HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-14, Page 17 6 � callIV. L. Branch Forty-five Years/ Old Interestingly Reviewed by Nis— a ,4" The Woinen'e Institute hel4 a suc- cessful banquet in VW MUOlilie !Rap. On Thursenly evening Wet. The tablea Were *gay with Irish. 'decorations and a -nappy time was enjoyed bY vie& ering numbering about 150. BffsS., N. nielaniS, 'president, presided and in het: address of 'welcome paid tribute Howrie, who were honored guests, both having been members for forty-five years, after which she proposed the toast to the King. 11, 13;1 Ai. Tichborne Propoeed a toast to the boys who have retarned frem tlie war. Mf-.* °Leslie Riley re- - Plieel and expressed Pleasure and 'ap- * predation of the honor of speaking on behalf of those who were not present. He thanked the ladies fern. all their kindness to the. men' of the Services.. Mrs. Wilkin propot3ed a toast to the presiant fleet pest ,presidenta. She said it was indeed -a pleasure to pay trilentento Women who had given un- _ stintingly- of their time ahd talent tO the work of the Institute.; - Organized rorty -live Years Ago _ miss X H. Stilkeld replied, and gave a concise and interesting revieni the history *of 'the eGoderich Women's Institute. It was oeganized-in Febru- ary, 1901, at a hoMenin Colborne town - Ship: tiane-othereenranebes-esprang up at other places in theedieterict. -In 1,904 the Goderich branch lead 104 members. At a couvention held at Guelph the „motto "For • and which is sung at the „ opening et each meeting. Many diffekent lines of work , were undertaken, such as sewing for and -helping to equip he room for the „Boy, Scouts; Red Cross week during 'both weirs ; pitying part of the salary Town Couucil in having tables add . benches erected in the Harlior Park pavilion ; presenting prizes for school pupils; ; sponsoring the teaching of music in the schools, and Making don - 01....t,he men, but said elle thought the .men were -not as* fmportant as 'they -used' ,to be. ,Reeve, Tuener replied. ,He congratulated 'the organization - whose membere had carried on, so efficiently in, their -homes and found time to take part in so many outside were still leading.' He wished the ;Or gs from the Lions Club and moved . the Institute. He brought greet- - a vole .of. confidence and appreeiation ,of the Institutee past and future. Mrs. McInnis replied and thanked all for their innerest, and -hoped - they . would repeat the gathering another Thh toasts were interspersed with commanity singing led by Mrs. ,Sander - .son, accompanied by' Mrs. J. A. Snider Tne supper was ein charge of Mrs. Archie Wilkin and her committee. A skit, "Cleopatra the Second," was Price, Mrs. Hollanil, Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs.- J. -A.. -Snider, Mrs. Sanderson; Mies -Terry 7, Lemaire, Miss, Helen Aikenhead, Iles. H. B. AL Tichborne. Old-time, dances were enjoyed, also cards. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lemprey, violin, . Mrs. Con.' Bissette mouthorgan, and Mrs. 0: Plantes._ piano, CENTRAL HODpiE AND • SCHOOL, ASSOCIATION — -At theineeting-ef -Central Home. and- School- Association. held tiii the school' lent Tuesday evening, the chair wtes "occuPied by Airii. ,M. F. Noble,' vice- president. Mks Gardiner - gave, a splendid address on ."Nutritional , Hints,". telling of -the varione fenctions. Saunders, acconipanied by Mrs: Murray Hetherington, rendered' • two popular solos, "Kerry' „Dance," and "Philos- ophy." - , Miss . Mary , Howell read a paper on ',#Dis"cipline" prepared*by Mrs.. C.' Baeter, who was unable to attend. the executive, Miss Yemen, whoehas taken Mine Haena's place' tie pianist, and Mrs. Mootien, Who is- convener of the iiewly-forined radio committee. . At the close ef the -meeting, tne aoeitil committee serven! tea apt' hot dougne APPOINTED MAGISTRATE 0,N. RAILWAYS A change has taken; place in the • .station agency here, William • Mair coming from ,Branapfon to take the place ef Archie MacKay, wha haa been transferred to Guelph. Mair was the station Agent at Bramptpu for nine years, , He has been with the C.N.R. for thirty-eight years, having spent -a -Considerable part 'of that time at Ripley. He was born and brought up a short distance from Clinton and has, several relatives, re- siding in Gon,erich, so he Should be no stranger in this comraunity., He married, with two ehildren, a sons Denglas, living in, Hamilton, and a daughter, Muriel E., residing with .her. mother in Brampton. Minn Muir ex- pects to remain in' Brampton until Mr. . The new agent•is• a charter member and. past .presidente elf the. Brampton Rotary; Club. He is an active bowler allg. curler and is a keen follower of hockey, baseball and bther 'athletics. Ile is aireadietua enthusiastie supporter of the local hockey teams. He is also interested In the BoyiSeent and Cub, Mr. MacKay was well liked by those who had business to trensaet with nine, and his mae‘y friends in Goderich, while pleased with his proMotion, ;regret hie removal flow this town- OBITUARY MRS: GEORGE HABEL After an illness of several years Mes. George Hebei died at her -home at Port Colborde on Monday, March, 4th, in her seventieth Deceased before het marriage Was Mies Saran McCabe of Godeineh -township, and she and *her husband. were residents of Goderieh before theireremoval to Port the bereaved • husband, are two sons, 7Alfred G. and William H. Babel, of' Port Colborne, one grandenild, thee& towlisbiP, awl one sister, Miss. Rebecca took • '.)lace at Port Celbornn orrellarch 6th, Rev. George 11. Knighton co,nduct- ing the service.. ' MISS LYDIA BECK Frieeds ie. Goderich learned with regret of the death of Miss Lydia Kathleen Beck,' which oecurred sin Toronto„ General' Hospital on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Miss Beck was the daughter og the- late AndreWeBeck and his wife Charlotte' Morris, When in, their lifetime were well-known residents of Godericia She was born and broaght up here nand about thirty years ago moved With -her- mother and sister : tb -Terdnte, where she was employed- with Heintz - man & Co. She, made a•,holiday visa , to Goderich each summer and. she had many friends in town who mourn her passing. The sister, Miss Ella Beck, is the only immediate relative sur- viving. A funeral. service was held at the Miles funeral -home at Teeonto on Thursday .evening and the nen:mins arrived in Gederich at noon Friday, and after a service at the Brophey 'funeral home on Saturday afternoon were interred in Maitland eemetery. Rev. Ricliard Stewart, of Knox pres-- byterian church, was -the officiaeing clergyman and the pallbearers were Chase K. Saundere, Frank Clarke p. .B. 'Wiggins, -Prank aNIcArthur, Elovvard McNee and William Beck. Miss Laura Farrow and Mies Vera McNee of Toroeto •aed. Mrs- Floyd Shaver; of Brantford, intithate friends: of Miss Beck, attended the -funeral CrODERICH, ONTARIO, TIrpliSDAY, MARCH- 14th„ .1946 Pia SI A. liohnes 1'1741111*d pv, FRANIC FOX HONCREP, -They All Ji400k Alike ' .. Ptiplic 1;elatioss , by Frightened Cow .13Y COIJ.JEAGIT,VS --:*--- id- ' ' ' to the Godench Lads , at 'Ta)jis '4. ions Veavincial Chief' Conetthee'' Frank - , According tO repOrt from the (ace Dragged, to Safety by gis Wife . after IteeeiVu'lg Perim (Friday) for bita new poet at Kitch- Three Leeal Tea= ' Adv4nee a gathering on TtieSdan evening of hie Blue Water Higlea'ay fro= Inirt Albert filghtened 'heifer on Wedneeday mem.- te COnetable Vox' /it the Provincial championships fell to local teams, anti - from Winnham to enNeewa.ter is to he , policeeeesoCiatee a Huron county. The' I -lackey interest in Goderielt reached The inereaSilig nuiptietanee of patine Aadrew Ilohnes, Goderich township Completed this, year. The, work waS , presentatiou , of a club -nag was mAde fever pitcli. thiA ,weelt as two additional commenced elast ern/lamer. "Black -top- eelatiOnenand adrartleilag in Intinineiee police offices, Weet 8treet, accompanied . all three teal:tea advanced a faitiaer tbree nickels; in thicknene. by 'Peisey T. Cole, , nubile relatienia nig , whiie , at work in hite barn: Mr. Holmes wee milking a cow beside the by an address read by Conetable Colin round in their quest of. an Ontario So far tnere ns no latinietioreas tO officer of, the Caseadian, Paeifie Railway, ieeifer whet" , the latter beast becarae dress wile= tribtite was paid to Con- which is eleeded to cOmplete,!the ptinIng Prinay eight. , It vvas Pat.* preeidellte p Two of the teams, the road front. Aninerley op to Ininnardine, at the regalar Inoue Ciub rafeting en Juniors and the Midgets, are note. in night fOr the Liens and a' gooMY the floor beside it. 'The heifer knocked r. Ontartnn ' sena/en:eats and the of the Blue Watee Highway. lir. Holmes dowenand in its exeitement lie bad,diocharged. his duties as cnief number of members Were in attendanee neeniles- aro .juSt one gaene out, have 019rtfitrAnBZWIN.On- to, honor those ., who "had had their , severely 'about the lieed. -, and upper stepped wildly on him, hitting him operation he had alveityeeerteatind, .illagerixile.aet -Weed' BOA.' in the seeond day and got yortly "and gray." . nieenellow-officeeei dnring Atte: .. c g_ p.. l' '' if the , Wfre'llfey 'will naeet Sinacoe in dePartmeut is to keep the nein foe The purpose of tne public xela,tiOinen g9Ws-ko-eount round; had from ahnost certain•death by' his wife, hifinSerni4 -`-'nvoald le0 siiiiiitirly valued, the Juventl se iset 1 e,„,, Chapter, 4.0:17A; eves nheld, on Una- which- they work 'before tine rabble The Marcia meeting Of the Ahmea who was close by 'Aad ilteggen_ nine in •his ne --position,- - - - • -- -I. - . • -This- fair, town. Isla carrying the day ,ene, Mr. 10010 pointed out, ead for out of the heifer's wane She- was In tendering his thanks for the pft-echallenge ef the whole oreline part a.fteenoon, With Mrs.' C. Sfani- phe sumnaoned a neighbor,- Alex. his assogiates in HuroneCneretable Fox tions of the Previnee in the, three teen - Mrs. A. II. Erskine. Eznpire study the subject became of their laisineesi unable to drag him any farther, so sentation• and fOr tne good wishes of of Ontario against tne remaining see- fnoraterregTint,uppurarlwding„ 1.arger the Liens Club should be interested At Stirling -a -wife 'with his daughter Mary managed to carry the injured ma said he had enjoyed his work here mid age divisions. dealings . with the Publie. ,also expressed his gratitude for the The two new ,hockey championships tonvener, read an excellent article to hie'iniuse, where he reirtved. Assistance which-ne had received from which came to Goderich this week were mfraonmy ;Coadnaredaa14.111uwsthyechaonosae"a. gi g a skovitd Pa.Meirli.cRolaell'awaPlAct.tratdPietSenapilsa and' -Medical aid Was summoned and Mr. tne public of Huron aunty during his the W.O.A.A. Javenile and Midget downs in the past, but this to a great Holmes was found. to- have severe cute collar -bone and broken eibs. IIe Was about the face and head, a broken, stay here. He han enjoyed his as- crowns. . sociatioes while living in Goderich The Juveniles will engage Woodstpck very much, he eaid. ' at Owen Sound on Friday evening remain in the 06 monwealth. reported. a balaece of .$858.27 in- the .. The :treasurer, enrs. J. eir, Coates, extent had idepneertyn6podefrulyebit:oonpgeoaerl'ItponutbalitcoteirtymT ., Those making the presentation were in the second game of their 0.M.II.A. general fundeend $111.22 in the •war e this (Thtirsday) morning his ,condition Chief of Police An C. Rbss, Goderich; round, the, teams having battled to In the coming- year the C.P.Ii.• will , account. relating to the railway. Culp, W. Gardner, F. Oyerholt, ca Woodstock. A large bus will leave Mise M. Campbell; correfenoudence was reported to be iinPiented-and he Censtables T. W. Platt; G. Deyell, J. a 4-4h.draw earlier in the- weele at spend $750,000 in paid adverlisenients is believed to be out of danger. secretary, reported a letter from Miss Sullivan thanking the Chapter for a in U.S. publicatious, 'the speenter re- Austerberry, R. 'Thompson, T. Whitby Woods' rieolroom at+o'clock, the game eid F. Taylor. being scheduled for 8.30. , basket of -trait eent to Mrs. Phalen vealed, $.40,000 being. epgnt la_e_ehell-__ Dickson, superintendepe,e0e-Aleaandra ohe issue of The Saturday •Evening which she greatly enjnyed. -Miss, The Juniors will meet Port Colliorne day" magazines alone and $14,000 in TELEPHONE CALL FROM . in their • semi-finel round, the first' night and the return gaine at Strat- Hospital, appreciated very much two effect ot bringing a great inilux of. U.S., Post. Suet. publicity should have the AMSTERDAM,. ROLLAND game to lie at Port Colborne Monday • ford.on Wednesday evening. 'A special basket§ of fruit - sent to the hospital. 'mane should, • train may be run to Stratford for the , ! I lodge a ride Mrs. Erskine thanked ' the eneen, heeeneeeneale ea. ee alra Nairn,- Mrs. Neil MacKey. Mrs. visite-es to Canada this summer, and ' her husband in Ainsterdam, Inelland, benefit as a result. ' was the rare birthday. gift of 'Mrs. GOderich teeth's ''home game. Chapferneneinn nernially -fern thoughtful - The public relations degartine*nt of . The Midgete wilrtravel to Grimsby ne's- in sending cards during their Clarence eLannan, the former Rhea en Saturday niorn hig- for an afternoons ,,,hees „he nee. ee,,,,ee.. - - - --- se.11,1,tn •(-2-Vette-91?.,ratillgef:112•4 ,14.Kg.eehTdaeteee „ illness nothing definite as to the 'return game. ' railway company jus,t as all leaner Ale- '' 'The Marriage of Catharine • McKid Barton, .only 'daughter of Mr. aed Mrs: Jeseph. Barton, Se„ David's street„ Jack Burns Jerry, son of. Mr. a Mri.• Jerry, all of Goderich, was -"an eintereeting event of 'Saturday, March 9th. -The cerempny wes performed at high noon bynnev. nticheard'Steveakt Knox Presbyterian chusrch, which- was he mother. Mrs. -Peter Baechler. Napier lighted tapers. Mr. T. 'G. jones Was street._ Mrs. Lanham received the at the organ. and the soloist was Miss across -ocean -Telephone. call at her Vera Jehnen cousin of the -bridegroom, evlarr -sting eTheeLorcilsePeitenen'edui nig --'11 : the ,post-war service convenes,: Stating „partnientt aee. They have -press- re- ' that wool would be sent ,to. knit lations iii mese of, the large-caleadiale • ...--...-- ,,,,,-..,-- ------- -- t afghans, - bat "txtr -far .ii nail nor been t cities and daily if condensed• copy Of 8 o'cloek, aud admits that she was - VICTORY OVER ALVINSTON i rec,eived. .. much excited and also greetly de- • .. eniturial upinionn ea., the railway as lighted at the lamest momeatous oce Wading throtigh beavy s,ears• to float! Mrs. D. D. Mooney is to act _es eseenetel,tteo tte nheeha,;dte-oeitheaeevees.papers is casion„ She had been advieed of the impending call beforehand, but this nin noe titles, her excitemeet, and she spent a restless night in the limas After,a long period of failing health Rey. Charles Frederick Clarke, retired Canada, died early Wednesday morn- ing at his. home, Elgin. avenue._ Mr. Clarke was the beloved pastor of North street United chuisch for' six years aad on -his rettrement „f romatheamtnistry sonie years later ha returned' to Gode- rich to make hia home. Mr., Clarke was born 'March 8th, 1873,, in Devonshire, England, and at the, age of ten yeare• came to Capada at - Thomas,, Ont. He. attended Wesleyan College of McGineUniaereity and obtained! his Ph.B.niftnWesleysin Theological College, Illinois. He Was Ordained to the ministry' in 1897 and , served all his charges in the London .:Conference. He came ' to- Generich in july, 1925, as minister of Noxell. street ! a suecessfal pastorate -of six years!' here, was transferred to_Londort, where ' he was minister of Beecher Pilgrinen year later returned to Goderieh, *here,. he had ,since -resided- He was district ! chairnian of the Methodiet 'Church at ! the tithe of union and. was chairmaii of the Huron Presbytery -while an ' :active minister Goderieh. He was Adelaide. He Was quite. active*in Sinn; !. .j. W. Morley, K.C., ofeExeter, has 'nee school ivork while ministering herei been eppointed magistrate for Huron and at Harrow: Othernharges of his county. elle is the first HdrPii'man 'ministry were at Cedar,, Springs, Port death of Charles A. Reld of Goderich wood, Sarnia and Brussels: nt . ; 36, magistrates from other coun-_ _ Mr, -Clarke was twice married, first ' •ing heard cases in this county to Christina Barnes, who died in 19/1, tervening time. • ' and later to Ethel Creighton nherriff, orley graduated at 'Osgoode who sarvives him: Also sutviving are. 1926 and has since, Practised tivo ,sons, Dr, C. II. poogbui Clerke, ! ernion in Exeter. of Toronto„and Stanley B. Clarke,. of ! Mary Clarke, ',Minna, statiened at R.c.Ay. headquarters at ,Otnawa., two. ,grandehildren, Leigh Clarke, of Toronto, and Douglas Clarke, of Wittman and comae, Clerk and the County Trees- a sister, Mrs. F. W, ,P.ulhatie of Lobo, erer.- Miss has previously been Ont., i ties Half his p ON COURT HOUSE STAPP- M Ism Ma t•ga rot Tudor, dinigliter of Mr. and *re. Stanley Tudor of Hensel), has been engaged-, as secretary to the daughter. Margaret Ruth, 'to John Gordon Stinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'wnson Stineolie .Port Arthur, Ont.; la tlialerieh. There will be a privete funeral see- viee at the family residence, Elgin aVV11110, on Friday afternome to be followed by .a service' In North street' I ment will benin Maitland cemetery. Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.- I .Tohnson, Park 'street, • the ceeemonn and "0 Perfect Love"; (Airing khe signing of the register. The bride, who was given in marriage by, Juliet cap of sequins. She careind white Bible with long white satin stinaniers entwined with white rose- buds and freesia. The maerpn, pf hon'or, Mrs. II. 0.*Jerry, was French ried rose tulins tied with. blue and ro7se ribbons. H. 0', Jerry, 'brother of the , bridegroom, was -best man, and.'the ushers were Jack Baiton, breither of the bride,. and Chas. 4erry, brotiber of the groom.' Theeceremony was fol - eon at the home' of the bride's par- ents. Mrstepartonereeeiven a gown of brown crepe with coreage. Mrs. Jerry, mother of the bridegroom, was in black with eequin trinaming and carried ren. roses. Tne hense was pret- The happy couple left on ,a trip north, the bride _travelling in -a two-piece suit of *yellow wool with brown fur coat and matching accessories. On their return they -will- reside .4n Goderiche Gu,ests were present from. Cianton„ troit and Toronto.. ' Before the`'wedding the brideeo-be was enterteimed at several homes. Mrs. Clarence Miller gave .5 grocereeshower and Mise Geraldine. McEweri- enter- tained at raiscejlaneotis showers,. The staff et the Bell Telephone office pre-' sented her with a lamp,' and Mrs. Barton ,gave, a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter. A pretty., wending,. took plaee in Victoria street United church •on Sat- urday, --March . when Illa Jeep Boyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Boyce, Varna, was uniten in marriage to'Llond Merton Good, son of William Good and- the -late Mae. Good of Auburn: To the straiaS of the wedding march played_ by Miss Barbara, Cutt, Hie bride entered ;„,tbe church. on the arm Of her unele, William Arinstrong: She wore a' floc:le-length gown of ivory -satin bodice with sweetheart neckline and fell net eleireh., Anshiered net halo held her long vest ann -she carried a c'aseade of gardenias and white roses. The matren...othonpr; Miss Viola _Boyce, sister of the bride, wore a flopr-length gown of white sheer and caeried a cascade of 'rose carnations.-- Mise Norma Goeds 'cousin of the 'groom,. as bridesmaid, wore a floor -length gown of shell. pink sheer, ann carried a cascade of pink carnations. Both wore niatehing "shoulder-lehgth veils: Little Tore Omend made a dainty flower -girl dressed in torquoise blue' taffeta with poke bonnet and caernieg a nosegay of yellow daffodils. -Harvey, Royce, brother of the bride, acted tie groome- map. The ushers were Robert Geoe and Jack Little._ The 'ceremony was performed by, Rev. L. II. Turner, pastor .of the church. During the signing of the regieter, Miss. Helen Wilson sang' 'Because. After the eereineiin lunch; eon Was serVed. in the ehurch parlor, *where the •bride's mother, receiehigethe gawks, was dreSsed in black crepe with bn orchid corairgennnitlininMas assisted by Mrs. Robert Good, auntaeof the groom,. wearing fochsla crepe' with, orchid ebesage. After the reception the young couple loft by motor for London lied other points. The bride travelling • in a brown suit and tweed coat with black aceessories. On their return they will reside on Pieten etreet, Goderich. Guests were present froth Detroit, London, Varna; Auburn and , temper:ewes of the past week ha .Tenjor "C" round at aeons:ton on I 1%,4.1,14441g Jen:spine Inispital, •-t InPetma for the alieceeelon of a ' Godertele with ehes:e of tee cones/muse! arondas• The Flyers fouml thinninn, nn1n wrninend 4ieitor with her, Pr_!.9.)1.%(1 11114;11 essatoul tt11,4 tor lois. LIONS ICE CARNIVAL Wionlel 'the, weather tarn i•old, the inn- W('Vk :1 seine ege, es: officially, floor:lee surface and hand- bo* si w of Detente. Mr- :111d Mts. Walter thlsv- fee earnival to be staged beetliinnntret- recorded. were es fellows: , tbe Alvineton 'rink not very helpful thseile. Nelsen streene, ,. • ford Skating ,Club and spensored by 1914 lni5 " to their etyle of play and never got 7 'Mr. and Mrs.' O. Penman. _ W110 the Godericli Lions Club will take emee tit the West street kink b4 San, , s;,....N5.186e. NI:217x. MIA; well tiering the tussle, The line*, hed tenquirary home in Mac- llild Weather continues, the Linmechile stn.. Aran ...... ',J0 26 :In 23 to have eleeponein coHlt, 1):fek Mr. Pang.Tnian. cafpentyr by trade, *P'1'11. "Innt*,1114 in1Pl'onfra ark' eupecte41 eancelled and ticket -holders will Mon. Mare 11 ....:11 21 40, 2,3 minutes: Miner 41sA,1(4.(1., Mae- 1'011',1 I'Mr1 ion b 16 :to ee 20 when eienre tiled- (or Al hist en otil-s. he ieaving Ge)1,11:1:ii:rt in1•1(e.arfeNietlitt:itiLlysee.“ urday evening of Me week.- ee the Fri., .11:1r. only- s.ebring reanie in the first, period.: Kan 111111 sine(' inst Ntorienber. Will tieleita they have purelia8ed. cindly arrange tor a rebate on the 11;1.1t,.(ti's:: NIA,11;111i.e...11:21 ,al37 <41121 :211. 1)0111116. .NPither, tVaM hrt;:lk tilf. Nag and is leaving Pligage bin; win 141 1411's4111. 111c4.‘.ting the rubber into the (ewers- *cage 011,.;;Nelheeteuillebnensthe. .0e„ elle Preninnial a tiltu-uaakingeeinigrann:whicif will cOze- efi es a delegate at ehe The, C.P.R. 'is now in the neildSt -of - ten. different uenteions, the • Flying' 1.0,1).E.,-, Junior:4 defeated Alvinston 10-1 nere I • The following new members made subjects bein ,: ili t -• h are the •preceding the call. She reports . her on nuesdey evening tine won the round, their afairmation: Mre. etillill CUtt• Greitt Lakes, the Maritimes- and the I tlie snore. of 11-2„ tells. adyancing! Mrs. Geo. Stokes, ,Mre., T.. G. Jones carnelian, Rockies, These , movies, husband's voice as coming over tbe --)3' '- wires very clearly and the conversation tasted for several minutes.' The call. Eleven hundred fitns peeked the old! In ,was requested thee el card be sent will be Available int() the 0.1-1.A„ Jemier "C" semistimils.! and Miss Eva Somerville. -to serviee- clubs, Which will be in sound and color, was routed_ tbgeugh New Yerk and West street _arena and were given one! to Mrs. C. -A. Rein; who is visiting in , schools and. organizations and Will - °took onre a.short while for connections mere example on the almost linperative! Ftoride. - , be distributed through punlic relations, to be ina•de.. , -', - •nee(1 ef ail artificiel ice palace in! Mrs...F. 1Valkom kindly presented a officers, or in smaller centres limy 'be Goderich. • The mild spell which _pre -i -gavel to the Chanter which is greatly ; Mrs. Lannan's husband is a Captain ,. . . . ....ben , in the Knights of Columbus hoepltaiity 7 ceded tne game. had reduced the ice to appreciated. . Wiudow dieplays are -another way of -bureau and he has been 03,-eirs'eas Jia little better than a pend with itsamich The namee of Mrs. J. W. CoAtes tied. reachhig .the public ,anif.in, tine- COXI-' ' -this capaeity tor two and a-haln.yeare. as two inclies of watee -covering the Mrse IV -J. Patterson ',were added to: nection a staff" of thirni men is con- .• , *He Witt present atatnoned at. Wilhelm- , ice in some -spots, and it regula.r lake,- the list -of -rummage -sale tonvenees, - 4, =:-.-- shaven, Germany, and expects to re- hemming . the gealte-neler 4n at • the - Mrs. Lemairee-andeleren AV e ne m neain.ie •Europe until nest June, when east end of the riuk. ,. Ewan ' are to act with Mrs.. Dunlop . jug, C.P.R. service, also areesenet out -Cantainn Lanuab svas born and How the Flyers would perform". at on the postswar Service and service! ! ! one hundred have been circulated to - he will return to Canada:, n • tu the public. From eevemtyelive to brought up le' Goderich,. being the son water polo is uncertain, but they cer- libearies. tainly looked „good on Tuesday night Mrs. Emerson, _convener of -the tele- 'nibeariess schools...and people interested Of the 'late John Lannan and Mrs. playing hockey on such asurface. One phoee committee, has as her assietants ;an travelling. . . Lannon, former hetel proprietors here. lance at the- pool before the game Mrs. ,E. Videan, -Mrs. W. Coulthutst, 1 .. Mr., Cole gate an instance of *the began suggested a slots- tussle, with the Mrs. J. Thorpe,. Mrs. E. .1.• Pridbam pertinent works when 'a first•rate piece Mrs. Lennart is now living in Toronto. ,!eepeed and efficiency at which his 'de-. ' MENTIONED IN DISPATCHES , players .handicapped hy being unable Mrs. II. Tichliernee and Mrs. Henry. • 'Capt. A. B. Sturdy of Goderien. has to carry the puck, but ' the' Goderich Theebudget committee. consists -of Mrs . youngsters ' nevertheless tutned • in a -Walleom, convener, Mrs. Neil MacKay, i half-hour after it -was' learned-ethet Dispatches," according to a list re- leased from Canadian " army- head - received the. award Of "Mentioned in a t1011 plays at different tinles were as Roht. Johnston, Mrs. Ilibbeet, . 111:rs scintillating display alid their combin- Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. C. ..n. Reid, smoolh as nf they \rem- en hard ice., Moarlicad 'and AIM. Scott. SpEriisnen: 1 - quarters lest. week which nicluded the ,• The game begen as if it were going., • had gone Mit to • every daily names of seven top-raelting generale. Capt. Sturdy hashreceived nee official to be a close -battle.- hilt after Miller,: AT LEGION CONVENTION „ klures, newspaper in Canada and to many in dented the Alvington net at -7.10 on i Nortnan -Miller, zone commander -of ' the United States. They had followed not - know ' for what 'particular: act notificetion of the aseard and, doee Stoddartan -passout from- 'the Corner the Canadian Legion, was in Torontoe, this ap-by makien'stereotypes for Cale the aw-ard is being., made. , the Flyers really got relliagh Walther . eeer, the Week -end attendieg the annuat ! eon V('Ilti011 of the Legiou rrovincial! adieu .111(1., U.S. Weekly papers and followed this up -with an unasented , magazines.- Post -cards, showing the rich", Capt. Sturdy, loeal Cnnnit. down - Among the first to enlist from. Ghde- tally -from a. hiceoff et 14.55, and iyointuand. - leaturritry evening was given over to honoring the immediate! mountithi. were circulateef throughout Canada and the U.S. - tonna ageneeserved several years with the Elgin 'Regiment overseas and re-. ManDomild et 17.0e. At -18.45 Miller.. past preeident of .the Command,' 4 A public; releitions officer must not has since resigned rfoin the activei. turned to Canada last summer.' He . ,puck to Ainslie, iv', 4 Jiaticil it into the rounded the .Sa ineten eel to -lip the' Thomas Snignidery, who is retiring • steer five yetins ill the 'otece. On Sun - 1 nitn3ies)eaund army but. hae been appointed 0.C. cage from five feet out to make it 4-0 eay the*excieutive ent in all -day session , for -Gaderich., at whieli seore the first! discussing several topics.of prime im- ! . -• ° ."-. CU . D t of . nC" Co. of _the Middlesex -Huron (Reserve) Regiment - FEDERATION FIELD „DAY '• - The „Huron. „County Federation -of Agriculture Will -hold its fourth 'annual .field day at Clinton, and the date will- be June 19th, if areangenients can be emnpleted for that date!' There will be ,sports fiii ,youtig ahd old as directors' meeting held on Meech Oth - the delegates CO the meeting__ of the Hog Produeers' Associetimi at .Toronto on 'March . 1St gave a . report of Abe proceedings.. sIt was decided to retaih the -county - .hog- coitunittee, with the addition of a. eommittee 61 foineenn- each township to week with the. town- ship director, who would be chairman \member of the county executive. • On Sunday, evening, March 24th, the midget: juvenile and junior lnickey teams of Gonerich, together with their traifiers, be the guests of Rey. Lawrence ' Turner, minister of -Victoria street United ehurch, and of- ficials at divine woestip at 7 p.m. The 'minister will deliver -dee address Ap- propriate to Me occasion, The regular meeting oi the Norih „street Y.P.U. was held on Monday evening as a joint meeting with Vic - tonal street Y.P.U. in North-' sittreV., BensOn Suttee, president of Heron Presbytery, conducked thee -worship, ser - vine. Ile brought with' him other period ended. •° . ! portence to veterans at, the present i orntiipin: ! Mrish(o!el_ieca(kneiciiltielw-leisd.in a cep insight into human ree. lations and a. keen- interest in fits work, three minutes' bid when "Skip" troduced by Lion Donald raced in 'feet to -slap a ' loese 1 nf the Canadian- Legion service bin•eau ' Marry Sanderson and an expression Puck into the Alvinston eng-e after! were the main subjects discussed. . shots be-• ,,Blondie MacDonald- nnd HURON OLD BOYS, TORONTO Miller. Walther slipped in Bruce Mac- Heron Old- "Boyen ° Ana;ciatiein of . pin was . made to Walter Hodge last Deneldn rebOand At 4.25 and then nit. Toroine 'ii -re noldieg 11- euchre, bridee * 9.27 "Skip" ,polted the pit& in from and dance at Columbus Hall, Shen, a scramble to Send tbe Gotierich total bourne and Biota streets, on Friday, to! seven. 1 . , , April 5th. Further anneuricement will Alvinston's efforts werheennally 're-' be made later. Meny former Huron- wa rded with only ' a minute remaining ites are now residina in Torten() and in the seccind period when Prince -beat the - natnes* of new ienidente are de - Ginn cleanly after Cs --1Vilson. had sired, so that they mae be invited passed to him from a conner; • Holmes to the functions of the Association. was penalized • at tbe time. Please send -naniee and addresses to . 431c p' MacDonald, and Ainslie com- the secretary, Mrs. C. J. Parton,' 2 - —e--- ,. hilted far a eleVer goal by the latter Isernienn avenue; Toronto': The Red Shield ofe the Salvation at 1.40 of the third neried and fifty seeonds niter Ainslie returnede-the of. appreciation of ills addreng wan made by Lion Frank tribbert. Presentation of the past president year s preeident, by Lion Jim: Kinkead. Mr. Hodge responded by thalintIng fellow -Lions for the hpnor and privilege of serving the club. - Lion W. F. Saunders was in the • for the rest of the past presidents. RED SHIELD REPORT -' ',fits. APPOINTMENT three months of the year. These -in- ehipped to headquarters for- the first nvere exeeptional smooth, consider, icornplinient to.' "nkip." Both 'plays _ County Children's Aid 'Society at a ' essiseant superintendent of the. Huron leering n945, knitting and sewing eluded 160 pairs of - children's' sacks . the_ the ice condi ions. McNairn lin meeting ef the board of directors 'on Mrs., Chaffee • has, - been warded to. Toronto. Of these 900 Were eontieued, And 985 articles 'were for- -9.35, sinking a shot . from centre -ice .Weallesdnea - Al welfare worker of the Huron Society for rehnbilitation .. oe, for several years and has peen . ad - and children's diressee, . vaneed to Then Fryers drew- tire majority nee. new poet owing ote the' c•T"e", lad'''. the penalties end one to •Aihelie in the second -period, when he became • resignation of Superintendent "I -I. 'T. Edwards . which beeomes, -effective • in Food boxee were- annt•toebonsetiver- quite violent and pummeled en. Alain - me eet weeds proves, .Mrs. Chaffee will. beemnes _the • was nAuguet, when. if the Department ap- ' on otherwis,o fine perfoemance- by especially deserving. husky Flye‘r defencemab, who- scored' _ PIANO EXAMINATIONS 0. packed for the national clothing drivA. Rekults of pianoAle,tzapisninliolatilinisi,ati+p, ;Id Mrs. V. Baxter; West street, gave - ablo stood out. Those penaliziel were: l'illniin a Mm J. 0„ e rich, are ennounced• as follows:' ' Holmes (2),, „thistle, Miller and B. , Christine Leishmate -geode Si, first-etas:el! ii,,,a2x,g;;4,an4:41d dozens of yards ef tea' esthig talk. At the close of the Meet- ford. aSSiSt• Mr. Sutter gave a very ineer- 1 The 'refvree Was Stan 'smith, sera t- Weeterli - Ontario tIon serv a tory • of I, (IViLnig)0 is es _The line-up for both teams was the great :18 ever as, tin, needter la 1r end a . en bought, ing games were enjoyed and lunch was . served! under the capable convenership of Joyce% Midden. ere faithfully worhine in TIE AT ALVINSTON 3-1 5. honors ; leloremn Wilson. grade 2 first class honors ; Helen Bridle„grade the interest,: of the local "Red Shield." extremely busy enmmer is expected by those who . Godeeieh's .Tunior Flyers held the 1-1 tie in tim first gime of their (aILA. Mies Denis Hawthorne, nurse -he highly -spoken of Alvmston team to a 1. iirst-clase honors. I TO DISCUSS HIGH( SCV41014 AREA district will be held at the Town Halll on Monday evening DON at 8 otelozt. nenthers' of the, school hoards of .14. field. West Wawanosh, Colborne 4666 (Con t limed on page 4 ) wern there, - openefo the nubile, .P