grocers keep'goods in short supply for their - regular Zustonters whom they liird before shprtages were fluent Ctinada last year? — Canada. exported' 5,300,000' pounds. A previous statement quoted the figure in error at 53,000,000 pounds. ,Q.—Can you tell me how much butter I may take to the United States this summer when I go there •te spend a holiday.): A.—You may take -butter to "the value of $5. You would require an ex- port permit to take a greater amount. Any- questions reliting.....to ratidhing Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor -Car - OFFICE --MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH " NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon NeW York Ophthalnaic and Aural Hospital,: assist- ant, at Moorefield frEye ,B.ospital and Gotden Square Throat Hospital, Lofidon, England. - EYES TESTED, GLASSES Waterloo.' Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. NeXt visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS Office hours -10 to 12 aan., 2 to 5 and. 7- to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral fume 'baths by appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. I I:. J. RYAN Office and Residence; 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 6fi3 FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- ' pertY and several good farms. Canada Should Open Her Doors to Etirope 's Unfortunates, Says Rev. R. R. Turnbull "Canada's „Asset in the Refugee" waS the theme of Rey. R. H, Turnbull's evening sermon at North street United church last Sunday. Basing his marks upon a. well-known Bible storY, he showed how JoSeph VMS ill-treated and persecuted by his jealous brethren and eventually through force of (fir- eumstances NiatS driven to seek refuge in Egypt. There through his ability and insight he was raised to the high position of prime minister in Pharaoh's empire. In this- capacity he evolved an economic program that proved of in- estimable value in solvtog Egypt's famine ,problem. Here was a- refugee who came to- Egypt penniless but be- cause of his ability proved an invalu- able asset to the land of his .adoption. This, the minister said, is the story of the refugees down through the centuries. They are 'people who mani- fest superior skill or intellectual ahility and 'through jealousy are driven to other lands where their knowledge anti 'experience and 'fine craftmauhip con- tribute -to the growth and. progress Of the new land. Britain's greatness, continued the preacher, is due. in larde part to the° policy of goodwill and generosity that she has t practised toward perseeuted Peeples down through the ages. She owes Ilea? rich textile industry „to the Flemish weavers who fled' from 'the 'Low Countries because of persecution. In the days of. queen Elizabeth there was another, period of religious perse- cution -on the Continent -itidd-a, Sub -- Some of these were' silk weavers, ware, and artisaits','''Ars' ninny 'other trades. It was in la -life -part these! refugees with their special knowledge an'd skill... that transformed Britain from An agricultural coultry to the great industrial nation'• she is today. Once again we face a period ,in or price regulations° will be answered if referred to the Information -Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade 'Board, London, Ontario. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST' Square Croderieh "See Armstrong and See Roder" At Lucknow every Wednesday GEE THIURSOAY MAY 80th, 1946 JUPGING° COMPETITION' On Saturday, June 15th, the„Ilurcar county livestock judging competition will be held at Clinton.. Registration will take place at 8.30 eau., E.D.S.T., and judging will commence at 9.00 a.nr. The competition is open to all young men between the ages of twe/ve and tweuty-six who have not completed two years or more at an agricultural seheol or cbllege. All entries will he divided into three Seetiohs according to age and previouS experience. There are .valuable, cash prizes in all classes and, Na special challenge prize donated by Clinton Lions Oltib for the high town- ship team. This Competition, the tiret of its kind that has been held in the county since 1941, is being sponsored by the Huron Federation of Agriculture, and it is hoped there will be a °large number taking part to. make the competition history when multitudes of people are Seeking refuge in other lands. Hitler in. the .early years of his rise to power drove out many of his best kientists, educators and.- literary people. Some of them settled in the United States and Canada. There are many others who have lost all through the war and who do not waht to start up again in their homeland. They are looking to a new Jand of opportunity such as Ordinarily we Are appealed to on certainly it is good Christianity Lto be merciful to these people who have borne the brnnt. of the suffering iu the Light fOr freedom •and democracy. It is en- tirely,„„in accord with the essenee -of the Sermon on the Mount and the thase people as immigrant,s,„: They for- get there is hardly- a person in Canada but is the descendant of an humigrant who was driven here because • of persecution or with the hope of better -economic conditions: Then they fear, too, that these people. will take away their jobs. The•facts prove that those who. haNe already been allowed into Canada have opened up new industries .,and new methods which have htereased the opportunities of the average Can - • Here is Abeles, a Czech farmer who hag settled -near Brantford.- He was a ' rich • farther in Europe but came over . penniless and 4ati to earn his living ag• a.farin laborer at *25 a. month. Today he owns an efficient cattle farm and a -Federal Government official -re- centry -said of him that he .18 the'Lnost important' immigrant Canada' has ais qui -red. in this generation. He has ipg cattle the like el which Canadians bad never seen before. Or here is Kashuir Markon, a Pole who has established a wool -combing plant at Acton that employs 200 Can- adians. Whereas Canada formerly had to send her ,raw wool to England -to go through this process and then bring it -back to eomplete the. manufacttire of Nvvollen • cloth, now, through the genius of this man- the whole proress ytn- be completed herein the Deaninion. and married a Canadian girl. just be- fore the war alai, together' they have established a ceramics. factury and re producing aa iile Vases: and por- in• dustry Io 'Canada. 41•-• probably 'one of the - greatest emi- t r ibot ions made hy any ref ugee is destined to- revolutionize the lumber' industry., ,A 'Czech family has intro- duced a new procca-ls• for curing hem- lock, a wood that has been dvspised pante of Alaskan Pine this wood is destined to make a ' name .for itself ih the next few years. But • there are others that could be mentioned. There iS the interestine story. of • Fischl, who came from- •Sude- tenland and NV110 Set up a glove factory at Prescott. Therejs the t*oniance of the Bata shoe plant at Batawa, per - established by any refugee and one that proved. ttn. invaluable aid in help- ing win the war. There is the story of Frederick 11endell, who introduced Canada to a new 'process for the curieg and 'eanniug 'of. hams and pork pro- ducts and ‘N -ho has.built.a large faetory :These are modern Josephs; said Mr. Turnbull, who have collie to our laud seeking reftfge and who ,hai-e` brought their special keowledge and their endurance, and their fhith in the great worthwhile °principles of^ life. In most cases fliey have brought little wealth, loft -they--have proved a real asset to this land ef their adeption. We have opened our door a little and -have been richly .reWarded. (7tinada is presented with an 'eveo larger opportunity 'if We_ will open our dour, t Tno re -re Ugoes-- and give them the opOrtMlity that they need., 4' and • PHONE 24 GODERICA DONALD B. BLUE ExpkuiENCED AUCTIONEER . Licensed for Counties of Huron and- Bruce •RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk. , Wawanesa. Mtitual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50 years in business, Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co. Get our rates on Car and Wind Among die lowest in Canada, GORDON, JEWELL EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered, Immediate arrangements - can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- . .tion Guarmateect., Phone Cariow 21-r4. Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER IIURON AND PERTH For information; etc., Write ' felt.• Se.iforthT or. phone (car loot) Segfortib, or 867‘ Goderich. oraIMONNK 'WESTERN 'ONTARIO -MOTORWAYS Bus Schedule now In effect Leaves-Goderich daily luck -Whig SinidaY Arrives Goderick daily _ Leaves Sundays and' holidays 'the dLect to -London Convections at- Clinton for London: Detroit, 'Wingluim, Walkerton, Port Connertiens.at Stratford for Woodstock : Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton and Connections at Mitchell- for •.ListOwel -laid 'London: change phone 691 or 717. CAPRA.L, THEAri PHONE. 47 Now --Claudette Colbert; in "GUEST WIFE." Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -- Charles Boyer, Lanren sBacall and Peter Lorre Espionage, intrighe and hazardous adventures feature tshis swift - moving dramatic romance " „ Robert J. Scott Iges Suddenlrat Tor9nto Native of Belgrave Proratingnt in ranters' Organizatio Movements ° .Illaking plans for leaving hospital to. return home later in the week, Robert James Scott,, a former president of the United Farmers Co-operative Co., died suddenly as a result of ,•a heart seizure, in -St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto, on May 21. Mr. Scott, •who was to attend the r international fanners' conference which hegan in -London on May 21, bad been in hos.` pital for several wephs. W. A. Amos, Port Do.ver, president of the United. Farmers 0o -operative I-1 M. FORD, Repfeser:itative- • 4. Co., assiSted Rev. G. A. Milne, Brussels, in the conduct of the "funeral service at Mr. Scett's home atsBelgrave, Huron county, on IIay 24. , Of pioneer stod, Mr. Scott was born at .Belgrave ,April, 1900, on the family farm which he operated for a number of years. .He attended Wing - ham High School. He- served the On- tario farm and Co-operative movements for raore than a quarter ,of a century, having entered • farm organizational work as secretary of Belgrave Club in 1920. In 1928 he' was elected vice-president, of the United Farm* of Ontario and lie -served as president of the organiz- ation from 193,0 to 1935., In 1934 he was elected fo the board of the.United Farmers Co -Operative, Co. He- was 'elected vice:president of the coMpany in 1936 and president in 1937. served as president until Siarch, 1945. mledge Of agri- cultural prohlerne in tile: 'Province of Ontario, Mr. -Scott served the Ontario GoVernment on several occasions. He was appointed by Premier ',George Drew a member of the commission a inquiry into agricultural 'conditions' in. Ontario. *At the request of Col. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister, of Agriculture, he represented the intere4tI hags of an industrial disputes inquh7 commission under the chairianshlit ot Mr. Justice' S. E. Richards, at Win.- nipeg, in November, 1945. . At the. time of his death 'Mr. Scot* Aras a director of the United Farmer% Cq-operative Co., secretary of the,0*- ?atto- Beef Cattle Producers' A.ss -tion,- director of both Ontario and Can- adian Feder,ations of Agriculturer a. member of the Ontario Federition ex - dent of the Dairy Farmers of danadlt; Beard and a ,direetor of the On Co-operative rifiort;h4VinT-gerve the previsional yresiciellt, the former Margaret Isabel. Aitken a children Isabel, who lives in- Torontk‘ John Kenneth, in charge of- the family farm ; Nora, on Wingham hospital calm Robert and Mary, at 'home. 12 May 2 4 to 11 THE CITIZENS OF GODERICEt ARE' REQUESTED TO MAKE SPECIAL EFFORT, THIS YEAR TO MAKE GOIDERICH WORTEty OF ITS • 'VERY BOASTFUL MIT TRUE SLOGAN OF BRING "Thc Prettiest Town In Canada" • -7- THIS CAN -ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY AVERY IiirDIV LOOKING ABOUT HIS OWN PREMISES, AND , TiAL Painting the Buildings • Planting Shrubs afid . His. -Boulevard' • USING A LITTLE PRESSURE ON -THE OWNERS OP 'VACANT LOiS TO KEEP THEM IN A TIDY C,ONDITION, T.EAIONG DOWN °Lb USELESS BUILDINGS, REDIOVING UNSIGHTLY FENCE4 AND OTHER SIIVIILAR toe .OUR OWN PREMISES AND AS A CONSEQUENCE IMPROVE THE LOVE- LY TOWN IN WHICH WE LIVE... . Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dom, Lamonr The favorite thrush of screen and radio returns in a rib-roelting, tee- tiekling riot 'of music and hinghter. 'Coming—In Teetatieo1or, "Leave Her to heaven." with Gene Tierney and -Jean Crain "These bonds aiould be pre -dented for recl6raption with ail cout•ons of later date attache& No further intoreGt will be paid -on these bonds after this date. Sponsored by the Civic Committee of the Go ericb gpard of Trade