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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-25, Page 5
TII13R,SDAYo A.PRII 2atl a THHU GODERICH SINAL -TAR STEWARTS! FLOWERS FOR DISTINCTIVE FLORAL ARRANOWMMENTB' Fresh Roses aiiyays lin stock none 860J at all hours. Martial S. Stewakt The , Squgre "La flower i>4 hab been Stewart's Mince 11802." DOINGS OF DUNGANNON. DUNNGANNON.,, Apr. 24. Miss Jean. Stothers, of the Toronto school<,teach- ing staff, 18 a' holiday visitor with her father, Mr. Thos. Stothers. Mrs.- 1?. r, . Sitter of Wilkie. Sask., arrived last Friday to visit her sister, >Irs. W: R. Andrew,, Little 'Joan I+iills of Ebenezer' Is visiting her cousin, Miss Fern Robb; and IIrs. Robb this week. Mrs. Colin 'Campbell of Ottawa is spending Easter holidays with 'her cousin. 1%Irs. 1LD. A. Fowler. Mrs. B. J. Crawford Came back, last week -end from Detroit, after spending the winter mpnths with her daughter, Mrs.. R. E. Willis. She was aeeom- panied here by her • granddaughter, Mrs. Bob McMillan, and the latter's husband and two sons. Mr, Melvin ` Reed and daughter, Doris, of Tor'oiito. Spent Easter at their home here. a a r Miss Alma Anderson, of near, Galt, , and sister, Miss Mary-- Anderson, of-- Kincardine, fKiincardine, were Easter holiday visitors at their home. Miss Kaye Ilamilton, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, celebrated her ninth birthday on Tues- day, April 23rd, by having a few of her companions in for a party in the after- noon. Many happy returns of the day, I Kaye! Miss Cohnie c Morris,. whose -health has not been very good lately, left on Monday to receive special medical care at, London and to have the trouble determined. Connie, who is the only daughter of Mr. Fred Morris, 4t1r con- cession of Ashfield, is well thou of and respected by all, and we are hoping, she will soon be able to return home. Mrs. Jas.. McWhinney is visiting Rev.- D. A. and" Mrs. McMillan of Tillsonburg, whop served a few years 1%°'" ,- Chtr> Q , f :tine ktecL'la' ku 'ik Work has begun at the PortAlbert airport -in digging up 'the Hydro lines, which will later be placed on the 4th concession of Ashfield. Telephone poles on: the 4th_conee.Ssiort.-..Ji set back farther, in readiness for the, road to be ,paved• this summer. Little PatsyMillion;' of Stratford, daughter of Mr-. and Mrs. Jim Millon,, is visiting her aunt.and uncle, Mir, and Mrs. Lorne 'vers. We hear- that Patsy his lately received a little brother in their'home.' ; The W.1M.S. thank -offering, Sunday serviced yvill be held on May 5th, with Rev. Reba Rein, of: Varna as the. special speaker. Miss Clara Sproul and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hesson, of Stratford, were Easter visitors with','Misses. •Rebina and Nettie Sproul. Miss Bernice Blake, B.A., Oil Sprinigs, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, 1\Ir. and Mrs. John Blake. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. H. McClure had as Easter visitors sir. and Mrs. Alfred Hcfford and family, of Toronto; Ur. and Mrs. Bill McClure, jr., and family, 'of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Widconabe, of Windsor. Mrs. Wid- conibe returned home after spending over e month nursing her sister, Mrs. Chas. Durnin, who is recovering after a lengt illness. `,''Ye are glad she has recovered sufficiently to be able to be up for part of the day. Messrs. Lorne Durgin and Kitchener Finnigan are attending the educational convention in Toronto this week, as representatives from the West Wawit- nosh township school area. Mr. and "Mrs:--- ill i it'inigarr-nf- Gode= rich, daughter Hilda, of Kitchener, and son Carl. of Niagara, were recent visitors' with Mr. and Mss. Rich. Fin- nigan. Mr. and Mrs. IIoward Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. -Eldon Culbert left on Friday, April 12th, for a trip to Cape Capac, Detroit and Cass City, Mich., and on ;their return they spent a day with Mrs. Sproule's brother and 'fam- ily at' Sarnia. —M;r> And,j 1 ,tobre , €tj'e usltetiSo► don,- w exe. Easter week -end visitors' 'wit'h Mr. Wer, i1 Mrs. Thos. Dickson, also Miss Myrtle 1VIcIntyre of Montreal.' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , Godfrey and daughter Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford preule and' son.. Jimmy are visiting at Mountain Grove. • MIs. Minnie Jones spent 'Easter Sun- Roll Your Lawn WITH A TWO -TON MOTOR -DRIVEN ROLLER Barker 6;? ANGLESEA ST, or PHONE 401 J AFTER 6 P.M. 17-18 alcy with lbi<r, and Urs. John. .F.i>'ngaa d, Lolndeo boron lUnitcd thurd W.A. —' The 1 prlil meeting of • the United church W.A. was held 1bloaaday afternoon of last week, which was a few days before the =al date. Mrs. Donald Fowler, presided: Mrs. Geo. Hodges" read _the Scripture lesson. It ,was decided fo purchase two dozen hymn sheets. Plans, pore made for an evenffg service on I Io- thers' Day. Mrs. Robt.+i oore gave Po topic, based on Matthew 5:0. The eollectionn was received and the Mizpah .blessing repeated to close the meeting. t • ' CO URRI 's 'CORNERS CO Rfl'S CORN +' �� LIIS, Apr: ' 23.— Mr. and Mrs—Adam Johnstone visited part of last week With Itee. and Mrs. 1lrown near Sarnia.2.rld Mr. and Mrs, Charles Alton at Tilbury. Miss Pearl, J,a<znieson, is home from Westfield for ,,the holidays. ' ' Miss Jean Nelson and friend, of Toronto, spent -the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Mr. Keith Johnston received word, last week that his wife is leaving for Canada shortly. Harold Parrish` is spending a few days in Lucknow with George Webster. Mr. Davy Parrish of Toronto visited his relatives `here --over the ek-end: Mrs. Darrow and Mr. Barger of Lucknow are h with •' t the latter's daughter and son-in-law here, Mrs George Dren-,. nan and Mr. Drennan. Neither Mrs. Darrow nor Mr. Barger is in good health, •, , - Mig§ Myrtle Johnstone of Goderich spent last week at her home here. Mr.. John Parrish visited with Mr. and Mrs. T:lrner Parrish -at Corrie a few days' last week, Mr. find Mrs. -Fred Baxter. Carol and Lynn flint—:itis ARIT Litti of -3'01x- ontn'and Mr. Albert.McQuoid of Luck - now :spent the rreeie-girok with Mr. and ,Mrs. 3 -ns. Little Also visiting there on Stanley were Mr. and ;MIN, Warner t'.11tJ.(1y1'. ,Apr. 24. -- Miss Retty export • trade is through the sale of Smyth. Phyllis and Audlr y1 of Tees- Voting of London was home, for the young animals froin her herds of pure - water and Mr. and Mrs. Gorr ill Welch week -end. with her letrents, Mr. and and :lir, and sirs. Earl Gray of Walker- r bred livestock. At three recent sales Alas. Lloyd Young. of main beef breeds buyers were pre - Mr. -Keith Young of Jloiitt•ealpent ,.sent from several foreign countries and the week -end with hisparents, Mr.' itrdees reached xeeoid heights. At a and Mrs, Gordon Youug. . show and sale of Shorthorns at Perth,..fi,e., T 4..�:.nn4_i.ctnA:. 4\Hca-x:.:khc7isv.YnJ'F.?�[,`..,"ir�;,'d�:.r':r 'J"_°`:E_.. •-t l i n 'a it ._ � tax .: titin �1�>+ the`. week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _Gordon McPhee. __.... — Mr. and Airs. --Hamilton and Murray, of Theaford. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoll. 'Visitors with Mr8. Mitchell over ,ORT ALBERT . ; MA:PEEING EIN POI'+'JL,ALBllM',4.', Apr. 2I. Mr. Cf-ob MA.,7 EEII€'G, Apr. awl 1It~r1. McGee,. who is. attending c 'naverstty Dan nate; Toronto, spent the Iaol da '. at Toronto, spent, last week -end at the w Leh -end with his g$.aucianotber, Mrs. home of his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ni. 3. Wake, and 1bir. and Mrs. IIDrnest, AlbertMcGee. Mahe.' .Other oguests d'tthe home en Mr. and Mrs.' Percy Dahmer of Sunday were .11'liayllin and Muriel trilabe Kitchener, Miss Mar"1orie McKerizie of ,and Misr Hannah McDonald, Lue w;' and Mr Hamilton- and Mr. • ans. I3obt, . Muio r. and Mrs. Harold' WebSte;r and.. MacAllister and: baby daughter, of Alan, Auburn. West Wawttnosli spent last Sunday at Louise. Andrew, who was ill with the home of the ladies' mother, I irs. imeu`monia las week, is much lru- ,Jas. McKenzie. l�ruved. •:a' '' Mrs. Jean .&tbill and Mrs. Mary Iblr, and Mrs. Cecil Johnston visited Dickson of Hamilton event the Easter Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat. Watford, holidays at the home,of their parents: on Sunday., They were a accowpanied Mr.. and:1V1<rs.' Harry Lednor. by Mrs. Annie Jnhaisston, Lueknow, Mr. Donald Mckenzie spent. last who - re`ntained at her daughter's. week -end in Detroit and Windsor. • Several from hcre attended the, . i11r, and.Mrs. Leonard Crawford and 'tharnk,Of Bring meeting*. in Ifla.cl�ett's • fandlY,,of. Goderich, speiri last Sunday ehur>Gli: on. griday evening, and • en - 'visiting with'Mr. •and Mrs, Clifford joyed the program and an interesting address by Mr.' Alex, Smith, Lucknow. Misses Eda Phillips; Toronto, and litnrgaret 'ltiliips, Godericb,, were holiday visitors with .their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips. 'Mrs. G. 0. Bere and, Marilielle, Nile, Micky Ethel Brown went to London -spent the week -end with her parents, last week for, further treatment for Mr. and Mrs. IL Horton„ her health. Mrs. Alec Sillib of doderich spent some' time with her daughter, - Mrs. a few dztys visiting friends hi the Walter Scott, Belgrave. vieidtity. fir, end .Mrs. Geo._ $niiu ,ers had alr The April meeting of tile' W.M.S. their family home on Easter Sunday. and W.A. of the United church was Also Mr. Edgar Ritcliie, Lyle and Jean, held on Thursday last in the church _ Zion, visited thein. Lottie Saunders with ten ladies present. -The leader • returnees( with thein for a holiday. for the devotional period was Mrs. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Elsner Graham, . taking as the thence Irvine at the week -end and on Sunday "Ye, shall be may witness," with Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. C. Morrison. Billy Leduor, Mrs. Gilmour and Mrs. Jas. and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. I'.. Blundell McKenzie reading the Scripture pass- and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram 14s• Delegates were appointed to the 'Curran, all of Gederic•h. Presbyterial.ineetiiig at \1'inghaiu on Thm•s(I y. The meeting elosed with BRITISH PURE `•;RED STOCK the singing of a hymn. Crawford and family. A large number attended tile wedding on Easter Monday' in the Anglican church when Miss Dorothy Tiger~ be- came the bride: of ,Mr. Raymond Barker of ,G iide rit:h. Mrs. .Norman Shackleton' is `pending , CARLOW �BRIB[Gl :. RECORD PRICES One of the *means by Whichxreat Britain is endeavoring, to revue her O ton. Mrs. (xray is ren)aining this week with • her parents. , ," The people of this cofnmunity were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Nell s-•mnathv to the sorrowing relatives. Miss IdelI MacDonald of Hamilton is spending .a while at her home here.' MUST WORK FOR IT sold for- 14,500 guineas ($08,150 in Canadian money) , a world's record price for a beef bull. The buyer w_es. from Missouri, I.'.S.A. At this sale 309 bulls were sold atlin average -price of £530; ' or $2,358.50. A --heifer sold. (Iiathl>ridge Herald) the week=end were Mr. and Mrs Clias." at 3,000 guineas, and 108 females men The sooner we -get to the point where Mitchell and baby, of Atwood, Hiss at„ -an average oDe1175, we understand that, as a natidn,. we Stewart and Miss Margaret Mitchell, The Aberdeen Angus sale, also_ held. get only...: lrat we produce in foods •of London, Mrs. C. Stowe and—two at Perth, was the largest of the three. girls, of 'Goderich. - but "top pricevere not so high. The and services from the rich natural3Ir. and .lira.. Clare Parton of Tor- "suprewe champion"- bull sold at 7,500 resources which are ours, and that' onto visited with Mrs. llugh Hill and gilineas ($35,250), the average price we must work hard to produce just ;firs. Dean, sr.. for 329 bulls ,was £208 ($1.192.00, blur ais..they are doing'ip Britain, the sooner, Mr. James Fatr.ish't spent a few days , Canadian money), and 144 heifers n lot - of the foolish agitation which at—London with Mrs. Farrish, who' is l brotaght an average of £17'3, top price iq_, holding back production now will being 2,000 guineas., ($9,400) . viinish from the scene. Both. Industryidihe week The Hereford show, held at the city' Irma Bean is the and labor must learn that idle machin- with Mr. and Jars...-h'hai. Wallis near of Hereford, England, was the smallest (pry and ,idle..... --hands _ will not pay Bayfield. . ,` of the ,three. The best bull in the'how dividends.. and that •-i-t- is only 'by all Lawrence Smyth. is ' spending the sold at 12,500 guineas, ' or $58,750. • working to produce a higher national week With his uncle, - Reeve• Brown , Twelve bells sold for 500 guineas or income that we can • reach the point Stnytli,: West .«'awanosh, , over. No females were offered. where a. better social .security plan Airs. Tont Wilson and two children The three sales brought in a very can be put into effect. improving nicely. PM4,1111 Y> SUPERIOR TORES '2'1) AN "i °I''II NUAL SPR *SAL Sto>z>iy't TOMATO SOUP 2 tini3 .1.UO Datig GELATINE pkg. 3,90 erot zerA SODAS 1 lb. bag 10o Roval Manor PUDDINGS pkg, ec Aylmer • INFANT • FOODS 3 tins 25c NUTRIM lahv Cereal 16 oz. pkg. 45 VtGO -8 Choc. Malted ▪ Fnad hiring 15 oz °tin 39c 'Tilbest. 'FEIN PRS kO rA.. ' SAL p%, ,250 v R.P r$. A'U'CL.,°.,,,. bottle aic a.M.x,or4nAUtis Plain 011iteen OLIVE' 6 oz: jai' 29.0 i >rother'e roronut Anger _. COOS Cove,An'e Perfection • COCOA" ,1 lb. tin 240 1W',14as apf • 'ria Bellil'r SHORTENING 1lb. Ige �9'lry AYL1VIER Boiled Dinner 23c CHARM Cleaner 'i . 10c Grape Nuts IMARES Targe ! p,kgi3., 250 MaitzWeit ITouse 11). tag 3 Ji ai ai. "t'aor 1c CHEESE L4 lb. pig, 21. PRETZEL STI C.' pkg. 22c Cott aai ... Rorn1ess sm. Bafth' , CHICKEN i HT oz. tin c �1�LV O o BRASSO r5c Ohl ial-ela CLEANSER tin 10c 1 Laainir'c 0.0, SAUCE JAV'EX bottle 1.40 8 oz. bot, 19c CHAN Taste Wax I ll . din 590 i mill Nra's punt-rmir GR.O:..P'IIP CHAX Speed Coat ' 59c 21b. pkg, 25c LABINE STUMBLED "Jumping cats—uraniu'" With this 'cry mto the lifeless world around him, a tall fur -covered than made ! one, oTr�ae ..- disearyaeri, .1 ^t„. y' hllr V centtl r •• J A few moments earlier he had been walking Slowly over- a snow-covered waste, his eyes half closed against the glare of the northern sun.. Suddenly his foot caught on a pro- truding rock and he fell to the ground. When he examined the offending obstacle he found that ft was a• stone commonly called' pitch-blende, a min- eral rich in the radio -active metal . -iYour family and your friends really respect you for sour regular church_ .attendance: -17. AND NOW ._F , A POUND OF (CGS are spending the week with her brother ' large sura, much of it from the United Hilton at Parkhill. • 1 States, Argentina and the Dominions. Some excellent stock:, however, was _ ilea in. ,l3ritnin _and British breeders -1 , will continue to lead the world. ST. HELEN - i T. HELENS, Apr. 22. --Mrs. Tom .Wilson and Terry, Mrs. Stuart a'ollyer, Messrs. Wallace and Allan Miller at- tended the memorial service in the Presbyterian church, Whitechurch, on Sunday .Ittorning, when two windows and a . bt"otue tablet were travelled memory of Tont Wilson, McKenzie Mowbray and Stanley Mellrvraith. Atm -James (Gaunt, wlio wa, ,serine i11, is making very favorable recon in the Goderich. hospi't21. Holiday Visitors. -Easter visitors the community included Miss I�'. D. 'Rutherford of Kirkland Lake with 2liss :Mary Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs. \V. :I. Miller; Miss Norma «'eatlterhead of Orane'gevilland hiss Grace Weather - head of Lanes with their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Weatherhelad; Mrs. Alex. MIur'(.lie rand _ Bollby, of . Toronto, and Mr. and, Mrs. Mel. I Brown of Kitchener, with ,lir. and Mrs. R. Woods; Mrs. Arnold Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods and children and .Mr-, Wm. •I)ougherty of Guelph with Mrs. R.•.J, Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd and David of Stratford with • uranium. So it was that Gilbert Labine discovered' the greatest of all nature's secret store -houses, the largest deposit of uranium in the world. wed It�uety i °wry.; t Jze :7i' /do ;a.de. a discoverysupreme of sup gime izaParnce,.to his country; saw that It would open up a new industry, bring work and prosperity to thousands' of people, and at once he decided to 'name the place "El Dorado." Today the El Dorado mine Is pro= clueing uranium for, the Nnadian "Gov ernment. It has a larger output of - this metal than any other mine in the world. -0. Hamilton in Weekly Tele• graph. ' BINGO (Toronto Star) - Some municipal authorities still seem puzzled as to • their place in the bingo picture. The.fact is they haven() place' in it at all, a4_ the -ntemorandum- recent- ly ecent ly circulated by the Atforne�=-General of the Province made plain. A muni- �ly i•i-1-u1.-t4+otlnell car -(=hie( �nlicer -ean -iss k recovery ,;i permit for a raffle at a bazaar beta for a charitable or religious object if to no )1iFiz(' exceeds .$50 in valve, and if the wiz(' have first been offered for salf. But .11 bingo cannot be so author-. ized. The provision -as to that or sim- ilar games is that they can he played in premises, used by an ineorporittetl social club if no portion of the pro- ceedings goes',to the person keeping it, and no .fee in excess •of 10 cents per hour or 50 cents per day is chtarged. Bingo eau also be played ''occasionally" in premises used• by charitable or re - 1 ligious orgi►nizaturns if the proceeds are to he devoted .to a charitable or religions object. -and Mrs d). `I' c3 lr: Murray i Taylor_ of l\'ingliani at his house; Mr. a1'id Mrs. Rohert 21 '(juillin end George of 'Hamilton with- Mr. \Vin. and Miss Rea trice-McQuiila. arnpb el i's YOUR FRIENDLY rug Store HOUSE CLEAVING NEEDS HAVE. 1-':01; --COPY *F. TH-E4 famous will of_ Dr. "Tiger" Dunlop? It's well worth having. You can get a copy for 25 cents at THE SIGNAL - STAR. ltf Lysol DISINFECTANT . ; ... 35c, • 65c, 1.25 Mystic Foam FOR Rel GS -' Floor Wax I.D.A. Lb. reg. 43c • 39c New Rust Remover! Rust -Rid 57c Safe -- Effective CLEANING" FLUID, I.D.A. 10 oz. 37c IDAKLEEN, 1 gallon 66c LARVEX :. • . 83c, $1.29, $1.98 AER -A -SOL Bomb,, for insects ..$4.98', 49c, :89c' w 011 Three Healthy Youngsters five et* • Quoting eggs by the pound would be confusing, wouldn't it? You buy qggs bythe.dozen, milk by the quart, meat°by- the pound. By what measure do you buy el,ectricity?'• You buy; electricity by the kilowatt-hour, and you should know what a kilowatt-hour can do -for you. An electric lamp or appliance is usiially marked "60._, watts", "500 watts", "1000 watts", as the case may be: - The mark simply indicafeswthe, number of watts of electriFity that the lamp or appliance will use. A kilowatt. is simply 1000 watts. A kilowatt-hour is 1000 watts used .for ono hour -78r 100 watts for ten hours: So that one kilowatt-hour will operate your 1000 watt electric iron for one hour. And at what a small cost! The average urban• rate for Hydro in Ontario is about . 1-1/50 per kilowatt-hour. Jw t over 1 c to light a 100.watt lamp for 10 hours, or drive a washing ,Machine (or four hours! Isn't it great tb live in Ontari©, where hydro rates are among the lowest in the world? A. BRAND SPECIALS CALAMINE LOTION 4 oz. reg. 25c CARBOLIC Healing Oint. reg. 25c ACETONE I oz. reg. 10c CORN REMOVER 1/4 oz. reg. 25c EPSOM SALT •16 oz. reg. 150 SULPHUR 16 oz." reg. 15c 19c 19c 8c. HYPOPHOSPHITES Syrup, reg. 98c 790 WORM SYRUP 2 oz. reg. 350 27o COLD CREAM • Reg. 690 570 18c HALIBUT LIVER OIL Caps. .100's 98c 110 XLEEN-OR Antiseptic 4 oz. regi 25c .-- 19c 11c 16• oz.oreg. 790 p> 63o .tib t VING CESS11 TIES EVER -READY Shaving Cream L.D.A. $e'and , 33c TEC:d'i Razor and Blades Set ..... 49c WILLIAMS Aqua Vein, 49c Glider Shove Cream 29c BAR;ASOL Shave Cream ... , .... 29c GILLETTE Shaving Crean .. , .. .. 33c MINORA BLADES ... , .: , . , 12 Thr 25c LAVEN :0 ER Shave Lotion, I.D.A. rand 43e 'MENNEN Shave ,Creara. 30c :rn THE WYD.RO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OE, ONTARIO ONLY by good care of little pigs ears Canada be assured of holding the 1lritish• expori; bacon trade and meeting the increasing domestic need for pork products. To halve healthy pigs, then Dofiinion Department of Agriculture nay's good feeding of the sow ba?foro ahc%a" iarr•ow•ing is necetnary.Sucklin g pial need iron, should be creep fed and given ample mina l and (;,.!x•,r g'aotot.h promoting ffeeils. Healthy pign are pr{oiitable pig,. Phone Vii!