HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-17, Page 5BLEST 14.DLt1I17LON..
een well remarked; by an
e poet, that, "no gift, however
utihll---no suocees, however brilli- who sucoeede to the senior` judgeship
aut—staould be planed above the skill,vacated by the retirement of Judge.
and taleute which can relieve a single Boyd,
pang, and the self -devotion whioh is -ea. -4
lays them at the feet of the humblest. iInteresting Items,
fellow.creatare:." Judged by this For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh'8
rule, Thomas. Holloway, of whom the Porauus Plaster. Price 25 cents, Sold by
well-known to the profession auzl the
public, has been. appointed to the
Juniorjudgeship of the County of
York in the room of Judge McDougall,
A Cyan roe Chormea, Moltaus A positive
cure for this dangerous complaint, and for
•aoute.or chronic forms of Bowel Complaint
Incident to Summer and Fall, is found in
Dr. Fowler's. Extract of Wild Strawberry;
to bo procured from any druggist.
Archbishop Walsh, speakiu3 at Castle
Knack Thursday, protested against depltv;,
ing Catholic children of Stall: aid in their
'World has heard 80 much during lbs . J. W. Browning, To allwheare suffering from the errors and
The Countess of Kingston has offered the Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
last forts year, oocuples. a high poet- g
UUou. Rio life seems to have been i tenants of her estate, the largest in the
devoted to the alleviation of suffering, scaled of Ireland, facility to purchase their
and his. desire to benefit his fellow, A,PPEN1Ne Aat,
creatures appears to have been see- ho There is now beingpr manufactured
e an
ouded by an amount of natural talent article for instantly removing pain ofrany
and acquired skill seldom oombiued in acute external nature, and itis eertainly the
one individual, The practical result
of this co,nbination has been the pro•
uction of two remedies linown
throughout the world as Holloway's
Pills and Holloway's Ointment,whioh,
if any value can be attached to human
teatimony, have left all other devices
of science far behind iu the great work 4 Canadian Government,
of relieving pain, strengthening the,,, LOS'S!
uouatitution, and prolonging life. How really people of both sexes are suffer -
In bilious disorders, especially, the isle from lost vitality, all broken down, dna
p ou the verge of Cansumptiou that might be ,
Pills have been wonderfeliy efl-1� a0vert-sodoures never record a cure et all.
restored, as many bavo been when riven up starting wit the elaimuow generally believed
oaoi nus, and, for that reason, they are i`, to die, if they would use Burdock Blood Bit- by the mostsoienkifio roan that disease is dap
a most important medicine iu the ! tars, which restores lost' vitality and gives to the presence of living uaraaitesn rhe tissue,
early decay, loss of Manhood, &e, I will send a
receipe that will cure you, .ERNE OL' OHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a axis••
sionary In South America. Send a self -ed.
dressed envelope to BEV, rospeu T. bowl
StationD, Naw York City.
A party of English capitalists who have
been in the North.tirest waited on the Min -
most perfect cure for Neuralgia, Headache, later=ot the Interior Thursday in reference to
Toothache, and the like that has ever been seeuring a tract of grazing lands in the
tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the ,North -egesta
rapid. manner in which it acts, and is menu, ‚• • -4
factored D '
ack tied by y Ic(are ger &Pante, Sold in D
Exeter at Dr. Browning's drug store 5 CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT.
Whelan, the ex -Fenian, who was ap- Partitive the roost est raordinarysuceeaathat
pointed Consul to Fort Erie several weeks has been achieved is modern medicine has
ago, has not yet been recognized by the ?een ettainedby the Brian treatmont_for oa•
Over Over
Foathill Nurseries A4 ,,,
The Largest In the Daininlpn,
To begin canvassing at once oa Mali ?rales,
Staley employment to successful moi. Good
agents are Darning from Soo to S75 per month;
and eapenaea. Terms and outfit free. Address
10 I.MW..ALR,D ,
The above reward wilt be paid for the conviction of those Merchants who are selling.
Machina Oils, and calling them Mcol1 s Larding
The only genuine' is maaufaotured by
.--. (McCa►j1 Bros. Co, Toronto.
SALE eY aAs: P� �BurdO'clk .. .
lamb, Oat of d,00c fully
ninetyte treated during the V A D Tr ATi; SS
last aix naontha, Salty per cont, have lit'1.i1.11SYES
been cured of this stubborn malady. This is 1
none the leas etartliug when it is remembered HAIR 13AL;
that not live per cent. of patients presenting
themselves to the regular practitioner are be -Restores grey
n&A.tted, while the uatent meeiclues and other 1 hair to its rra-
twad color, re,
country, where biliouss fever and oil , new vigor to the debilitated system.
the varieties of liver eomplaiat are 'MAT aACEI]FG COUGH Dau be ao
unfortunately common. . Wo learn eruhtoao t.we ld y J.lWv..Broawuiap,We' gear -
from pardon 'anbject to bitioua attaoke The Lord Mayor of Loudaa has opeuecl a
iu the Spring and Fall, who h•vo re- relief feud for the cholera sufferers in spain.
sorted to these Pella as a preventative, After an attack of Frvcr, 3leasles
that they bave never failed to save Diphtheria, or any wasting disosse, flaw,
there frotu each periodical affections;
while we have also the strongest pos.
eiblo testimony in their favor from
tudividaale who have taken illere in
the worst stages of liver disease.
l.dong before wo had had an opportu•
pity to judge of their value from
}some testimony, the luedioal journals
and the daily press of Europe Thad
referred to thea, in ternsi of Insole*,
;',Yea ne nileaaure to ei*g that our
OWP eXperlodee ecnfirms Wena verifies
the etetewoute derived from foreign
sources. Yot being conversant with
the philosophy of luedioal aoienoo, Wo
ei♦uuot outer into a learned exposition
of the rll.itltas oped n li of ROLLAWAY a
PILLS iu bil"done oases, but shall rest
content wldih sayiig,that under the in-
fluenoe of the remedy the akin and
the whites of the epee et:ou louse their
yellow tiuge, the pain in the right
aide dieappeara, the appetite returns,
the digestion improves. end the phy-
sical strength of the invalid is rester.
ed. Holloway, who has made physt.
ology and pathology his etudy far a
quarter of a century, has given Bolen.
trite whys and wherefores for their
curative effects ; We simply state
that they fulfil the promisee of the
inventor --a fact that has never been
questioned, we believe, by those who
have given them, a fair trial.—The
Commonwealth. i
At the residence of her sou William,.
iu Stanley. on Friday morning Iast,
the late Jane Keys passed away.
For some months she has been very
infirm, having had a paralytic stroke
iu the side. Within a week of hes
Beath she warfeinietea With ; Feoond
Aoki!, d„l,inl. iild�la°' ilia maid
part othe other side, since which
time she bas bean helpless and almost
speechless. She and her late bus -
baud were unwept the earliest tesi-
dents in Stanley; she was near the
cl:se of her 82nd year. A very large
funeral followed her romaiue to the
grave, interment taking place on
Sunday, ill .Bayfield cemetery.
The a amination of the defendants
in the Eliza Armstrong abduction
case was resumed Monday. Mrs.
Boughton, who, it is alleged, con-
ducted the sale of the girl with her
mother, denied that Eliza was sold
and declared she accepted Si from
Mrs. Jarrett iu consideration of the
pest kindnesses. The teeth cony orf
Mrs. Broughton was f3,n'ehed Mon.
day afternoon. The Magistrate fre-
quently told Mr. Stead that h'ts 'ques-
tions were irrelevant. I1 Sr. Stead
ImIIIa oomplatentlly vthbtfever be
thought he had eeered a point.
The evidence of Mrs. 'Broughton,
however, was 'not niatiirially shaken.
Mrs. Armstrong ivas'Ehe next witneer.
She testified that titre 'had objected to
her daughter eutefee'g'service because
she regn'ireii ber"itt 'hams. The Daae We all admire a man of nerve, who is
was adjdflrnea 'nolle 'the 26th inst. cool -beaded and equal to any emergency,
At the re6¢etiing'df'the court Moo— hit nervous debility is halve prevailing weak-
ness of most people. Burdock Blood Bit-
daV, tlfere Was Iin'rTMlmense and noisy 'tern is a good nervine and general tonic,
which regulates and strengthens the whole
system, imparting bodily and mental vigor;
SLEEPLESS N1G TS, made miserable
'pi°ache■ to the'nourt room, in order by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. aced by J. W. Browning.
3fr,Dixon at once adapted his cure to their
extermination—this accomplished, be claims
the Catarrh is practically cured, and the per-
maueney neeuestioued, as cures. effected by
hint fouryeare ago are cures still. No one
alae bee attewrated to euro Catarrh in this
rnauuer.andno other treatment ever cured
Catarrh. Tbl application of the remedy is
sirnpie, art,, canoe done at home, anal the
presentaearden of the ear is the most favor-
able fora speedy and. permanent cure, the
rIaTQ,N's QuIzmig WINg ,trip Iaou is the majority of metes being cured at one treat-
ment. Sufferers .banld correspond with
mama, A, A.DIXON & BON,3o0.IKing street
west, Toranto,gauada, and enclose stamp for
their treatise oa Catarrh,-.1rontreal Star, ,Nov,
best Modicum to take. It gives lasting
streugth. hoe that you get ''Remington's,"
the original and genuine,
The Governmeut and the Canadian
;i'aciee Railway Company will, it is sudor•
etoatt, unite in making a Manitoba exhibit at
the Colonial Ebibition next year.
MGCirREGU13 fit 1 RKF ,
Goro4 Nauru. 3lixed. Alai,.
Loudon depart .....,....... GOC 4, X. 4 51) k,x.
of Hauiiltau, Ont., are the manufacturers Exeter 8 20 d; Icd
of the greatest beating And purifying coat- DQasall .,. ,,,, .., 6 424
Pound known for Sores, Barns, Outs, iica1d Nrppen ....,..,, a :4:5s'?s�Salt Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called crncetleld ..r „ t gClinton .......................
Xcarezer st f'arko's Carbolic Cerate. Bo l.ondoaboro ....,,, 00 95 7 .24
sure dull get the gentile° McGregor dk Parka's blvtta
lielgravci .r -i Ii oo
T 9G
Carbalta Cerate, said at Fr. $rawr►intt"a �4ingbnm nrrile It 32 s 11)
drug stehre at a S a her. d 5M I Qoui 8oQ�, ?fiscal Glatt.
It rive beau .e uittll,Y arraugo. that, r: 'ti�ingtratu,depart ..,.,. 7 Na u 11 304..x,
Belgravo .. 8 90 13 01 r, x.
]Myth . r ' P
Londtrbere ., ... 8X008 1* 47
Clinton.— ........... 8 35 1 !y
lrruceaeid ..,.,, . 8 51 3 50
&Ipppen.,......... . 9 eft '2 05
3 12
Exeter ,.. 8 30 a u5
Loudon arrlte ,.,....., to 43 530
JOIZZT )3R,.t°l,1771•T,
MccQttviila'ts to Le the Coueervetivo can-
didate for Joliette a Beziuette
r d oto G null°. Mr. ,
ATayor of Joliette, sill run against him in
the Liberal interest.
WiTdI, WU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitaliser is
guaranteed to euro you. For sale by J. W.
A Spanish steamer just arrived at Mon -
is detained by the Custoras authorities of
that port for in infraction of the coasting
lane of the Dominion.
Well. there is much to bo said. 'lire ques-
tion being asked of the banqueter at the av-
erage boarding house. calls up remiuieeeuces
of close coutignity to the horns, andbeefateak
three cuts tooth. thereof. Ifo, of course, will
pars, unless it occurs to hint that be neode n
hinge for hie trunk. Should there be any
8offering, the effeets of an indtrlgonco in enolr
sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cure,
s sure end effectual remedy for Dyspepsia,.
Constipation and all affections of the stom-
ach and liver. Sold at Dr. Browning's drug
store. Trial bottles free. 5
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diszi-
nese, and all aymptotusof Dyspepsia. Pride
10 and 75 gents per bottle. Sold by J. W.
The conviction of a man. named Rods, fax
violating the Scott Act iu Stormont luta glass
qquashed, because it appeared an the faro of
the protesting; that no evidence was taken
before the convicting Magistrate.
Isaiah. Herbert, a barber, while htteiralpt-
ing to board the Le Praido boat at Mon-
treal, Monday, fell into the rrrer and teas
A 1iALAIUTAIi NE1G130Ith3(1(�t`,
People so unfortunate as to raEide in a ma-
larial region should cleanse diad tborougly
tone un tho system with Burdock Blood
Bitters, that promptly acts npou the Stom
rich, Bowels, Liver and kidneys, thus pre-
venting Ague and nil. Bilious Complaints.
An ounce of preeentaoa is worth a pound of
Albert Coot, at Brooklyn, Ont., had his
arm badly mangled in a threshing machine
while oiling the gearing.
It is tow iu season to warn our readers
against the sudden attacks of Cholera,
Crkrcp, Colic, and the various Bowel Com-
plaints incident to the season of ripe fruit,
vegetables. etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is the grand specific for
those troubles.
SHIL3f3'S COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares
Consumption. Scld by J. W. Browning.
Captain Isaiah Rynder's had an attack of
paralysis; tried New York's best physicians;
got no relief until he obtained Giles' Iodide
Ammonia Liniment, which, to his uuspeak..
able joy, cured him. Captain Ryoders will
give any information desired. Besides 310
West 23d at., New York. 'Sold by C. Lutz
Central Drug Store,
mob in $o'w rest, which threatened
'the greate3 disorder. The police
Ware obliged. to guard all the ap-
lb prevent a "riot, whioh threatened Holloway's Ointment and pills.—These
lb' break out every moment. The world-renowned remedies are confidently
`feeling is intense against Booth and recommended to miners, taavv.es, and all
'Mrs.'Jerre'tt, and they would certainly who work underground, or where noxious
`have been ''lynched by the excited atmospheres exists.; The minute particle
'people unless they had been strongly of coal or metal which permeate the air in
such places tend to 'block up the lungs and
`proteoted by the police. The 'crowd air -tubes giving vise to 'bronchitis, asthma
mistook several cab' arrivals in front and palpitation,of the heart. In Holloway's Absolute Cure
' of the Uonrt for the objects of their remedies will be found a ;safe and 'easily
wrlalh, and tried to break through the used medicament. for the penetrating pro- For all diseases caused by the 'vitiation of
perties of the'Ointment relieve the local con- the blood. ''It is concentrated to the high-
gnat and rush upon the occupants gestions end 't'he mildly laxative effects of est practicable degree, far beyond any
-of the -vehicles • They were only pre— the Pills cause the liver to act freely, and ether preparation for which like effects
bythe most strenuous exec. the breath to become unembarrassed. By ' are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest,
vented early resort' to these remedies many a ser -
"tions of the officers, and being foiled ions illness may be averted, dud soundness as well as the best blood purifying medi-
' in their' murderous purpose, vented of health maintained. eine, in the world.
groans and hootiugs. HONESTY THE BEST POLICY, y i S-„—
thetr rage 3n ( I ieinc is the noblest work of Ayer's �, s • �.c•.�R�isl9"Iilw
3ke.td is in 101 s fill Saver with the Au Honest nu,d assure our reader,:
t ":D BY
man, anti we Oen
1111191.5 of people than Booth and Mrs. flint
-..jr.1q-tt'', iaLet of Wild. Straw. BR't"r
1rct talthough the celit:,.toerl i...Loire 3:, 11 v ,, ltliuli,but o :n,,;r. J. "ete zio, fAreeiit t.7re .,.
;t. , f,v. from friendly iii,i< to el,. ! 1,idi.0 tlorbus, Pyseut• r, Analytical I ,'�u3lst5 "1
-., `”" rv.... , ! t 'r t 1 111'10111'011 ands l.r'NO,1 ,
11,1 flat , t, {;, ` t „1. .: t wt,l,lain, Seer rdl
Rrv`,11ty'allDra.irisl .11!tri'il, r
be ti, • ,
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
ALSO COFFINS OF .Evanr DEscninyicei.
A Complete. Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on 110101.
niggling AND CoN'
My Stock of Furniture is un-
Was the name formerly given to Scrofula
because of a superstition that it could be
cured by a king's touch. The world is
wiser now, and knows that
can only be cured by a thorough purifica-
tion of the blood. If this is neglected,
the disease perpetuates its taint through
ger:eration after generation. Among its
earlier symptomatic developments are
Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu-
mors, Boils Carbuncles, Erysipelas,
Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy-
sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con-
tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca-
tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases,
Tubercular Consumption, and vari-
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are
produced by it.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is the onlyowerfui and always'reliabla
blood -purifying medicine. It w so•effeet•
nal an alterative that it eradicates from
the system Hereditary Scrofula, and
the kindred poisons of contagious diseases
and mercury. At the ,same time it -en-
riches and vitalizes the blood, restaging
healthful action to the vital organs and
rejuvenating the entire system. Thiagreat
Regenerative 'Medicine
Is composed of the 'genuine Honduras
Sarsaparilla,, with Yellow Dock, $ta-
lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and
Iron, and other ingredients of great po-
tency, carefully and scientifically comepounded. Its formula is generally known
to the medical profession, and the best
physicians constantly prescribe ATER'8
l (\viabt.l
moves Dandruff,
stops the bait
from fallings out,
increases its,
growth, and will
not soil the skin.
As a hair fired,•
sing, it has 1
superior. Gua,_
Prepared by
Harkness 84 Go,
Loudon, Ont.
Sold by an lhu
and Vellera,.
dIti00.3' SC 00O ► O
.aasiu. II SaOTld SO NOSIU
Bur do k
Cures Dizztness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestwn, Biliousness,
I Dyspepsia, <Taundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys,
Pimples, .Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
.Erysipelas, and ell diseases arising from Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action (1 the Bowel&
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disordera of the
lnes invigorate and rt'stere to health Dcbititett'd Constitute -me, and are invaluable in all
owplaints incidental to Z; onules of all ages. Fer children road the aged they aro priceless
llibte remedy for I3ad. Legs, Bail Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ile a. It is
famous for Gout and liercnrnatiem,
For Soro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, (;olds, Glandular Swellings, and all akin diseaa
it has no rival ; awl for contracted dna stiff jointa it acts like a charm.
The fills and Oiutmentare sold at Domes flux x.owss's F.ttalthahmdcG:,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Mediciue. in Boxes and Pow, at 1s. lid-, 20. 414.
4e, 6d., lid., 22o., and ills. cacti. Tlie 2a. 9d.. sire coutaiuc three times the quantity of he
le lid, size ; the 4s. ed, Size sir ; the els, cite sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33a size fifty-two tiwea the quantity of the smallest Boxes Ruhr Pots.
Full rirrtetl Air1 •d
cckloue are a c,
affixed t< ch z an P t and ean beta's. in
P'tl a l3 d a i any
+ ` Purebaaera should look to the Label on the Pots anti Dozes, If the address is not
533 Oxford, Street, London, they are spurious.
k,:w MAerlmCOF
P.N'#1a IVh.i'.'"O
J `.,„ ATL, A.4:1a`�.
for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand, All
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and
Superior Finish,
It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit frena p i1
chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully
CYiB....�. SOU T'=IOOTT.
Fashionable Tailor, Exeter,
Exeter Post Office Time Table.
Sirkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimville ,,,
South,east and weal, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,
11fanitoba,tin itodStates, English and foreign mails
South, east weet &c _.
North and east, including Godericb,'Vingham, Kincardine and all points
north, Strfttord, Toronto, Montreal, and Pastern States.,,, „,
North east,&c ...
Sarepta Tues<ladys, Thursdays and Saturdays
2.30 m, 9 30 Cm
915 a. m, 9,00 a, in,
0.45 pau • 2.30 p, re;
1C,C0a:m 8.00 a, m
3,30 p.m. 5,80 p, in
0.00 p, m,
415am 1000 am
•]dlOtil;l ORDERS.
Issued and paid on and from any Money Order C Ln ce in the Dominion of Caned a, Groat 73ritaiu
and Ireland ,BritLeh Tudia, Nowfouudland, Ila y, Australia, Now South Walss, Tasmania, New
Zeland, Franco an Algeria, the Gorman Empire, Swoden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium
the 'Yotb.rlanda. Sw;itzerlaud, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United Stater.t, .Ianznien and Bar.
De3vniitft W11110 ivedatthis rrMee f 'su t tr$.300, pope,' , ,r;
I maser- keizeraVs 91 dal periniesioit min an tosit » ,talo. Depo,i.t r ' 1
: ootvodrrou,?:1..0, t,t, v. To. tut. :==t tt 1 ,.tpm. tioilintt tripe
n 'n; the Vest
Vtutir., eeeeent a err