HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-07, Page 8.6t 'AUX MOM THE IODEUICII AGNALvSTAR 11113;liaDAY, 33/ARCII rithp. 101Q - ST ORQE'S'CHU:11:-(r- SUNDAY, MARCIft 10th. IOU 8.80 a.m., HOLY comSTONI01§:1, 11.04)--amm. 5itorzNxN0,1%/kin ANI) SERMON. P,41. suNDAN svilooL. „ 7.99 ;N24. ENEN*SON(ilt AND. SIMmoN. MUN. REvERvit pt. FARR, Mika Ulla RMI. - , MRS, E. JESSOP, Organist and Choir Leader.. .YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 'THESE SERVICE'S Nqrth Si. United Church • miNisr4R—BEIT, R. IL TURNBULL, B.A., LLD, S.T.M.' 34431. "MAGNETIC RELIGION." 'P.M. SUNDAY SCifOOL. 7 Pau. IPORTRAITS OF JESUS. Illustrated with COlOrid view LenteninService, Wednesday at 8 pan. MOfiddy 7.30 p.m. Y,P.U. Second and fourth Itilinday. Organist and Choir Leader -- Mrs. Murray.fietherington, SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. II a.m. PURLIC WORSHIP. • - Sernion Subject: The Presbyterian Church. (Seeend in he series) 7 p.m. PUBLIC. WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Spirit of 'Worship." REMEMBER THE CHURCH'S ADVANCE - MINISTER -REV EREND RICILNED STEWART. Director of Praise --Mr. T. G. Jones 'Come and Worship the, Lord in the Beanty of Holiness. VICTORIA ST. UNITED CHURCH MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER. B.A. ORGANIST -MISS BARBARA 'Clair 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a.m. LENTEN AtEtnTATIoNs. "Redemptive Horizons Reckon." .t.4SEEKING AN ESCAtE FROM SELF." Monday 8.00 pan. Young People's Union. .VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU • Goderich Baptist Church REV. JOSEPIEI JANES, W.A., PASTOR 'Mrs. Ella L DonaldsOni A.L.C.M., Organist 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. • "An Open Door and Many Adversaries." 3 p.m.SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 prin. PUBLIC WORSHIP. A Question Answered: "Should We Trust Russia?" Subjeci of Sermon:'"The 'Way to God." • Wednesday 8 -p.M. Prayer Meeting. STRANGERS.ALWAYS WELCOME s • , BETHEL P-ENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor.- 16 WATERLOO STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "HIS NAME." ' 7.30 p.na. "PLAYING THE FOOL." Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's. Thursday 8 p.m. P-rayer Meeting. • .COME AND ENJOY THE OLD FASHIONED SINGING AND • PREACHING FROM GOD's WORD, • 'S.-. • THE SALVATION A' MI/- • WATERLOO' and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS Major Joyce Clarke . . ' Lieut. Margaret -Farrar - .Officers- in Charge. 11 a.m. HOIANESS. MF.ETING. . ......2.30 • p.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL. . • 7 P.m.'- SALVAT,IO.N SERVICE .. - .. , ..„...- • Special Speaker-' . ° ADJUTANT D. THAME OF LONDON ; HEAR THE OLD TIN11• GOSPEL _ . .0 Free Methodist Church • REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor • Co. Vistetia and Park Sts. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL • PREACHINGsSERVICES AT 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. "The Happiness that men seek lies not in sinful pursuit hut in the ' consciens assurance of.sins forgiven." Psalm 32, 1-2. YOU ARE INVITED TO THESE SERVICES •'• ..1 -,_ • I Briefs ,___„..„. II FOR, ItESUL A Classified Ad! ,• 14 FOR SALE' • 6 Go to ehureh-you'll Ihni kout. _ _ ......____- frietalS there too. „ 40 FOR E. - • wuzvinamtiQt18, Fuller 13rush agent, WINNIFReD neckyokeS and varied' assortraeut O'NEIL, CliVoll. Moue J. -; 2if 'of tongues. We also do custom turn - The regular meeting- of khe Mame& lug. • A. SkilliftWOOR, DungaLgian. Chapter, 1.U.D.E., will „be liOd in Mac- Phone 27 r' 3-• 1.35710 Kay Hall on Monday, Alarcli 11, at 3 ' o:elocb.. -Echoet)" subscriptions due. FOR SAI.E.-----NENV KLECTRIC AND -10 semi -electric (treadle) sewing ma - Mr. A. L. Cole will not be in his (alines. Altio used ones. Goderieh .optival (Alice unit April ,17st. • During having been new included in our his atbsegtle, Mis4 P. Johutsioll. • his division; our representatives wiii be in assistant; will be in charge to 19,0k UAW), weekly. For prompt service call after ail repair work. or write THE SINGER SEWING - Cetitral I -Ionic and School Associ- 2.ACIIINE COMPANY, 78 Ontario ation will meet 1.''needay, March: 12, at street, Stratford. Phone, 727. If yotar 8 p.m. Miss Gardner will speak on 'machine is new, have it checked free "Natritional Ilints,'I 'based on pan- within ninety days. 42t2 ada's food laws, and the child problem - -----7- ` • will be taken by Mrs. C. I3axter. FOR SALE. - BLACK. CREPE Everybody welcinne. ' ,''''• street -length dress with sequins, Reserve Saturday, April 6th, for about size 11 or 12, practically new. rummage sale by $t. Patriek's ward Ilione 699. • fk. 10x group df $t. •George's church hi the Parish Hall, commencing at 3 o'clocR.FOR SALE. -MOTOR BOAT; 24' - - • ' -10 over-ali, inboard 50 , ll.p. motor, • Friday, April 20, Is the date Of the overilailled; , v-betteal cypress, hull, Maitland,Golf Clubs dance, td be held % cabin with fishing cockpit, ridtpg at the..•..alasenic Temple, lights fore and Aft, sand anchor, life ' All units of the, -,Nurses' Reserve Red preservers.- Priced right for quick Cross will meet for a lecture on Thurs- sale. Apply SIGNAL -STAR. -10-12 day, March 14th, at 8 p.m.; at the •_ 'Town Hall. , -10 "filOR SALE. -SEED OR.AIN:- AJA.it • Modern and old-time dance sponsored ''''' oats and Cartier oats, .85c st bushel. by the Trades and Labor Council atGood nnality. Phone 195, Blyth. 10x MacKay pall, , Friday, 'March '8th. Music by MelOdy :,Ilixers. Dressing- FOR LARGE FRAME •-10 • braise to be rtioired or dismantled. 9.30, Look 'younger! , Restore natural Apply GRAHAM INGLIS, Goderiers color to greying hair with Angelique Ont._ 10x Grey Hair • Restorer. $31. at Campbell's I •. ._ and Emerson's Drug Stores. 10-13 ! OR SALE. - LISTER CREAM Lloyd's Corn and Callous9Salve give a i separator, • almost new; can be imiuediate reliefs from -corns and call used. by hand or power; Oil brooder louses, 50c at Campbell's and Emer- (500 capacity) in good condition, $6.00; son's Drng Stores. 10-13.[ also cheap work horse. • GEORGE • Eat • What - You Like! Wilder's COI/CLOUGH, RR. 1, Clinton, Ont. Stomach Pe*der brings quick, com- r.. .40x lofting relief from indigestion, heart • - burn, our Stomach. .50c: and $1, at FOR SALE.,- METAL WATER Campbell's. and all druggests.' 10-13 tank ariprolimately 250 gals.; two Sleador „Tablets are effective. Two wagons; ' team "type, , 9ne- light, one weeks' supply .81; 12 weeks' see,,,, at 1 medium. Apply •at TOWN -CLERK'S Campbell's andlEmerson's DrilgAores.loylIcE° 19-131 _ ,„, c,,,,„_., - ONE .Y..,9 ,1-1,.N.R.. - Rummage sale under 'auspices of.•,r "'''''- --''''''''" Margaret Seager ' Club ' St. ' George's i gander. GEO. HAGGITT,'4ilione Parish Hall, Saturday, March .16th, 17,ring 1,--pungannon. „. , -10 .ssers _ 2.39 p.xa.. .,:, _ . • FOR .SALE. -'34 CII-EV:'CONVERT- ing rack; 2 gravel boxes; fanning null ;- .1141.•,._____111111•10M!MININIIMMINNIMIL II3LE,_ with heater 'and radio; in,r No. 12 .DeLaval cream separater, with • . good cgTndltRib. it, -.leash's' . - Apply power •attachment -28-fts-grain-gra elev- BUSINESS NOTICES . • ° 10x ator ; 6 drag harrews, with :3 -harrow .• .,• stretcher, , and 1 six -harrow Li:actor • : - • - EWING_ MACHINES REPAIRED-- L FOR SALE. —.EARLY ALASKA stretcher; stone -beat; cutter; Deering -1 . AllOTION !OM • A Vol:11.0N ,SALF"1. The contentOf the 1:Witte of the lath Nora McIntosh, West street (net to Park Ho(ise). will be aeld on •SATUIt/DAY, MRCU Oth beginning at 1.30 p.a.. Tbe centelits include beds, dressers, sidebpard, coutli, tables, icehO,X, VIMIU111 cleaner, radio, coal range. (hot water frontf, two -plate electric stove (heavy Wiring), chairm:-Itiwn mower, garden hose. TERMS-CASII. It. C. LI ICS, Selleitor for the Estate. HAROLD. JACKSON, • Auctioneer. 9-10x ell.NARING AUCTION SALE OF „FARM STOCK, IMPLPIMENTS • A.ND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At lot 28, conceesion ita the village of Auburn, on MAR,CH 14th at 12 o'clock noon, the following: • HORSES -2 work horses.• ' CATTLEss-Disrhem cow, 7 years old, not calf ; Durham cow, 6 years old, milking since August, due August 8th; Durham CQw„ 7 Years old, due on March, ,6th; Durham cow, years Pldp not lif"talf, millaestafgS•hred; Holstein cow, 4 years old7fregla January 25th; roan heifer, 2 .years old, fresh on February 15th, not bred -t, grey cow, years old, due ,March 14th; Ved cow, 7 years' old, due about tinse° of sale; *hite heifer, 2 years oldFedue August 8th; calf, 1 frionth,old; calf, 2 months old.; 4 calves, 6 to 8 months; 3 year- lings; 9 feeder cattle,- 2 years old; 5 cattle, rising 2 years. liA.RN.1SS-.Double harness • slagle harness; cellars, etc.; leading iron: HENS -About 75 Rock hens, hutt year's pullets. IMPLEMENTS -Case tractor, model L, on rubber, self-starter, sealed -beam headlights; ensilage cutter, Massey- Hatilif,--15:-inch throat; „buzz Saw, sers-Harr.iss. steer frame; tractor truadem 'disc, Internatinnal, °16 -plate, new in 1942; ,fertilizer drill, 'Interna- tional; i1 -disc; steel land +oiler ;;tractor stifItooth • cultivator, . Massey -Harris, with power lift, 9 -ft. wide; Internation- al wood wagon, lietrirduty farm truck; MeCormicle mowet.;, (3 -ft. cut; Interna- tional manure ss.preader, new style, low down; "International- .traeror 3 - furrow, Ace bottoms, rubber tires,. plow.° uew in 1942 ;'h4y rack, 16 -ft., withroll- 1sowenilittro*altnor4,1114e0ardnaumCebder atTiVetoutdakst 1 Hereford calf 8 MonthsQIWL 2Dur- ham calf 8 n:onttwold, 31. Durhant ea*? wee%a ohl, 1 DUrbam 01'4 fresh, 5 years old; 1 Durham eovv, 4ue JOY, 6 years old; 1 Durham-helfer, Ate May, 2 •years, old; 1 jersey cow, due July, 6 years old; 1 Jersengow„, !Alp - Bused to be in ealf, 5 yeara old. No reserve as the farm is sold, T1.101S-C4S1t. MitS, EDNA. COWAN, • 10-11 KlesrodVetor. A,uetioneer. HAROLD JAC AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, •IIIIIILEMENTS' HOUSEHOLD . EtwEeme, • At lot 31, concession 1, East Wawa - near the village .of AnousbiavirnT,oworhip. TUESDAY, ARCH 12th commencing at 1.30 pans aS follows: HORSES -Bay hbrse, 9 years old. CATTLE -Jersey cow; brindle ow; Hereford calf. IIENS-60 hens. • IMPLEMENTS -Essex poach, 1929 model; McCormick' cream separator, nearly new; set of platform scales; cutter; buggy; harrow cart; set of single', harness; wheelbarrow; 3 dry feeders; pig -crate; 150 feet of hayfork, rope; hayferlr and car; robe; ladder,' 20 feet long; fain:114g mill; anvil; 33 sap buckets; lawn mower; quantity of slumber; 4barrels; 2 nailk cans; quantity of gi-Lan,S 120 -egg, incubator; forks; ° sbovels ; chains; tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Heater; table; 5 lamps; Coleman -tamp; Ma - 'Jostle battery radio; galvanized tub; 5 pails; kitchen cupboard; Wilton rug, 9 12; 4 wooden bedsteads; 2 leather rockers; churn; 2 large iron kettles; new Raymond sewing .niachine. • At tlie--same time and place the following ,household effects, the pro- perty of Miss Mae Ferguson. Auburn, will be offered for sale: • Dining -room, extension table and 9 cliairs; hanging lamps; Coleman ,lanap ; irons; with- holder; krltChexr stove; pans; bedroom suite; bed, springs, dreSSer and stand; 2 toilet sets; drop- leakitchen table; radio (battery); rug, 10' x 14', parlor; cradle; hand sleigh; boiler and wringer; • hand vacuum cleaner; small table; pictures. In case 'of bAd Nseather, the sale will be held under col'ee _,Tujw,S 0 SALE -'-SH. GEort ( YUNGBLUT ESTATE: 10- , • ARTHUR WEBER, Auctieneer. , a LEARING ;AUCTION _ ts:ALE _OF /Skit' • STOCK , AND I MPLE- , MENTS • a f lots Nos. 30 and 31, concessiens 9 aser 10, Goderich Township, 1 mile West and MI _miles south of. Hohne§ville on TUESDAY, MARCH 12. commenciug at • 34.30 • • Used -articles bought •and seld, Goose , and, deck feathers and • ticks bought. C. WOODS, 12 and 14 East Street. Phone 242J. • 3tf WANTED - WANTEIL=TO BUY OLD HORSES .,THE BEST • ANYWHERE," 1 ' and dead cattle; must be suitable -A- says Lorne Campbell, Mt. Brydges, •. for mink feed-; removed promptly. of his Big -4 Chicks, ..-. . "Only lost JACK GILBERT, phone 908 r 21, eilinten. Calls paid fess, --. ,-;-7--. 18t2 oats and barley see -d -grain.' binder, 7 -ft. cut, -with tongue for both -FRANK PENTLAND,. R.R. 6, GOde- 1. horses and tractor; Massey -Harris bay rich. Phone 7 r 14, Dungannon. -101 teddar; • Deering hay rake, 10 -ft.; 4- . .1 wheel, lowdown implement trailer, FOR SALE. -1931 ESSEX SEDAN, with rubber tires,. for tractor iniple- good running, order. Four new ments ; 6sinc'h. 4 -ply, endless belt, 30 -ft. tires and -tubes. also a spare. Will ex- I long, like new; 7 -inch, 5-p1y, endless change for runabout truck. C. WOODS, r belt, 100 -ft. long. used very littie; tow - 14 East street. Phone 242J. • 10tf bar for truck or car; grain lifters for binder; pole !truck for binder; machin- ists vice, 45.1bs,, 4 -inch- jaws ;,furrow- straighther lever, for tractor plow; grain eradle; feed cart; water pump 3 out 200 . .good . . . not a . for threshing separator, with 50 -ft. of sick hen ,amoni them." ,But then Big -4 hose and reel; 4 grease guns; ox hoiv.; ptAszs Chicks are noted for livability and number _a various sixed_ belt puUoys WV412-E-1741A`P-L-E- AND health. 'We're agents here. .Varietp-L • range shelter; colony house; hen crate; WOOD bolts. urgently requireds breeds, crosses. , Breeders Government- 3 §teel pig. troughs; truck tire 34 x 7; truck flares; 1/4- horse power electric motor, with Speed reduction -jack; 4 - clime whistle Air tractor; '2* sets of 250 lbs. .platform- scales; souso tile, 3 -inch. to 14 -inch.; doors and windows; 36-4. extension -ladder; 12 -ton screw-, Rick; grindstone; 25 -ft. ladder; quan- tity of en.Silage a trailer axle and tongue; small wagon; sledge hammer; tobeg-gan sleigh; grain bags; hand bob- sleigh; number of 5 -gal. cans and pails; 3 emery wheels; orehard grass -seed; 1 -horse scuffler; cattle -crossing sigus; mail box and post; tire chains, 16 x 600; electric fencer and _knobs; fence stretcher; boiler flues; walking plow; 150 rods barbed •wire; 500 bus. mixed grain, -Vanguard oats, ,no-intrb barley, Lengths 3 O , -1, , P • any inspected and blood -tested for both proximate. Highest prices 'paid, sti•ains pullorum. Order now. quantity. BOX 98, SIGNAL -STA -R. • ,._. 4.0 EUGENE RYAN, Ryan Fred:ace Co. -10 . WANTED. - . YOUNG LADY AS , helper and checker in grocery ' ' store. Must be ambitiohs and have 1946, -as on • and after that date the a . administrator of the said estate shall neat appearance and personality. Good wages. -AS-hour week. Write BOX -192a,proceed to. Wake distribution of the assets thereof, having regard 'Indy tp SIGNAL -STAR,. stating references and, experience. . . ' . -3.0 the claims of which he has notice. Dated at Goderich this 19th day of A N OPPORTUNITY. - iv.f8-T A 13 - FebruarY, A.D. 1946. . . . s LISHED .Rural 'Watkins District ..., R. C. HAYS, K.C., available. lf you are aggressive, and - - Goderich, Ontario, .. between the ages of 25 'and 55, have 8-10 t' Solicitor for the Estate. or -cad" sectlIN, travel outfit, this is - - NOTICE 'It) CREDITORS. your oppOrtunity to get established in a profitable business. of your owu.; seed iron posts; quantity of Alb persons having claims .agains-t. lit 'f" For. full particulars Write today to ' , . . Salt ; chains; tools; co-rn. hoses; forks CURRY'S r,I3AKERY "The 11QM0 oi ia$ty Pa4itrY" WEEK -END srUOLAL s, VREIgH DOIrgaiNUTS SO cor.e4 a do*Olt Why tybr,ry 4bout roosting a Chicken? Phone Us atapi it for • yen. Bolt phena eariY. Meats and Fowl (molted as ya, them; . All orders of $1.00 or over •*livered. • PHONE 4650 Amp. CULliklItt Proprieter. amimmumbiaimmownwooniummuse 1 . TO RENT.-s-a;TWO BEDROOMS ,IN new hoosepOrnished, with every convenieneessmAryiled couple Or women preferred. 41));O:iKea9914. • 9-11x • ssissupssesissiiissessirseetioisSeessusessesseseess_m NOTICE*, NOTICE. ---s ,421,1E1 PARTY """---that took the iron'har off the fence at 18 East street at the last of Abru- ary or the first of March please return, it at once and save costs. 10x HEREBY NOTIFY- THE public that ,the report in a London paper that 50.00 had been •.collected by the Vile Victory League and given to us is incorrect.. In addition to that , We were told, when moving on Tues. day, Februar$r 25th, that we were not to receive any part. of the donation. MRS. ERNEST CARTER, R.R. 3, Goderich. • 10x• NOT -10E. — - INCOME TAX RETURNS. Expert advice given on 1Wmg of f945 Income Tax returuss •Reasonable rates. Write Bcpc 103, SIGNA1-' STAR. FARM COUPLE - OPPORTUNITy TO COME TO T(IRONTO Real opportunity for man familiar rwith-hersessstracter-and-electriesmilles Ing units. Better than average wages, . • with promotion to man ssith *good habits and experience. • • seme-nookitig tind„assist is owners hdme, 'consisting of three tidbits. - Extra Sixty dollars monahiya for this work. Opening is en. Motiern ,dairy'cfarni, fifty minuutes to midtown Toronto, all couveillences? • •yeara old; Clyde mare, 'rising four Whine number, if possible: 12 refer - In replying give references and tele - HORSES -Clyde.. horse, rising ,IIAT ences satisfattory, will pay 'expenses to Toronto for interview. Reply BOX 27, Station I`, Thronfo, Ont. . • 10-11 I regla'tered Polled Angus bull, 2 years 'old, raised by F. 0: Tadd .& Son„"Ericti of Anoka" and "Bandolier of Anoka" ,PIGS -Yorkshire sow,- with litter 3 breed; 1 registered Polled Angus hull -weeka'' eld ;, 'Yorkshire sow, dife,-,- pr Ives- - calf, 1 year. old; .13 Pulled ,Angus , 6; Yorkshire sow, bred one month; 6 - calves, rising la year old; 3. young . ‘• . IMPLEMENTS -10/20 Mceormiek- PIG8s--1 - Yerk sow; 5 York' pigs; pigs, 70 lbs. each; 6 pigs, 8 weeks' old. ' ........ - Deering tractor, 1936; -0ockshott 3- 7 weels old. . furrow tractor plough; Massey -Harris - plow; 1 Bissell tractor dise; 3 -section spring -tooth cultivator; tractor emory 3 -furrow dise plough; 3-sectiou Bissell and rip saw; Massey -Harris fertfliz.er springtooth. drag; Massey -Harris drill; Massey -Harris 13 -hoe drill; binder, 7 -ft.; Massey-Ilarris manure : spreader; Massey -Harris' mowers.. 6-2 1.; Massy -Harris haYloader ue• Massey-HarrisPl corn binder; assey- ; new) ; MaSsey-Htirris farm wago(nwairtihY •IIarris hayloader S Massey -Harris 16 -ft. hay rack; Massey - Harris hay fertilizer drill, '1.3-dise; International rake; Massey-HarriS 3 -horse -culti- siderake (nw) ; International bean vator ; Massey-Harrisseuffler and pulLer; 1 sulkrake1 set , bean Scattier e . with pulh.rs; Massey -Harris onerhorse ,Y'; I -section harrows; .7--3,valkin• plow; new) ; set of diamond barrows ; beer- • sCifiTler and - snci:fof1:;tt:7; i'11,103iwsseerl: i'1Z1112.t.,e:i_calils.lcull(rnoi!ititeril.y; ' sAl:futs.m:yli-ililair)iaso.„:72nior puller ; Massey -Harris grain, drill; - set of bench sleighs *with fiat rack; grain crusher cutter and robe,..; rribber-tired top ! Imx. 'Hid bit'w" i 16' 'hay and belt : Maple Leaf grinder; 'cutting buggy ; , set of 2000 -Ili; scales: two- ' g" "Mier. tiredwagon; new gravel . rack i cutter ; ebox; steel tired N,va gon (new); flat ' . . years old, . well matched., CATTLE-Durhank, cow, calf at foot; Durham cow due April 25; Durham a cow. due April 1Durham cow, due April 30; Durham cow, due May 6; blue cow, -due Jane 27; Hereford' co*, Calf at. foot; Hereford Cow-, due June :h 5; 6 steers .and eifers, rising ene year old; Hereford bull ready for :use. IMPLEMENTS -International W-4 tractor 'on rubber, afarter, andalights, in excellent condition; 3 -furrow Fleury THE J. R. WATKIN. COnIPANY, , [-the estate of. chles arbishei...deceased, and wheeled trailer with tockrack fan etc. ' . • fling mill with bagger; wheelbarrow' - HOUSEHOLD NFFECTS -s- Daisy ,,. , , , . , . . ‘.,. , -(s, ot dolma naincss, set of single ,, , , . ' lb. scales ;McCormick -Deering cream ,rack ; set t,leighs, flifinfiu, w , Dept. 0-G-1, 2177 -Masson St., Montreal, . late of the Town of Guderich, pre 6_9 , hereby notified that proof of sueli 2000 : clainis must be filed with the under- churn with-. handle and pulley, for imrness • horse collars • brooder house. separator with motor; •torks; shovels, • Que. power; 1 -gal. ice cream freezer Good I ' '" • ' " quantity mixed Inly ; set good \ ANTED . ----To BUY plt RENT, BY • signed by- March 28, 1946 , -after which, Cheer , cook stove, for' wood; Quebec - 10' 1)3.-12; Iledtty (1000-chlOk) caal et('.; ' breechin harness • 4 lar e straw "• S .1 vv. €3. -lef.,74t1,,i1,14- g g April 1st, swan house or cottage' date the estate will be distributed. • heater, eoai or wood; air -blast wood todv(nelatfl,„1: o(rtyli;lleif.tsT;( with garage and garden, in vicinity FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, On- meater; -truantity stove pipes;, kitchen,' man ran -tern; Coleman Minn; 2 cream FARNI----200 acre farna. bank barn, ca'ns' ; 2 good horst. blankets; 'Beatty .. drne shed, hay baiii, site 12 x , locklift car with track Mlle° battery 2-sturey house, hydr5' throughout band-. radio ;" forks, shovels; 2 gas drums; ing; bathroom; good- water supply; heater arid -whiffietrees;-nnd numerous ..15 acres hardwood bush; ° 7 acres Athellt -; --°°--4"C-r-e6- PiPugtie.414.7d; .,bal- HAROLD JACKSON, . .. Proprietor. - GRAIN -Victor *seed oats ;.some hay. - i ance. in ' pasture- and hay a -close' to ' other articles. ,, FARM FOR SALE --,160 acress in- school 3 miles from Clinton. -- TERMS-Chottels cash. Farm, made know,n day of sale. Id subject to . reserve bid. .. WILLIAM MeEWEN, • .. ...... ......__.- •. - 10-11 '--'- Auctiopeer.' of organ factory: 'two adults. Would • tario, Solicitor for the Personal - consider ground 'floor apartment. Ap- ' Representative. . •, 9-11 10-11x ply •S1GNAL-STAR. . • 40111111111111011.01111111.111111111.M.Ink Mr. W. 11. Fleming and datighter,ithe latter's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Grace, of pwen visited' with1W. Healey. Lighthouse street. " , , ood f —..'="a=z66,=zessesmaamts• No Experience Necessary • -Easy, Interesting Work • Pleasant Working Conditions • Earn While You Learn We offer an acellent opportunity for girls tp learn • a light; cleap, pleasanc postvvir trade . opetatihg ' • SeanaleSS half hose knitting machines: We teach you. No experience necessary. You carpi while you learn. , .1-10SiERY COMPAIW OP CANAL*, UNITED"— EAST 'STREET •4, Gonracil •Pliono 960 •• , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WANTED A. •_WELL _ SITUATED house in Goderich, six or seven In the egiate of Victoria Adelaide rooms. Apply MRS. L. R. MILLER, Jewell, late of the Town -of Goderich, Box 194, Pert Elgin, Ont. • -9-10 in the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased. All peitons having claims against the estate of else above deceased are, required, to file _ the Sarne with the ;undersigned solicitor ,for the estate, on or before the lithclay of March, A.D. 1946, after whichdatethe asiets Notice is h'ereby given to all persons will be distributed amongst the parties haVing any claim against the estate entitled thereto, having regard only of William Strachan, late of the to the claims of which notice shall Town of Goderich, in the County of have been given. Huron,' gentleman, who 'died on or Dated at Clinton, this._ 15th..day of about the 'fifteenth day of February, February, A.D. 1946.. 19.4.6, to send same to the undersigned • P. FINGLAND, on or before the eighthsdny of March, - Clinton,. Ontario-, 1946, as on and after that date the 8-10 Solicitor for the said Estate. executor of the said estate shall proceed to make distribution of the assets thereof; having regard only to the .claims of Which he has norice. Dated at Goderieh this 19th day of February, - A.D. 194(1. 11. C. HAYS, K.C., Godertch,8 Ontario, 8-10 • Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NryPICE TO CREDITORS. 'Ls) tables; -dining-room extension table, oak; number of chairs and ecking Chairs; number of small tables, single spring couch; 3 double bed steads, with springs and matEresses ; .dresser mash stand; kitchen cabinet; paper rack; lawn mower; buffalo rObes dishes; toilet set; carpets and linoleum; sealers; pots and pans. • This is a clearing sale, as the, farm is sold. • ' TERMS-sCASH. EARL RAITLiBY, Preprietor, • NOTICE •TQ „ CREDITORS. „ - Notice is hereby given to all persons • having,. any . claim against the estate of James Arehibald Elliott, late of the Town of Goderich, in. the County of Hpron„ sontractor, who died on or about the tenth 'day of February, 1946, te send same to tbe underigned on or Wore the :eighth day oflarch,- Nor ICE TO CREDITORS. — Notice is befeby given to'all-persons having any claim against the. estate of Ida May Love,' late of the Sawn of Goderich, in the County of Huron, married whim, who died on or about the 3r4 day- of. December, 1945, to send -same to the undersigned on or befere., the 22nd day..n.f..._..March, 1946, as on and after that date the admin- istzakerasef the estate shall-preat distribute the assets _thereof, having regard only to the claims then filed. , ;Dated at Gotlerieh this ist day 'of srareh, A.D. 1946. • R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 10-11 -Solicitor for the Estate. DO Y U KNOW . That Q11(9110)11* is rapidly shaping op into a mine of major importa n('e. • ?)-ra a. :kens a.0 Qinanant MIS selling for n few venial •ashare. and was: praCtically unheard of. •Today oncmont has more n1111 ripber ore titan Noratula 111411. ,whett 111411 Mine built its 14111P11 01% NO1'11 111111 18 today paying $4.757 poi' ;1111111"1. 11 year in dividends to shareholdpv.z. our Canadian 111171(.0 offer inItohl opportunitiea information on any mine is 'available on r(gneut • . F. CAREY MIMS 18 9 -10 - HAROLD JACKSON, '• Auctioneer. — CLEAuING APCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, ELECTRIC EQUIP- MENT, LIVESTOCK.s& -MACHINERY First farm east of Auburn on conces- sion 1, East Wawanosh, on 'MONDAY, MARCIrf8th Copunencing at 1 p.m. Bedroom suite, 1 vanity dresser, 1 dresser, '2 stands, I aet steel springs, 1 leather touch, 1 'Chesterfield table (new), 1 -wall mirror,. 1 oak extension table; 6 leather seated oak- dining- -room chairs, 1 'writing•t1esk,s1 .kitchen table, 1 glass kitchen cupboard, 1 1 Clyde geldings rising 2 years old; range, table and, chairs; kitchen qtq)- largo kitchen- cupbbard made like a, 1 filly, rising 1 year old. ' board, stepladder, garden hose and , . crate; DeLaval cream separator: . • eluding ten acres of bush; buildings in fair condition. Subject to reserve bid. ° • - . TERMS-CASII. • BILL GRIGG, Proprietor. E. T. GHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, • Auctioneer. 10-', CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF, FARM, • FARM STOCK AND • impLEmpwrs, *. FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd SALE OF . HOUSEHOLD FURN-. ITURE SATURDAY, MARCH 11 16th, -9:16 • at 1 o'clock sharp at the residence of the late Thomas Griffin, corner North and Nelson streets. . DavenpOrt,• • seyeral upholstered at 12 o'clock • chairs, walnut living -room table, small at lots 29 and 30, concession 3, Stanley tables, whatnot, Axminster rtg 9 it 12, Township, 3 miles south of Clinton. hall rack, dining -room table and siX HORSES -1 Clyde gelding, rising 6 hairs, studio couch:book stand, beds, years bid, -1700 lbs.; 1 brown gelding, springs and mattreases, dressers and rising 9. years old, 1800 lbs.; 1 , stands, small bedroom rocking chairs, registered Clyde. noire, 7' years old; , chest of drawers, Singer sewing" ma - 1 Clyde gelding, rising, 3 years old-;Sthine,- G.E. • cabinet radio, kitchen „Willi -Us -cupboard,' 1 Congoleum rug, 3.is CATTLE -9 Durham cows, - some yards by 4 yards, real good ;:linoleum, I fresh, others due in March and. April', Owl as tieW, 14 feet 2 inches.by,14- feet 3 grade Polled Angus cows, due March 8 inches; Congoleum, just like new; and April; 3 registered _Polled Angus '1-3 'yards .1nr4Ytir7ts and 311fichess 1 cows, 4 years old, due-Aliiii and May ; - play pen, ern); -rocking and high chair, ' 1 baby carriage, 1 doll .buggy and bed, • 1. clothes wringet 1 wbod heater (new), 1 Daisy churn, a large quantity of stove pipes and sealers, 1 new car visor, 1 livestock tattooing outfit, lit. livestock inoculating ontflt, 1 8 -ft. sten- I ladder, 1 304t. extension 'ladder; 11 'billet:shake whip, 1 Alemite Zerk „grease gun, f hag truck, 1 grass seeder„1 f steel water trough; 1 1% h.p. gas engine, 1 ,root pulper,, 2 range sjieltors, 3 hen crates, 1 brooder • srove and canopy, straw fork; forks, logging* chain, shoVOls, 1 set double 'Artless, 1 wheell,arrow, 1 1,1r1iorse General Eloetric motor, 1 1/4. -horse Weating- boast. eleetric motor, 1 " International elect vie (ream Separator, 1 eleetric -Woods grinder, • 1 electric ,DeLaval milking maehitte, 1 set scales'for weigh41.' Ing pigs, 1 pig crate, 1 electric fence, NIcrormielr.Wering mower, 6 ft. eta, 1 setiffler, quantity of Timothy hay. ginantity of grain, 1 top 1).12ga,, 1. 1 corn shelter, 1 *single riding plough, xtra tools, verandah • chairs, and other, articles Soo numerous. to xnention. TERMS -CASH.' ' HAROLD JACKSON, 10-11 Auctioneer. „thassottimottersteessomaramistmoorta- We *ant to thank you for the , great response to our DRY CLEANING SPECIAL To show our appreciatiOn our price on MN 's SUITS LAMBS' DiEssgs tintif IVIDAth g'S • EAU ST. Watch Our ‘vinalowtt for Specia19 xtra 'n We Clean Everything • the New Way • Odorlem S r tVip 'Top .%gerina 7 SIISYstatis: a It" .5