HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-24, Page 1DECAL. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil. J 4 ♦ after of Supreme, Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, Coramiestoner. ,4:c.. Diose' to Loan. Office in .n,lnson'a Bleak, Exeter, ltlrcl"EADDEN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc,,. EX1 TER, - • ONT; Office Ratnwell'*Block (haws old office:) DENTAL. f^1 CA.RTWRIGHT, L. D. S,, Has opened dental room over O'NEIL'S BANE where lie will be propsared�to extractteetxtarithout pain. ,AU opera ons performed with command skits. Gold fittings a speciafit'y- O$ioe thouza. 9 a, to: to. 5p m. Ominous MODEaaT$. Toluca Caen. H'KINSMAN ,DFb4TIST.L.D.S ., iz in.: Tia aremoy ed isSai k eeth ex". traoted without MEDICAL ? ItU TZ, M. D., QfticeathiarGIkdonoe Exeter. -IRYihT(31 aaAD1TATI; UHL VERSITV Trinity Cotlegp. 'Member of CollaRephyataianaaad eurteeonr f)n.,. ,attl- oe.$irkton, I;.RYNDMAN.-•COBONJR k'UR thoCauntyof Hawn. t/ftlae, opposite r.z.Carltng'a a ore ,Exeter 1; y, BAOWNING M. D., U. (; ,tr • P.tl,GraduateViatorie.Un vera y, c aadlrelidence,non.:ntooLeboratoiv Exeter. rt R. J. A. ROLLINS, M.O. r 0. Of11oe, Main St.Exeter.Ont. Besides oehoneereoentlY oecnpied by Y, MaPhtlllpa, TE1tI1+lA1tY. r t ERNENT & TENNENT, Veteri,. nary Surgeons. Graduates or the Ontario Veterinary College, Toren o.atavoop cued an 0 o forthe tem tment at all Domestic Animals, On 11L..inPtreet teter. Ca11a from a die ^^ '•""�'tanceepronliit'y attended to=- Medicine for horses Cattle,sta always on band; AXIOTIONEER8. ENl Y EMBER, Lioeused Auo- tioneor for Ray, Stephen, anti drip iAta vray;Tewuabipa. SalesaanduCted acme rates. Otfce--At Poat-OtfieO,Crediton. Ont. OHN GILL, A.uotioneer for the Townships of Ftopllen, Hay and Veberna and the Village of Exeter. All Males protnutli' attene. anal satisfaction guarnntved. Salol MONEY TO LOAN... t Jet "HEW TQ THE LINE, LET TUE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL, XIII., NO. 5. EXETER; ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT'.R 24, 1885.. ‘T -VST ...✓ I «. .,iD - Petty's Choice Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard Cracked. Wheat and Rolled Oats, Oranges and Lemons, T G. A. U"S ' T.DM,A., T' FANSON'S BLOO1 The only Tbarlvy's R. C Food. Only 10o. per ib., or 58 per etat.. RDUCAno.NAL. jExeter Butcher Shop USINESS GOLLEE 1 R. DAVIS, 1K oOsiMIPTI0N WH WOODSTOCK COIIEQE, W00DSTOCK, ONT. The College has been thoroughly roman - iced, and placed is tho handset it moat able staff of Teachers (including two who have been Principals of simiiar and aucoe.Mtul tnstitattioua). COMM) most r)torough and grrsctieut. Fees very moderate. For full inferutation address- N, WQI,VERTON,R,A,,Principsl, Woodstock College, RTY liDsT TARM FOR S&LR. IN STEPHEN, Lot?:o5,in 4th 0ou0eaeion. 100 agree. For partiatilers apply to 11, V. FLi.10T, Solicitor, &o., Exeter 4th Feb., 3882. Al W' FOR SLE OR TO RENT, The nndereigood tell offer tor Palo or to reutberate to Auction, OR the Ube! October t 2 n cloak P. iom.Lots d and 4,1,. R. Phan. near Omit' d 1nud S:i aceat land . alaaggfat sates and betters, 2 maria 4 and 6 Yeara old. S horses 4 And S yearn old. werronted aouutt. The land wUlbe sold coat—hoe at 0 per sent. it required, JOHN REITH, Pro rtetor, 7tIPkeP,U. 320 ,Gores for Sato riot sourIERNSEANITODUA-"Tlte Garden of our Great North -:Vest. +: South halt of Section *5, Township 2. Range 12, oonrprhting390 aeres,f irimedlatety adlotning Crystal City, and an tl'e line of the ALanitoba and Southwoeta,rn RX. (tire Co'y being now no, gotlating for right of way through, this holt section.) Taose desirous a! seeming a roll Arst miss Hamesteadin an excoptimothy ggoo,l nofghborhood, convenient to market, tattoo , churches. tic., would do well to apply without detay. Title p erfeet, tieing a. Patent Deed trete the (rown, and without encumbrauea, NELL L VIN ONE: 1 G T . 5 Owner. Mitchell, Ont. Brok- 1 j ON E Y TO LOAN ON RE+`ALES' S,CL tato tortheHuron tt Erie L.oan't' Say. toggs8ogiety. Law ratesoftntereei. Apply to john Speakman .Exeter •ii 'r NONErLD 4 OAN AT AND OQ .GULINE.--Cement for en Articles. Sold everywhere. Solo Makers,-IIAY BROS.. Stockport England. -» FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. poraeu .^! t caording totems. Private muds, Apply to 13 , � ,FLLIOT , Auguet15,'85 ' Solicitor, Exeter, 1'.,\SL1iANCi:, \T J. CLARIC, Agent for the Us - IA • borne ant 'll1�+tUbbort dntual FireIneur mica dampen) , ontdouce-3rd Con., Uabcrrre Orders loam wilt Exeter P. 0., pr•omptl4 at- tended to. :TORN 11IoDO,NELL, ISSUER OF CY MARRIAGE LI3T.)NS1:s. oPrIe3IN anises'« moon. Also agent for the London Mutual In stir Company of Canada, MoroantileInsurance Co -Capital :.5500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo: Ont. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy-Cap- ital oy-Ca - ita132,500.000 ; tread Office, Montreal ; Stand - and Lilo Insurance Co., Head Office, London England : duarauteo R: Accident Co. Head Office, Toronto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. Ktg, S COMPOUND OF LIN- FIIFD, Aniseed„ Penoxa,Squill To1u, tko with Chlorodvne. FAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent o%110004,ant for Cougba and Cefds. irAY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally sorvieablo; for horses mule attlo. ELY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu I', euralgia Pace -oho Ste. NT J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER 1.� • intiro0ourtotCommonPleas-Deeds, tVials, Mortgages, i,oasos,andalltorms otag- reetnents drawn and executed uocording to law. llosEr To LOAN ONnEAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- con tpurchases ofiand,or topay off existing mortgages will find a great saving by giving me a 0411, Oan tend money ate and el per cont. accordingtoterms. N.J.CLARN. HE WATERLOO 11IT7`lUAL' f ! �1� .L FIRE INSURANCGCO. LovEL71 s Eatablrshed in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comy.auv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andcontinues to insure against.oss or damage b Fsre,Buildings ,Merchandise,Man- abos And all other pe ty. Intends g ins rersshave f it t leprohe option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System . During the past ten years tbis Company has issued 57,090 Policies. covering property to the amount of $40,872,088 ; and paid in loss- es alone $700,752,00 .A.ssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash ntlank, GovernmentDeposit, and the unaes• mod m Notes bandana. 4 , WALSN \D. Presidet0. TAYLOR Secretary. J.E. Hoanos,Inopector. CHAS. SHELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. i MPORTAN T NOTICES. ntcr1:nia1 IiwI Y The Direr Route from the West for all pointe in NewBrunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape .Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathing, fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this rine Pullman cars leaving Montreal os Mon- day. Wednesday, and Prfday ran through to Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to St. John, N.B., wtshont change. Close connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company' s Steamers from Montreal, and at Levis withthe North Shore Railway. Elegant first-olass Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars on all through, trains. First-class Refreshment Rooms at conveni- ent onveni- ent distanoes. IMPORTERS IND EXPORTERS will find it advantageous to use this route as it is the quickest in point oft8m e, and the rates are as low as by any other: Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experienee has proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western States, Tickets may bo obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger rates from ROBERT B. MOODI.E, Western Ti roight & Passenger Agent 09 Eossin House Block, York St., Toronto D. POTTING B, Chief Superintendent. Beltway Orrice, Moncton, N. B:, If ay 14,'85-Iy: SAY ALL VTR LADIES WHO SEE hie. JDEAMIN'C'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS; Without a doubt they are the most becoming styles ever introduced. Ladios,for something in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Wares, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Whore he will. supply all your wants in the Hair Line, CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on. hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. B to er 14 General Dealer TiT, xnt»a or- Cgttoutereetlpplierl TUESDAYS, THUS, DAYS Aso SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE 01a1VE PROMPT ATTENTION.. WB1,TC$ZS, Clads Junky! p Ilia MS Has completed his stock et Watches, Clocks & Jewelery For the Fall Trade. Everybody invited to go in 0-nd inspect his stock whether Sou purchase or not. IMMENSE BARGAINS FOR CASH In train & Silver alfatefles,t Flatedware, Jewok,, y, &ea A large variety to choago eras, and go'trouble to Shaw you our stook. ALL ARE WELCOME. rte" Stand opposite Jn,. Pickard's, Mitt. street, Exeter. The Zurich Sltow. Too Hey township agrioniturat so- a'ety held their fail show In the village of Zurich, on Tuetttlay anti Wednas. day. The day was clear and Id, anti a Large crowd present. 1t was very successful, there being $180 taken et the gate ; ars merest«, 1)11. last year. Ali departments were well filled, and the prizes justly awarded. We oannat partioular'ze, owing to the fair being held but a few hours before publication. The foot ball match between Zurich and Crediton clubs resulted in a draw. Following are the successful exhibitors: DRAUGHT HORSES. --Brood mare w th foal, Franora Coleman, Robert Ferguson, Fual, Francis Coleman, Robt. Ferguson, 2nd end 3rd; Year- ling colt, Wrn. Stnilie; Year old geld- ing, Francis Coleman; Two year old colt, Francis Colemau; Two year old gelding, Thos. Shaptou, J. Nichel- sen; Two year old filly, Francis Cole- man; Span of horses in harness and wagon, E. Gies, AGRICULTURAL HORSES. — Brood mare and foal, J. McKay & Son, A. Monteith; Foal, J. Roedder, 3. Mo- I{ay & Son, A. Monteith; Yearling colt, Leonard Hunter, R. Nicholson; Year old Gelding, E. Gies, Henry Bower; Two year old colt, Leonard Hunter: Two year old Gelding, A. Monteith, A. Wolper, A. Forsyth ; Year old filly, A. Monteith, J. Mo- Eay & Son, Wm. Reith; Two year old Silly, A. Geiger, 3.1 Cooper, E. Gies; Span` horses in harness and wagon, Thos. Bissett, sr., Hy. Bower; John Crawford. CARRIAGE HORSES. -Brood mare and foal, Jae. Logan, A. McBeth,J Taylor; Foal, W. B. McLean, A. Geiger, Hy. Wnrm; Yearling Colt, R. McLaren; Year old gelding, Chris Schoch; Two year old gelding, John Taylor, Henry Wurw, 2nd and Srd; Year old Filly, J. McKay & Son, A. Ingram, A. Johnston; Two year old filly, J. B. Geiger, A. Walper; Span horses in harness and carriage, Thos. 'Bissett, er., Geo. Hueter, J, Ruby; Buggy horse in harness and boggy, Bissett Bros., N. Forsyth, A. Forsyth. DURHAM CATTLE. ---Mil ell cow, S. Rennie, John Welker, Win. Glenn ; Two year old heifer, Win. Glenn; Heifer calf, S. Racuie, Wm. Reith, Wm. Glenn; Bnll calt, Wm Reitb, Robt. McAllister. Any Other Breed. --Milch cow, Jacob Roedder, John Sheritt, R. O'- Brien; Heifer calf, A. Ingram, A. Mo- Ewen, 2nd and 3rd; Bull calf, A. NIc: L+' wen; Yearling heifer; Jacob Roed- der, let, 2nd and 3rd; Two, year old heifer, Jacob Readder, John Sheritt, It: O'Brien; Pair 2 year old steers, J. Ruby, Jacob Roedder, R, O'Brien; Pair 1 year old steers, E. O'Brien J. Roedder; Fat cow or heifer, R. O'- Brien, Robert Arlin, 8. Bannie; `Fat JOflbt WRITE * `SON Publishers *ad Proprietors ox or steer, 3. Nicholson, let and 2d. Snaar.—Long Wool, --aged ram, 3. & G, Penbnle; Yearling ram, J. 14 G, 1'eahale; Raul lamb, J, 14 G. Peuhsle, ist and 2nd; Pair ewes, having reined Jambe in 1885, J. 4 G. Penhale, let, 2nd and 3rd; Pair ewe Iambs, J. 4 G. Penhales Fine Woo SbAged ram, Jiia, Cooper, A. MoEwen; Ram lawb, Jaa, Cooper, lst and 2nd; Pair ewes hav- tog raised terabit in 1865, Jas, Cooper, 8. Bennis; Par Yearling; ewes, Jae. Cooper, 8, Rennie; Pair ewe ln,ngby,. Sas. Cooper, S. Rennie. Large Breed Pigs. —Aged boar Joe IladRof}, Berkshire Piga ---.Aged boar, S. Rennie; Aged sow, S. Bantle, let and 2u4; Spring sow, .1. & (*.Nubile, ist & 20d.. Suffolk Piga,-.-.Aged boar, Geo, Blewers, rat & 2iid; Agad sow, Geo. Brewers, lst & 2nd; Spring boar Wm. Wilson, Goo, Blewere; Spring sow, Geo. Blowers, let & 2ntl. Ilea messes. -•-Gang plow, .1.. in. gram; Double iron harrows, John. Deiolted, L. Thiel; Lumber wagon, patent Arm, F. Hese; Carriage, Fred. Hese; Open t p Buggy, John Weatoh; Covered buggy, Fred Hese, 1st ttw tad; Porttaud cutter, Fred. Hess; Set Were shoes, fiuishbd for ate from the hammer only, D. Bissett, John Wes-• lobfl. nant,—T,vo bushels white fall wheat, A. Johnston, Robt. MaAllsater, F. Coleman; Two buehets red fall wheat, Henry Warm, Henry Vol1#ud, John Taylor; Two bushels Fife spring' wheat, R. MoANierer, R. O'Brian, A. Johnston; Two bushels Rpt ing wheat, any other variety than Fife, D. Mo. Ewen, Aleft. Ingram, Jas. Troyer; One barrel of flour, John Williawe; Two baehele two rowed barley, Win. Wilson; Two butlteis six rowed bar- ley, D.:IloEweil, John Taylor, Jacob Roedder; Two bushels btaok cote. Ja. eta A. A .hal lis Two bushels common white oats, A. Ingram, A. Juhaston, A..il10Enom Two busbela of white oats, any other variety, A.. Johustott, Wes. Bell; Two bushels large white Losses Robt MoAltister, A. Jobneton, A. MoEweu; Two bushels ,blank eye marrowfat peas, Robt. McAllister; Half bushel timothy seed, A. Me - E wen, Wut. 'Bell, Wm. MoEweu; HORTICULTURAL. PRODUCTS --001• lection of apples valued, not leas than five of each variety, not lase than ton varieties, one' half fall and oue half whiter, E. Gies, Aaron Keroller, Jos. Diller; Four named varieties of fall apples, 5 of each variety, Jos. Wiles, J. B. Geiger, Wm. Bell; Four named varieties of winter apples, 5 of each variety, Toa. Wiles, 3. B, Geiger, Aaron Kercber; Five apples, Northern Spies, Fred. Schrader; Five apples, Baldwins, Peter Douglas, Aarot, Ker cher; Five apples, Rhode Island Greeniuge, Chris. Oswold, Mrs. Jas. Fannon; Five apples, Spissenburg, Aarou Karcher, J. B. Geiger; Five apples, Newton pippin, Henry Cook, A. McEwen; Five snow apples, Geo. Nicholson, Yenry Hayrook; Flee fall pears, Henry Cook, Jos, Wilet; Five winter pears, John Williams, Henry Koehler; Twelve peaohee,. J. Ruby, Henry Cook; Five golden russets, E, Gies, Jos. Broderiok; Six bunches of grapes. J. Ruby, P. Hanob; Best col- lection grapes, Jos. Diller, A. Geiger; Twelve prunes, J. fts Geiger, Jos. Wiles; Named collection of plums, six of each, J. B. Geiger, D. Wiles; Twelve red crab apples,. Isaac Martin, E. Gies; Twelve yellow arab apples, Jos. Wiles, D. MoEwen. Extia.—Germau plume, Henry Lippert. GARDEN VEGETABLES. --One half bushel Early or Law hose Potatoes. E. Gies, A. Geiger, Geo. Nioholson; Half bushel WhiteElephaut Potatoes, Wm. Broderick,Voelker, A. 111oE wen; Half bushel any other variety, Wm. Broderick, G. Nicholson J. B. Geiger, Peck white beans, A,. McEwen, D. Is'IaEweu; Twelve ears yellow corn, J. Be Geiger, Ieaao Martin; Six eare sweet corn, Jos. Broderick, G. Mier, Twelve large onions,. R. O'Brien, Wm. Broderick;: Twelve white field carrots Robt. McAllister, Jos. Diller; Twelve red field carrots, A. Johnston, G. Nicholson;; Six red garden carrots, Aaron Keroher, Justus Mellook; Twelve Swedish turnips, Jos Wile,, Eienry` Hayrook; Six yellow mangle wurtsels A. Monteith, Henry Hay rock; Six red mangle wartsels, R. O'Brien, A. Monteith; Pumpkin, Wm. Wilson, H, K"ehler Squash, A. Johnston, G. Nicholson; Three water melons, C. Oswold, J. Ruby; Three musk melons, A. Geiger, Jos. Diller; Three heads of cabbage Jos. Voellrer, S. Sebitch; Six blood beets, Aaron, Keroher; Six rooted beets, Henry Cook, Jos. Broderick; Peck tomatoes, A. Johnston, Aaron Ker - cher; Citrons, G. Nicholson, 3. Roed- ding ; Six black Spanish radishee, H. Hayrook, A. Geiger; Six white radishes A. Geiger, 5. Alellook; Two Meade cauliflower, Peter Wagner, let and ,, Justus.oeddin Collection f flowers, Wm.Ba .1?tztra.----Squseh, Sunflower, D. S, Facet; eau plums, Geo. Rose. DoaikSTio MANUBBCTURBS,-Tell yds. fulled cloth, G. Nicholion, A John. stop ; Ten ysrds satinett, A. John. eton ; Ten yards home.ntade white flannel, all roil. Martha Nott, A. Johnston ; Ten yards hotue-rumde white flannel, cotton and wool, Mary bioEwen, Dunoan MoEwen; Tan yds. home.msde colored flannel, cotton and wool, S, Rannia, A Johoetou; Pair blankets, R. MuMlieter, Diary McEw. tin ; Pete ren'e BRlworttil pegged 4001, Justus Roedding ; Pa#r men's dress shoes or gaiters,, sewed by hand, Justus Roedding; Pair ladies' calf boots, sewed or pegged, Justus Roods ding; Pound home made white wool yarn, Iitariba Noll, Mary AlcEweo- Extres for domestic, tuauufactures. --Ladies' Abase, Justus Bosddiag Pair blanket*, A, Johnston; Leather, J. Ruby ; Cessofinsecte, Peter Nadi, Lams' Weak,--Crotobet quilt, 3. Wiles; Crewel work, Mary MoEweu, Urs. J. Faasatt ; Tufted quilt, Dun can MoEweu, Jas. Lippert; Knitted quilt, G, Nicholsou, Wert. Persona; Berlin wool wreath, A. Johnstan,Mra. 3, F#usou ; Log entitle quilt, Mary MoEweo, Martha Nett; Petolted quilt, Mary MoEweo, Wm. Bell; Quilt, sawed on ground work Henry Voltaud, Wm. Jennieon; Horn••tnede coverlet, Win. Broderick, Daum MoEweo; Home-made rnat,Mary WEwer, Win, Mol3wen; Five or mare ver=ls b *me. made Crag carpet, Mies Cook, A. John. eton; Painting on velvet, Wru. Reith, Mies Nott; Berlin wool work, Mary 1lob;wen, Wm, Reith ; Blrlin wool pillow ouestion, S. Bionic; Crotchet work, Miss N at, Win. Bell;; Alum 1 basket, Jars. J. Fanson; Wreath of. feathers, Med Nutt, G. Nicholson; Braiding on cotton, Mary MoEwen; Miss Nott; Braiding on dress, Wm.. r NIoLttven, Duncan :1io;Etven; Card board work, A, Jotittetnrr. Mary Me - Ewen; Sofa cushion, Mira Nott, A. Johnston; liontton. iaoe,A. Johustun, Mary MoEweu; Knitted labs: curtain, Peter Douglas; Motto in Berlin w.ol. A lfaE wen, Mats Nett; Loather w.irk, Miss Nott, Chas. Brill; Leather work on Frame, Mrs. 3. Fanson; Comb work, Peter Douglas; Cushion toilet, Mise \Tort, Glary Mohlwen; Lamp mat, Peter Douglas, Mist Nott; Cross work, Airs. J. Fanenn; Bead work, A. Johustou, G. Nicholson; Shell work, Miss Nott, .Are. 5. Fanson. Chetnise, 'Win. Bell, Mary MaEweu; Gent'a dress shirt, Mary Me Ewert, Dunoan 1foEtren; Tattin;, Mies Nati, Dunoan .McEwen; Embroidery in silk, Wm. Bell, Mary McEwen ; Embroidery in muslin, Mrs, J. Fan - eon, Mary itioEwen; Wool etookinga, Mary McEwen, Heury Cook; Cotton stockings, Miss Nott, Wm. Dell;Kntt ted wool mitt., Miss Nott, fury Mc- Ewen; Knitted wool aooks, Mary Mc Etvon, Ise and 2nd; Knitted straw for hate, A. Johnston; Bonnet, Airs Balt, D. S. Faust; Paper basket, H. Weil, G. Nicholson. Extras for ladies' work.—.Berlin wool wreath, Henry Cook; Everlasting Bonquet, Henry Cook; Wax work, Peter Douglass; Case stuffed birds, Mrs.. J. Fanson; Print tidy, A. Geiger; Crazy quilt, A. Geiger, Tinsel work, Wm. Reith; Twine bracket, A. John. stow; Brush painting, Wrn. Reith ; Embroidery in Flannel, Wm. Rei:11; Berlin wool slippers, A. Johueton; Embroidery in silk, Mrs. J. Fanson; Oil painting, Wm. Reith; Fan tidy, J. Nicholson; French basket, S. Ren- nie; Crazy cushion, 8. Rennie; Crazy tidy, Wm. Reith ; Lamp mat, Wm. Ranh; Cushion toilet. Mrs. J. Fein eon; Flose work, A. Johnston; Crotch- et work, Wm. Bell; L see work, Mary McEwen fiend Hemming, Mary MoEwen; Pillow slips„ Jar. Lippert; Crotchet shawl, S. Ronnie; Pillow shams, John Consit; Crotchet work, Mrs. J. Fanson; Knitted pillow shams, Henry Volland; Colored yarn, A, Johnston; Fancy shirt, A. Johnston; Patched cotton quilt, Mrs. J. Fanson; Patched quilt, Jos. Wiles; Whisk holder, Mary MoEwen; Ravelled that, Louie Beaker. DAIRY PRonbca.-50 lbs. salt but- ter in tub, Jas. Lippert,Rota. Bell, Wm. Bell; 6 lbs. fresh butter, Robt. McAllister, Jas. Lippert, Wm. Bell; 10 lbs. butter eufficiently salted for table use, Wm. Bell, Robt. McAllis- ter, Robt. Bell; Not less than 15•1bs. home-made cheese,.Wra. Parsons, R. Bell, Isaac Martin;5 lbs. honey in Dumb, Chris. Oswold, Jos. Diller ; Strained honey, Chris. Oswold, Geo. Hess; Loaf home-made bread, Wm. Bell, Duncan McEwen; Loaf bakery bread, Chas, Brill. Pair ducks any other Breed, 3. Had.. +na. Jae. Troyer; Pair geese, Henry 0rtwaioe, S. Ronnie; Pan Black Spanish. Rory Bower, Jas, Broder- ick; Collection pigeons, J. J. Roed- ding, 1st. and 2n4;Colleotion Rabbits,. N. Deiohert ; Pair Guinan Fowls, H. Tolland, 1st and 20d; Pair Leghorn', PI. Cook. Wm. Broderiok; Pair of 1 er- ick; Brown W. Leghorn', Geo Hesr, Extras, --.-.Pair Black Rook, N. Deiellert; White Bantams, R. O'Brien; L. Thiel was awarded extra prize for e. hand -roads bicycle. Robt. Braswell, was awarded extra,. for octal stove, parlor does, cooking Sion and furniture. J'npcalts.—Grttin: A, Blouse, Zuricb; John bi'oNevila, Kippen; Henry J. Schmidt, Ramberg« Fruit ; John .Allison, Exeter; Wm. S. Wilson,W. Turnbull, Brewster. Garden Vega. taller : Wm. Turnbull, Brewster; John Allison, Exeter; Wm. Wilson. Dalry Produce ; Henry Either, Creat- ion ; R. Bontllron, Hensen ; E. A. Axle, Blake. Domaatio Manufactures Sane as for dairy produce. Ladies" work, Mies R. Ball. Hassall, Mrs, D. Wok, Heosali; Mre. D. Fauet,Znriob.. Sheep and L igft,—Thos. 8ha0o0, Exetot; James ,betty, Heneall; Rohl, Charters, Tookereiuith. Cattle. -0, Walker, Daniel Helton, John Ketch. or. Rorees:mA. 'Young, Seafartb; Wm. Dockson, Broaefie,d; D. Morn. tosh, Brtloefield; John `Templeton. it -tearing, The farmer* have *bons completed !1111 seeding, and be,iues• in she TO -- cage ie getting a little brisker. Our merchants.are fully prepared for the srntumn aratle,baving a complete "took of geode adapted to the wants of their customers. : The building business has never been brisker in this place then this cotton. The unaabsr of braidings erected and their cost I will trend you iu my next. Our skating. rink is nearly completed, and is $'isal inlprovenieei on the old sus. It will, as regerds strength and comfort, be equally as good as any in the comity. Ou the west side there ie at *tend for spectator,i, from which they eau view the ekatere without standing on the leer McArtllur's, raw black is nearly finiebed. Part of it is oaoupied by Mr, usury as a boot end shoe shop, and Mr. Kelly, aur enterprisingjew• eler, will shortly move into the other part. 7 ho Rodgseti Ito Presbyterian u otugregatiou have ooncludegtbat they much have s new church, and have decided to build one iu Hensel' next summer. The Metliodi.tt church is being (talars;ed, it having bsea too small to acoomtmlttato the present congregation. BlnnsIt: tat: Council, The regular meeting of the Council teas held on Mruday, 7tb inst. All the member' presoue except (louuoil- Ior Speariu. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed, T)1o9, Elliott reported that the covering, on the Fioh. Creek bridge on the base line, was nearly worn through. Ile was iustruoted by the Board to proceed to cover it eight feet. wide with two inch hemlock plank. Mr. l.. Boma again appealed to the Board for something to be done to the bridge on the read leading to his place. The committee which was formerly appointed, viz.: Messrs. Dinsmore and Hudson, were again instructed to attend to the :natter. By-law No. 127' to prohibit certain animals from running at ?urge on towuline between Blansbard and liiddulph, was read and passed. The following orders were then issued and signed by the Reeve: M. Sinolare $85, for grading; C. Skion $8.33, gravel; E. Oamerou 50cte., rep. Flat Creek bridge; A. Lomond: 42, rep, culvert; F. Young $2.501 work done an the W. B.; Wm. More fit $2.50, ditch on 12th oon.; Jas. Lenkia $8.60, bridge and culvert;, S. Moore $G, proping bridge on R.11. A. J. Fairb.sirn $3.50, rep. culvert; Thos. Elliott $6.25, culverts on 4th con.; Win. Rundle $23.80, gravel; Thos. E111ett $25, graveling; Thos. Elliott $3&,75, oulverta and grading; A. Smith $3, three days' work on 15th eon.; Jno. Howard $9.40, grey - 4E; 8. Riddle $25, rep. bridge on S. B.; C. Morish $1, graveling; Ruth Richie $7; lelre. Foster $4; Geo. Wilkinson $3, charities. The Council then adjourue 1, to meet on the first Monday in October, al 10t a, in. POULTRY. -Hamburg hens, G. Holtz- man, 1st and 2nd; Pair Muscovy ducks, Jos. Hodson, Hem)* Dumart; Pair Rouen ducks, Henry Lippert; S. CLARE, Clerk. a,a`.4 Winnipeg, Sept. 19.—The Gov-- ernor-General went to the end of the line on the Manitr•ba & Nortb- western Railway, about nine miles west of Minuedosa, and witnessed the operation of traok laying, which is being performed at the rate of it mile and a half per day. Lord Line. downs was much interested in the performance of this worst. to was accompanied by the Lieutenant GJv- eruor of Manitoba, the tnsmber.l of the Provincial Government, and bit suite, Some of the directors and chief officers of the railway were also present. His Excellency expressed himseif as greatly pleased with the country through which this railway rune.