HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-18, Page 8a PAGZ EIGHT a t, • m EQRprs cHug. EASTER SDAlt", APRIL 21st, 8.S9 UOL COMMUNION. 11,96) 1,101,,Y COMMUNION AND SERMON. ..90 pan. SUNDAY SCHOOL. pan,-ETENI(Ne SON( SEEN -ICE. s-Speria1. Easter Maisie 4 Mornhig paid Evading Service ntr. DEVERLY 11. FAIte, R.A., LU, RECTOR. • ° MRS; I. JESSOP, Organist asd Choir Leader. YOU ARE INVITED 'IV ATTEND THESE SERVICES North St United hurch -/IIINISTER-REV. It. H. TURNBULL KA-, &Do !LTA - EASTER SERVICES 11.1. A.m. "JESUS' EASTER GREETING." , SUNDAY SCHOOL. - 7 p.m. THE miNisTER. Anniversary Services', April 28th. Rev. Duncan McTavish, President, of London Organist and Cboir I4eader- Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A,T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS .YOU Co 11 erences Knox Presbyterian Church • 8 a.m. Easter Service of Worship under direction of Y.P.S. Public cordially invited. 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. EASTER SERVICES 7 p.m. The Sacrantent of Baptism at the morning service.. MINISTER -REVEREND- RICHARD STEWART. Director of Praia' e -Mr. T. G. Jones Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty ot Holiness. 41 Victoria St. United Church MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, B.A. • ORGANIST -MISS BARBARA CUTT 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL, 11,..91. a.m. "SUNRISE." 7.00 p.m. "THE WISTFUL CHRIST." UNION 2:45. Nietorit, $t. Choir in Attendance. ' t7.7,AriorsostA.-WErseafitkgsyetss .4. 4 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Wednesday..8 pan. Prayer Meeting. •• STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME Goderich Baptist Church " REV.. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist EASTER SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Lord Is Risen Indeed." PUBLIC WORSHIP. "MarnrInfailiblsPlvofs." • s BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. -J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 16. WATERLOO STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAY -SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. "HE IS RISEN" 7.30 p.m. "WHAT OF THE RESSURECTION?" (How Will it effect, you) . - • Tuesday 8 p.m, Young People's. ..s_______Thursilay• 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. Free Methodist Church REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. QUARTERLY • MEETING SERVICES • Will be •Conducted by REV. G. W. STEVENS, Conference Supt. ' OF HAMILTON, ONT. , ORDER OF SERVICES - FRIDAY -8 p.m. Preaching Service. SUNDAY -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Communion of the Lord's Supper. • 7.p.m. GOSPEL SERVICE. ALL ARE WELCOME THE GODERICIT SIGN'AL.STAR Briers /-; Easter Monday is a bank holiday. fuller Brush agent, Clinton. Phone 75J. 2tf AmaainglY Quic14 relief from pain of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia With Wilder's Stomach Powder. Also. in tablet form. tiOe and $1, at CamP- • bell's and all druggists. 14-17 -Good Graeiobs Jkiranduza 1" three act comedy to bo presented, py the Port Albert Draniatie Society on April 23rd, at 6.15 sharp, in Knox, church lecture htls.iosn 3)o5v ns oern. ettKiusx Y.P.S. Ad- • at , • 15-16 Slender Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply O.; 12 vved& 0, at Campbell's and Einerson'el'Drug Stores. 14-17 Kingsbridge hall, social everting, Monday, April 22nd. Carruthers or- chestra. Admission 50c. Lunch at tile 16 rast, sure relief for constipation, biliousness, indigestion with Kipp's Herb Tablets. A safe, helpful tonic laxative. 25e and 75e sizes, at Camp- bell's and all druggists. Hygienic supplies (rubber gool-7sl), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list, Six samples, 25c ; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-17 A treat for your feet! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for -prompt relief. 50c at Campbell's and Emer- son's Drug Stores. 14-17 Come to the afternoon and evening sessions of the Huron County Festival of Music in North Street 'United church and MacKay Hall, goderich, from Tuesday, April. _30th to Friday, May 3rd. 16 Ruummage sale in MacKay Hall, Saturday, April 27th, tit 1.30 pan. by Knox Church Ladies' Aid. , 15 17 For Eezema and Psoriasis, • try "Kleerex," the proven remedy. 50c- $1.00 (medium and strong). atall druggists. 14-17 The youth of our community will profit by regular attendance at church. VETERANS 14 IA For Results -A Classifled Ad FOE. SALE • i/OR. SALL3,--SBVEN-ROOM 110100 with garam and gq4cden. ixn- zaediate possession. Call ' SIGNAL - STAR. kix FOR SALF,. RED R4SL'IMBIZY said to bedmmune from cora- borer, $1.10 per dozen. Call at 24 William street before noon. -1/tf „ counter, toinplete.with coils; can. be SAI -4111 F1FTEEN - ,1"?00T used as a frigidaire' or with. ice. Apply J. ANTONIO, Square, Goderiels 10 FoR•SALE.-ONE NOISELNSS Remiu114 years..1.0.°11140 S uys I URE ewriter, used only 15 SIMALL ELDCTRIC: WASHER; '` :large electriii stove with . oven; electric lamps and fixtures; -oak bed, dresser aid- washstand; kitchen buffet; baby bhairs ; prams; strollers; bathin- ette, ete.; odd chairs; tables; stoves and other articles. C. WOODS. Sec- ond Hand Store, 12 East street. Phone 242J. •15tf FOR SA.LE.-YOUNG MAN'S FAWN raincoat, excellent condition. Size 34. PHONE 753. 16x FOR SALE. -KITCHEN OR DIN- ETTE Suite, table, 6 chairs and ,bulfet,• in natural shade. Write P.0, BOX 510, or call at 80 BROCK ST: 16 FOR SALE. -PRAM, ALSO BABY Bassinet with rubber wheels. Ap- ply 87 NEWGATE STREET. 16x FOR SALE. -NEW ELECTRIC AND senai-electric (treadle) sewing ma- chines: - Also used ones. -Goderic having been now iir!luded in our division, our representatives will be in town weekly. For prompt service call or write THE SINGER SEWING MACHJNE COMPANY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 727. If your machine is new, have it checked free within ninety days • 42tf F° FJ. You are cordially invited to attend a engin rock social evening and to hear ' an address luurb by P. A. Smith, Casualty Rehabilitation price Section, Department of' Veterans Af- '411:Fi HirPg;14"ir"-"thPLrgPioinn%tt,11:K2i3nVig'Cs-ttgst., Ailleh p.m. ' Lain friends are welcome. R SALE." - SHOVELS,- DRAG- INES, diesel tractors, diesel es, diesel generator sets. graders, crushers, sand gravel equipment, ermen equipment. We quote s delivered to yoursstatjon. Sens sr Clinton. Calls paid fo 18 tf 4URB--1;i''.—TriE Ontario Hospital, St. Thomas; --has openings for women between the ages of 18. and 40 as Nurse Aids. ,flood salary, eight hour day, six day week; three weeks' vacation with pay, on completion of each year of service. Short courses of instruction given, op- portunities for advancement. Liling accoinmodation available in modern Ntarses' Residence. , APPLY SUPERINTENDENT ONTARIO HOSPITAL, ST. THOMAS• : • • 46-17 AN ‘OPPORTUNITY. E S u:A B LISHED Rural Watkinss District available. If you are aggreSsive and between the ages of 25 and 55,.have or can secure travel outfitii this is • • V V 4,144 I MI 41, • WANTlak. PRIVA.TU° zwaucfr will pay cash for six or 64'vell rooin house, centrally located, in Gode- rich. Write to F. W; cURRIN, Gen. Delivery, Croderich or 324 ,Tecum.pelt ave.,- London, Out. ' 12xtf TED7r-R0 6117-5' or house -furnished or nufniniEth- ed for aiiforge couple. Permanent oc- cupancy. BOX 114, SIGNAL -STAR. l.Qx YO'1.1 WANT At'RIL-M1C C1ACKS,: order your KitchenerBig- 4 now, 'Many prefer chicks now,this warm, growing Weather. You, make no mistake An. getting these, sturdy, healthy, fast growing clacks, from breeders Governnient inspected and, bloodtested for both strains palloram. Agent RYAN PRODUCE -CO. 16 WANTED. -LARGE UNFURNISH- " ED Room, suitable for studio, with. private family, without, board. All conveniences. TOM PRITCHARD, Phone 991 or Signal -Star, phone 71, WANTED.- HOUSEKEEPER IN Family of two adults. MRS. E. L. DEAN, Phone 95W. 16x HELP WANTED. -,COOK GENER- AL, character referenceg required good wages. Apply by letter or person to MRS. J. A. SULLY, Hotel Bedford, Goderich. 16 WANT4D.- PART-TIME CLERK " for T. Eaton Co. Order Mee; APPLY AT LOCAL OFFICE. " 16x WANTED. -FURNISHED HOUSE for summer months; can exchange a modern furnished apartment in Tor- onto if desired. Write' P'.0. BOX 98, Goderich. 16 WANTED. -GIRL TO DO PART - time waitress duty and part-time kitchen duty. Apply BEDFORD HOTEL. ° 16 WANTED. -TO BUY OLD 1101ES • ' and dead cattle; must li,e4aable for mink feed; temovetroMPtly. JACK. GILBERT, phone 1)08 r 21, The Canadian General Rubber Co. -of Galt is establishing a bratch at Ches- ley to employ 100 employees. spessiemimammeaaaaaaasemessmlimusamie NOTICE room, kitchen, pantry, summer kitchen, cella', veranda, garage, henhouse; 5 lots; 20 fruit trees ; 10 grape vines and other small fruit. If interested, write BOX 113, SIGNAL -STAR. 15tf FOR SALE. -$28.00 TAXES IN Goderich, large frame house in good repair; suitable as a tourist home ; 4 bedrooms; 4 CC complete bath, with Hot Point water heater ; heavy wiring in 8 rooms; hall, parlor, dining - NOTICE. RE': MARTHA BOYD •Anyone having knowledge ofthe whereabouts of Martha Boyd, a sister of John Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd and Mary 'Bbd, please communicate 'with the undersigned Solicitor. as he has some informatiop which may be. of benefit to the said Martha Boyd. It is understood the ,said Martha Boyd is married, residing in Goderich or vicinity. Dated -at Goderich,-m-the-County of Miron, this 'fourth' day of April, A.D. 1946. , • R. -V.-. HAYS, LC., Hamilton Street, 14- Goderichc, Ontario. • ' NOTICE. --DUE TO CIRCUMSTAN- CES beyond my control, viz.: forced to vacate the premises I now occupy and unable to obtain a suitable lo- cation, I aui now_reluctantly obliged- to' at least ' temporarily discontinue my present business, -bit in so doing, may I take this opportunity of thanking most sincerely, the many kind people who,have patronized me since I started in business. I hope that the day may not be far distant when we shall meet again in new. premises where I shall be prepared to give even better and faster service. Until that time -many thanks. ARNOLD SCHUTZ'.S ,SHOE REPAIR SHOP. •16x BUSINESS NOTICES I BUY RAGS, GOOSE AND DUCK feathers and tieks. I buy and TO, dyed furniture and household articles. I repair sewing Machifies. C. WOODS. 12 East street. Phone 242J. 13tf 1 l• The Fairoraft Prefabricated Home ENVIItIES INVITED Huron 'Engineering and Reseirili Co kOM ST1EET •GODEDICII • HOUSE FOR SALE BY TENDER, - 7 roomed frame house, No. 21 War- ren street. Possession will be given on June lst. May be inspected on 'April 23rd and 24th. - Sealed tefider to be filed with owner by April 30th. Terms cash -10% to be enclosed with tender. Any tender may be accepted. B. R. ROBINSON, Ow2aer. • 16x VOR SALE. -DURHAM HEIFER, just freshened, second calf. • • LEO CHISHOLM, Blue water _Highway, % mile sofith of Goderich ' -16x FOR SALE., -29 FORD .MODEL.A Coach, price $135. JOHN 11. CUR - RAN, Dungannon, R.R. 1, phone78r3. 16x FOR S4L1.-,--io PIGS, s WEEKS old. Apply GORDON- REIS, Hincks street, Goderich. - _ 16x FOR -SALE.-GIRL'S NAVY BLUE Coat, .size 12-14 years; also powder blue felt hat. PHONE '615. 16 NOTICE TO, CREDITORS THE BUSINESS KNOWN AS THE • Huron Laundry operated la the town of ' Goderich by Mrs. Therese C. Pfrimmer having been sold in com- pliance with the terms of the Bulk Sales Act, • all persons . having any claims against the said' Lin - dry or Therese Pfrimmer are herby notified to file, the same with the trustee„approved tinder the act on or before the 26th day of April. 1946.,, J. KENNETH HUNTER,. Single Girls -AGE 25 to 40 YEARS • Boys 16 and 17- Years for Packing Depprtment' Shift W'orle,- Good Working- . • oonditions. jNo Experience Necessary AppWersonnel Dept. KELLOGG CO. OF CANADA • LTD. LONDON, ONTARIO CAWOE WILINKS TUB CITIY OP TIM zaTioWtL • TBR „ F. zIzeri: are grateful to tilOse ,Aho extended sympathy and -34;tudness:tizeiztft their bereavement, and -are especially grateful to those who sent ilowks or loaned their cars. 10 ink) FAMILY, OP '11.11f,' LATE iL- LI4M J. Thompson of Aulatum wish to express their deep appreciation of the many expressions of syznpathy received at the tittle o their-hereave- ment, also to those who sent ilow#rs and loaned their cars. 10 •TINNORlit$ WANTED riaNDERS WILL; BE Rzotuvii) " up to April .24th for caretaking and cleaning of ,schoolhouse, S.S. No. 2,, 'Goderich township. DutiehtO COM - MOUS May 1St. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. ' Apply LORNE retary-trasurer. 16 BODGES, R.R. 1, rRICH, Sec- •• • APRIL 18th, 1010 BORN ASHTON.-At Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, April 10th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy A.shton, a daughter - (Elizabeth Jean). • DENONIY.-At •Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, April 13th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Denomy, a daughter. ' TAYLOR. -At Alexandra. hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, April 13th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, twins, (Philip Hunt and Margaret Violet). DIED s. STRONG -At lot 33, con. 13 McKilIop, on April 5th,*1.946, Jane Sholdice, wife of the late Wm. Strong, aged • 76 years.s. ---s- HESK-In Clinton Hospital, on April 7th, 1946; William H. flesk, -in his' 75th year. IN MEMORIAM CANTWELL.-In loving memory of my' dear 'wife, Mabel E. Cantwell, -who passed away April 19th, 1945. The dearest wife the world could hold, A cheery mire, a ,heart of gold; Those who knew her all will know, Hoiv much I lost,one year ago. -Sadly missed , by Husband, Wm. Cantwell. 16x. your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. 0-G-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. ' ' - 14-17 Next Sunday and . every Sunday, take your -family to church. - 14 • TIERIVICTIIAL LIFE - Assurance Company of Canada Save Today -so that you can Play Tomorrow C. STEWART GARTER 111 QUEBEC ST. • ' Pit. 196 - 13-16x • CURRY'S BAKERY "Tpo Ilom,o Ta5ty rash7" WEEK -END srEviAL HOT OROSSBUNS 20 cents doz3en • Meats and Fowl cooked ,as yoni. Like them. Ali. orders of .$1.00 or over delivered. PHONE 465 *EL. cutmorr, i?roprieter.- ., issamnsonsoinolamissinosmosnionsiiimmos 1110004.10•11111,11.11111011.1011111.1111.1.111111111111111111111011.4.4, TO BENT . FOR RENT. -2 IJNFURNISIIED rooms downstairs, 1 bedroom up- stairs. P.O. BOX 380, Goderieli, Ont. 16x AUCTION ?WS ADMINISTRATOUp SALE RESIDENTIAEn3ROPEIRTY - The Administrator of the Estate of ' the late Joshua J. Moore will so], by public auction at the premises on St. David's street, in the Town of Gode- rieh, on SATURDAY,' APRIL 20th at one o'clock The west half of lot mailing nuinber 140; containing 3/s of an acre of land. The _Property._ will be _sold_ subject-- _ _ to a reserVe bid. . • Vacant possession guaranteed within reasonable time. TERMS OF sALg—Twenty per cent.. cash on the day of the sidle and the balaacewithin thirty days, thereafter. Dated at Goderich, this second day of April, A.D. 1946. For further particularsr apply. to HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, Seaforth. Ontario.. 11, C..,HAYS, Hamilton street, Gode- rich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. - • - -14-16 - Lawn Mowers, • Sharpened r. = Prompt Service • 'ALSO LATHE- WORK Evenings After 5 p.m. KEN. ALLIN BROCK ST. 15tf Huron 'Laundry • UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DAVID AND EDMUND HUTCHESSON • We solicit the patronage of the 'former customers of the Hurons. Laundry and assure them satisfactory service. LATESic METHODS OF LAUNDERING EMPLOYED PHONE 224 Pick-up .'and delivery HAMILTON ST. . ' An Estate to settle We purchase outright for cash _Lists of Accounts from Estates also • Accounts collected on a Straight Commission Basis. . Western -Ontario Credit Bureau 72 ONTARIO ST. STRATFORD LICENSED STEEPLEJACK 117 LANGARTH ST., M.P. Phone Fairmont 30,77 LONDON We Specialize in all high work - What have yo'-"-"' S: J. C. Ferguson 13-16x ...„........,,,.....„,.., FIRE IS SO DESTRUCTIVE - Make sure your possessions . are insured against this CORaMan. threat.. • RATES ARE CHEAP 11. Me 1110 RP Get Insur. 1 - May Insured Rest aSsured. North St. Tel. 260w as. , Trusstee under Bulk 'Sales Act. 16 1.1.1P WOOL.11.1 Let me handle your lot. I have a man who will clip your sheep.. HUGE McCABE-------- R.R. 1 GODERICH, ONTARI6- • Cbllector for WILLIAM STONE S ONS, LIMITED Ingersoll, Ontario - W ar on Warbles or Heel Flies yLOSSES-Attributed to warble flies in Canada amea amount to n rl . . $14,000,000. annually. DAMAGE -Gadding of cattle during the summer, reduction in milk , flow, loss in flesh, wastage of meat in infected carcasses, injured hides. CONTROL -Destroyed most easily in grub stale after having reached the backs of cattle, by application of rotenone wash, usually procurable at drug stores and spray coMpanies, With directions for using. Quantity required approxim- ately one pound of povvdon for twenty cattle for three treatments. •, WHEN TO TREAT -Early in Spring when grubs commence dropping. • Repeat twice at monthly intervals. HOW TO TREAT -Apply. material with stiff brush and rub in well. COST -Per animal, per treatraent, should not eyceed two cents. SAVINGS -As much as five dollars per animal. This advertisement is inserted by the Agricultural Committee of the Huron County Council. • ' 13-14-10 0 COAL -- WHEN YOU REQUIRE COAL OR COKE CALL Charles C. Lee -Estate COAL AND HARDWARE AT THE HARBOUR TELEPHONE 22 un ay BE SURE AND . 4 "GO TO CHURCH" 0 God' Au delivered -us froni.-e.aterribIe war. Every serious minded person should attend -some church regularly to give Him thanks and to pray for His help in maintaining'peace. TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU.. THIS APPEAL IS MADE R The "Go to Church Committee (A' STRICTLY NO nioNomfNATIoNAL ACTIVITY)