HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-9-17, Page 1(
letetesmiewittskai.wwwwisistes _lows.," mhos_
LEGAL. -- -- . the collector on the let October prox.
__.-- - --tOarreid,
T . H. DICKSON, Btlrrietor, Soil
LJ a eitor of `supreme Court, Notary Public
QOayel Laser, Commissioner. &L•. .ieney t0
Olhce iu r',inson'a fllook, Exeter.
;1icL ADDEN,•
.. N. '..
.,1. •
', , Soli
EXETER, -4- ONT. Etc., ^ ""
Barrister, Solicitor, cove allCefrr, ""HEW TO THE LI' E, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY," .
otneeeentweli'eltloek(flailsold cel -_
: u l Ii rsand r*
Hasopealed dental rooms over
0'111.111"8. BANK, wherein*. will ut
pain. LLAll operations perforated with ease and
skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours
1 a. ui to 5 pin. Gi1/*AG,a3 1SLODEANIT. TRIMS
provareato extrieetteethwrtl
Moved by R. Gardiner, seconded
by J. Halle, that George Moir, of the
Reflector be paid the sum, of $20 on
account of printing for the *errant
year. --Carried.
Moyed by J. Shier, seconded by H.
Homey, that Mrs. Jahns receive $4
for relief,—Carried:
51pved by J. Halls, seconded by R.
Gardiner, that. Thomas Wilson be
paid $8 to provide provieons for Jos -
1— for rent of house and $3 to 1M'.. 1vii•
i P b is a F. prietors
eph. Hewitt and wife, also $3 be paid
ed to Sam
well's IWk
Teeth ex-
LUTZ, 31. D.,
t. d • OAtagat blareeidence Exeter
L1 VERSITT Trinity College. Member o;
College physicianssnd surgeon! Out.. J111-
theCouutyat Huron, Office, opposite
2rr.i %+riina's atore.Exatex
W. Ii tt 01V N IN (x 111. 0 111. (1
• I' ii,GrnduateViotoriaU0iverstt .Otlsect
aadireaidence,nan lrtoaTit boratar v. Exeter .
nit. J A. ROLLINS, 31, 0. P. S
Ace O. elect., Main St.Exetor.Qat.Residon
00tiousoreoontly occupied by 1'. monettlsss,'
- F.eq.
rrENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri. -
nary Surgeons. 0raduatea at the Ontario 1
lreteriitar3 College. Tenni
to, Have op ettod an *face
fertile tree tmeut o t a It
Domestic Autmals, ou
ltf,.tustregt F.:at*n Calls
frons a dla _.. - ""' tauca prom t'y
attended to: Medicine for horses Cattlento `
always on hand:
Petty's , reeve, at the court room, Clandeboye,
ate of two our residents haus not re e.eave, depuey, R. C ardiuer, that Mrs, Wm, Dineen,
p ere and counoiliore Hodgins and don'' be paid the cum of $48.37 in
. full of Remount for clothing, food,
ears and attetldauco to date, of the
ROUND THE COUNTRY. kliddulph Council, eon for throe months washing for the
Cracked i.unliey. The council met by order of the carne.—Carried.
Choice Hams Breakfast Bacon and.
Lard, 4lackecl Moved by J. Halla, seconded by
Wheat and Rolled Oats, Oranges and Lemons, The `puling' infanta left at the door on September 5th th
A `.1.' G. _A, HYN..DM4.N'S yet `eau claimed. That $30 reward Deman being present,
"'NSON'S BLOOK do seam
ar toof fetclithe far"ern, roars in thio The minutes of the last meetinglchild left et her house by some nu -
were read and signed by the reeve.. known party, and that the said child
Tee only Thorley' H. •t C Food. Only 10c, per Ib., or S$ per cwt. yt. ty “took iu" the Provincial at Moved by Wm• EQoggin+, aseonded
be placed ander the care of Mrs.
Lo on last week. They re ort it to by P. I. Dewan, that the reeva and ,Toeue se $1 per
, d"
week, pee Lng
it Licensed
L ,
«31t .
. tel
, e aI
Stephen .'to 11 ,
tianec•r for .T 1
vray:Torrasililta. Ssles conducted ati,lodcrate
rates. (]atce.-••At Po st•otiiee,Creelttea, Ant..
o tl ..
013 1 GILL, Anationeer for t
Townships a Stephen, alar and reborn*
and the Village of Exeter. Alt stales prounetly
., Salmi
attended. and satisfaction R sarauteed.
arranged at this olilee. `
lit. tate for the Miro" A: Erie Loan Rev. PROPERTY LIST
1nga.Y"Piety • Low rates ofinteresl. ,\pl ly to .------- _
"ref ONI'a0 `10 LOAN AT 0 A111* de I. Eat* o5,in 4th Conees.ioe, 100 acres,
.irl poreeut.wir,rein;. tototoss. Private I` orpxrtienlarsAPOr to
Feud,•, ,il'pl 'to II. r. PI.LtOT,
:I.T.It)T 5 ilicitor &c.,
Angu tlri,'85 N,titoftr•r. f.a a tet . Exeter
1;` ce„,.. sorzax NMI
The College has been thoroughlyreorgarl-
iaed. end placed its the hands oa most able
stair of Teachers (including two who Have
been Principals of similar and snecessfnl
institutions). Coarse most thorough and
practical. rose very moderate.
Por toil Iutormation address—
N. WOLVE ONWoodstock .Principal'•
annu , . E=htb .t.on
will he beta at the
Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday' & Friday
SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24& 2;1', MS.
Upon to the World. Very Liberal
Prize List.
Race, Maces for Pacers, Trotters, Pairs of
Roadsters. Lally f)rivers with Double Team,
Running Bares for horses ridden by Ladies,
(ientletnea'e Road Ilan st:s,
Passeng,trs au,i Exhibits at half kern on the
railways. See 1hin:am:as Pestes. Need for
Prim Dist,
President, Secretary,
John Spaakntan xoter.
J. CLARK, Agent for,°,the Us•
•born,• wliiihbert3Lutual FireInstir
once lornpan iteeic1 ne -3rd Can., Ushorne
0rdert,bvmaslto l ,xeter1'. 11„ prolnptlyat-
tended to.
il:\RItTA(ll: LL'JII'NSIS,
OP1°ien I`i TANSON',a ntOeit.
Also agent for the London 1etual I:rsurance
Company of Canada, ,i'erenutilo insurance Co
-Capital t`Gil0.001.00 fiend Office Waterloo;
Ont. Glasgow & London 'neurone* Coy -Cap-
ital so 5e0,000 ; lice Office, Montreal : Stand-
ard Lilo Insurance Co,, Head Office, London.
England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
Estal,lished in 1803.
This comxanv hale been over
year in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andaontinnes to insure againstloss or
damage by Eire ,Builclinge,llorchandiso,lttan-
ufactories ur-
able property Intendinud all o ther g sinsurers descriptions
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years tlis Company
to thea has issued
o 540,872090 038;anding paidinloss-
o s3-
es alone $700,752,00
AssetS, :!8176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n tank, Government Deuosit, and the unass-
•easedPretniumNotesonhandandinforce. J,
W WJ.J DNM D. Presideet. C. 11. TAston,
to Exeter
x ter'and vicinity r. CHAS.
Ladles who sec IKE. J.DLARING'S
Without a doubt they are the most becoming
styles ever introduced. Ladies, for something
in very fine style, such as the Langtry and
Parisian Bajgs, Saratoga Waves, Switches,
Puffs. Curls or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at
Where he will. supply all yonr wants in the
Hair Line,
• int heCourt ofCommon Pleas•' -Deeds,
Wills, Mortgages, Leases,and all forme ofag-
reements drawn and executed accorVing to
wishinount of re.
contpurahasea oflao borrow mnd or to paon y oil existing
mortgages will find a groat saving by giving
me a oall, Can lend money at (I and 8i per
cent. accordingtoterms.
Exeter Butcher Shop
tetter & Genera,' Dealer
----Iii AT,r, RINDS 0r—.
4th Feb., Itei5.
Tho undersigned will offer for sale or to
rent by Public Auction, on the Mt of October
at 3 o'clock P. m., Lots 3 and 4, L.11. F..,
Stephan, near Grand Itend,t ,2 acres of land 1
also:201st cows and heifers, : marcs 11 and G
years old. 2 horses 4 and 5 years oid,warranted
sound. The land will be sold on time at 0 per
cent. if required,
JOHN REITII, Proprietor,
Blake P. O.
320 ,A,eres for Sale,
hitve been lees sueoeb en the deuuty--reeve ora hereby appointed a r
futar8 provisfaus made therefor,
lliestertt Felt generally committee to ootxte to an amicabta. ,
On Monday a aamewltt+t determiu- settlement for the price of land about .sated,
eta, but not serious ruuawey occurred to be taken to widen roidw.ity at the On Wotton the council adjourned
in acv tillage. While two yopufi tiled tillage of G: anlau, from 0. fii- Webb, till Saliency the seventh NOVeintberas 11 et`oloak a. W.
were driving with a wagon leaded and in oaae of failure they are hereby
milt trar'e;roughing, the Mored atop,authorized to take the ioitiatory elope
pedFttddenly while mooling two echoed to have the matter submitted to pn
olitidren. It pranced for a while and arbitration..-.Qprried"
then made is jump for the ditch. The Moved by 0. C. Radgine, eecooaied
occupants were thrown out and the be Wm, Hodgins, thea the following
horse reit. tltreeglt the oreek and acoaunte be paid, and that the reeve
A full stook of all kinds of jumped over A beard fence, Inking the sign orders for the same :-Ji. Eagan, South, Taal rented the Ulyott farm
wAgou partly over, No damage ane culvert, S.13,, $1.45 ; John Hotlgit:a, there to .Ir. Weatman, of Laudon
Dye -sell t} and package other that► bleeking the tugs of repairing culvert, $S ; Win. Hocrerd, T, wnehili, et $4 an acre,
the hnrue•s. aml the driver receiving taking atone out of Seattle !sill, $1 ;1 A fern days ago a little daughter of
Dyes, constantly on a good duokiug. It was not tunny
wtuutes before they were ou their
hand. Wivan's journey again.
N. 3. GI,AIr, Clerk.
Nat btu'. From Rome.
News: ^*,*danced.
Mr. William Perrin, of lilauslierd
of our Great North-West:':
:South half of Section 23, Township 2, Range
12, comprising 330 soros, immediately adjoining
Crystal City, and on tl'e line of the Manitoba
and Southwestern Ry. (the Co'y being now no.
goliating for right of way through this half
seetion.) Tnoso desirous of securing a really
flrat.class Homestead in an exceptionally good
not hnorhood, convenient to market, school,
ehurches, &c., would do well to apply without
delay. Titloperfect, being a Patent Deed ircm
the Crown, and without eneumbrance.
Owner, Mitchell, Ont.
k'owd 'ranton.
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
Mrs. D. White, wo are sorry to
learn, it at present aertonely ill.
A large another from tbII vicinity
have gone on n visit to Toronto exhi—
bition, amoog,,t whom is Mr. Fergu-
son, late clerk iu the drug store, who
has gone for good. He carries with
flim the bee wishes of his many
friends whioh hie affable Manner nave
woo for him during hie eI* herb.
John Atkinson, regi. culvert div. S.
$1 ; Wm Bonita, overseeing gravel
on townline, 1881, $2; 3. II. Uodgius,
oue day attending I3;tard of Health,
$2; Jas, Sartfgant 11. I,IAging awl
John Dagg, etaola $2 for attendlug
Board of Health one day ; J. H8rri• Marys, has returned fraret Sootlana,
Rao, four menthe" tutereet to J. & R. after attending the proceedings of the
Trieuflial Connell of the Orange Aeeo.
aiatiou. The Major watt banqueted
by the oraugemen of Belfast.
John Dunned, who died in I3lan•
chard last week at the aivanoed age
of 86 years, scan one of the oldest
pensioners in the British eervioe. He
had drawn a pension for the past 64
years, and five y i ara aoa his allow-
ance was iaorensedin consideration
of hie long at.tndii in the servioo.
Mr. Frank Powell, of Tutnborry,
is dangerously ill from blood -poison-
ing. It vents be hod 8 felon an hie
thumb Heel lie mutat in same way
have gat p riN'u into the wound.
acoou:its be paid, and that alta ,. eve 1 Hie arm is now terribly swollen uta to
eigu orders for the earns :--George the shoulder and tete been lanced in
Iuen.*n, tile, ditches, div. 4, $S; Den. eeveral places.
nig Heenan, culvert, div. 4, $2, H. Whitt came uttltr being tt fatal no
Robinson, gravelling o. s. r., $95.50 ; eidetic ilatllraaned a f''La days ago bear
trustees separate e. s. No 0, greet to Whitechurch. Chas. Miller, se., and
new eohool house, $50 —Carried. wife, were st'trtiri. Out to visit it
Moved by 0. 0. Hodgins, eecouded friend, when their horse becarne un-
m,innaeable and rant away, throwing
b+i,,tt oct],itl:ults on of the rig. .11rs.
Jliller fttlhn;, so as to break three of
her rib+ stat sustaining other bruise:,
white 11r. hiller was severely injured
Rev. R. 1ieCosh, of SVingbatn,
met with a singular accident one
night recoutly. Ho was in bed, lying
on lits left side, and attempting to
turn over upon his right side, he put
his shoulder out of joint. It pained
hila considerably the rest of the
night, hat he did not know what was
the matter until nest morning, when
a physician was called iu and cot it
People along the mill road, were
startled an Wednesday morning, on
learning that Mr. John Cameron, of
Tuckeremith, who for many years bas
1Ir. Henry Brown. of St. M'arya, was
peisoued and died from the effects of
drinking the liquid from "Rough on
RAH," a poison used for killing rata
and insect-#.
Major H. A. L. White, of St.
Fox. $18.70 ; W. D. Stac ley, mew
paid to S. R;tdoliffe, div. 5, 4.50 ; H
Lang. 31. D., visiting Mr. 1'atter+lou,
an indigent, and patting tile drain
across c. e. road« $4; Wm. Hayti.
gravel par Thos. Little ; $1 85 ; T.
G. Hodgins, error in stelute Taber,
75 de..
Moved by C. 0. Uiadgtne, seconded
• i1
tiV' 1a 1 w' n t
ill tea la gladde ed, the hearts by I3, J .Deese, ilial By•l.tw 'No- 15,
the Central. Drug Store Exeter of isle frlenda and taeTueuteuce he of
be now read the third time
O y T m I' other day iry his return from Moose : and assed, and, putt the reeve and
. Li V .L GI. JAW* After four year& abaenua, fi: Work sign the amine aud attach the
gives a golf Account of the Nortll 'Work
seal tboreta,--Carried.
West andeeuocoss attending those
Presbytery of Huron. who have ;,. from this seotton. He none P. J. Dewed, seconded
----- Intends oin tick in Nov by Wm, Hodgins, that the following
The Prosbytoty of Huron met in lir. John Radcliffe sustained some
the Union Chinch, 13rilcsfieltl, en the rather severe injuraosdrtt;t Friday". He
8th inst., It. Y. Tholnt eon, Moder• had been etenlliusj' in (rout of the
ator, it1 lilt. chair. Thera wee a' horaodhitched lo„ the engine of a
goodly atteutlanc-', bo'll of illiltister6 throlrlier, whets the sudden escape of
COAGULINE.—Cement for Brok-
en Articles. Sold everywhere.
Sole Makers.--IiaY BROs., Stockport
T,nog k ,d.
SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill Tolu, &c
with Chlnrodvno.
KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
expectorant for Coughs and Colds.
KAY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs
and Colds, is equally servicabte' for
Horses and C attle.
KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in
Neuralgia Face -ache &c.
n1ca1nia ai1!ay
The Direct Roate from the West for all
points in NewBrunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland.
All the popular sea bathing, fishing and
pleasure resorts of Canada are along this lino
Pullman cars leaving Montreal o.t Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John, N. B., without change.
Close connections made at Pointe Levis -with
the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu
and Ontario Navigation Company' s Steamers
from Montreal, and at Levis withthe North
Shore ltaiiway
Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and
Smoking Cars on all through trains.
First-class RefreshmontRooms at convsni-
e u t distances.
will find it adyautageous to use this route as
it the quickest in point of time, rind the rates
aro as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and exporionee has proved tho Inter -
colonial route to bo the quickest for European
freight to and from all • Eats in Canada and
the Western States
Tickets maybe Obfi iDorl and also rnforma-
tarn &met the route .,1 about freight and
p ts:;ouger rates from
' tTESDA]'S,. TE.URcz; i•Lt
Cna(nrlii 1 r'
YS AND 1. > i5 at their residenee
Dli.. •
ORDERS L ..i' x :
CET 1i 1.: ,11i, .t' ATT7.,1N i'i )1'.
01]1'1 T I3. in le,
- stere le:sleet t..l, l : en_:r Agent .
00 Bassin House ilidok orlc St., Toronto,
1]: 1' 0'L I i ^. (1 It
.-,; , >>nporiutoncteiit,
..ronetcn, N.8:,14Iliy 14,'86-1y;.
and elders. It WA:. agreed that a
aeries of missietetry meetings shonid
bo held by Presbyterial arrangement
uexchange 1 e
andan cxc 1(t a f s ri 1 be t] d
g s ut
during the winter, in- order to bring
the 1U9sieu work of the church more
prominently before the various, con-
gregetiona. At thi•a sta:;o Mr. Mo-
D,nald introduced to the Presby-
tery a deputation from the Presby-
terial Woman's Fart•igii Miseiouary
Society, elm pre4oute(1 n report, nor- A, geed many farmers lead their
rating the auxiliary sncietios formed wheat sown bet. re they fiuidhcd bar•
within the bounds of the Presbytery, vesting. Owing to repeated rains it.
anti other interesting matter. In has been almost ititpoesib]e to gather,
anewer to questions from members of in the late crops.
Preabytory, Mrs. Fair, President of Rev. E. A. Fear has boon for the
the Huron Society, dosoribed at past week confined to his home
greater length the manner in which through illness. We hope his recor-
their. operations were carried on, seg• cry will be speedy. His work on
Besting methods for conducting the Sunday last was taken by Rev Mr.
meetings and other work of the aux- George, of Eiinivilte.
The Band meetings held every
Wednesday night, in the Methodist
Church, have been remarkably well
sustained throughout the busy season.
There is a growing interest in them
and an ever-increasing attendance.
The Stratford district meeting and
also a Sunday School convention are
to be held here on September 22nd
steam made the team spring forward,
knocking him down with their front
feet. The next instant he luny under
n ,' , , ,
til n u t ow l e n at t f to
.e t t and 1 i n I
, 1.
squeeze in between the wheels and
firebox, and escape with an few
braises cooing almost a miracle.
iliaries, On motion the Presbytery
placed on record their cordial ap-
proval of the work of this aociety,
and recommended to all the Ministers
resent the
p establishment of auxiliar-
ies in their oongrogations.
A minute was adopted expressive
of the high esteem of the presbytery
for Mr. T. G. Thompson, late of
Brncefield, their regret at parting
with him, sed their best wishes for
his welfare and usefulness in his die -
taut field of labor.
In the absence of the convenor of
the Sabbath School Committee, s
temporary committee was appointed,
which after consultation recommend
by Wm. liadgint, that the teethe.'
passedat ourlett regular
t )
levy a rate of 2 3 7 mills on the $ he
untended by striking tate rate et 2 0
mills on the $ on our aaaessme ,t for
current expenditure;—Curried.
Resolved that this conceit d ] c tw
adjourn to meet again on the fi'•at
Monday in October at the temperance
hall, Granton, at ten a. in.
H. HoD(iiNi, Clerk.
r - ......_-.._.
Usborne Council.
The council met the 5th Sept. inst.,
pursuant to adjournment, all the
members preeeut. Minutes of pre-
vious meetiog read and confirmed.
Moved by H. Horney, seconded by
J. Shier, that one and one-tenth mills
on the $ be levied ou the ratable
property of the mnnioipelity in order been a •prominent resident of the
to raise the sum of $2,8550 for local township, was found dead ou the road
plirpoeee, for the entrant year.— a short distance from Egmondville.
Carried. 'Deceased was a remarkably well -in -
Moved by J. Shier, seconded by formed man, and held in very high
H. Horney, that 2 16-100 mills on I esteem, although he was his own
the $ be levied on the ratable pro- } worst enemy, and very many will re-
gret to hear of his untimely death.
The Mitohell Recorder congratulates
the editor of the Advocate after this
fashion:—"After wasting and watch—
ing and longing for 24 years, daring
which eleven sons iu suoeeeslon were
barn to him, at length, on Sunday
last, the longed for prize arrived—a
daughter --and we understand he has
named it "enotteh." We oongratu-
late him-, his better half and the
eleven delighted brothers on the ar-
trival of the Welcome daughter and
Mr, Edward Acheson, of Holmes.
villa, met with a sad accident on Sat-
drday of last week. Hewith tha
hired roan, was drawing n the last
load of peas, when the lead, begin-
ning to upset, induced Mr. Acheson
to move to the opposite side to bal-
ance it, but failing in the attempt, he
fell from the load. In falling his leg
was caught between the spokes of the
wheel, which broke it a short distance
from the ankle. Medical attendance
was at once sought, and the fractured
limb is doing well.•
Mr. A. MoD. Allan, the well-known
authority on fruit, of Goderiob, and
Grow -
Moved by Jas. Halle, seconded by who is; well kuown throughout the
R. Gardiner, that a3 by law be passed county, is eugagad along with other
h ,t
the levying 0 l• a )lint members O[' tb.. Ontario legalizing [ .1 a (1 1 1 0 1 telt row -
y G
townships, school and Gabor rates for ere' Aosocitltlo'l in collecting epees. -
the current year. —Carni ;11. IUCOB .r.:,,r the great CJol:midi 1f xllibi•
ad the bird could not r130 high enough Moved by 1I. .iof'uoy, seconded by tion, Bally 930n1.11•'S hay., . been bei •
le the >abort distance to carry him R. Gardiner, t-' ,t tha collector be tied hi ^ ynlntian or :• otic-, lie Neill, in
t nro In the b,1 the notified to rent, .: .. 1i,s to this , .., 's ''..:'•y, 1 .t ....] ,]...: 1a 1 t: -
over After j, p „ ,1
daring eagle flew on to the ha.,`_ el a o tdncii, bigno 1 I.".i:::.• .r ,,;..t two ,> no ha:: . , i...' ' .. -.1 :1
and 23rd, next Tuesday end Weduee_ i petty of the municipality in order to
day. A profitable time may be ex- rake the sum of $4,632 20 for county
petted for all interested in Suuday rate and Legislative pool egniva-
achool work. Billets will be provided tent, for the current year.—Oarried.
for all who will attend. Moyed by J. Shier, seoonded by H.
There is a "thing" living in the Horney, that four -tenths of a mill be
ble pperty of the
village that occasionally writes a squib
mYllrlaelu pallfd only lata order to raise the
sum of 5854.75 to prevlde for interest
and sinking funnel) redeem debenture'
issued in favor of the London, Huron
and Brnoe R. R., for the current
Moved by R. Gardiner, seoon tele
by J Halls, that $125.43 be raised by
special rate on lots Nos. 4, 5, E. i 6
con. 4 W. a lots 4, 5,8, 7, 8• & 9, eon.
5, as sohedule prepared for that pur-
pose to redeem debenture issued in
favor of the L. H. & B. R. R. sink-
ing fund account for the current peer.
Moved by J. Shier, Seconded by
H. Horney, that the sums equally re-
quired by the trustees of the various
school. sections, for school purposes
for the, current year, be levied and
entered on the eollector's toll and
collected with the other rates.--C.tr-
to the Exeter Reflector. For a sample
ed that a Sabbath Sahcol oonveution of the stuff "it" dishes up to the read -
be held iu Clinton on the third W6d— erg of that paper, see the idene of
nesday rf January, 1886, naming last week. "It" never thinks of giving
certaiu subjects connected with S. S.
work for discussion The recom•
meudation was adobted, and instruc•
tious given to have programmes pre,
pared in accordanoe therewith.
Provisional arrangements were made
for the induction of Mr, Henderson,
Hyde Park, in the event of his accept-
ing the oall to Brucefield congrega-
tion, after which the Presbytery ad-
d j The following story is travelling
jourued to meat again at Exeter, on
the eeoond Tuesday of November, at around: On Sunday, while a son of
half -past ten a. m. Mr. George Johnston, of Euphemia,
about ten year old, was driving cows
along the road, he was suddenly
struck, picked up and parried across
Ottawa, September 15.-•Riel's coun- the road to the fence and dropped.
el have given notice of appeal from The buy was frightened almost to
the Manitoba Court to the Queen's death, and on Iooking up saw a large
Privy Council in England. This, it bird with a white head. The bird
is understood, will stay further pro-' was the largest baldheaded eagle ever
eeedings at Regina 'until this appeal seen in these parts, and it is thought
has been heard. the fence was the only thing that
saved the lad from being carried off,
to the public anything of interest,
but never misses an opportunity to
make a thrust at temperance or re-
ligion. Strange, but true, mit" al-
ways finds a sheet as vile and con-
temptible as "itself" through which
"it" exudes "its" slime. Let us hear
ho more such bosh
Riel's Case.
If you wish long life, keep your stomach
and bowels regular. Dr. Carson's Stomach
Bitters will do it. Safe. A baby may take
them. Tl y- one bottle, 50 cents, all drug-
CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet
breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 50 cants. Nasal .Injector free. Sold
by J. W. Browning.
horse in an adjoining fi,3ii, who • ..,rl ••Z'1 A...1 tl •i
horse made a terrible lunge: and jump• amount el eiltteee. ".
In 11 ."h:
ed from under it. I l .s. e, over t F .lu .
woods out of sight. year, and that ti .:
i ; a e re ae..a.1Jli 11'0111 i.:y;., (Al 0.'21 ' ° titet o
see to eeooin 11 the 0'1 r I, •,
11Ew ,y' 9 l 1 (l. ll filiLa ex: