HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-17, Page 34
A Harvest Song.
The odor sweet of now -mown hay
Ia wafted o'er the land ;
Peed high the sheaves of golden grain.
Wait for the thresher's hand.
Wide, billowy gelds of Dona uplift
Their banners broad. and green,
With plenty's promise graven bright
On =oh, in glittering sheen,
The leafyvine bends low with weight
013ulcy cluetera fair.
Springtiuke'e glad prophecies fubftUed
The burdened oreharde bear.
O'er all the land brown -handed Toil
and patient Thrift have wrought
Day after day, till dreams have been
To full fruition brought.
Yet not to them all probe be given,
Nolatl to Toll ,tad Thrift;
" Who gives the increase," auto Ulm
Oar grateful beasts we lift,
Who can the richly varied store
Of goodiy gifts behold,
Igor nay with ismer. prophet bard.
4t Thy was, how manifold 1"
Let the Boys See the World.
" Ta it alive V"
" It moVea.t.
" When did it get int"
Are some of the remarks we happened to
overhear not long alto as a crowd of neatly
dreeeed, " fig " young city gelato panned by,
Grlenclsg across the street we et ono saw
the olejeot of their merriment, Helmet John.
Plowman bad oolne to town to ace the slghte
and from every indication, wan not going
home", without having accomplished his ob-
/vow John le one of our awful:Amgen and
ea he crossea the etreot and approached we
naked, " Jabu, why don't you pull your
pants out of your boot tops, and rates your
hat off your sere'. Cant you see those fel-
lows axe laughing et you 1" "Let him laugh
they are a pack of yer city dudes and I oan
clean out the whole crowd," caul he grind-
ing hie teeth and shaking hie formidable fist
No doubt of it, Jobe, but wait a moment
enppoae oust of them was to go home with,
you, won'dn't yon smile to see him milklog
cows with that salt of broadcloth * wouldn't
it amuse yon to see him pitch hay IA a July
nun with that stW hat and choker t"
"Yon bet your Ute, I'd like to get one of
them on a barvester far jurat one day. I'd
make hint laugh out of Vogler corner of hie
mouth. I'd show him that It le better to
have is pair of lege that are useful, than ern -
" Walt a moment Jobe, fat mo tell you
something ; you are not In the least inferior
to thou boys ; all the tilifexenes 1e, they aro
educated differently (rete what you are.
Your hanldero are broader, your chat is
botto developed, your mouth is not deform-
ed by the use of toba000 and liquor, there le
a 1 ok full of buainees In your face that at
a a recommends you much better than ell
t e letters you could parry, were youin.
queat of a position. The point we wish to
make le this ; boys raised on a farm as a
generajrule are net allowed an equal chance
in eth cetion with their city ceueloe. When
they go to town they feel out of place. They
would give anything to be able to walk
along the street and not fool that everybody
le looking at them.
If they only knew whether to put their
hands in their pockets or hold them straight
dwelt, they would have learned one very
usefal lesson in ease and comfort. if they
were educated to ase the difference, the
alivewd clothing .merchant could not palm
off his last year's coat and two year old vest
with a hatof atill more ancient pattern upon
them. We say give the boys a chance. If
you live near a town—and all do now—let
Tom end Harry and Itob attend school there
one or two winters and learn the ways of
city life. Bat, one objects, we can't afford
to send our boys off to town alone, they
would gat into bad company, learn to drink
and fall into all the attending evils of city
life. To ouch we would say, some time
they are going to go out from your door to
meet all these temptations, and if they have
been kept too strictly, without any chance
to see tho follies of evil or learn to avoid the
snares, they will be the very victim the
sharper is after ; they will suddenly find
themselves turned loose in an unexplored
pasture full of snares so artfully concealed
by the most tempting baits that he who
.tears clear of them is indeed a favorite of
fortune. The boy who is kept too closely
haltered to the farm sickens to it. He longs
to go to the exciting scenes of the city where
he sees most people wearing good clothes;
in fact he never sees those who wear poor
ones, he is so struck with the flash of gold
chains, high hats and polished shoes. How
much safer it is to let him see and taste all
these things while you are able to hold him
in check, than to rush him out alone un-
guided by love's irresistible reins, to turn
1eadlong into them. Besides all boys rais-
d in cities do not come to ruin, nor all boys
brought up on farms become angels. We
hope if this finds its way to the household
of any sturdy old farmer who token except-
ion to its doctrine, that he will reply to it.
They often have to scratch too hard for
their living, and what eggs they lay are
largely lost, or in some way.weated. Then
the chicken get caught by hawks, foxes or
other animals of prey.
If hens can have good pare air to breathe
clean water to drink, and suitable foodin
abundance,, they will get along with very
Little room for exercise, and will pay well
in eggs for the table, But if saving eggs for
setting, it would be better to give more,
exercise, that the chickens may be more vier -
exam. We only allude to this experiment,
a forced one on our part, to show how small
a range a few hens eau be kept on and yield
a generous profit for the Dare and keeping.
Almost every family has waste scraps from
the kitchen that could be utilized in no bet
ter way than to feed to a small coop of lay-
ing hens.
pia ter
-0s Horseback with
A Quarrel About the Merits of Armies
A duel was recently fought with F. each
rapiers in San Franoieco, by a Frenchman
and a German. The former is named Gascon
and it is said that he owns a ranohe of 2,000
acres in Marin county. The latter, whose
name could not be learned, is said to be a
lawyer fa that city, The German and the
Frenchman met a short time ago and disous-
sed the relative merits of the cavalry of the
two armies in the Franca. -Prussian war. Gas-
con was a captain of horse in the Freueh
army. and stoutly maintained that the ow
alry of Napoleon III. was much superior to
that that invaded France. The German
who went to school at Heidelberg University,
replied warmly to Chia claim. Their words
led to threats, and finally to & challenge to
test their own merits with swords, and thus
settle the question in regard to the superior-
ity of one army or the other.
The arrangements were conducted with
the greatest secrecy. At 7 o'clock onemorn-
ing a hack drove up to the house of a well-
known athlete, and the occupants, the
Frenchman and hie party, asked the athlete
to net ae referee of a sword contest that was
about to take place. The athlete states that
he supposed the contest was to be a scientific
one for pointe and harmless in its character..
He readily consented, and getting into the
hack the party was driven to the Oaeaar
Heinle, where the German, with hie friends,
were already in attendance, Leaving their
carriages, the two parties, which in all did
not number more than ten persons, atarted
fora ravine about 400 yards hack of Barney
Farley's house. The duel wan to lee fought
on horsebaok, and the weapons to be need
were French rapiers, thirty-six inches long,
?help an the edges and at the paint. The
two men etripped far the enoounter, Gascon
wore light trousers and a blue flannel ehirt
and steel helmet over his face. He had a
black beard and monetache, In his patty
was a physician and several of his friends.
The German was a large, heavy man, weigh-
ing fully one hundred and ninety pounds.
Ile wore a dark Mansel shirt and dark
trousers. The Frenchman mounted a big
grey horse that had boon brought far hien,
and the German rode a bey.
Then Attemps to Iiia Isis wife and After.
wards Cuts MS OW* Threat,
A man from Johnson City, Blanco county,
gives details of a terrible tragedy which
occurred there recently. Al Leckie, an
old citizen of extensive connection, had a
stepdaughter living with him, whom it is
alleged he seduced several yeara ago. Late-
ly his relatives had imputed to hire the same
crime with his own daughter. Leckie
yesterday afternoon left home, intending, as
he avowed, to go to John Green's plaoe to
borrow money. Green and family were
away, Ile entered the honed and took
Greene rifle and returned to the roaldeuce
of his brother, Berry Leckie. He then shot
and killed Berry, and his ('Berry's) wife.
John Nicholson, a ueighbor, rode up just
thee, lie forced Nicholson to go with him
to Mr. Stokes'., where be robot and killed
Stokes. There Niaholeon was last eight of.
His horse was tied there when found, audit
le 'append, that he was also killed. From
there Laokie went table own house and allot
and cut the throat of Mrs. Henry 'rookie of
Llano county, wife of his atepeon, who was
on a visit to hill. He also shot and killed
Mrs. Stokes, wife of the Stokes whom babe('
elrcady killed. Then he killed hie daughter.
Leckie next attempted tit kill his wife, hut,
hie oartridges being oxhaaeted, he conidnot
fire another shat, and she escaped. He
then cut his own throat, mounted hie horse,
and started in the direction of Johnson City.
After riding a few yards he met Thema
Brae: wick, whom :he attaokod with a knife,.
inflicting fatal wounds. The murderer then
rode towards Johnson City, but was arrest•
ed within five miles of there. He was still
alive at 3 o'clock next morning. By these
murdore about twenty children are left
A later despatch says a mob of 75 per-
sona, a few nights afterwarde, went to the
jail, demanded the keys of the sheriff,
and entered the jail and took out Lookie.
They hanged him after havingobtainedfrom
him a statement in regard to hie cameo,
Leckie declared he intended to kill all the.
membore of three or four families beaidos
those he murdered, and was prevcatod from.
doing so only by his oartridpee giving out.
Poultry in Narrow Quarters.
Hens like to have "their liberty and to
roam over the garden and fields and to se-
lect their own nesting places in the barn or
among the bushes or grass in the vicinity of
buildings, but the profits to their owners under
such oiroumatances are not always sure to be
satisfactory. Hens in the garden are gen-
erally unmitigated nuisances, surely so if
they are your neighbor's hens. Many per-
sons seem to think that poultry cannot be
profitable nnlees they can have their fui1
liberty, and can obtain moat of their living
from what, they oan pick up while foraging
on their own account. But this is a mistake,
Hens running at large, unless closely watch-
ed and cared for, seldom pay very well.
The Way of the World.
That many with the glad concent praise
new-born remedies, especially if they pay a
larger profit -no one conversant with the
substitution practiced in this respect will
deny, and when you are told by interested
parties that such and ouch a preparation is
as "good or better" --than the great sure
pop Dorn cure•---Pataam's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor, Just for a moment oonaiderif your
benefit prompts the navies, or if the small
additional profit secured by the sale of in-
ferior or poisonous substitatee lies at the
bottom of the suggestion. We say then,
buy only Petunia Painless Cora Extractor ;
the safe, sure and tested remedy for corns
will be found in Putnam'. Painless Corn Ex-
tractor, N. C. Pelson & Co., Kington,
Mr, Besaeuier's steel process patentehe.ve
yielded him $600,000 a year for twenty-one
A disease of ea delicate a nature as stric
tare of the urethra should only be entrusted
to alone of large experience and Akin, By our
improved methods we have been enabled to
speedily and permanently cure hundrada of
the worst cases. Pamphlet, references and
terns, three letter stamps. World's D.epea.
nary Medical Association, 003 Main Street,
Bn: 'ebo, N. Y.
Til humor often comes like chemical pre-
parations, from a retort.
The referee stator that when he taw tit
character of the weapons he protested, but
the two men assorted that they understood
what they were doing. The referee, at 11
o'clock, ordered the first charge. Tile two
riders sparred their horses and advanoed
with uplifted swords. Ae they came together
they each parried the other's blow and re.
tired. A second charge was ordered by the
referee and the two men oametogether again
Again the vicious blown were warded off and
both returned safely. A third charge was
ordered, Gowen rode rapidly towards. hie
adversary, and with great skill out an ugly
gash in the German's right arm. It is raid
that upon the sight of this Gascen's friends
could hardly restrain their excitement.
When the blood began to flow a number of
the German's friends, seeder the scrim and
dangerous character of the affray, fled. The
referee states that the German's doctor was
among those who beat .hasty retreat. The
referee states that he tried to prevail upon
the men to give up the encounter, ant they
both refused to do so, The Frenohman's
friends grew more excited with the passage
every moment, and demanded a oontinuation
of the contest.
The referee then ordered the fourth ad-
vance and both men rode towards each oth-
er. The German's sword arm wan wounded,
but he held his sword up and apurred his
horse on. But he had lost much of his
strength, and as the two men came together
Gascon whipped his rapier over theGerman's
arm at the elbow, inflicting another wound.
t is supposed that the weapon also struck
the " crazy bone," for the German's arm fell
helplessly by Ws aide, Then the Frenchman
mule a desperate rash on hie disarmed op-
ponent and struck him first on the breast -
cutting him from the left nipple to the third
rib, laying open the flesh and exposing the
ribs. Again he raised his rapier and again
it whizzed through the air in its descent and
cut a gaah on the German's arm. The wea-
pon was again poised for another thrust
when the referee rushed upon Gascon and
dragged him from his horse, The French-
man, enraged at this act of the referee, turn
ed upon him. But the referee fled behind a
buggy that was near the ground and saved
himself. The duel was over. The Gascon
party entered their carriage and drove to the
Cliff House. The German's friends returned
with a carriage. His physician sewed up
the wounds temporarily and removed him to
a farm house in the neighborhood, where the
wounded man was treated more carefully.
Before separating every member of the party
agreed to say nothing of the affair, as it was
a criminal offence. But it was an event that
could not be smothered in silence, and the
affair having beenheard of, the above account
of it was obtained from the referee,
Attreage and Fantaotle Secan is the Colony
of Australia.
An eye witness of an aboriginal oorroboree
which took place at the Adelaide Oval, ,Ane
trails, this deeoribea it :—" The black men
painted in fantastic fashion with white
stripes all over their bodice, went through
a pantomimio kangaroos hunt with a good
deal of clever burleegning of the marsupial
mannerisms. They hopped and grazed, and
eat up as kangaroos do, and then treated
the spectators to a nhow of hunting the ani,
male. Next they planned a sham tribal at
tack and fight with some effect, and then
came that grotesque dance in which the
warriors, wearing curious leglets of gum.
leaves, stamp and give their lower limbs a
rapid tremulous motion while the lnbras
keep up an incessant nasal chant and per-
petual thumping of opossum skins. The
spectacle was undoubtedly a strange one,
seen beneath the blaze of torches and
the fleeting dazzling glare of. blue, green,
or red lights. An incongruous element was
introduced by the appearance of some na-
atives in overcoats, helmets, and trousers and
their women in skirts and crinolines, but
this was a alga of the docial advancement of
the people. The dancers, however, wore
little more clothing than a breeohclout and
a coat of paint, a custom calculated to keep
the domestic draper's bill down to the mini -
num, The affair -might appropriately be called
a whitey -blank corroboree, because of the
utilization of appliances of civilization in the
display. The blacks were frequently ap-
plauded, and certainly the scene was not
without its picturesque accompaniments and
weird effects, the glare of the fires reveal-
ing dozens elective, muscular darkey figures
strangely painted and bedizened, dancing.
in wild fashion to an accompaniment of a
barbario chanting, and the whole picture
was . shown against the darkly shadowed
distant background. The majority of the
natives are more muscular, plump, and are
better formed than the usual type of abor-
iginee,and most of them came from theCoor-
ong, the Murray, and the lake districts,
where their mode of life is healthful and
where food is abundant. Most of them,
from their training at the missions, speak
exoellent English, and are in every respect
superior to the rest of their race."
Sometimes it coats Imndrede of dollars to
convince a man; very often less is required,
but in the case of Poison's Nenviniir, that
sovereign remedy for pain, 10 cente foots
the bill, and euppliee enough Nerviline to
convince every purcbaaertbat it Is the beat,
moat prompt and certain pain remedy in the
world, Nerviliee fa good for all kinds of
pain, pleasant to take, and sure to cure
cramp% and all internal pain. It is also
nice so rub outside, for it has an agreeable
smell, quite unlike so many other proper.
etione, which are positively dfeagreeable to
ua'. Try it now. Go to a drug store and
buy a 10 out or 23 cent bottle. Poison's
WervUtne, Take no other.
Oil producers know how to get along well,
All they have to do is to drill it deep.
Within a week after publishing a book on
the perils of Alpine climbing, a Vienna law-
yer fell down a glacier and was killed.
The papers are commenting on the fact
that a boy who mold some of his father's
furniture in the absence of hie parents, re-
ceived exactly the same sentence as a man
who nearly killed his wife. Well it in
mighty hard to replace furniture.
It is Conceded by all that the Do,n.eaox kA
somas Cor ere Eingeton, is deserved-
1e�moslC popular business training school in,
Sae Regie $tem
Wartier is lbs only
'wtwbinr Maohinein.
♦entad that a xeakl,
woa.aa orgirt 114
yearn Aid without
toeaes. era wash
boatel, can wiklt nese
wait bow too plaver
in one hoar. *tease
wanted all ever Cap-
ala. aampiesentter
Wel 1 andterrittsqry girert x adieu maks Cod agenIz no 'NOP co
clothe., and eery lady will buy after trying it• amt.
towash Dello. in Ove minutos,aoitna ¢coda la a bedelother
10, or no rale. Add/ esr,FERRIS at a0. PatentesaaedMaan•
taetgran,10 Aryls S40e4.Te8011TO.Canada
Ilion Line Royal Mail ateamsMps.
Sailinsduring winter them Portland evears Tharat{itg
and. Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool,an Ola atuarerr
from Quebec every Saturday to Liaert ono' Was et Loa •
doodorry to lend mails and mammon So gaud an
Ireland. Also nomBaltflnore,via Halifax andEt.Johrer
N.it.. to Liverpool fortnightly daring mummer month..
The *Mamma ut the GIortlow Mei will durlt,� tat
to andfrom Ranter, Pand, BoiWn and biadal
nisie ; and. during saunter between alas- ow and /ACM
Asia, weakly; Glasgow awLBeeton, waggly; and`Ila.eo'
andPhlladelpble, fortnightly.For freight, passage, or other iaforalnatlor
apply tet A. eohne ocher tb Co., Baitin,ora f 8.
Gerrard & Oo. Etalif ax' Shea Ac Co., $t. Jc tn'a.
X. It; Wm. Thomson & Co., bt• John,
Allan *it Co,, C o; Love k Alden, New
York ; H. Bouriter, oronta;Altust Ra,ob On.
Quebec' Wm, Brockie, Phiiada, nla; ki, Ase
Ulan, ortland. Boston. Montreal.
The &rat of living French Canadian poets
to M. Louie Fechette,
The manufacturers of the " Myrtle Navy"
toba000 invite the very oloseet scrutiny of
uta quality. The expert whose trained
senses teach him to recognize the exact
quality of tobacco, and the smoker who
judges by his experience in smoking it, will
both come to the saute conclaeion that it le
of the vory highest quality anywhere to be
found. It la made of the very Outfit of
Virginia loaf and ie menufaotured with the
greatest possible care.
Gana are only human after all, They
will kick when the load beoomee'too heavy.
"Love Sees No Wauits,r.
it has been said ; but, when a woman is
dragged down, emaciated, wan, and a shad-
ow of her former self, with never a cheerful
word, she can be no longer beautiful on lav-
eble. Nature may have been generous in
her gifts, and endowed her with all the
charnel of her sex, but disease has crept in
unawares and stolen the rosea from her
cheeks, the metre from her eye, and the sou -
chine from her heart. But to be well again
lies inour own power. Take Dr. Piereo'a
"Favorite Pres tio," it will sure you ;
thousands have been oured by it. Nothing
opals it for all the painful maladies and
weeknessee peculiar to women. Price re-
duced to one dollar. By druggists..
To the vixene,beloug the broiia.
Alma Ladies' College, St, Thomas, Out,
has full staff and complete courses in Lit-
erature, Music, Fine Arta, and Commercial
Soienoe. Reopens September 10, 1$55.
For 50 pp. announooment, address, Princi-
pal Austin, B.D.
The highest type of charity le charity to;
wards the charitable,
Prevention Better Than Cure.
Many of the diseases so prevalent in these
days are caused by ming wisp containing
Impure and infectious matter. Avoid all
risk by using Pommes Laundry Soap,
which is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer
for Paunorme . Manufaotured only by
the Toronto Soap Co.
A. P. 245,
The 'explorers in the Congo Valley are
surprised by the crudity of life there.' The
natives have no domesticated beasts of any
sort, nor do they raise or catch any animals
to eat, as they knoW nothing of flesh as food.
No semblance, of clothing is worn, and diet
is practically confined to s ontaneous pro-
duots of the soil. Letters from missionaries
say, too, that the negroes there are so low in
mentality that any hope of Christianizing
them must be based on a long and patient
course of ,intellectual training. They are,
too densely ignorant to comprehend the
simplest statements of dootrtne.
The great diaphoretio and anodyne, for
colds, fevers and inflammatory attacks,' is
Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart
Weed ; also, cures colic, cramps, cholera
morbus, diarrheas and dysentery, or bloody -
flux. Only 50 cents.
Iseorporated, A,- D. 18811.
Subscribed Capital 03000.000
Paid tip Capital n TOO, 000
Reserve Fund 1 101100
Total Assets. ..b9.:U.000
ompanf's Buildings, Toronto St.,
The Company has now on hand a largo
amount of English money which It le pre-
pared to lazed on first•ciaas securities at low
tatea of interest. Apply to
)Iarsvinw i)l.rrtnr.
FaztasDAnz2Fon SALE, cal'AP.— au. ttmaa.—.tosyl
ASIC 17O711 GROOER von
atiBR B.2ED AYESHIP.ZS for Bile ; poo cows, iu
g yearllsg heifers and one bull. Write for desartp•
ryion, rake and nedlev1A 5 61 r., Bass. Tralelaar.
+t]ALIIARLE FARlf FOR SALE -100 amoa, 8
wy miles east of the city of St. Thomas. F o
particulars address J. 3. LEWIS, New Sarum, On
wi✓ BELL. Chatham. Ont., for circular. Fast clean-
ing fanning nulla. Best in Canada. Also warehouse
mUlle'and dustless aeparat�ore.��y�, ��g�T .tet
FOR P.r.f ',SAiY i SE W IN(4
---USE ONLY....
tlappertonls Spool Cotton 1
Warranted PULL Length, and to ran smooth on an
a wing machine. Bee that OX,AYYzaToB's name Is on
ho labeL gerlfor ir'^ 'v all D 7r -Goode Dealers.
Ontario Agricultural College
' once of Instruction SPECIALLY ADAPTED to
wants of farmers' sJAone. For olrcubarfibre,)LgiviA.,ng informa-
tion 80 to terms of admission, Dost, course of atndy,
eta., apply to
(Awavmetlia paper.) President, Guelph.
Rupture & Hernia
Don't be deceived any longer.
Throw away your old trusses,
and get the best. CnTRLss
stands without an equal today.
It has proved itself to be the
beet truth in existence by its
enormone sales. Get relief and
solid comfort, Send 6 cent
stamp for book on rupture and
human frame. Address ORAS.
CLOTHE; 118 Icing Street
West, Toronto, Ont. (Home Exhibition Weak.)
placed in Drawers, Trunks, Wardrobes, etc.—
They drive away and destroy Moths and other insects,
imparting a delightful and delicate perfume to the
clothing, oarried or worn upon the person they are
by their powerful concentrated dleinfeotant proper.
ties, a parted means of protection against infection
of disease, giving off at the same time a most delight.
Cul odor; made entirely of satin in assorted colors
very pretty, unique, and neat.' Every one should
have them. Price 100. each—three for 25o. Thyme.
Cresol Soap, the great English dlein!eotant toilet
soap, awarded the gold medal, London, Eng., 1884.'
Large cakes, price 16c.,. or 86o. per box of 8 cakes,
sent postage paid to any address upon receipt of price
Address, TilYuo.CRssoL Commit', '769 Craig St., !don.
heal. Circulars and descriptions of our English Thy.
,no•Cresol preparations mailed free on application..
Agents wanted. Write for terms.
1 D meg
a) P a.,^
e tK
!s xon
twee lY
WboosambnordAmilisTaoltyriagsn4Rreetroo L.
WELT, $U�tiN4
o asrior ; 90 Der Lour, band or hona•9c;Walrwas:sad k Arflip nmaohine; +,seleneae.s;Fda> t�r°�`sii!ervso�l°r ADA.
Pork Paokerci, Toronto.
L, O. Boson,Roiled Spice Bacon, O. C. Boom,
Q�lsseo Sugar Oared Hata, Dried Beat,
Brasltiaet Bacon, Smoked Tongnee, Woe Pork, y;eirlI
ed'rongzee, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lard is
Tube and Pails. The Beat Brenda of EngUeh Tao
Dairy Raft to stock.
The New Co -Operative
ms IaeI1hIe!
"NW MAIN i'Jtle 1 hiss PIIZ*l3'g * 1
Latest Improved Attachments
waterloo pzrloo fol' similar machine SW
Our trice only 125 each.
Bates hying send .ns ataaep for 000 elegant 111101♦
and wools of sewing.
gar meth:* 2..241046.4 for three year? rill NO e
Atrg lady wan es a machine will do well b mite
The 0o -Operative
g 1adthie Co
aAMllS ST. sacra. TON.
Co .man's Improved, Plough Rarneas
4pa,rran re O*euaftn weir,
No whilnetreee to injure trees, Rear on man and
teem. Workfag quaetier guaranteed, ]tomer re-
funded if not satisfactory artar a fair trial. Price,
11x0 without oculus and bridles.
CQ ,
Are the Drat. At.
tested by the Peet
thattaoraare more el
our rodeo la we In
the Dominion than
et aft caber nukes
oombined. Blay,
Static and Co el
Scalae, Farmers'
credo nod Dairy Scales. Gneccrestlia
scales, Scales for Domestic Use.
Housekeepers, Consult Tour Bell;
By purchasing a scale, and in buying Doe be
to get the beak Our realer' aro fully woman
every particular. All due Rammed,W
and IIL11 Tracks. Alarm Roney lira
For We by the hardware Trade generally.
luatrsted Catalogue and Prloo List forwarded
wammoaats--ltontresi and Wlanips
It Is the only preparation of the kind which
ns all the nutrition., together with the slim
g proper'.fes of beef, and the only one which
e power to supply nourlahmentior brains, and
'WIN an 0, i i 'ZirT11TX3s'rY,Aa1VI " "'oiT E I1%TC I3R
ONLY $3.00.
TSE minium
Warranted Bret-
olass, or`moneyre
funded. Send di-
rect to manufao-
turere, or procure
from your Hard-
ware or House -
Furnishing dealer.
ONLY $3.0
0XO1EZs wl.n8G
lid» t. impel
al ),e, Bing," al
dangles, IN
Roller and Th
Roller.. Virritel
particulars. 4
Hamilton Industrial Works Co., Manufacturers, Hamilton, C
to Reward for the Convictio
Of Deal EMS who Oil of Qt
Sell in- httanufaeture f
IVIC.AL.€33E3EXZE-a3 cox
Cnitilir�� Cylinder,
'OBiloslt For sale by all leading dealers. I Me0 Toronto t
ExaininelTher.Superior Ndert'r.
The Most Effective, Clean, Durable and Eeonemicai Heaters in the Market for warmb
ventilating Churches. Schools, Public Buildings, Stores nand Private Residences. Bim
construction and easily managed, capable of giving more heat with less consumption of fuel than an;
heating apparatus. Bim' Absolutely Gas Tight. 'Kb Eleven sizes are made and can be set cit
Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited. Poe catalogues and further information add,
THE E...:
"Sz C. -,,GURNEY: CO: