HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-25, Page 3LIWAL Barrister,, Etc. Telephone 55. • J. . HUNTER RoYal Bank 13).(18, Hamilton Street, Gederich. Phone 968. • W111. SUT Barrister and Solicitor CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountants - 51 Albert , Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. TelePhone : Office 18, Residence 843. iDUE DATES " OF RATION COUPONS l'tWelconung %on, s - New Magistrate Coapons, now valid are augar-pre-La T serVea to S7, butter RI to RO and "••• uer Holds meat Aigo to, mat, V. Chartered Accountants London — Kitchener ;a,. Broughton, Celia—Resident Partner 512 Huron St Erie- Bldg. Phoue Met. 2788, London. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING Ss BOOKKEEPING SERVICE • ,$mail Businesses, Stores, Etc.. Books Balanced Monthlf - Financial Statements Business and Personal Income ltetUrUS ALBERT SHORE ° • Office:Corner North St. and ''Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. OVISMA$ ASKING Q,—What coupons •willa be used fOr the purchase of sugar far .canning this .A..—The regular S coupons vvill be , of the Itakistrate'e Court since Itis W: J. Morley, of Exeter. newly -ap- pointed Magietrate for Huron 'county, way,. on Thursday afteruoon last wel- comed to the bench at his first session available far this purpose. Ten ,ad- ditional coupons over and above the regular sugar toad preserves allOwaaces- will be declared valid. 'The iirst Ave become good May 2. Q,—,TWO131Q1atbf3 ago I gave Do land- lord my notice of intentien to vacate Now I find I caneot get possession -of the house because the tenants In it The heusd in Which r now 'live has been 'sold and 'I have been notified I must inoveslaY the first of May. My husband is in the armed forces and I have no place to go, Can -they make me move out of my present dwelling? A.--7You do not mention in your letter what notice to vacate yeu 'gave your landlord. We adVise you to con- •eult the nearest offiee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board or write direct- ly to the regional rentals officer of the Board, Federal Building, London, giving him details regarding the notice of yOur intention to vecate and the notice served on the „tenants of the house yOu bought. Tax - llisISURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1Ns SURA,NCE CO.—Ferm and iso- lated town property insured. Officers Preeident, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton, No. 5-; Vice -Presidents 'Chris. Leonhardt, Bornhelm, No. 1; /tanager aiad Secretary -Treasurer, 'M. A. Reid, Seafortla Directors—Frank McGregor, ulinton; Myth° Hugh Alexander, Waltona J. R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. 1; J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen. Policy -holders can Make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin' Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or Q.—I bought some potatoes marked potato asrice 6r the seed potato, A.—Yea should pay the table potato price- effective In, your price may be determined front your local W.P1r.B. office. am a grocer. and recently_ I purchased some honey. It was more ''ilously. Did my wholesaler make a, mistake? A—The wholesale price of honey was permitted an increase of one cent per pound recently. Q.—I read in The paper Crown. Attorney D. E. Holmes ex- tended a welSome to the new magiar trate. "It is sense tirae," he ,declated, "since the -County bad a magistrate of lawYer has been -appointed locally since the terut of the late C. A. Seeger." Mr Holmes assured His Worship that his days would not be entirely' filled with grief ; but trona hie excelleat county Could expect and would b.ave, he was sure, a conscientious magistrate. Frank Donnelly, K.C., exteeded greetings oh behalf of the bar of Huron. From -Mr. Morley's_ exteusive _practice in law, the speaker was confident -that justice would be meted out,. tempered with mercy. Mr. Donnelly hoped the people of the county would have the benefit of Mr. Morley's services for many years. . Magistrate Morlaly said that it was with some trepidation he entered upOn his new ditties. He spolse of the able manner in which former magistrates, Cook, had. performed their duties, with dignity and ability, and expressed the hope that he wouTd be able to do like- wise, Ile promised. that he would deal human," 'and "yeti May See that crop up somethnes--abut there is always the cdtirt of appeal." 'PAINTINGS AT WESTRN LONDQN, Ont., April 23.--a-An ex- hibition of vtiiter color pailutiniti (.)2 !Santo Domingo svild llowerts le on disfilay in- the, main library elioweaae The painting§ were a gift to the Uni- of Goderiche who presented at the same time a Collection of several dozen small Arewak Input relics for which the University of rennsylvattia had offered go). Because a the special Wiwi. museum being built up at 'Western, the Rougvie family felt that the ielics shottid remain here._ The water colors weae painted by sante Domingo about 3,895. The YAM& were discovered by her father, who Was manager of a large sugar plantation en Santo Domingo' island. While cutting a road through the dense jungle on one eccasion a huge ceiba tree was cut down. Beneath it, buried fourteen feet deep, were renaains of an Indian civiliz- ation which must have dated back to the days before Columbus, perhaps even to the years before Christ. The relics, highly carved, indicate, a civiliz- ation inueb—higher than -that _of_ the Carib Indians of the Caribbean Sea area, but are not ,as artistically ex- ecuted as the work of the Incas. The Bower paintings, beautifully colored, are- not intended to be works of art, bat accuuates„aecerds of Santo Domingo flowering plants. They con- tain seterar dainty orchids, and many other plants so precisely draWn that they can be. easily identffied 4n text- books. The paintings were made on the sugar estate at San Pectin de Macoris on the West Indian island. that .sports Geo. G. MacEwan Fiie, Accident and Motpr Car Insurance OF'FICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET • • PHONE 230 Fines .1mposed.. The " first -case' before Mat,istiate Morley•was a charge of assault against Earl 'Norman, operator of a service station at Bayfield, Nornian's Wife being the complainant, Norman Was eonvicted and •fined $10 and costs. A series of quarrels- was described in court. A non-support charge was ad- journed for two weeks in the hope that a reconciliation' might be effected. , Milton Little, Hullett township, pleaded guilty to a careless driving charge arising out of .a motor accident Hullett, neer Londesboro, on 'April -Major n Daltqu eturns frOM Europe Overseas Pa is" Canada is a "Garden a Eden," ez-. claimed Major the Rev. Michael J. he "-spoke of the cOpiouse,food sapply. here in coMParison with the snort sup- plies in Europe. Major' Dalton 'had just returned, to Ctanada. after byes Ave years as Roman Catholic chaplain with Canadian troops overaeaa. .As a native of Kingebridge, in this . county, son .of ,the late Mr. and Mrs.' Morgan Dalton, rather Dalton has a host of relatives; friends and admirers in this district. a Going, overseas in July, 1940, as padre to the Essex Scottish Regiment of Windsor, Major Dalton was chap- lain also of two Other regimente, the Royal Regiment of Canada, and' Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, while sta- tioned in England. After D-DaY -he was attached to the llth Field Anabul- tinge Carps on the Continent. During the battles he' met The wounded and held mass for the different ,reginIents in reserve. He a,ceOmpanied the troops all through Normandy and at the Ger- man frontier he was sent back to Bel- gienn, where he was , stationed at ,a convalescent hospital. - Before he left England to return to Canada Major Dalton '.fiew to Italy where he spent a few days' leave in the Holy City. He was there in time to see the Pope deliver the red has to all the cardinals lasr,FebrUary. .Major Dalton- saw the Pope on three different occasions and spoke with- him Once. 'Windsor and he said,-a_f-.God bless you';" Major Dalton said while telling of hth enthralling experienees in the Holy Eurepe's Need where everything is done on a big I scale," Major Dalton remarked while ' the memory of scarcity stood out fres4 in hiS mind as his thoughts glanced back at the country he has just re-, turned from. "I think we ahould do everything possible to send seine- of our food and supplies •overseas." - Since his- return to Windsor, Major Dalton has been in requisition as a Speaker and lecturer. thider the aus- pices of Assumption College fie gave addrese on "The Price of Peace in. which he reViewed the sacrifices that had been made in Europe for' the ENTERTAINS LADY ASTOR An article from the college paper of the Greensboro (N.C:) College re- ceives' leas, Mrs. John Vincent, Albert 'street, , fawn, • from , her friend, .Dr. Rhoda (2. • (Telma Ednieston, who is dean of the college, gives an intereet- ing account of a visit' to the college by Lady Aster, famous as the first woman to sit in the British House of C,oilimons. Dr. Edmeston is well known throughout this part of Huron county and visited"with Mr_ and Mrs. Vincent in Goderich. two years ago. She is a native of Blyth, received her high and 4model school- training , in his car collided with one-, Clinton, and taught for several years. driven by Mrs. -Mary Shobbrook. The Holmesville, Ethel and Daehwood accused said he did snot see the other car until it came over • the brew Of the hill. It was a first 'offence, and Little had- jo.st_returned„,from over- seas. He was fined $5 and coets. MEDICAL NOSE, THROAT Late House • Surgeon New 'York Ophthalmic and Aural HoSpital, assisi- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, •England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES AUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street .S., Stratford. Telephone 267. • Neat visit 'Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, May "22nd at 2 p.m. Real Estate sad Insurance _ Office and Residence; 11 -Trafalgar Street Phew 663 „FOR eALE—Houses of all kinds, Choice building lots, business pro- perty and severe) good farms. • goods have been removed from. the ceiling- reguletions. Does this mean I will haiTe to ' pay more for tennis or A.,—No. Golf and tennis balls are not included inatlie list of sports equip- mentaand accessories suspended from priee regulations. Questions regarding any regulations of the Warame Prices and Trade Board will be - ansivered if referred to the Information Branch, London. In the good old days a man, who saved money was -consideredsa, NowadaYs anjoee who can save money is' looked upon as' a magician.— Kitchener Record. before going int(' training for mission- ary work in the United States. She apent twelve years as. principal of- a Bible training school fel- Spanish and native girls in Btienos Aires, S.A.: amrceminge back . to, Canada. and_ the U.S. on fur-,- lciugh sport after the 'war had broken Outeshe was unable te. return. She accepted a position en the faculty Of the Greensboro College, of which she is now . the dean. In .the iiicture accompanying the article, -Dr Edineston is seen standing ininiediately bellind Lady Astor, who is conversing -with the • wife of the -prealdent -of the -college,. and her letter to Mrs, Vincent...Dr. Edmeston says, "It is the first time r have had the opportunity of entertaining nobil- ity, but it' was Very :enjoaable." -She also mentions having , visited at the home .of Mrs. 'Marion (Gunnr Polk, daughter of the • late -Dr. 'Wm. Gunn of Clinton, whose husband. Ma. Wm Polk, is editor of The Greentlioro Daily News, , tfie sufferiege tad privations that most made it clear that the price of inture peace will be in, terme of aelfasaeriftee on the Part 1.if all men of good. who gra.ciougly sang for: 010 'obalerp in England. 'T, he Simple faith 'of tho great man impreSsed the eoldiere and leiters to Major Dalton, "Mae God. up- hold you in BUB ghty, hand," was a, eource of courage to hie men ae bombs and' shrapnel burst overh4ad in France along the coast. God seemed to protect them with Hie ninbrella. ' 11 SERVICE Itr,UPTSAIBEA But Date litay Be ebanged if National . Observance Held A delegation of six, representing breech 109, Caaadian Legion, GoderiCh, attended the annual Legioa zone con- ference,. held at Wiughata arraories on Wednesday evening of last week. In the absence of Zane Coniruander Noy:Alan MiU.er, who is ill at Wa home in Goderich, J. Grabb of Listowel acted as ehatarman, , The meeting waa addressed by HarOld Lansing, third vibe-preeident,of the Provincial Command, who spoke on the benefits of the Veterans' Ser - Forbes, formerly of Wingliam, and at present adJustment officer of ' the Legion Service Bureau, who reviewed in their many aspects the regulations pertaining to pensions and Medical care for veterans. It was reconunended that a zone PAGE Trnalel Aeptember. In the event Of tiae GOY. ernment's 'declaring. XS slate Zar )}1afty be changed ,to a later Gidley 'aud O'Brien. Turner of Goeleriele as zone eeeretarY, ISN'T IT FACT? There will always be ecopomie tux* moil co long as so many pereona want - to do, somethlitg for a living that Truly a Funeral Home quietness, dignity with reverenCe, and an untlerstanding of family needs -are ever-present at E. E. CRANSTON Funeral Home 17 MONTREAL ST. GMERICH Phone -399W or J DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed 'for Counties of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 , Foe information apply to J. N. Jiernighan, Division Court Clerk. Godericb, Ont. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderieh, Phone 341 and 7 to trp.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. , 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral fume bathe by appointment Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. -.F. T. Arnistrong "See -Armstrong and'See Better" At Lucknow every Wednesday moraimuniimanameir LISTOWEL PRINCIPALSHIP The Vitamin Tonk E',aeasively used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia" chronic • fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. ' 60 cts. Economy size, $1.50 .(hass-Netve._.Fo ir Goderich people -are interested lu Ale announcement that D, I. Hill, a former member of the staff of Goderich Col7 'leglate Institute—ehas tendered his resignation of the principalship of Mr. Iliafwas givee leave of absence by the ListoWel Board. when 'he. en- listed in 1943 for army service. He received his discharge from the army a 'few -Weeks, ago and the .Board gave him further leave , of absence until Mr. Hill said he believed 'he could do better Work in his profession than .ever. before. as- ,a resell of his ex- periences in sthe army. Mia Hillaleft the arMy service with the rank' of captain after -serving _in an instrectional capacity at St. John and Camp .Utopia,s N.B., and later In Ontario at Loudon and Chatham. - In Janeary he' went - Crumlin Military lioapital,„, serving there • until he, re- ceived:his- discharge. • INJUItED IN PALL AT' HER INIVILE Mrs. George ,MaeVicar is NM -fined to ber home- on Ligbthouse street suf- fering with 'aevere,brialses. on both feet, • which she received in a fall from a .stepladder ber home: Tbe ladder, which alas placed oh the first landing of the stairs, sliPped oter the edge- ea the step, throwing Mfa. MacVicar for- ward. She Managed. to ,teruebs in an upright positlim, lint bruised her feet ia the fall. EDWARD W. ELLIOTI' - LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'Correspoadence promptly an- swered. Immediate..arrangements can be made for Sales Date by, calling.,Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- — don- Guaranteed. 19tf. A. L. COLE 1 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted' Phone 33 Giiderieh, Ont. HAROLD JACKS'ON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For information; cic., write R.R. 4,'Seafortht or phone (col - CONFEDERATION LIFE WIND—CAR Fire Preferred Rates for Preferred Risks. • ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult ,. Phone 82-13 Dungannon ta IANO LESSONS Sheldon- Baxter Supervisor of Music' in Rural Will ,accept limited, nuniber cf etworeasommormsaiimmoomommo Last year, Bell telephone workers installed 187,444 telephones and disconnected 124,861 (surrender of ser- vice, change of address, etc.) —a net gain of 62,583. • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— Anton Walbroole, Roger LiveSey and Deborah Kerr . year's most neueual motion picture telling, in Technicoler, the amusing adventures of a ,character well-known to Most of us; the prince of pomposity , "COLONEL .BLIIVIPk' L.W. CRAIG1E Thursday, Friday and. Saturday—, Maria Montez, Itobert Paige, Preeton Poster ,and, Sibu Take us into the' exotic East for a ahrilling tale of high hazards 'and INSUILAiTOE REAL EterATE PHONE 24 4iotoppoi• • ranee Co. 50 years in 'bushtess,- Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co. Get the rates end )a•ond, cover- GORDON ,IIAWELL s Phone Carlow, /;, Matinees:Wednesday, Saturday atia itaiidia,ya at 2.30,1m. In thirty, seconds. But the turkey and the taxpayer differ became the turkey has to take it only once.—port Arthur WESTE ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Scheduiv'now -in" eff,ect Leaves Gederich daily Including Sundtp Arrives Goderieh daily ' Leaves Sundaye and holidayo -The 8.00 p.m. bus goes di. eet to London Connections at Clinton for Londeti. ' Detroit, Wingliam, Walkerton, Port ' Elgin and Owen gotta. 'Comieetions at Strafford for Woodstoell {.. . tToronto. . , Conneetions at %Rebell for Listowel (change phone 69,1 et' 117. 19/15 was the biggest year, but 6ne; qur history. Although we 'had to repair, re -use, substitute and ithprovise, we were able to provide telephones for all essential uses and. io reduce the waiting list substantially. But there's a still bigger lab ;ahead. The going rate since V -E Day has been at a higher level than in any other equal period. To wipe out the waitinglist and get bacicto our old ready -to -serve iTa.sis will be our chief concern until the job is done. We are making- progress to that end. Where only telephone instruments are. involved, the next two or three snonths should clear our lists. But many localities central ce equip. • merit is the problem and this takes time to make and to ta ARE IMMO NO MIL J. Ceedwin,