HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-17, Page 8f
Elm +„ , eter :rtes.
THURSDAY, SEPT% I70, 1885,
`l` ieret`.ENes per line for first insertion, ani
FOUR CBNTS per line for each, subsequent in
sertion will be obargedfor notices apeeaxi
in tbiscolumn .
Read Banton Tiros,' shange of advertise-
ment hi another column.
Three-bicyeliets passed through here on
Saturday lass. They belong to St, Mares.
The Health Officer h being kept busy
vaecinating applicants.
Throw swayehat old h d things enroll r seemed to be bustle.
moots, tkc., the property y of Wm. Snell,
nt a * at an get a new ng g in a ns lot 11, eon 1, corner St, Marys aud Lon.
ne at Renton Bros, either soft or 'tiff. He tsar' surprised to see the vast difference
ale Donee. in the two towns, Can this possibly be
A young•gentlemau of this town took e.
dive to Goderieb a few days ago. He
went via Bayfieeleana returned by tray of
Clinton. While iu Goderieh, lie eays,
scarcely a tureen wee to be seen ; the place
looked deserted. ted When he arrived in Clio.
Taonsrar, Ocr, let,—Farm Stock, imple-
ments, oke„ =lot 17, eon. 8, township of
Stephan• Hairy Eilbor, anetioueer. Sale
at one o'clock
be it seemed as though. he lead entered a TUoa8 ax;. Seer l7tlr. -Farm Stock, im o -
little city ; people wirer hurrying about, and l t o Z'1
don Roads Delano arno, Jas Oke, an
A o d
m a of Elrkton was the
LOC4L NEWS,—]re shall be happy to
certe at a times, from t nnfport a
County, items of local news, such 4s etc-
cedents,or dray interesting incidentwhat
ever, from any of our subscribers or read-
ers generally far the purpose of pubtie '
a tenor of prizes at the Wingham Caledonian The Set tember bulletin of the Ontario
t..• Parties getting their sale bills printed
at this office, eo will get
a e notice similargamese held hest Tursday. Bureau of Industries shows that the iId ft'
The young man who is in love has a full
fall wheat throw€bout the rrovince has been to the above.
cess M heart only equalled by the emptiness very satisfactory. On the other hand. the)
. his p0oket hoof. spring wheat crop has been altnost wholly
of i
destroyed; and a very unfavorable audition
hould have been over three hundred f
It was a mistake to say cue Hundred it is reported for barley and oats. Rby prem.
ises a air Avera ;e. crop, but peas have eon
w� gents' ties at Renton Bros.' fered eoesidereble loinrp from mildew. al -
A Servant Girl wanted to do general house though it ie estimated that a fair average
work in a small family. Apply to Mrs, A. crop will be realized.
Q. Bobier, near the station.
Next Sabbath special collections will be
taken in the James -street Methodist Church
u aid of the organ fund.
.MI wool gray flannels at Banton Bros.'
fr 25 cents.
Revs, W. S. Paseoe and G, N. A, F. T,
Dickson exchauged pulpits last Sabbath ev-
For sale cheap,a number f 1'I th
Bock, Leghorn and v
pure brew, W. G. Bissau.
Without exceptionethe beast and cheapest
Hues in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seep,.
eau now be had at C,Eaorett's. Childreu's
Carriages, Express Wagotrs, Bieyc1es of al
sine, Felt Boots and Men's gland -Awe
r e•s of every - Iso aur'.
Loots , a h deser per n
Ceustsutly en hand. Cali and see them..
Butter and Eggs taken in, exchange for
:cods. C. Evart?.
m r o ylnou
Black Java Chickens,
eue fid, T, manna, of the Seatorth A-va-
liter, was 10 town on Friday last ou business
in eouneetion With the coming South Hero
exhibition. --•-aur, Ben. McKeuxie, who by
Nen in Qeotlaud for i.ome weeks, has return.
ed hone. --lir. John Wood, of this place,
has been very law with bilious fever far
settee days.
1 '.G,Ptenic.
On Tueedav tact Father belly's I3 C, pie,
hie was held in Mr. P. Giaviu'a grove, near
Limerick, and was a. very fair success.
though the atteudauce was not 60 large a
i hie
at tformercotes. The chief ie afore of t1
day's proceedings was an ''lection for a gold.
headed cane between air. D. Grant. of Credi-
ton. aud Mr. Thomas ];origins, of Centralia,
which was won by Mr. Grant, The usual
picric sports were also indulged her, and. the
weather being tiue, a good time wife spent,
The Sman.Pox. .�
At a meeting of the Tillage Board of
Health. held s few eeeninga ago, (he Chair-
man. 111r. James Pickard, addressed the
laemlaers in reference to the spread of email.
pox. witch is new prevalent in Montreal and
other plitoea, and which may at any time ap-
pear in our midst. lie urged that precan-
ti,ousry nears be usedto prevent it reaching
us. The Board strongly recommended that
parents should have their children vaccinated
without delay. Arrangements have bean
made by which they can be .vaccinated by
the Medical Health Offerer. See notice,.
A Good ',trove.
We notice that eeveral School Boards
throughout the country have passed resolu-
tions in coufortnity with the new School ant
to have the January elections rr school true.
tees take place at the same time as the muni-
cipal elections, and the voting to be vby bal-
lot. This will lessen the expense, and at the
same time result in eleotius; iiia choice of
the people to look after their elueatioual in-
terests. !'4e have in several lames past
been advocating this waw of electing repre•
seutetires to the School Board, and feel
:mite coutident that it would give the people
better satisfaction sad moats fhiterest would
be taken in school matters. Let our School
Board arise and do likewise. It will iii
thne'bo universal.
Sfgus or a Prosperous Farmer.
When you see bis barn larger than his
house it shows that hewn) have larger profits
and small afllietions,--WIron you sea him.
driving his work instead of his work driving
liini,it shows that he will nover be driven
from good resolutions, and that he will cer-
tainly work bis way to presperity.-.When
yon see in bis wood house a sufficiency for
three months or more, it shame that he is
not sleeping in the house after a drunken
frolic.: When his cattle arey,properly fed in
winter, it shows that he is acting according'
to scripture, which says that a merciful
man is merciful to his beast.—When
he is seen subscribing for a good
newepaper(the Tines for instance) and pay-
ing for it in advance, it bows that "he is
speaking like a book, and that he will never
get his walking papers to the land of pov-
erty. -
Destruction Coming Next Year.
Somebody has unearthed au old prophecy
for the year 1886 of a decidedly uncomfort-
able nature, yvrites a Rome correspondent of
the London Globe. It appears that in the
church of Oberemmel, near the city of Tre-
there is a stonetablet,
seri, in Germany,
some centuries old, on which is cut the pro-
phetic verse—in prose it may be rendered:—
"When Mark shall bring ns Easter and An-
thony shall sing praises at Pentecost and
John shall swing the censer at the feast of
Corpus Domini, then shall the whole earth
resound with weepings and wailings." Now,
it so happens that next year Raster falls on
St. Mark's Day, Pentecost on that of St. An-
thony of Padua, and the Corpus Domini
comes on St, John the Baptist's Day, June
24. Here, then, are the first conditions of
the prophecy fulfilled, so that now believers
in prophecies and anxious -minded persons
generally have only to sit down and think of
everything disagreeable that can possibly
happen to this poor. old planet between Janu-
ary andDecember, 1886. And really if the
cyclones, and earthquakes, and epidemics,'
"wars and rumors of wars" of the yearn 1882-
:3-4.5 are to be eclipsed, the prospect is not
• an agreeable one.
Passed Away. --
On Saturday last, Mrs Jane Fisher, the
subject of this brief memoir, diad at the resi
-fence of her son, Mr. Frederick Fisher, lot
9, eon. 2 Usborne, at the advanced age of 83
years and 3 months. She was the relict of
the late Richard Fisher, who died at the
same place in 1882, aged 87 years. Mrs.
Fisher was born in Soatlthorp, Yorkshire,
England, in the year` 1802, and emigrated
with her husband to Canada in 1842, going.
first to the township of Chinguoohy, where
they remained but a few months and , then
came to Ueborne, where they both spent the
remainder of their days. She was the moth-
er of 12 children, four of whom died in the
old country, Of the other eight, 2 are dead
(Mrs. Thos. May and Mrs. Cornelius Johns)
leaving four sons and two daughters, 28,
grandchildren and 3 groat grand -children
to survive her.' Deceased was a member of
the Methodist °hatch, and wee cherished
and very highly respected by her wide circle
of friends and acquaintances, Being of a
joyous disposition, her presence did much
hose with
to buoy up the drooping spirits oft,
whom she mingled.: Her family; all of whom
live. in 'Osborne except ono, are well•to-do
d'hiolrly 'esteemed. the funeral, which
tired:. - 11 was one of
o da= afteruoo
tlacoA ,
e v aassoct through the
th<, :;.irgust that ever .1 g.
village, there being' upwards of a hundred
c +.ink ayattc0S In the Coitege. Thus one by
u.ue _1ro pioneer settlers pass helm earth. ,t
Vi 't
Fall Shows In i488 .
Soutihllurou, Exeter, Sept. 28, 29.
Southern, St. Thomas, Sept, 22.25.
Play, Zurich, Sept: 22, 23.
Mitchell, Sept. 22, 23.
Hallett, Clinton. Sept. 24, 26.
Tuokersmith Scaforl h Oct .1 2
-eve`� NG PRQYING'IAf., West Huron,�Goderich, Dot. 1, 2..
1 South Peril', St. Marfa, Oct. 6, 7.
Feil]arton, Oct. 13,
Blanshaid, at Eirkton, Thursday aud Fri •
day, October 8 and 9.
John Beacom, of Clinton, took 1st prize
for roadster stallion, also Domiuion silver limeseLL.---Wanted at the Bewail Oat-
tntleal for beet stallion in ring; Thos Tipling, Ureal Mills, fifty thousand bushele of good
of Clinton, took latter 2 -year-old filly; Thos. sound Oats for Milling purposes. The high-
` Bissett, sr„ of Exeter, carried off 2nd for pair est price trill be paid. Oat.meal exchanged
matched horses, aud Clomid Hunter, of for„oats.
s iRiM
:etea�, Ontario.
est ora to the fair will find Banton Exeter. 2nd for Faddist Merles. Robert Bea -
Bros.” the best place to get geode that cont, of Glintoa, took let for his two -year -
are new and not common.'
old gelding ; Richard dieters, Chieelhurat, Flat vseln Renters Msa ,se -one of the
.•t. Poultry Associ teonis to be formed au i for agricultural t1lien • r. �a
nstan, mastom complete roller mils in elle Province.ishere. We have quite a number of fowl. of Woe.thane, 2nd for 2 -year-old agricultural, constantly rnuniug anti giving the best oath-
, aud. Thos. Ward, of Varna, lit ; Jae. White, faction, Gristiug done to order on short
Tie in wilt f fairs s•lll soon be tiers, f Rod ill 2 d f matched f f 1 n ti Th 11 ft t k the 1 d T
When fine "exhibits" will appear,
When ribbons red and ribbon' blue,
"Will be awarded to the few.
fauoierei a barn. •
e o s D O garr e, n or tui Q team
O o ce. The roller oar a es ea ry
farm horses• du the Clydesdale 21ear•old it aud be oouvinced, 20 tons of good Mid- desired.
*lase, Chas. Ma,on. of Bruoefioid, let, Jae. alines on liana et lots figures. A few cars of
Lathes dont forget about those Sue
rose geode at Rantuu Bros: inch }'lushes
and velveteens to match..
If woo wan; to purchase a balf.section of
good land in Manitoba, eenvenieut to rail•
way, market. sehoot and churches, consult
our "property list" on 1st page.
Mr. `.thea. Bissett, sr , of tuns place did
Our foods and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual-
ity aiu3 Lata$t Styles. Families in the Vit 'e and surround-
ing comutry eau rely on Goad 'SValue fax their money,
Articles delivered >~ tI at your homes i1y the Mage if
1a Y r Mager
]Biller, claim Mooresville. 2nd. ^ Ir. the 9=)ear.old Corn and Corn Chop on hand. A Trial Respectfully So 'cried
Shire class Stcpheua d 1; othvringbitm, of Ra,tvta � Lilhgetraar,
Woodham, took end;. R, J, Turner, of ; -
Brucefield, 1st for atallien iu the cart saes;
for S'.year,old Francis Cedentatx. of Hi11'R
Green, took lat. Mee Jennie Swau, of MARK> T REPORTS.
Brueefield, est ried off 1st prize as lady rider, (Correotedateo'elockp,ut. Wednesdav,f
For Durham cattle, Thee. Hassel, of Exeter,' SAW.. WitioT
took three 2nd and ono 3rd prizes. For tv:zittWhoa i .,. .,. 0 fie tQOs•
sheep, IL Snell de Sou, of Clinton, one 2nd treat e• ••. ... u 80 to 0 s2
remarkably wen with his team of drivers at and one 3rd, and Wm. Somers, of St. Marys, "seatwhe� NeW new U ee 80 to e 82
the Provincial Exhibition. having taken 2nd a 1st, 2nd and 3r11, We Wm. .bew
Ba of
R .rtttxa wuu;►s,
prize in a ring of over 40 competitors. Exeter. took a second prize for dairy cheese; ;pate (new) e3 to 0 iia
The Provincial Exhibition, held at London Wm. Creauw..11. ,ot Seaforth, obtained two edaartlsol ;.:. 0tH tro cd
n1 to 050
... 600t0025
.., 035 te 060
011test/ 611
t4P 8
• Glito011
• 500Go565
▪ . 0 el to 0 00
.,, .,. 0 d0 CO 050
», 0 0: 10 000
0 03 to 0 06
.. .« 009 top.,06
... , 040 to 000
... 025 to055
«. ... 000to000
"' a04to
6 00
.. 0 40 to G 70.
last week, iiia a financial failure, owing to seconds and one firat for portrait maw,
Cha wet, weather daring several day., which aud 30120 ngius, of t lintBr, a 3rd prize Zr
largely prevented ( portrait drawing; Weekes Bros,. of Exeter,
visitors from attending,
took tiro't:o for ut+, I ion weak
art r stat n lad ,
Clover See i ,..
T6tnotby " ,
Ilalf.a'cent postage stamps hare bean issu- Mesa Jennie Creighton of 13lanahard. took
ed by the Postmaster -General. The carr � „•: ''utter •.
r Mtss McIntosh, of St. .aryl, a lot and 2nd; a t'atatoes,per bag
ed to patties living ajthin the town limits. l :ties iYarren cf St Marys thre0 241.Mr1F
unsaled circulars end se oral. iters address-
four 2ada and a highly reiecmmentletl xtt .i FJoartau bbl ....
• The organ recital and concert lathe Jamie. i T. Forsyth, cif Sesforth, one 2nd aril' 0134
street Methodist Church tomes off tomorrow esti alias Snefruld, of Godoriolt, one 1st;
evening, 18W. Ali should go. The organ i6. Mrs J:lliggin6, of Clinton, one let.
beautiful one and cost $1,000.
The Globe issued its anniversary number JUMBO DEAD.
tin W uesdey oflast
ed la week.It contained
42 lar es Dear .blah
R paperpublished � Ill J.r,�'111g'tQ�it01#R%rellght'1.Y
in Canada.It was mostly Ailed with "ads.” Ile gets Shunted front the
Your Druggist is authorized to refund yon Track.
the money if Dr. C'trson's Stomach Bitters " --
—do not benefit any ease of Dvepepsia, Eta.
ney or Liver Complaint. All Druggists, 50
Widows and unmarried women, having,
the property qualiticatiou, will be entiticd to
vote at the next muuicipul election. in Exeter.
Some handsome bachelors may become city
On Monday last a „powerful sonl.stirriug
time" I »ler the auepiees of the Salvation
.�irtny took );lace at Tonutto, at which, we
believe, there were nun: of the oflloere or
soldiers of the Pxeter collie.
The cyan mason is now in fell blast, ell. . As the Ievo elephants were bowie'
the track to the cars n
of the lits v,, will -e crU s I h . t l
a, a lI have to n� l a x
. souse-
,, 1
list dearer far the this v • 'n ,
m l s year than former- s tectal freight tlt.rin c IMO alo.l the ��
Drted:tppleepr b
Besse per lb.
Turkey per lb
Duck. trot pr
Chickens per pr
Beef „
.. .,
" droned13LeRpekiuR.anl:
Calfeklue .. . , ... 0 50 to 0 70
Woo) per lb ,..,.......0 17 to 0 18
FIs •
porton ,.. .,• 000 60 R 00
Onion anerbusti.. ... .. 0 CO to 075
dietwt'en 8:30 and J o'clock Jumbo, Wood Per eord a 50 to'e 75
tilting wa1
:ir othaer titllal,+, WAR talon NENSt7iT, AIIKETS
Fall1Flreat nor bh .. ,.. $ 0
from the uncus tent and a'etnvvva to t wimp " 0 taiAo toto 00 8080
the L. '. 1'. ti. E. attatioti at :it,. x Barlav lh'laht) ,., 050 to 000
s 3arloylfee'lf„g) ... •„ 0 95 to 01.10
Thntua+, zit Tuesday, tt her� Cho ` tvt,tte flirts, .,, .. a 28 to 0 ac
Cara lay , elute. 89 'eeviv0 'beth ' Black Oahe ... ,.. 0 3t to 0 33
i,pp rs per bbl. 100 to 100
' ,•
Jutnbu tail Ilio .b.;by i•let'hane, who otatoesparbh v ... ... 025 to 058
lel. thys "012100" together, were taken '
by their key:'er front the main track;
of the Air Line t". the L. 41 P. S. R.
track, 'there the erre were beiti'4 load-
I on o the 1 r
i g
account f 1 o dui having b
Y been fn-
Air Live trach, ''dwell i,+ etreiglrt for
a coneidetnbil:a dlrltt nee, It is Sup.
posed 'dart the lteet'erof the elephants
did not see he advancing 'train until
it was cb ee on them and all hope
of saving Jumbo was out of Ibo quer'
tion. The ti aitt nits moving rapidly,
nod Lefnro the elephants could got off
the tract, the a:ngine was upon thele,
Jumbo, being the heaviest animal,
had le=a chlta,co to get clear of the
track than his companion baby ele-
creased from 1i to 5 cents per can.
A :Mennen editor has been arrested fur
supporting two wirer. The arrest 'vas Un-
doubtedly justifiable. An editor with au in-
come sufficient to support too wives must be
engaged in some crooked work. Most of
them find it a difficult task to keep one.
Weeekes. Bros., of this place took second
prize for marble work. The work was well
worthy of the first prize. but as there teas
no competition, and the society being short
of truss, they were awarded second money.
The. Mitchell Advocate Las added another
(a daughter) to its staff, which makes 28 to
feed daily from their tables, as it stated a
few weeks ago that they had 27. The pro-
prietors ray they are all happy.
The St. Marys Argus says it would like to
see the revival of business which is being
talked of. There are none so blind as those
who won't see, and it would bo an impoasi-
bility to drive it into the editor's head that a
revival of trade generally had taken place.
Mrs Thos.huts of Usborne, e who has
been living in the vicinity for a great many
years, took her first ride on the cars on
Wednesday of last week, to the Prov>noial
exhibition at London. It is strange that
some people never have e, desire for travel-
ling by rail. while others are very fond of it.
On Tuesciay last Mr. John Gill, auetaon-
eer, sold by public cm -repetition lot No. 5. in
the 2nd con. of Stephen, for the sum of
$5,250, to a lady who lives at Forest. The
farm was Gold ander mortgage, and the
«. ..,L O M s
Has completed hist stock of
Watches, Clocks & Jewelers
For the Fall Trade.
Everybody invited to go in and inspect his
stock whether you purchase or not.
t:hnnt, who'::caped ttitb a brolcet: leg. It1IlIENSE BARGAINS FOR CASH
Po„r Jumbo was struck with terrific In Gold & Silver Watches,]
force by the engine, which teas de- Plateil'ware, Je\velery, &c
railed in eonsequeuce of the collision: A large variety to choose from, and go:trouble
The engine came to a standstill off to show you cur stock,
the track, and ,Jumbo lay stretched
at full length; apparently dead, on ALL ARE \VELCOl\IE.
the other side of the road. Hie in- t Stand opposite Jas. Pickard's, Main.
juries were of Such a character that street, Exeter;
he died shortly after the collision, and
his body was left at St. Thomas.
The baby elephant was also struck by
the train but escaped with a broken
leg, tvhiele will only lay him up for a
few weeks In addition to the kill-
ing of Jumbo, a fatal accident occur.
red in the ring during the progress
of the circus in the after. noon. An
price realised is considered very fair. Mr. I intrepid bareback rider named Nich-t
Gillis gaining quite a reputation as wielder oils tits' performing some diffieult
of the hammer• both at land and stock feats of horsemanship over a number
sales. r of hurdles placed round the ring, and
The reporter of the London Free Prean while the nurse was in full galop the
rider host his hold and fell to the
ground. He was picked up and med-
ical aid sommonea, but he had receiv-
ed injuries from which he died in a
abort time -
who .wrote the account of Jumbos death
mast have a very low appreciation of the
value of a man's life. After giving a passing
notice of the death of one of the riders, he
says the most deplorable accident occurred
when jumbo was killed. We always had an
idea that the ?ife of a human being was of
more value than many elephants.
Col. Ross, of the Huron Bat., was in town'
on Friday Inst. He was taken to the armory,
where things did not look at all pleasing, the
toggery and guns are in a dirty and untidy
condition. It is thought that some person
will be got to take hold and re -organize the
company here. There is no reason what.
ever why a good .company .should ; not be-ADAMsoN—Enntr. On the 8th inst., at the
formed here. We have plenty of good ma- residence of the bride's father, by the Rev.
terial for a first-class company. E. Y. Thompson, B. D., Alexander Adam -
Sheep raising of late has not been the son, of Fort Edmonton, N. W. T., to Ellen,
most profitable branen of stock -raising, but daughter of Wni. Reith, of Hay.
like everything else it will have its time. Bush—Mallon.--In Crediton, • at the resi-
dence of Mr. Robert, Bush, on the 10th
• inst., by the Rev. John Veale, Mr. John
Bush, Landon Township, to Miss Chris-
tina Nichol, of the same place.
DnNIeoi—WILLIAM..—By the Rev, We H.
Gane, on the 9th inst., at the residence of
the bride's father, Mr. Robert Denison, of
Napanoe, Ont.; to Isabella Victoria, third
daughter of Blazer Williams, Esq., , of
QuioLsY —In Centralis, on the 14th inst.,
the wife of Mae P. J. Qaigley, merchant, of
a. son.
Those who have good flocks of well bred
sheep cannot be too chary about dispersing
them altogether.. It may be prudent not to
keep every large flocks, but in most cases a
remnant of the choicest should be kept, good
breeding ewes with youth upon their side, to
be ready for any change that may come.
"Ali 'Exeter drosamaker has, according to
'accepted' situation as forcla
the Trines, ace ted ad
somewhere, 'Strruek a job isn's-so elegant.'y'
St. Marys Argus. [The Argus editor is,
wo presume, not ttwaro that we are living in
an enlightened. age, in whirl the backwoods
slang will not be tolerated. We aro sur•
prised that a person who profanes to have
so much respect for the ladies as the editor
of our eotem. professes to lattve should object
to the use of "elegant langtuteee' in speaking
of one of them:]
7th ins
D>; NT
x �.ra�.----I::i 3,1....:llard pan the 7 F
Mr, ,Iohp ;f)m "., errs 80 years and 21
IFram;fl,--la TJalt on the 12th inst.,
e i ' of lee late 'n . „c I'i' ii<r,
aerie, r lent 1,. ., l,alin 1
aged 83 yearn coat .nenths.
Colonial Exhibition in London, England,1B86
1 EXHIBITION to be held in LONDON,
England, commencing M&YF1st,1886, is intend-
ed to be on a scale of great magnitude, having
for object to =IR an epoch in the relations of
all the parts of the British Empire with each
Ine order to give becoming significance to the
event a Royal Cgmmiseion is issued for the
holding of this exhibition, for the first time
since 1862 ; and His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales has been appointed President by Her
Maiesty. 1
The very large space of 114,000 square feet has
been allotted to the Dominion or Canada by
command of the President, His Royal High -
This Exhibition is to be purely Colonial and
Indian, and no competition from the United
Kingdom or from fcreign nationswillbe per-
mitted,the object being to exhibit to the world
at largo what the colonies can do.
The:grandest opportunity ever offered to
Canada is thus afforeed to show the distinguish
ed place she occupies, by the progress she has
made in Agriculture, in Horticulture, in the Iu-
dustrial and Fine Arts, itt the Manufacturing
Induetries, in the .Newest Impro,voments its
Attu a i e y an mp mon s,
in Public Works by Models and Designs ; also
in an adequate display of her vast resources
in the Fisheries, in the Forest and Mineral
wealth, and also in Shipping:
All Canadians of all parties and classes aro
invited to come foreard and vie with :each
other in endeavouring (n this groat occasion
to lout Canada in her true place Os the premier
ant ny c:fthe 73 •itish. r at
o i i I.m iro „1c1 to ?3sta17•+
y I.
1i. h her 1noper potftionbefori, Cho world. t
1 cry homer, every . produeir, 2nd every
+r iii furor,hiasintc.restinaf,sistim.,ithav-.
lready demonstrated that
tr, ch•.�.e.,.,1„ay.Dto11o. ..ri:pli olioris,
By oras•
AUsigirtas (4;xtrr
Eggsl r.
Wishes to almana• cs t ”. the zahsuitasta of
Exeter and. vic►nity, tbakbe as opened ant's.
Jo � atheson
Has opened Out 1n
Cu Cals. ale s Old Stara
EXETER N OIiTH tin the Varner Storer ]\oath or 4atisti±ell
Complete stock Of Groceries. ,tt Pickard's, where he is prepam). :tri make
10 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 2t$, J( all kinds (,ordered work, •
and 75 cts—Good Quality,
Sewed work a speciality_
Boots & Shoes (AR Styles) at Low Prices.
A. nicely assorted litcsrl; of
Repairing prornhtly atter dt it to.
(Cheap.) Beet Machine Oil fOn per (;al, Late }tanager C. Eaerett a Boot and lace
COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVL.i:.' May 14th 84. '
1 A reduction of `dei Per Cunt.
Tweeds, and Really -made.. A. good. Suit of
ALL-WOOtiL !; o0d SERGE for $7Pe Suitt Cent.
Overeoeta Cheap.
Our Dress Goods are marked down to Il liDi
The Lowest Notch.
A House and leek to eels or rent. Apply to
HAY P. 0.
Ca11ratod Spectacles
The Lenses of those Spectacles, being acien-
tiScally,ground from Pure Pebble, are without
exception, the beat adapted to preserve perfect
vision and restore the sight when damaged by
old age and other causes. They leave the rec.
oommendatien of the most eminent members
of the medicalnrofession in England as well
as in Canada, and a large number of out most
prominent citizens,
Chief Justice Macdonald, N, 8,. writes : They
give the highest satisfaction.
Senator Archibald writes : I base experienc-
ed great satisfaction from their use.
Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes : They
give a clearer and purer light under gas 'than
anyI havo previously obtained hero or else-
Johns. Wood, 11; D. write : For ease or
comfort they excel any f have Ever used.
Maclrenzie, F R 0 8, Kingston, writes
Carefully constructed, good defining power an
glasses in each frame of focal equal lin
A. 0 Blair, Esq.. Premior, N. B,, writes : Of the
comfort and assistance experienced.
L't. Gov. Haviland, P.E..I., writes: I' never
experienced any strain on my eyes after] using
Rev. Fa+her Bolduc, Quebec, writes That he
finds them superior to any previouely used•
PeterLynoh, Esq.,Q.C..Halifax,writos: Using
one pair of Laaranoe'e Spectacles for 18 years
with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes.
De Cure De Quebec, writeti: 13e is more than
satisfied with the selection made,
M. F. Walsh,Esq., Sec. Minister of the In
terior, writes : The glasses suit admirably and
give every satisfaction,
MR. WIf. 2YNi, is pro tied :n do
At K rktont,
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect,
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Dean of'Qnteric writes : Of the great comfort
and relief found in wearing his spectacles.
Lt. Gov. SirlP. McDougall, K. O. M. G•, writes:
He is greatly pleased with the selection made.
Dr. Phelan, Iiingston,'writes ': They awpR1y
to those with every derangement of the vision
a long felt want,
lf f cturing Machinery d I le t
ora Laljorat'r
extension W. BROWNING
r r c tis: tic 1,t, of Agriculture.
Bert, 198..
Gi're him a trial and be convinced that
will give eatiefaction.
r •
Are pleasant to take. Contain .heir own,
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, aud OeFeetosit.
destroyer of worms in Children or Adult*
Health is Wealth
ME, guaranteedspecificforHys,eria, Diz-
ziness, Convulsions bits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men-
tal Depression, Softening of the Brain, result-
ingin Insanity and leading to misery, decay
and death, Premature 01d Age, Barrenna`ea,
Loss of Power in either' sex. Involuntary Loa-
ee and S sena' ribrca caused by
vor-oxe -tion of the brain, self-abuse or ovor•indulgenFo.
One box will euro recent cases. Bach box con-
iafne one month's treatment. Cno,dollar a
;box, or srxbexes for five dollars ; Belli; bymail
prepaid on receipt of price. Wo gliaranteo six
boxes to cure any case, With eawlr order re-
ceived by
oceivedby us for six boxes, aoocnrl,a.iiirtl with
five dollars, wo will send the purchaser our
tviitten guarantee to refund the rnm,ny if the
treatment does not effect a oiirol tauarantoes
issued only by JOHN C. WEST' & CO„ Sale
Proprietors, 31 & 83 King St, 11rist, Toronto,