HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-04, Page 8A(UE IC1IT o ft* 1HU GOI)EP4IOH;-SIGNL-1L-STAP FOR RESULTS A Classified Ad! EORGE'S CHURCH SITU, 7th, 1010 8.SQA • o,0. IL910I COMMUNION. p �° a, no.coNn :NlioN AND SI�aRDIO i. qQ� 4 n 6 SUNDAY SCLIOOI•.'• • ,00 !l➢.nt►. EVENSONG AND S.ER MON. REV. li'► ''V1'a1Ul(( L .) 'AIR, EA., LtUi., Yg+;tC'Y`4i1A�. MRS. 13. • jE s0P, O>l gcaanish tame Choir Lea YOU ARE ItNV)iTiL'+D TO A` Cl[':N D `Jl')iIlla,�)+. -SERVICES l3riefs 1.' Lq➢ .North St0 United Church 1*,p� IllkiiSYER-I�•.!►�V.. E. �' . AU�Y, )130 .+LA l; ..,"i.A pi,.Ul+.° cam..AX- 0.' 1I a.na. ^ Sif'It:,UAI' SERVICI,IS TO. BE unp.t'MAST QD4'I'%ka CRKNX •ay ANi(A](I�'1u'iI. 3 tD,pu. S‘L.NIDAY SCHOOL. 7.nn ' . SII Th Q'1I;AL, YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE, Rev. W. J. p Rogers of Dungannon will be guest spealscer. Wednesday, 3 p.m. Lenten Service Organist and Choir Leader-- • . Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A-T•C•M• A S1NVERE WELCOME AWAITS 'YOU 90. ., ...•:� Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. `SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a,.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP.-. THE SACRAMENT OF THE. LORD'S SUPPER. 7 pan. PUBLIC WORIHIP. _ Sermon Subject: "The love of God." - Friday, April 5th. Preparatory Service, 8 p.m. • MINISTE4=-IbEi'ERE1ti1D RICHARD STEWART. Director of 'Praise --Mr. T. G. Jones •Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of -holiness. 'Victoria " St.' United Church . MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, URN ORGANIST-MISSBAR ARA CUTT ti:-. -(y r.. -? IIs. -S SCUPOL- . • 11.00 a.aar. RADIO S {'I I+GI ` A�`Ii IL Tip .- .r .� .... - - Sponsored by Laity. .7.00 pan, I' I.':V'1.-S,:\+E SOCIETY SUNDAY.....4 S'PEAXER -MISS A. IV CRTELF. Monday • 8.00 p.m. Young People's -.Union. , UNION 2.45 VICTORIA 'WELCOMES YOU Goderich Baptist. Church - VI© !' ItIEV.JOSSEPH DANES, M..A., PASTOR Mrs. Ella I. Donaldson, ALCM., Organist _REV. L. H. HYLTON, B.A. WILL PREACH • AT BOTH SERVICES. 11 a.ni. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Barren Fig Tree Our Faith." and 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 inns PUBLIC'WORSHIP, "When We Stand Before His Throne," STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME —' BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. J.. A. PEARSON, Pastor. •-16 WATERLOO STREET 10 -a.m.` S'UNPAY SCI1OOL. L , 11 'a.m. "THE 'CHURCH AT EPHESUS." 7.30 p.m. "BEHOLD THE °MAN #' - Tuesday 8 p.m. �Young . People's Meeting. Thursday 8 p.m: `Frayer Meeting.• -- YOWIU 'LL ENJOY THESE OLD FASHIONED .SERVICES. . COME AND . 'WORSHIP WITH "US. -. Keep in iutud the Maple Leaf ' Chapter, I.U.1)..11., runkuaage scale to be ' - -------- --_ ._ ,- . _. held in- MacKay Hall at 1.30 van, TO. .1.1•&j.N° ,.--91"°IUR,NUSk11; D ..UUAUT-• SaatuLday, Mar 4th. t, 14-17-18 MENT. Apply ' 54 Azig;leseaa street. "Bee Kith! to ' Animals Week," -14 April { 7th to 13th. • 14'. Wednesday,,. April 10th is, the deadFOR SAI.1, line -for secursn p 1'd46 license plates. r Fuller Brush agent, �'6�INNfl?RED 1 L, Sa�1ad�. TI�(1T:i~T(11�AS. L:1IT`li- • O'NEIL, Clinton. Phone 75J.„.2tf � The Grattuate N urSea' Ari* eitttiun: ' AVAITy, JfA.RM., Huron reiad. -14 TO 1r 1GNT T]fXU RS ArRIiI' 4t1), 1 of (ludericli swill held their annual' qt)I{ ,;ALE.----S1�VI�:�i-IOOM HOUSEdinner inClic Parish Ilatll, uY St• f 1 WW1 garage and garden.IiDa - M �� \Ger1 alkere'sh urch of Luudiat willon Aprilu be guest mediate possession. . Call SIGNAL - speaker. Tickets on sale at Lauder s_• . 1,4 144 drag `Cure. • -14 Von . SALE. - It �'D RASPBERRY situ nmage .sale in Mae ay Hall, canes, said to be immune from .corn - .Saturday, April 13th, commencing at serer, -51.15, per dozen. Call at 24 .1.30 pan., by Nerth street ifiveniug Wiillilm street before noon. :. -14tf _Auxiliary.. - 12-15 . ,,,N. mazingly quick relief from' pain FOR . SAJsE. ,:-.. BABY BUGGY, of iudige; Viun, heartburn, dyspepsia , dumper swing, child's .chair, all. in .with 11'ilder'u Stomach ' Powder: Also good' condition. R. G.. ECKMEI1t,159 in tablet form. 50c and $1 at Lamp;' Newgate street,. 1'OR ' SALE. -AJAX OATS, FROM Frei. Methodist Chari REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor Cor. Victoria and Park Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SC1Ii5OL. ° 11 'a.m. SERVICE OF WORSHIP. ' 7.3Q, p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE IN SEAFORTH PURLIC1 LIBRARY. The Sunday .Evening Service in ,Goderich .will be cancelled. Revival Tservices will continue in Seaferth every week night except Monday and Saturday . at 8 p.m. in the Public -Library. ALL _ ARE WELCOME hell's •gaud .all druggists. • 14-17 ; The color sound film entitled."Anim- •Cls iu the service of man," will be registered seed; also Ajax and Vanguard, with -azo-barb barley, 85c. GEORGE A. BEAN, Auburn. Phone 19 r 14, Blyth. 12.1` x shown in the local schools daring.' "Be kind to Aniinats Week." -14 ':Rummage sate hi St. George's church; Saturday, April Lith, at 1.30 p.m., spout cured by St.. Patrick's ward group.. -14 GO- to clfLircli yourself and encourage-, gout; young friends to follow your example. 14 Slender Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at LOSV. „ A*UQN' K4.A , 011,71' SDA,JI., A Yk AAdLET containing a small t3UUl, also a ter/ greatly valuedphotos. Wilfinder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR. VCR Oki TI1ANKS MRS. HORACE HEItN AND, F4'44- .1141: ,ILY tra'k this oppoi tunity to ` thank their ruazay .friends for spiritual bouquets and message§ .of syuzpathy,, at the time of the. (leath of her father, Watteau 41.-i.+'arr. \' • . -1•I I1 -10R, SALE --A CORONA, KITCHEN. range, hot water fronts burns wood or coal; warming closet and some pipes; also a dressing table. MRS. ItOBT. JOHNSTON, 15 Cambria road, phone 311: -14 Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores.OR SALE. WATERFRONT IN 1 17 F The .Lhmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., 14are holding a rummage sale in MacKay Hall at - one o'clock, Saturday, April 6th. -13-14 small farming. ;Particulars from R., - Fast,' Mire relief for cernstiputien, C. DAYS, Goderich. 13tf n biliousess, indigestion with Kipp's 1 erb Tablets.. A safe, ,,helpful tonic I I1 OR SALE. --ONE AUTOTRAC axative. 25e tend i, -,c sizes, at Camp- 1� tractor en rubber, recently ot•er- be11's.. and all druggists. - a 14-17 hauled ; can be .seedy at L. G. Mutton's, Ifygienic L supplies. (rubber goods), R.R. 1, Goderich. Apply CITIES nailed postpaid ilk plain. • 'sealed SERVICE, West street; also a quantity envelope with price list.• Six samples of Carpier oats. 14 .'�1. : . 24 samples_l lcs $1,00. Mail -Order ' '5 .1 -It BBElt eq., Box .Iiani�fh-flllt._ The regular meeting of 'tbe Alnueek-I $1( Chapter, 1.0,D.E.. will be .held in Mac -j 18. Kay 'Ilan, on Monday, April '5th, at ini 3 'o'clock. • -14 ev A treat for your feet: Use Lloy'd's Go t allcpu>� Salve for pruukpt 4 iiii .. . <_ � I -� iii` SOO'S. Drug Stores. - 14-17 j ING on -South s>'reet..--A'i3ii 5"•' _ Miss A. \Vurtele; inspector. fur Huron 1 FORD GARAGE. =14 (aunt's. Ittanfiiuie Sudety, will speak ()lt SALE. -ONE USED STEEL on humane work over CKNN, Wing-FOR lathe, in fair shape, will haw, Monday, April lith, at 2.30' pin., atnt Friday, • April 12th, at 2.3U p.m., st;'i, _pi,`A. lU inch. diameter by 36 inches furl 15 xuitautes. This . is'..Provincial long. Apply DOMINION ROAD I;e Kind to Animals 11'eek.,, -MACHINERY CO.,- Goderich, Ontairio. i,'ur Eezeiva and Psoriasis, try ! -14-15 •'Kleenex," ..the ),ro len remedy. • 50c Old SALE. - CHESTERFIELD, ;i.{)U • (medium and strong). at all' maroon velour, springs., in, good druggists. • -- 1417I The i liuir of Knox Presbyterian shape. Write BOX 111; SIGNAL - STAR. . 14x town of Goderich. Attractive bank and beach. Healthful elevation. Or- char'd, sewer, water, light. A. quiet location for summer cottages or for Corn iintt E mit •Em t,.l��„ 1;��. 'vas---wA4 1; -LINE- '1:.O1ti__ 13I7ILi1- ' c f� kR � ?J� k It SALE. -PURE WOOL MAROON Snit; - ._ 0/ lr olli• i,-.> .•:,taw .00; gray stripe tailored suit, size $15.00 ; black crepe dress, accord - pleated, size 18, $10.00. .Phone 148, nings. Address 92 East street, erieh. -14 WANTED WA TED. ;;-.YOUNG COUPLE; NO children, xetlta� re. tapatr tInont . or House, , preferably t rnished, but not uecessai•y. U, S.l IlefJh, Purity I.+luur 1lills. 13-14x �g rAN'.1'LD. - ASSISTANTS FOR Y .',Snack Shop" kitchen; June to Labor Daiy. Ap ,ply W..L]ltiC McILItOY, Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, Ont. -14 AN OPPORTUNITY. -- E S T A l- L1SII.ED Rural, Watkins District available. .lf you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or eau ,secure travel ou.ttit, this: is your opportunity to get established in _ ble business of your own: For -full •curtars -write today to - THEX11 purtz 'TIE J. It. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept, O -U-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 14-17 MORtTGAGE t` ALI,7p Under, an by virtue of the powers contained bq, certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of the tale, there will be offered for ,sale by public :auction on Wednesday, THE TENTH DAY OF ` APRIL, 1(I6',. at the hour of ii e o'cloc):t in the'. afternoon, at lot 21 in the third. con- cession of the Township of Gutturals, by Edward Elliott, Auctioueer, Clinton, the followiia ; property, namely ; '' Lot 21 iu the third eoueesslort of the Township of Goderich, :containing' 80 acres of laud, inure or less. TERMS--'J.en per eezzt. of the pur- chase money to be paid shown at .the time of the sale, and the balance to be paid - within thirty 'days thereof. • T'he property will; be sold sub,leet to, a reserve bid. The property eoaabists of good farm land, fairly well fenced,. small time -Ling thereon, good Water and : would make trail, ideal pasture farm. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply. to EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, Clintou, -or It.. Q. HAYS, .K.(t„ Solicitor for the. Mortgagor, • Goderich.° Dated at Goderich'" the day of March, A.D. 194(3. Chunk will preseiit the cantata "Olivet to Calvary," by J.'EI.:Iautkder. Sunday, xi SALT:. -PAIR DR. LOCKE'S April • 14th, at 8.15 p.m. The •a ublic is ; ;brown pumps, size G1/; AA, almost cordially invited to -attend. -14 i new ; also Mexican, basket for shopping At. a meeting of the 'executive of ! ..or°r -14 perfect condition. Phone the Goderich branch of the ' Huron 367 -14 'County TemperlIuce Federation, a pro- i Its: the Attorney -Gene ^? ral p()R • SALE,. - 10 TONS HAY; via the Ontario Temperance Federation tractor ; 14 -plate Bisset disk ; • 3- vigorously pretesting the proposed new!' Oliver -tractor plough. JAS. F. liquor legislation, which will provide ' H()RTON, phone Carlow 14 r 20. -14 fr increased outlets for the sale of LICENSED STEEPLEJACK 117 LANGARTH ST., M.P. Phone Fairmont 3077 LONDON We speclalize' in all high work - What have •you? xmwn'F:ti„',Tr S.L C. :Ferguson 13'168 NOTICE TO• CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In • the estate of the Reverend CharleS F. Clarke; deceased. ' Notice • is hereby given that all persons having . claims against the 'estate of the Reverend Charles Fred- erick- Clarke, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, deceased, are required° to send same duly verified to the undersigned c), or before the 15th day of April, A.D. 1946, after which time the Executors will proceed to distribute the• estate, having regard only to and being responsible for the claims of which they shall then have had notice, Dated this 15th day of March, A.D. 1946. LOFTIIS E. DANCEY, Solicitor fer the Executors. vorwaremmemormarirooloi "Be E it d to Animals' Wee4," April 1 ltb to 13th. 1 FIRE IS SO DEST1UCTIVE l%Iak'e, sure your possessions are insured against this conimon threat.( , RATES ABBE CHEAP H. M. FOlti) q ` tosur,. ! _ Stay insured �• Beit assured. North Sr.- r� , 268* • WANTED. = ANYONE MOTORING to Toronto and returning a day or two later, please phone ERNIE BARKER, 417J. -14 WANTED. - ANYONE WANTING private plots in Maitland cemetery looked°after, apply to JOHN W. BELL,. 95 Huron • road, Goderich, or -phone 723J. , 12-13x u 4 alcoholic beverages. ' , . -FOR SALE CUTHBERT . RASP - Films of local interest- by Mr. R. 1 BERRY plants, 25 and under, 10c Henry; will be the main feature of `the l each ; over 25 plants, 08e each. program for Victoria Home and School l It is not too early to -place orders meeting,•. Thursday, April lith, at 8 p.m. -:M ers_- ere- .-reminded that this is the last call for donations of cash' or clothing for the overseas bale.' -14 BUSINESS NOTICES , I BUY RAGS,.. GOOSE AND DUCK feathers' and ticks. I buy and sell used furniture and household' articles. I repair sewing machines„ C. WOODS. 12 East street. • Phone 242J. - 13tf . NOTICE NOTICE. -WE HAVE • Roam ° TO pasture around fifteen head of steers for the grass season. For in- formation, get in touch' with CHAS. (',HAWi+(1R1) RL .SON, _Port_ Phone Dungannon, 22 r 21. -14 NOTICE. RE : MARTHA BOYD Anyone ..having knowledge of 'the whereabouts of Martha Boyd, a sister of John 134d, Elizabeth. Boyd and Mary Boyd, please communicate with the undersigned Solicitor. as het has some information • which may be of benefit to the said Martha Boyd. It is understood the said Martha Boyd is. married, residing bi Goderich oror vicinity.' . •• Dated at Goderich, in the County of. Huron, this fourth day of April, A.D. 1946. - R. C. HAY'S, K.C., Hamilton- Street, ' 14- - Goderich, Ontario. 12-14 ".111111111111111111161.. 1111.111111111111111.1 The youth of our community will profit by regular attendance at church. 14 impsomaamipoopoompowaimpiampusomspiipspiamassmilson lel E MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada Save Today so that you can Play Tomorrow C. STEWART CASTER 11t1 QIJEBEc-ST., PH. 196, 13 G WANTED. - PRIVATE PARTY ,W ll pay cash for six or seven Both of these properties are located room house,' centrally lecated; -in Gode- on Provincial Highway No. 21. rich. Write to b'. W: CUItItIE, Gen. '.GERMS -25 /0 on purchase price on Delivery, , _. nineteenth 12-14 AUCTION SALE OF FARM LANDS. On instructions from the Admin- istratriC of the Estate of Edward Dalton, deceased, Mr. Donald Blue, Auctioneer,. _.w ll_ _ t for sale _by, public auction, at' lot 12,` Lake Road. West, North of the Town Plot, Ashfield,. on . WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL ° 10th, 1946.,_ at 2 p.m., the follow.zig . (1) Lot No. 12 in the Lake Range West, North of the Town Blot, Ashfield, consisting of 183 acres of good clay loam. Thiss property has a very de- sirable strip of lake ,frontage, and includes cottage, house and barn.' (2) The South half of Iota 6. Lal'.d Range, Nortlisof Town Plot, Ashfield,, consisting of .78;x, acres of good land, with house Find baru. This property also has lake frontage. •.,4 'Tectaauseh dfltc, of sale balance within GU da is h of 3 s. der d , Goderich, �..:---,,�. ..x, �-�..epr.�.,.�p.ar�ie.:_ t cLa _:• •�, q- - }T.�(��k, 4�l.I.t:�: 1,-�.<.�. < .,,,;.ter; .,.. _ .-., •....;n,tD,ip-11..Y-, F 1tANr Do'\�I.ir.Y ' "The e I om? of Tasty Pasty' A WEEK -END 1 PEdi U JELLY POVGHN $ 25 cents a dozen Meats and .Fowl cooped as you !lite .tiaean. .AIU ord'ers ' of $1.00, or over delivered. PHONE 465 MEL, •CULBERT, ,..Proprietor. made -ait any time. Terms of sale. -For the furnica e;. Cash. For the real estate. 1.0% h. on the day of sale, and the balance1i 20 days when deed and possession will be given. Dated this 26th day of March, 1946. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, Vendors. Solicitor, GORDON M. GRANT, .4 2,4., 13-14 •- ' Auctioneer. . A_ rates\ 1S'lRAT0Ii'S SALE- .- OiCi' �1 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Administrator of the Estate of the late Joshua J. Moore will sell • by public auction at the 'premises on St. David's street, in the Town of Gode-- rieh, on SATURDAY, APRIL 20th •.sat one o'clock The -west half of lot running • number ' 140, coutainin-g ala of au acre of land. Theproperty-ill. be sold subject to a reserve bid. Vacant possession guaranteed within reasonable time. TERMS OF,,�S'ALE---'Twenty per cent cash on the ; day of the sale and the 'balance within thirty days thereafter. Dated at 'Goderich, this .second day of April, A.D. 1946. r1 apply t p o.. r rparticulars,..y a fu- . -.Ip t t ..�A£ •�I1J" WHA�� , - 1 Auctioneer, .UOK.--C APABLL TAKING FULL Lluderich,-Ontario, e Seatione Ontario. charge of staff meals ; assistants 12-].4 Very good wages. • Write or phone W. • , , r the Estate: ERIC McILROY, Lakeview Casino, rand Bend. Phoue 59' r 1. -14 RSES WA-1NMI:74- 713Y. PARK WOOD HOSPITAL For Chronic- Solicitor for the Administratrix• R C.HAYS 'Ilitntilton street, Gode- pr(n:ided; season, May to September. zich Uutatiio Solicitor 10 AUCTION ION SALE. _m for Spanish onion seedlings or for our specially .grown - xtomato '-plants ; _.these. generally start to ripen while .worth 10c e lip. and nearly ,all ripen before the frost. JACKSON FLORISTS, 49 Bruce street. Phone 105, Goderich. 13tf ally ill, London, Ontario. 6 -clay week ; 8 -hour day ; full maintenance very comfortable nurses' residence. Apply ,to SUPERINTENDENT. 13-14 � 'A NTfE°. - ROOM BY YOUNG f man ; abstainer. Would prefer hoa�.ae' where no teen -aged children, and near hospital. BOX 340, Goderich. -14 WANTED.. --CONTRACTO lS( TO supply • material- and .-build a chimuney and cut field stone fireplace in cottage at Egerton Beach. Apply to PERCY L.' SMITH, Ingersoll, Ont. 13-15 FOR SALE. -NEW ELECTRIC AND semilelectric (treadle) sewing ma- chines. . Also used ones. Goderich having been now included in our, division, our representatives will be in town weekly. For prompt service call oil write THE SINGER SAWING MACHINE • CO:VIPQNY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 727 If your machine is new, have it checked free within ninety days. 42tf HOW 'LUCKY WE ARE IN CAN, ADA.- The world looks to us for hoed, all- kind s,-Y9u'11-- need-X11---the- chicks' you've room for to satisfy your markets. ' Eggs or meat. Big4 Chicks are the choice of poultry - keepers who know of their livability, high production. Wide choice breeds, crosses, breeders Government inspected and bloodtested for both strains of pullorum.. Agent, RYAN PRODUCE CO. -14 ' AN ACCEPTABLE TALK At Sunday morning service. Victoria street United church, Mrs. Robert Geed in the name of the Eureka Class, pre- sented the minister, Rev. Lawrence 14. Turner, With a portable Communion set for the use of the sick and "shut- ins." The minister expressed the thanks of the church, reminding bis people that those suffering from -1 tidily informity and unable 'to worship as was their wont must never be neglected. This Communion set will enable the - minister to dispense the sacred. symbols to such,.. bringing to them the inspir- ation and the greetings of Victoria's Church family. Of interest, is the fact that the Eureka Class, founded in the Sunday School and still a constitu- ent part of it;* celebrates this year, the -35th anniversary of its natal day. UMMER WAITRESSES WANTED. -Girls •of neat appearance for "Snack Shop," Grand Bend ; 'season, May or June until Labor. Day night; good wages nice living quarters over- looking lake; very reasonable working hours. - Girls supervised; character references required. Apply in own handwriting to W. ERIC McILROY, Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, Ont. -14 WANTED. =-. CLEI.i----11V DRUG store." Apply J. II. LAUDERsor phone 19. _.. WANTED. -TO BTS- OLD HORSES and dead cattle; must be suitable fors_ mink feed; removed promptly. JACK GILBERT. phone 908 r . 21. Clinton% Call's . paid for. 18tf TENDERS WANTED SUFFERING 18 SEVERE , Canadian Red Cross in conjunction with the . Canadian United Allied Rte - lief Fund, proposes to expend in 1946 some $5,000,000 of its remaining _War funds on relief supplies for war - stricken populations 1,n .Europe and China and in addition will allocate large amounts of supplies on hand from its Overseas and Canadian warehouses; for the same purpose. • Commitments against this 1946 allocation are already underway. Officials at the National Headquarters --of the • goetet3.' aking this annpuncement referred to de- spatches from its' overseas represent- atives stating that suffering in Europe and China due to the war had reached acute proportions and called for every possible assistance. SAFETY! New ears are now rolling, off the assembly lines. In •the' case of an accident; the owner of a ear not covered by Insurance- might lose hid life savings. The cost of Insuranee is small. The cost of an accident Is unlimited. We will be pleased to have any car,owner phone or can at our oiflee for information. C EY & HAPMA PONE 1$ , ENDERS WANTED. -14.16• The •undersigned auctioneer has re- ei�te a t itslaioa�r s tigers .. 3IT .K„),K,��a,aLE...-, Wright, . corner Britannia _ road and Gibbons street, to sell without reserve' all her household effects on SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 1946 at 2 o'clock P.W. One oak dining -room suite, (buffet, 133' Virtue of au execution issued out of the first 1)ivisiun Court in the .County of .Huron, and to me directed against the goods and chattels . • of Albert Vanstone,' at tike --suit of table and six chairs) ; '1 leather arm the• Estate of- k)scatr E. Fleming, sdel. -, chair ; 4 fancy parlor chairs ; 1 leather ceased, and William A. Sutherland, bound rocker; 3 pairs heavy drapes; ! Administrator, 1 have seized'and-taken 3 parlor tables ; 1.wal1 rack ; 1 upright hi execution 1 Beatty washing ma- -- hail rack ; 1 writing desk ; 1 odd table ; chine ; 3 rockers; 1 large kitchen table; 1 oak dresser ; 1 mahogany dresser ; 1 small tabled 1 writing desk; 2 card , parlor lamp •and shade; 1 electric- tables; 1 easy chair (no upholsteryl; laiup, 2 iron• beds, springs and mat- 1, lirescreen ; . pictures ; 1 small marbles tresses; 1 feather tick ; L, pillows ; 2 topped table ; 1 iron cot with mattress; bedroom chairs ;2 trunks; 4 kitchen 1 table model radio ; Is washstand ; chairs and table ; new Princess Rose 1 cardboard w aiateobe ; 1 piano ' (sub - Harrison Stove; waterftont • attaclied,Y_ject to reserve") ; '2 .bureaux; 1\ mat - all Al; 1 kitchen cabinet, glass top ; tress ; black sideboard; 3 iron beds wood ice box; 1 porch rocker ; 1with springs; miscellaneous articles. . wicker rodk -r;.-1---Quebec heater ; 1 All -of- Which --property will -he sow- sanitary `removable- toilet ; 3 -burner by the .undersigned at public auction, - Perfection oil stove, in good condition ;• at 10 North street, Goderich, (Gundry lawn mower ; washstand; clothes rack ; Building.), by a licensed auctioneer, ironing board.; .boiler ; tub washboard; on Saturday, the 13th day of April, band wringer ; dishes `-pictures ; pots 1946. at the hour of 2 a'cloch in the and pans, etc. afternoon. TERMS -CASH. J. H.° HAYS,M'$ailifC. Dated 3rd day of April, 1946. - 14-15 MRS. MARGARET WRIGHT, Proprietress. 1.4-15xx-- G M. ,GRANT, A.uction.eer.- AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Known' as the Walls Property. _There will be offered for sale by public auction, subjegt to a reserved bid, on the premises, on Saturday, the sixth (6th) day of April,. 1946, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following freehold property, Viz.: The south half of lot number nine (9) in concession "C" in tthe ' Town of Goderich ,containing 4 ages three ,roods and twenty perches of land. There is erected upon the land a substantial red brick house containing 9 rooms with glassed -in veranda. There is water,, light and telephone con- nections. Tenders will be received by the Town of Goderich for -the supplying of ^500 yards of T/$ inch. screen gravel -land 750 yards of Y2 inch. screen stone chips; to be delivered to the town yard, or where the foreman may direct. Lowest' or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Tenders to be stn the hands of the Town Clerk not later than April 19th, 1946. 12-14 TENDERS WANTED. . .Tenders will be received up to April 22nd, for painting class rooms in the following schools: Nos. 1, 4, ' 7 and 8, and ceiling of - No. 9; also 'porch at No. 7. For particulars, see the secre- tary. - WM. WATSON, Goderich, R.R. 5, 14-15 Secretary -Treasurer. -"-w RAIL FENCE FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF, ASIIFIELD Tenders for the purchase of.'50 rods of rail fence on lot 10, concession 6, E.D., will be fhcelvedy �tlit1" �tin,t signed up to Saturda3, April 13tt`li, 1946, at 8 p.m. C. E. McDONS..GH, A Township Clerk, 14- R.R. 3, ° Lucknow. - There will be _offered forlsale at the same "tie -a- ntrantity' of-housel,olc3- furniture. Inspection of the property may be • •Kind to Animals Week," April 7th to 13th. • 14• NOTICE The Garage Business. formerly, owned and operated by Harvey Steels on. St. Andrew's Street has been- purchased,: by Alfred Hoy and . George Hutchins. - REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, TRUCKS, • MOTOR- • CYCLES, ETC. PHONE 05 14.15x TENDERS • WANTED. - TOWNSHIP OF COLBOR.NI4 Tenders will be received by -the undersigned until April Oth, 1946; -at 6 p.m.,' for crushing ,and delivering approximately 4000 yards of crushed gravel, one -inch screen, to be delivered whet°e Road Superintendent directs. Work to be completed June 15th, 1946. Council pays for gravel, contractor to prepare pits. . A marked cheque ftir 10% to accom- pany each tender. . The lowest or any tender riot neces- sarily ae.cetpted. For other particulars, refer to any member, of Council or Road .Superintendent, (leo. I+4. Bean. . t11 ' WM. SA.LLOWS, (aierlt,, '14-, • , (. t ► I" , 11,.I,(•. 5,1 Goderi<4,Dl. �1 .Are Yon Going Fishing,? a; Don't forget your obligation to yourself and to your community to GO TO CHURCH" Juvenile delinquency and Ether pressing s youth ,pi ol3Iems would be quickly sowed if the older and ma uf•e, people would set the •necessary example, and encourage the young people to attend 6huith reg'txlarly. This is a ' personal' responsibility. that no one 'else can .discharge for rou. Won't you accept it? . THIS APPEAL IS MADE UV • Tbe "Go to Church" Committee (A 'STRICTLY NON ))ENOMINATIOANAL ACTIVITY)