The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-23, Page 6cr THE GODERICII SIGNALSi ituer4 Chapel co li•b1nes 'the dignitY fWaco of WOU0111119 'and tho t 'bent of a quiet residence.- - Pi3[0141P• A20 FLOW N. ',ppm% Direeter You are iniited to: listen to "Musiefor SvindaYP DEogkam over CHNX, Wiughani, each 'Sunday afternoopi at 3 pza. TIMES Otli GODERiCil TWNSUW uourzucEg TowNsum›, May 20. --Mrs. Benson Sizt,kbf Clinton visittd l'hi WedneSattY with her mother, Mrs. G. Harwood, who has returned from . .... Scott . Memorial Hospital. Seaford. • Titre was no service at Union 1 church on Sunday; but the congregation join6d with Victoria street ',church, tiroderich, at their anniversary services, to 'hear a rermer pastor, Rei.. A. a lif o or14oll6e, • of Sarnia. . WelpuAta0 and PrQsentatrion. -;‘,-- On Thursday , evening the friends and. relatives of Pte. Erie. MeMlister-gath- ere4,1 in • the Orange -401 to welcothe him home from ,oversezik. , Progressive euchre was played, with 'high ,MorS going to Mrs. Forest McClure, and, Mr. Win. Stirling,.' Consolation prises ' were awarded to Miss 'Jean li,,)roctor and George, Warner. Erie was called to the platform, and while My. Robt. Sowerby read the address, Mr. Everett MeIlwain presented Erie with an oc- casional chair ,'frout the community. 'While Mr, Gordon Orr read another address, I;t:ceve George Ginn presented a club bag from the Township Council: Eric thanked all for the gifts, and also for the pareals he received while overseas. Lunch was served by the ladies, iind, dancing vhs enjoyed for an hour. WHEELEg'S FUNERAL SERVICE 'N�xtra eh rge for the use of our Funeral to Street. Prompt Ambul nee Service • Phone 335 Res. 355, or 7. Z' ome, 'Form - GOOD YEAR , LI FEGUARDS, G'or4oza Orr, tWeoppanled hylier dcaigU- ter; calrtu, Jfirn itirling, accompanied log Bus. Will _McGuire; -piano duet, Reta Yeo and Molly Finlay; piano solo, Beverly Boyce. Mrs. At. Priver enter- tained with severul selections on the violin. • SandwieheS luid coffee were served, The June meeting wilt be held at Mrs. A. 4oelthart's. Rev. F. G. Stotesbury announced at the 6ervice on Sunday that a baptismal svrviee will be conducted °A ..tune 16th in Grace Church. ° NILE NILE, May 20,—on SundaY. May 12, hn appropriate Mother's Day service was held at Nile church. Ti•O child- ren' were baptized: Kenneth ;Lorne Me- Nee, at son a Mi. arta mni. Gra- ham MeNee, and John Wiillam Rut4 ledge, son. a 51r, and Mrs. Wilimer Ruth:Age. .Rev. IT. Cronhielm pretich6d on "-`,Vhe Christian II0ine." nurIng the service 'Mrs. D. 51ePee sang "Mother's Prayer." . WAS. Meethte---The Nile W.55..S. met in the church, on WedrieWay, May 1Wa. Alis Currey opened the meet- ing with the call to worship, which wa5 followed by prayer by Mrs..ltutledge. Scripture readings were given by Mrs. J. McPhee and Mrs. McIlwain. Mrs. I). McPhee rendered a solo, "nappy the Home When. God Is There." The roll call was answered by, eleven niem- beTs. The clothing drive to be wade in June was 'discussed and a collection MIS taken to buy flannelette. J. read- ing coin* was decided upon • for the AlmillstaNIMPIAlkstRasso.mismom TELITIZSDAZ Painful Pus Filled Boils the Cause" of Much Miser • Xf *you GlItger froi boils you /mew h7 V-12% miserable ticy Pad° you kel. Bells are an outward indication a impurities in the system, and just, when you thinic you are rid of one another cr9P3 up to tale its place and prolong Your misery. All the lancing and poulticing you eau do may not stop ore comitag. To help overcome boils you should purify the Mood, /29why not givo that old, reliable blood medicine, ludo& Mood Bitters, a chance to c3how what it will do in helping you get rid of them? Thousands have ucecl it for this purpose for the past 60 years. Why not you? The T. Wilburn Co., Limited, Tpronto, Ont. asisimossisaioussimismossim, sumnler. The meeting closed with a hymn and the MiZpah benediction. TrT 2,3XCID 1049 Vr.• PORTER'S HILL ..1•110111.1.1MINMepaw., GODERIOH MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS • , REST- OF MATERIAL • Guaranteed workmanship at prices that wilt please mi. XAVE ALL AGENTS PODS Can at our office; Phone 2423 or drop4uS a line to Box 161, Gode- rteb. We will be pleased, to ' SA1 help choose a -suittakie R. A. SPOTTON Si. Andrew's St. • For Co YouR plete Details See - GOOD YEAR DEALER, ilis liotors lales PORTER'S HILL May 20.. -- The reguldr May meeting of Porter's Hill Communily, Club was held in the school -house on Wednesday evening, •May,,15; and took the form of a social evening with a varied proglanf. Mrs. Don Harris, -president, opened the meeting With a few words of welcome. Quilt blocks were handed in. James Stirling acted as -.chairman for tt4g following- program: Reading, Miss. P. :Wilding: violin -sole), Cora Driver; *piano, solo, Vera Wilson; duet, Phyllis Harris and Molly trinlay ; piano solo, EleanorDriver.; ;3010. Beverly, Boyce, accompanied by his mother; solo, .Mrs._ -r• qaderich, Ont. TO PLAN A TRIP,AGAIM17 it• Chinchillas are attracting the serious attention of those seeking:interesting employment and profitable /1 investment. These delightful, clean littla animals bear the world's most luxurious fur. They cctp be ,housed in city, suburbs or country' Or we will ranch them for you at low cost, guaranteeing inerease in the first year. We . assist you in every wcry \to profit from our pedidreed stockV— the finest in America: We invite your seaxching kayo igation. t— "Id spa p 0 11^1 11,1411.11., CISSAIEWERS 0.00,,, Qv co would like details about Dominion tbainchillas 1 MACK ST. KINGSTON, ONT. NAME Now you can plan a trip fOr yourself and your family and know that,- via Canadian National, comfort and pleasure will be yours every mile 4., the way: Genial, courteous •*Canadian. National service will confirm the wisdom of your train travel plan. LETACN' HE11,,P PLAN YOUR TRIP Your Canadian National ticket office is ready • so help, td discuss your itinerary, to, furnish infor- mation .about the 'place you plan to visit. They'll 4arrange ,tickets, reservations, ger you all prepired to step on board and' go. Good Health. and Lots of Pep Dr. Chase' ii kidney -Liver Pilrs have a long record of deFendability c,as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. They quickly arouse-thpse organs , to healthful activity—sharpen the ap- petite and help toImprove digestion. , Clean out the , poisons - with Dr. Chase's, Kidney -Liver Pills and rs, gain your pep and happiness. 35cts. a ADDRESS •nr• (print plainly) ANIMALSDEAD 157' DI(SABLED J Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary Trucks. "Ph°, collect. 910 r,16 215 STRATE_ORD — .Wiffiani Stone Solis Limited INGERSOLL, ONTARIO „ Ore ..*•;;;A3',":,,:x.,>;:„;,...., • re Sai 4 A 'it • • You might be\ the next victim of fire -fire ihat can quickly destroy yonr h4met yonr business, Your property, your whole life's work. Let \ Pilot Insurance accept th\e risk -ready and quick to pay any jug claim. The cos is very low. We 'write Pilot Ins\grance to covc-r_sel ech risks in Automobile, Fic, ersonql Propertk Floater, glad, Plate Glass, Pub. lic Liability and other general insurance. "A 1.:eauty " • A Swirl beneath the suriace, a ripple where a moment before quiet water had niirrored the leaves 'above . . And then—an explosion of iridescent beauty as the speckled trout leaps high in search of food.. Since the days of Ixa.ak Walton the joys of angling haVe captured the &arts of many men, and. we in Canada have, been endowed with • a stock of fighting fish =paralleled in the world. But by our very enthusiasrn we have endangered the sport we love. Many wctters which formerly teemed with fish are paw barren. Many species have vanished entirely from their.old. haunts.. Our governments, both Provincial and ,Federal, have instituted restocking piogra.mraes, built fish hatcheries, and passed laws for the protection of game fish, but without whareh6trifeci and a.ctive public support, Mainly in the observa.nce 7of daily catch limits, these measures will fctil. Conservatiort. is not just a doctrine Ito be preachad to hunters and fishermen. It is a vital part in tb.e continuance of our national economy, and must, of necessity, fail if its measures do not reoeive the full support of all Canadian citizens. 4-• J. W. CRA101E—GEO. 6:?MacEWAN, Goderielt 'G. C. TRELEAVEN„ AGENCY. Dungannon. GORDON JEWELL, R.R, No. 6, Goderich. Representing , • IP," I. LOT- SU.RANCE,cOip.A.4*. Mr" • 'THE SPEOXLED TROUT" Based upon a, Pieful'e painted for Carling'a ; by Shelley Logier nig io tine of a. cerise of . , igur'itrations op the cub - jest of tholi, Conservation of Canada's natural c% itt=015 ckoignosi to an- plicluiz' tho friot that tho ioaulion,o unspoilad , whim that vio enjoy to. day are a precious, birthrignt which wo must protect for tomorroty. - , tthr11:0? IT court% son