HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-02, Page 8Nr' • P EXEO EUt THE, «O J RICH SIGNAL -STAY?, ST. GEORGE'S CI -LURCH f /ry �]- �y/� (j�'I Si'�iA[➢.�.`ii/`, MAY la, lam %FA 1.�.ml . HO ek OM +. �41NION. • " 1A.O0 HOLY COMMUNION .'.ND SERMON. 8.00 p. SUNDAY' SCg1I01L, ZOO I .mi,-r-iLVENING SONG SERVICE. REV. RIEVLRL r IL, R! AR , III,A" Ltli., RECTOR. MRS. E. JESSOR', Oa'ganis6 and Choir Leader. YOU ARE INVITED TO A`I'TI:NH TII1WSE SERVICE 1( North St. United Church MINISILA- EV. IL '1L TURNBULL, B.1La B.gD„ ®.T M. REV. DAVID WREN OF STRt ATFOJW 11 a.m. "The Collegiate Girls' Choir will •sing. 7 p.m.' REV, D. WREN. Organist. and Choir Leader: Mrs. Murray Hetberington, A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU 9.45 a.x 11 a.m. Knox Presbyterian Church SUNDAY SCHOOL. J IBR CONGREGATION:- 11 QNGREGATION:•11 a.an. - PUBLIC WORSHIP - 7 p.m. The Minister at Both Services REMEMBER THE CHURCH'S ADVANCE - MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise -..Mrs. %V, F. Saunders x. "VOIhb succi' • r• li r tine"L6rd in - the Beauiy oUffi l mess. Victoria St, United Church MINISTER --REV.. LAWRENCE IL TURNER. ILA. ORGANIST-4ISS BARBARA CUTT 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. • 11.00 a.m. "EASTER'S SEQUEL -THE SPIRITS DESCENT." 7.00 p.m. "NOT 'DIE NINETY'S NINE BUT .. . " Monday 8.00 p.m. Young People's Union. 2.45 p.m. UNION. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU ., 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Goderich Baptist . Church REV. JOSEPH JAMES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist SUNDAY SCHOOL. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "Loyalty to Christ." COMMUNION SERVICE. 7 p.m, PUBLIC WORSHIP. "What Jesus Taught Concerning God" Wednesday 8 p.m.' ' An Old Fashioned Prayer, Meeting. A SINCERE WELCOME FOR ALL BETHEL PENTECOSTAL, TABERNACLE REV. J. A. P'EARSON, -Pastor. ' 16 WATERLOO STREET. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. - • 11 a.m. KENNETH REM OF TORONTO BIBLE SCHOOL WILL PREACH. - '7.30 p.m. "THE . LORD WITH US." Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's -Meeting. Thursday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY IJ Free Methodist Church REV. R. C. M cCALLUM, Pastor. Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. PREACHING SERVICES AT 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. (Please note change in evening hour of service) WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PUBLIC PRAYER SERVICE. Internal -heart religion, which is the one outstanding feature of the Chr ti et-gion_ tom reek;§ A41 X111001,9 the,. lift. d is Pie only type that will` stand the acid test of the Judgment. PRACTICAL PREACIIING - ON SCRIPTURAL SALVATION IN EVERYSERVICE. THE SALVATION ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS Major Joyce Clarke Lieut. Margaret' Farmer Officers in Charge. 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.30 p.m. SU,N»AY SCHOOL. 7 pan. , SALVATION SERVICE . MONDAY, MAY 6th --8 p.m. --SPECIAL MISSIONARY MEETING. Mrs. Major Corbett, in Indian Costume, will be Guest Speaker. HEARTY .WELCOME TO ALL. One hour and a -half, morning and evening, is the most time it will take to go to church. • -17 JUST ARRIVED. FROM .ENGLAND ENGLISH TEAPOTS. -- JUGS - A FEW DINNER SETS MIT$'S ART} �- AND „GIFTrL STORE • 'EAST ST. PHONE 198 KINCSBRIDGE :Briefs TUiURDA For Results _ A Classified Ad AVUTIOv KIM E2 ECTS On St. Da,vid.';l street, Goderich, apii SATURDAY, MAY 4th at 1 p.m. Full line of household effects, including stoves, diningand kitchen furniture, bedroom furniture and bedding, dishes and kitchen utensils, also gartden totis. TERMS -CASH,. MRS. WM. PI1ILLIPS, Proprietor.. HAROLD JACKSON, ,Auctioneer. NOTICE Minstrel slow' at St. George's Pariah. _- 11a102mrstiay and friday, May 9 and Would (de;al `Seven -room house, im- 10, t't,une and have a laugh. A good mediate pOssession, for $1,009 a cash two-hour sherw. 8.15 p.m. Admission and '37 or 'a8 car In good condition. 50e. ;. -18 (;`a11 SIGNAL -STAR. 18x ludigestictn pains vanish quickly when you' use WVilder's Stomach .--- ..'_.;,- y . Powder-- -pleasant, soothing. 50s, ' and i4'0R, SALE. $1 at Campbell's and all druggists. - 1S-23 Ii�O1t SALE.�M1N URIC: SPREADER, The regular meeting of St. George's fur e size; cream separator, large size, nearly new; Durham cow, 5 years old, due in May ; ;. two young saws, bred. OEO. COLCLOUGI-I, No. 4" 1lighway, 2111 miles- north of Clinton. 18x F+t X - SALE" -- RED RASPBERRY cartes, said to he immune from corn - borer, $1.16er dozen.' Call at g4 William street before noon. -14tt Church Women's Guild will be held Tuesday, May 7th,"at 3 o'clock. Mem- bers please note change of day. • Carey Bair ltandleaps you. Use Augelislue Grey Halt;, Restorer to re- gaitt natural color -life. $1 at Camp- bell's and Emerson's Drug Stores, . 18-22 The regular ' meeting of the Matple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E,, will be held in MacKay Hall, on Friday, May 10th. A report of the eonyention will be given.• a -1S Reserve Saturday, lday 4th, for rum - FOR SALE. -STUCCO HOUSE ON? Lighthouses street; seven rooms, three-piece bath, in good condition; Wage sale in Victoria street church, ,garden and garage. Apply MRS. commencing at 2 p.m., under auspices ELDON CULI3ERT, R.R. 6, Goderich. of Eureka class. 17-18 Hygienic supplies (rubber goods). mailed ,postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25e; 24 samples $1.90. Mail -Order Dept. T-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 9t Bamilton, Ont. 18-22 Roll your lawn with a two -ton motor - driven roller. C. BARKER, 65 Anglesea street, or phone 401,T after 6' p.m. °- 17-20 Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and. cal- louses. 50c at Campbell's and Emer- son's Drug Stores. - 18-22 Keep in mind the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., rummage sale to be ldan{Irte� IIt►11.. i'.3`0°- .nr.�' Saturdity; M`ay 4'tli. 14-17-18 Slendor Tablets are. effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at POR SALE. -ONE SET Y2 -TON Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. chain falls, ft. lift; 27 sheets metal lath; one solid cherry wardrobe; ,�, 18 ..` one electric range, four -plate; two 24 - inch pipe wrenches. Phone 248. 18-19 R SALE. - PART HOLSTEIN FOR SALE. -- BEDDING AND vegetable plants; Spanish onions. cabbage, cauliflower, head -lettuce, Brussels . sprouts, are now ready. JACKSON FLORISTS, 49 Bruce street, phone 105, Goderich. 18tf FOR SALE. -NEW ELECTRIC AND semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines. Also used ones. Goderich having been now included in our division, our representatives will be in town weekly. For prompt service call or write THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 7;7. If your °font. x .1,.W .... _..:-18,22 43141,111e, 4mew.:: b, t~e.A.t- checc fifes �..;, l within ninety days. 42tf WANTED. -TO BUY OLD HORSES and dead cattle; must be suitable for mink feed; removed promptly. JACK GILBERT. phone 908 r 21, Clinton. Calls paid for. 18tf WAN'. WAN TED.---12A.RG .NN'FURNISU- ED room, ' with private family, 'without board. All conveniences. TOM PRITCHI,ARD, phone 991 or SIGNAL -STAR, phone 71. ' WANTED. - RELIABLE HOUSE - ' KEEPER. Write BOX 119, SIGNAL -STAR. 18x WAli`I�:D. -A SHOP SUITABLE for a shoe -repairing business,' at once. Please le,'xve particulars at SIGNAL -STAR or at 74 Britannia road, ARNOLD SCHUTZ. 17-18x "ANTED.;-HOUSl1 OR APART - MEDT furnished 'or unfurnished, for a family of five. Apply GRAHAM INGLIS, phone 457 or 948W. 18x WANTED. --A MAID TO ASSIST with, housework, three adults, no heavy wgrt; every convenience;. can sleep in or out. Best of wages will. be • paid for ` right ' party. Apply to BOX 115, SIGNAL -STAR. , 17-18 WANTED AT ONCE. MILL ROOM woodworking foreman. Must understand the set-up of all machines. LUCKNOW INDUSTRIES LIMITED, Lucknow, Ontario. -18 AN OPPORTUNITY. -- E S T A 3- LrSIEIED Rural Watkins District available. If you are 'aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel otitfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable • business _of your own. For full particulars write today to THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept.•O-G-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, At Kingsbridge Hall, Monday even ing, .May 6th, Carruthers orchestra., Admission 50c. Luneh at, hall. -18 The. annual tweeting of the ladies' section of the Maitland Golf Club will - cow, six years old; due to freshen be held at 5 p.m., May 8th, at the June 1 t.• HERB. MCADAi41, R.R. Bedford Hotel. All Members and pros- (xoderie - pective members are cordially invited to attend, BORN BRINDI,.EY,-At_ Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on April .29th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brindley, R.R. 3; Goderich, a son. CANTON. -At Chichester, England, on April 19th, 1946, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Vernon Canton (formerly of Gode- rich), a daughter. FOR SALE. - WATERFRONT IN HAMILTON. -At Alexandra Hospital, ' town of Goderich. Attractive bank Goderich, on April ZGth, 1946, 'to and beach. Healthful elevation. Or; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Dun - chard, sewer, water, light. gannon; Ont., a daughter, Nancy g t. A quiet Michele. location for summer cottages or for SHEPPARD.-At Alexandra Hospital, small farming. Particulars' from R. on April 25th, 1946. to Mr. and Mrs. C. HAYS, Goderich. 13tf Clarke Sheppard, St. Vincent street, Goderich, a daughter, April Dawn. STOLL. - At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on April • 27th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Stoll, Huron road, Goderich, a son, John Allan. WESTBROOK.-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on April 27th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westbrook, Nelson street, Goderich, a daughter, Judith Anne. ' FOR SALE. -A GARAGE, APPLY 74 Huron road. WHILE WE'RE INTO MAY; THE WHILE Hatchery can ,fill Orders for . Big -4 Chicks, in a fairly wide range breeds and crossbreds. They advise no delay in ordering, how- ever. Agent, RYAN PRODUCE CO. -18 IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY, -In loving memory of a dear sou and brother, Pte. Robert James Montgomery, • who made the supreme , sacrifice for the freedom of mankind in Germany on May 1st, 1945. It is lonesome at home without you, son, And sad the weary way; For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. If we had all the world to give We'd give it, yes and more. To hear your voice and see your smile And greet ,you, at the door. - So, youhave to who a o �x:D,e�:�eheiais}��ia�=.�vath�.�are�.�,�•�, =.� You'll never know - the heartache 'Till yo,u see his vacant chair. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Mother, Brother Gordon and Sisters Frances and Isabelle. • • 18x GODERICH TOWNSHIP* KINGSBRIDGE. Apr. 30. - Mr. Frank Dalton of Cleveland is visiting Here for a while. Mrs. Albert Howald and family, from Springfield, have moved into Larry Wallace's residence. Miss Veronica Austin is recovering -favorably- front inj-uni&received car accident on . Port Albert hill a week ago. -_ We all enjoyed .the play "Good Gracious Grandma," which was pre- sented on Monday evening by the Port Albert Club. The players rendered their parts in an able manner. Huron Laundry UNDEia N1 W` SIA,NAGENIENT DAVID AND ED:1IUND IIUTCIIESSON We solicit tlhe patronage of the fori'ner iustonieray of the Hurtin • • Lnundfry •and assun'e them satisfactory service. LATE'T METHODS OF LAUNI RING 1 MPLO' 'ED 4 , d. I�'�l N L � M;i �T. FIs Township School Area Board. -The Goderich Township School Area Board met at No. 10 school the evening of April 25th. All members were present and Chairman C.Laithwaite presided. The Board is planning a joint picnic of all the schools in the area some time ,in June. The entire Board is planning to visit each school on Monday, May 6th. The next regular meeting will be held the -evening of May 3.0th in No. 4 school. GOLFERS ENTERTAIN AT - BRILLIANT GATHERING PROMPT DELIVERY .OF -THE FOL- . LOWING •pure breeds' and hybrid crosses. High quality Government- approvedchicks from blood -tested breeders: White Leghorns,_- Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, Black ' Australorps, Jersey Black Giants, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X White- Leghorns, Austra Whites, New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Light Sussex. Greatly reduced prices for May. Also started chicks_ -.and older .Pension Fund opened this weekand -pullets. Free catalogue. TWEDDLE lasts from April 28th to May .12th. CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, The aim is to raise $3,500,000_ to in - Fergus, Ontario. • 17-18 crease the endowment -of this fund. •It is a lay movement and the laity of each church has , been organized, to conduct the campaign. The North. street committee are making an appeal by mail_ to their members, to be fol- lowed by a canvass later on, . if neces- sary, -to reach their objective of $2,000. Rev, LH. Turner, who with Mrs. Turner and daughter spent lal,st week in Toronto on account of the serioue condition of his brother in hospital there, returned in order to take his work on Sunday, exchanging pulpits WITH -17'e °C?": ""CFOii'r rli Tice' en - miller -Nile charge. He leaves for WANTED. --HOUSE IN GODERICH or house or small farm near Goderich in exchange, for a modern• brick bungalow, twenty miles from Toronto. Write BOX 118, SIGNAL - ..T c�R. -18 , illy WANTED. -HOUSEWORK BY THE day, by a young woman. Phone 242J. - -18 WANTED. -FURNISHED APART- MENT APART- MENT or house, by family 'of two adults. Phone (collect) Clinton 83, room 3, or write BOX 120, SIGNAL- STAR. IGNALSTAR. -18 WANTED. -COUNTRY ROME FOR Airedale: dog'; , is kind with child- ren, good watch dog. JIM NAFTEL. Phone, 486. • -18 WANTED. - GIRL'S BICYCLE; must be in good condition. Phone 950W,•: -18 WANTED. -BOARDER IN HOME • centrally `located. Phpne 950W. -18 CHURCH NOTES • - . Rev. Richard Stewart and Mr. P. J __MacEwan represented Knox church, Goderich, at the meeting of: the Pres- byterian Synod of Hamilton and Lon- don held in Knox church, Kincardine, this week. . The United Church campaign for the ing in. With a number of Scottish airs. During the evening a delightful buffet lunch was enjoyed in the Canoe Club rooms, which. was labelled "The 19th Hole." The chairmen of the various cone- mittees were : Advertising and invita- tions, F. R. Darrow; decorations and ;program, Harold Williams; lunch, Mrs. N. C. Jackson. S EDS UP TRAIN SERVICE.Toronto again today, his brother being Iabout to undergo a serious operation. Changes in the Canadian National- The services in Victoria street United Railways timetable affecting Goderich church next Sunday will be conducted took effect this week. The morning l,by Rev. A. E. Ailin. and night tra' .s from Toronto are -.~Victoria street United church- will speeded up,. sa g 3:5 minutes . and '25 minutes respecti •e1y. • The morning tram, which formerly left Goderich at 6.15, now- leaves at 5.40 (standard time) and arrives at Toronto at 10 a.m. instead .of 11.10 as formerly. The night train , leaves Toronto at 6 p.m. (formerly 6.10) ai;d arrives .35) . at Goderieh 11' p.m. (formerly The morning train from London- to Clinton now leaves London at 9 a"m , instead of 9.15, and makes connection as' formerly_ with the `no -4n train to Goderich. All times mentioned are standard time, one hour slower than daylight saving time. • One of the brightest and most en- ' Changes on C.P.R. jos•able dances of the season was held There are also some ehanges on the in the Masonic Temple and Menesetung Canadian Pacific. The morning train Canoe Club rooms on .Frid'ay evening, leaves Toronto at.8.15 (formerly 8.20) when members of the Maitland Golf and arrives at Goderieh 12.50 p.m, Club were hosts at their first at-home (formerly 1.10 ' p.m.) In . the after - in several years. __- -t hoop -the train -leaves Goderich at 4.35 Dancing to the music of Bert Worth and big.' CKNX Ambassadors was en- joyed from 9 o'clock until 1, novelty dances adding to the gaiety of the occasion. Harold Williams was master f celemonces: During the evening the presentation of trophies which had been won in golf competitions at the Maitland course, during 1945 was made by Presi- dent, Dr. J. A. Grahtfm. Winners of the trophies were : Royal L. Lloyd trophy, Dr. Waiter Oakes, Clinton ; Charles Garrow trophy, Carl Schneiker, Goderich; ladies' rose bowl, Mrs. George Bruce, Toronto; Ellis trophy, Dr. Walter Oakes ; ladies' handicap trophy, Mrs. Fred Rouse. Goderich. (T ique afid " colorful deeorations added to the gay spirit prevalent. The general atmosphere was that of ,a golf course with golf slogans such s "Pore" and "Replace the 'surf" and (rosssed golf clubs adorning the walls, and with evergreen frees and grass Purrounding the or(-lwstra 4tancl, which WAR .fittingly labelled "No. 1 G,reen.'r Spring colors and sprays of apple blossom and forsythia 4114 V$iSes of 4affoililn, ,clded to the seta pl'�. ,,\ 4 Iar.ruIeal "` o t', (ol i'�tll5° i apt �t�t1f in 14gltYaDiG Riiipf �\trap aur l al �• s$sOl tC a rl! � y c a ed th tll 1, amt\t )2.0,,1.,• a1 ` I the evelt- P.m. (same ds before) and arrives at Toronto 9.40 p.m. instead of 9.45. A11 arriv is and departures are on stand- ard time. NOTICE All owners and occupants of premises are hereby noti- ' Pied that all rubbish, aches, etc., mut be removed from the,premises before May 15th, 1946. A. 0. RO, 1 hief of Police a 4 1 Sanitaa . ' Inspe kb. to . 17-18' AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY, AND HOUSEHOLD BFF:OTS. on Bruce• street, in the town of G bderich; on SATURDAY, MAY 11th, at 1 p.m, HOUSEHOLD .. EFFECTS - Easy electric washer; 1 snip kitchen range (like new),; 1 Quebec heater; 1 three - burner oil stove; 1 oil heater ; 1 drop-. leaf table; 0 kitchen chairs ; 1 writing desk ; drophend , sewing machine; num- ber of rockers; number of small tables; extension table ; 6 dining chairs; 1 sideboard; couch; 1 organ 'furniture for three bedrooms; spring and mat- tress; toilet sets; quilt boxes; number of hooked mats; curtains; quantity of linoleum ; " 2 rugs; • dishes; kitchen utensils; lawn mower; garden tools; quantity of dry w'iiod. REAL PROPk7R Y ...-4 -Seven-roomframe cottage with pantry and bath- room; small barn, suitable for garage. Buyer can have immediate possession. TERMS -Chattels, cash; real pro- perty, 20 per cent. down, balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. • MRS. JANE GRAY, Proprietress. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer: 17-19- tlE E - NF MOLL♦ EFFECTS will be held at residence of Alex. Hay, formerly A. H. Callahan's home on McMahon avenue, near I3aylield road, Goderich,, on .SATURDAY, MAY 4th • tit 1.30 p.m. Consisting of 3 -piece , chesterfield suite; 3 -piece living:room suite; mai- hogarly dining -room suite, table„ buffet and 5 chairs ; studio couch ; day bed;_ one dressei ; walnut oak . settee and chairs to match ; -1 bed .complete, -wal- nut; 1 small bed, brass; 2 dressers, oak; 2 hot -plates; Sunbeam Mix - master; electric iron; floor lamp; cabinet- radio ; carpet sweeper ; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; electric fixtures-; 2 beds ; Princess. Pat range ; Quebec heater ; coal oil heater; jacket heater ; washstand ; number 'of small tables; icebox ; sewing machine; writing; desk ; fernery; 2 armchairs; cot - with mattress; boy's bicycle; baby carriage ; chairs ; cooking -. utensils ; dishes ;, pillows; curtains; drapes, and many other article,., TERMS --CASH.• , DONALD. BLUE, • Auctioneer. 18 - FIRE . ,IS SO DESTRUCTIVE . Make sure bur possessions are insured % against ' this common threat. RATES ARE CHEAP H. M. FORD Get insur€,l -- Stay insured - Rest assured. North -St. Tel. 268w 1 CURRY'S' 13AK RY ...Tho TQ➢ if s, e of Tasty ` Pastry WEER -END SPECIAL °AKE DOUG UTS • 20 0onts a do exi Next month is the mouth o$ BRIDES AND ROSES Plage your order for that all- important .WEDDING CAKE as early as you possibly can. All orders of 81..00 or oder delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, t'roprietgr, .9 w . TO KENT TO RENT. -ATTRACTIVE FURN- ISHED bedroom, new home; all conveniences. Phone 992. 18-199 0 RENT. FURNISHED APART- MENT. , 54 Anglesea street. . ,BUSINESS NOTICES I BUY RAGS,' +ExQOSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks" I buy and sell used furniture and household articles. I'repair seiving machines. C. WOODS. 12 East street, Phone 242J. 13t2 ,. CARDS OF' -:.HANKS MR, AND MRS. MICHAEL KEN- NEDY and family wish to thank cxeuds {.a ate hb or ;.,.� .�- r he `xl sp anti floral bouquets and -flop-- their kindness in ',donating cars at the funeral of their beloved daughter, Mary. Thanks also .are , extended to Mr. Lodge for his kind assistance. IT IS MY DESIRE TO TAKE THIS means of conveying my sincere geatitude • to Dr. Natters, Alexandra Hospital nursing stair, and al\friends who very -kindly visited me, and who sent cards, letters, flowers, ,and In other ways brought comfort to me while I was • in Victoria Hospital and the Rogers Hoine in London - 18x MRS. JANE. RIACH. A WOIrD, OF APPRECIATIO.W ITO the pupils and tea;`her of S.S. No. 2 School, Goderich township. , -I. George S. Barr, 'wish to thank them,, for their wonderful 'co-operation while I eras caretaker. of said school... -18 anted. Iron Foundry Moulders (Heavy green sand) GOODA fTAGES STEADY EMPLOYMENT Write -Stating .previous experience -To: Port Arthur , Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Port Athur, Qntario 18-9-0 COAL WHEN, YOU REQUIRE COAL OR COKE CALL swn .»a:a,.sc.carnvaaxa-9.,wh.m COAL AND HARDWARE" Al' THE HARBOUR TELEPHONE 22 • reach another milestone in itshistory when on Sunday, May 19th. it will bring to its pulpit a former. minister now in semi -retirement, the Rev. Anson E. Moorhouse of Sarnia. •°` Rev. U. E. Clronhielm announces that For SaleBy . Tender 'a11 services on the . Nile-Benmiller Un day church charge will be conducted �j� �-,�� < �'IIJh ° on daylight saving time. , INGS and FENCING ATST. JOSEPH'S, ONT. ' Subject to prior sale or withdrawal, War Assets Corporation invites offers for the purchase o1 all, the Crown's right, title and interest in the property described below : The complete establishment, land, lntildiiigs, 'fencing, etc., but ex- cluding power line and equipment, known as St..Yosep'h's Aerodrome, situated about five miles south of Exeter, Ontario, or 12 miles north- • west of the Town of Centralia, and consisting or the fenced areas forming parts of Lot's 6, 7, and 8, in Concession East .of. Lake head;: part of Lots 21 ,to 25 inclusive, in Concession 15,, containing in • all 641.5 acres more or less; and 7.4 acres more or less consisting ofpart of Lots 18 and '19, Concession 12, A certiiiM ehc que or flank Draft to, the value of 10% of tl e'tencder . price for the above property-, made pa'ynble to War Assets Corpor4• Corporation, must...be forwaurded vbri h- lee--tender---ire arced , e nv'e I alnl marked on the outside: ->!i Lawn Mowers ' Sharpened - Prompt Service ALSO LATHE ,WORK" \Evenings 'After .ii p.m.. KEN. --ALM BROOK ST.-- l6tf M Tinders Wanted • Tenders for the purchase of a No. 4 Champion Rock Crusher with bin' screen and loader will be received by the undersigned up to and including May 13th: Crusher may be seen at MCILot 26 Concession 6 West Wawanosh, The '1tighest or any tender not necessarily' accepted. • 1rDI'> NIIN PHILI.IIP;4, Melt of Mist Weavanosh; - Lucltnow, OQ t. R.I3�. 2. I � In IPI I. I TENDER NO D-1-138 FOR PROPERTY AT ST.. JOSEpPH'S, ONTARIO addressed to the Secretary, War Assets Corporation, 4095 St.• Cath- erine Street, .West, Montreal 6, Que., 'P.O. Box 6099, Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time., A MONDAY, MAY. 27, 1946. The highest Or any tender no#,necessarily aueel)ted. (1htques or bank drafts will a. returned t0 unsueet4ssful tenderet;s. •" retiders received • after (-losing time Cantle! Iw considered. Sale apt this 1propert • to any Ipurc•baser will be su1',ja't•1 lo the approval t�, •of the ilo�'et•ttor-in-t'onnell. War assets Corporation.... 409)3 St. Catherise Street, 4West,. Montreal 6, Que. 4 toN (099 • Phone. Main. 3771