HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-25, Page 4PMIE FOUR
eontributions ratesing from 1011.!
Pilals in Malta has now been raised,
it is announeed by A. G. Cutayar,
onto, sponsors of the appeal. The
isnn and the Malta War Memorial
Malta., Mr. Cutayar explains that the
tutiop dependent Mims. puddle contribu-
Plans to organize. a "triendS of
Mate moveurnt in. Canada at•e au -
will be to secure 26;000. peerle
Canada who win.; eontribute a year
toward financing the Malta chilften'e.
The 600 - from Malta now
resident in Ontario are lending their
sgpport to„ the eurrernt campaign of
the Malta War Relief Fund, and of-
ficials et thee fluid are confident that.
Wally :Ehousantl of dollars will, be
1.11 • recognilimi Vieir part in the
siege. of Malta thiring World War II
rded. a bronze. cress by .the Chief
The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co., Ltd.
111111110 MAREIT 0111111$1.$
Itifirell MIN IND UM 014411Mir
VITA B CEREAL LI° 100 tur, 25f
DAN DEE SEEDS 4:ET":51.1 LAT 250
PURITY FLOUR -7it; 23# 730
MILK BREAD 0 1%41 FPRAZ L2,34:1 150
Large Pkg. 2v
3 Bars 200
IAN lb. 290
co Funs- ClUAIER rigs. 154
2 Tins 2111
um. soup CAMPBELL!A
4 _Cokes
Texas- Marsh 'Seedless 96's
5 for 219c
'Cub n.R-d Spanish 24's
3 c. ea 3 for $1 0
ICEBERG 60'3 2 f." 250
PASCAL 2 for 270
NATIVE GROWN - on. 25d.
TtielltCH I" 250
gL AGE prt,PdGrtreodon''. ao
cANADA, 6.- Ocado
go ma Coottiou
e mgs
A. quiet wedding took place in St.
Peter's church on Monday morning,
when Eldon Jerome Thomas and Rita
Maria Salm, both of St. Louie parish,
Waterlee, Were united in marriage
by Rev."II.'t Fallon. The bridesmaid
was Mr . Edward Kraehling- of °Kitch-
ener and the groomsman was Cameron
Bishop of Goderich.
The marrfage of Helen Kathleen,
Reg.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Fisher, H.R. 2, Clinton, to Mr. Droughts
Leroy. Pratt, tssly son Mg, and Mrs.
'Chester Pratt. 05 Trinity 44., t.itrat-
ford,, was solemnized on .TIstirsday
afternoon at o'cleck in Benmiller
ficiated. ,Miss Vivian Straughau of
•Benrailler played the wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by er
fath.er, wore a floor -length gown
St. Peter's churell was the -scene
of a .quiet wedding on Wednesday
'. morning. April 24th, when Gertrude
iCelleen„ youngest daughter of Mr. and
I 'Mrs. Simon McKay, . of town, was
united in marriage .to Irvine II. Eedy,
Dungannon. ' The bride wits lovely in
with mveetheart neckline and insertS
of lace in the skirt ; her veil was finger-
tip length and she carried. do.rk red
roses tied with white. streamers. iiIer
only ornament .was the groom% gift. 4
single strand of pearls. Attending the
bride.. waS her". sisters.„Mrs. Jack Van
Herne of London, wear ug a 001 -
length gown of alive blue silk jersey
Sivith net skirt and bandeau ,of bine net
caught with tiny flowers and gloves to
mateh. Her flowers were pink roses.
Thornton Eedy was his brother's best
man. A reception was held at the
white uet over taffeta aud•wlute gleves. home of the bride's parents,' where
Her emhroidered net veil fell lat a Mrs. McKay received Abe guests •.-Wear-
seft _train and was '.l.ield in a floral 1,11g a black . and pink printed silk.
halo. She carried a bouquet of 'Pre- jersey with black accessories and
corsage of 'pink roses. , The
mier ruses.... The bride's attendants a '
groom's mother assisted dressed in
ListoWel, hi h. frock of rose taffeta and a blatk and gold silk jersey with black
the i roses. Later the couple left on a
.rOses, and Miss Donna Fisher,
bride's.•sister, who wor(7-, a floor -length! motor trip, the bride dressed in a
gown of ,:pide piok erepo aud.imilithiog! Powder blue, gabardine • dressmaker
veil. She carried a'bouquet of Better I suit' brown -top coat and brOWn -ac--
Time rOses. Robert Appel' of Kitch- 1 cessuries with a corsage 'of pitik roses.
eller was , best 1111111 and John Dicksonl Prior to her marriage Miss Colleen
cap and saucer shower at the home
0 The reception was held in the church!
parlors. where receiving•With •the bridal 'i of Miss Jean Raynor. Mrs, McKay
couple were Mrs. Fisher, mother o• f t he , also entertained at a trossea u tea for
bride, wearing a mauve 110,vered her daughter and was assisted in re,
jersey, and Mrs. Pratt, mother of the' eviviug: her guests by the bride -elect.
crepe. ,They. ezic..14 wore a Vorsage of with sprilig flowers. Mrs. Eedy and
white roses. ("nests were present from- Miss Luclife ,Eedy• presided' at the
Windsor, Hatt -Mon, K itchener, St. tea table, assisted- by 'Miss Rose lox.
Others displaying- -thez .trosseau and
Thomas, Stratford and Goderich.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Pratt left on a_gifts were Miss Betty• Harris, Mrs.
Breckenridge; Aliss Rose Marie
yltrip to Chicago, the bride wearing a •Ru•V
gold!colored suit with matching brewn Hartney and Miss Jean Raynor. •
At 3 MeetilaU .02 the Igaitland Golf
Club executive held at' the club house
on Thursday evening, pleaSure was
expressed with the wort. so far a the
newly -appointed golf pro!, Walter Good.
win, and with. the i4ogress he has
made in the improvement of trie course.
F. 'R. Darrow reported on the ar-
rangements' made for tbe Golf Chab
danee,to be held, on Friday evening Og
tins week.-lf. -banner evening is ex -
Judge T. AL Costello, chairman of
the greunds committee, reported that,
the grounds would be in first-class
sho•Pe for the sealon opening on May
Secretary W. A. Coulthurst reported
on ,the general progress made thward
preparationts for what Is hoped to be
a very successful season. It is ex-
pected that ,the, tennis court wAll be
*slight into first-class shape for. the
seicsun. It was annouucell that Presi-
dent J. A. Graham will present a
flag to the Club to be unfurled'at the
official opening.
All signs point to a revival of the
old Huron anti Perth Baseball League.
dormant since 1940. A. meeting has
been called- for this (Thursday) even -
Mg. at the Bedford Hotel for the pur-
pose* of finding out what.: intereSt there
Is among members of the various teams
‘vhich were' once in the loop.
, Arnold McConnell, a member of the
executixe 0D the old league, reports
that he has been notified by Stan
Tudor of Hensall, Dave Wilspn• of Sea,
!forth and Ifugh 'MIN -kills of Clinton
their interest in reviving -the league
and- delegates also 'are expected at
the meeting from Exeter and Lucan.
The Huron -Perth was One of the best,
!intermediate, baseball leagues in the'
0.13,A, in pre-war tufa 'earl)* war years..
Hensall, the 1040 Huron -Perth winners,
went on. to the Ontario inteemediate
i championship that season. •
RUTHERFORD—MacMATH Christ church, I ort Albert, decorated,
flowers - and tall candelabra, with
A pretty wedding, took place quietly with •• Easter lilies, feruS, spring -
in Knox Presbyterian church on Good
)ftyf Veff y spring „wedding . ou -WW1 eftgalr-LetfeeWiTrie- -held
third daughter 'of Mr. and __Mrs. S. R. Monday, April 22nd, at higli'lloon, when at the armOries on Friday evening at
MacMath, Godericirs was united in Dorothy Isabel, eldest daughter of mr, 7.30. A change of time has been made
marriage to Donald Hunan, third son
of Mrs. Rutherford and the late .Mr* was united in marriage ti,It Raymond announced, to the earlier' hour. "Nip:"
M. -C. -Rutherford, Woodstock. 'Rey. , • -WhetStmfe, who is calling the ineet-
Ilaro•ld Tigert and the late Mrs. Tigert-, front '8.30, -which, had 'been originally
SteWart of Knox church officiated. 'Airs. H. T. Barker, Goderich. The
Doll Prams
Doll Itrollers.
Streamlined Prams a Strollers. Leather lined throUghout
in Blue; Grey, Silver, etc. Strollers are adjustable. •
Oval Extension Table and 8: Chairs (used) $16.00
On the Broadway of Goderich
Phone 2403
(From the Windsor. Star)
League held the quarterly,. meeting at Hambrirgers, hUt. dogs sWindser, 10e; .
the home of the president, Mr. H. M.! Detroit, 21c.
I Monteith, last Thursday evening. A , Meal in ordinarily good restaurant,
! pleasing feature of the even'ing was without wine or tips: Windsor, 75c;
to Air. -Monteith, in appreciation of his
Windsor, $2.N5 per month; Detroit,
sthe presentation of, a leather , Telephone, two-party full service:
hag, wbuld like to see- a turnout of all ,
.. at the double wedding ring ceremony:
The bride was charming in a long , _
double ring ceremony was performed the repre,sentatives of the variout 1
ivory ,satin gown, with tralu, and "Y Rev. A. C. JuSelyn of Lucknow. organizations and factories interested!
Walter Tigert; uncle of the bride, ,in entering a team in the leagne this:
'carried red roses and White carnations..
Her fingertip veil was caught in 400. Played the wedding music. and to the year, Representatives of the ladies ;
strains of the L6liengrin wedding team also are urged to attend. , , I
effect, with erange blossoms. She wore march the bride took her place before It is desirable that plans for the ;
pearls, the gift of the groom. Owing ans . arch . of daffodils, ' accompanied coming season be laid as quickly as '
to the illness of her father, she was
eScorted to the altar by her brother -in. - by her father Who gave her in mar -
1 ' , S t. D, C 1.1' s : g riage. She loOked quite lovely in,her
wedding •dress of ivory slipper .satin, -
possible so that afi. early start can be '
had. I
efficieut services datioksthe war years.
The presentation was made' on behalf
of the committee by Mr. p. E. Camp-
bell, who spoke 'of the admirable man -
$5 -$6 Jiersmonth.
Electricity, average tier fartilly ne
four: AVinclsor, $5-$6 for two months;
In expreSsing his thanks for the shave.: Wi•ndsor, 25c; Detroit, 50c -
gift, Mr. Monteith spoke of his regret GUS,
in leaving.Goderich. The work 'of the Chocolates, goOd quality: 'Windsor,
Navy ',eagle- ho cofisidered very 70e; Detroit, $1.
portant, and he thanfsed the members DbwntoWn Movie: Wind -sin*, 45c -48e;
for their co-operation. •
A resume of the work of the year
Showed cash. reniitted to headquarters,
-$534.96 -,1Sooks and magazines weighing
4,050 noun& were shipped; work cum-
•pleted 4sy the committee upder Mrs, G. doughnuts. bus fare) : Windsor, $3.47;
I:. Parsons included 50 ditty bags, 186 Detroit, So.10,
Pairs socks, 36 pairS minesweepers' , Bread: Windsor, 5e to 1.0c; Detroit,
5 fur -coats; one, secondhand leather
Detroit, 85c.
Btis or street car_ fare: Windsor, 7c
TWO persons, on eve-rib:1g out (one
drink each; dinar,,, movie, coffee,
Collier. . Miss Eisther ,MacMath was E. H._ 140K:1:WE, EDUCATION- I Besides this, Mrs. Pars
marriage by her_ Oldest sister, Mrs. ons reported
floor -length, with .fitted- bodice ' and,
sweetheart neckline; and' lace • inserts,
her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a long the long. sleeves coming to lily point8
gown of white silk jersey with. net.,, over the hands ' and the skirt falling
a garlapd.of white blossoms, and carry- _into a long graceful train, over which
ing pink and white spring flowers.
The groom was attended by his bro- fell a long flowing- veil' of double net
. embroidered' ,and • scalloped which was
, (s. 1N. -Dowker was, appointed presi-
Butter : Windsor, 42c to 44c; Detroit,
56e to 60e.
' isli Das AT PETERBOR0.1- 42 pairs socks were sent to- head- De-troit, 27c.
_ • , I quarters this month. ., - • Choeoltite milk shake at fountain :
k . I Mr. E. J. Pridham was the magazine Windsor. 15e; Detroit, 23c. ‘ .
Was Public .'Schoof inspector Here for i -
cOnvener and flitv', treasurer. Mr. 0:
I N'' DoWker, reported that anceSTauniaryl If you light for someone. you won't
Kone, 59, for nineteen years a Master ,' the total cash receipts --wers_$727.85. Vight with tilern.
th , M . B • • e "! held in place by a sweetheart head- in. the London Normal. School, for ,
diug urusic was played by_ the bride's ! nt," to succeed Mr. Monteith: and
. [dress. She -carried a shower boliquet xear scheer inspector living -in' ur
os wiiite roses -.and -white - seNin
the signing of the register the groons'st streamers tied with White: bouvardia
sister, Miss Margaret -Rutherford, sang, and wore her mother's rpendant as her
sl'll Walls Beside You." , • • . only ornament. "Her matron of honor
'Wedding breakfast was .served, at I was Miss 1,2orothy .ThOnip'son of
the Bedford Hotel, after which Mr. and„f Walkerton, who • wore a floot-length
Mrs. Rutherford -left on a' honeymoon ' dress ef blue net over taffeta with a'
I trip by ,,,motor. Mrs. Rutherford, ,gr,
buider-length veil held in. place by
travelled in a wool. suit of black and I • , , • . •
a r I carnations,: Miss ' Margaret Tig,ert, Thursday. It was understood the'
and red roses; black accessories and
treasurer pro -tem. '-Other officers are: I
the Peterhoro Normal School, died
Past president, IL -M. Monteith; vice-
Siniday nights in Peterbbro of heart
president, Mrs. F. R. Redditt secre-;
attack *bile awaiting a train tor Tor-.
tary,, Miss Robinson; chairman 'of
ooto to attend the Ontario Educational
Association convention. s•finance, D. E. Campbell; work cora-;
mittee c'onVener, Mrs. G. L. Parsons; I
health, had been at his .desk in the'
A letter was read from headquarters ,"
Normal School until classes closed
white, corsage. They will reside int
Woodstock.' . I Miss Itelen Stothers, Weretridesmaids. , with Mr. McKone's body being cresS
-+They were'dressed in pastel pink and 'mated in Torontb.
and this wes agreed To. -
After the meeting Mrs. Monteith
evening was enjoyed.
The bride, who has been on the
d green respectively and -carried' For a year betwee.n his London and
nursing staffs of the' G d
'Barrie hospitals, was the guest of
henor at showers held by fellow-nnrseS
rat•the homes of -Mrs. Wm. Colter and
.Mrs. Bradley. The groom returned' in
February after two and ashalf years'
overseas service.
-Victoria street: United church was
the setting far a pretty and interesting
wedding on Good Friday afternoon,
when ,Audrei Je-an,* elder daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig, Palmerston
street, was united in marriage to
Robert Angus Chisholm, sou of -Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence' Edward Chisholm, of
Debert,-NOVa Scotia,. The donble-rin
ceremony. Performed„by Rev. Lawrence After the ceremonY, the bride's.aunt, , the kindergarten priinary summer
Turners took place -before an- ef-
Mrs. W. B. Hawkins, was ,hostess to 1„sehool course in -both London and'
feetive arrangement of ferns, candles ,
some thisty guests at her home, where Toronto.. He was an instructor in
tr buffet lunch was served. The hoThe suinmer courses in edueagon given by
was profusely decorated with lighted 'the 'Department of -Education in Nova
tapers and spring flowers and the Scotia.
lunch • table was centr_ed with a pretty - Mr, McKone's home on Wortley road
three -tiered. wedding,cake. Mrs, Frank! south, with its 'specials grounds, was
'Jones, dressed in a-, flowered jersOlfor many years', a favorite haven of
.colOnial bouquets of yelloW rOses, white Peterboro Nbrmal School appointments; 1•
carnations and forget-me-not. 'Their Mr. McKoue was, inspector on exchange! •
headdresses- were wreaths of dowers.- ia Huron South and liVed 111- Goderieh.1
Little Miss Grtfce Tfgert,s'Sister of, the. Before heading the mathematics and I
bride, was flower -girl and was gowned ,4,.tar,glish departments 'at the -London.'
in .a floor -length dress ,of peach crepe ss'ormal Schools beginning in June, 1924,,i
„with a peach bandeau and a nosegay Air. McKete Wits TUreight•years prinri•
of roses .a d carnations. The groom s etPal of Victoria Public School, London,
ring -bearer -and carried- the ring on a, number of years before becoming
a heart -shaped pillow. Bruce Weber, 'principal.
of, Kitchener, cousin, of 'the groom, •waS.1 Ati: his education was received -in
best man and. the bride's brother, Bill ; London. Mr. MeKone, was one of the
Tigert, and her uncle, Hector Tigert, I first graduates from the extramural
were- ushers. During the signing of classes of the University of Western
the register, Mrs.- R. 'Foster sang "0 , Ontario, receiving his B.A.. degree in,
Perfect Love" and "When Song IS. 191'8. He was also' a doctor of_pegagogy
rect."- ss-- • -fend- for several years was principal of
and .spring flowers. The wedding
mnsie was -played by Miss Barbara
Curt, organist of the church, and dur-
ing the 'signing- of • the register. Miss
Betty. Craig, cousin of the bride, sang
beautifully "0 Perfect' Love."- Th
bride, given in marriage by her father, with a corsage of pink carnations,, Ontarie's finest birds. He was a mem-•
was lovely in a street -length ngown of -.assisted the bridal 'party receiving ber of the Ontaria *Naturalist Associa-
midnight blue -crepe fashioned with their 'guests. Mrs. E. D. •Webe'r, aunt tion and of the London branch of .the
'cape sleeves and high neckline. A* of the groom, wore a lime green dress Astronomical ,Society.
White shoulder -length veil fell .from a
with a corsage •of Pink -earnatiOns. SurViving beside his wife in Peters
white feather headdr6ss. She carried ' Atter. felicitations were received, the !bore is a sister, Mrs. yred Billyea, R.R.
Qbeen Ell2abeth roses and she wore NVedding couple left 'on ' a. lioneympon j 4, Denfield. • _,!
the bridegroom's gift, a pendant neck- • , ..
lace. . Mrs. 'Louis. Lane, Goderich, was .
wearing 'stst.delph blue 's.uit with Am -
matron of honor, gowned -in rose crepe ;REMARKABLE FAIVIILY OF -
with' draped ' skirt. A ylolet-coloz•ed ' COWS:LOCALLY OWNED
Veil draped her whife-fil'ather la Id I' . ,
s'''---- tei corsage of orchids. They will take ' Great stress has, been placed in '
dress. She wore gloves of 11E4 R InP I I
.; breeding from, good c,ow families. The
APRIL XN i IRELAND striking results Nat. can be obtained
film. green, gown tirade in similar style (Orillia Packet .and Times) . from, such a program are 'well 11 -
to that worn by the matron of honor. No other Month is dear to•me iii4,April,.` luWated by a group of five maternal.
timped wirh tialigin VOiling and her I ‘yhen tender yonng• -leaves are not. Croderich, all of which have been
It is the gale that'opens into Spritig, si4ers, owned by •W:' •Iinine, einttem,
gloves were _ in ina tehing • shade. . ,Her 1 xreen, bnt golden, " ' graded Very Good or Gold . Medal in
„flowers Were Dream roses.- -Lonts Lane 4 Alur swallows Cleave the air on Selective -.Registratidn....*TheoW Must
w-;,., best 111110 : and the ushers 'were ; joyful .witig. • have - ' excellent conforniation before
William (nesig, Jr., and Stewart Cham- I ' • s , s ' being. officially placed in -either-of these
The- apple trees ore all a -foam. of classes and thiStsik believed to be the
ney, cousins of tlar, bride." After the i
' ceseniony it reception wats-sheld--.1n .010.i.. _. 141-4-)8'44"1-, • -enlysgrimps of fisiS daughters of a
church parlors attended ' by thirty -live And violets fringe the silver monn- HolstT,in . cow in - Canada to be. so
guests' from -Goderich, 'London, Strat-j ' , tahl-rill, . :classified.
shade. and carried an arm ouquet of
Telisenan roses. Miss. Margaret Craig
was her. sister's brklesmaid, wearing- a
fora': Auburn, Winghlun and Kitchener. While happy, carefree thoughts aie Tile dam. 'Of thisr-remarkable family
M1,4.. Craig, wearing navy crepe 'with', N'S' oVe 1'1 in t'0 if; .Meadow Mit& Mattio Posch, whose,
corsage of pink roses and' matching, The soft furze -perfumed breeze upon darn is also a Gold Medal cow and her
sire an XX bull. The five daughters
accessories. WnS assisted in receiving' the bill.
black erepe With litne green accessorievo o April! all the months, that, follow good-looking indiVidttals,' each having
by .Mrs. William Craig, gowned in; „„
- Later, Mr. and Airs. Chisholm left for! ' after , • qualified in the Record of Perforamnee,
a trip tb Debert, Nova -Scotia, ,,to visit i . Are older and more.staid and far less Their average yearly production On
the former's parent s. On stheir return I sweet; ., fest is 15,602 1bs: mills_containing 546
they will' reside in Goderich, The 0. wild and loVely wayWa.rd spirit, ihs. fat. ' . .
liride wore a becoming suit of turquoise i Would I could halt your swiftly fly- "Mattle" had *a son, Meadow.- Made
bine with. brown 10 Niat, brown pic-i ing feet; , ' ' . King PoSch, that was grand champion.
titre ha t a nd matching aeeessories. 1 Ca rriele•on-Suir, , ' .s ---Hester Cooke; .nt the .1ilin Seaforth Fair.' Proof that
Mrs. Craig entertained .nt a trims-; S. Ireland. , . .
. seull tea in honor of ber daughter prior r
•by :Arr. Cbitton's neighbor:4 is the feet
ft) her marriage. She was Assisted by I A DOW plaRtiC ' is only one ttvo. that. four of her grandsons, all- XX
craig. Mrs. L. Lane and Mrs. Frank millionA of an inch thick, -and is said bulls. head herds in Huron county.
Mr.. William Roope, :Mfrs. William
Young.• Mrs. Lane entertained her at to_ be tme thinnest thing ever Made hy Thes'e are the Ater& of D. A. Stirlings,
a miscellaneous shovver ; and the bride- man barring some of his . threnses, of Clip Con : Win., TAngt,' GotieriCh;. IfieOnard
groom was the recipient of a gift from - - ----. -- -, - . ' county, Home, Clinton.—The. Holstein -
i is fellow -employees- of. the GIOderich Encourage you? kiertact = to go to Pkii;siran AssSelation of Canada, Brant -
Time Table Changes
Sunday, April' 28,- 1946
and 'oilier specific dates.
Canadian National Railways
Smith's Cleaning and Pressing
Dyein of service
Cleaning of eiderdowns
We store fur
glazing of furs.
uniforms and great coats to civilian colors.
and drapes and other household. articles a
demothing and
and cloth coats, also cleaning,
you know we can't help, you.'
Phone 567W
Dick the Upholsteror
17 19stf
Coatsworth Cooper Ltd.
We invite Flour Millers and• Chopping Mills to
let us know their,requirements for Grain and
"A market right at your elbow and full
range of Stocks at the local Elevator."
PHONE 80 -
After Hours 90