HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-07, Page 7W PIA
C4nadian Tire
orporatiffil -
The business firms listed in this direotor-y. rekrellent thre
up-to.date ,eoneerns that ,invite your patronage. The serVioe they
have to ,,offer is of the best and dealing with them not only, gives
'..s0;tisfaction but assisti in helping them serve this' coMnranity bitter,
Therask you to ,try thew when you have neekialo be...pmated„„ir,44-.
can save Ratong 1)rdoing your buying in ,Goderieh.
'GO:tirerral ore-
s THOS. MMUS: rrop,
Buyhig more, we buy tor less --
Selling more„, we 801 ter loss.
Open Evenings
Phone 696 Saltfor4
Venus Restaurant
as supplits available
This is station E -A -T
.1> Sole Agents.
Super 11;3aith Aluminnin Ware'
Phone 135 Hamilton St,
Scientific EquipmeUt—
Friendly. Service
Phone 470 ' .East St.
Arnold Schutz
yormerly operated by M. N.
Used Shoes -and Skates for sale
North St. Goderich
11. R. lqunday
argil ,Eiginecriag
Research Co.
ighteee ng &' Illanitattnrer0
We install
'Portable Phonograph Players
Phone 598
Mime ,412 South -SidelSquare
.13tand new, Ford 1946. Motors -1
novr in stock. Drive in with
your t „Air 'and pun' out with a
iti,ew One.
Ine IT IS Form vmties-vvii----
Bradley & Son
G Plante
Phi 247 Hamilten St
Daily Service' to and -from -
and Intermediafa_points
Victoria St. Phone 850
By your. -generous patronage .
Now you make for next Fall
Mestern Ontario's- 'finest bovvling
Goderich French
Dry Cleaners
Avoid Delay by having your
Spring 'Cleaning done -
Phone 122 West St.
Myron O'Reilly
Phone 585W
NEWS OF AUBUR_ N. of the largest in the Library's history. !
balance of $74.02 in. the treasury, one
This Library is a member of -the Huron'
• County Library A,ssociation, which is
AUBURN, Mar. 5. — MisS Mary lips on Monday night. Mrs.' Willi a great asset to the loeal Library.1
_Itoberton read au addresg and a humor -.1 Rev. H. Snell wEt5 appointed •preesident
Nesbit Of :•TorontO spent a. few 'days
ous poem-- and -an electrie table lamp for 1946 "mid Mrs. Fred Ross, secretary -
treasurer. Miss Maigaret King was ..
re -appointed librarian at an increase ,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Alfred ,.
was presented by Mrs. John McKnight
- .1 and Mrs. Erie- Ailderson. The fahaily
have sphl-their honfeln-Auburn, where
:visiter With his Mother,. -Ifra,- •Fr.ed they have always• lived, and early,. in
Do You. Suffer
Frosts Headaches?
It, is -hard to Struggle along with a head that a -Cies
anti all the time.
A headaehe need` not:be an illness in itself, but it
may be a warning symptom that there is intestinal
eleggieliness within.
To help overcome the cause of' •headache it is
neeessary, to •climinath the waste matter from the system. Burdock Blood
•ers helps to remove the cause' of headaches by regulating the digestive
bitiary organs, neutralizing acidity, regulating the .constipated bowels
mei timing -up the sluggish liver, and when this has been accomplished the
headhohes should disappear. •
(iet, R. B..13. at any drug counter,. • Price -$1.00 a'bottle.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. ,
of salary. The retiring directors, Rey.i •
II. Snell, Mr. A. J. 'Ferguson and' Mr. 1, The Exeter, Lawn. Bowling Club' house" Was almost Oonwletely destroyed.
O. E. Erratt, were re-elected for a f ilibh IF mer East Wawanosh
, Woman Dies in 106th Year
, fa,..ter,. the late -John Ferguson, who i 1."erm -0-1L •_Va.r,v6 years. Mr. Etas Little 1 _'__Wirlter McBeath., Henealls -o e
spent the week -end with -her mether, ! passed. away eleven years ago, garried I was appointed 'to -fill . the V,acaney
: birthday iinniversary- on Friday last.
resident, observed 4i -1i -1'i- "ninety-sixth
Mrs. John Arthur. . I on a wagon, 'ciirriage, and blacksmith -caused by the resignation of 'Mrs. Edna
. Seaforth rePotts. a serious. coal ,short„ ! died in the State' of .-Washington last - ,
Miss] Ferne Lawlor of *Galt was a 1 business in, Auburn. and was widelyi Cowan. Committees appointed ffere :1
.Dealers are -delivering a • bag or 1.1flonth. at the" age of 105 years . and '
recent) visitor with her parents, Air. , known as an industrial pioneer. Miss 1 Book committee, Mrs.' Edgar Lawson, 1 age,
two to a Customer,. but eVen at that
,' :\iae. Ferguson replied ou behalf of ; gr- C. E. Asquith, Rev. H. Snell, Mr. 1
.singsopg 1 0. E. Erratt ; program and linance, veteran of the -American Civil -War:
her sister and nephew. A [there is not enough to gu around...
lonsilectomy in Goderich. hospital last I,was •enjoyed, With Mrs. E. Andersoni Mr. A, J. Ferguson, Miss Josephine The residence of Mi. and Mrs. W. She ,• remembered distinctly When
Aar. y Arthur, .who, underwent a 1
week, has returned home. i at the piano, Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor ,Weir, Harry Stard2;„ Ellis Li1ttle, s E., Perdue,. Clinton, was so damaged Abraham ' Lincoln' was shot and she.
The farm of the late George F. 'gave a reading, and cOntests and games Frank R,aithby; representative • to • by fire, smoke and water last Thurs'-. retained all her faculties „almost to '
itnigblut has been sold to Mr. Itoy were enjoyed. Refreshutelits wereeCollnIY Library Association, Rev. 4. day afternoon as to be rendered un- the end. A niece,- Miss yhoebe Dens-
Easom of Godericiv tOwnship, who" gets I served. - . . . I Snell ; alternate, Harry Sturdy. It
I . tellable. The home furnishings were mare. lives at ,Wi"gh"m• - .
possession in April. ' . - . I W.M.S. Meeting,— Miss' Mnrgaret ;-Was decided tp redecorate the library ; a total. loss.
LAC.' Lestie .Nice, veteran of the King ga ve lies' sows r,,s iss- march : m ,i . ,, , t - - I Kincardine to ' NILE ,
9f : Vote on Liquor Store
o ‘tiox ni. Alond:iy, April Sth, lies been set as Another Ittetfirned Man Welcomed -Ls-
He was- met at Clinton -by his*wife and . ,
The comelier of . preSident, . seerrtim--trsetsurer ;qui lisle/1g s„ iicinee,, s I butt> in_ 4 he• town, of honor l'or a -reeeptime-sud wd.enme
. ' , occasion wet; ir very enjoyable one.
Miss M. King, -for her excellent the :date for the taking of a vote at 'St, recint gathering In the. Nile
ehurch, The president, Mrs. • Jas. Ian,
four children. He intends making ,his
• Woods, presided :iud'op-ned tie! meet- work ,during pie year, also to the
Irs. John Arline. reported direetors for their splemljd co-oper- Kincardine l'ins Issei in the dry column 1101111.. ''Ihe Nile *Vic tory. Lea gue once
-. • , the ertiocation .for I 9 1o. Aless Al..! ation; • for Haim- years. again had an opportimity of tendering
week -end '"WitiC.Josepli and :Nits:, Sadie
Mr. and. Al,rs. I.:Award Sillery e.aig tlien toek ellarme for program, Death of Wm: Tbompson.—Wil- Rouse at Delgrave.
inert 111g• was , Ham Thompsmi, a- well-kiiPsxn Gutted by Fire •
family, of, Exeter, attended the. Govier- 1 -14e,11 -1e
Nesbit wedding on Saturday.
; Prayer. The herzelds respinalcd-E11-1-111 eaten.liis mezi 1 :bud titteinied on Friday iifternoon last. ,The family end the presentation purse of
tire broke out and although. the IN ing- behall et the Nrle • N ictery - League,
ham' fire brigade was called, and re-., Tony 'was extended lieerty' wishes for
spieided Proinptly the interior of the ‘-ggiolotd,,aluudikroarn:
word, tbaiiking the' League for their
7' West. He replied in mnst
during absence &overseas.
• -Builders :Together with- 1 1'..0.1.7.' Alie her ef-this.comintinity,, died suddenly "_11it, AleGuire house at Belg,rave, oe- Tony Mid just retprned from overseas
Scripture wets read by Mrs. Eric Ander- ; at his home at lir a.m. oll Tuesday. epeied by Mr: and M.rs. Sa*muell'letch, and Wes on. his -1V:-1;t- to Vancouver' to'
son and Mrs, James Reberten offered : He bad bi„-tien in •his nsual heixith, had was glitted by. fire of -unknown origin join his family. An iiddresis was _read,. ,
' ilv, of Walton, 'visited Mr.`aed Mrs.
! Mutch on Afriee, AIrs. H. Nyaguer ou co his usdal, morning Work- and Wifile NV e r e awaY fi'ioin. the house When the money .1naile-. .- At the -sane tithe-, on
LAC. Lloyd MeLarty ot London is
i nnperance kind Mrs' E Patterson on , • .• •• t passed petite -
fully away. He WAS a son of •the late
and Mrs. Clif. Brown, Walton-. _ I rendered by Mrs. 1"red. Pllietzer aad.1 ,John Thompson. and • Eliza , Spencer,
has *accepted a `ppsition on -the Toronto the 6th convossion of West, WawairOili -
(Ith chapter or the study ,b on the ! in 1871, 'and 'on September 16, 1891„.
s life. of -Dr. Currie, who was 0 mission- 1 he' was nharried to Matilda* A. Clark.
teaching staff until Dialer, after which!
she will enter University. ary in Africa. Mrs. :WoOds extendedfne e(mpte farmed in West WaWanosh
A meeting Of the citizens of the corn- i•
, a vote of* thanks to Mrs. 1)urhanr for eintil twenty-six years ago when,--ther ,
'Inunity vgill be held in the Foresters
her splendid talk,___A„..cluet bY MiSs retired to Auburn. Mr. Thompson was 1
Hall on Friday evening, March T5th. at 1 e - i at- the .piano and Mrs Wm. active' in toWnship, church, and emu -
Craig on the violin was enjoyed. mrs. munity sphere -S., having served in of -
suitable memorial for the men in. the -
Chas. Stravlian elosed the meeting Iii:e at Knox United church, Ariburn,
.o. - • •wAh• prayer. . After • this . Miss Mae; and Donnybrook *Unite& ehurch.' He
tiVii''''Cfri'atZWars. .. All interested are:
Invited ta- attend the meeting.. - . Fergiison and -Mrs. Blanche Phillips" assisted on the - building .committee
..14,yrank Raithby tapped 200 trees called to tbe .front and Mrs. (2,, when the Donnybrook church was .re-
Straughan read an add.ress expressing built; He ,was clerk._and treasurer of
of sap; . . . regret al their departure from -the . the Township ' of West Wawanosh for
•!'F'arewell Presentation. ---,Friends and community in the near future and on 1 many years and waS also a director
neighbors numbefing *fifteen paid ,a behalf of ••the W.M.S. :Miss '4.. King; of •West xvit\V11110Sli -Fire Insuranee i
surprise' visit to Miss Mae Ferguson, ' presented thenr, With it trilitte ,floor.1 Company.' "While fanning he served as !
lamp. Miss M. Rerguson in a few i a trustee of No. 3 school, We,st Wawas 1
Mrs. Blanche -Phillips and Royce rivi_
- well-chosen werds expressed aPPreci-; nosh, at the tithe this f;ehool was bnilt. 1
ation for herself and her sister for AIe was tin honorary direetor, of -the
They used to•domein
hundreds,to. Ontario
to ski, our friends'
frOm the States.. For
their sakes and our own
let's all do our best to
bring them back ... and
.c, give" them a good time
when they aome!
......,,,,—„,............i...............„ -- the beautiful gift, Refreshments were ! 1)tingenemi -Agricultural Society. Ite.„
-,--2- . served 'by the hostess. . , • 1 was a member of Lucknow Nlasonic ,
Library .Meeting. ----The annual. meet• Ledge and of, the Oddfellows Lodge. !.
ing of the Anharn Public Library 'was In politics.lre wers a staunch Conserv-1
Ling,With 'the preAident, Itev, II. Knell, ' in-politiotraffairs. He Was a regular':
held at the Library on Thursdav_even- , alive, taking,eilway,S an active interest
' presiding. Irneoura-ging reports were 1 at tendant at Knox United church. In
received. The librarian, Miss M. King, 1911 Mr.' and Mrs. "Thompson cele-
. antiouneed tint t 1687 hOOks had been bra ted their golden Wedding . at ibeir
.1 •read,, during the • year., Of „these 100 home. 4S4rviving- are his wife, live
.1 were class. books, 1387 fiction and 200 sons. , Jobb-. of NN'est; Wawanosh, J. :
1 juvenile: This is gni te •an increase Gorinh.y, ' of gra tept on.. Joseph, of•
! ehildren ' recei% e free reading. - The Mrs. - Ma rk A mist Tong. - I Ellen i . of -
1 treasurer, Mrs. Fred ,Ross, .sta.ted 'it Lucknow. Two daughters' predeceased
had lwen a most success'fid year. After him. tElize 1, Mrs. Clayton Martin,, ,,,
disbursements were made there W1114 1.1: Nvho diedin 1929, and Aliee, Whwpassed
awby at the Age ef eight years. ' One -
sister stirvitys, Miss Rebecca Thomp-
Quietness, dignity with reverence,
rind an un.derstanding of family
Funeral Home
',Phone 390W, er
Ontario profits almost as Every tourist dollar is
much from" tourist busi- shared „ . 1, Ilotels;
noes an from. gold inclining. 2.Stores; .ltestailrants;
It's up to 110 to;' keep this 4.Taxes, etc.; 5. Ambse-
A Help to Those Who
Are Past Middle Age
When men and women get past middle p.ge 'their
:3nergy and activity, in many instances, begua to 'de-
cline, and their general vitalit is en the wane.
Little ailreerits and sieknezses seem harder to
shake off than forto6y1y, and, hero and there, evidence3
, of a breakdown begin to apppar.
Now in tho time those wishing to help maintain their health ,and vigour
should take a course of MilbUrn's Health. and Nerve rillo,
They lelp tone up and invigorate theo patient by their tonic action on
the' GYOtellA.
FDIC() Med. 1)0/4'05 pills, at ail drug comiteti
Tile T. Whiten Co., Milted, Tozonfo. Ont. .
Urinh Thempson, ,Passed away three
years ago. There, are 01,0 stuviving
eleven grandchildren and 12;reili
3-Piirpose-filedicine Helps clear
Out Congested Sinu, Areas .
ONE hest way to get relief from clear out pain -musing congestion
torturing sinus pain is to clear con- and (3) soothes irritation. Many
ges,tion frbm ngsal passages and ' sinus sufferers say. it's best wild
give sinuses a chance io drain. A they've found. Try iti
few drops of \Ticks Va4ro-nol in
each nogril is usuallY enough to , 4‘.
bring this 'comforting relief.
3-Purbiise Medicip6 .Va-tro-nol if 11
is so sacessful t*auSd it does dim.;
important things: (1) shrinks swolo vAirRo.N0
len rnembrangs of the nose; (/) help5
solidated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan, Alberta, British: Colurabla and In
Califorrtio.Writes, wire Off plionotOrredneod
freight rates, . Established 181-$.