HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-25, Page 81":
tot amatyanciesl
Alpeese the Menfliiyy foriimit
that sails you best.
When you You roe iy
IIrro1;4 for bach month
$25 6mrnths '$4.25
low' IY 2.15
$ 50 6 months 848
12 " 4.30
18 " 2.91
$100 " 6 months 16.96
12 Q4 8.60
18 " 5.52
24 as T 4:443•
6 months 33.92
12 " 17.21
18 ," 11.64
24 " 8.86
Ment 5y repayments Include
interest •
on you aro faded with anne/a5
Quacirgienncy a pe rsonel le= at tho bank
is often , your easiest ' col13t1Qn. Such
Ruts may be p$a back by coneenl!+e$
niontirly instalments and can be
(arranged for •amountr3 as low as $25.
E doraeia• aro not necessarily ro,
quired, Study tho adjoining tablo to
sea how i it ponsivo .it in to borrow
froi the Royal Bank.
forosrP4lvsoaof Lean boekt.tof aay brbncb
W: G. DULMAGE, Manager
ins Around Reams
1ty A.WJ
The magician. • satiate to our school place the conjuredaa
uceaL-aatap of
sectioam entertainment.. For Twee ' b;UJ'Qpa and se a of . Asia, and pre -
e• hie coming Ilam cutis aanti4iltatedi in Weeded to point out. the different gem -
before i
exciting comment and eon�•ea'sat ons Vsnial wheal he . got to. 'turkey Ides.
I►uslned'' nils fist, through that. part and
what stunts he wlittld likely perform. brought forth, as live gobbler, •to the
It is 'a matter of tWO Weeks sago now general ast4xdishment of- his audienace,.
and. we have lauglated and talked of There are problems in Turkey and
him ever since, I• believe: We • have Iran, and other places nearby, that
in this very rural Part of the township need a miracle Mand to bring forth, if
very little that is startling or sear not gobblers, something as welcome
sational to occupy our minds= So in these, jittery days.
when a talented conjuror and magician
fib• 470..;
comes to give an evening, it can be Spring is- u ion us with day of long
likened .to at circus which has a pro- sunshine and only the middle of March,
cession and a performance, elephants when stormier' weather as rather ex-
and all, coming to thhde, city. This pected. The .equinoctial storms must
naagiciala tame, perforated, and con- have retreated to the North and South
quered. . We did the seeing, but our Poles, and balmy air must have come
eyes were not quick enough, ndr our upfront the, sunny, sunny South. The
observation keen enough, to• (declare wild geese have honked their way
anything' but "Well, that beats all $ over qur heads. The starlings are back
ever saw !" and what one wonlaan would to build in the views on the old church
persist in, saying at the end of every wall. Our evergreens at the'mange
marvellous stunt (she sat just behind have birds roosting in ,them., every
me with a loud voice);• "My gosh! did dight now, and their twittering at
you ever !".sand she would shriek with twilight and their songs in the morning
laughter. For nearly all his activities are all of love and housekeeping. The
as well as his sayings ,and speeches weeds have been burnt along the
were filled with humor. ditches and fences, and fields -that had
He was no mean entertainer, not "a much weed and refuse heaps of use -
bit amateurish. He had been with less stuff liaise been eleaned by the
orces _overseas. The army authorities searching hungry fires. The farm
gave him the job to keep up the spiritS Ianes for a while a were quagmires -up
of the men of his own military stripe, which cars dared not travel, but now
.instead of following up and killing are settling down to their home traffic.
. Germans. Likely enough, he made In the dark of one night I was piloting
smiles come on faces where shadows two city ladies to a farm home which
And fears were • gathering. Ile' filled had to be reached by travelling on
minds threatened with grim solemnities' foot one of these muddy lanes. There
with easeful jokes `find thoughts of was no moon. All we had was a flash -
performances Plat bred' astonishment: light just about at -its last gasp, as
and a barrel of fun. That is how its ,batteries were running out. The
we reacted to his Tegei'demain and la
) ladies -id hold of my --overcoat tail
CordonGorclori Lindsa' .Smith
Slopes, ...curving paths, walls and
Faimijar tegures sh uld. h•eels• - '
fdditveneee gaf tleii
&"an rayoiti.
'They ' must, however, be properly
• treated. The first essential is natural-
'• ness. If there is no reason for a wall
or a curve in. the path, and if one Still
insists on having one, then.some reason
Should be provided. A tree, a group
of shrubbery or a turn will' provide' tide
eXeuse-mor- -a--sweeping-curve in the
--Etver Ca°tt
Bath, and o e can always have a low
T i'tc Men:— 'eri:`.. 16—MP—requires
more care. Nothing is quite so arti-
ficial as an unnecessary mound in the
middle -of ai- lawn, but where the ground
,does slope gradually one can make ttvo
separate levels atmd join the'se.,with a
few steps, a bit of rock garden or al
clump of'shrubbery. Or cif the sepa-
PTOation is not .tee PTO here is an ideal
place for a low stone wail, in front- of;
h h but not completely hiding it.
Biliousness is just another name
for a clogged or, sluggish liver, It
is a very common complaint, but can
be quickly re,�amedied by stimulating
the flow of bile. . This softens the
accumulated mass, the poisons are
carried out of the system, and the
liver and bowels are relieved and
toned up.
lllfilburfm's-.Laxa-Liver. Pills _quicken
Find enliven the sluggish liver, open-
ing up every channel, by causing a
free flaw of bile and thus -cleansing
the liver of the clogging impurities.
They are small and easy to take.
Do not'gripe, weaken or sicken.
Co..The T. Milburn Iatd.. Toronto. Ont.
e a
Funeral ' Home
Our Funeral Chapel combines
the dignity of a place of worship
and the refinement of a quiet
residence. ` "
"PHONE 120
FLOYD M. LODGE, Director
You are invited to, listen to
"Music for Sunday' program over
CHNX, Wingham, each Sunday
and asked not to go too fast, and-
'•Hpy presto:" and the stained, blotty , certainly not to leave them, as their
handkerchief was cleansed and laund.: i overshoes were not verse high. I tried
ered 'magically in seconds. The glass i to do gallantly, but there were holes
milk pitcher poured aur fully a pint and ,,dirty water that we could not
of the. milk into a paper bag held by help slipping into, though I did provide
his other hand, and wheu he had; some mitigation of the shock by using
ceased pouring and was being careful the warning cry, "Be careful here;
w .. ... ":FelBh:. :� �
...+am- ......°,... .
gsua'�styeczus�e1-it up And the maples are tapped along
in his hand . and threw the used highway by children of the farm. The
crumpled bag into the face of the 1 -.boys • are spearing pike in the -big-
Reeve of the township,. who sat iIi the ,,ditch. Certain old folks and shut-ins
milk went
� '•
as dust. Wheie that pint 'o
front rev% ; and -behold! it. was as dry over winter are back at church again.
to is still a mystery in these
Some of these murder m tp be so easy to find out.
Wo have bad n i> Spring fan anetla4
cal() Sant adv tbo roPsi and recendliand
tags went $or big money. The '"t evV
tag germ 213 coercing amen* some
lao..esteads, Cllaatgrs ,are f;;og. t4D.
take place. Already ane ttS-- are
visible and very noticeable on some
feminine heads. Mrs. $l., has
her onion sets in and made. some little
garde patches, early as it is. The
preacher is raping his lawns. The kids
are going to sehodi on bicycles again,
with conspicuous bare knees and legs.
So surely it is sprin;j- Vointing tO the
greel3•ing wheat fields that have
wintered well and provide such pleas-
ant patches in the brown, winter -dried
and dyed countryside, I said to a
neighbor, pleasautly, " ; ow green is
our valley 1,"•.
MAFEKING, Apr. 17. --Mr. Frank
Jones, Toronto, a veteran of the first
World War, visited over the Week -end
with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Blithe,
Visitors •on Saturday and punchy
with Mr. and Mrs. I1erb:Curran were
Jim Misner, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Ryan, and LeRoy, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Ryan, Goderich.
'Mr. and'` Mrs. ,,Richard Kilpatrick
and babe visited her parents in (ode -
rich on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Make visited
friends fn Qoderich 'oft ' Monday. s
Pete Glazier, Galt, spent the week-
end at his home.
Two thousand United States farmers
and their fd'milies are awaiting final
arrangements for their emigration to
Northern Alberta.
it is not go
• r
mysteries of
O-ntaric will- -afford= -no -trigger search.._
which, u
Our -wondering _selves went to bed, that
clungp s ' of shrubbery and flowers are Night dreaming of stamps that leaped'+
grown.. � out of boa cunt.ainers to stick them-
Paths and Roadways selves in orderly rows on a really
There are dozens of good materials , empty stamp album that we examined.
for garden paths and roadways. Much! as having nothing but blank pages at
will depend on what is available loca% , hat when his wailed.-und word,
ly. Where there is not going to be had done their part there they were.
And those Chinese mystical rings—he
too much traffic, grass paths between could do anything with these plain
unbroken circles of steel—so they were
to us, but he chained them and did all
kinds of things with' them to our
'Wondering, marvelling' selves.
It was an Al performance and we
certainly were with Alice in, Wonder-
flower beds will be satisfactory. Across
the lawn, or where many feet will -pass,
something more enduring, like flag-
stone, brick, cinder or crushed gravel,
is advisable. Eor the sake of the m
with the lawnmower it is desirable to
have stones or other material : as flush land for .one night.
as possible with surrounding sod,. and laI was called upon memorableto make a speech
gravel, cinders, etc., should_ be fine and
preferably pressed firmly together so when he was through all these excit-
that they won't scatter on nearby grass— lung stunts --that had held. his • audience
tense., To make a speech after that
was like some • stuttering 'trustees'
chairman having to follow the great
Churchill. Yet I" d?ti' manage to pay
a deserved tribute to the "tine enter-
tainer an¢ to say wheu I went to
Maskylene's great magician show in
old London, years ago, I was scarcely
more impressed. In that show the
big` .program of magic, etc., was
crowned with a mystical performapee
in which the great magician sought
to put his arms affectionately round a
beautiful lady who was really alive
and engaging, as far as we could see,
but as he did ' so .she vanished into
thin' air as his arms and hands met
•in the proposed embrace. Where she
went, up or down, was the mystery.
This way or that, above and below,
there seemed to . be no exit.
In conversation with our magiciair.—
he is ours, for he comes from a village
in Lambton county—he told me, after
the program was over, that in England
he had met many of his profession.
There were no fewer than' 20,000
magicians, professional and_ non-pro-
fessional, in, England alone, affiliated
With, the National Brotherhood. Evid-
ently this ancient art --las falling -
off in practice; and they who fool us
and the fooled are a multitude.
How would it be to set such a
performing 20,000 loose on the .coun-
-" tries of Europe ap.d Asia, where there
'are se many that could do with a
new thrill "and a program to make them ,
laugh. -A woman was telling me, after
I had expressed disappointment that
he lad not brought the , proverbial
rabbit out of a hat, that T should have
been at'°a performance he gave the
other night at a village hall, where he
had a number of- rabbits produced
most sinexepectediy and marvellously.
1f that conjuring stunt could. 'really
happen. in same of the starving coun-
tries, how welcome they would be -
Another person told me how at one
For roadways, crushed gravel, con-
crete, rolled asphalt, bricks, cinders,
flagstone embedded ip concrete, are •all
suitable. Where• ft lobse lobsmaterial is
used most gardeners keep weeds down
by applications of commercial weed
killers,-, waste oil or rock salt. These
help.. to bind . gravel,• too, keep- `down
dust . and discourage frost.
Special Flowers
Listed in any good seed catalogue
will be flowers that fit special locations.
0064-01C O
POPE 1 0.----
Bmsfr OF di3.A.TIORIAL
Guaranteed workmanship at' ,
prices thatplease you.
'Call atour office; Phone 242J or
drop us a line to Box 161, Gode-
rick. ' We will be pleased to call
salad help choose a' suitable mem-
orial for your family plot,
R. A: SPO'.t"PON
St, Andrew's St.
No extra ehrge for.the use
of our Funeral Home,' Toron-
to Street.__- .T
Prompt Ambulance
• Service
Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7
The Memorial Ideal . .
A monument of enduring' Granite or Marble, symbolic
in design and reverent in purpose, resting it surroundings
of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honour to the
dead, a constant soured of inspiration to the living.
Write, Box 150 Exeter, phone 41j, Exeter
Hoineto at-
Rheumatic pains may often be caused by
excess uric .acid, a blood .impurity that
should be extracted by the kidneys. If
kiilneysfail, xnd aX id re ins, it
may cause severe discomfort and _pain.
.Treat rheumatic pains' by keeping your
kidneys in good conclition. Get and • use
Dodd'( Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your
kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons
and excess acids—help you feel 'better.
See what Dodd's can do for you. 137
Some, like- portulaca, do best in blaz-
ing sun and poor soil, some like damp,
spots, a large number prefer partial
shade and a 'few actually thrive best
in a dark corner. The tuberous -rooted
begonia is in this class and it produces
brilliant flowers too. When planning
any layout' it is well .to • note special
• Most for - lour Space
Where the vegetable garden is small,
big,,,, growing things like corn, peas,
tomatoes, potatoes and 'Other large
vegetables create a special problem.
Unlike lettuce, spinach; beets, beans,
carrots, etc., -which can be fitted into
rows only 12• to 1t incheas mart if
necessary, these others take up twice
or 'snore than that reek.. Corn,`,
tomatoes ,and potatoes need from 18
inches to two feet between hills or
plants, and if one is to have enough
green peas for a meal from each pick-
ing then at least 30 feet of' and
preferably 50, will be necessary.
Those gardeners with only a plot 20
feet • or so - eac•h way uktailly decide
after :3OIm' EexperieIl('e t(1 abandon
hotatn-,growing altogether. There are
011ie things that take up less room
%n(1 ; lel(' far more. The other three
.veget fbles mentioned., however, should
not b given up without more i.ofeeder.
action, ,The quality of peat% told rein
right .out of the garden cannot °be
*duplidatede .ti,. distinct change tapes
plaice in both avgetabl('i=i in from two to
folly lou s after pieitinl , tine feu
trant4itilg t , s '1`c 10 ' 'i ���
. Quickly =laved d i i 'Asan SanitaryTle
010r1GCLINTON' •
William ,tone 'Sons.
cks. Pbolte onset.
216 ' itATPORD
t\t It
Have you renewed your subscription
to The -Signal -Star? If it is in arrears,
it .s attention.
Light is Cheap — bu►
Plenty of iaod
light cern do much
to pratoct- eyves.
Good light means
lots of light, dif-
idfused so ' as to
avoid -glare. You
can't be top care-
ful of eyes .
especially youno
jti ,iii .'ti,�¢�:•fl.�}1::•:ti��• �•��":•::
HL 464
M. Rawlinson Limited regularly
up and ship Household ''urnitttr, on
solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, 5askmtch=
ewer'. Alberta, British Columbia and to
California.Wire or phone for reduced
freight rates Established 1885.
6'>i Yo l `"Ti tCfltra :; ,s K.it3g •l ,tit , r
:;mac::+!►.�k�:��{ t::i:�•r,.1!M!!::�K
To Those .Convalescing
After .Severe iIIuess
After many severe illnesses or serious operations
the -patient-is .very—often.—left in an extremely weak,
nervous, run-down condition.
To all those convalescents ' who need some kind
of a tonin to stimulate and build up the weakened
system, we would recommend Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills to aadilt
them back to health --happiness again.
These pills helpsupply elements necessary to assist the convalescent
�. 6a brining back bodily strength and vigour.
Price 50o a box, E5 p at g
ark a . react ..
c d m d �, *�--
... ok far�.o a "Red �.
T:,o d;t�a
.._.....�...._..._�._ _ _.&tom..
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toroht,o`, Ont.
V4*C%tok says,--
There's nothing better than a delicious
cake far ' those snacks and lunches.
There's : nothing harder to provide
without the • best. ingredients. Ilse
rf,x Krngi'attyi
t and make good cake -baking easy.
The Lamplighter. * Jack Martin, 0.S.4., C.P.E.
s9 s 0
at the touch of a switch! Light that
could be fed by the force of a
waterfall hundreds of miles away !
Old timers - -shook their heads and
,walked warily around the new electric
light standard. Jim, the laxaplighter, •
left his taeltipped lighting pole:t
home and did his regular rounds with
a pair of pliers and a handful of
carbon pencils, shaking his head
at the newfangled invention that
had turned, his world topsy-turvy
But the childreri in the Canadian
cities accepted the change with •
unalloyed enthusiasm. Gleefully :
they followed the Latplightei ---'
turned -electrician, gathering w as
prizes the burned -out c
Great men like Sir Adam
]eck,•father ,of the
Ontario flydrorElectric
• Power System, were to
set the pattern of publicly
owned , power develop-
' ment for •,the world.
Enterprising gbusinessmen
were working over plansfor the
electrification . of their factories.
The stubby black carbon pencils
the children ,of the '90's collected
were • a' portent and an augury
for the bright' light of .Destiny-
that'was .to shine on their country.
Today, by our purchase ander,
holding of Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates,
each one of us has a
chance to play a personal
part in the bright future
of our country—To invest
our savings, as we place
our faith, in the Canada
Unlimited of tomorrow.
One of a writs
depleting the growth of
Canada a3 a nation,
•produced by O'Keefe's
on the oec3sion of their
IO9111 aritllversary.
149 416'
6 P310
"'""W:'" Canada'En a/Alta C
• gra sae ee. easeee