HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-18, Page 1:
Goderich Delegation F'48TER CANTATA
- 1.40414 TALENT
JElard. at OttawaRnox Chtirch Choir Presented,"Otivet
Ask Extensive "HArbor Improve
mentg to. Accomodate •
• More SVps
Deepening and widenhig a She la'ar
e vare bar J. IL Maunder, beautifully
to Calvary'" to Large•Congregation
`A lar6 and 'appreelative congreg-
ation was in atteedance at Knox Pres-
b,yteriau 'church on 'Sunday evening to
.hear the sacred cantata, "Olivet to Cal -
bor Goderich 4n(I: extensioza o,f
:westerly end of .tlae river breakwater
were existing the ,preposals for improve-
ment a the harbor which a -delegation
from here preeented toAlphonse Four
nier, Minister a public Works at
,Ottawa, on Wednesday • and ThUrsdaY
of last week.
The delegation, .b.eaded MaYcrD.
p. Mo,oney, presented their propoeals
along with delegates from other hike*
ports who went to Ottawa w4b.. dm-
ilar prcipoeitionse ' •
Anioug the improvements w•hieb. the
Goderich delegation asked was that the
,area Just -Insides-the- liarber---entranee,
be widened from the present width of
450 feet to 1000 feet, all to he a depth
of 20 feet and e,xtension of the wes-
terly end of the river breakwater to
Join with the nerth-easterly end of the
, north breakwater so as to divert the
river flow.
It was also suggested that the bal-
ance of Ship Island be dredged to. a
depth Of 25 feet to ,permit easier turn-
ing for light or Toaded steamers.
G. L. Parsons, ,president of the Gode-
rich Elevator and Transit Co., stressed
the ineportance of the port as a trans-
portation link for western grain pro-
; ducts. Despite many imprOvements
to the harbor, he said, many steam-
ship companies have grave Misgivings
in consigning. th,eir cargoes to Gode-
rich-toward the' close of- the navigation
season; with the result that much of
the 'trade of larger ships is last.
MeisPournierepromieed theeGOderich
.delegation that their submission would
be given the fullest cOnsideration by
the government although no decision
would be ,givenosfor some time.
also revieived. -
The delegation comprised Mayo,r D.'
D. Mooney, Deptity-Reeve George Mac -
Ewan ahd Counclllor " George Math-
ieson, eepresentiag the Town- council,
G. L. Parsons and R. G. Sanderson of
the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co.,
and Bruce Tennant of the _Gederich
Salt Company.
The eubmission was suppOrted by
Lour members of parliament, L.
,Cardiff, Huron North; W. H. Goldiug;
Huron -Perth s A. J. Bradshaw, Perth,
and J. W. lidar,phy, Lanabton West.
rendered by the church choir, "
T. G. Jane, organist and choirmaster
direeted the -choir in 'the presentation
and contributed In a large measure to
the auceeeeaof the cantata in his ac
companiements and solo Work On the
Both choral and tiolo numbers were
presented witla gredt expreesion by the
talented ,singers. "•'‘
Ontetanding araoag the soroists were
Ralph Henderson, who flawlessly ren-
dered in baritone the solos, "A New
Conamandinent" and "Gethsemane" and
Mrs. W. P. Saunders who beautifully
took the solos "In -the Temple" and
"Betrayed .and Forsaken." Other sol-
oists who also contributed in splendid
voice were Miss Betty Smith, Dan Wal-
ter ,a11,0 Glen Lodge.
The story, 'fro ea the portion of the
Seripture -depicting Christ on the way-
tb Jerusalena, in the Temple and on the
Mount of Olives, composed the first part
of the ca.ntata ; then a new Command-
ment, Gethsemane. •and . the` betrayal
were exquisitely rendered, ending with
the depiction of Christ before Pilate,
the March to Calvary and the conclud-
ing hyilis "Rock of Ages."
A pretty svedding to(ik place on Sat---
nralay, April._6th, at lama -at Egniond-
ville U.nited ,church manse when Mona,
only daughter of the late Mr..and,Mrs,
D. F. .,McGregor, of Egmendville was
itms of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Adams, of Egmoudville. Rev. A.
W. Gardiner officiated. The bride was
becomin' gly gressed_in_ grey •crePe dtessa
Yr -Viz& wore-- a corsagemf-
American Beauty rosebuds. She was
attended. by Mrs. Rex McGregor, dres-
sed in rose with .a corsage .of flowers.
Mr. Rex McGregor, was the groom's best
.man. After a reception at the Mc-
Gregor home, Mr-Ssand Alm. Adams left
for a wedding trip. to the States, the
bride donning a .torquoise blue shag
coat with hat to match. • •
They vvillIfeside In' .Goderich where
the •groom lIssemployied.
- The Maple- Leaf 'Chapter, 1:0-.D:ES
held its monthly meeting, on Friday,
• * April 12. The regent' Mrs J.' A Gra-
*ham, presided.
• A letter from Mr. „Scat -Was read
.asking the suPport of the Chapter for
the proposetrrecreational centre. Mrs.
Mooney also urged the members to sup-
port it when the :matter is .brought to
public vote.
, • 's
Expense nidfiey Was voted to Mrs,
• - Mooney and Mrs. Ford w.ho .attended
.theePrOvinelitsconvectioil d'obgates
•of the Chapter. '
The aecond war memorial scholarship
fund of the I.0.1).E. &s; to belfuilt up
iminediately and all the Chapters are
being asked to .Send• in their .donations.
as soon as possible:
Mrs: Chapman, postwar Serv4ces con
yeller, read a letter ,from.headquarter
_ thanking the Chapter for the two Pair
.of - blankets sent in: Chapma
also reported that wool for- .afghan
had been ordered. "Save the childre
fund" is asking for clothjng, bedding
layettes, underwea.r, gloves and Mitts
It was stresreed at the convention the
It is home-made clothing that is wanted
-not money. Balbriggan rnay he ob
tabled from headquarters for children's
- Mrs. Taylor reported for the hos
piTill.TCY cominattee, c,oneerning tie wet
brides. No visits have et 'yet been
made. Mrs. Jackson proposed' that a.
gift be made to the first child of -each
'War bride born in Canada -and it was
. decided to open 'a bank account for
each. with a' small sun' of money.
Miss Wurtele read a letter of thanks
s from the 'teacher of the school lie•Dem-
mett, _Alta., for cbe bat (which was
donated by Mrs. 13ettgeele ball, mirror
and first-aid hoolth Sent.
.The' plans have .been -made for the
. rummage sale to -be held on May 4. As
&any wotkers as possible are asked to
, be at the rotens. about 1.15 p.m. and
. (jonations shOuld be brought in heariS'
as pessibie. on that date.
• was voted, on motion of Miss Rob-
erteS that a donation of $25. be •made
to. the cancer fupd.
It win.; decided that:. Mrs. Cranston
should attend the next council meeting
. along with the erepresentatives. of the
, other organizations which..uee the Lodge,
room in MacKay hall to protest the
rental rates set by the gormeil.for the
rooms in the'hall, ,
One -new member, Mrs. M. .T.
was atilynall. • ,
A letter is to be sent to the -Board of
e Trade offerieg_ the a -Operation of the.
Chapter in, providing lodgings for the
visitors eXpected .in Goderieh for the
Mewing Ma tell in October.
.• lane were discussed for a party to
f TV by the Chapter in -Court Ill-ouse
r.,.4a. on July 4.
,The next meeting of the Maple Leaf
Chapter will be beld on May 10,in Mac-
Kay Hall unless the members' are other-
wise notified.
Two three-year-old.steers'in Stratford
• aAtonished .residents of ,that city on
Wednesday when they tscaped from to
edinpound. The aninials eareened along
•',WA Nolo° street but their freedom end-
ed .when they stopped near the doors
of St, John's Millar elmreh. At that
point they were taken .into "efigtody4
andala ter despe tolled as a contribution
.to the st ri revert 'Hien Market, .
Miss Ann 'Wurtele is spending the
Easter season with an old diishop
gtrachan school friend in Pert Hope.. 1
The engagement is ante:fenced of RUM
Elaine, daughter (USAir. end Mrs. Fred
C. Capling,--87 Onward eve., Kitchen.er,
to Mr J. ------------Claron of Mr nd
e•. 0 cent. of __Go( er le_the
marriage to take place at Zion Evan-
gelical Church, Kitchener, on May 4.
,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mero, 18' Bruce
street, ,Goderich, wish to. announce the
engagement of their youngefdaughter,
Mary? Elaine .(Mickey) to Sgt. Gordon
K. Warner, .youngest son of Mr. and
I/mi. W. .4. Warner, .164, Mack street,
Kingston ; the marriage will take place
the latter part of .April. •
Mr. Neil MacDonald of Goderich,
wishes to announee the engagement. of
her sister,' Glades My to John
Donald .Maelednald,•second son of Mr.
J. MacDonald and the late Mr. Mac-
Donald, of Goderich. •Tbe
tb. take place the latter part of May. .
Mrs..Xaeob Wagner of Auburn, wishes
to ,announce the migagement of her
daughter Bertha Vieranna; to Wilfred
Ross, son of Mr. Albert Sanderson and
the late Mrs. Sanderson of Blyth. .The
wedding will take place early in May.'
. a
Mra, h Yin I
y «
A native of Goderielie----Charles
Merles, prominent in the hardware
trade in Calgary, passed away on April
8th ,at'Vieteria, RC. Deceased was a
on of the late Charles .Morris of Col-
borne township. He. was born on the
old Dunlop homestead in Colborne town-
ship, (18,41.r.s...,ab4,
Interesting Address
at Arthur Circle
14igti Ida ViThite, Jteg.N., Recalls
M.c.pericncez in Different
The Easter tbank-offeriag meetingeff
the ArtItur•Cirqe of Knox church wils
held on Monday evening at the lime
of Miss Helen BiSset, with Miss Ida
White, as guest speaker, ' -
Mrs., John PetterSon read the Scrip
ture lesson and Mrs. H. Jerry led in
PrskVer. A.letter from Mize Laura Pel-
ton, general. secretary, regarding_ the
organization. of a Listening audience for
the broadcast's Q11 Aptil 24, May 1 and 8,
to the women of the eliurch in con-
nection with the Preebyterlan Advance
for Christ, was read. Mrs. W. Reed
and Mrs: Frank MeA.rthue were appoin-
ted a visiting committee for the coming
Meath. A pleasingfeature of the even-
ing was the presentatiansef a life -mem-
bership certificate in the W.M.S. t6 Miss
Mary MacVicar by Mrs. Geo. bliteEwan.
A duet by Mrs, G. Kaitting anal Mrsa-G.
Henderson was very much enjoyed. It
was deeided to. have -a -smother and
daughter meeting in May. , '
Miss' White gave a' very interesting
talk on her experiences while a miming
sister in Africa., Egypt, and Italy. She
spoke"of ,h,er joy et being of service to
the many soldiers passing through the
-hospitals' in which she worked and her
feeling at all times that she was being
helped and sustained by the prayers
of those at home. She told of the native
women of Africa carrying with ease
heavy Scolds upon their heads, QS -their
head dresses of niud, .sametimes. a foot
and .a -half high, which were never re -
Moved, of their straw -roofed huts orn-e
„amented wiilreattleca-lrerns'aalmils,'etca
into which ,one may walk but back out
because of their superstit4on that it
be,milueky to walk out. Miss
White recalled ahouteatteading a re-
goiseseeererahnsesealltid. "1.tedlatrettre '
walking" in whicheeneen,drawing heavy
floats by means of hooks fastened into
the „muscles of their shoulders- Walked,
back and forward for hour e through the
liot coals of a huge bonfire during which
time the odor of the burning flesh of
their fe& could be smelt, before the
fire died out and the ashes Were throWn
over the women, as a form of blessing.
There was much natural scenic beauty
In the hills and plateaus and in an
abundance of beautiful shrubs and
er, the many ,flies, and the sandy deserta
• In Egypt, the extremely warm weath-
left rather au unfavorable impression.
lathe •Oity of Cairo she found- narrow,
crowded streets with merchants dis-
playing their-evaressons either side, and
fhoeraemdotheye .c,ontinuous cry of the*beggars
At the close Of the meeting lunch was
served and a Social hour eiajoyed.
At Police court on Thursday after-
noon of last week, Sidney Laws Was
fined $10. and costs •,when a plea of
guilty was entered through his colmsel
Kenneth Hunter, On a charge .of .dis-
orderly eopd•uct in -a Godericla- eestaur-
Magistrate A. F. Cook ordered that
Harry Gilpin, charged with vagrancy
and wandering about the str6ets of
Goderieh, be remanded in custody until
April 1.8th, so that he could undergo
a medical check-up, advised by a •Gode-
rich doctor..
The Victoria 'St. United church choir,
tinder the leadership of its organist,
:Miss Barbara Cutt, will be the guests
of Union church, Ooderich township,
next Sunday at the Eitker service at
,2.45 pm., to render the Easter music.
The service will be conducted by the
minister; the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner,
When a Communicant's class will be
ree-e-ived-into -the eletreh.-
- .
Major D. R. Nairn Retires from Army
Retirement of two 'Senior officers at
Headquarters of Military District No
1, effective April 15, WaS announced
on. Friday last. ..•
They are-: Major A. E. Cooney, of
Swift Current, Sask., Deputy Assistant
QuaStermaster-Ohieral, and ,Mnjor D.
R. Nairn, E.1), of Goderich, Assistant
Jedge Advoeate-General.
Major NStirn jOined the Illiddlesex
and Huron Regiment, N.P.A.M., in 192t
was commissiened in 1027, and ifteltme,
10-10, was in eommand of a eompany
that Was taken into the Elgin Reg-
ment ,when the latter waCmobiiiva.
He went overseas in 1041, returned to
Canada ate the end of the year, and
went back Overseas in 1942 with thr
Elgin Regiment. Ile ebbncanded
Squadron of theElgins in Africa, Sis10
and Italy.
Returning. to 0000(10 in JulS, 10414,
he joined the Assistant .11mige Advocfae-
Generars braireh of M.D. 1. He ,vas
appointed head of the braneh in Nov-
ember, 1915, on the retirement. of Major
Alex. Fergusson, of London.
Major Nairn will devote the net
few. weeks to personal niffiirs befdre
resuming the practice of Taw.
Preludeee".Adtoration" G ui fin a t.
Offertory--SiMeditafiOn" elloemer.
Atitheett -"IAm Ile That Liveth"
Solo by Miss Ann Matter. Shiver.
Solo -"The no137. eitY" Adains.
Mr. Glen Lodge.
Postlude--"Jubialete Deo" Silver.
Prelude--"Cantique" Eiger.'
Offe rto ays-* Dusk" Stebbins!.
Anthem -"Christ I Iti,sen" Maunder.
Duet -Mises Irene and Eunice Mlle.
Postlude-"March ROmaine" Gounod.
Prelude -"I Knew That My Redeemer
Liveth.", Handel
Processional-"Weleome Hapny Morn-
Anthem -"Christ Our Passover Is Sac-
rificed For es." '
Hymn -s -"Jesus Christ Is Risen Today."
Solo -"The Holy City."
Soloist -Mrs. X. Aitken,
Choir Anthem -"Hallelujah! Christ Is
Risen." 4:)-- Slinger
Choral Communiob." Service in F by
Recessional -"The Day of Resurrec-
tion." '
Easter rostiude.
Prelude- -
Proceseiepal-"Come Ye Faithful."
Anthera-"They Have Takee Away My
, .-• • Stainer
Authem-"Hallelujah, Chtfet Is Risen:"
Receesional-"Allelulia !
Postlude-"War Marchsof the -Priests"
from Athalia, = .4„ c,„ meadelsw/1.41
---'''''Thearifertibergswere asked lo sy
Large Suin Itaised
0 1 AN TE4 WATEltrZ04a 1 resent4tIon e
- . By School Pupils -' ,. . to II. M. IVIonteith
The yast weel:: liae been'a busy one
, e s . .- . ..--
IVIotiol Picturea of Lodia S
Shown at HO e and SalOGOellile oantetholliztaalillpiterr waiitthd leTtl: egloricatvrefilisgi
. at LialfS, 011ei '
ZPValhitifr Bank Nariazer RonOred
Club Meeting vessel .brieging cargoes here. In ail
n . . Banatiet
alMost a million bushels of. grain ave
Beaatifully colored pictures of loeal
scenes, lovely Goderich flesver gardens, during the past eeven days.
been deposited at -the elevator and mill 111.„ M. Monteith, Bank ---of -5Ientreal
manager, who.leaves ehOrtly far gault
children at play and a humorous play, The firet grain veesel of the season Ste. Marie, was the recipient ofsa epleike
to aerive was the Soodiaa which came
were pr.esenteci on the screen by obert a did join away gift at the regular
Heary, ama.thur photographer, on of wheat for the Mill fromt 'Port Wil:
in on Friday =ailing' with 240,000 bus
meeting of the Goderieh LiOne MOO,'
Thursday night at the regular meeting '
of Vietoria Home and School Club. • liain. She cleared on Monday after- held ha the. Bedford Hotel 4)/a, Felder
noon back to the head of the „Sakes. evening: The gift, a luggage *Wes,'
Th,ese inclUded the V -E Day cele- ' Bally Saturday morning the Ioeolite vvas an expreasioa Of, the eeteera iia
bration; the opening ceremony in eon- docked with a cargo of gasoline from 'which Mr. Monteith Was held by hia
neetifm with the last- Victory:tLoan at Sarnia for the Imperial Oil CovapanY fellow ',Sous and bY the buSineasfata 1'
pictures of the activities of the Sea
the home of Mr. H. MeCreatla 'Sanford ; andselea'red earlty Sunday morning for
Sarnia, The Ontadoc arrived from uflhoedeprric;he.n
tation, on behalf of MO
Cadets at the harbor ; winter and -suns Fort William on Sunday afternoon with Lions Club4and the 'Board of Trade,_
Inez ,scenes in Goderich, "the prettiest 158,000 bus. of oats and 135,000 'bus, was niadeTW Keith Hopkinson, white
spoke highly of Mr. Monteitla's cone
'An expression of regret at Mr. Mon-
vtroillicuedti.ons to the town of -Goderkk
teith's leaving the community esaS .
George Sehaefer and Ronald Me/19310S : -
also spoke- co.naplimentarily of Mr: Mon-
teith .and Rev. R. H. Farr voiced his
appreciation of the Work which Mrs.
sMhount.tizeih. had performed in visiting
Mr. Monteith replied to the presort-
tation briefly, expressing his, regret at
having t� leave Goderich where he
counted a host of friends.
During the evening Lion Guy Emer-
son, chairman of the hockey committee,
reviewed' the successful hockey seasou
which the Lions, Club , sponsored Juv-
eniles and Midgets hadeenjoyed- thla -
year. Lion Emerson expressed the
counnittee's pride in the accomplish-
ment of the teame ande_inestAeessigagsseseee .
sseAtetheensouthly-serte•etingelCam G'ass-typesetffslliytkor'diffitfikSrb'ir by 'both., '
dreh's Aid Society on Wednesday af- some wo4derfuLorivertisi4g,,,,,autalad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
They had given the town of Goderiek -
ternoon, delegates were appointed to
tto$1,:rthea.allimovADoial- golzwen-IIM'ozt‘' 1--oert.a. _:701-liaty--rnyi, zany- disrriet-----
Nrvela4T'trild'isiftn,g whsih-aPdirettrhfillaisttirena-d-tle-e11:0:416eIdlilfie:11:1.1rayTerl'EtZ: been more, successful tad .they the -
newspaper.e, he said. ' He expressed the
fhoeght .that the teams would have
inial convention of the socigly sidce advantage of an artificial ice 'arena an
his appOintment 1S years ago. -
final series.
which to play their home games in the
, DelightThle etertaininent was protra
eed-by six iiiiI,'" school boys who Satig
in harmony under the direction of Mrs.
J. .'Alenougall, musical instructress at
the public schools. Mrs. McDougele
tiecompanied the sextet on the piano. '
The boys are Jack Allen, Billy Chaae,
Allan MacDonald, Charlie Johnston,
Bud Clemons and Jack Hudson.
The evening was concludea vviffi the
showing of travelogue movies, with thie
compliments of the le-Vet/al Oil .Ce.
„In the alisence of Lion Presidextt_ -
nice ettnant, who was in Ottawa on
1.st vice-president Jaek-Coaten .
t; -
town in Canada.4,'A. fine exhibition of of barley for the Elevator. She cleared
skating by Peter Zimmerman, in cos: Monday evening back to Fort William.
tunae, also Wan admiration as shown in The Coalhaven eamein on Sunday
the moving pictures. evening with 2,300 tons of coal for the
„Among ills many activities, ..Bobe Mill and cleared early Monday morning.
Henry finds time to take all kinds of At „Sunday midnight the Bricoldoc
pictures of which the above are a few, arriseelefrom Fort William, -w4th 1)4,500
There was a good attendance. The bus. of barley and 58,900 bus. of oats
President, Mrs. E. "Videare conducted far thee elevator.
the businees session, The treasurer, The F. V. Massey docked on Monday
-Mrs. R. Wilson, reported a balance on morning willi 40,140 bus. of barley and
hand of $166.25.. , . 09,000 bus. of rye from Fort William
A!. conemunication from the staff of for the elevator.
the school was read, stating that $9,050. On Thursday of Net week Harbor -
had been invested in War Savings naaster Norman MacKay supervised tbe
etampsby the pupils of the school, and dumping of five million whitefish -fry
it was hoped that this amount would in the •shallow waters of Lake Huron
be raised be a grand total of $10,000. off Goderich. The small fish were sent
this year with the co-operation of the
parents: here by the Ontario Government Fide-
eries at Sarnia* to re -stock the supply
Another. communication was reed of whitefish in the waters arciund here.
om ti-saaaaefetaityaof 'the, Coramunity-
Weereation, Committee, Air. A.
Anthems by the •Choir-'
"Awake Moue_ ...Barrat
c'e:M.;911erti:ot Reautyrisffisii-OTSGIdd-
ness." ' Sibelius
Male Quartette ---"Low in the Grave He
Messrs. C. Attridge, K. Jackson, R.
Hendereon, Worsell. •
Piano and Organ Numbers -
Easter Prelude -"Joy and Gladness."
Offertory -"Large." Handel:
Postlude--"Ceremonial MArch."
, Mrs. Suider at the piano.
Anthem by the Choir -
'Where Have Ye Laid Him."
• . Robertsen.
Chorus -"He Lives, Oh Message
Softly Breathed." .2
Organ Numliers- -
4. I Know That My Redeemer LiVeth."
"Hallelulia Chorus." nandel,
• -
Prelude -"Pastorale" Lawrence.
them --"Where, Grave,- Thy • Vi -
tory?" . Dale.
Offerf•orye---"Y:e.e. Simper.
Ladies' eliorns-"He Lives" •.° Hall.
Postlude--"Soldierls-Ohorus" Gounod.
'Prelude -"Day" Of Rest" " Clark.
Anthem--"1aster Day". , Hall.
Offertory ---"Even• Song"' Kieserling.
Quartette-- vary" Sweney.
Miss E. ItresckoW. Mrs. R. Fowler, Mr.
Chas. Breekow, Mr. Chas, Woods.'
Postlude-,-"March Romaine. Gounod.
her sister, Miss Beatrice Lauder, in St. Ifodils and pots of AfriectU'Violets. The
pathetic consideration, and to interest
others, in the 'proposal for a Com-
yntre,...14at twin.116.45rovirre'lsan:
opiTefi: • Ity----stettfoleeoine recreation
of various kind, for the young -people
of the community.
. The radio convener, Mrs. Ft* Curry,
gave a list cikaaecial radio prograing
for Easter-tirde.
The War Services convener, Mrs. G.
Bowra," had a fine display of articles
for the overseas bale. This will be the
last of the War Service work, and. any
members wishing to make a donation
should get in touch with Mrs. Bowra
as early as ,possible.
May 16th will be the Annual meeting
and eleotion of officers.Alli conveners
were asked to haVe their reports ready
for this meeting. •
Piano dnets by Miss Mollie Bisset
and Miss Eunice Milne, with two solos
by----Mrsa-.-1Keueeth Aitken, proVisded an
evening of delightful entertainment.
The appreciation of those present was
extended to 'Mr. •Henry and the other
contributor -a to the program by Mrs.
E. Videan and Mrs, A. Taylor.
The death of Gertrude Ethel,Lauder
'occurred in St. Catharines ea_Taesday
Morning. f011OWInk -a lengthy illness.
Miss Lauder was born in Kingston, the
daughter of the late George H. and
Hannah Lauder. She came to Goderieh
with her father and other members of'
-11e.r family ardund 1909. • mens Institute held their annual Sun-
shine Sisters banquet in the Sunday
Deceased, was for a great many years
cashier at the C:N.R.' freight offices hut school room of Knox Presbyterian
retired ten years ago because of ill -
health: Since retiring she•had resided
A l'.3B
AUBURN, April 16. -Mrs, Jeremiah
Taylor is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Raithby in London.
MrsWin:-J. Thompson has returned
home littera Months visit with her fam-
ily. . .
Mr. and Mrs..Charles Scott aid Mrs.
John Arthur visited My. and Mr. Gor-
don Wall of Langside on Sunday.
and Mrs. John R. Weir of London
are visiting pr. B. C. Weir and Miss_
osephine. •
, Miss Sadie Carter has returned from
goderich hospital where she had been a
patient. , •
The flowers on the Coinmunion Table
in Knox Presbyterian church last Sun-
day were placed there by Mrs. Geo. F.
.Yungblut inyniemory of her son, Pte.
Earl Mugford, who was killed in aetion
in Holland on April 15th, 1945 b' •
The B.Y,P.U. Will hold its Easter
meeting on Sunday' evening at 7.30 in
the eliurch.-'4 snecial }aster program
in, charge of Airs. R. L. Philips and
Miss • Emma -Gravenstein will be pre-
Sunshine Sisters Banquet. -The Wo -
cbureh on Tuesday evening.: Forly-
tive members sat 'down to stables dec-
i Goderich in the summer and with ()rated with bouquets of yellow (.11If•
Balan'ee on 1945 income tax will fall -c•
due April 30 aud there will be no ex- 0(
tension of time, is the word from Ot-
tawa. Last year the time for pay-
ments was extended until August be-
cause of a VictorY Loan Campaign but
officials said thera would be no exten-
sion this yea".
Miss Agnes et iddleton•• was in Tote
onto fora few days. „
„Miss ,Josie Saunders returned On
Monday from a month's,, visit in Tor-
Ismay McLean suffered a breken
left wrist when she tripped Widle walk-
ingson Elgin Ave. She is ,a patient in
Alexandra hospital.
Mist; Minnie Campbell has retureed ohne' Searles Hick, and •at the age -of
from Hamilton where she was attend- eighteen moved with, his parentJ° the
ing the .Provincial- Convention of the farm ea the Huron road., Goderich
I.O.D.E., as a delegate of the Ahmeek township.- where he had lived 'ever
Chapter: since, r-ith the exception of the winter
On Monthiy afternoon, April Sth, _the months—9f the last. ten years, whieh
staff -of the „Bank Of Montren-iiia at he spent in town with his -son-in-law Aoderson. Mrs. Albert 'Campbell ,gave
the Ome of.. a former -manager, Mr. an(Ldaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward. a splendid addresS 'on "Highlights in
and Mrs. A., A. Nicol, West street, Ile Ir'his early years he was 1 tudent at
hobor of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Monteith, Goderich High School and 0 pripil. of
Priur to their ‘leaving for the' "Soo." the late Dr, IL I. Strang. Ile was lib
The gathering was tagmented by sev- ardent horticulturist. and at one time
eral former employees:, namely, Mrs. A. had a prize' orchard at • his farm in
Ackeroyd, Mrs, G. McManus and Mrs. Goderich -township_ now. owned by his
D. Thottipson (nee •Marj-orie Dae -r) of son-in-law, Albert ()ke, It was on this
Thessalon. A social hour was enjoyed farm that the chestnuttrees which
and lunch was served: - circle Court, House Park W4-kre -grown,
,At a special meetipg of the Board In. politics Mr._ Hick ,was a stalwart . .
of Management f'of St, GeOrge,s chureh,' Liberal. He was a member of the lights if the farmers' 'wiVes are inter
calleq for the purpose, Mr. H. -M• Mon- -United church at Taylor's CO:rner and (511' 11) them. She urged the ladies
teith was presented- with a gift by the for many .savars was zetruetee
and sea_ to intlite friends with. axt.agr,d§'• OM• ,
oard to-I.:mind -him of his pleasant rotary -treasurer of the school board of the drawbacks on the farm was i 1(
assoelatiOn with that body sihee his for the seetion. Ills wife, fee forma of convenienceu
s such as hathrthn
arrival in- Goderich three and a half Caroline Wakefield, died twelve years running wate,r, Siteisaiti 11111 only only five
years ago. A small token of -ap- !leo, and surviving are two danghterS, per centof the fanners'. homes in Van-
pi•eebition wae also„provided ,for Mrs. Mrs., (Shades Edward, -of town,. and a da, have ba 1111001»' and ninning water.
Mon-teith. Mrs Monteith expecte to Mrs. Albert Oke, ofOoderjeli township:. and „Sugested the Government give a
leave for his new .appointment at two grandchildren, Clayton Edward and grant to farmers for same. Mrs. Camp-
2S6Th.ilt Ste. Maele on or about April Mrs. .Harohl .Bleeksteee, 'Jr. (Verna hell eleskel her address witii -11, hum-
, Edwar(l). both` .02 town, and three orolts Poem which 510' had comPoscd-
great-grandehildren. making • mention of all the Sansliine
s The funeral service was held at the sisters. ' This was followed le' •a -duvet
by Mrs, Wm. 'Andel:son and Mrs. Gor
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwaixt
don ‘Motlinehey. A reading. "And Ile
on -Monday eternoon, Rev. I). J. 'Lane
of Clinton ofliciatin. The pallbearers -
atharfnes, and was therewh
_ en death !place cards were also in the same color
.curred. I scheme. Following the banquet Mrs.
Surviving -is a brother, John' Edgar La*son, president of the Insti
of Goderich, and a sister, Beatrice, -
tute,. presided for the meeting,- She
St. 'Catharines. , expressed appreciation to-the•counnit tee
, The funeral sill take place °from charge of the banquet, Mrs:: H. Mair
fannly residence' on Nelson street this
(Thursday) afternoon. Rev. B. H. Farr
will officiate.- Interment• will be. in
Met:land eeinetery,
A lifelobg and esteemed resident of
this (1A..trict; Walter F. Hick, passed
away quietly at the home of his.son-in-
law, Charles Edward, Lighthouse street,-
ridge, Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs, E. Cowan,
Mrs. F. Plaetzer, Mrs. Fred RossMis-
ses Minch 0 11(1 Josephine Weir.
and--W-as---emlorsed -by preseut. -etre
also made mention of a number who
were unable- to be present owing f)
illness, also to a "Sunshine Sister" who
had been (11110(1 to higher service since
the last Itanspiet.- A letter of thanks
was read from the W. J. Thompson
on .Saturday morning, after an illness' -1a7milY for 11 card a s•villPatilY ree"ived•
of only a Kew hours. Ile was ia his pie :following progrtun was then en-
eislity,Tseventh year., • Ire .wifS -horn in *toyed 01111 Mrs. R. .1. Phillips as ar-
Goderich, the son of Wtilter 'and Car- compa inst.: an Easter -number by -the
program conimittee. Mrs. ("..A. HowSon.
Mrs. Gordon Taylor;Misses Elioa
and Josephine Weir :•reading, 'Bidding
for the DonkeY." by Mrs. Alfred Nes-
•bit ;. solo, Mrs, Wm. .(7raig: readings,
"Your Chun
rch ad Mine," Mrs. Oliver
the' Lives of Farmers' Wives.- Mrs.
Campbell staled the farm- is the 1)111)1151le
fort he young and st rOng- ttaid that there:-
wasn't the hardships 00 ,t he farm that
there used he to hr. Sstated that
(luring the winter the farmers' wives
had time for reading and writing. In
the spring tla•re was • the making of
maple syrueaiii
p. hous-Cleng, gardenn
and chiekens. All these can Ift‘ hish-
KN0X CliuReti W.M.S.
The Raster meeting of Knox Chereh
W.M,S. Was held on Tuesday afternoon
vith the pr'M
esident, rs. Gordon Bisset
Worried Murat It," by Mrs. Wm. Rob
in (ha rev. Tee deeoemee exercises wer•e Oswald Gime-Wilmot Ileneke. erton aml a solo by Mrs. Fred,. Plaet!
'tvere led, by Mrss' Stewart. 4)l, Oliver Edward. Robert 'dies. A prize, donated. by -Mr-C2. Bert
gfee4 '.p i1 waS Mrs. Geo. Johnston litoaaas rana canoes wallara The in- Craig was Won, hy. Mrs. Gum
and :die gave a very 11151(111 ng end ti50h terMent was in Maine ed eenooery, The roll en]] I\ Us me.:wereil 10
memoer revealing the_ name her
RATION CARDS FOR TOURISTS -Sunstible sister" naa w.ta, 10
) 1 1111(1
TO1111t4:4 , visiting Canada for seven ri.'reixed durina,-the 'var. , A i‘..zreat,
days or longer may apply for 51100181 many. serPrises Were expressed when
temporary ration eards, the Prices the names were revealed. Mrs: James
Woods, convenor of the nominating
sommittee. 11-esented the slate of of
Ina talk, on -self Defile]." the "Stiff-
erings. of Christ" and "Tbe Cross. Sirtt.
( t on. Etlwa rd sang sweetly "There
A:4 a Green 11111" end a 'llevely violin
501001 11)11 "My 116sary" by Robert Bisset
aceompanifel by his sister Mollie, Re- Board has announced. Officials ex-
freements were served and a emial half plalifed tha
e rrangem
ent was designed-
lemr wes enjoyed at the eloee of the to ifrovide for toatiete Who linee elite tivere whieb was reeeived end will he !
meeting.• h mer cottagea in Canada. ipublished in these volumes malt .weer,t. 1
TweVoung Ladies of Stratford Delight
Audience with Vocal ,Solos
A° program of rare Musieal variety;
sponsored by the choir of Knox.Pres,
hyteriaa . church_ -was -resente0 in- the
lecture hall of the church last 'Friday: •
Ghest artists of the evening_Werc two
young talented ladies frond lstratfor
Misses JOyee Hunter and Marie-
bert, who - won aeclaim -"at the
Stratford Festival of Musielast monde
Their soles end duets' were reogved
with much enthusiasm by, an appreci-
ative audience.• Their ntimbers
Ileaven"_ from -Desert Song,
"(*arissima" (Conte sing to me),--Neo-
politan Nights." -Springtime," "Love Is
All."Ith AlwaYs Chasing Rainbows,"
‘Ity request they sangone of the festiv4
test' pieces "All In An .April Evening" -
duet. The aecompanist was Mrs. C. L.,
Tough of Stratford.
• Piano duets "Nola" and "Moment
Alueicale" were well played lfroy Misied •
Mollie Itisset and Barbara •CutL_Ralp,b__
-1-1611defson. in very tine voice, sang !WI
.16y Be Thine:. Robert Bisset accom-
panied by his sister 'Mollie, played two
violin soles, "In a ',Monastery eirarden„'
and "Love's Old Sweet kong," whfria
W(tre pleasing to,hear.' The -choir -con-
tributed .two unaecompanied numbers,
"Ye Banks and Braes" ahd "Loch Le-
nto/A" .k highly amusing monologue
(Sititled -The. Neughts Child" was given ,
by Miss Gail Sannders$
•A'oint, act play "Mrs: Sullivau's Seelig
fTotv‘irils. sgtil.(i)(17).sfAuflrl3s.t. pIt;e.seLitildegdo..bywaysse
-Ma isiUrixs, :1 I a elle, :\ iss. Aileen Stowe,
Miss GaiPSarinders, Mr. Charles Kemp,
'Ales. Itieberd S.tewert, Mrs. Wm. Me-
.Laren, Mrs. G. Stokes., Mrs, 0. pekeltee
and Mrs. R. Bell. e
, A Meeting of representatives from
United church congregations in the &S-
trict including ,Asblield, Celharne..Aub-
urn, Dungannon, Nile 'and Betunillter
eind the town of Goderich, Was held La
the auditorium of North St, church en
Monday evening, to (listless, the plass
for the canvass for a•inliacriptions'to
the pension Mind Endowment wliich in
to take plaee trona April 28th' to Mty
12th, • The amount allocated' to Hamlin
Presbytery is $31,000. ,Mr. W. 0."
tridga acted as ehairman of the meal-
ing whiCh included bOth men and %%n -
en d('legates: No gpeeiat reeoltifira'
were a dented. ,
'rile Huron Presbyterial of the W.U.
S. of Ow United clineh will meet at
Winalmin in the lathed church an
Tharsday. Aprii 2:1111. Morning seabion
conneetices at 9.30 and afternoon aesSiori
at 1.30. :Ursa J. II. (thilds of London,
pr-splent of , the London Confereenee
Branch, will 'be gnest speaker. Reparta
of the various denartni ,nts will. be
iui al va;111 interest and a lurae dep-
litation 15 .exnected.
The Intermediate baseball teatil vb
,Itolti its. first prnetiee 01Agrieultural
Park on Nionday evenina, Aprill
All those wishipa to try out for 43:0
(Puna arc asked to be on horde Prae--
tie win centime+ all aiee
permit t ing. • ,