HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-16, Page 4rr� �, I>x.f :'TI©oe YOB =WINO PER 04.0 Town CauA at Its meeting en Friday, May 3rd, bad before it tweet ?4 tw applications for building permits, fellovp : Sara'I. A,rgyie„ Britannia road Two frame tourist cab . Sa ti'1 Argyle, :,Mita Iiia road— Fra, ice bailtding with was1iroomm and toilet taeiiities for tourist eabiitas. , '10 M. Martin, Cambria soa --frame garage. �> M. Martin, Cambria. road—closed= parch on dwelling. W r--- reap ell ng house, Angleseaa steet ` "John R. Beattie, St. Dalrad's street— See b ogling dwelling. . W. A. Ne>l;eaaa, >Iliaeks Gt>> cat ad. ditionx to ,-lk(atelaery, Mr's. R. Hsieh`, St. Patrick's street - -3= er l iteI ern, I\'. 0. lE olt3unan, South. Street slam porch. - Mrs. Peter J. kl[arral pn, Maitland road—frame chick en -house. L. Cunningham, South street --o H c - story frame .dwelling '(former, uron Laundry building to be moved on to lot). , J. G. Glousher, South street --put dwelling on cement foundation; frame addition. - Mrs. ':'ert arber, ritannia road- enitarge henhouse. 10. J. Pridham, S(luiare—aiteratiou$ co store. E. J. -Pridb am, Square --construct It, THE GODMICH SIGNAL,STAR vitra-light fr(r;lit on store. W. II: • 36well, Trafalgar otreet- fra r,c,e garage. Mrs. E. A. Elliott, I,$ghthouse street reshiaagle _garage. O. W. Laithwaile, Ilritawaia road -- service ,station,, (esti lre .ted cost $0,000/• W. . Clark, Cambridge street- re- shinglgA portion of dwelling. P. . Carey. Wast street--reshimgle back '\kitchen. Ke - ,th it3. t ell, 'Wolfe 'street—ad- dition house. R. G. Ilarrison, 'Victoria street --- tourist cabin. ,READY TO ?LAY BALL.. BUT WHERE, DO WE GO? ' The Intermediate baseball set-up in this district is still eery much up .in Costello.. Mrs. D. D. Mooney; sports' the air. The Ibi ? , com►xmittee, Mrs. J. M. Murphy -(Von- g quc stiou seems to be . yiner) , Mrs. ,r, Akeroycl, Mrs. " F. should the teams in this part of the Curry, Miss Margaret Nicol, Mrs. Province line up with the Western Chas. Kemp, Mrs. M. jr. Snider, Mrs: Ontario Athletic Association, which is Fred Rouse, Miss L. obin. affiliated with the O-I;,A., or should U1)e�niiig day for the season will be Mlay 24th. NLOT OFFIORR$ `Jt'i.IpgDLi,S, 1,0itE,l, The annual meeting of the ladies° section of. tile Maitland Golf Club was held on Wednesday o8 last wee/s. at Mrs. 1?. Curry's apartment. Tlie election of plUeers, over which Mrs.- 1). Ir . Mooney presided, resulted tie follows: Past presidexit, Mr . I'. Curry ; presi- dent, Mrs. Carl Scthueiker; lst vice- president, Mrs. J. Al. Murphy ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Chas. Kemp; secre- tary -treasurer, Bliss Marjorie Facile ; house commiftee, Mrs. N. C. Jackson (convener). Mrs. J. A. Graham, Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst, Mrs. G. McMani's, Mrs. John i1. See. Mrs. J. M. ,Graham.. Miss Josie. Saunders, firs. T. `M. they go (Meetly under the, O.B..A.? There hats been a revival of the -Huron- VIN- CENT—CAPLINIR Perth League, which has always been A lovely wedding took place at •Zion under- theO.L'. 3., and "most of ` the Evangelieal..rhurch; Kitchener, on, Sat - teams in the district seem to .want to urday afternoon, May' 4th, when Ruth stick.,.. With this: • league. . Goderieli; Auburn and Clinton Radio School have" signified their desire to go W.O.A:A.. but they would ifke� the other teams, •Elaine Capling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C.Vapling, til Onward, ave.,• Kitchener, and Mr. .1. Clare Vincent of Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Clinton, ,Ileusaill" Zurich and Lucan, Viiicent of GodeDrieh, -Were united in to come into the W.O.A.A. with them . marriage. The cefemony was performed to form a strong, compact loop. I by Rey. E. ' E. Hallman, pastor. The IIuron-Perths held an o•rganiz- Mr. llenri C. Kruspe, organist,' played talon meeting at Ileusall,on Tuesday the Wedding music. -.The soloist, Mr. night and elected their executive, with Norman Taylor, sang "The Lord's- Stan ord'sStan Tudor of Hensall as president. Prayer" and "God Made Thee Mine.". At this meeting it was decided that A door-leugth gown of I.t�tivory slipper 1,,se ra.l medibc,'tw t114. I' `. xee2at,i.�ct,`1-.}:inn. was AYA17.1, he by tbr'id -', whose g c /,t;444- : a Eteiid�the - AN:l ).A.A.- baeeballT fatTier-t�-� -� .her .nn-�kl..ti-i.e... �waaj . meeting to be held at \\ringbom this ; style(1 with sweetheart. neckline, fitted (Th'iirsday) evening, and if , a satin- bodice, fullskirt and lily point sleeves. factory-tlrramgemc'iit -can be made, He', fingertip veil was c•aughb to ``ti•111 line up with the ; curoc'et headdress of Wile overrIace. This would leave a strong She carried a white Bible. Her sister, e Miss Dorothy M. Capling, was maid of honor, and Miss Gloria Capling, a cousin, was bridesmaid. They were l gowned ).m:i iken-.-Soot gth-.lines-gr-een,- &MUD AND OQeaarca BY BUTT�� FIRST GRADE • -� f TEA OUR , OWN •. OLD CHEESE FINE CANADIAN PFRFECTION CO A.. SWIFT'S CLEANSER N !( SOUP: AYLMER • \W.O.A.A. T six- or seven -tam loop iu this district and would be the. arrangement most pleasing to .Goderich. Reprreseatath°es of -ail three Gorclerxclr crepe with matching floral headdresses teams, Intermediate, Juvenile and p g 'Midget, -are expected tp ;attend the and veils. They carried ngsegays of meeting it Wingham 'tonight; when , Talisman roses frilled in lime • green huffy problems are expected to be threshed out and groupings formed. REO MOTOR. - OQMZ * Y }r_ AF DINTS OEN. MYMANAGRR. • Appointtatent of E. 'T. (Ted) Milne as general sales manager of Reo Motor Company of Canada, Ltd., brings to the service of this company a mann.1,0 has. had lona and wide experience in the a itonotive ileld. Mr. Milne was educated hi the public and high schools of Regina,. Saskat liewan, and during World War -I served, for three and a=Milt years with the (.19th Battery, 14th. Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. being' awarded the Distinguished Con - duet Medal during his period of service overseas. From June, 1924, to Febru- ary, 1942, he was connected with the E. -T. ..- _�. 1vflLNE automotive industry, first -as district a sales' Manager. then b)taneh seryice. manager, and finally as branch man- ager, iii Western Canada. Entering the service of the Canadian Govern- ment in March, .1942, Mr. Milne be - CI 11 SAUCES OCEDAE W. PEOD'UCTS THICK • 25¢. CHAN WAY Tin 590 CRC, at'. 270 P4L SH Dtl. 234 �INT BtL 17°SPEECy lit'. COAT 590. JUNKET TABLETS - BEET- GREENS �. WALT PIECES ' cum canal AYLMER MOLASSES - FAMILY • p O:XY"DOL - CAY SOAP i®OBRI;UPY°S ,SOAP Pkg. ' 11 2 SOFTBALL LEAGUE' HAS FIVE ENTRIES Five teams will operate in •the . Town Softball league this sumr>ter, the sche- dule- to 'be opened on Monday evening next when Canadian . Tire ,'plays qode- rich Elevator at Victoria' Park at 7 - p.m, Entries to the league have been submitted, by .Don4inion Road Machin- ery Company, Canadian Legion, Gode- ricli _ levator'. 'Unions, ns, and_ ,Canadian Tire,. , — . -The Legion will engage Dominion Road Machinery on Thursday evening next at 7 p.m. in the second game of the season. , .. The complete' schedule will be pub- lished in The Signal -Star next week. "Nip" Whetstone' will take his Can- - adian Tire team to St. -Marys on May 24, -when .a softball. tournament will be run eft with.-variot3 teams in'West- ern Ontario competing. THE INTERMEDIATE TEAM Coach Rdy Faulkner has selected the team which will represent Ga)de- rich in Intermediate "13" .baseball this summer, -The .fifteen players with whom he hppes to go to the stiirting line - a -ad-, -the-positions------they------a te4 to _ play, are est; follows :• Catcher, Bert Worsen; piteliers, Bob -Carrick, Frank Young, Brill MacDonald: 1st base, Jack Evans ; 2nd base, Bill hill :, 3rd base, Roy Faulkner; shortstop. Walter West- brook ; left field, Bud Worthy ; centre field. Ross MacDonald; ,right field, Hiirr•v \\ estbreok : alternates, Harry \Vor'sell, Lloyd Sclioenals, Bill Stod-,� dart,; Robert Hawthorne• Tran Louzon, the team sponsor, has• purchased considerable new equipment for, the- team, iiwluding bats; balls, I gloves, ca tcher's equipment and uni- forms. The. uniforms will not be ready until some time in July, and mean- wvhiI1 the Intermediates will get by with- the old uniforms. crepe. A brother of the bridegroom Mr. Norman'Vincent of Blyth, attended him - as best- .men. Mr. Elmer -Neeb of Tavistock and Mr. Jack -Brewer of Wiu.gham served as ushers. After the ceremony a reception and dinner, were •held at the Trail's End I3ote1, Con- estogo. , Covers were'. laid for forty- five guests. Receiving with the couple were Mrs. - Capling, wearing a gown of ferry green crepe with corsage of car- nations and sweet peas, -and Mrs. Vin- cent, incent, dressed in an orchid -figured silk ensemble. ''Her, corsage . was of roses and sweet peas. For travelling, the bride donned a• gold suit With black accessories and pa-ld ..blue tope- at. -- - A-eorsage-of--Tanis man roses enhanced her ensenible. - After a',wedding trip to Detroit, the couple will reside in Kitchener. - Among the -pi-e-nuptial parties held for Miss Caplirtg before her marriage - were a dinner. given in her honor- by the Panophelmae Club at the ,White Rose Inn on April 23rd one by ler fellow employees • of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., and one each given by the choir of Zion Evangelical. church, of wtaich she is a member, and her Sunday. school class. - ' Among the oast -of -town guests pre- sent for the wedding were Mr. -and' Mrs. John Vincent, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Normmn.Vincent, -Blyth ; Mr. John Brewer, Wingham. - end Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snell, Mitchell. ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The Woman's Auxiliary, bf St. •George's church assembled- in, the Guild roomoti Wednesday, May ,14th, with the president. Miss. Alice Mills, in the chair. The meeting was opened with the members' prayer and tlie Lord's Prayer in unison. followed by the litany prayers -led by Mrs. Stani- forth. The Scripture-- reading, from Hebrews 11 :11-20, ,was given by Mrs. Pa]iner. . x.• It was decided that .the 'annual ap- portionment of $100 to the general maintenafice fund of •the Huron Diocese be paid quarterly. Excellent. reports of the annual W.A. meeting held ]ii " London on May lst and 2nd were presented by Mrs. �:V'ei�(i- ham Mrs. \\ hittingham, and Miss 'Mown. ' , The President announced that the spring Deanery rneleting will be held in Exeter on June 12th. Miss Mills closed ' the 'meeting with prayer and tea was- served by Mrs. Riley and her assistants. - t FLORIDA NEW C;t'OP, FULLY MATURED, WHOLE OR BY T: . W •PIgCE WATEI(MELON__ . Ib.9c ALO ' 'lb MARSH ¢or GRAPEFRUIT SEEDLESS 06's 5 29¢ ORANGES PLORIDA VALENCIA, doz. C �+ Extr90 a Large 150'e a1 LEMONS CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 300's BEANS - LOUISIANA GREEN FRESH, Round Stringiest i oMTO' IMPORTED, SELECTED QUALITY CUBAN RED SPANISH 30's 430 lb. 1° Pkg. a25 NILE - A Y)lay entitled "The Life of Riley," will be put on in. Nile church by the Walton 'young people on May 24th. Admission .at popular prices. ' -20 Imitersommeemeemenuismoilimmemeiew Now at ..qteir. hest. for Proaerviaag MIS$I8SIPPl, CABBAGE FRI1SS{ Ib. Largo (Origlin.l Buraola*t 0 for nny reason any. rhtng you ourrharse �+ nor so'Ksforrory. return ) it and ya„r money;/ wdl he rhrt,rfully refuel .,ret, CARROTS - b . 110 TtXAs, O i'S YEJ.LOw It. 'f. K - New Camp 'NATIV ; 'i114W4r tl eoIal No. es. 1I T A ._ KINGSB1 IDLE HALL • Monday Evening May 20th ,Carruthers �Ie! extra . ON 504\ Lunch .n'%1 IIU,i1: came director of motor vehicle control, t1--4 nally—mo res -vehicle contrail , with the Department of Munitions and Supply, - Ottawa, until he resigned, March 31st, 1946, to take over his new position with Reo. Mr. Milne brings to Reo the benefit of an in,tiinate know- ledge of the- problems eonnected with the merchandising and ,servicing of • motor vehicles. • VIGITORIA DAY SPORTS Weather permitting, ,the Gods'rich Lawn -Bowling Club will officially open the season with a local men's doubles tournament on the 24th of May. Victoria Day will also be the official opening day for the season at the Maitland Golf Club course. Cornish. 'Electric • y• The rectrical Store where quaAity lathe first coa;s cratiion. We car Electrical Equipment supplied only by the Fading Amu - facta tar -rs whose reputation has been built en Quality. ao We are the representatives of '1"'VESTINGIIOUSE, the Pioneers in the Electric Field. + . In stock at present: ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERS HOTPLATES HEATERS • • HEATING PADS BROILERS MOFF AT IIANDI-CHEFS • WARMERS BOTTLE STERILIZERS . HUMIDIFIERS COKIFEE MAKERS (Cory, Silex, Dunbar, Roma, Vaculatgrs) IRONS TOASTERS ° DOOR BELL CHIMES CARBON LAMPS" TIIERAPUETIC LAMPS • COLD •QUAi3�TN LAMPS ELECTRIC FENCES STOCK DRIVERS DESK LAMPS PIANO LAMPS LIGHTIN(G FIXTURES„ including 24 inch Flourescent Kitchen Fixtures in 25 and 60 Cycles EXHAUST ANI) FLOOR FANS WIRING SUPPLIES, Records and Record Players For the best in musical reproduction, collie in and listen to these r, players with the pure tone. • R.C.A. VICTOR, COLUMBIA ANI) DECCA RECORDS Record Needles from 10c to $2.50 _ Record Storage Albums $1.35 Call „us for any \, of your Electrical needs or troubles. PHONE 11 o,, 12-14 WEST ST. ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAYLINTON, May 11.—Lorne Murch, Clinton, narrowly escaped injury- on Friday afternoon, when an oil truck ,struck. :.e� a - :a 'ia .�il'r>~� 9n Net - S ]iighWay; --two miles east, Of -Clinton:- The truck, driven by" Norval Anderson, of Goderich. was •proceeding brow of the hill just as Mr. Murch was making a leftht:nd turn off the highway into a farm lane. The truck struck the car ',roadsie'1!-, and crashed' it into this gn.ird rail:-. Mr. Anderson had just completed 150,000 miles of driving without an accident. s T �" IiII`ii B1if,Tl!(xi+:'.CL1€I `� ^ Winners at duplicate - bridle this �. 2nd, W. F. Saunders and Mrs. 3. R. , Wheeler; 3rd, Mrs. W. A. Ilay and Mr. Maley. ' Smith's Cleaning and Pressing WEST ST. GODERICH `, Dyeing • of service uniforms and great coats to civilian colors. Cleaning of - eiderdowns and drapes_and other household -art -ides a specialty.' We store fur ,and cloth coats, also, cleaning, demothing and - glazing of furl PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE 85. 1 -CHURCH NOTES Miss-" (xertrw1e Worthy of town and Miss Minnie Currey .otNile were dele- gates to the London Conference con- ' vention of the United Church \Vomeit's- Missioiiary Society held at St -Thomas last. week. , - Mrs.. A. D: :McLean, Mrs. F. R. Itedditt. ,.\Irs, ' Gordon' Bisset, Mrs. James 'Bisset and Mrs. -Albert Taylor. of- T-nex _ church, are Vending -the meeting. Of the _Provincial-W.M:S. of the Presbyterian Church , which is being held at London this week, ^ The thirty-second annual meeting of Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W.M.S. of tisk Presbyterian Church in ('a'imda will be .held in Chalmers church, Whitechtu•ch, on Tuesday, May 21st. The morning - session, ,commenc- ing commend ing at 10 o'clock.; wilt be devoted to reports from the Presbyterial- secre- taries and a forum on - missionary topics conducted by Mrs. McAuley. At the afternoon session, the delegates to .the Provincial W.M..S. meeting will. givetheir reports. -Mrs: John ; Wil- liams .of Toronto will' be the guest speaker. A 'review of the year's work" .and •°tile treasurer's statement will be• Next Lord's, Day the pulpit of Vic- toria street United chtn'ch will be oc- cupied by Rev. Anson • E. Moerhouse of Sarnia, a former 'minister of the church. The event will mark the sixty -eighth. -birthday of Victoria street, d• although the .roots of the congregation go farther hack,, 'the original' church having been erected on the "Commons" in the days when coal -oil lamps were in evidence. Special, choral numbers will be rendered by -the choir: The public is cordially invited to share ih the • inspiration and prt)fit of these services. . The May meeting .of. She \;lctoria I3elpei's class of -Victoria street United church' was held at the home_ of,Mrs. Ssmay • McLean, on Tuesday evening. Nine members -were present. Mrs: Ogle' Miller, vice-president, presided acid opened . the''meeting with n hymn anti, prayer. -Mrs. S: C. Argyle read the. Scripture lesson. After the business weeattended to tile meeting closed with -'grayer. A profitable' class auction was then held. The hostess served a dainty' lunch during the, social period that followed. The Mate meting of the W.A., of, Victoria street United church was'held in the church on Thursday Last. 'The opening 'hymn was "Onward, Christian Solcdiers," follorved by the Lord's, '.Prayer in unison. Mrs. Reeehler read the. Se ipt:ure lesson 'from the 132nd 'Psalm. Mrs. II. WelDster presided' and Mrs. R. Good acted as seeretar�l in the absence of':kMrs. F. Wilson. Nineteen visits were reported. - 4 supper $n connection with tiie rhumb anniversary' iwaae disceAse(d, lilt it - wary decided to 'hold' this supper at a later (late. Deep sympathy waw ek1)rec.«ecd for the pastor, Re's; I,a. I. Turner, n has recent sad 'bore l:� ote it by th ' 1ea� t Of,,'1115 bre- ` flier' in , 'th t, rto . 1' �lt�r. i ,4.1's.,' 'E?d the hostessef; r t 'ythe �t'l �>e' ant \ ' heart Vote of th;rnbs 'uio rt-rndered therm for °'lovely I tiIwfi. presented. FIX I1 eek-May-24.to .lune THE CITIZENS' OF (ODERICIf ARE REQUESTED TO MAKE A • SPECIAL EFFORT, THIS YEAR TO MAKE GODERICH WORTHY. OF ITS VERY BOASTFUL BUT TRUE''SLOGAN OF BEING "The Prettiest Town In Canada" THIS CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED' BY EVERY INDIVIDUAL LOOKING ABOUT MS OWN: PR 314,4ES, AND Y . :Painting the Bwildings Planting Shrubs Levelling and Curbing His Boulevard i USING A LITTLE-- PRESSURE .ON ,THE OWNERS Or VACANT LOTS' TO KEEP THEM IN A TIDY 'CONDITION, TEARING DOWN OLD USELESS BUILD/NOS, , REMOVING UNSIGHTLY FENCES, AND OTHER SIMILAR STRUCTURES. - ees 5y ' THEREAREA THOUSAND AND ONE WAD'S trirE CAN IMPROVE OUR OWN PREMISES AND ASA CONSEQUENCE IM$ROVE THE'LOVE- LY TOWN IN WMIOH WE LIVE. " • 'ponsored by the Civic Cotrimitte0 of the oder ch Boardof Trade `' V\ I+ t P tit: 1 d u Ip l: i Is, �u' �E a 4 'I (t.'I` 1 �" tt i it `' d a a Fl �, r