HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-25, Page 10P. (1/4 TEN •,? TUE GODERIOR SIGNALSTAR North St.: United Church BuNisltp„mv„ B. TURNI•MIL, B1a„ S.T.M. ANNIVERSARY 5ERVICES,. REV. DUNCAN1.MeTAVISH 01? LOIS JON AT IMTH SpIkVICES. 11 21.11111. "LOOK 11'1', LIFT' UP." 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 pan. "THIS IS IT." SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR. Guests Soloists—Misses Joyce and Marie Herbert of Stratford. Organist and Choir Leader— Mrt, Murray. Iherington, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOI/VIE AWAITS Y • • Knoi Presbyterian Churc 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. it aan, JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.nx. PUBLIC WORSHIP, , Sermon Subject: "Samson's Riddle." PUBLICWORSHIP. Goderich Blue Water Band and Members 4)f Al.% of L. s Unions- -Will-parade-to - IIINISTER--REVEREND RICHARD • STEWART. Director of Praise --Mr. T. G. Jones Conep and IA orship the -Lord-hi the Beauty of Victori St U &111 Church • 1,2 -; 4 t. s MisiFeotiNtl awards will be on displa,y • Ot FUSIngees Jewellvry and gift Shop twginuing Sat- urday, VW.- Festival programs. are on sale at lbs. T.. Artastroug's and Breckenridge's Masie shop. • . Amazingly jueJ, relief from of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia with Wilder's Stomach ?oder. Also in tablet forill. 50c aud 1 at .Carup- bell's 'and all druggists. 14-17 'Fuller • Brush, agent, WINNIFRED O'NEIL, Clinton. Phtnie 75,J. 2tf. Slendor Tahlets are effeetiye; Two', weeks' 6upply ; .12 weeks' .$5i. 'at Catupbel1and Emerson's.Drug- Stores. 14-17 If you have been slipping in your church attendanee, resolve now to get, back to par. •-• -17 Reserve Saturday,..May 4th, for ruin-. mage - sale .tn Victoria street. church, commencing at 2 p.m.„ under auspices of Eureka class. 17-18 Fast, sure relief for constipation,1 biliotisness, indigestion with Kipp's! Herb Ablets. A safe, helpful tonic, laxative. , 25e and 75e sizes, at Camp-, For esuIts A Classified Ad AUCTION MALE FOR SNIAt • I lOR SALE. — RED RASPBERRY ettues„sald to be immune from eorn- borer, )'1.15 per dozen. CaU at 24 William street before -noon. . -14t2 TOR.. SALE: — ONE COIL BED- 8I'ItING and mattress, practically TO RENT TO RENT.7--ATTRACT- IV FUJIN- !SUED bedroom, ,new home; all conveniences. Phone 992. 17tf ItENT.—FURNISI-IED APART - WL'. 54 Anglesea Strea. , new- Phone 947W. _Th TO LET.—FLOOR SPACE SUIT- .B1)Elt, KITCHENER -4rite BOX:slit SIGNAL-STAR4. sir7Ix). ABLE for repair or wor •chicks, now for April or May ;de- livery. Fast growers, out on free ,range from the start. Markets will take all,Canadians Can preduese. Don't leave. yourself -short. We'll quote prices, book your order. Agent, RYAN pRolit7CE .CO. 117 F'OR SALE.—FRAME BARN, 34' X 50', good roof, to be removed off stone foundatient For information apply C. M. ROBERTSON, phone'730R, 52 Park street, Goderieh. -17 FOB, SALE.—NEW ELECTRIC AND semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines. A,Ise usedones. Goderich having been now included in our division, our repreSentatiVes will be in town weekly. 'For prompt service call bell's and -all -druggists. 14-17 or write THE SINGER SEWING The regular meeting of the Women's MACHINE' COMPANY, 78 Ontario -Institute \Via be lield in MacKay Hall street, Stratford. Phone 727. If your on -Wednesday, May 1st. Members' machine is new, have it cheekedrirte,e please -note- chatigfOrday.-- EilectIon ofTwiriiin-ninety days.- 40tf officers \-ill be 'held. _ Hygienic supplies (rubber goods), 11/10R SALE. --,-!MeCORMICK DEER- - - ina tied postpaid in plain, sealed ING three -furrow plow. In very envelope with price list. Six samples good shape. A. MUGFORD. phone 25e; 24 samples :;;,;1.00. Mail -Order.; 17 r 2, Dungannon. - Dept. T-53, NOV-RUBBERO., Box If; 10-17 1;Olt SAItE. — SIIOVELS„ DRAG-, 91. Hamilton, Ont., LINES, diesel tractors, diesel Rolls our l/\11 x‘ith a -two -ton motor- uzi engines, diesel generator sets. graders, d ri VII 1.14 r. C... BARKER; WANTED ANTED. ---LARGE UNFURNI611- ED room, with. private family, without board.. All conveniences. TOM PUITCHARDi phone 991 or SIGNAL -STAR, , phone 71, • WA.NTED. — ONE GARAGE TO rent for at least one year; must be near hospital,. Phone 853W; 17x WAN'.VED TO BUY. — SIX OR seveu-room house. Write P.O. BOX 769. - 17x /U R 8 E AIDS :WANTI,D.-111114 ,Ontario Hospital, St. Thomas, has openings for' women between 'the ages of 18 and 40 as Nurse Aids. Good' salary, eight hour day, six day week, three ----weeks' vacation with pay, on completion of each year of service. Short courses of instruction given, op- .Portunities for advancihnent. Living accommodation available in modern NurSes' APPLY SUPERINTENDENT ONTARIO HOSPITAL, ST. THOMAS. • 10-17 A:Agit:se:A_ Arreet,,_.,„tc plAttne. 401,1—after . rock erushers, sand gravel equipment,- - - ' • . . IV aNirtr1:11.;iinent, furnished 'Or niffur A THREE - ROOAJ, . lumbermen- 'equipment. We. quote ; .-,- — Keepin mind tile Maple Leaf prices delivered to your station. Send ' 1shed, by couple ;• no children. Apply s fur Bulletins. 1.1.1VENTIIAL & CO..; 110X 110, SIGNAL -STAR. Chapter, I.O.D.E., ruitanage sale. to be.17x . ti 11.111 17:26 . laid in AlacKny Ilan at 1.30 p.ni , .. ., • Alaehinery Deniers, -NS'inuipeg. 15-17; . ; *• , WAN'TED. — 110)Y 0\1E11, SEVEN- ; Sat Saturday, '.1-1'-'• TEEN to help in restaurant. Good Ilackiteln,s g,, ,iilicitlY, 4.11CII- alI.er . F Lit.t‘,. ;._ A imi v , .;., (,,,,,,i,i,,,,,u„ ,..;.t.„,,y , car , Nvages /pig ,-,04),41-• .4.iyur',i ,App.1.1.,.T1A.,...4. „, 14.47, -,18 1 )1/I SALE. -1('1:i. 110X, GO0I1 AS ......e,..5,,,,,,c,,_„, 41,/,:z3,3,,,,„,*A•rinAmmni-Eaps-,..,,,mittviva.r,,,,,nuattnet,,,i,,,,4„..:&,,,,,";„,...„,.-_-;i:,,,F2-11.&1:_rt-F57"...,/,v--_-::',.--sittn.:•..... _'-'-'-',iti'll'VEN-5s:',0u6ria.i. -"------ ' ;i:cr i /ittall.4.--the eaii,e, relieves the pain. l'" "e .-1 !'•11; ; - ' - .. • ________ , IVIIINISTER—REV, LAWRENCE R. TURNER. B.A. - ORGANIST—MISS BARBARA CUTT 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 1118) a,m RE% . 1. E. 'clit0NIRE11.11 of Nile•Benmiller. Evening service withdrawn .-,Worship with North Street on Anniversary .0ceaslen. 1,45 UXION. '' • _ Young People's Unien, Monday 8.00 p.m. VICTORIA WELCOMES IOU Co Goderien C lurch REV. JOSEPH JAN'ES, PANTO • Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, A-.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m: SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. PUBLIC ‘VORSHIP, "Is Your Treasure -Safe?" -7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "A QuetItion No Man Can Answer." Wednesday 8 p.m. An Old -Fashioned -Prayer Meeting. STRANGERS. ALWAYS WELCOME. -BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 16 WATERLOO STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAYSCHOOL. • 11 a.m. -"THE.,CHURCH AT' PERGAMOS." • 7.30 p.m. "THE BAPTISM OF ME HOLV 'GHOST." Tuesday 8 p.m, Young People's. — Thursday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting. We „believe in the Power of God, as manifested in the Acts Of—the Apostles; The Holy Ghost baptism according to Acts 2:4. •.• Free Methodist Church REV. -R, C. McCALLUM, Pastor Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. 10 a.m.. SUNDAY SCHOOL. PREACHING SERVICE AT 11 a.n.L and 7. Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME ' Campbell's Drug store. -17 Volt SALE. -----,IN TOWN OF WING- WINTEIL---,‘• 8110P SUP-111.0LE Reser Vt. Allgt,,t 20th for Ailtheek -11 11 • • :, .V .11. SON ('11.-roculi swio /wick house, for 11 shoe -repairing business, at , Chapter bazazir. , . once. Please leave particulars tit . 47 \\ ith au conveniences; also good garden A treat for :.0,1r feet: I.:se Lloyd's lot aitaelied and garage. WM. H. SIG.NAL-sTAlt or at 71 ',,,Britannia Corn Aim]. Ca,,ous- Salve • for prompt -N1 UN DELL, phone 338, Wingham."- -f-P1Iii'iT. A II N OLD ScHuTz. ' son:.,s Drug Stores. 17,1 x., i relief 50c al C i 1 :b .11' u d El .1. • ' 14-17 ; . „Rummage' 5::11,0 , in MaeKay II111,, VOICSALE.----PRENCESS PAT COOK Satu.rday, April 27th, at 1.30 p.m. by -LL eArove; Quebec, jwater 'and baty's ' n'rKnox -Church 'Ladies' Aid., ' 15 17; play pen. Phone 712J. , '. -17 A1 K ingsbridge ' Hall; on Monday, ; April 29th, at 8.15 p.m., li three-aet WOODWORK ING OUTFIT.—BAND- ' Play, -Good Gracious Grandma," will , SAW, circular saw, lathe, jig saw, two motors installed on two stands, , with housework, three adults, no ready to plug in. set of four wooden Ilea VY WUrk ; every Convenielice ; can hm 11 1(011k ; several hand wringers, ' sh-(1) 111 or 00t• Best of waiies will and strolh-rs; kitchen and dining -room! table and cabinet radios; baby Prams ; 1b31;_rxpziiii;(15, fsoIroNrai‘gil,17t1..zirtt.y. Apply ! to 17-18 • furniture ; -also quantity of glazed sash T iri..,-, „. , !suitable for seed frames, '; etc!' 41' '‘/::ti'll'ili-:lyb.r;TN:n..„‘ht;,‘-ute7tx:Ttil'‘N:iese T() 1)0 4"... 1v()01)8, Secondhand Store, 12 East ; • _i_,7. , 111 her own home 'Tor summer visitors 4'1 -17.7 --At 'AlexilaitbaR1rNa Hos. pital, Gode- s • sit;„).4 .141, SALE.—QUANTITY OF 12-11Iazelwood, Detroit (1. Mich, Phone 242.1 , , 'Write to MR,S. S. -PARKER, . 2047 17x ,rich, on April 23rd, 1940, to Mr. and ; -inch stove wood,, all hard wood. I 7.--lur , ,1/4.,.' ,,, , BUY. -*-------- --A,?..AS;' EL Mrs. Keith Cutt, Bruce street, Gude- r. -ARKELL, Baylleid, 21, miles east n't"‘%-';"") .":" • truck, station wag -on. ambulance, J ''N rich, a daughter, Patrlela .Gayl. ; on Clinton highway: Phone 22 on 11)(7)9x,_ or hearse. State full particulars to . t s 11 lit - • THURSDPRI,_,I4 1.016 MALE Or IIOUSEIIOLD FaiVECTS will he held litt the hone of Alex. 'LAY, Malta= awnue, last street in Uoderieh, off 13‘kylield road,,, on -SATURDAY, MAX 4th at 1 o'clock Ifull list of articles will appear in next week's issue. DONALD BLUP4., ' 17- Anctioneer... AUCTION SALE OF IIOUSEUOLD EFFECTS on St. David's street, ‘Goderich, on - SATURDAY, MAY 4th - at 1 •:p.m. Full line household effects, Inelnding stoves, . and Itttchen furniture, 'bedroom, furniture and bedding, dishes and kitchen titensils, also garden tools. TERMS-7CA - • MRS. WM. PHILLIPS, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, 1:&7731.U8CT.ION SALE 0.F Auctioneer, PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Bruce street, in the town of Goderich, on SATURDAY, MAY 11th, at 1 p.m. IIOUSEHOLD -EFFECTV . Easy electric washer'; 1 small kiblien range (like new) ; 1 Quebec heater; 1 three - burner oil stove; 1 oil heater; 1eirep, 'leaf kitchen chairs; 1 writing desk.; drophead sewing nuichine; num- ber ef rockers; number of small tables; extension table ; 0 dining (hairs ; 1 sideboard; couch ; -I organ ; furniture for three bedrooms; spring and mat- tress t. toilet sets ; quilt boxes; number of hooked mats; curtains ;° quantity- of linoleum ; 2 rugs ; dishes; kitchen -utensils; intim niower; garden tools mintity Of dry wood- • -REAL VROVERTY Seven-rooni frame cottage,. wink pantry and bath- ., room; small barn,,Suitablrfor garage. Buyer can have immediate possession. TEWIS—Chattels, ensh : real - pro- Perty, 20., per cent. down, balance in MRS. JANE (IRAY, Proprietress. CURRY'S BAKERY "The Home of Tasty Pvdstry" EFIK-END SPECIAL P!APH 30, oe4ts each Wedding Cakes of superior de- signs and quality, Please place. your orders early. All orders of $1.00 or delivered. PHONE 465 over MEL. CULBERT, Proprietor. ., CARDS OV THANKS TIIE FAMILY OF THE J4TE NEIL MacDonald, Kintail, wish to ex- press their deep appreciation to the many frieuds and neighbors who ex- tended sympathy and kindness in their bereavement in the sudden passing of a dear husband and father. 17x T" if.AmiLy 941'‘ T411-; LATE MRS. • Wm. Jewell are desirous of thank- ing the neighbors and friends- who were so kind to them in their time of bereavement. They would also like to thank those who sent floral tributes or loaned cars fur the funeral. -17 NOTICE , NoTICE. P. CIIESNEY. Clerk. , I1AltoLD JA-CK,SoN, i7-19, Auct ion cer. . CHURCH. NOTES -, • ....„.......... _ wANTED. ____ CABINET 'MAKER, ,., linisher, furniture machine hands,- The I.ondon Conforeuceof the United i ' One 'hour •and ;1-lialf, morning and ; required a t olive. LUCKNOW IN- Chureh of. Canada 'wilt/meet at LondOh to go to church.- . evening. is Jim most thue it will take -17 DI STMES LIMITED, Luckuuw, °n -I -May 28th to 31st. 1 ' tratio. Phone 112. -17 The Presbyterian' SynAid- of 'Tamil:: WANTE1).—A • MAID , church Kincardine,' next . week. The TO As.sis,,r• too -.and riclitoon„ will meet in .Knox opening sesSion will ''heL, on Monday , • e• • Uuld exchange for a small farm or home in or near Guderich, a modern Toronto. Write- BOX 118, SIGNAL- slari.,1.4.‘kit. bungalow, twenty miles from 17x ----1.4--- +Pt' MESS NOTICES BAGS, GOOsSE AND DUCK feathers and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household articles. I repair sewing machines: C. WOODS. 12 East street. Phone 242J. 13tf Nummummonigiiiimmumossaik— a Records Victor - Bluebird Columbia Decca ALL TEM LATEST ON HE *IT •PABADE Obi What it -Seemed to Be ' You Won't Be Satisfied I Personality - Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief Day :by Day One-zy, Two-zy 1 Shoo Fly Pie a,nd Apple Pan Dowdy Th Bells f St. Mary's - 1 ti 'Also Classical Recordz RioNimptoli and Albums . . Yu'r5 Prirnpt Service for Mail ()tilers 'SeSUAEYo Get 4000 Plays' 744ilieaf -te 116 . . . A;id precision scientific equipment go into the making and tatingofEVERYPfan- stiehl Needle sold. 2.00 PlItS an ens to changing! needle 11. (Cornish Electric presenttql by Dauce ' ruthers orchesti ; Lunch :it hall. For Eczema 1"Kl(erex,- tht. p $1.00 (medium druggists: , Port Albert 1)raniatie will. follow to Car - .11. • A, linission 150e. -17 and Psoriasis, try rot en reniedy. 56C - and strong). at all 14-17 • • . IIII.L.----At .Xlexandra Hospital, Gode-; rieh, on April 22nd; ty Mr. and • Mrs, B. Mil. Picton street,-Goderich, a daughter, Gail Ann McDoNA1.1).—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderieli, on April 21st. 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton.McDonald, Auburn, Ontario. a soil Peter Lyle. Clic t on. . C FERGUSON, 101 Birmnigham • pRo1I".1.1 DELIVERY OF TIIE FOL-Istreatratford. 17 LOWING pure breeds and hybrid I A OP,PORTUNITX. ESTAB- crosses. Iiigh nnality Government - LIMED Rural 'Watkins District :tpproved chicks from blood -tested available. If son are aggressive, and breeders: White Legliorns, Barred between the ages of 25 and 55, have itocks, White Rucks, New- Hampshires, or can secure travel, outfit,' this. is - I Mooll.E. -- A -t Alex/tndr/i Hospital,-! Light' - SusSex, Black Australorps, Goderich, on April 23rd, 1940, to Mt. ; JersPY Black Giants, White Leghorn X your opportunity to get established in and Mrs. Wm. Moore. 10 Elgin Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X White a profitable business of . your own. Fle_r_s - avenue, Goderich, a daughter.,_ t Leghorns: Austra Whites, New Hamp- full particularwrite today to *.•:,!TEWART.---Mr. -and -Mrs% Melvin' shim X Barred Rocks; - 13arred Rock'X THE J. R. W.A.TKINS. .COMPANY, D ne 1„.....Qtal....2.177 .Masson...-Sg-Mpiitieal, Stewart (nee Lorraine- Drennan,- are 1 New-Hanipshires,-.Light ,Sassex X-New,-4---•--Que.. happy to announce the birth of , ; Hm apshires, New Hampshire X Light . 14-17 daughter, Deluma Dawn, at Victoria i Sussex. Greatly reduced prices for WANTED. --.--TO BUY OLD HORS Hospital London, Ontario; 011 Goodl - ....... Friday, April 19th. 1940. 1 TENNANT.—At Alexandra Ilospita1,1 Goderich, on. April 21th, 1946, to Mr.; and Mrs. Bruce Tennant, ColbUrne i street, Goderich, a daughter. , IN MEMORIAM lovingmemory of Anna -Isabell King (nee Stewart), No, Assed:-, away- two ' ) eaa rs- age--;Aho 24th, 1944. . • We think of her in silenee, Her 'name we oft mean; . There is nothing left to answer, But her picture on the wall. When we look at her picture ,She always seems to say, Don't grieve, dear brother- and sister We 11 meet again song day. —Brother Wilbur, Sister Gladys, Twin Sister Etta. -17 SHIELDS.—In treasured memory of a dear husband, William J. Shields, . who entered into rest April 29th, 1943. No one heard - the footsteps of ,the angels drawing near Who took from earth to heaven the one I loved so dear. Beyond the fair horizon the ship has dipped its sail, A brighter- -harbor beckons Where love and -peace prevail. - There is no death; my -Itiear oue Has only found' the chart To that serene and peaceful harbor Where my loved ones never part.. • —Sadly missed by iris loving wife, 'Addle Shields 17x An Estate to settle We purchase outright for cash " Lists of Accounts from Estates also Account*„..P004-on a straight ,. Commission Basis, Western Ontario Credit Bureau 72 ONTARIO ST. STRATFORD. gillimmoisrouswommulemosis" FIRE. $0 DESTRUCTIVE,, Make sure your liOSSefiSr0-p'S are -9nsured against Ibis common threat. ' RATES ARE C�JAP H. M. FORD Get !Mill?.1 — Stay Insured — Rest assured. • • . KING loving memory of a dear wife' and mother,' Anna King, ,who Passed away April '24th, 1944. Two years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away. God took her home, it was His will,t But in our hearts she livath stil_ —Ever Temembered by her husband, Russel King, and family. -17 rrsOym.—In loving memory of my dear sisters, Lizzie, Mils. , Charles Fisher, and Clara, Mrs. H. Feagan, why passed away April, 1943, and October, 1940, respectively. Today we are thinking of those , Who were- lovIng„,•-kind—and---tr. Whose smiles were as dear as the sun- shine, And that, dear sisters, was you. —Ever remembered by sister; Polly, Will and nieces. 17x MONTGOMERY.—ln proud and loving ,memory of a deal- neniteW and cousin, Bdr. Robert J. Montgomerykilled in action in -Gerinany, May lst, 1945, 17x - —Aunt Maggie and family. FISHER.—In loving memory of a dear mother, ' Mrs. Charles Fisher, who passed away three- years ago, ,April 28th, 1943. The rolling streani of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the, smile, Of the one who ogee sat there. —Always remembered by daughter Georgina, and grandchildren: -17 1 and dead cattle ; must be' suitab for mink feed; removed 'Promptly. JACK GILBERT, phone 9(18 r 21, Clinton. Calls paid for. - , 18t1 May. Also started chicks and older pullets. -Free catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. - 17-18 Tenders Wanted 1 ------TefiderS for the purchase 'of a No. 4 Champion Rock Crusher with bin screen and loader will be received by the undersigned up to and including May 13th. Crusher may be seen'at Eli Lot 26 Concession 6 West Waw-anosii, evening, at 8 o'clock: 11(1'. Ir. E. Cron hielm Nie- Benmiller charge will_occupy.,tli‘e_pul-! pits --of Victoria -Street uti • Union yhurches on 'Sunday,. April 28,• with-, the Victoria street- •Luinister,' Rev. Lawrence II. Turner, occunyingo the, pulpits of the Nile-Beamiller• clutrge The evening service at Victoria -Street. win be 'withdrawn -to afford,.the gregation an • opportunity to . worship.' with the North street people' on their a nn 1 versa Ty occasion. • Lawn Mowers Sha,repened Prompt Service ALSO LATHE WORK Evenings After 5 p.m. KEN. ALLIN BROCK ST. 15tf 0 • Huron Laundry UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DAVID AND EDMUND HUTCHESSON We solicit the patronage of the former customers of the Huron Laundry and assure them satisfactory service. 'LATEST METHODS OF LAUNDERING EMPLOYE? PHONE 224 Pick-up and deliver t HAMILTON ST: COAL WHEN YOU REQUIRE COAL OR COKE . • CALL 6 :Charles' C. Lee -Estate COAL AND HARDWARE AT THE HARBOUR TELEPHONE 22 The highest or any tendero not glargiralliffiriraiNffiffirgiNNEWOMARIMA necessarily accepted. DURNIN PHILLIPS, Clerk of Wpst Wawanosh, LucknoW, Ont. R.R. 2. 1748 Let me 111111111111111111111111111111111.11400.111111111111/. —WOL handle your lot. I liave a man who will clip your -beep. HUGE McCABE R.R.1 GODiRICH, ONTARIO Collector for • WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIIVIITED • Ingersoll Ontario Houses Painted LOWiST RATES — Git'AR ANTEEI) WORKMANSHP. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN on your house for a complete_painting bs expert painters. Only a Iimitedilumbet of orders taken. Place pitr ordernow' before unable to have it (don't) this yea Pfl4N1 t8 FOR ANIL' INVORM- ATDN. Expert interior and exterior work on all Ames of buldings. 1,7x , • HERB VICKERS ••• Vour. • , Sunday Your Sunday golf, your fishing, motoring, visiting your friends or relatives on Sunday may: iii be worth while relaxations from your daily grind,' but nee(I not necessarily 'prevent your regular attendance at Your efiureli. `Go to Church Too' Last Sunda* the local band concert, a very laudable -un- dertaking, was attended by over 500 People, Do you realize that this is more pedple than attended all the evening services in all the churches ift Godetich on that shme day— Easter Sunday. You will agree that this not as it should be. Ours is a Christian God fearing and God loving community but we are bark sliding in the practice of going to church. This is a personal responsibility *hieh only you yourself can discharge Wont you do something about it? Take your family to church every Sunday and en- courage your friends too. Tms APPEAL IS MADE 'WY • Thet10 to Church" Committee (A STRICTLY NON DICOMINATIONAL A(IVITY) t • •