HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-05-02, Page 610.
eamaign Against Insects. Has. Begun
[, (Continued trove page 2)
under eistiner conalitiene and in the
Ilight of informatiet) given bY RI.M.
Government We aleted in thee -very trest
interest of the veteran, his family
and, Poderieh as a witole.•
. Thank you,
----- -. .
11011.,A,X, PINK
Yoien enjoy our
Orange Fe e Vend
.0 Where there is an abrupt 'change
ii the revel of the lawn or at the end
-Ot lair outdoor Lterrace, a reek garden
.ean be 'fitted in nicely. For 'a iirete
class job, fair,sized,*••vc'eather-beaten
bouldersshould be used and these:are
getlerally buried about two-thirds deep
gpoti.„,:„$.01.1. In the latter one can
;plant dwarf Pereimials an& epetial
-aittirte plants, uSua4y Speeially listed
,n any geod Canadian seed catalogue.
Soine,of these things are tiny and will
grow well even in little pockets a sou.
To break. the monotony and es a back-
ground,: shrubbery or even an °run -
mental tree linty be planted. *Rock
gardens should not be allowed to de-
generate into jimgles. Weeds -must be
kept removed, and rapidly • spreading
plantlike dwarf phlox and special
- grasses mast be eurbed. • Growth in
the completed and established rock
:garden sheuld, not be allowed to, ob-
' tlw out witieh, if suitably • 1:
' weiebereti, art. . UMW
:,,oiVes. A path with stone btepS Vi
mg through the reek gardea Neal add
to its attrtectiatmess.
' At thea;riek oftt repetition too eaifeh
stress, ciiiint.tt be laid- kat cotailltloWn
plantilag "of the 61.autiarill vegetables
lettnee, radish, beans,- searrO.S,
la..ets, cora, etc. All of these Willi
taste:much better whoa alley Just begila
t, • reach proper maturity. Most of
them, especially the beans, lettuce,:
coru .and such things, begin to get
tough if left to iong. The ouly way
to assure proper.. ‘succesSion is to
keep planting them.it is far better, t
• old -ardeners say, tp. have several rOwUt S,,
ttlitau comiag ou IWO weeks apart
than a11at one time. In most parts'of
Canada it is quite possible to keep
tiildjaan ual.
gymany vegetables right up to
Perennials and Annuals
Some of the most effective gardens
are those where annual flowers are
i grouped with perennials. The latter
are pleated well apart, and in between
or in front are grouped quick-growiug
aud later -dowering marinas. The
latter will hide the dying foliage of
fillips and other spring bulbs and they
will • cover the lilaiuness of iris and
peonies after the, latter have bloomed.
- The annuals, too, are useful. for tilling
in nievitable gaps after a hard a -littera
lu, laying Lau flower bed's, • the ex-'
In these days of rationing
—sugar, butter and other
ingredients cannot be
wasted. When baking .
King Pastry Flour
and be sure of. the best
results possible. 3
LONDON c ',Ci•rtite.Ge C AI* A 1:0` A
t hitt gS he -frotere - -These-gratatrale, -
ly lead up to the medium lloWers with;
t the tall varieties like delphiniums,1
phlox., dahlias, etc., at the -hack. Just , t
Ifor variety 4 is well to bring a Itav
of the taller sorts forward here and!•
there. Generally speaking. smaller Huron Presbyterial WKS. }Iola
slimmer tiowers make a showing when.'
planted in clumps of three-- or. four. I Annual Meeting at
T-TUNDREDS of kinds of de:structive in.eeetS which have been dormant
' for months are becoming activeend'pr?paring o attackfarm and garden
crops, forests, stored products, man and =male. Fantoraologists, Dominion
and. Provincial, are now ready ,with eounter measure,s fax control. The
fDominion Dept. of Agriculturee National Collectien of Lusects and its
associated library and laboratories has an essential part in the_insect control
orgimiaation..It maintains the bureau of identifications and classification
of inseetS to assist the entomologist, the farmer, the gardener, the forester
and the warehouseman.
nited Church
temperance' secretary, Mrs. Earl:Ming,
Walton literatui-e secretary, Mrs.
John Hillebrecht,, Seatorth; associate
'Mission Workers members secretary, Mrs. T.. Wightman,
\\Ingham; presS secretary, Miss C.
Wellwood, NVinghain.
Straight rows should be avoided. Wingham
•Heep in Mind — .
" Two points which' the gardener inust. The auditorium of the
$'1ark attended the meeting of the
in mind at this time are eultiva- United church was filled for the
Presbyterial W.M. •Socity at _ Wing -
ham on Thursday*.last as a delegate
,fromeLeeburn • a
On_ Sunda:N". May Tale:- service will
be held at Leeburn church on daylight
saving time. After service Sunday
school will be arrapged. „
On May 8th e vie,ws will be shown at
Carlow ball and an address will be
given by Rev. 'U. Cronhielm on China.
This is under the auspices of the
Editor The Signal -Star.
S1r,-The proposal to build an artl-
jieial rink together with a vow-
inunity centre will 'h,ave the approval
a a large majority of the people of
Goderiell. The 'foliewing ere merely these early• camps. ▪ kieventy-live ga
irls it's'htinge' for closing, sir," said the- ,
Offered as construetive suggestionsethat
might be considered in working out
the general plans.
If the proposalS are carried out and
a large expenditure authortzeel, it will •
be the only .cemmunity* venture fax
the next quatrter-century. It should
ther.gore meet the needs of future
generations in a real community sense
and take care of all the needs of youth,
both boys and girls.
Those who remember the beginning
of the hospital, when located on South.
are required at once to fill up the ltbr4grian. ,'Is there nything you
camps already oke pened, *and some 225 i li,to take ont?" "Yes, there is.
mere girls will, be needed . for neW. i, tiew about yeur assistant .in „the. blue
camps to be opened. between May 1 '.dressr
and. May 1,5 At these dates high
school students will not be available, I
as they* will not be .free for ,farin ser- ;
vice. work ,until after May, 23, so that I
&Ls and young women to fill these
urgent requirements will have to come
froni those not in , seheol and net
,otherwise employed.
After, May 23 and between that
street,. can viagelize what might be date and July I, it is estimated that
accomplished over a ported ' of years a ,further 1,350 girls Will be needed
if plans were drawn now for a conl, to -meet the requirements. fax ' camPs
ninnity centre that would be developed to help fruit and _vegetable growers,
as funds became available through a and it - is expected that high school
permanent fund. In ten years I have girls will be available for these later
no doubt there would be a building of camps. ,
which the toWn might be proud. It Alex. Maclaren, dlreetor of the On -
should enVisage a fine auditorium and tario Farm Service Force, stresses the
recreation facilities, including swim_ urgency - of the present situation. and
ming pooL, - makes a strong appealf -to all girls
Remembering the unfortunate Mac- over sixteen and young women to
Kay- Hall; the auditoritun should be volunteer for this healthy and profit -
large enough to accommodate large able type of farm work. The camps
audiences and a full stage. The Whole,
cost of the upkeep could be met by the
-Well-Seldeted- pittgfres run, say twiCe
monthly; would pay .off the whole cost
In twenty years. There ii'rbeimid to
be competition in this field before long
and the present owner of the .motion
picture theatre would be fortundle
in :having ,limited competition, rather
than froM another regular theatre. •
Ontario Farm Serviee Force. 112 Vol -
If this projett is to be -success there
are all under the supervision and'opete
ation of /he Y.W.C.A., and excellent
conditions, good feed and satisfactory
assured. to all who undertnke -to" help
in the serious food emergency by vol-
uuteeqng. at once for farm camp
Girls interested in farm service
camp work are asked to register at
once by letter or -personal call, at Itthe
lege street,. Toronto, ' or by telephoning
must be a broad outlook and a lin-
LEF.`,BURN Alm 30. MiSs Helen • • to Midway 0931.
anciel-eneture that will guarantee that .
tiou aud pests. A garden kept . twentieth annual meeting of Huron
•cultiaated up t� the Middle of June will
- Presbyterial Woman's _Missionary So -
Stay clean with little trouble from then
a.rO'iuutl more easily handled if -caught rpresident, Mrs. C; • TA vener, 'conducted
Pests, and this includes weeds,' *ciet-Y- on• Thursday, April 25th. The
• I
in the -earlier stages. : ,Cultivation will, the Morning and afternoou sessions.
i take care. Of the weeds- in most cases, -Forward in the Crusade for Christ
though in lawns or in large and well and His Kingdom*' .was the theme for
: sprayz.= are adVisable. Bugs and dis- '
, was -conducted by Mrs. W. MeVittie of
tile, morning worship service
' eittablished clumps some of the new im,, day.
I ease should be attacked just as soon; w
estli Id d 1i Wilson of
e - an Mrs. . .
it will not be another load:Ou the
oOne wonders what the, boys and
girls in Goderieh have- been doing to
put' in their time and use up their
surplus energy from October to April.
The time is long past when something
sbouldahave been done to meet this
very pressing problem.
Goderich, April 29th, 1946.
they .Show themselves.. Commercial
• , hardw;are store. * and Mrs: R. Batten, Exeter. I body invited. ,
Brussels' and ,the atternoon vvoiasletp
Leeburn \Vt1 Society, to raise funds, -
.. C
sprays • are a-vailable at • any 'seed or was led by Ma's. It. Laws -on, Seafortil, I Admission 25c, children 10e. Every- • AMPS
. ,
With three Ontario Farm Ser ice
'The sum of was sent to the On -Monday night the Farm , Forum
An ainlyitions emp14ee, bearing f
branch treasurer, an inervase of -1;678i was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Force camps 'for girls now in operation,
• the death of the senior partner. in the., over 1944. This increase Nvis '41e- Terence ilunter.
Funeral . ome
Our Funeral ChaPel combines •
the dignity of a place of worship
and the Jetinemenf of a quiet
Ft0I'D M. LODGE, DirPcthr
Vou are invited to listen to
"Music for Sunday' program over
CHNX.. liVingham. each ,Sunday
_afternoon_at 3 p. _ _
' and several others ‘de to open'within
-firm, rtined into the office of the sur- Counted for: by •46 auxilitiries, seven., -Aim Annie c ampbell of Tilbury he il the next montthere is an urgent
viving.. partner, "HOW 'about niy Mk- Ivening auxilieries', five mission eirelesIvisiting her sister, Mrs. Gee. Fulford.
need for hundrtVa. Of girls . to till up
ing- your partner's place now?" 4 7 and thirty-nine .mission bands reaching i e
asked. "Excelleht", replied the boss, !dr exceeding their allocatien,
ihe undertaker." -e-- - -- - - A Successfil Year
"prsoeiding yo -u can fix it . up With• - • -
. ' The story of the 3-ea1 ie the differeut
• ' organizations and , departments was -;
Tad—How are 3-Oli; this morning, given in a _panel discussion. Fron.
.Tasper? Jasper fgrumpilY-1-A11 right. baby bands, emission bands,. c.o.r.T.-
- Ted—Better notify ye= face. 'groups, niission eireles, eveaing aux-
ilia:ries, increased inttirest was shown
in the work and keener interest shown
. ,
... . o
in the individual ,groups. Eighteen
g, D ra ggin g -ntio,,i)Lfb=m,
oittlitioluitieilThfoer .stit:p.silt. a nadi:
was 10' the Back.
Many svomen have to (10 their. own
housework, aal the constant bend-
, ing over, lfftisg, making beds,
• .,.7..weepinp.:, ironing. ..ewiiag, nee(--
sary' pOrfol •housellolli•
duties 'puts a strtr17-Trn the
IoCUtlofliW as exceetled greatly., In-
' crease in subecriPtioas to .Missionary
Monthly?. was noted and ahere was 'au
increase in visits Made ou the sa:k tiaa,
aged._ There was also a new awaken-
ing to the urgency ef the bleed or ha\ -
ailig teinperance and citiLeuship pre-
sented, at the ineeting.': 0.10,- die-
; cession indicated thut aNaccessful „and
!-encouraging„ ye• r had ..eiansad. the
e e o
Lack and kidney:a and it there werretarit-s Rointout thneed t
1111 e
no, kidney we!,kness" the back wetlynitssiOnary training i1. all groups. leen:
bestrene.atel sacrificial. gkving and -ure loyal work-
Dean's Kidney Pil1a,„11c1p• to give ' lug church people.
relief to weak, backache, kidney suf- The children of the Wiii-e;Ttini
fering women. shin Band saiig "We. thaak Thee. g,
Doan', 'Icilary-Pli*a: T -It p • Our Faller." Mrs. ItaNa:c. Ferd\ ich.
in ail:oblong prey box with our trade , dedicated the offering %Lid Mrs. W. C.
• mark a 'Maple ',cat t..•
• Don't accept a substitute. Be
sure and .get "Doan's." _
TIL 7. :Althorn co,.. Ltd.. Toronto. Ont.
No extra eh rge for the use
of our Funeral Home, Toron-
to' Street.
. Prompt 'Ambulanee
Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7
• Gnaranteed work.mankip. at •
prices that, will. please jr,011.
Call at our Ofice; Phone 242J Or
drOp us a line to Box 161, Gode-.
rich. We Will he *aged to call
And help choose' a suitable mem-
orial for your . family plot;
St. Andrew's St. •
A monument of enduring dianite or°Marble, symbolic
in design, a-nd reverent in purpose, resting in surroundings
of peace And beauty a tribute of respeci and honour to the
dad, a
constant source of inspiration -to the living.
Write, Box 150 Exeter, .phone 41j, Exeter
Haekivell, Walton, the ses,i(41
• with prayer. 1.
Mrs. J. II. Cbilti; 1ro1it of
-_Conference Braneb. eon -ware(' the -
• work of the Wonninz Nfli.-.4;sionary i-
ciety with that id the early church.
which Christ started. /Iv' was inter-
estedein the children; they are looked
after_ in the .younger groups. Mission-
aries are going out just as the eari3- '
church event out,- se that they who
know not of "the truth that makes men
'free may have lifeand have it mere
abundant -1Y.-
-The ,need is great—need of more
missionaries, more money, `and need
to praetise moire definitely and more
positively the: gospel , We send them
out to preach" stated Mrs. Childs.
At the eoncluslon of jar talk Mrs.
Childs .installed the members of th,e1
new executive.
Mrs., A. W. Gardiner, Egmondville,
conducted the "In' Nleinoriam". service ,
in honor of the thirty-eight members
who had passed on during the year.
A message wat:ixl!rouglit from Presby-
tery by the Chairman,. Rev. Gordon
Hailewood of Walton.
Delegates appointed to attend' Con-
ference branch at St. Thomas -ea May
ad fith were Mrs: 11. Cook, .1 -len- --
sail; Mrs, A. W. Gardiner, Egmond-
vine ; 1iss Mitmie Currey..tille; and
Aire. Gilbert Beecroft, Erick church.
• Mrs. L. Hiseler, Winghane sang a
pleasing stOte at Me afterneen session
and Mrs. James Wood, Auburn, gave
the offertery prayer. Rev. W. A. Bee -
Croft closed the -tieggi-oli ;with- -prayer,
Officers .efected are: Hen: •president, .
Mrs. A. W.e Gardiner, Eginondville; "
past president, Mrs. Robert Nay,
F9rdwieb; tresident, Mrs. C. TaVener,
lielmesville; ,first vice-president, Mrs.
It. Lawson, Seaforth; second vice-
president, Mrs. H. Wilson, Brussels;
third vice-president,' Mrs. W: Mc'Vittle,
Westfield ;' fourth viegepfesident, Mrs.
R. Batten, Exeter; evening afixillary
secretary, :tit's. W. J. Greer, Winghatn ;
reeording seerretarY, Miss M. II. Milne,
Blyth ; corresponding. seceetary. Mrs.
11. ten41. Aubern treastirer, Mrs. F. G. .
yenwarden, Centralia ; Christian •stew-
tird-ship sOrefary, Mrs. II. Kirkby,,,
eiVele secretary, Mrs.
Dnnlop, IlelgraVe ; mission band ,
seerattlry, Mrs. R. A. 'Brook, 'Ilensall;
C.G.I.T. seeretary, Miss G• Worthy,
Gederieli: baby band f.,:eerettiryi Mrs.
Keith, )V,Obtteri (Nderiehl community, ,
keret,. ra, i1I 2k10'
Um& 11 11 Ably itee
\tai\1ltii j0 ¶i1t 114 yti,,
uiokly e.,oveflui Olen t military
016 i:16'.10LINTON 4
Trucks. Phoile
25.5 STRATI' Qup
early for your Hay Cars,
. Track, Sling! and Pulleys,
or Hay Forks. -
YOU may need Steel Stan -
(lions, Water Boyvls or a Lit-
ter Carrier for next season.
Order NOW.
; Barn jobs a, specialty.
A Help -to Those Who
Are Past Middle Age
When men and women get past middle age ,their -
energy and activity, in many instances, begin to de,'
cline, and their general Vitality is on the wane. . •
• Little ailments' and • sicknesses seem harder to --
shake off than formerly, and, here and there, evidences
of a breakdeven begin to appear. • ra
Now ie the time those wy.shing to help "maintain their health and vigour
should take a, coiirse ofMilburn's Health and Nerve Pills.
They help tone up and invigorate the patient by their tonic actioa on
the stern." 1
Prioe 50o a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters.
Look for QUI' trade mark/a "Red Heart" on -the Pm:kap.
The T. Milburn Co., Limitpd, Toronto, Ont.
' Auwak
a‘sa *ZY
G.NTia RIO, in a geographical sense only, maj'. be said
to be sharply divided . . . a natural division into north muntry
and south countly that emphasises the province'3 variety of
climate—of industrY—of character. ,Northward, Ontario extend°
to *the semi -arctic region of Hudson" Bay — . Sou4liward, to Om •
0mi-tropic fruit belt of • the Niagara Peninsula . "The
Garden of Canada" . . a blossom, land overflowing with nature' -(1
gipsp where' peach", plums, pears, 6rapes and cherrioq e'01111'
ric:dy in their seasons. Fruit farming is but one of the aniold
oppoetunities offered by,Aelour hundred thousand square lialer4
and more, eiat are, Ontario . . a veritable empire of recloarte,J.
otiOutbda**0454,000Odoodoo-oolsoodos;,o•0000 000 0000 oo
• q4• i7e, ;fr-f 1lte furcure devoted. to,the culti-
v r)ri Of ,
• PkACinN 4••• (MAPES 4.. PEARS
4 • 4 PL114161 apti CilEhRIES
i„ gb Pri4ijtti a Ontario eentres in the
titbgTs.fieefee /both, whielt produreo 91%
Old al 9141„ •
Vr'Jtin Ittf) Ontario, frnit
leire itv'to million peach
Lci. getiPti gitillibn grape
eke a MIA 11111111111fra4 of tht)11.
WM04 of?' oder fruit trees
oebrabundance, armiea
t7liihr;l1 nre on handl to
raflacr .0,
400p000groco om00000rg0000w0000,o0:
I\ I
\ •