HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-14, Page 8PAO' ilia TI 4.• SUNDAYD MARCH 1711i, 1910 8.Sii a.m. HOLY COM31111NION. 11.00 a.,n3. HOU COMMUNION AND SERMON, B.00.40,451. SUNDAY SCI1001., '7.00 pAn. EVENSONG', AND SERMON, R/EV. RE,VERLY U. FARR, D.A., Lt., cuciiin. • MRS. E. JESSOP, Orgaraist ala4 Choir liaeadies. YOU AIM "INVITED TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES North St. United Church MCINISTER--41EV,.R. 11. TURNBULJA, 113.A, S.T.M. 11 a.m. "WITNESSES FOR CHRIST.',.., 8 p,ro. 'SUNDAY SCHOOL: 7 lull. "THE SECOND COMING OF CIIRIST." WeiblesdaY, 8 P,M. Lenten Service . Mokolay 7.30 ion. Y.P..1.1.. Seceittd, and fourth Monday. Onanist and Choir Leader- . Mrs. Murray Ilercheringten, 4.T.C.M. A SINCERE wpvcomy AWAITS -Yar Knox Presbyterian 'Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 an. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 an. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: The Presby•terian Church. , (Third in -the Series) 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Spirit of Worship." REMEMBER THE CHURCH'S ADVANCE FOR CHRIST - MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. Director of Praise ---Mr. T. 6: Jones • 'Conie and Worship the _Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. • 'Victoria St. tufted .Church MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE 11. 'FLTRNER. B.A. 'ORGANIST -MISS BARBARA cum 10.06 a.m, SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. "The Battle -Ground of the Spirit." .7.00 4.m. "The Morning Break." Monddy 8.00 p.m.. voting People's' Union. UNION 2.45 'VICTORIA WRLCOMES YOU 12,b, IRideireh 'BfiF Chkch s REV. JOSEPH °JANES, MA., PASTOR Mrs. Ella, If. Donaldso , A.L.C.M., Organist 11 a.m.t-PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Crusade for Christ and His ▪ Kingdom." 3 'p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL.- . 7 p.m. Pum_atoc WORSHIP. , Rev. C. C. Anderson will conduct the evening, service, Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. • STKANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME BETHEL PE-NTECOS-TAL TABEBITACLZ- - REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. 16 WATERLOO STREET 10 'a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11 a.m. "THE GIFTS OF TlEIE SPIRIT." 7.30 p.m. OLD FASHIONED GOSPEL MEETING. Tuesday 8 p.m: Young People's. , Thursday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. EVERY SERVICE IS CROWNED WITH, GOD'S BLESSING. COME AND 'WORSHIP 'WITH US. Free Methodist Church REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor Cor. Vittoria and Park Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY ,SCHOOL. 6 PREACHING SERVICES AT 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Some things are so costly; the poor -cannot buy; but the price of a victorious experience in the grace of God, is within reacli of all. . • Isaiah 55:1-3, 6-13. A GLORIOUS GOSPEL A FINE FELLOWSHIP. A WARM WELCOME. BUSINESS -NOTICES SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED - lilted articles bought and sold. Goose "and, duck feathers and ticks bought. C. WOODS, 12 and 14 Etta. street.. Phone 242J. 3tf CARD ,OF THANKS s _ _CARLTONW. WORSELL WISHES to thank ,his many friends and customers for their paltronage during • his fears' in _the hardware bnsiness, and Would ask their continued patron- age for his sons ita they continue fhe business known as tile Worsell Bros. , Hardware. -11 _ zuanNT . TO RENT: -.ATTRACTIVELY .furnished bedroora, in, new home, breakfast optional, Prione 992. -11 LOST SMA.LL BLACK PUP, '-answering to name "Itippie." Had fancy sandscolere_d.. :Cellar when _ last seep: Any person. knowing of its whereabout$ will , please notify R. ZARNKE,-54 Anglesea street, Goderich. aimmosimarawaseassaratrimpamera....ameSsa 'Mrs. N. D. Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, left oh Monday to join her husband in Eng- laod. ' ood 4 cty for Girls! • No Experielthe cessary 0, Easy, Interesting • Pleasant Working Co ditionA • Earn While You Lear We offer an excellent opportunity for girls to learn a light, clear.), pleasant postwar trade ... perating '-eainless half hose knitting machines. 'We teach you. No experience necessary. You earn vvhiie you learn. NOSMily COMPANY OF CANADA, Lomirm EAST STatin GODEMCIA Phono 960 ,Y ' 1 - WANIsti,* AvANTBILD.-;,-wo oz,v UORS and pad cattle snita 'far mink fee.d; en_loved PreZnItit47.' JACK GIL1BB2,1 Vh0110 UltS •s* Cliaten. Calls paid for. 'WANTED. -- YOUN6 LADY 45 helper and checker in grocery 'store. Must be ambitious mid have neat 'appearance aarl,peraonality., geed. wages. 48-hour week.. Write BQX .192. SIGNAL -STAR, .stating refereaces and. experience. *, -10 - . • - AN OPPORTUNITY. - ESTAB- - LISHED Rural Watkins laistriet available. • If you are Aggressive, Sank between theakrs of 25 and 55, have or can 'secure travel outlit„this --is 'yOur • 01%0W:fi1ty to get established:in a profitabie business 'of your. qwn, For -full'-'ialtiticalars 'write today te THE J. R. WATKINS' COMPANY, Dept. 0-G-1, 477 Masson St., Montreal, 'Que. ' WANTED. -TO OR RENT, BY April 1st, small house or cottage' with garage and garden, in vicinity of organ factory; two adults. Would consider ground Boor apartment.' Ap- ply SIGNAja-STAR. • 10-11x WANTED. - ONE UNDRED fence posts, red cedar (highland), 7 -inch tops: ORVILLE DURNIN, pungann,v, 11.11., 1. Phone 78-12. 11x • WANTED. - GROUND -KEEPER for Maitland Golf Club. Phone 319 or apply to Secretary, 60 West street, for particulars. -11 - - WANTED. RELIABLE GIRL wanted for general housework; sleep in or out; good wages. Phone 124J. -11 , WANTED.1 - HOUSEWORK BY the day. Good worker. Phone 242J.- --- WANTED. - YOUNG VETERAN, - • free to travel, to work with super- viser for established publishing com- pany. Apply W. R. GEDDES, Hotel Bedford, Monday or Tuesday, 7-9 P.m. 11x NOTICE NOTICE. All ootstanding accounts with C. W. , Worsen, Hardware, should be •settled before April 15th, 1946, _and may be paid at ,the Worsell Bros. Hardwaris on the Square, Goderich. . -11 ! . 1:SCOME' 'TAX -.RETURNS Expert advice given on filing ol 1915 Income Ta returns. Reasonable rate/Write BOX 103, SIGNAL-,STAIL 11x GODERIC FOlt RESULTS A. ClassifiedAd!‘ . FOR SALZ Q ' . ., F'01.t &WI - ANNEX, HEA'ItER. with Water front in good condition. Phone oss. 1 — i FOR SAI,,E.-NET ELliiCTRIV AND senii-eleetric (treadle) sewing ilia - chines. Also 'Wed ones. Godericti having been now included in our division,our represeatatives will be in town Weekly, For prompt 'service' call or write TIIE SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO i PANY, 78 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone, 727. - If your machine is new, have it ehecked free within .ninetY days. ' 42-t1 s,................,.....,,,..1,............... INK SALE OR „RENT.- 130 -ACRE farm ,with good buildinge,. running water, -artesian well, some bush; about seven miles south of Goderich on High- way No 21. Apply MRS. MARJORY. I-IICKS, 74 Newgate street. . , . R SALEs---MOTOR BOAT, . 24' over-all, inboard 50 has Motet, overhauled.; V.hottom cypress -hull, % cabin with fishing cockpit, riding lights fore and aft, sand anchor, Life tireservers. Priced right for quick sale. !Apply SIGNAL -STAR. -10-12 FOR SALE. -SEED GRAIN: AJAX oats and'eartigr oats, 85c a bushel. Good quality. IVAN BEAN, R.R. 1, Auburn, phone 19 r 5, Blyth. 1.1x , ... - FOR' "SALE. -% METAL WATER tank ,approximately 250 gals.;” two wagons, team- * type, 'one 'right, one w,,edium. Apply at TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. , I -10R SALE. - ENAMEL ICEBO(; also . kitchen * stove with Ywater trent; both in good shape. _Thane 132J. , .-11 , , FOR. SALE 1931 ESSEX SEDAN, good running .order. . Four new tires and tubes. also a spare. Wilt ex- change for runabout truck. C. WOODS, 14 -East street. , Phone 242J. 10tf - FOR SALE.-TR41LER, 616 TIRES, ball 'Connection, fenders; first-class conditien.$75. J. S. CULP, Goderieh, a , SEED OATS FOB, SALE,. - AJAX, $1.00 bushel; Early Aleekst7-1)0c bushel; . loth government. graded. LLOYI) McDOUGALL, --R.R.,-6. Luck- ttow. r, Phone 26r 30,„Ripley. 11-43X . - ,. • " . - s FOR SALE. -s-- WATERFRONT IN .--7'......,,tossarsofs.Goderieivis;.Aftraetisteskyanie .and beach. Healthful Jalevation. Or; chard, sewer, water, _light. A.. quiet location • for 'Summer cottages or fur small farming. Particularsfrom It. LL HAYS, Goderich. , 13t1 i 1 APoLOGY DEMANDED. -.1 HERE- upstairs, 24 ft. by BY notify the person or persons! moved. *, responsible for the ,disgraceful .con -!'"ns , 1946; that." demand a full and complete apology to be Published in The Signgl- Star* exonerating me from all blame in connection with the matter. If this is not, done,action will be taken to protect ihYseIf. HERJ3. GOViER, t Aubutio. - -.11x ditions at the charivari on March 6th FARM COUPLE - OPPORTUNITY TO 'COME TO TORONTO Real opportunity for man familiar with horses, -tractor and electric milk- ing units.' Iletter than average wages, with promotion to man, witb good habits and experience. Wife to do some cooking and assist in owner's home, consisting of three adults. Extra sixty dollars monthly for this work. - Opening •is on modern dairy farm, fifty minuutes :to midtown Torontb, all cooveniences., In replying -give references and tele - Phone number, if possible. If refer- ences *satisfactory, will pay expenses to Toronto for interview. Reply BOX 27, Station F, Toronto, Ont. 10-11 NOTICE Tp. CREDITORS NOTICE -TO CREDITORS.' All persons' having claims against the. estate of Charles Fisher. deceased, late of the Town of Goderich, are' hereby notified that proof of such claims must be filed with the under- sigisedsby March 28, 1946, after °which date the estate will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, On- tario; -Solicitor- -for-the PeradiaaI Representative. 9-11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Ida May Love, late of the Tqwn of Goderich, in the County of Huron, married woman, who died on or about the 3rd day of December, 1945, to send same •t� the undersigned -on or before the 22nd day of March, 1946, as on and after that dates -the admin- istrator of the estate 'shall proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard only to the "claims then theta. Dated at Goderich this Ist day of March, A.I/ 1946. R. C. HAYS, , Godericb, Ontario, 10-12 . _Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All peirsoas having claimsagainst the Estate of John Joseph Webb, late of the Town of Goderish, deceased, are. notified that particulars of such claims verified' by afildhvit must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of 'April, 1946, after which date the Estate will be distributed. tario_Sollator- for -the Estee-. 11-13 l'ILSNK DONNELLY, i;oilerich, N( tTi..('E TO CREDITORS. ; Notice la hafeby given to all persons HOUSE IT1I, 101/2 ft., to be 104, 'SIGNAL SALE. - KITCHEN RANGE with high- back, white 'enamel fronts water front. Apply MRS. B. -BEATON, 35 Cambria road. _Phone 851R. . -11 -FoR SALE OK RENT.-1-2T-A.C-RE • farm, -lot 41,. concegg1on-12`, Hullett township. Also 54"TM:es, north cother of Goderich township, good brick-heuse and ,bank _barn. HERB. -GOVIER, Auhurn. • -- 11-I2x SAVE YOUR 'TIME ,BY CONTACT- . INGstis- for your chicks. It's doubt- ful if you cau buy better anywhere, judging from scores of letters Kitch- ener Big --I _Hatchery gets from satis- fied -yearly customers. Varietybreeds, crosses. Breeders 'Government -inspected' and 'blood -tested for both strains pulloruno Ask for prices, order spon. RYAN PRODUCE CO. -11 14.10R SALE, - ,RADIOS, ORAxtp- PHONE, records, guitar; sidedium, hand separator, sewing machine, hand wringer, studio .e.ouch, tables, buffets., stoVes,..ene5t_of_drawers,1*ashstand, electric fixtures, two counter show- cases. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242J. lite FOR SALE. -HEAVY DUTY TRIC range, in Al shape. 248. ELEC- Phone ; 11-12 FOR SALE. - A 1935 11'0114 coach. Motor and tires in good condition. PLANTE'S GARAGE, Goderich. 11x FOR SALE. -FEED MIXED GRAIN -oats and barlek (half and 'half), $32.00 a ton; also seed -Urban oats and 0.A.C. No. 1 barley. FRANK L1NKLATER, R.R. 5. Goderich. Phone Carlow 148. * 11-12x. 'Fort SALE. -COLLIE- PUPS. BLACK • and white, two months LLOYD BRINDLEY, R.11, 3. Goderich. Phone19--r-, 14, Dungannon. 11•x FOR SALE. -- WDSTINGHOUSE , electric range, in good condition: May be seen at BROPHEY'S FURNI- TURE STO-nt. ' -11 FOR. WEANLING- PIGS; a‘lo two cows ta freshen about May Int.- 4.- MUGFORD. Telephone 17 r 2. Dungannon. having- any claim against the estate of Ida May Love, late of the_ Town of , Goderich, who died on the --3rd daY: of December,. 1945, to -send the same to the underSigned, 'verified • by declar- ation, on or before the 18th day of April, 1946, as after that date the administrator herein .will proceed to distribute •the said estate, having re- gard °ay to the claims' of -which he shall then have had notice. Dated -at Thiderlela.th1sJ4th day of iSilach, A.D. 1946. WILLIAM A. SUTHERLAND., I , Solicitor for John Love, . 11-13- ApPlicant for „Administration. , AUCT4ON MAIM CLEARING AliCTION VALE 011 vulawinnal, 1zuovuo3zuw- m3NNT, UEVESTOCK & M403,511INZIM First farm east of Auburn 014 cpraces- sion 1, East Wawanosh, oi MONDAY, MARCH 18th CornmenUng at P.INt• 1' Bedroom spite, 1 vanity, dresser. 1 dresser, 2 stands, 1 set steel springs, 1 leather coach, 1. chesterfield table (new), 1 wall mirror; 1 oak extension table,, 6 leather seated oak dilaing- rootarchatrs, 1 vvriting desk, 1 kitchen table,' 1 glass kitchen cupboard, 1 large titchen cupboard made like a built-in cupboard, 1 Congoleura rug, 3 yariis by 4 yards, real good; linoleum, good as Pew, 14 feet 2 inches by 14 feet 8 inches s, Congoletnn, just like now, 3' yardS 0, 4 yards and 31 laches; 1 play pen, crib; rocking and high chair, haby carriage, 1 doll buggy and bed, 1 clothes''Trringer, I -wood heater (new), 1 Daisy churn, a large quantity, of stove pipes and aealerss 1 new car visor, 1 livestock tatteoing outfit, 1 livestoels inoculating outfit, 1, 8 -ft. etep- ladder, 1 30 -ft. extension ladder, 1 blacksnake. whip, 1 Alepaite Zerlt grease gun, 1 hag truck, 1 grass seeder, 1 steel water trough, 1 11/2 h.p. gas engine, 1 root puiper, 2 range shelters, 2 hen crates, 1 brooder stove and canopy, straw fork, forks, Jogging chain, shovels, 1, set double harnese, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 1/2 -horse General Electric motor, 1 %-horse Westing- house electric --motor, 1 International MARCIT tb 14 , binder. 'Gt,; Malisey-Ifarri$ mowerb 0 -ft.; New Idea d, amne spreader; Coekshutt gertiliWr din 18 -tooth cultivator; 0ft liana roller; in -throw now; Oliver on cultivator; actO ridin plow; double furrow plow; walking plow; 4-seetio drag harrow; barrow eart; hay tedder; sleithu; horse rake; truck farm wag- gon; gat hay rack; WaM011 IRMO St0V-k rac1s;'gravel box; fanning Mill; electric fence; extension ladder;' pig crate; Stewazt horse clippers; cutter; 2 sets double barnestsS set Single harness; horse cellars; corn planter ; 14 -horse electrie"motor ;9% -horse laeavy duty eleetric motor; Anchor Holth cream separator,; metal chicken coops; 100 oaf) pails and spites; sap pan; grass seeder; whitewash sprayer ;., bag truck; quantity of cedar posts; quant- ity of lumber; iron kettle; neckyokeS; doubletrees; ,chains; tinantity mixed grains fit , for sed; shovels; quantity. of hay; Coleman lantern. HOUSEHOL.D EnogoTs - Parlor suite; bedroom suite; eitension table; 12 dining -room chairs; 3 rocking chairs; buffet; kitchen cabinet; couch; dishes. All win be sold without ' reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS -CASH. • WM. MARSH,' ProRletbi. W. 0. PETTMAN; Cler DONALD BLUE, A lie tioneer. electric cream separator, I electric Woods grinder, 1 electric DeLaval milking machine, 1 set scales for weigh- ing- pigs, 1 pig crate, I electric fence, 1 41cCorsaiekaDeerings ,mower,_ 6 ft, ell, 1 scuffles, -quantity of Timothy hay, quantity a grain; 1, top buggy, 1 corn sheller, 1 single ridingsplough, 1 cultivator, 2 ,Cords cedar wood, +1 sow due in. April, a pumber of chunks, 1 Hereford calf 8 months old, 1 Dor- Inmi calf 8 months old, 1 Durham calf 5 weeks old, I Durham cow, fresh, 5 years old; '1 Durham *caw, due July, 6 years old; 1 Durham heifer, due May, 2 years -old; 1 'Jersey cow, due Jul t; 6 years old; 1 Jersey cow, sup- posed to be. in.calf, &years old.. -No reserve as -the farm is sold,, TERMS -CASH. • - MRS. EDNA COWAN, Proprietor. HAROLD' JACKSON, 10-11 Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION- ,$ALE FARM,' F4HM STOCKt!, AND 4 IMPLEMENTI S on VIHDAY;-,MARCII 22nd at .12 o'clock . ots9-ttrd, 30relviitT-,1;"4rOirr'Sttlif Township, 3 miles south or Clinton. HOR.SC S-1 lyde gelding', rising 0 years old; 1700 lbs.; 1 brown gelding, rising 9 Years old, 1800 lbs.,: 1 rregisteredClyae mare, 7 years "'Old; 1 Clyde gelding, rising 3 years old; 1--Cryde gelding, rising 2 years old; 1 tiny, risme".1 yiear old. :cA'rrLE-29 Durham cows, some fresh, others due in March and April; 3 grade Polled Angus cows, due March and April; 3 egistered -Polled- Angus cows, 4 years Old, dueAprilMay; 1 registered Polled 'Angus bull, -2 years raiSed"-byl`. G. Todd s3.7.. Sets "Eriea 'of ,Anolgt" and "Bandolier of Anoka". lifeedassILregistered Polled. Angus -bull tag, _1, year -old-H-13--Polled---Augus calves, -rising' 1 .year old; •3- young calves. PIG S "-York sow; 5 ,York pigs, 7 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS -International W-4 .tractor on rubber, starter and lights, In excellent condition; 3 -furrow Fleury -plow; 1 Bissell . tractor disc; 3 -section springtooth drag; - Massey - Harris binder, 7 -ft.; Massey -Harris manure spreader ; .Massey -Harris mower, 6 -ft..; Massey -Harris .corn binder s sMassey- Harris hayloader ; MaSsey-Harris fertilizer drill, .13 -disc; International siderakp (new)* ; International - bearf scuffler and puller; :r sulky rake; 1 aet 4;section -harrows; walking . plow; 'Massey-Ha'rris -bean scuffler And puller; Massey -Harris grain -drill; 8 -ft. culla- packer; 20"Igrain• crusher and- belt; Maple Leaf grinder ; 'cutting box and blower; 16' hay rack; -cutter; good rubber tired wagon; . oaw-grilvel box; steel 'tired wagon (new) ; fiat s , rack; set -Sleighs fanning mill; 2000- lb. scales ;McCormick -Deering' cream separator with Motora 'forks; shoVels, etc.;* quantity mixed hay; set 'good breeching harness; .4 large straw collars. , . FARM -L-200 acre farm, bank barn, drive shed, hay barn,- silo 12 x '30; 2 -storey house, hydro -throughout build- ing'; batitroonr,---;goad-water •••-•supply-';'• 15-• acres' hardwood ..bush; 7 acres wheat; 55 acres: ploughed land; bal- ance- pastur4 and . hay;. to. school 3 miles from Clinton. • ,TERMS -Chattels cash. Farm, made knewn day of sale.' Sold subject to reserve .bid. , 101 , iVILLIAM NICEWVN, • Proprietor. HAROLD JA.CKSON,_ • Auctioneer. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURN- ITURE, SATURDAY, 'MARCH 16th„I946 , at 1 o'clock sharp_ ' at the residence of ,the late, Thomas' Griffin, corner North and Nelson streets. . Davenport, _ several uphplstered, chairs, walnut living -room table, .small table's, whatnot, Axminster rug 9 x 12, hall rack, dinin'g-romn table and six 'chairs, studio couch, book stand, beds, springs and mattresses, dressers ,and standsd, small bedrooni„ rocking chairs, chest of drawers, Singer sewing 'Ma- ehlne, •G.E, cabinet radio, kitche rahge, table and chairs,'. kitchen, cup- board, stepladder, garden hose' and tools, verandah • chairs, • and other articles too numeaous to mention. TERMS -CASH. HAROLD .TACKSON, , Auctioneer. ;.! AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK 11- AucTrox SALE -OP FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at lot 9, concession 8,'Morris Township, being 124 miles north of Blyth; and 2 miles east, on THURSDAY. MARCH 21st• 'commencing at 12.30 noon, as fellows: uousr.s-Roan, Clyde mare, 8 years old, weighs 1700 lbs. CATTLE-4151atein cow, 4 years old, flesh; Holetein cow. (P• years old, due ha May; Holstein cow, 6 yeara.aold, fresli-g Holstein cow, 3 years old, bred February, 14; Holstein heifer, 3 years old; fresh; Holstein cpw, 6 yeats old, fresh 7 Holstein cow, 5 years old, fresh; Holstein cow, 5 year old, due March 26;• IIolstein cow, 7 years old, due August 29; Durham cow, 5 years, milking; Ayrshire cow, 5_ y -ears old, bred -Janpary '21; Holstein cow, 3 years old, due in spring; Holstein cow, 3 years'old; bred February 1; Holstein CURRY'S 13AKERY "The Home of Tasty Pastry" WEEK-XNLO SPtf 0/12= PU$ 35 ofixto each -.MOW wo.r17 Waout° reastUig •Phone up and wo will Co it for VPul. Ttot phone earlY. Meats and Fqw1 eooked,kas sea ,liko WOW., All (titers of $1.00 or over deii3Ored. PLIONIN•40ti MEL. CULBEIVP, 'Proprietor. al , 14 4.1.A.PrafarNallaniffilk satrainamaisitaietaimpaataanisisairtsiwilimma TENDERS WANTED TEICDERS `WANTED. TOWNSHIP OF GIODERICH Tendeis will be: received by the derkigned until March 28 for crush- ing and delivering approximately 4000 yards of crtished gravel, One -inch screen, to be delivered where the Road Superintendent directs. Werk to be done after September 1.0 and completed - by October 15. Council to pay for the gravel and the contractor_*4re- pare the pits. A marked check to accompany each tender, which will be returned if not accepted. The lowest. or any tender riot iiecesearilY accepted. Forether • particulars refer to any "member of Council or to the Road Superintendent, Mr. Roy Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton. 1111110111114111111111111111M111111k September lst; Holstein cow, 6 years old, fresh; Holstein cow, 4 yearsold, springing; Holstein, cow, 8 years old, fresh; Ayrshire cow, 9, years old, Apitigj.pgIlnIstein_ heifer, dnieL_ June; Holstein 'heifer, due in May; .14 calves; 6 two-year-old heifers; 7 two-year-old steers.; 3 one -year-old, 4 years old, fresh; llol,stein. cow 3 ' heifers; 8 one -year-old steers. 4rayears old, fresh; Holstein -cow, PIGS -Sew, due May 1st; 4 sows,.'. just -bred; sow and 7 pigs. - GRAIN -----500 bus. Urban seed oats. IMPLEM-ENTS---4.olifs,Deere tractor; model B, on rubber, new 1940; John , .bred 'Novem- Deere lift scuffler to lit above tractOr March 4; Holstein. heifera John Deere combine, 6 -ft.,' 12A, new; ' 1:7174111. heifeirrli :fll•orn .1F;131'f2 o '6r)76et:i'solr I3711:73-141..:11718L°w 1211t131:841141r7:isttlttrlierr''':"7- Durham bull .caif; gucking' cow rHol- I prow, -• PIGS -Yorkshire sow, with litter5 0A;,, 4 -furrow Massey-Hatrls- stein boll, 3 years old; 9 sivall_calves. disc plow, new; Massey -Harris_ tractor . • ensilage cutter, 12 -inch ;.Massey,Ilarris , weeks old. IIENS-----90 New Hampshire x :Leg- 101/2 -ft. side delivery rake, new; : hem 113•brids, fall pullets. _ e- Massey -Harris 2 -row scuffler; 7 -ft. army truck, With stake rack' :sood Foi.d Ctaonedkesulliujtt jniia:Irlituser'eD°:pvereralcilie.r ti; 1241.11411ernewa;- ' tional hayloader, new ; 3 -sec. Inter - ARM Y TRUCK -1940 15,cwt, years old, bred.February'rA; ,Holstein cow, 3 years ,old, bred: January 27; Durham cow, 3 years - old, due in spring; Holstein cow, 3 years old, due Apri1-7; Durham. cow, 3 years old; due s motor ana tires. , IMPLEMEN,TS-Farmalls fi tractor on rubber.; ,3 -furrow McCormiekAeor- ing tractor plow; Coekshutt one-way disc; Massey -Harris hayloader ; 11/2 H.P. McCoAnick-Deering 'engine,' like* new.; -McCormiek-Deering oll laatlr, mower,' 6 ft -cut; Frost &._Wood dunift. _rake; buckrake, to mount. on; 1930' Chev, truck; dua1 wheels, fair tires; 144t. stake true rack; 2 -yd. Woods 'hydraulic 'steeltn. d p bo; 21 -Verity walking .plow; set of harrows; • sloop sleigh; Portland cutter Clinton fanning ,thill'; 10 -inch oat roller; 10 -inch Peter Hamilton cutting -box; root 'pulper; scales, 700. lbs.; rubber -tired - wagon, 16-ineh Wheels; two -wheel trailer, 'with one new. tire; No 2 McCormick -Deer- ing.. cream' separator k Portable, silo, 4 units, 14 It. 'diameter; range shelter • national spring -tooth harrows, new; international engine, 11/2 horsepower, new; John Deere hayloade-r; reaper; 3-sectiou spring -tooth' harrows, John. Deere, new; John Deere riding plow; climax range; grain , bin on•two-wheel trailer. • N9,, RESERVE. TERMS --GASH... 011/..AR ,B -ROOKS, _ _ Proprietor, • HAROLD. JACKSON, 11-12 • 'Auctioneer. tILIAARING AUCTION SALE OF ,FARM STOCK SG IMPLEMIONTS 1.1/2 miles south of Goderich, Bayfield read (Blue Water Highway), on SATURDAY, DIARCH 23rd at 1 p.m. , HORSES -Matched team bay mares, 5 and 8 years; grey team, midale-aged, McCormick -Deering milking machine; CATTLE -2 Diirhani 1. cows, . due in , April; Holstein heifer, rising 2 years; * *as, 5 milk cans nearly new; milk nails; - set double harness; pig crate; hayfork; , 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old; Jersey -''''' slingfork ;• 3 horse collars; pair blind , heifer, 1 year old; 3 steers,.1 year old; cedar- post's; pile or white IA' lumber ;.! Assy.;,12 pigs, PIGS -2 York sows; due Aiiril and Young calves. - • bridles; pair horse blankets - pile of - buckeye coal brooder. about 100 lbs.'. GRAINs-150 bus. Vanguard oats, fit POUI/TRY-22 hens; 5 geese. for seed; 160 bus. Alaska oats, fit for IMPLEMENTS - Alassey ;Harris Seed; 120 .bus. feed grain. . ' binder; DeLaval cream separator (like . ,Quantity of ,Hay. new-) ; McCormick -Deering 6 -ft. mower; , ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Coleman dump 1.41;.; 3 wagons,; ' hay rack; gas lainp„:„,Singer sewing machine ; 4. .grirvel box; wheelbarrow; disc Ilan butuer couIcoll stove; round table; tea rows; drag harrows; fanning ' mill; kettles;s box • stove; 'gramophone; N,valking, plow ; riding plow; 2 -furrow dishes. . .. plow; grindstone; cultivator; sloop - TERMS .OF SALE -CASH. sleighs and rack; cutter; 240-1b. scales; , 2 scufflers; circular saw ; gas engine, , _ARCHIE SCOTT, 6 horse-,. collars ; 4,* harness; 1 large , Proprietor. galvanized 'water 'trough; pig troughs; HAROLD JACKSON, . 11- Auctioneer. harrow part; steel 'wagon; 10 hap vheat, oats, buckwheat. ' . -----HOUSEHOLD- -EFFECTS-Upright's- piano a electric cabinet radio; Priniess Beth' range (like new) ; glass cup- board; Quebee- heater ; bed* springs; inattress;, dresser; washstand; single • bed; rocker; gramophone and 'reCords; davenport; small tables; dining -room - suite r 2 d'ohgoleum rugs; Pictures; dishes; kitahen* utensils; ice box; 0;d• , • ,. AliCTIOkSALE,OF FARMS, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, .ETC. Mr. 'Edvvard Elliott has been in- structed to sell by public' auction at Jots 27 arid- 28, 4th concession (Cut Line), Goderich Township, 61/2 milers' south of Goderich by Blue Water High- way, to 11/2 miles `east on Cut Lille, 011 kitchen table; kitchen cabinet; sealers ;_ s'-THURSDA y, MARCH 28th, Owing to 11.1•health everything must D..,,aci.sy; -churn; --sewing- --inakhlile;- Jr forks; Shovels; tools; chaing,_ be sold; as proprietor is giving up 1" farming. TVRMS-;CASH. At the smile time and place, the farms, consiiting of 400 acres, of which 140 acres is cleared and of tillable 1142 quality soil and - the' balanee hardwood _ bush and cedar swamp. On said pros CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF perty are gob(' fences; well tiled, two FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, spring creeks and ail extra good class, rot 2,, concession 2, Colborne Township, of- farm buildings. There la 18 acres (% mile north of Beniniller), on of fall 'wheat and 14 acres of fall FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, 1946 plowing, also 18' acres of' hay ; the rest • at 1 o'clock In pasture. 'WM he Sold subject to One good ,work team; set harness reserve bid. Terms and • conditions, if 3 collars; set light harness; quantity •eld, be made known day" of *sale. of hay ; quantity of grain; 1 Durham Watch for full list in next week's 7 years old: dne in April; 1 Signal -Star. Dvirhain cow, 6 years old, freshened; CHARLES YOUNG, I 1 Durham cow. 5 years old, freshened; Proprietor. 3 farrow cowsl 1 heifer, 2 years lold4 EDWARD,. ELLIOTT, • , bred; 2 black heifers,, risine2 years.; - Auctioneer. TERMS -CASH. ‘• MRS. ,WM. BRINDLEY., -Proprietress. - .IIAROLD „JACKSON, . Auctipneer. 11- UCTION SALE OF 'FARM STOCK stP(.17, rising 2- years-; 5 pr-arling calves; 2 spring calves; 6 -ft. binder, Massey -Harris; Deering mower, 6 -ft. AND IMPLEMITNTS AND IMPLEMENTS cut ; 12 -plate clis0 harrow; 1 sulky on clot 5, conceSsion 7, E.D. Colborne „ -On on lot 5, coneesaion • 10, Colborne, one rake; 1 cultivator ;d 1 siit of harrows: WEDNESDAY, MATiCH 20th 3 section; 1 see drill; Cocksbuti. - - --.7.-- Comeencing at 1 n'eloek the f0114}NY- Wel4t' 011' mite north of Carlow and one mile ' 'manure spreader; Cockshutt riding, ling. will be sold: HORSES -Team of bay mares; 11 ' MONDAY, MARCH 25th plow; 1 walking plow; 1 AdamS a nd 12. yeas old. " ' Commeneing at 1 O'cloek, the follow- wagon ; 1 set sleighs; 1 Detaval separ- titer, No. 12 ;: 1 democrat wagon; 2 CATTLE -Holstein eow 9 years 11 ing will be sold ; HORSES' -Matched team of. Clyde r haggles ; -1 entter ; 1 root politer ; 1 fanning mill; 1 wheelbarrow ; 1 set platform settles, 2000 lbs.; quantity of lumber; 2 Daisy churns, No. 2 and No. 3; 1 ladder, 23 ft,; lui“ork, ear, and pulleys; hay i•Ope; 1111111111V fOrk8; DO YOU e KNOW That nine diamond eh•ills working eontinuously at Quemfmt are rapidly. addil to the alPeady large tonnage of ore.,, The nrualterzof.,,sliart< Issued by Noranda 2,239.772. Queniont's eaprfalizoio'n stands at -1,751.807' sharea. and or this amount' ,907.249 shares is Owned by Mining Corporation. a • Our Canadian mines offer untold uopPortronties ,InformatiOn on, .4iny mine. IS °available' ow request.. F C 'REY s'e PHONE; 18 dile iii August,: Holstein eow, 7 3 ars gPidings, rising , lc? ( 5 and 6 years oid, ::1411.., ddnieut iiiinAiNnT;PYOI:CIN°•,r....1 „),.e'si.)t‘ili'; 051i1:71111.108 ',"7%!ly.irsiiiii•sngO1C11, 0's.(:•elgblsiii;isggli.75.01111;)1Sv.(''' °sing in April; - co‘v„4 .-years old, tresh ;1 . CATTLE----IIolstein cow, 4 'years W. vow, 5 yeurs,old, milkin • farrow- eow ;' springing; 2 Holstein rows,' 6 yeafs piteliforics; shovels, 811(1 other atti,eles , pureined . Pittiod Stamford sbrat as old.. fresh; Holstein cow,. 5years old, . too numerous to niention.._Quantdy Of ino..tillitk:178:Ol(51.;,f4ifleepirfft:ii,,,;:a7S; ;35hRetiTerrSa, fritt.zii; Ii0iStOilt• COW; '4' years old, due. September 1st: -Holstein cow . A. :v,eara, household ,'effec6'. . •, 1 year; 3 'alies, 4 months oldi; mcalf' olt1 'fresh; ilolsWin eow, 5 S'ears old, , , 2 months. .....•., „..,-..-- ..r.,- • . , springing; :',i II0hatein e(rw's, 4. yearA HEN'S- -- 25 ' Leghorn heils, it yo,' old; 'fresh : 3 ;Holstein cows,, 3 years old. • , 0 , 018.. frely; Holstein cow. 2 years old, ....---1. 1 impt;ENIENtrs" ... yr(ot ' & ' Ns: mid fresh; Holstein :cow, 0 years old, duel-1-'12 - TERMS-- -CASH. CLAItTINeR WALTIP,RS, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKS011,' A uct in Per. (!") =01,.