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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-04-04, Page 2
A WO #ioWtir-tttar utitru l pbl ehaed by Signal -Star ]free s, J.4isnite l • Cr ada aac(d Great iritaadra,• $2.00 a year; to. United' iartioaa slates--- . r States, $d.UiA. Holl stil• 411 Rated oda readiest. Authorized as secomd•etaea Emil, Post Once dDepart:l, eat Ottawa. Telephone 71 ie THU GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR o�19,Xi. No.Ata Mrs. "J0111. rawly near was In 1130.y1r.lella cemetery. To r „e � l oaIla� � - . were - (:4i � � � r � tido 4 and children whp , �� estom, ; o to Weatiahe, WM. Srear>les. to the teaclac�r as � � . tchpheaasoan, eraaeu'taeaacies areae at the eehuoi, ]1)ie- # hsel4t u Heid, and D. J, iaag- w€aa enjoyed, with' ramie' ,ensapiredt Flower-beaaere were: John ,Lundy ay, • b� 74..aanaMrs, Gordon Me 'iinchey. ) . Stephenson, Ej3ira PorterPorterand Lloyd s d I illlakials. Those attending- the funeral • HAYFIELD fro 1, a distances were: Mr., and ' Mrp. (,@tuentiy, Hallman and two children, (isitended for last week) Air, 1i;. ,11,--Hallmaai, of New Dundee; I3 cis £o Llai 27. -Mr. and &lrs. Mr. and ]sirs. Jake Mercier. of Detroit; .: , AY1L+ 1EL THURSDAY, A>i'atlT,, •nth, 1iD��i , • , Mr, and lira, Wesley -Merrier and ,,�.•_ _ Raymond Bristol of 'ushp.c..fngtun, .C.. family, t f Zurich; Mr. Safue1 Mezx er owing to Eree& health, and death was back in the village on Satur- and ;;sandsun o2 Henstall; paras, George © �EA�QW� , J. J Dlerner, of Seaforth ' Mr, HI Q��ess �� ��ei seieeieeeee-e a member of- "Seymour„ Lodge, .&.,F..1C4 cottages - , M. d M Jack Stewart of Bump- tied Mns, Wekter, of-Egmondville, and due to ' a heart attack: He had been arrived. r. -_a 'a.ritake and was"'date- to spend the season at their Merner? and family, of DaslaWood; 1 as lifelong resident of C Mrs , Surviving, are his wife, iornaerly. . r. and Mrs. '° their Heade Mr. Fred Turner; of Goderic i. �d�� J. $3otlle Edna Pentland' of Dungannon; four. } • ikon spent the weele-end at M attar of Brataitforti • ; >n .the village.. ,,,, , t.,.. brothers, Mimi ct BENMILLER. 3[ . filed, to sc ' P triciase ; Walter and Frank Misa --Donnas Toms of Toronto; Mr- • '� . .}Gras � !and Dlrs. Le -Weston of Guder c were hi3ol with a Stanley of C•LZ.LW c A er a i h the ethers morning• The trustees were of Ilaalaialtoai , hte ;sisters, Mrs. week -cud guests of Mr, and MM. M. ,, tou • Mrs. aE3raaCe �1[ainea� . ]E3L� DII LLER, , Apr. 2.-A large sale of Up .the schoolyard. `.rhe old calx Dundas * Alice and 4'utherine of 1lzim- Mr. Doug as King of out of commission and rather thtln i1.tola.-)L+`uneral services were held at I ing his. randilareutn, Dir. and Mrs. Mr.. C. J.. Walters on Friday, good 1E,, ieeorge kin prices beipg realized. bitch tap the burse in the buggy, � his 3.1te residence on T riday afternoon i "i�tk, Elleu• MacKay, (,,ZY..E�.C., 1Gun- Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and balls • r d "on walking with hes. )< didn't with interment in (.ailislaecemetery.donita don" spent the week -end with her par- of Go efrieh visited with Mr. and Mrs. . � e h pis Rev. A Holman Di�Millan of, C. } d '!T IH h MacHay. �' A � ttustone recently. Normally . y4 ein of the concession and then County graveside. 1 allbeairers we Toronto,' spent a few days las!~ week a quarter of a mile down the County 1`Clt=iaiad, Jas. Sia Morton, John Butter, with Mrs. Mary Gemeirihardt. ° a,d. i'atricia Ann, after seven Adalnl B, Butter, Adam 13. Calder and The fishing season opened here on months of seh.00l has found a much. Roy A. Moffat. - more intriguing way of going to .school.' gib ect to trails'"the Fonts She �eetuig last Monday to disc3ass fb�t; � BuGza,-iniltonBurlington.; Dirs. Wali. hunter, q.t,,nis• � crowd attearded the auctior► ✓ is of Iia � � •*1• Toronto is visiC- THlaSDAT, > it f nth, 1046 ley t1faQ junior i cit carat ar � dl< The �'�oaanern e e �'�t3 April � on �r�C4�Aa Y, la tbo chur'eh, Miss . L i' a xteL' .and Mrs. A. Alliapa are the hostesses, ldr. and Mrs. Fred White and babe ,spent Sunday with Mr. and - Mrs. C. 1 . Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fishor visited for a few days with "145. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher 'Fisher. Carl just recently returned from oversews. Mr. and Mrs. Frank AUIn spent a day in London. Mrs. Will TUrton underwent an flar- dtion lit Clint.* Hospital on Monday', which We understand was successful. o! Mr. Man AliaelKay. ohtent her early Iwo here, and lived a raturaher of yea 'A m c aDw Lt.'ls. aDr ' ttz a. e c' f � fl i itis �g In tit >~ h On DItonday, Mr. cordon MacGregor °torecd to Londoan to nicet his wife and little daughter Who sailed frond Scotland twelve clays ago. TliGy are at present visiting at the. he of Mr. and 'lams. Fred Macci egor. ° ASIIFIELD I (Intended for Mat. week) ASHFIl1i LI0,. Mar. 2G.- Tl tisk it i€1n1 Ferguson of Hamilton visited her aunt, Mrs. Wilfred •Francey last" week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Howes, and Isabel, and Colin were recent visitors., with Mr. Gilbert Howes, in Wroxeter. w euta, Mr. an . rs, ug , vin Monday next," Hard. Margaret qY to 1? eondi►eta c the services with the S(?3'- Gilbert Knight and daughter :lir. and Mrs. A. Grunge and family., Fletcher of:, Luckmwe celebrates her u walk to • -the r;, Masonic Lodge assisting at the. airs. (� Walter,- are moving to+ Fant; mon ,, re W. Leslie Diary amid Pte: Keith c,emeinhardt of with Mr. C. J. e 90th birthday, Mrs. Fletcher, sister their .farm recently. gurehased from Mrs.. Straughan at A,uburu. We wish these every success in their new home. _ We, are ' sorry to lose thein from our community, but our -loss will be •daughter Auburn's gain. The. Women's Association will . meet (Intended Afor last week) with Mr. and Mrs. Renouf Johns. Detroit at the home of �Irs. Geo. 'Baxter- on t elle week -end AUBURN, Mar. 27. -Visitors over 1,. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark .of ' s'Wednesday, April 3. Miss A. Baxter at leash ten minutes was occupied in . the week -end evith Mies Sadie Carter wweek-Claren-it guests of Mr. and Mrs.' audhMrs. ng Amon rigid tthe phoste`sls. looking. for fish in the rain -swollen and Mr. Joseph Carter were Reginald .Peter stream. Having at last discovered aMiss Elizabeth 'Cameron returned , wi I tweet at the hoixie of Mr. and Mrs. fair sized chubw io , d Carter of Windsor, airs. Nelson Hill, home last A week after • spending the S. • Snider, on Wednesday evening, ,c 1ilonday when'' one - boat reported a catch of one of perch. She calls it the shortcut. Mrs. Jack ton of per and d b First of allgi we aent-a-cross_ the fields_ Marion of Detroit spell to the Higgins place where we pielaed uyB Jimmy. Then we went back the ▪ Higgins' paneway to the creek where AIJDURN a BELFAST BELFAST, Apr.. L -Dir. and airs. Elliott Taylor of Ripley spent Sunday with Mr. and.Mrs. Ralph Cameron. Mr. and Mai. Albert Alton and E' ern- adean visited with Mr, and Dirs. John :Campbell who are both somewhat im- proved in health. Mr. aid Mrs. Elmer Alton .spent Sunday in Wingham. with Mr.. pave Alton who has been quite . i11 in the hospital there. , Born. -To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feral a son in Wingha,m hospital on March 31st. Mr. and Mre. William Lane of Bel- mont spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Mrs, George_ T,ane. has returned. to her farm for the summer months Truly a neralZasas ilolile Qaaia Lues , dignity with fa'evcreuees, and an Understanding of family needs are ever present at TON, K-E. fCRANSTON Funeral Home 117 ItIONTREAI� ST. QOpERICH' Phone 399W or J The Council of, D1<itchell has a approved of daylight saving time for 1910 on receiving .a petition from, the bushiess people of that taws. Wm. Robinson, resident of Oillitoii for 18 years. died la -Victoria Hospital, London, 4n March 29th. The funeral was held at Clinton. on Sunday . with • Rev. Andrew Lane officiating. h h'Jimmy insists ` Off �, a and �r and Mrs. Win.. Bill, of Gude- �.tvinti�r in Kincardine. April 3, for a social evening. holding co a trout we struck u aero - - i Dir. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson and Ideed weather is ho ing out for sow pathf and rich h li •• Fred R • • has ieturued front � family of Detroit spent the g I �� e climbed a care • r week -end seeding operations. Some eve n - went across the Johnson pasture. 'hen } 'Itis. k re� ups o a= we walked a log across a buggy spot 3 visit with friends in Galt: at their home. in the village. fished, others will be in •a Olay. or two. and WELIgingerly picked our way along iss Ruth Arthur, R.N., of London, Jack Murray of Owen Sound spent Mrs. Will Turtou who underwent an e.x, h�EIMs: bed, x�Y n .1'rii�•; ��pi�k:7a�ud +bisi.Cur with her inn- a few days with his sister, Mrs. -Jack operation in ClintoneIlaospital last week; MacLeod is progressing very favorably and ex - A Uig fiat -stone eVas pointed' outrilier, `Mrs. John Arthur, • to the as being the place where the ; •i'te. Bullard 'Taylor, of. Loudon. John •Gemeinhardt,-.Relatives here pects to be h'bme'shortly-. friaries danced at night:• Jimmy was visited his sister, Dl'rs. Barrick`eeived " d last k of tle uieath Mr, s `k ik. speut oe Wright.is ,ofJohn Genelhardti Douglas, day with Mr,andMrs.S.Yanst, Monday. April 1st', members of the .Benmiller Junior Club met at the Q.. ,e. of Mr .and Mrs. Fletch'er Fisher. Court ' Whist was played and a watch ,presented to -Carl, youngest son of eeefiIt4I<{ ate- is +, 5 . ,he >.ieee ly returned home from overseas, quite certain of that, leaving his books Mr. and Mrs. Wm. behind' after he had given me a demou- Dorothy Mutch of tJ stration of the approved way for fairies friends here Saturday.• too dance. By. the time we got to the Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Leary place he discovered -the lbss Sunday with friends afnd we had to wait ten minutes while They were accompanied he ran 'back for them. Joan Anderson, nurse - Some - old, cow ,bones - in a heap on Stratford hospital, the side of the hill had to be examined. Mrs. Wm. Leri, a tr sion into.. the. 'Mc- visiting her parentS-; niton visited Wyoming, on Friday, March 22nd. The deceased was born in Bayfield, a sou Robison spent of the late Eva and John Gemeinhardt. in Stratford. For many years: ,he was chief engineer home by Miss on steam ,boats on the Great Lakes. u -training in t'Ie• i eµr d..>,froni,-saalkli t ,d - ehf 004 7'•"-•-4--t-fiV ._tate of Washington where he had Hamilton, i i a .fruit_ farm. A•'few years ago he Ir. -- and Mrs. moved' to Douglas, Wyoming. .. A victim 1R made an e ct�im . of a motor "tai ucc;ident two . etree�`'r.., ' us e..J.aeic :::N:eiSe he �iliuge U4u y .Wagner - .-, sap,. Wei walked up the McAllister• , .M -e-and MrsesS, ai teFerguaun s ° ,. 2z.e.,.:has -beep in_. i]L.Jeenitla I3a>;'ri 1lnneDvary past the hoose -.and out ontoie, visited t rmer's. parents; ever since. In 1903- he W 'as married ' � �..; the County Road. 'The. 'belt started! Mr: and --Mrs -A•.., ; f, rguson on Sun --to Miss Kate Galbraith. daughter- of tolling and the two_ yo ng--ste s:ta2 ted_ th - -. -, the late GraQeµ- "Catueroii and -John running, leaving me behind... It pro -1• Misses Annie - ad •'Margaret Weir Galbraith, of Stanley. Township, -who voked me to' think of all this dawdling have returned to heir home 1n Strath-_ with one daughter,, Grace, ..(Mrs. Cars - along, but then as I .saw about, fifteen roy after spend bag , the winter .with well) . of Kansas City, survive. He' is " other ' pia.pils all.. running with the their brother, ( Drat B D./Ass. Weir and Dass also survived by a sister, Mrs. W. J. same general idea in mind, I had to Josephine Weir,, jj� I Sthlson of Bayfield.' The ,funeral" took laugh. - Mr. and Mrs: .,Gordon Dobie and 1 place in Douglas, Wyoming, en Mon - It also reminded me of the fact family, of Winghaaih, have moved into day. • that going tol mild, oit'3ng`"hnme*fj oxnPart -off • tie •nl r.Q' m se,, M..r. Edward F. M_ erner Passes. ` -- The • ' school was always an adventure, . If Dobie is empiide with Mr. Gordon dea h occui fc'?f oil"-F'ritili -Fraud Flu's nay memory serves me properly, my Taylor. Irr/1 h Turner of Edward Franklin- Merner, of Mrs. W. C. well known and highly respected rest - i' get possession im- dent of: this village. a1r. Merner Who' had not- been in the best of health's John R. Weir spent i for the . past - two years,. suffered • a , e • ' ;(Intended` for last 'meek) ' B1NMIL1 ER,- Mar. 2a.= Mrs. Walters and Floyd."`' with` Mrs. W. Gledhill, visited last. week -with-.Mr. and Mrs. Les. Se-re-Is-atHolmen isle: -- . On „Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. nn •e-weereAr esented with n gif • the home of his daughter, Mrs. Grant , , own athe;r used to work up a fair-1Mr. and Dai,° l +Keith- Arthur have e sized . tantrum When I would be justpurchased" the � •in, time for supper and too late to help, ; Robertson and With `the chores. I guess for all the mediately.' changes that', are coming about , in Mr. and lir world affairs our children- don't change; the week -end `Kiat Dr. B. C. Weirand' stroke en Thursday last. He` was a Josephine. son of the late Mr.and Mrs. Gottleib too much. Merner and was bola on the ,Bxosison Incidentally 1 Was late for the meet I Mr. Robert Robertson has returned • ling. I Was stiplsosed to be there at. --a to ,.Listowel ,1! after „visiting Aubut -Line,. -MT Tonnship; on' the 8th. of June 1877. Ile was married to Sarah " r MrVictorjzn blut,_left on Dfionday Ellen Reid on ' September' llth, 1903, for Weston, vt;' tete he will enter the ei`iro w'edleceased him- -five years --ago• • Toronto Hos fi'tal1 for treatment. He lived 'on the' family homestead, I/ Mr. Eldon_ angblut has received his. until 1911, when he moved to Bayfield discharge' at 1I ondon , and intends tak-1 where he conducted a general store ing a: course 'iii: cfiinniercial sign -paint- until 19`.„8 when he moved • to .the - • .Goshen Line -where he farmed until he quarter to nine. DUNGANNON (Intended for last week) • DT7NGANNON, Mar.- 27. -Mr. and Mrs. John. dajewski, London were recent visitere with the latter's, " par- " entS, In Mr. Jack Armstron has sold his yearsago"I" jno�v because I have been that Mr. and Mrs,, Thos, Dickson, retired rfive and has since beer Morrie haveself. I have been so chron- sKr...-.and• Ners.._..A truck tu''-A"Iviva_.L'lunkett, son of_ _bZr.. jilade his bore in Bayfield. .lir. . way myself. returned° to their home in the- village and .Mrse Wilfred' Plunkett Merner .was a ureni-her-cif St.. Andrews • ieallystired that I thought I 'voul s - never feel again. However, I after spending the past fortnight. with, A large crowd attended the,sdance in Ignited" Church, where he was a mem- found thateewell Chase's Nerve Food, their sola. Mr. Ken. Morris and Mrs. ; i he Foresters' Hall oil -Friday evening, her of the session, a Conservative and . Morris, Benmiller. We are glad to when anuli( Was furnished by Gtarnet ywas the last reeve of . Bayfield iai 1928, soon gave me new pep and energy and know Mr.. Morris has' made a splendidI Farrier', orchestra. During the even He is .survived put me on my feet!' recovery from his critical illness, • 1 ani; a draw was made for a gnat which Izetta, (Mrs. Quentin Hallman) - o Miss Cutin -ie Mbrria, 4th cunt e scion ;•,had, been made by the Club. Mr. New Dundee, Eolith (Mrs. Grant • of Ashfield• is visiting JI r. and 3Trs. , Harold Carter` wou the -quilt. !Turner) Bayfield, and two sone,. Mer- Robt..Durnin. V Friends and neighbors gathered at ton of Bayfield, aucd Kenneth of (rode- . • Mr. Wilbur Johnston. emplo'y'ed at the sun'*glut home on the' gravel road' rich Township, wind three brothers. London, speiit last wee. - now us • IOW You Feel" by two daughters, f Tired feelings, indigestion ons of sleep are.quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food...' ,y k at his home un Friday uibht to honor a r-fainily ( Samuel Merner of I3enstill, `4"esley llerner-of:Zurich andd-Jake Merrier of I «lis} as been a" •resident here for - Dix, KalmPr I)aws�?l. has purchased tliirty years, and is moving Co Atiburn, l I.)etrott. The funeral which was very 21w corner lot of tee late• Miss Letitia V. singsong was.,enjoyed with Mrs. ;.largely attended was held on Sunday ]reaneyt? on Main street, from • Nr. Sidney Mc�'Iinc•hey .and Mr. Arthur aifternoon .at 2.30 from St. Andrews Victor 'Whitely,- of •Hamilton The Yungblut- at the piano.' An address; United Church. Rev. Mr. Stetesbury, souse was taken -down and removed' was read by Mrs. Ilhrry Yungblut and assisted by Rev. ,D. J. Lane of Knox - to llamilto'n by Mr. `Whitely. A small an electric table lamb was presented 1'reslbvteritln Church, officiated. Dur- shup haa,� since .been bought from Mr. , to , Mrs. Yungblut by Mrs. S.• Mc- ! log the service, Mrs. Fred Watson sang Dawson, which will. also be moved. ('lin,chey and an electric bed lamp and'i-'"1'he Old Rugged Cross." Interment n�argaect -Frlki9tt -E>f-L-�oderine'yeai sulci fgtlon-i8 �.i Iii=gcizine d at her home with spent_ wns_pxesented _to �Ir, p'cta�r_ Yungblut her parents, •Dir. and Mrs. Arthur by Mr.' Kenneth McDougall. Elliott.- W.M.S. Meet. -The W.M.S. of Knox 1, --- Mrs. Minnie Jones spent the week- Presbyterian church held their March • encs with the Misses Dazies of Clinton. meeting at the home of Mrs. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake,, accom- Lawson on Monday. The meeting was pauied by their niece. Miss H ldai in charge of Mrs: Lawson who opened Twanaley of Wingham; spent the wee]; the meeting with prayer. The Scrip - end. with the latter's father, Mr. w.,,, -;tore was read responsively and prayer iaee. Twaiuley anti her- twosisters of was "offered by Mrs. W. T, Robison. -London. • • . Readings were given by Miss Minnie •Mr. Wni -- Reed, • 6th concession. of • Waguer on' "Love," Mrs. Herb.' Govier; Ashfield, on Monday_ . afternp.. -ton, hada "The Country_ Road." '. Tine plc, t serious loss `bj fire of alibu - fi•3''Ihives: "The 'Lives of Robert Moffat. David I of bees,, from a grass fire of unknown - Livingston and Alexander McKay. origin. Neighbors rushed to lead as- was given by 1V s. fired Ross. A_; • sista.nce and worked hard to save the reading, "In the Garden,' was given • 'other `buildings, on the premises. • 'Hay by Mrs. Edgar Lawson. ' 1rollowing the ; .-✓� and straw -for -Winter protection" for the 'closing, hv'i'nn, the Lor`d's 'plz�ayer was j '� , bees were. easy prey for the frames, repeated in unison. • •''.e when the fire reached the hives. The I'Farewell Party. ---The achooi.house of `feu`. grass is particularly dry right now and , S.S. No lee East Wawanosh, was , anyone is wise oto be very cautious and j crowded to capacity on:Tuesday eyen- • know just where the limits will be. `-int; when the a_ratepayers and their Na light stay COIIIe as to how this tire 1 , faimllies met to bid.. farewell__ to two started, and the loss to Mr. Reed isfamilies of the :,section" who have sold serious, owing to .the general shortage. their farms and are leaving. the coin- ` Mrs. ,los. Ilainilton, who -spent the' inunit.y. Mr. ants Mrs. Fred. Toll, Amy winter months with her two daughters sans` Stewart, Toll; Mr. add Mrs. Stan - in Toronto has, returned,, And ie with; .ley Johnston • and Elaine .Johnston. her daughter, Mrs. David Mcfiarmid• I lir. Alfred Nesbit acted as ehairrnan Members of St. Paul's s Anglican `.incl an address Utas read by `:firs. A,' Chcirch attended az ,Lenten service oni Nesbit expressing regret at their de-: 9Pilesrhrc - night at. Christ Church, Porti- • Albert, rt, with the rector, Rev. J. Joselyn I p` , tW� xtendini; gpod wishes for ' the future. Mr. Reginald Schultz prVe in charge with a questionnaire of ;.ente<1 The Toll family with an electric • Christian duties and problems. 1 table lamp, • paid Mr. Albert McCul- Mr. -and D1rs, Harvey .Anderson have ! i ngh presetiteil the Johnston faintly • 'taken possession of the farm they pur-i with a walnut coffee table. Miss eluesed one and `a -half miles south of Jewel Mc('linelu'v Feats a poen' coin - the village and have i coved. from .uck-; 'lmsecl ht- ai .member of the school sec- , now, where they had spent the winter' tion to Mrs. Fred Toll froth the pupils ' after .selling their farm obi the, ninth _- " -___,.Y = -.- , - -- � ..._..... coni'essIon of A€ihfeld. Miss Flora I')uruius.Hoine Economist, is spending weeks in . Larnbton I AHoIp to Those Who Comity, doing club work, but is ex- i pcc'ted home - on Saturday. le ire past" ita'e Age • Many .gardeners here are, surprised, I • ', when looking over the rden this , When meiCalid women get past middle rage their` sparing to. find vegetables that bad been e energy and activity", in many instances, begin to de- ;, left., in the' garden, much as cabbage, r cline and their general vitality iii on the wane. a.rrz,ts.'onions, turnips,, yc'ry fresh and ] Little tiilments and sicknesses t3eenn harder to. unharmed by winter, which is a wet -` hake off than formerly, and, Vera Audi; , °re, evidences 01110 addition to the. diet. !of a breakdown begin to appear. • II0J,3y;RT NORMAN MO1 l� A' , - No'w is the tilno those wsahi ,,_iii help maaint riirtheir health axed vigour'- ' °• • ,A re:lnter, ! . •aofiould Ott© a eour8e of Milbii n'aa Health and New Filly . Robert lritiliu'att. o at,qg f, n "Tuesday afternoon They help tont up and invigorate the .patietlt'bSy, their tonic action on ' AIM here. Ask for the new ecen- ' only size bottle of ®a. "Chase's' Nerve Food 60 pills-60cts, - 180 pills -U.50 "9. • .0 ane QUALITY of the livestock on your farm can be Improved in _...._... hives r few years through the ' • steady introduction of - selected individuals 'of good,blood lines. SEo dyou wls tto : ny- young, pedigreed stock or mature animals of superior breeding, The Royal -Bank of Canada will be glad to lend you cash for -the purpose. Under the Farm "Improvement Loans Act, 1944; loans • are available on most .attractive terms for.the purchase of founda- tion or breeding, livestock, for machinery, equipment, farm ' - - temp the _construction and repair of buildings , and - eleetrfc-syr �,_.._ - other purposes.' 'Repayment -may , be arranged by ' convenient w instalments --arid 'the interest rate is low.' We welcome your en- quiries for fainl�aris-, "FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN, This is the 'title of our new booklet which describes in detail , the many attractive features of Farm.Improvement. Loans-... what the money can be used for ... method of repayment .... and the new types of security which can now be accepted by the Bank. Ask for a copy at your local branch. TH.E ROYAL BANK OF CANADA GODERICH , BRANCH - - - - W. G. tDULMAGE, Manager - Amisioivonilimmilmmilmoommolok a +:, COST NO MORE 011TA I I� ,'•I• '• •*o"a FROM YOUR, HYDRO OFFI � HL4613 - Cancer is exceeded' only'by heart disease as a cause of death. Because is frequently means long and cruet suffering; and is the disease we dread most, it moss decidedly ranks as Public Enemy No'. 1., Yet cancerJn its early stages usually causes no pain. Thet is.why relatively fetvcanrers get -any treatment in their early stages when most e .'of tioiem can be 'cured by:radium, x-ray.. or surgery. Cancer of the lip may be mistaken for a cold safe' that does not heal. The first sign 'of cancer of the throat may be.ho ;,5�.Cy0cer of the stomach, in its early stages may be mistaken for indigestion. To cart dawn the death •rate from cancer in Ontario (51'93 Ontario people died from this disease in 1943) funds are now being raised,, and adrive is beiiig organized in this provinces to conquer cancer. Here are the objectives of this campaign: . • 1 -To organbo and operate fully equipped cancel clinics at suitable centres where people may be examined, acid, if necessary, treated •according' to the newest scientific methods. 2 -To pay a portion of the 'cost of - treatment of cancer for those needing financial help. 3 -To pay travelling expenses to and from clinics if needed. - T 4 --To conduct an energetic program of ' cancer research in Ontario. As a citizen of Ontario you are asked to eoe- tribute to this very worthy cause. Your • donation may help put such measures into effect as will save the lives of some of your , loved ones -even your own life.. It may help to free the world forever froni the' dread scourge of cancer. This appeal is for an objoctiyp of $2,00,0,000 c to provide for a three-year program of cancer rosoarch, treatment and provinco-wido service, , .,Itdclently' a) , I -,. as•a ai 1*at1I, while he Was attending . the s °hurt. rale the $'E;l('tiolx at tlr(� f:irin of ,Jo • hit , tie©C,4 a box, 6r`pilts aall rl, ,,. Mofea4 a, neighbor*.'-'']t'ho decea2ed' Look for our t 'ode rapt% t uc ret.oa tb ,paeka0g . a'f't' farmIng about ayear,.. ago 'Tile''. Miibz3cFta'CoeIliettez1, Toronto, Oris • • GIVE s TO CONQUER' CANCER ON'TARIO CA,,NCE'R I,PPUND,ATION This grganizod drive against cancer is a loint effott of 'Thp Ontario Cancer 'Treatment and Research Foundation and Tho anadtcan Cancer Salle Contributions .he . �tZtY�iiutio» may.. be made through your local .'bank or at,,the S RATFORD CANCER, CAMPAIGN ERADOTARTERS, 4 10 Downie Street, Stratford, Ont. ' ' rti