HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-07, Page 5TRUR8DAT„ WWII 7th, iaio EITIEWAIRTIP FLOWERS • FOR DISTINCAIVE FLORAL AcitRANGEMENti 4 ; Erni! i! Hoses always In stock Phone,860.1 a' uI i huuitss Martha 4 Stewart . The Squage ao nn bowers it has been Stewart's since 1803." DOINGS OF DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Mar, a; ---Mins Doris Reed, vslio is: attending Shaw's Rush ..nese College, Toronto, Spent the week- end at her home here. The World Day of Praye IS 'being observed .in the Dungannon United ehUrVb.. on. Vriday, March 80, --at 2.30 p.m., with the nneighboring congrega- tions invited to aittend. Born. --Sunday, March 3rd, to Mr. and Mre, Earl ,McNee, at ,Alexandra: Hospital. Goderich, derie1s, a daughter. Con- gra-tulations. Miss Alma Anderson, who teaches at Galt, spent the• week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert had as visitors and callers on Sunday Mr. Melvin Tyndall, • Carlow, Mrs. Robt. Thompson, Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood atnd little daughter, Carlgw, gs,.-•and;=Mrs. Leonard erawfer iii• family, Goderich. The --United church. .P'}. held their monthly meeting on Sunday night; with colored lantern slides as the main,, feature of the program after favorite hymns' were sung. The pictures were of the Holy Land) and showed in many ways how the cities and country have • made improvement and become modern. A lot of rpugh country there has been patiently dealt with, and power plants, factories. and large buildings have given the people Otiportingtiee. Ittobt:,.'Davidson, Su'f- fered partial paralysis, is showing hn- movement in the use of his arm. He, was able CO be taken down town by a friend . one day to visit his brother, Mr. Jas. Davidson, :'who also Is rather' indisposed. • Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Miss "I found mato my 'show that continuous doling. with ordinary sugar -.q coated pills laxatives and so-called allot- ,t; at tizers,.which gave me. . tempo relief, did my stoinach more harm �tban A•fdend reconiinended-PFtiNDLR'S TAB A: I bought them on the 15 -day money -sack plan. -Now 1 recommend them to bent' friends." . g Pharmacists and many users praise ER'S TABLETS for stomach troubles _ coma by excess acid. You, too, can try them for 15 days without risking one penny. , Costa fa for FREE Detail. and Trial 0lisll CAMPBELL'S DRUG STOR,E...., The Square Goderich Winnnifred swan and Mr. Stuart Mc- ' Donald of Ripley visited Mr. a and Mrs. Hussey. Mole on Sunday. • Mr. Abner. Morris has been cosigned to bed' for a few days under the doctor's orders, but expects to ' be up Some iiay this Week. His daughter and granddaughter, of Clinton, are visiting him. Mrs and'Mrs, Rocky Jocklin. nnewly- wedS, of Kitchener, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rivett. Miss Joyce Rivett returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor spent the week -end with relatives and friends in Goderich. Miss Joan Rivett spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I3owers, Saltforrd. (Dungannon News also on page 6)• A LETTER • OF THANKS FOR -RED CROSS .WORK Mrs. Robert Davidson o1 Dungannon received the following letter this week from the Dungannon branch : of the Red Cross Society : Dear Mrs. Davidson,—It was with regret that the members of the Dun- gannon Red Cross Society. accepted your resignation as convener of the work committee. We feel _ that we :cannot express our feelings as to how much we .owe to you in your untiring ellorts as our work convener for the - past six years.-- We know it has not been an easy, task, and would -ask you to accept ouip thanks for all you have done. We. wish for you and Mr. Davidson improved health. 4.1 (Signed) MRS: OLIVE S. CULBERT. LEE$ URJ • I;EEBURN, March 6.—Miss Mary Smith spent a few days in Toronto, returning home on Monday,. Mr., and Mrs: Wm." Cook motored to London on Monday to see Bob Far- rish, who held an operation on his eyres and was•still-at the ho'spitill..: ' Next Sunday will be Communion Sunday at the church here: - The Farm Forum held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs; -R. Buchanan on Monday evening, with eighteen present. The subject fol.' dis- cussion was, "What about our export markets?" The recreation period was in charge of .Wm, Meyers and R. Buchanan. The • subject next Monday. evening will be, "Who will export our 11 farm products?' and the meeting will m be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Benson Chisholm. THE OODERI SIGNAL -STAR AUBURN witimmus vizolnitp Govi rte- Nessbilta• lit to "beautiful' det, C .0 l£iIl4 'LNi E tlr. ting at St. Diaries Annglfecen'. churell< al>; �'eladlemo tiwilll r�e> .reeehaed by the high ' noon , on tfaturday, Ir 'eda Tpwnship of Wcsx Wawanc4>a Ma tz rg .�tQ yoa�ger daughter of Mr. and ertnsDtimg g>craQo> a i!�ing Toev Airs, Alfred Nesbit, East Wawanaosl , erunher, by thao cubic yrd, Towns became the brideof William ilerber+Q; to supi 0111, gPetaaQ. €,null! neyiaira a e0 (levier•, youngest son of I erbemm=Covier; t octor to a be+pay lower. _ ll/ne „ ef .Auburn, .aand"the, ate b%rs, ovi Tender nist be ?marked Ceaa er r. ace° u.a, anicd b a ,,;a. arked cheque Rev. J. %.. ]E%. Henderson, rector of the p ' e church, of ieiated, with IIl[>xs. Gordon $1.00.00 and stet be in the hands R. °Taylor at the organ, and Mre. tkae laeadersS •nacd by 6 o cioei; Thomas Jardiu, as soloist, sins +'D March lith, 1946. Perfect Love." edloty da es%ile gtoun ]Vie , ; S, , Mn-Aa�n- goad ,Superint nden eri<can Beauty ]"ries, and ferns in large ,940 Dungannon, abnnon white ' baskets ' adorned. the chancel, g , The bride e •�; tered..,tkne church on the TT A irrr ir�Tr_ ►��Nri' 33 arni of her father to the gtra,1ns of arua from looped charming 1n al; btseet-length hauling gravel by the. yard mite any- white sheer' wedding dress fashioned where in the Township. Tender must with full skirt, silver shirring at bodice 4180 be accompanled' by „a anatrir and shoulder And bishop sleeves. She cheque for $100.00. • 4 LORNE IVERS, -Road Silperintendernt, Dungannon, Oast. - %4IE IN , March 0.• Oiagrsltul atiaat to lila. and Mrs. Biefaard K - for ira•tric1 on the arrival of a baby da-> h nAsbDp ter site ),!arreh 2nd! Western to'apit-alc a>�ll�.-`Ta�roiato. On' '�tir�fto tat .the sya;ek end vitla. t au and Bars. H. llertgn wde�e Ur. and Mr€+ r , i . ] . Mothers, and Ruth, of Arthur, $soil .Miss Irene Keith, B%r. and •,Bins. 0. 0. Bert) and baby, of Nile. .04. Iliiss• Verna Kilpatrieli, Woadstoek,, `spendtos this, week at the lino her parents. „ t, • 3 r. and 111r;; C. Hallam and' farail3' Ont.. 'aia4., rs. Geo:.--3ohnasto n visited relta- .Jives in Blyth inn Sunday. theBridal s Ch ,1Lohen" rian an Tenders sVill also be' receive for. f ,; ... , I� N�� ��R c .114 wore a shoulder -length veil caught to her head with a bandeau of white , dowers. Her shoes were in saiidal style in •white satin with sliver trim; TENDER. and a corsage of pink carnations end fern completed the lovely costume. Tenders will also be accepted by- IMNMILLER, Mar. U, Mrs. Walters, and Floyd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. L. Jervjs and family at Holmes- ville. , • The Women's Association will meet on Wednesday, •March 6. at the home of • Mrs. Will . Mugford in Goderich. She carried a white leather prayerbook, the Township, contractor using his :lA'rs. Mugford and Mrs: Gardner are from which fell white satin streamers own crushing plant and. trucks, de- the hostesses. entwined with tinyRev. T.J. E. and.W . : Ca hie1,,ta, pink buds. .It was livered 'on road by the` yard... zit%T a gift from St. Marks Arigl><ean_eh.urb• Tow�ilslr . - - for:`--.- Vel fanny spent a couple of days in Brant - =m honor of the first wedding ceremonbe taco •gialrel. Tmarker fors, this week visiting'..elatives held in this church. Miss lUlar Nesbit, musteuefor�co 00.lnied by a any y , q 4''OO.UU. Lowed or as of _,Toron-to, attended her sister ' as tender not :'necessarily accepted. bridesmaid, wearing a-.-street-length I ' LORNE IVERS, •sown of I rcrtch blue -Wier. fashioned i Road Superintendent es costuufe, with shoulder -length veil iu till Mrs. H:.Good• _ , Mr, and' Mrs. S. VanstOne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. on _the same lines as- the brill' Dungannon, Ont. of Godeifch. spent Sunday; with Mr. Miss Charlotte Good. was taken to Goderich hospital on Thursday, the result of a fall. We dope she will soon be able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and babe matching color and corsage of _ deep I TENDERS •WANTED. • • pink carnations and fern. Alberti TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Govier, Auburn, brother of the bride- I Tenders • will be • received by &the groom, was best man.' The ushers, undersigned until March 28 for cru were Gordon R. Taylor and llamas ,-:leg and delivering approximately 4 laggitt. The reception was held at yards of crushed gravel,- one -in the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. screen, to -be delivered where the Road Nesbit- receiving' the guests wearing' Superintendent. directs. .Work to be a smart frock of green figured done after September 15 and completed crepe with ,black accessories. and a by October 15. Council to pay for corsage of Talisman rosebuds. Guests the gravel and the contractor to pre, numbering twenty-one were seated at pare the pits. A marked check to a T-shaped table. The decorations accompany' each • tender, which will be, were carried out in a color scheme of returned if not, accepted. ''The lowest pink and white, along with ,lighted . or any tender not necessarily accepted.' tapers in silver holders and • bowls For other particulars , refer to any -of yellow daffodils. After the dinner,_ member of ' Council or to the Road toasts were proposed by . Rev. J. L. H. Superintendent, Mr. Roy Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton. R. G.--'Y'HOMPSON, CIerk, 10-1 • R.R. 2, Clinton. sh- Feagan •ant Nire: Miss Betty Moore, nurse -in -training 000 in Stratford, visited with her parents ch for a few days last week. M.r..,,,rank Walters spent the week- end in London. • Mrs. Wilmer Hardy spent the past tw;;l'Y v eek' in Toronto visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ball. Benmiller school has been wired,for electricity, which will be in use shortly. On Sunday the sacrament of baptism was administered in Benmiller church. Mr. and Mrs: Russell presented their two children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar their little `girl. Henderson, Alltent Govier and Alfred Nesbit. The young couple left for -a honey;tnoon_ to be spent at London, the bride travelling in a dress of gold •figured silk jersey, with brown. tweed coat -and matching accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Hullett township (Auburn News also' on page 7) POWF ALBERT BORN ELSON.—At , Oakville Hospital. en Saturday, March 2nd, • 1946, tis Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Elson (Margaret 'Red-, ditt) of Oakville, a daughter. GLOUSHER,—At Alexandra Hospital, PORT ALBERT, Mar. 6.—Mr. and Goderich,on March. 3rd, 1946, ..to Mrs. Marshall,. of London, visited last Mr. and . Mrs: 'Wilfred Glousher, geek -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huron road, Goderich; a : sou. Dave Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McPherson and two, children, Gwen and Grant, of Teeswaater, - visited lust 'Sunday with Mrs. McPherson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid. Farm Fbium.--- ` he Farni Foram! met HUSSEY.—To Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hussey, at Willesden Green, London, England, 'on March 2, 1946, a son (stillborn) . KILPATRICK.—Mr. and Mrs. Richard I I+lilpainic s' (nee - Annie- Atkinson),! Lucknow,' Ontario, are happy to an- ! 1st • Monday night at the home of , novice, the • birth of a daughter, r -.Harold and Miss Margaret Adams, Karen Anne,- at Private ..Patients' Pavilion; Toronto Western Hospital. . on March 2, 1946. WEEK -END FOOD rEATURES Standard Quality • Plain or Iodized Peas 2 2 Tioz. res 25c. P Salt - 2.2 kib• gs, 15c 2 Pkgs. • 23c -2 tins 17c Royal York Freshly Roasted s • __-I-lla. Coffee ��1 3c with twenty present. Discussion for the evening centred -i round the subject What about t export markets?" which llcNEE. ---At Alexandra _ _ Hesp tat, proved very interesting.Games and Goderich, on M'ai;cli 3rd, 1940, to Mr. • lunch followed. The next meeting will I and Mrs. Lan McNee, Dungannon, a be. on SIonclay evening in the School- daughter,_ Eva Dale. house. Question for .discussion for the .. TAYLOR.- ---At Alexandra ' 'Hospital, evening will be, "Who will export, our.. Goriericlt ' .farm products?" on March 6th, 1946, to Reception for. Returned Men.—A re- Mr: and airs. Leroy Taylor, 61 daughter. ception was held in . _the schoolhouse 1 i afal er. street, •Uoderich, a IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORD.—In loving memory of my brother, Private Milton J. E. Crawford, who was ktlied in- action in Germany March 9, 1945. • Johnston, Larry Iludson, Arnold Deep in our hearts is °a picture Iodgcy !'cell McGee, Lloyd Jantzi: Worth moire than silver or gold; Bill Balkwell, R'obt: me, Donald Mc It's a picture of you, dear l,rpther— Twu Your memory will never grow old. minutes' silence Was observed in 'nem- ' -Lovingly remembere�.l .by his sister, ory of Alex. 'McKenzie,' Who ho .-lost his !- Mrs. Russell Brindley, Russell and life overseas—the only' Leuilarcl. ps�»son -•••from . a fps this district who- made the Supreme , a - sacrifice. Dancing "was enjoyed to the �t�LLO«'S.=ala proud and loving mem- ory Of our dearest son and brother, served. music of $chrauis, and lunch was Pte.Robert 1I. Sallows, Bob, aged ! 19 : years, killed in action in Ger- (Port Albert News also on page 6) ulallj, March 5th, 1945. Little mire than ai happy school boy When called away to war, Now he lies in a warrior's grave t)n a far-off "foreign 'shore. - Vhc+n I- see 'tlie. et i ide IIonle signs, I feel so all alone, - g • It's Then I wish with all my heart If he only could come home:' . on Friday evening last for eighteen re - (united servicemen. Special invita- tions were 'sent to the following boys to. be present: Woodrow and Clifford Hoy, i'iFford and Ernest Crawford, 'Arthur and Elwood! Murray, -Billy and Hector Tigert, John Brown, Harvey Facial Soap - WOODBURY'S 3 bars 23e Liquid „Stove Polish ZEBRA • bottle 17c Waterproof Shoe Polish -NUGGET tin 12c Antiseptic Floor Wax POLIFLOR 1 ib. tin 496 Higra(1e PRETZEL STIX Pkg. 22c' -- TOWNSHIP COUNCILS ` WEST WAWANOSII .The West-N'S'a-w.anosh Councilmet on" February 12th, with all members pre- sent, and Reeve Smyth presiding. The ;minutes of last • meeting were., read and accepted on motion of Councillors If all the world were mine to' give Finnigan and 'Miller.: 'I'd give it,•• yes; and more, A The Council decided to grant: $100 to the Provirncial plowing `match to be held in October. A giant of $1.0 was ordered paid to the Salvation 'Army,, .on motion of Councillors McPherson' .and Miller, Rylaw No.. 3, providing for expenditure won roads,- .was read a third time ' and passed. The .road superintendent Was ,instructed td ad- vertise for tenders for the •hauling and crushing of graver .for ,1946.• The collector was authorized to complete t, Oh how oft he °collies before us, the collection 'of taxes on the 1945 His dear face so sweet, and true; _roil Sly- 1i.esting now in , peace with Jesus,. April 1, 1946 " It uses dl'= Loving hearts still long for you. tided to allow $20 for expenses of delegates to the convention of the ' `Sadly • missed by his Mother, Association of Rural Municipalities. Sisters and Brother. The council adjourned to meet on - March •12th at 1.30.p.m. . .DU1tNIN PHLLLIPS, Clerk. and the Clerk .was instructed t� pre- pare a bylaw confirming this and pro - TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH• aiding for the funds. required:' The Township Connell diet in. .'1'1'he Clerk was instructed: to-adver- lloln1esville on March 4th. tise for tenders Por crushing and de- -``'Thi Provincial plowing match corn- liveryirlg=.alpproximaltely-40()U yards or n►it.toe asked for 4a grant; 4100 was crtlshe(1. gravel, 'to be delivered where voted. ' the SuperikeesissieWmilireets, iia l%»' _A resolution was pasties, t,.%•Iiieb is s'Creen,-wOi•k 10 be. done around October to be forwarded to Dr, K. H. Taylor, 1st. • M.P'.I',, for presenta�ton to the Legis- The Collector's time Avis extended 'attire, for an ame"hciiiiiant' to. the Vital until` April 1st to' clean lin on a few ;itatisties Act providing' for the . regis- that are still in arrears . fration °of ail births, marridges and o Accounts paid: Provincial plowing deaths 111 the municipality in which match, grant, 4100; Huron County the people are domiciled, not as at hospital account, $66.35; Department present where such happens to take of health; insulin, .47.39; Municipal plaee. This. would provide 0 better World, supplies, 418.37 ; W. H. Hellyar, record hf .the people of any Iliunic•ipai- gifts for returned inert, 420, IL,Sttirdy, ity for the future. postage, II. air.Ctalrtaley, ex- ' Y)Pllairtmen t of highways 5011 state- ' penweti• 10 assessors' convention, $7;' Inept of vlflisidy dun on highway • inv.', Geo. ('. Ginn.- expenses to Toronto re provemen t of $37931.38• The TI•Pai4- Warble (ly, $5 i Mss Acheson., use of urer reported having , reeeivc'(•t this house, a, $5: Superintendent payroll No. 1 , - The Road Superintendent was in- • ('alined adjourned to meet on Moil-' :ltructed to order 3,000 feet of !now_ Bary, A1)ril 1. .osts, for next i -a t i.at) p.m. i fence, ri illi necessary frill delivery., The Prrvinvin1 D'eparinlent of Agri- ' Next Stindil y atnd eta ry Sluulay _- I- Culture artfered to pas one-lntlf the a;1, 10 chine h. ' 10 eattle for the�extorn)111aiti1111 of- the i _..n ed �_ c nst. of an experiment in spray�il 1P � •• Hail' Yon renewed ;'°(/lir sull�icrilltion warms fly, thy (01111(•11 to pay t1' other to The Signal FAtar? If it is in arrears, half. Tho ('otn,cll accepted this offer tt needs attention. N, 4 Old Dutch _s CLEANSI'v,�R Tin 10c •' 4 WE URGE YOU TOT: "GO TO CHURCH" NEXT SUNDAY -- AND F.VI:RY SUNDAY • We are convinced 'that unless there is 11 movement -of the people to "Church -going" the days that tir-K'lead will not only be- Clark hut fail of -shuns and sti'if`e. .Our solution to the probleuls of .the wtr -ld is a return to the Ohnreh---yb)ur Chorea, . whatever denom- ination it 'may be. TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU THIS :1I'PI+:AL I4 MAI)I: BY The "Go to Church" Committee (.11 4'6'1UCTLV NON .DEAjOMINA'd'ION:ist. If I could hear his cheery,_voice _ Call "Hello, Mom," 'once more. We misshim most,'......:.:_... Who 1'oved hint best. ---- —Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. lOx THOM1SON. LIn loving memory of a dear son and brother; Reg Thompson, who passed away five years ago— March 10th, 1941. . E t • PORTER'S HILL? r ,P9RTER s HL, yrs .,James.'Harrison, Holfaesville, is spend- ing some time at thehome of her son Wilmer and his wife. Mrs, W. -Harrison has been -quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden and Lois. of Holmesvill`e, spent Sunday with Mr.' -and Mrs. J. Lockhart. Mrs. - Reed Torrance received word. 'Come unto Me a1� ye that labour and: are heavy Jaden—" Dear Iteadere=41an bort!, its ' with its constituent dpptltratlnennts,, sorrow, tear's and ,death.Sooner �l of adversity bll~ow ,upon us ail an 1 sad . ind . a tll r are we, if we '+ not the great Burden. Dearer, the loChrist , Jesus hr as outs n r ai a 'iour...He 'none bs the remedy. for any and -every that rets mankind. Tli nat remet1y is to be tonna !sower of the atonia Roodthe * 1.4 $ g 1 Ile shed' upon +GailrJ�;r�yd There,; 4he `. :hath' laid open H the iuiij dty of ' us all,'' and to, °a many" a received Him, to :then gavejle Power tobecome the, Soni of o , even to themthat believe ou Naineir . Because of HIS upon the 'Cross • we OW aeeept UIm lin simple - � e t'axth •as our �a+r Person*1. Saviour ; tad He will then—but not until thea4o=e Our Darden ouien Bearer also. z. ',Header" . ou�have f - . • � ">" WO. a y o ten been pointed t4 )the- Lamb of which taketh, away.the: sin of the wore'' You , u !rays been invited to, "take the water of life freely" but you havo„refused and His band has fallen helivily upon_vou. Your •burt1 nrtxre greater titan you can bear. Your sky has (become Bark, your life, you future is .full of •sorrow. Dear Child, He notes every tear drop and If you will but .heed Rini, flub glorious purpose He has in .it for you, u. will be worked out. Your sky !lags been darkened in order : tta you will behold the blessed sunshune _of His • Sail tlml, a Ili ti dbu ti eg-to Calvary for you :his thus fat' been i vain, in altn, Ile would make you conscious of your need of a Saviour, and .in mercy He has placed you in thedepths of sorrow *!fere there is no one can help but Hien. ° He is yearning to save you as you ,read these lilies: Breathe a silent prayer to JJhu to cleanse you in His precious Flood.. Trait Hind for pardon and -He will fold you, in His loving arms and bestow upon you the deep peace •fie alone can give, the peace that passeth understanding. �' n Nate again His promise if you will come to Him mast as you are. "And 1 Will give you rest. 00,44 iillHN 11148. AMMAIMilk • n Sunday morning 'that her uncle, peets`"il r here this Week. We welcome,Harold Walker, of Kippen ad passed away suddenly that mo ing. Mr. and Mrs. • Torrance went to . Kippen the same day. - ” Mrs./Jfoe Wilson.; been quits ill with measles and pneumonia, is able to be up main. - Miss Weston, of Bayfield, Is staying a while, with her sister, Mrs. Thos: Elliott_-. _ ' Anna Townsend,. who: is' attending the Clinton School of Con inerce, is home this week" with measles. We .were pleased to see so many out ` ',to church on Sunday, when Rev. F. G. StoteSbury delivered a splendid set - mon, cs • her to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Varna, were Sundayvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith.. • Miss Iorence Garrett, Ciin'to a, •spent the -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris spent Sun- day with M -e ' and. -.lir :' Talbot, near _Bayfield Mr. andy Mrs. Harold K. Turner and little son Robert, of -London,. spent • the week -end with the former's: par- r and Mrs. Robt. E. 'Turner, Elgin" ave. Maurice Frame, svipose English bride ' It's the' popular thing to do—go to arrived at Halifax on Saturday, ex -church! 10 • e Canadian Red Cr�s Goderich Branch oi�iy Goderich, March 7th, 1946. TO THE CITIZENSy OF GODERICH AND DISTRICT: Last; week• many of yeti received letters asking} you to become )tlernbers of the Canadian Reel. Cross for the 1946. This notice. is -directed to :those who may have been left off our lists. For six years of war your'lnenrbers11ip and that of every sixth' Canadian citizen gave your Red Cross the strength to do those things for our Armed Forces, our Prisoners of War and for Civilian war sufferers throughout tfiO.world, which many times meant the difference between life and death, and always brought comfort and.mercy- where aid when it.w-as most needed. We ask you, through your inembership,_,to keep ,y,our.Jf ed Cross ,strongin'peade as in war for fhe continuing benefit of our. ("anadian` people. Where` your membership helped to save lives in liar, it can save lives in peace, through the new Blood Transfusion Servi-ce,i.through the Outpost Hospitals on our isolated frontiers. It can bring mercy and comfort to, our -gallant and disabled veterans, to our crippled children. It can bring, health, . happiness and relief to our people generally through the .Society's many hum-. anitarium services. • • a Itis not proposed to conduct a canvass for funds this`year-=but there is vital need for a large and virile membership in order to do for our own people in -peace what we were privi'legged to do for them in war. And we can do it with your help. Join the Red Cross for 1946. Fee one 'dollar or more. This may beleft at any of the local banks or mailed direct to our Treasurer. A membership card will be issued to yon, at your request. - r '`ours , sincerely-, Ar M„ROBERTSON, CTEO..W. SCHAEI ER, 1). E. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. Secretary. President. ' Yo .MRS. P. F. CARRY, Assistant Secretary. Mrs: H.:G..Dunlop, Past 'Pres. Rev..Jos..Janes,' 1st Vice -Pres. Mrs. G. M. Watson, 2nd Vice -Pres. Barry McCreath, 3rd Vine-Pres, -.Cotincil-=Mayor I). D. Mooney, Donnelly Johnston, R•ev. R Stewart, W. A. Hay; . 1). Brown, "Mrs. WIn. ,Mitellell, Mrs, A. F. Sturd;-;- Mrs„ W. J. Hodge, Mrs. .L. C. Cut t. ,The Goderich Red Cross :Society Win ;harsh, R.R. :1, Gn4'ritth, President Carlow unit. Mrs. Geo. Ginn, R.R. 2, Clinton, President Taylor's (corner Unit: Township ,,•, President 1 J. �I. lnlllistmi. R.H... 1, (,rodt ttt h, (•r(/(i('"[1( 11 nsl.I.i North..A. M. Straughan, R.11. &, (oderieII, President Beniniller Unit. . Miss. Maud ° ileasions, Goderich, President Busiliesi's Girls' Canis Miss Auhrat Cleaver, Ge(lerieh, Convenor 11oine Nursing Reserve.