HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-03-07, Page 2p ri a ; THE GQDERIOU SIGNAL -STAR tgttaI PalnW2C—al by Si zal-Stns i'eaa, LIIn1ted. tar OttbOhriptlen tce enteda . and . Great `Prltatio ` 2,flltD,. as year; to united • '. S>taafiea► 52.x. 1 ear slug Rates On regendet. Aut erizedl as sc -e1ass nniail, Poet Office t Depar •a+ Balt, Ottawa. Teleplaaisne ' 1 ±si URS $'AY, MARC t» 7 Ia,' ria `t' y�,� r � b�' ala the rotstis�at night. �a�'� S A'PEA,,' "What it3 -a torvaa velthont a baagnd? wet uN to say, Now that Goderich Lyon. • 'ihPcaas L. 'Sennedy, who hewa what the' fernier* of Oatario ave oboe in the last few years/ asks ger. n Uel .a:r,d even greater effort b year ,,1, help prevent meat stare, atioo inn .Europe• „' a w,essage .of Ontario's lgiaaister v Agriculture "The yeas of flie teat shortage of food supplies i,kn the history of mann, labor „conditions will be ware than last year, but with el hungry Britain and a starving Flurope, and with sacrifice and toil, let us go femora as Ontario farmers to make this the year of our greatest effort to 'feed the hungry, ,wherever they may be, The Master of men said: 'I was =hungered and 'ye gave Ie meat; I was thirsty apd ye gave Me °'drink•- ►hasmueh as ye •have done it these 1least 0 f My ----maw cif'_ the ibrethrea,- . ye ' have...dIone it auto Me'." A, veor*y appeal, and we believe it" will' have, a worthy response. •amu hie two handl ' we umet be accused of ;nutting on "zaies.r-� Apyetax, we have need of all the harmony we can have with a double portion of band anuric. • 0 0 In reciting the advantages of Gode- rich, publicity literature should not fail to include the town's fine health record. as set forth in the repert of r. Gallow, ~4.0-x-► recently made public. This might be a considerable factor if& the selection of a holiday resort, particularly with people who have children. • • When the harps are being handed OUR unicouTH ASIATIC N.EIQHBOR The Manch-ester Guardian, always moderate ha the expression of its views, •__. a in referring to proceedings at the Security Council of the United Nations (frganis)atiion, quotes article 5 of Britain's , tcreaty of silliance with Russia, -which states that t t he two PHIL d R OF t Y MEADOW -STI P ��r� � 1Pfra,��a t . ANUSN NT OENTEZ fl , WED AN ow FRIEND 4 net a friend lett, Leek. it was i°�Elitots-Tae Si ai„i8ta>lS ; a • ea-sarn ]t hadn't as en in (matte a t Sa, We most heartilagree with r. long, time. For days I ."had been t "Mi Ziutereateai Teen-ager”arae the sub- aaitioi aatiug the event. Strange bittla: , jest of an amusement centre fon; our anaeaaaoses ca r�,e crowding iaato'nry aaaiaad. youth. We have often �; .scussecl this Aly reflections were strictly those of matter in our home. 'and wondered t eonva'r¢�iS oa3:� and Hanna a3 eve' &and had why tbia haat act lo �� g peen ov el loran t together:, 'There wan somethi>iag heart- by our euedeeica citixe 'Warming in reaniemberinf; incidents that think our Goderich citizens overlooked seemed quite ordinary in, the expert-1 this matter, but ratteat have neglected encu belt which time gloss, #', over- with it and centred their �v�ibie attentioan in a pursuit- of the dollar. There is no stradge lustre. The minutes o f Waiting seemed like l .place oP amusement in this town eV- minieture eternities, 'The watch moved , cept the, picture. show or the -occasional with maddening slb,wness. In fact, it' lance, :both of -which are too. expensltie seemed to be stopped: The measured - far mesa young people •.to• afford very sweep of the minute hand was the f often. Other' tosyls, have an Amuse - thereassuring thins, acid ev ei} in I anent centre; why not, Goderich? Why the reassurance there was a madden- not build or buy a building, install a ipg quality. Suppose w e missed each l roller 'rink, .a dance floor, a canteen, other. How had fate and tune- used f games such as bowling, basketball; us? Would the old friendship stand table tennis, -volley ball, etc.? All up in the face of a renewal? Maybe' normal youths crave fun to oceupy. we wouldn't be interested in the same their minds, instead of ' felting our things any more. I youths walk aimlessly around- and Then suddenly we were together. t around the Square, with no place to Who Was the man who said that old go' for amusement, which to say the friends are like old clothes beeaaise .t least is most ulabecoming. So come they tit so comfortably? aye no' on, folks, lets open' o . one said it. I may have coined It our pocket -books, and seriously g 'in the minute that our hands met. our attention to this matter, for it will be money we spun • be absolutely unjust an PAYMAROf 7t3n, II an - thief lips, have liateucdl to tlan diseorda and wrong mote3 and eurvoyed their ,ar; Se ted doth+ et,g wit4. 40tlaft g but f Gab i Myself pia the boys ... keep lie geitug. Dollars and Mut could not reins rye for, slay efforts; huh n y t' arti will come when GeV them all its aunifon' 'r' arching in step a�, a lid>iayim1.,° in hat►rmeny a the ,effect on ey e aut'd ear one of.. pleasure and pride. Vniforme will be procured as loos as •s, ateeiai is available. This band is not •"julst a begs' baled, but the Goderielt Citizens' Band in the zakiug. ° These boys will grow foto men and -the band will grow with them it now have thirty-five boys playing end also some learners to provide a lif:cessaary "feeder" for any own bands Practices are held every week °through- out the year. • You admit that Yens 'band will need a feeder.. Why don't you start a learners' class of your own? There are still plenty of boys, end" surely with ss, much talent and experience there is someone amongst you who has what it takes, or is there? Ytiur baaid- maaraer, Mr, Weir, has come from 'Strat- ford azxd "snows what friction this very thing known as "sheep stealing" caused there, and we do not want friction in Goderich if we can keep away front it. The unions- that you represent were organized to get you fair and just •y i11 b ' our hearts' ave treatment from your employers. Your suggestion to periodically skim the cream of players from my band would out' in the sweet bye -and -bye, there It felt that way. The pleasant feel- 11 t Why not I '4 should be some sped for the' grocers who have handled seemed to flush out from my heart. suggestions and. help_ in planning such \i'e gut iu a restaurant and kindled a centre, which would give them some - sat -coupons; answered- -all- sorts-.- _ of -new: - emeries. from- +he -spark of the t thing interesting- -to do. -We are- -- •e,• d the essence aIl' considerations lug of friendship that Is �o warming organize thein now, and let then make 1 of unfairness to my band, myself, and 1. KING'S AIMED TERM AS PR S E A. U n:,,,,eo Ottawa trn>~cap a;orres- pondent, writes t, will On or about June 8. Mr. have bceia Prime Millister of Canada, longer "then ;zauay of ten other ;1:i,e#1 who have held that office s1 oi;ce Confeder- ation ia'n 1867.` On that date, Mr. Tanga thtee teras of o tce as Prime Minister will have totalled close to' nineteen yeaar% to bepreeeige, 0,088 days In all, one Wore day than the tow of the tt`vo prune ministership terms of Sir Joh,, A. -Macdonald, revered Con- servative Ieader, the fifty-'flh an- niversary o whirs° death, incidentally, fall* on Juni 6, .Just ,..for the record, Sir John A•: liiacdonalil. was Prime Minister of Canada from July 1, 1867, to 'Novem- ber .0, 1873, and again froth October 17, 1878, to his death on June 6,,1891. hxr. lEing has served as Prime Minister from December 29, 1.921, to June 28, 1926; Sefitember 25, 1926, to August 7, '1930; and' from October 23, 1$35, with- out Interru ,tient - down to the. present. Sir Wilfrid Laurier', the only •other man to serve as Prime Minister for any extended period, held- that office' continuously from July 11, 1896, to October 6, 1911, a period of close to fifteen years and three months, Rural Magistrate: -`-`1'11 have to fine ye a dollar, Jeff'." Jeff :` "I'll have - to borry it off ye, Jedge,:' Magistrate: the..,eommunity that finances us. To xpembcra of your origival committee I expressed ' -a desire tui co-operate with you and they assured me that their policy' would be strictly "hapds off" as • far as nay boys were concerned, and I expect you to honor their word. countries "agree 'to work together in close and' friendly collaboration after the re-establishment of peace for the organisation` of security and economic s irosperitg-•-1 kalrope.'r 'The -Cu - ° • : (goes, on to , say it is -very difficult to square this promise i misenw th since Rutssian e d of cy and propaga. the war, and it was high time someone said so. But it would be tragic• it Russia, through her' ignorant*, and even innocence oii` - democratic manners, were to take this ,plain, speaking as a declar- ,ation of hostility. -The great -Majority .of the British people .are friendly towards, Soviet Russia and, ,even if- ' their enthusiasm iso tempered, they have the sense to realise that we must work: to- gother for the peace of the world. There are,. all; too many lunatics in- Europe whd spend their nights - alieamiag .01 - a war -- between 01,0 questions - about rations listened to one we had just exhausted. We talked our young buys and girls in appreCi- complaints about shortages, fobbed off and talked and scarcely paid any at- ation will measure uIt to expectations toogreedy eople, and taken all the tendon eta the; food. This was. • too I of their • good behavior,. p good to be true. Even. time hadn't TWO MARRIED BYSTANDERS, dulled a sincere feeling. Our job is to ,provide music and-enferr other ,,•gaup„ .. grocer ---- ---- -- 'take under • the rationing system. Theirs Afterwards we [vent and sat ani NOT THE TIME OR =PEN- tainment to the community and sur has been no small share in keeping 'SIVE BUIL' rounding distract There is a Geld of VII business going -as smoothly as it has in this country. • . • Live _andlearn. Now 'we are told that the clearing of wild growth from the roadsides, while it make for tides$ roadways, upsets the balance of nature, robs bees "of their pasturage, and re- sults in, smaller yields of honey and of apples. Wild berries, wild roses, goldenrod and . other growths provide nod _ for the beesf -the byes pollinate the fruit blossoms and fill the honey cells In 'some States across . the border, it is said, orchardists • and beekeepers are trying' to have wild dowers, berry bushes )•,and suitable trees planted alotpg the -highways in order to keep up 'the supply of fruit and honey. .__....�•. • •s front. of -a fire• -~that was warm as j our hearts and talked some more.4 endeavor for us both. If we work to- Gradually the tide waters of rumen-1Editor The Signal -Star: gether we can accomplish much. 1f„ brauce subsided. Conversation came ; we are antagonistic we will both lose slower and slower. Was it possible I Sir, -I would like to take up., {} that after all this time our memories 1 little space in your 'aluable paper prestige. I wish had flared up like a grass fire on the prairies, roared along with tremend- sius fury, and then subsided leaving only burned over ground. m as an There came It wasn't so. $ li f 1 nt friend Replying to a protest against the use of the • letters "M.P.PK-;?' instead of "M.L.A,i" after " the - names of to discuss the proposed °building of a7t-t new court house, as I feel it is, quite a live issue. 1 would like to follow along the lines of the advice of the late ex -Premier Ferguson, who often stated while in Parliament of aftermath. a feeling o .pease - so liners. lie • • fire was.pleasant,' " tie rkthat •eonstructive; criticism was a great help to ea .nY. °°)Object under discussion, room was' palace and we were two The -"main 'argument of those who old friends enjoying the ' fruits of favor a new court house is that • tine' good friendship."I%a friendship can old one has- elft adequate vault ,space staucT -silence; 'thennii-3s-a•---true -one• and the ceilings are too high.' What is that . invisible ' bond . ,that I feel sure that •,our servants using reaches out an ��holds two people, con- offices .in the court house would' wil- veying sol7asthi�tt��� to .each other that Tingly carry on for. a few years longer, is eve stronger than the sinews 'of knowing that our returned men who spoken, remembrance. saved us all are much more in.._need. It's"good to meet a friend. It's even of homes than - they are of improved better .to realize that the friendshipffiee_.conditions _ �- --•-�-�,°-•�----.=--; ------ has stood th-e les_ G o e:atime and �fartdu Some of our Itee:ves go'to the station Z3 the world. to welcome our men hoarse, but ^ they _ do not carry it°any further. Why don't they co-operate with the returned men stantial concessions by both sides. and the Govi'rnYnerit and insist that the general Chiang Kai-shek has acted Government go on with its housing with both courage and wisdom in con- scheme and build. houses which can be members of the Legislature, The senting to give up the oue-party Gov- either recited or sold to the returned Toronto Star -says: • ernment -•on which his power has been , men? Hon i ir. hews' has said time The fact is that the following based, and there is no doubt that hen and again not to build large buildings g -has had ,to overrule many' of his own t.tlnless they were really essential, a5'• resolution- passed by the -Ontario supporter. The test for the Conn- building naterial is so scarce. Legislature in 1938 still holds good : Monists will -come lifter when ' they 1 • Hon. Mr. Gardiner, Minister sof. Agri- ''_,.. j `Resolved: -That -in --ail -matters ha�:e to glue up at last their iudepend- ! culture, in his_ speech after returning Britain .i :'R•ussia--out- of - whx a -address,-- - titula distinction, , some antique � ent armies • vs�hich have -be -en -their-only I fro an , Europe, stressed the point that w s you every success find .close with this - thought: , When I pass . to the great beyond, to a better laud or worse, Jpst march nay band around the Square, close, followed by my hearse ; - 4 I wept no stone upon my. gravee with epitaph so. grand- - Me monument I'nm building now, the Goderich Citizens' Band. C. WOODS. Bandmaster. they hope to snatch formai correspondence. official pro- . ro protection during the long civil war. we have won the war and now. let • vision of a Greater Poland or a ceedings, and all similar matters leaders k Habsi,urg Empire or what .not, _alld having to 40-, with and coining tis win the peace, and the only way But aLl reports agree' that their are acting with great moderation and that it could be done was tb feed the complete sincerity: There will, of ' starving people of Europe ; and he r course, be difficulties ahead.. It isnot insisted that the farmers try to in-' easy to work a coalition government crease production. Increasing produc-, after twenty years of civil war, but , kion would not only ,win the ' peace '�^ if China can only achieve unity noth- ' but would also improve Canada's fin- ing is impossible. for her. India must ancial position. Murry ,and •follow this example or she . Those who are in favor of a - new will be left behind in the new world t court house, meilitain that we must of the Asiatic posyprs. t build immediately . to give work for it should be the-Britthh' Govern- ment's policy to discourage them. Mr. : evin must. make it plain that his velinat performance „en . the • floor of Church House is not anMember of Provincial Parliament' and a crusade in. Central and its abbreviation `M.P.P.'." Europe. In the nineteenth century, when (according to some modern ^~.i writers) we were a race of Gala- , tads, Britain formed alliances at various tines with Tsarist Russia, Imperial :tustria, and the Turkey of the iuiltan. Surely today We can find :,,ane means of li'i'ng and working ,v i.th Soviet Ri;<ssia: with - but ader;,; ir, h s ideas under ' the jurisdiction of the Legislature of Ontario, the mem- sbers• of the Legislative Assembly +sha11 be entitled to the designation The' Signal -Star prefers the designa- tion "3,1.P.P:'•' When referring to members of -the Federal House of Commons nobody, ,l uses the etters � 1 EVERY "CAR OWNER, - TRU CKER ,� FARMER. PALCOSEEL ult-Ise Puller� ~ateConiLa't RIIEVMATlCPAN Demesne paintssaiy often be caused by s• •.' yexcess uric acid, a blood impurity that • ,should be extracted by the kidneys. If kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use • Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help'.your • kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons alnd excess acids -help you feel better. See what Dodds tan do for you. 137 1 1 KnoW Juste How YouFeel" "1 know because 1 have been tbst way myself. I have been I eb ieally tired thea 1. thouwourd never feel well again. ' oweve1, 1 found that Dr. Chase as Nerve rood soon gaVe me new pep and energy aid put me on my feet." . Tired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 60 pills---60cts. _180 piths --81.50 motopoommoo "Great snakes! It wasp only to git ti e dollar that 1 was final ye. Get anti. Ye- ain't • guilty oanYvcay." • CHECKED In a Jiffy .or Mon*y Sick 1 For quick relief from itching caused by wawa, • athlete's foot, scabies, Plunges mud otherita� conditions use pure. cooling, medicated, D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Grea.elesa .stainless! Soothes, comforts and quickly calm�,y intan.. itching. Don't suffer. Askk�yyoi�u��r���el�rur�.tl today foo. D. D. D. PREMCRSPTION. :,.f,i r: =�S�• '` :<,,•;::;a:•::i:�:v::�'•• ..... .. �s:l.,. !}z•�Jr••3�jarf rn rz ;,fir:::::,,:. ' .�,..t,.#;�:::•.,.;�s.. . r • ; <;.�.,�:���' aiue•Sou Gua , 4 • for every. -idw1 of Lifting and Pulling Job. - One man does the work of 31 men. Weighs but 18 lbs.` and pulls a 3 ton load. •- --Delivered price $18.50. Folder-on- request,- - Distributors • for Huron County New Idea Distributors - uGODERICH, ONT. Phone Carlow 2821 T TN 'CANADA to give the housewife " non- alcoholic Flavors that do not cook --out: • FIRST to- provide the housewife with the eco- nomics of CONCENTRATED Flavors. FIRST to combine color with Flavor so that home coog is colored as it is flavored. FIRST to apply Flavor to House Jelly- ,is el y - ,is colored as it is 'f lavored... FIRST to apply. Flavor to Household :"Jelly -making, providing greater variety and finer quality, First to provide'a flavor for every taste and purpose and. finally first to put gift Quality Flavors -in handsome Gift Packages for any and all occasions -Greetings. to MotliCie Birthday's and other 'Anniversaries, Bridal, hewers, Bridge Prizes,etc.,' Send for a Leaflet. 62-68 Lombard Street, LOVE -,THE FLAVOR MAN Toronto, 1. Ontario. the unemployed. There is no need of CANADIAN SONGSTERS RETURN unemployment at the prese=nt time for Among the most c•orispicuous signs of ' those who are willing to work. 'Skilled realm• P . • string in the realof no titre are the labor could be employed under ' the spe• ech In a s ch iu the t►ttatit a House at early birds' trill* li begin to cross the Government building schecnen. in build-. southern border of Ontario by March. ing housesli for retnriierd en, while about do •,,oc ier curious cy.. If tile. Russians ihi lust ,e s irna I inner a� Minister '1'1 . are 1 )..t1' birds which t• laae Unskilled labpr elm find lots of work on 1 lfslev said t t 'r �d it the area extending alai fi um 1 f' t n fir wage (.olbotcie., Can only realise that 'not all Com- tt i a E f g 1 e arm .i ' i munis.t are saints and not ,all «'e talk altriut putting a watch t lir' (thio Valley to the Gulf •' t,1tcrs: tow'ciship cntil employ fifty more mere i Socialist:. and Liberals sinners we nil (: penditu•res but how 1unc•11 ' Although their as open ranee here terries By so doing this would Place us in a 'i ithail be i1c•nds yet. • u,•istarnl e do tic, get in this ftnuse ;t< �urdittg to the season, their iiltituate l,osition to . increase production . and l - I% in watching c•vpenditure�•r Nine- arrival' is a .dependable natural Plien- fulfill Mr. Gardiner`s request. In tliia admiration for tissia s tc•iiths of the speeches in this rituen2,n associated .with the advent of t•,. .•lv and valiant •fl; l:t against =a itu,t I„ The Itsitish Government said in a IL,u r sic, knia, for ur bi„p;er and spring. . •' white paper on housing ,covering Eng- tlleir debit.• to maintain cordial rem-` better r�pco-Y'4ures. That was the The horned• larks comae , first, in land and Wales that it has been estim- lations wiiii the Soviet Government, ',ease all,, through the last Parlia- February, followed, . ii March, .by ated that ,7::,0000 houses costing less naent. - �j'lail� this session did not clow• , robins, song '.parrots, 1,lue than £1,`'00 (g1:1,340) are needed before Ganadia,nt have been inclined tu,foz<get- start...uut..in' that avav,• it -"finally -birds, killdeer, rednings, -grackles,'' larger -typo buildings- are permitted. . ' W. L. YOUNG. e _ . i _ meadowlarks. Canada geese, marsh t t%.t it is only ti few years since the trot that Way. If the Government Russian people emerged from semi -1 is taking- large expenditures, it hawks, cowbirds, sparrow hawks, is itiuiis under Czarist op- is note because °the Ministers are phriebes, flickers, and great blue herons �� trying to make those expenditures; it is because of public and parlia- mentary demands for these ex- penditures. That I w.hy the ex- -penditures are being made. At - times I feel as though. I am against the whole world when I try,,to,.keep -a lot of these expendi- • barbaric_ cod OPEN' LETTER' Ts, THE. in approximately that order.. 1- OLD BOYS' SAND Naturalists at the Ronal Ontario Museum of 'Zoology report that about pression_ Suddenly given a taste of freedom, and thrown into contact with - 'people who. are centuries ahead . of them in the uses of democraicy, they ap- parently have not yet learned that freedom for- themselves does not mean. that they can ride roughshod 'over tures down. others- In their -new-found strength i• Mr, Ilsley does not look robust, but they throw their weight around, and he must .be one of those wiry'" men the reluctance of, their more ' polite who can take more punishment thafi nesehhons to put up -any'--forcib1 --'•r t1A _ ;touter felit5W r I`Ie lilt gone sistance only tends to' increase- their through: some gruelling years, and the aggressiveness. It is difficult to deal grid is not yet. wjtth what The Guardian terms this t- are_ "ignorance and even innocence of democratic manners," but a bit of plain speaking can do no harm so - lohg as it does` not create the im- pressien in our own minds that the ae+rt. stage 'nest be 'u fight. Where to draw" the line between pa.tiencet'nd %eat complaisance is a problem to - try the souls of statesmen. EDITORIAL NOTES Talking of Northern Spies, they seem to be getting to the core of that affair at Ottawa. p tl one day is required for them to reach So minty people are handing me Hamilton from London, nine clays to' sympathy that I rust reply to the. cover the distance from London, to ad. of the, Old Boys' Band. Toronto, ten days to Ottawa,. twelve near comrades, let • me congratulate days to Collingwood, fourteen. to you on the strategical wording of this Sault Ste. Marie, sixteen' to Fort wee ad. and thanks for' the compliment accorded to me. I do not mind people Tian, and titixtr-three ` to Locltrttn � 'trying to ' -put. one over _..._,_. p An additional influx. during Aril on . me, but brings the birds which have wintered it sure hurts my"ego" to realize that in Central America and northern,South' I appear. so dumb that they attempt , an the migrart'ion retrehes`it - --. wen ei---1.ikeettci..yukii.averton'..zahat peak in May, with the arrival of the grounds you base your supposition insectivorous birds which have spent that my, band will become a "feeder" fthe colder months farther south in for yours.° •I have given iris "blood; sweat and tears" to train these boys in face of untold difficulties, diversions' and opposition, and done it aildne:. When I was sick I left my bed to at- tend practice because thew'wtls no person to help. , When' you were given the opportunity to join the boys and_ your talent and experience would have been a great help, only two consented providimg_.,thnt the others would. The others were all "too busy." I •hate marched ahead, of these boys when they could hot 'l6ep the ipstruments . South America. PEACE IN CHINA I The sixteen birds which reappear in (Manchester Guardian) I Marchaugiitent our permanent resi- .While the - Great Powers are atij dents and winter evisitors, and lend loggerheads and honest men despair color and ,music to att landscape that, about the•future of our Western world i his been partictalarlye quiet throughout it is -a relief _to -turn-to China, where i the long months_ of 1wiii-ter. - tolerance and sanity have 'just 'won a remarkable victory. -The conference ii BOGUS' CHEQUES ' to achieve political acuity has ended in, 'fve iii;tatnees of -the passing of complete agreement. A eoalitiot1 -1,! t':Il:e elteclucs in (loderii•11 have ' re- erninent of all parties is, to be formed t eeaatly been brought TO 1' le :attention lit', orlce tci-`replaesi - ttie one-party ?,f local police. In both eltses the Kuomintang Government which has scheques were supposedly . signed by ruled so long. A National Assembly prominent Goderich mer, and were In which 'all parties, including the given in return for goods ',lid cash at Communists, will, be fairy represented 1(0(111 stores. The frandt1b it1 nature will theta be called to aloin' 11 .,new and or the cheques was' diset,'t-ered when democra tie constitution, Anil- finally ; the 111(1r•ha 1 ' 4 who received t hei;i at- the Government armies will 1►e reclneecl' tempted to tnith them at local banks. '°S;a i' roman'," and we hone it will ninety divisions and. the Communist 11 was ' at - oilee discovered t hat the f armies to twenty di`i�fon4 d'Iic1 i 11'1 signatures did; `not correspond with the give ars a better supply of rnttple syrup than be merged into a :inglia national real dig t::ifure's of the NFrlrlloaer{ issuers • than it did East year. t :trrn}. This :'; reement hos meant soh- of the chequc;s.•- G w o a Ys,. o ,sem-^'""� . ,�.--.-„.+,. �..,M..•.w.,u�......._.,�immemommementencr,9-7,2 1111 It ta'a#ddinlg c°et•entrrit;t' at Kingsville I the 01 her dnay the' groom watt Mr. Diss and the ilrXUe wtt' ibi s .Quielt. The 1 edtlrtw;iniut tliould have here a teeteJtint OW, .: ,p rr a Q)na' a tide 1na,st diaaatga'et1atq>lo tion0F about night driving, of atttoiiobiies lite t:; ,roi-:ac .1l4 htr 2 •fr°egltueltly end �traatr t, , n•°i. i 'ow a ;lass lualttafs,ctUl€r' l�rc�ltla F;lp:tu ..goon 11' 1l 110 rnosle avail. 4 a, auk, i°;.,° r i °'':�4ii' Igo-• x'$;dt'rr (n 0-11; 1 :1 ASOLINE SET?VICE The follon;ii:g g:i 'ales OUNEllY iOD aICII 110Tons agid service stations are op -11 ••)n CaPL'Etatrt p cfa57e�vC;; ' . rett • gj giagAvagg PahPaws in the Rok gaily ,women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend- ing ing over, lifting, sweeping, ironing, •sewing, €,i neces- sar • to perform their household duties putt -4 a Heavy strain on the bad* and kidneys, (and if there were no kidney weaknese use the leach wo ll 'be strong and well. Doan's Kidney Pills help to give relief to tweak, baeka,el1e, 111(11 ay suf- fering vvonlerl. Doann; , Kidney Pills ® in at. oblong ” uwith our trade Yrrtavkfirer- "Maple' Leaf" on the , Doa1t: accept a nubatitutb. 10 rsave ill get r Dope'tu. z s The T. I.tliOrtee do,, Ltrl., 'r'oronto. Oat. Only your continued support of the Rai Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime 'Works ago the -upkeep of Outpost Hospitals,.' the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker. Service, •,;'; theJ unior,R•e,SLCross, and many •other services for the social r a bettertneint of our people. - ,s, ° '4 �''1�a There will be.no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Reed Cross is all that is asked. Mituimummembership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details, CROSSTHECANADIAN E.D SOC'IE Y , ONTARIO DIVISION C. onuCE HILL ptresteleat f ti