HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-11, Page 3o • °*1-1(11iON, COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY NINETY-NINTH YEAR.", 11 $tisiness ,trector y DUDLEY E. HOLIME Barristttr, Etc, Office -•Const . t�inser Godetiei Telepiaone 05.„ K. I UNTEIt cirrister, Etc. Royal al Bank . Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone 968. WM. A.. Barrister and Solicitor Office -North St., Goderich. Phone 700 CHARTERED . •A.CCOiThT TS M• ONTEITH and MONTEITH, €Shattered Accountants 51 Albert Street, lStrattcrd Toronto Office.: 302 Baa► 'Street W. CECIL ATTRIDGE. • CHAB,TJ RED ACCOUNTANT Telephone: Office 18, Residence 8¢3. Goderich. .,ROCK, DAVIS �8k._,DI.1NN Chartered Accountants Louden -• Kitchener` J. H. K. Broughton, . C.A.-Resident Partner 512 Huron & Erie Bldg., Phone Met, 2788, London. F G ,EP IN KK 00 DIi ACCOUNTING U NT ING AN CCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING a all B sine ses,, `Stores;`" ( : For`"Sin Bookkeeping ,systems Installed. from overseas. When they obtained Books Balanced Monthly• - their ration 'books all the pink sugar Financial Statements coupons -and many 'meat and butter Wage Summaries' coupons were removed. Is this the ,Business and Personal ._Income Tax law? a GODERIoH, ONTARIO T URSIDAY0 ,., :PAIL 11.th, 1946 VAG11 TOROSE Exeter Entertained Dila DATE RATION COUPON i New 3 � I Couponsn wvali are Meat o, . Gift and Al s Mr. • MorleY Seryed Town Well butter IA, to kt t, 1D& serves --sugar 511. to S0• ._. The first. 'five, of • the ten coupens w�nieh will be good for the purchase of sugar fpr Canning this' year i wt1 be valid May 2. p County. of Huron. and who has dis- posed of his lav practice in town OTHERS ARE ASKING. , prior to making' his home at Gdderich, was tendered, a banquet at the Central n ' Hotel' Friday evening of last, week intend : , tlt rent our summerby about fifty of his friends. ...The cottage this year. Do we have to have only reason the attendance was not the rent fixed by the Wartime Prices' larger was because of the .1•tmitect .acrid Trade Board. accommodation at the hotel. The A. -Yes. Apply to the nearest office chairman spoke of Mr. Morley as an of the Rentals ,Administration of the Exeter boy who had made good in his Board andyou will be givea7 complete own home town. He spoke very high - information on the procedure to have y of his character and his accomplish - rents fixed. meats and on behalf of those assembled he presented Mr:- Morley. with -a Parker Q. I have been buying m3 butter"51" pen. and pencil set. He then, at the market. It is dairy butter and called on Dr.• Taylor.' M.L.A., to in - last week I had to pay four cents a traduce the guest of honor. in pound re Is there a legal increase Dr. 'pastor stated that he had Fol- in abutter prices. lowed Mr. Morle 's career f>;roin t A. -An increase of four cents a young 'lad ._and ' was happy to know pirund was authorized for creamery that he had become a successful butter but not for dairy or whey solic for iii his native town. i1Ir. butter. riy M J. W. Morley, K.L., who was re- centlyte ' ed magistrate for ki appoint act gi _ 4.-1AOri liad not solicited his new posi- tion and on first being approached s'ug- g gested that it should go to a returned five years. Recently it was sold to a veteran in the law piiofession. When retired couple and I ~was given a they declined to accept it "Mr. Morley six months' notice to vacate. Is this had consented. , The speakeitvas con - legal? fid,ent that he 3:pulddo justice to the A. -No. A tenant housing accom- 1 the cases n w h careful �- osi ion and Y •Wi - to position, i' n cannot • be l� e n a notice Ce oda b m to (r- that came befo e him. reason without the • tate Por anyper- .,,,,., \A m .SS , i m,rn:•r •. .,x, k .. « -,„.„ , . - ^,r �'� Inc ' �wl : • r r, ---- @ 1 , r°`' "' -u � sx z:ec.a -- ne anon o ,the honor a � ferred upon him. Whatever success is rayon Express d Appreciation i i f he Rentals Admin t 1 f h h that had been con - �j . . ti `� , 'CI Q; Ali h' Vehool Dista ret 4g thr, Town j� '(, 5.1 I1,-7 (� _ • Dr is a 1�'a�. v 1J 1 „ of Go del'ia'li and the furry aatynttn of i. itl� 1f1-�"'J�� J�i���L�J��b4Y'�.'r; Sa,� r � 1V � , , include o�6i 1<# ' C. `k�d larger Qdistiict to nc u F awn . Butts -live members; attended ':the A Ba'gain nala't'iatlxldialt; iu ijiut4 Prt?.lAfi; a.:� �.1 i►:,.br't "i.4 spring meeting and luncheon • of the I rant!licipfiliti N which may desire to be ---R- -- t iaacit ded, was con`�idi red. Tile Board Ituron County Holstein .Club. hekL L% xe ,il y o del 40 e gave: otoprub ail to the I►1:atr wad ha s April 4th at Clinton, l.'resident Wm. Sparks, Bayfield, was in charge. Fair ,h Blyth a. E t I3 ]� r n o e The iIIvitra.tra. � y Board to hold 'the County B1o.cls and White Show in connection with that fair • this fall was accepted. It was reported that a prize list of S500 Was aaticipated...This includes a $100 grant from the Huron County Connell. D. S. Dunton, well-known Peel County breeder and exhibitor, Brampton, has accepted' the invffrtion to judge ,fit this :•show which wili'be held September 11. .The following men "Were appointed to assist in. Calf Club work: L. ]Benning, Walton;, -11. Baxter, Goderielr; Dr. Jackson, Myth; J. W. VanEond, Clinton ; Gordon Bisset, Goderie ; W. Sparks, Bayfield, and W. H. Clutton, Goderich. The guest speaker was G. 111.'' Clemons, Secretary -Manager of The Holstein -Friesian Atsociation of Can- ada, Brantford. Mr. Clemons showed movies taken on _ his recent trip to South America•. Ice advised that there were excellent prospects for de- veloping a substantial trade in high- elass H 1steins with Britain, South America and Mexico. Western„_ Ontario Fieldipan, J. E. Q. -My two sons recently returned Returns A 'i eG Under the regulations of ALBERT SHORE Office Coni r'"N_orth t: und-S+qua.reQ Phone 075. Residence Phone 444. INSURANCE ' McKILLOl' MUTUAL FIRE 1N- SUR®NCL CO. -Fano »ant1 iso- lated town property insured. Officers -- President, Fraa k ' 11 c- Oregor, Clinton, No. 5; Vice -President, • Chris. Leonhardt, I3ornhalm, No: 1; Manager and • Secretary Treasurer, ,_, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -Frank r McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex. Broad�foot, YSeafortfi; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ;. George Leitch, Clinton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEwing, Blyth ; Llugh Alexander, .Walton; . J. L. Malone, Seaforth. igen - E: Pepper, Br-neefteld, No; 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, No. 1; R. Finlay Mc1 ercher, Dublin, No. 1; J. F. Prueter. Brodha.gen. Policy -holders can make all 'pay- ments pay-ments and get their.cards receipted at the Itoyal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, ' Goderieh, or e J. 13. Reid's�' General Store, Bayfield. t� I r� \,\1 MEDICAL .. DR, F. J. R. FO1tSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, . TBIROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at ' Moorefield Eye"Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England.. EYES TESTED, GLASSES - SIIPPLIE.D 53 ,. Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. o Next visit Bedford hotel, Goderich, • Wednesday, May 22nd at :2 p.m. -till • 4.30 p.m: CHIROPRACTOR. AND' DRUGLESS - THFIRAP.IST Goderich, Phone 341 Office hours -10 to 12 a:m., 2- to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. 10 to 12-a.m.' only on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday. 'at Mitchell. :Mineral fume baths by appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act -for the Province of Ontario, A. L. COLE Optometrist--Opticifan Eyes Exa lined, Glasses' Fitted Phone 33 , Goderich, Ont. available in my ration allowance. How can I, obta»ira";.the extra a11ow ince-• re- quired'! A. -Apply to your Loco Ration Terry, Lambeth, complimented the Club on its enthusiasm and the eicell'ent work done during the past year. He recommended that the members pay E> terteu,t, Two Evohings , a The .Ladies' Aid 'Society of Presbyterian•yChureb gave another of the-Ontaario Ili dueaationial Ast claa.tion in passed the matter ora to the Municipal 4 ouncil'for consideration. Mr. W. A. Coulthurst' was apjDoiuted f Ilci!� an, delegate.' to �Qattend file meetings: o Toronto diming Baster week, i their delightful entertainments hast The estlxuates of, receipts and , ezt- Wednesday evening,wlth musical num- bers' as the main • feature. 4 ladies' chorus, composed, of Mrs. M. J. Ainslie, Mts. Reg.. Bell, Mrs, W. J. Balser, Ars. Nelson Hill, Mrs. J. Gordon Henderson,. Mr�, W. :MacLaren and Mril. George Stokes, sang • old-time favorites, all the singers being dressed in clothes "like mother used to wear." Mrs. J. G. McDougall was the pianist. ,ut• the piano was not - 11113 t�h'd only instrument that added to the gaiety and enjoyment of the evening as several other instru- ments were played by the singerrri Others contributing to the ,program a were : Solos, by Glen Lodge, Mrs. Clayton Edward. Mrs. George Sander- son, accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Snider, and Ralph Henderson; male quartette, Glenn Lodge, Chas. Kemp, Dan .Waiter, and Ralph Henderson; piano duet, Misses Eunice Wine and Mollie Bissset;• vocal duet, Frances Brereton and Helen Willis; cornet solo, Raymond Out t ; humorous, readings, Mrs. Malpass and Miss Gil Saunders; violin solo, Robert Bisset; jr.., accompanied by his sister, Mollie; skit, by M'r. and Mrs. Floyd Lodge; vocal duet,. Dan Walter ' vocal i ladies o BettySmith andMiss S strict attention to securing ( herd _dict atte tgood b d I sires and that they haveetheir" herds quartette, Mrs. F.Saunders, Mrs• lI z'c'gul•tri ' graded f� type _jn_Select,ive _iu Duiatoli, Q. Kait.thl.g,: Mi , 1 f M ti i et �P. ( (Y �trmun ca �tlu I2c�„ist�ilzirorr: Ai1cE�I1 ;it �wi" , , Thomson and Ebb Ross; vocal duet, • Mrs. F. Saunders' and Mrs. -Gordon Knitting. "Mrs. Sullivan's Swial Tex.," a one - act play, . was. 'enacted by rs. Floyd Mrs. Percy J+�l�);*t,.,, on Thursday Lodge, 'Iisses yiaijorie 'M.che, Gail evening of last .v(�(•l. rw•eiv(,d a trans RECEIVES CALL F r Olid ' LO ANGELES eenditures for' the Current year we're prepared and sent on to the l%..Unicilrai Council. The amount required from ;the- town for the, year Is $0934.21. This is -t omewhaat -in excess of that required', last »year but` as this is the first; year the County will get the benefit of the- 'inCreaased Provincial grant, the amount to be received from the Co% my ;tZ s year is less by appro innately $5700. • BREAKS ARM 'SECOND -TIME HENSAL` 4, April 8. -Fred Kennings, of Hensall, an employee at a local warehouse,: fell over a steel box. X- rays taken at Exeter revealecld•'a (bone fractured in his left waist. Mr. Ken- nings, while engaged in painting a house some time ago, fell and fractured both arms. . Clinton's tax rate for 1946 ,is 45 mills, an increase of two mills over 1945. i Moder!' s`Misties of P Colds a X11 iri as�n�! Today, the modern `way'- mos mothers use to relieve miseries -of colds is to Vicks Vapoflub On the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results ate so because VapoRub .. , Penetrates deep into Coldo irritated br chia1 tubes with its special, medicinal vapors,. Stimulate* chest and back surfaces like a warming Pouch ;When For Hours. VapoR0%'s special action keeps on working;= Invites restful sleep. Oftcn. by morningmost of the misery of the cold is gone! Home -Proved by million of users, VapoF&ub's special pene� treating -stimulating' action works just find So-be-sure'yott getthe oneandonlryVICKS VAPORUB. _ Saunders • find Aileen Sto e. Mrs. . the Ration Administration only the Local R t 'Tontineata1 t+•lt•phL,..�• 44111 from iter Geof Geoffrey I'f•achey, 'Alia. Reg. L'elt, \Irs. vault ��fore the }Baur -"cyber-e .�:.ou will oht�tin full iu h , , [;t ui,,t._Stub( \Irs. \1'._ lI(x, rexi,_.�ir:+, ; c81iperos last Tee -fared brother,. Geon , l :� I,os --: ;t1Fel s. -ge • date -of issue .of a ration book are -*urination- aruL.. who wf11 1 1a�•` your Ciiliiottitiu. Mrs. .1, a was not ex- It. Stewart. and e'liailc�5 Iieiz}p. detached by ration ofliti;xls and de- application to the ratiun branch in pec ting the (t(!i ,�^t,�rt St (arae shortly! A 5eeott(1 performaut•e,\vas-given on this r n e district. uii utettictil ,b f 1 1 t 1 '' surprise taildeci ' '1 hurSda v' evening. I ` th Rations strayed. It 15 for is. vert easo• e bre nuc t)i 4 tn+ �u I)r ae • _ rr,•r,,,,'Ar7 .. Must be supported r)l•--}1. Vl�s"iL(-�Fl " ear - statement her 1)111111l'r'`' �,gl'll•4 . cumin,* over thtft rettirrt�ing service men,. are ad=. wised ,to obtain thei0.• ration books just as soon as they, are discharrged. to Q.-My.»doctor told me ret 1115 that I. ,s•h.ould. have more meat this now v, • Geo. G.Ma.cEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance. . OFFICE -MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH P. J. RYAN Real Estate and -Insurance Office- and Residence: - ;� _ • 11" Trafalgar- Street • Phone 663 FOR SALE -Houses -of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- perty and several good -farms. DONALD' B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER: Licensed for Counties of Huron -' and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For info'rmation apply to J. N. ' Kernighan,. Division Court Clerk. Goderich, Ont. tv Tier delight. aisd cx,Areinent at statement from a doctor registered Canada. This stakement must speUtt11e1h wires from snuh distance. r the disease whioh you are suffering Mr. Kay is. 0fi,rnier resident of from, your age and weight, rht, ie u the kind •- and amount of food required and the' f iiti this extra ration will be length o t e necessary. Questions regarding regulations- of the .Wartime Prices and Trade Board will be answered if referred to the Inforinatioii Branch, W.P,T.I3., Federal .Ruilding, London. ' ° • .. • e F. T. -Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Square --- Goderich "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow every ednesday form 2 to S. CONFEDERAT LIFE WIND -t Fire Preferred tes'for -Preferred - R li . ACCIDENT & SI FESS Consult JNO. JE' ARRIs i; rel low Phone 82-13 Dung anon 'EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. • 19tf ,HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For iiiT rmation, etc.,'write R.R. 4, Seafortltj or 'phone (col- lect) Seaforth, Or 867, Goderich. zeE CAPITAL THEATRE PTE Noev-�`r'ec�i�aic array, ° iii��ar`�n '1Ci� °"Past;'- •� Mon. Tures. and Wed. -Two Features- Ginger Rogers, ' Joseph Witten,.. Shirley Temple and a popular" cast - Presenting a dramatic -tale of -two people who` boa ed a secretthat.... each was afraid to tell "I'LL. BE BE SEEING YOU?. rtp Franchot Tone, Susanna Foster, David -Bruce and Louise Allbritton Four people neder had more fun, neither will you, in 'this riotous • fun and fun show' • "TIIAT NIGHT WITH YOU" TIIUR. FEL and SAT. • Poul Henreid, Maureen O'Hara, Walter Slezak and east of thousands It's a salty, swaslihuekling story of .life on the bounding 'main, done _ in full Technicolor, 1E SPANISHMAIN" Uoining- 'Thio .Love of Ours," a picture you must see. ° Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays at 2.30 pact. +, . \ PIANO LESSONS Sheldon Baxter Supervisor ` of .- Music in Rural Schools. Will accept limited nutnbe pupils. ' Write P.O. Box 860, Goderich. 5-18 Phone. 378 J. W.-CRAIG!E IN,ANCE and REAL » ,ESTATE' PHONE- 24 GODERICB . Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. 50. years in business, Canada's largest Fire Ins. Co. Get the rates and, broad cover - on ,your store or place of business from • GORDON JEWELL 'R.R. 6 Goderich a ti Rhone Carlow 2✓1Ar-4.-_ Goderich and tlnrit)w the telephone, conversation expressed his desire to return to Uoderic•l, t,' live, if his health permits. . WESTERN ONTARIO ••MOTORWAYS Bus Schedule now in effect Leases Godorich daily including Sunday 7.45 a.m.; 12.25 p.m.; 4.15 .p.m. Arrives Godes nth daily- 11.L0,0.,m.' 3.45 p.m.; 9.20 p.m. Laves S�undays and holidays 8.00 p.m. , and 9.30 p.m. The 8.00 p.nn. bus' goes di. ect to London only. Connections at Chit 'n,4or London, Detroit, Winglilini, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Gwen Sound. Connections a Stratford for t6' odstoch Kitchener, . Guelph, Hamill- i and Toronto.' . he• � had made lc (,' e+.l ts; his. mother and fattier, his shortcomings were of his own n. !king. Ile bad•always been taught to i,e fair- with ids: fellgw man. Reeve 13. \V. Tuckey said it was a privilege to express his personal. and civic 'ipprcc»iatiun o1,,, t he service giver to the town ami Ji»iotinnity by Mr. Morley and he' added, his eongrafula- tions to • those already given. Mr. Morley • had .been interested • in the town's welfare ;)fid a ;jovial citizen and we regret to se,, kin, leave; The meet- ing was mowed with the (singing . -of "For IIe's a ,Tull Gond_ ,Fellow." - Exeter Tiiiies- Connections at bfiite1iell for Li , , vol' and L.on(1O1. , For ,information phone British 1 - change phone 691 or .717. r IJ COLLEGIATE' INS1ITU E TEACHERS ,ESIGN • At ti»(( 1114 4 iiig of Goderich t'ullcl;isi',� } Board helif on '1'ilur5<l.iy~last. , the Board accepted the resignations of dist; Helen Bisset and !sLi. t1.- \V.' Franci}; Miss Bisset has taught .tLo Latin for the past five years and ti .: Girls' health andPhysical F?ducaticu ;, for., the past. yeaz•. .Mr. 'Francis joined' the staff last. September, teaching; the I:ngli ti anti, Geography of the lower School and the Senior Boys! Physic, -I11 Education. He has been, absent since February 5th, due to Milk +. Both.;- Miss Bisset and Mr. Francis intercl t retire from teaching. - The positions' vacated''tog(ttiier with two additional positions to.Provide f(:r''- the organization of a 'new 'Deprirtiue:_t { of Agriculture and an anti ipated •in•_ crease iu attendanceendance are ' beiu;; acl�:r.A tiled. The q.,1,-.tion-.tionq.,1,-.tionof the disolutfcn ro +4, ,. _.,tr,t•.• .,....,.•..•••...,,,•.. ,cry eposit your • savings jan aio account with us. They will ,be secure from theft,,Qr.other forma -of loss, and will be at your disposal ▪ •when and as you wish. . "'I -he assets of a strong bank are behind every, dollar you deposit.. • 702 ,. BM: GOD/RICH BRANCH W. A. Hay, Manager • i vice 4r w, f WE ARE VERY GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THAT ANIS :1 Ih (i( 5 • • KLING SEAFORTH ONTARIO -HAS' BEEN APPOINTED The °SURGE'- Service Dealer FOR. 1� • Uufi and Larnbton Counties , • . . yN i a • _ • with J� B. Higgins, `Surge' Service Man We are very proud to have Mr. Kling with our orgemitaltion we assure yen that he will erideuvor tb''fill his to the• 'Surge' user family and to all the dairymen irn hi3 territory. sts obligations BABSOI+T EROS. CO..(Canda].LTD,'. 92S Co11ege Street , t+ • 4 TOROPIITO, 46N 4 , AO 4