HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-04, Page 4THE GODERIO SIGNAL -STAR T URS . DEM! HOWKEZ S.BASON " The Curtain fell-Qn hoekey ha (lode - rich this w6k -with the playillg oa which the Lions were stopped' short .of the all-Ozttario championship tiy.Barrie, _ and with the elimination of the Midgets -by Thorold in the Ontario Midget "1,1'. ' 'has been probably the greatest year for hockey in the history of this lake- side ttrAlle ill no other year have ,three Goderieh teams advanced so far - • eously as did the' Juniors,,, Juveniles Rose :and Midgets this winter. Only one . town -ever got as far'as did this year's three kid teantS and that,Was the Inter;. .-• Mediate team of ,1,00Li which. Iostout 441 Th,e citizeas or Goderiell gave their .. only pity being that because of the • , lack of an artificial ice rink .in_ Gode- . . rich . many of the; hockey fans of this . , town could not cheer their 'teams' ou ' ' - . - d lf , in -the last period, being . outscored • in the iiiaportant final rounds, The - •-l• only '3-2, but •they never came close to -fact that they had ne ice of , their own' sentative in Kitchener, Guelph,. a getting -back in ' the pieture aiso handicapped the teams who 'were ' territery. fur Harrison &' Company , Jack Price, stylish left winger. was Stratford; Uoderich and surrounding forced to ,I.eay their _final. home games (Limited. Investment Dealers, Toronte. the best -than on the ice for, the Lions, on strange ice at considerable expense I mr. Lang, a Certified public accountant, • scoring four of the Goderieh -.goals. and without proper practices. Hwas.- formerly • statistician of the On- Barry Doak accounted for the other The 'players of 'all three teams were : tarie bePartment of Municipal Affairs. twe Lions'tallies. Gabriel led Thorold a credit to Goderich, ,. a t all times con- ' -14, with fear goals while Girotti and ducting ,. themselves • in a most gentle- ! . . _ -1-,Duelwtt had two, tallies' each and manlike manner. They . their executives and from all who ' hreeeh:eit PERSONAL 'MENTION Thompson and Tatarmic one each. splendid support.and leaders ip no The teams ;- . monoLD—Goto,- ,Spagn; defence, would be ditlicult• to name all of -those -'1111---L----* were - associated. with the teams. '''It ' - Thompson. .Ta ta I'm ic ; centre, Gabriel ; who Iwiped the' teams.- along the ,, d L.I. 'in Stratford. _ wings, Baker, Longo, Alternates, Milne, (.1101111)1011st:0p trail, but of partiewar ;,artAtiqr.s. 11. Bone. returned to her home mention for the manlier in which they , acud RuYal "ak- seending* the witq-r in Detroit GODERICH-----Goal, Donaldson; de-. multitude ot arra ngenwnts and instilled Air. and Airs. Den );-.\-‘'iggins of London organized the teitilis, looked- after a! renco, Dohk, Holmes; cebtre, Beacom.;... are , were recent guests with Dun s mOther, wings, Price, Fulford.; alternates hockey knowledge into the players, _. - ., "Nip" Whetstone, manager 'of .the 1 Mrs. J. Wiggins. • Juveniles, and towards the end of 'Winds(' Mrs. Wm. Ctirrie has retereed to jam, Smith, Holland-i-sithgoal, Spain. the seaeson of the • Midgets; Joe" after visiting wit -b. her . Murphy; ' the Juveniles' eoach; Harry I mother, Airs.. II. 4„..,,,Aiglini.d., .. , - .. _ .. -i-inhaL-Brid Worthy, --Goderich. dth, 39-46 Opening April 8th SMITH'S CLEANERS & PRESSY! q. GODERICII Ar goods bsured and red at One* , Toronto,. Mr. 4.rde B. Aitken and son, -1110, ,ch London, ;rere week -end Doug, with the former's sister, Miss guests Aitken. SI LEA CHECK THESE ! CLEARSEM Polishes es it Cleans . BEIM SODA ARM et, HAMME'll WASHING !PUNY LAtieS 25-40-60's • CLEANSE& WHITE SAIL . GLASSEX WINDOW CLEANER ANN PAGE ,2 for Pkg. • 8 -oz. oa. lig 150 Pkg. 50 Ctn. 40 Mi. 140 321.x. 590 Pkg.' of 6 Isit SOAP PALMOLIVE 2 Reg. 110 Cakei SUPER sps WHEN AVAILABLE PEETE.CTION COCOA VEG. SOUP CAMPSELL'S ri Giant Arid 10 Cakes 1,1[07 Pkg‘ 240' • BEANS . — IHJAKER-OATs- • z • lb. 1150 \ic$13!,11tDSQuALiry JUNKET TABLETS Pkg. 110 5 -ROSES -FLOUR- 1-1b: Baf! .25t 24 -lb. Bag 830 Aro POTATOES IMPORTED No.. 1 Grade 0 Ib' 34' GRAPEFRUIT ThSEEDLESS 9xAS 6NAR6'ts , for owns_ CALI- do. NAV1=L-RORNIAS -S44' z ORANGES FLORIDA"VAiLENGIA 176's SPINACH TEXAS CURLY LEAF 2 11 ". 21 BEANS FLORIDA, Green, Stringless; CABBAGE TEXAS -,FRESH GREEN bf the Ontario Minor lIockey play -1r. offs ;at Stratford on Thursdayoevening last. dropping the second gazfae of their 0.M4LA. semi -anal round to Thorold 10-.8. to lose the round by a bital score of 19 -1.0 - The L 10L1S were outweighed in almost every position bY (he husicy Thorold team and In the end this (-proved to0 much of a disadvantage to the plucky Goderich youngsters. The UMW faced t. a live goal deficit to start the game and on their play in the tirst period, when they outscored the visitorS 3-2, it looked aiS if they Would give Thorold a battle for round honors. However, the weight advantage which Thorold packed began to show in t)at sedond frame and Aye enemy goals rattled by Jack Donaldson in the Goderich nets in the middle session. with the only. reply froni the Lions coming on the:stick of Jack Price, who sag gr, ALBERT G. LANG. hard. shot almost from centre ice. • has been apii6inted sales repre- The Lions held ,their own fairly well raSions Roses— Westbrook, the' Midgets' coach; Arne Goderich after spending the 'winter THE "DOGS" ARE ON PETE Doak, the Juniors' manager; • and Nall -with friends in Chazy, N.Y. ° gy I Pete Zimmerman, who is an ardent . The Sig .the ,Juniors', coach. I Rev, A. J. Mcliaye, of S'traffordville, hockey fan' and who attends all local The Signal -Star wislies`to extend its "was hi Goderich early in the week as c'origratulatfons to .the ' an the guest of;ltr. Ernie Barker.. 'games when not operating his hot-dog players and stand of nights, showed some measure officers and to an, wllo lira Fred Arnold anti 'sore Obert �, , x. , y Wagrw tea . ..„. -.1d of his li �y1 the n: al youngsters, reg, _ ,eent'r iliii=e i'to the aifeeeSs"df'G`oderich's 151"` Mitt aor, - zre 1'11/'st i 'illi ni% rind a §airPi " lry the local, youngste s, pby three 1945 4G championship 'hockey Mrs. T. 1IcGr,attan and llra, i3. giving to each player on the Juvenile clubs. ve--May this be but' the first Arnold. and Midget teams a card Which 'en - in a long line of churu�rfonship season1 Mrs, -D„ D. Mooney and Mrs. Harry titles them to five free "dogs" at his Ford Will attend the Provincial I,O.D.E, stand. The' players consider this a TRIBUTEThego TO PRINCIPAL, SCOTT conference nference�', in. • Hamilton w beginning' very nice gesture on Pete's part :_.._� 4. good publicity which has been 1 - ` ,�.,...:..a,.. brought 1Ir _ Ill etllvurney.. arrived -home on . • 1 rou t _.to- •Goderieh- ley---''th,e •_sucdess o 110117LI1�iG- -ALLE` ' ENT ,RED . . Saturday last from St Josephs Hos- Thieves broke into the Royal Bowl - of local ho•ckey teams this year, is pital, London, where she had been a ing Alley during Tuesday night, steal - being evidenced more ere* r day in patient for six weeks. t ing. acigarettes. out-of-to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Proctor and Miss quantity of cigarettes. No ant -of -tow -4i newspapers, , ti The latest -money was obtained by, them. They compliment is directed toward Mr. A.• "horeire Griffith, 'of Detroit, were week- are believed to have gained`' entrance R. Scott,'popnlar principalwof the Gode- end guests with the former's parents, to the building ,by a back window. rich Collegiate Institute, who received �Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Y'roctor. Police are, investigating, a bouquet from Jack Sparks, sports Airs,,,.0.: H. Marthr and Bill. of De- troit, spent last-week-endovisiting Mrs. •l editor of the IJondon Free Pres, in f •SUXV.00D SEED his column "Sportsparks'.'. of- Friday, Blacl� Rho returned with her daughter Prom, harvesting to seeding time, March 22nd, which we quote as , to' make her home in Detroit. ..--. • farmers must apply themselves to many 'follows: Mr." Jas. Gallagher visited for a kinds of labor, such as ploughing, 'School p -few days last week with his sister; harrowing,• draining,, in order to pre - the are not always+ Mrs. John Brown, in Woodstock. Mrs. pare the•land and destroy weeds. After .the most popular ,gents_ ,in the- world ,in the eyes of their'pupils, but A. R. Brown is leaving that city to reside these Many hours of toil in preparing Scott, ,,lreacls the Gs, bu Goderich----Col-l• in Owen Sound. ; the land .they should net 'spoil their le�giate Institute, no doubt constitutes' The Fell family held a family dinner •efforts by using poor quality geed, full � at the home .of his grandmother -on of Weeds, and,. of a variety -unsuitable- an e�cepti.on..to. this general rule these j +almLria road. --last week -end, in honor days. The Huron town is in the midst 1 of S./Sgt. W. J. 'Fell, who recently to tire' districtr states A. E. Ouellette. of it's greatest hockey boom, with most I y , Dominion Experimental Farm,:Len-I of the activity being sti,rrw� 1 returned from • overseas. - mmville _—Ibwever fertile wells 1, students of the collegiate, ' l�io less , reelin,; the .necessity for a holiday drained, or prepared.athe soil may be, thin 15 of them are • on either midget,; and a release .front some of"11is actio- it will return only what it receives, juvenile or junior teams up there.! mics, Mr. Ronald M. Menzie • has re- , That is why the choice of seed is an' Principal Scott,.who must be a believer ! `igned from the presidency of the Gode-important factor in farm malragement. rich Board • of , Trade. He is recuper- - in the old tbrom.ide that 'all .work and I ating at his home and hopes to resume II postponed t'al'es Jack a dull boy, has . , LIQUOR BILL PASSED all his forruer responsibilities in .the Anticipating " �� no 1 I ostp ed the annnal!,Etl,ster __era,min. !. - p the a . dr �._ Spell, caistomers y m MA' crrrir ' �f`a hew weer -._ _ • ._ d`, Anti to the 1 the hockey season is over: 1„ • � focal beverage rooms in Some educationalists, may frown on I numbers add capacity large enough. this, but for our money the move is ;.MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ' ` 1 to exhaust the suplrly of liqiiids • on, this, ____._� IN DESPERATE NEED Thurscl,ay night, tNvcr days before the' `shutout" rrg1Tlatlons became operative. all polls are hoard from, Principal •Scott I (general "Ike" Eisenhower, supreme " Where do we go from here?" was, will find his chargestarn in better' commander of; the Allied Forces in an oft'repE':ited lament, .while others marks -than they would if they had to .. , Of a more musical r turn, moaned cram l in hockey and studying. We do I tilt, w,ir against Germany, has receised audibly, "Where, oh, where, is my hot suggest that and be given ; from all parts ,,,of e Europe reports of barrel gone?" second rating to sport, but giving sport' c•orlditious existing there Which can The Liquor Rill was given its third .in° important place in the school• year' hardly be iruagined'-by the people of reading and Passed . by the Ontario is just. as vital to the average youngster . Canada, who -were spared the horrors Iiousp. as book learning. So we doff oft of war and �vhc�stiffered little material • chapeau. to modern -thinking Principal' ly from iL a NEiV GOVERNOR-GENERAL . Scott and trust his' example .is copied ! "Jlaiiay ,�yore millaons of peolrle are Field Marshal. Viscount Alexander of from time to time in other places.', I' still in neld°of clothing—in desperate .Tunis, Canada's new Governorill anal, need,!' says General Eisenhower, in with Viscountess .Alevander will,. arrive" - ) giving his full support to- the clothing at Halifax on April 10. A special - j campaigns tlia•t seek,, to alleviate the thin will bring the new, Governor suffering that still exists. "People are direct to Ottawa where he will be • rtilfs- ,- sworn in on d. ri 'dying from exposure as well as Zta, - P 1 12. atTou in all the war -devastated coon- . ' tries," he continues.. "Donations now. Sunday evening,. Go to church, too. Twill. Pad'._; big dividends.- in _ ,terms ,,of .. - humart life ancf.__international good will." . Reports coming in to headquarters:,' of the second Canadian .Clothing Drive, the National Clothing , Collection— which . which is scheduled to start on June 17 and continue to -The end of that ronth=indieate-- that -already-in many - •comnrutrities - -those- who 'rdid--- , neh "splendid work last October are re- organizing for the new drive. -Profit- ing by the experience gained •in • their first effort, details are being ° worked out, and groups ,organized to handle every phase of -'the collection and'ship- , s •merit of clothing, 'a hen . the active campaign starts. - • a /There were 1,800 communities organ- , Ca11 317W- • West St. ized for the first campaign Which pro-- duced over 1',,000,000 pounds of good elothing, bedding, boots and shoes,' and •other things needed by the horheless millions of Europe and Asia. But there were hundreds of families who, from various causes,` ilid not 'have the ' opportunity to. make their contribution. In the forthcoming drive every effort will be made to see that this does not occur again, but that not a single' • ' piece of clothing that is available i3 ,I left uncollected. ey will .outlast them very time and tIL, th"ey are clyt fresh dailY from ?ur ovvn bedi they represent excellent valu,e. Jacksons Square Deal . Florists The Greenhquses that have supplied Goderich and vicinity, for 44 yetirs. • 49 BRUCE ST, PHONE 105 RONDED MEMBER OF F.T.D. NORTH STREET_ YOUNG -PEOPLE The regular meeting of -the North street ,Young People's Union was held on Monday, Iltlarelt 25th Itt 7.30. The fellowship ,convener, Audrey Barker, was charge of the meeting. Rey. Mr. Turner gave a very interesting talk 1,..on the origin of the sacrament of ; vote of thanks to the speaker. Ales. Murray Hetherington favored, with a! i piano solo, and the .winnefS of the ' I recent photographiE contest 'were piouneed. • The next meeting will take ' ' the form of a church service on the evening of April 7th. Next 'Sunday be there—at church. PHOTOGRAPHIC WINNERS Great interest ',in photography has 'been aroused in North ,street church by the contest for -amateur "picture - takers"" held by the Young People's Union. Some, very excellent snaps were entered the contest, and Mr. Turnbull announced the winners at he meeting -en Minaray night, .First prize went to Alr. M. Hetherington', -for "The' . Bed -time Story." "The Cloisters,!' a- picture 'taken in England by Mrs. Lorne Snell won the -second Prize. "Icehotind Industry," an un, usual snap of Goderich Harbor-. taken Don -:Scott, won the third award; 'Honorable mention was given a number (if other entries: Another and bigger contest is- planned for next year, So amateur photographers are urged _to keep their cameras snapping. one of the progressive to' reach our ears fn a long time. .We bet when ' CARROTS TEXAS • CELERY 'STALKS EXTRA LARGE; Florida 'Pascal lb: 290 f" 290 " TOMATOES 374. _VAL -WEIEN-YOIT REQUIRE COAL. OR COKE CALL • Charles C. Lee Estate - COAL' AND HARDWA1RE AT THE HARBOUR TELEPHONE 22 OW ai_rctaft Prefabricated Homes . * Modern ccmstruction and appointments. -* Fully- insulated. * Designed -and built to be practical. Further particulars on request. Huron Engineering & Research Co. Clothes means BETTER MATERIALS , 'BETTER' TAILORING BETTER FIT - Altering, PresSing, Repairing Service . BUY CUSTOM GROUND A. & P. COFFEE 0. O'CLOCK MILD & MELLOW TAILOR BNB EVER CEREAL P'sg' 24g DICED BEETS " CARROTS 3 294 WM; SNOW AtfVHAEIiI\l_ABL-E 22g. John Deere Machines Traotor Cultivators Tandem Discs Diamond Harr' ows also Power Corn Biuders Horse Corn & Grain Binders Hay ,Bakes . Spreaders See us, for' P111/1110r .Pressure Systems, Whidmills, Pump, Jacks and Engines IL R. BAER PHONE CARLOW' gf,21. M. Brown& Sons 400 LANCASTER ST. W. STRUCTURAL STEEL ANGLE IRON C.R.. RTIUNDS CHANNEL /RON, BOILER sHELLs 3 to 4 INCH CUBES STEEL RAILS An average of a pound of clothing froni each member of the family is not - much to ask, but in the° aggregate, if everyone IS able to givet this amount, the iesult will be one of which Can- adians will .again have reason .to be proud. "Don't put all your winter clothes away in the cedar (.1aest," said William M, Birks..of Montreal, national chair-, man of the campaign, "Pur them on one side now, so that .when tbe clothing campaign cbmes along, you will .have the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing something that will . be of real benefit to those who need ^ clothing of all kinds so badly, and help them to maintain the morale that is so tated milekly and worse'dististers than war avoided kmong the broken, home- less pebples." nutton gathering is' said to be the third most popular hobbY In the world, Insured For Full Declared Value MR. JONES of the Gillespie Fur Company will be here April 16th, 17th. 18th Bring -your furs to- our Store, to be-lorwarded to Gillespies; TorontO.: They ate insured from the tim.e. they leave your possession until returned to you, for .the full, declared val4.- This' IS irc,}portant.. Remidelling Repairg Cleaning ALTERATIONS should be made during the early sumler 'to EtvOid disappointment in the Fall, , Your furs will be called for if you wish—PHONE 86 E, HIBBERT HARRISON: &I COMPANY LIMITED announde the appointment of ALBERill G. LANG As their sales representative in Kitchener, Guelph, Galt, StrAtfora, GoderiCh and surrounding territories. „ 46 KING ST. WEST , TORONTO 11 WAVERLAY 1891 o