HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-11, Page 4PAS ie __ 'OUR • Patters� n ' $ 4,11 'Phone 61. 11: rocery GEG+ FRIES FRESN SEATS • ° SEED POTATOES .GARDEN SEEDS DAILY DELIVERY 135 .., q t$a Ajtritann a ads it 44. 11 \� TABUS ED 1859! FF CUSTOM GROUND TO YOUR t7WN'NIGTHOD Off', tEiVING, THEREBY ASSURING YOU TRUE COFFEE FLAVOUR AND FRESHNESS OWNED AND taPERATEQ e�Y The Griot ATLAN 'IC&PACIaFt:C A, • BLACK TSAOAU UL DICED BEETS aR CARROTS LEC .== • -• - MACARONI CAREADY CUTS lb. 530 3 290 2 Tins 2 X12-oz."fig Pkgs. ALL BRANDS• Tall 0 ItaILK VITA 'B' CEREAL itilabliflo gb• 25¢ KINGM - CONCENTRATE- 3 Bt{, I- 50 Btl. limmaniummoimililmommammumminlimmormay OLD ENGLISH ' NO RUB -WAX t. 49¢ RQYA4..L 1-1QUS_El-1_QLD FLOUR Bag 23•' .24 -lb: ANN PA -GE 70T. +. FOS Pkg. of 8 j5¢ GRADE A LARGE TI GODERICII IGNAL S1A r y. . Unique Pipiay of Valuable 9tewelry CUPID CREATES CONGESTION IN" 'VRANSPQ] TATIQN PLANS TbaniditC. to i<eeord number of wives and Children of Canadian servicemen Pfl I D Cre7,vs Prosants Collodion t ,t were brought to • Canada during the Fi nn ,. ,ger'Q Gift Store Reminiscent of thedaly, wheu grand - I/4 was they belle of the• ball., wentriug utualth of Mare s, transportation eom- pani.es have bean nimble to meet the tietutands for passage of others_ to Come to their iitiw-ibowes in the Doruiuion. During 1 arch, 3,094 wives and 1,272 a six foot long, gold chain suspended • children arrived •gin this country, but rola her neck, and grandpa carried during r.the same period, 851 Canadians • were married in the United tiaggdera hiS silver snuff box in his waistcoat ., pocket, is. the display of old gold and and Xunion,. 81 babies were" born of earlier silver• je � .._ha •Fitsinger's jewelry One Oficial- said: "At the. present • store window. The . displayiricltades to of progreSS • we.Cannot hope to- hutrdreds £sof pieces of jewelry, many complete the movement of sevticeanen's of them fatuity -Heirlooms, Which were dependents before the -end of the year." sold to wind 'up estates end .are the Still rem tiuiaag in the iinited property of -a, man,"' Sriots�u froth coast dom are 24,034 wives arid. 8,810 child - to coast a\ just plain `Phil Crews'," rep. Of 'this number, 309 women and The owiwi' related today that it}uoug ; 278. childretihave been told to prepare the collection- are. about 20 pieties of for almost inunediate transportation jewelry. lie purchased from one estate. and they will anti' some bine this These, had been kept ui the family :utontli. Others waiting to sail'in forth - strong lees for Many years. Included coining drafts Include 15,)31 women in this collection Were many pieces ; and 7,544 children — approximately made by hand, such as necklaces and equal to the number who already have dog collars, while en In Memoriam sailed• brooch had human hair interwoven • here ships now are operating in the in its texture. dependents' service than ever ,before One interesting gold locket, said to' While the bureau is laying its ,hands be over 100 .,,,years old, containstile,; on every ,available ineh_ of shipping picture of a young lady, and strange space, it cannot keep pace with the as it may seem- she is wearing a hat ' steady increase in Che number of de - not unlike the type of headwear wore penuleirt. by the present well dressed lady. •'rot. W. S. Murdoch. director of the Other articles among this .eollectioi, ,t'antdiau.- Wives- Bureau,-- said : _ "Un) of jewelry, which represents a small- fort unately the people .of Canada have sized fortune, are brooches made as no idea of our difficulties• and there far brick as 1811, and a gold-filled is some impatience aiming soldiers who , virlaigrette from the eighteenth Gen expected dependents earlier because' tory, which the owner claims was- made ' of false rumors." in 1842. Most of the older pieces of All applicants are dealt with ,on �I jewelry were fashioned, patterned and strict priority basis. an i Ii, I cl l►� .. haul- _ en.taillug much tedious and painstaking ,work. Crews •ews will be at Filsinger's ' INSTINCT DEIV1ONSTRATED Jewelry.au •Gift Store until April 20th, for the purpose of 'buying old gold The instinct Which leads homing in any form.. I pigeons to their roost from far dist- - {cruces is one which •has continued, to RECEIPTS OF BIBLE SOCIETY k amaze naturalists and pigeon fanciers The financial_ of the Goderich down through the years. Branch tpper Canfida Bible Society) Realization of how strong this in - .for the season of 1945-46, is submitted.' strict ..is, .i .tS.recently..brinigh ..hc tP&Ago, , .1 spa fly,b441 5 • ...:�.a ` - ,:.._q � �_ ._ ClaytonLadd, �Au1 urn pigeon - owner. RECEIPTS , On Tuesday • evening of last • week, Balance forward $ 14.27 While attending to jiis,nightly chores North Street United _ �, 1 .25.-aaounti 1=he--•-pig•eon••----lo€•t, 4ire---Irardel7 Knox- Church 41.25 noticed a strange • pigeon descend and St. George's'4. 26.45 attempt to enter the pen. Upon Mr. altford Sunday School 25.00 Ladd's opening the door to the pen, Baptist Church 10.25 I the pigenn entered and made straight - Week of Prayer Collections 42.59 Way for a particular nest. Total ..t •Dir: Ladd_ caught the-- pigeon and. $314.06 upon examining it found two -.bands EXPENDITURES on its legs. OAe was an R.C.A.F. band To -Upper' Canada. Bible Sciciety and the other a band which he. at- • Headquarters $310.00taches to his own pigeons. Exchange • , •15 •Mr. Ladd at- once realized that the March 25th' Bank Balance • 3.91 bird, was one of fifteen. pigeons which he had donated to the R.C.A.F,' in a .Total• $314.06 December, 19.42. The birds at that -The above contributions are great-' time were shipped, to an airforce base fully.,,.acknowled4ed.. in British Columbia. . W1ie l }er they E.*• . UGLAS BROWN, ,, had subsequently .0een trans erred to 'Treasurer. it -more easternly station, it is .not T iUR L Z iZT Illi I IQ ninths of Preparation .have put us in first Position to j PIGEON'S' AMAZING 'Store Mgr. Insert Price - WHEN AVAILABLE • - f'c'° • PRINCESS FLAKES FRY'S COCOA CHATEAU CHEESE :14111S7123 L 168Y'S • Pkg. 1 -Ib. Ctn. 310 %2-1h.._Pkg. 190 2 '.-Z•s 15¢. \ '\DAN DEEFLOWER OR - Large SEEDS VEGETABLE • Pkg. 250 --_ ICTIWSUDAR QUAKER OATS .OXYOL • • • Large Pkg. 19¢ • 4 Largo Pkg. 22 OFFICERS NAMED FOR MISNER PORT COLBORNE, Ont., Apr. 5.— Capt. II. Scott "Misener, prey Dpz.. 40C Colonial and Sarnia Steea_nlshi tciilay- annti irtcc c 46 appointments of captains and chief engineers for the ,eomlbany's fleet, which. is expected to open the seseason,next week. The appointments are:. • Upper Lakes ---Mathewson, W. J. Moes, captain, 0. 'Williams, chief engineer; Royalton, E. C.Haw.man, V. Parker; Bennett, J. E. Stewart, A. McLaren'; Laketon, A. R. Rafuse, D. Barclay ; Beyton,_ .I_ las , .K. - _ known. 5Pigeon enthusiasts. are - of the-•opin- FLEET ion that the, bird actually found its 'way house •ftcross the entire. three thousand wiles which separate the Pacific coast �itien of air bases from this part of Ontario. 'l ps, How long the.pigeon look to make. its NV * Here` wtl 'never be- known; brit the. fact .that. it found its "5TT1 home at all and reniiembered even :the nest !which it ' had -once occupied in that borne, . after three years and four months away, is sufficient tribute to the instinct, memory or whatever the I sixth sense is that -a pigeon possesses. It is not expected that the ,pigeon I will be charged with desertion from „theIii h:. I)e-'bile. • Attingly describes our Greenhouses at this' season. Buy where you have hundre t of HYDRANGEAS, EASTER LILIES, CINERARIAS, CALCEOLARIAS, PRIMULA, BEGON- IAS, AZELIA-S, DISH GARDENS ETC. to choose from. CUT FLOWERS • includes Dale's Roses, Carina tions, Snapdragons, Tulips, Daffodils, Calla and Easter Lilies, etc. etc. -•--Most of these fresh from our own beds. BONDED MEMBER P. T. D. Flowers wired anywhere (Japan and Germany excepted) Place orders early, especially wired orders. PHONE 105. ruce Street CnlleFewJ:--Iiatstead,i.WATER. LEVELS HIGHER E. 'J:Sprirngthor•pe ; Joseph I'. Burke, ! THAN LAST YEAR J. Walton, G. 1;. Wilson: J. A. France, , - J. A. Austin, R. M. Crawford ; C. H. A despatch from Ottawa states that Ronson, W. Stewart, A. Pruder;J. O. i water levels. during March were: McKellar, J. Sharpe, A. Lyons; J. M. Lake Huron at Goderich McWatters, 4: F,: Bailey, J. M. - Me- niche higher than February; 113/, Ewan ; John Mise nor, D. Wilson, J. inches higher than March, 1945; 28% Findlay'; Ralph- Miseher, L. E. Pain, inches 'lover than the 'highest March J. G. Irwin ; Scott Misener. F. J. Brady,• i (1$80) since 1800; 371f inches higher R. Brown ; E. P. Murphy, A. G: .Mc- than the lowest March (1934) . since Lean, C. Y)unnett; Frank Wilkinson,I1800: 1800: endfour ` inches higher - than C. Cole, W. ook: - the average level of March for the last APPEAL FOR FUNDS . i 86 )'ears. The • congregations • of North streetr alio .Victoria. street "United churches �®R,M�R GODERICH listened,icin last - Sunday morning to a PUBLISHES PASSES service broadcast from the Wingham j The death of Albert Edward Brad- station and ,sIionsored by Huron Pres Win, 80. former newspaper publisher+ bytery, ill support -of -theT Psion +7m1Tm.T Caofil i'l li, -C—cisme—Tc in a Toroth -o' hospital on Saturday. . Born at Lindon, he moved to Wing - ham as a youth: First associated with the -Mitchell Advocate, he later pub- r OBITUARY Goderich MRS. WILLIAM J. JEWELL, Ther death of Mary 'Ruthena Albin, belofed wife of - William J. Jewell, Colborne Township, occurred in Lon- don on Thursday of last week. -De- ceased was born in Colborne Township se'enty- years ago, the daughter of William - Allin and Elizabeth Ann -Treble. Surviving besides _-her bus - baud, are three. sons, Joseph of Wat- " rous. Sask., Ward at home and Fred of- Hainilton ; o}ie daughter,- Mrs. Lindsay Smith (Luella) , Bayfield, and t-v4,gYtriitl�hrlt°bili':""TI=►1sc=leaf es to-: -- mourn two sisters -Mrs. --Hetherington (Charlotte), -of North -Dakota, and Mrs. Charles Breckow (Cyrena) of .Gode- rich and' two brothers, Ward. and John, both of Colbornie Toi.vrighip. Mrs. Jewell was formerly a member of Bethel Church and lnt terly-of Victoria street United Church. The funeral service took place on Saturday after- _iio.an..fti-d'm - Cr-anstons -funeral -home With Rev. L; H. Turner_ conducting the service. Lieut. 'farmer of the Salvation Army-, beautifully rendered "No Night There." Among the many flowers adorning the casket were bou- quets frorn Canadian National Rail- ways, the Salvation Army, London, and. the Salvation Army, Goderich: Friends and relatives were present from Nile, Auburn, Bayfield and Flamilton. The pallbearers were Roy Allin, Oliver Allin, Charles Breckow, sr, and Lindsay Smith. - Interment was in Colborne •cemetery. Capital campaign.. Mr. J. G Parker. F.A.S.. of, Toronto, presented the pur- pose awl ,the necessity' of a ,pension. find for retired ministers, and the widows and -children of deceased min fi▪ shed weekly newspapers at Blyth, inters ; the heavy drain upon this Goderich and Arnprior. Mr. • Bradwin had _ the Goderich .Signal in lease for a short period in the years 1914-15 -For soiling goods' -from one to five cents above the ceiling price, a- mer- chant in' Brock4•i11e was fined. It cont him $50.92. • . fund since Union, 'and '°the need of increased capital in its 'endowment fund. The plan calls for a Can,ada- wide canvas in all United Churches - from -ii April 28th to May 12th to raise $3.500,000 •fgor the purpose- of putting the Pension Fund• on as sound financial basis. • GRAPEFRUIT TSS SS Ts ORANGES FLORIDA VALENCIA 176's . .LEMONS sop 4 for 250 doz. 53¢ 21¢ 210 CALIFORNIA, SUNKIST 300's 6 for 'SPINACH TEXAS CURLY LEAF CABBAGE TEXAS FRESH .GREEN PEAS CALIFORNIA, FRESH .GREEN CARROTS 'TEXAS • CELERY STALKS l tot If far any reason amy- 1 thing you purchase is not satisfactory, return \ it and your money will be chverfulty refunded. . 2 ,lbs. Ib. 80 23.0 - • lb. 70 Florida Pascal for 290 Extra 'Large FLORIDA, C ::! LO PACKED TOMATOES Pkg. 390 ARIZONA la ERG GG'a LETTUCE 2 f" 27 CALIF6111NIA, EXTRA FATiCV ASPARAGUS Ib. MO IMPORTED, ED, Lar[ aOa 1 - OTA.TrI Ib�. p��( Py��[{ r a a. � ^_u CLINTON, LACKS GO„QERICH At the last regular meeting r of the Town Council of Clinton, a resolution was carried to endorse a petition of the Town of Goderich to be presented fhb- Ministers of -ancl4 Public Works at Ottawa on April 12, to construct urgent improvements to the .harbor at Goderich.—.News-Record. Coinrnencing . next week, the Red Cross rooms will open on Thursday only to work on peace -time work: Members are urged to continue their work and ,loyal support as always a demand for articles by the Red Cross Society. there is provided • Next Sunday and every Sunday, take yotu• family to church.. 14. FIRE PI, ACE.��,FUI?N:ACE For Summer Homes and Cottages—r draws cold air out of room --sands hot air" in to re place k instead of Keating ;outside--cfrculatcs saved fuer—no more cold it u evenings 0 courage Wer, us; D(Or to Meg uttsta,rs 012 .rte 1'tal TWEED STEEL �9104(�gr „ • limit" �G,t-_ TWEED%ONT. 111_,. 'WIW 400 LA CASTER ST. W. KITCHENER Phone 33282 • STRUCTURAL STEEL I BEAMS ANGLE IRON STEEL PLATES C.R. 1 ,OUNDS CHANNEL IRON - BOILER SHELLS . 3' to 4 .INCH CUBES STEEL RALtS . ' 1S -1O- GO:.any time Thursday, April 18th, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 22nd. RETURN: leave -destination up,to midnight Tuesday April 23(d, 1946. app Q� pound 41131X° r mg This long week -end --offers-enropportunlhr-for e-vlsit• et home or.away with..blends.• IADFAN NATIONAL air SMITH'S CLEANERS & PRESSERS WEST ST. - GODERICH Fur and Cloth "°bats Stored. Also scientific cleaning of furs. ; All goody insured and stored at Creeds, Toronto'. - PICK-UP AND . DELIVERY. PHONE 85 - Ten million dollars worth of insuranee • was placed on furs in the Creed "Vaults last year, and capacity this year is more than doubled. The new addition has been built solely for, the storage of furs and is equipped to the minute detail with: every facility known to science for ,the care and preservation of furs. - 111111111111111111111, The Board - of Directors of • THE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO. announces the election of MR. H. D. BURNS Chairman of the Board MR." C. W. SOMERS President . MR: O. T. SOMERS Vico-Pre.sident r M' .H. R. STEPHENSON Vice2President and Managing Director o A