HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-28, Page 6,e
0 .
',13117118DAY, $191007ARY 213t11,
AfSer 'yeare _of wan the world
seeeiesit;:ops are be...nine their ewords
lt4„eit again inn) !they:there:. FArr• the
ese. gardener that will mean reiwciling the
frent lauft which has been plowed
etp and put into a Vietory garden, and
again planting freely flowers and
esureeny etock. Treely" may not ho
quite the right word, because 'Can-
adian seedswen e.tate that supplies, are
not- altogether normal yet. There are
a few shortages in some garden seeds.
though- the situation is much better
than a .few years ago. In nursery
Sleek, however. eel -tails lines are still
scarce, because foundation stock for
.,., OM Came from Europe and this. of
course, was cut off completely from
• 31910 to 1944.
- A Cure for Jaded r4lerves
For ex -service men, for allopese
-( -
We have a limited number of,
the famous
Horse $ Tractor Drawn ,
Side Delivery
• IF'1110NP.; :CARLOW 2S2/
who have worked ttio herd or at too
fast :t. tempo 'timing the war. and for
that vast throng of, normal, average
human beings who get a natural Cran-
ing to dig in the soil enery spring,
.gardening utters as cure; rest and reeve,
ation all rolled into one. Thew is
fresh air, littithful ,eNenise and thee
! enlist satisfaction of :seeing things grow.
One can take as little or as mutt as
one likes and the cost is hardly worth ,
• mentioniug--a few dollars for tools, a
Jew cents -for seeds, and nature with,
' little help will do! the_it•est. • I
. • lrlaoraling Idittlee
• :While the. soil is • getting warm,
garden experts advise doing a little !
pianning. Especially where the plot
is 'small and One wants to make the
very best use uf • this limited area, a
rough sketch on paper of the general •
•-layout Will help. Ou this mark the
main boundaries and the permanent,!
features,' like fences, driveway* side-
walks, house' lines,. • garage,, etc. • In
planning shrubbery and flower gardens
the beginner is advised to bear in mind
that each pleat should have half as
much room either way is it• will he
high, .at maturity. This means that.
shrubs like .1ilties, which ,groW 'about -
eight -feet high, :ehouldehave at least
four feet between, ordinary shade trees
theemaplesirouldebe -from -twenty-I-
to thirty feet apart, though one can -
plant temporary ehrubbery• between";
With foundation planting about the •
house, too, .. it is important to give
space, and not get this right under the
caves. Most shrub's will make a much
better show if planted at least thee-•
feet in front of any wall Or. fence.
• AT, It/PLEY (141.1MTWAT4
Gederieh talent figured hi the
• elf Ripley one evening hut week. Re-
. .
I carnival held in tile Coniihualty .A,rena
portinel the event, 'rhe itipley FeNpree*.
eaya ;
".'Ur. and 11.1re. (EreZst) Drecken-
i. ridge . of, tioderich, , unenhere of the
I Swat:fin:A, Skating Club, Were present
and gitS1,ei'.. Some 'very,. fine . tlenionStra-
. , tions ofligare„.sitating.. Ifor their line
Telluride:Ince and their willingness to
come again to 'Ripley, they' Were pre
•sented with ' two beautiful folding .
chairs • manufactured • by the Ripley
Woodwork.ers Compaely. , . Bolt Henry
and Mr. Zinunerinan„also of Goderieh,
--, entertained the audience with
their amusing stunts,. and- little
• Carolyn Zinineernatu,' young daughter
pf Mr, Z•linauelniiata, also showed that
she would be one of the 'future figure
skater e Of this district.", -
One of the carnivaljdges was Rev.
• Chas, D. Cox of Bervie, formerly of
,Gaitlerich township. . .
DO T1111$ FOR
In the Vegetable Garden
Planning the vegetable garden will Al'BURN. Feb. 26. -Mr. and Mrs.
be more simple. Little and quick-°B4.,rt Mills of Guderich spent Sunday
growing things like radish, spinach and - . .• _ , .
lettuce can be planted in rows a foot teeth 'Mrs. ee in. Roberton.
apart when One is going to cultivate by • Miss Frences,Houstorie R.N., efeLops
hand. Carrots, beets, beaus are a little don, was a week -end visitor with het
larger and grow more slowly: It ____ini parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Houstou. ,
'mum space here would,be about fifteen Miss Mary Asquith of London ig
inches and rather more for the larger Visiting her parents,- Mr.. and Mrs:
beaus. Peas ,cau be planted in double Chas. ..ksquith. , ••,.-_.,
rows zi bout .a foot apart, then twice • m 1... „id mr. Hugh 13eurfalt of port
that smell, :space until the. next double AlOert. spent Stualay with Mr. and
PART of a cargo of 100,000 bushels
Canadian certified seed potatoes
at the port of St. John, N.B., en route
to South America. Due to their
'notably-.11*.tgh quality Canadian seed
rands -a ready market in many
countries, The demand is 'increasing
ev year. In 1945 'six and one hall
milhion bushels of - potatoes were'
certified for seed by the Plant Pro-
tection Divkion, Dominion Depart
ment of Agriculture: About 7 pa
cent of Tub -year's seed crop war be
row. ' Tomatoes require -abk least Mrs:, Wesley Bradnack.
*eight -ern ircette 1 \ hen suaketi;-annt--three- - mr,.„ h snees_._beau
• to fourLfcer if pot staked. Cvrit suffering from an attack of 'the "ilti,"
it least t h 1'1 Y ipches apart, the same was takt'n to Goderich hos.pital last
••••..6•(........F;airtimarizarapot.. cr polo toes., Melonuctim be rs aud .IAILY • °'" •
• 1.1
111. •
• small• talde squash, -CM est Au 11 1 Jii,vii Und Garth •MeKniglit of Myth
„about Ah.irty,'inehes square -and event- pnnt the week -end with, their grand-
• oially zibout eight to twelve, plants to. zaother, Mrs. John McKnight:
Liver CORkgEhl
MAFEKING. Feb. 26.-Haeketee and
Zion Y.I't.U.onet with 131ake's Y.P.U.
last Tuesday night in the ‘110,11. 'Aftet
an interesting program and singsong,
games and contests were/ eniOyed and
lunch was sed °
liars. Thos.' Blake speOt last Week
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Don Mac-
Iver, Kinloss.
The. stormy weather continues,
though- our road IS kept -open most of
the time.
Young Peoplo, 'Meek -The Y.P.U.
• meeting on Monday night was
attended. The president, Keith nlake,
was in .charge. Grace Cook presided
at the piano. 'The topic was given by
Russel Irvin. An interesting and in;
structive talk on "How to Read the
Bible" was given by Rev. C. B. WoeVeY.
• Harald,Cook contributed a One reading.
Contests were conducted bs, Irene
. , .
Menary and Lottie Saunders. The
meeting closed with the Ilizinth bene -
,headdresses With gold necklets, gifts -I
uf the bridegroom, and carrying bou-
!iritets°of white carnations. Christopher
1.14, /nephew,- of the bride, was, page
bOy4: wearing a blue Suit. The best
matt - was% Cpl. J, R. Jones, Loyal Ed -
mouton Regiment of Canada, who read
Prayer will be observed' in Nile !Suited__
NILE, Feb. 25. -The World .Day of
- _.fi,
a ' cable of congratulations from the
ni The W
church on Friday', March Stle at 2
, bridegroom s parents. - Fifty guests
ted the wolmiteani'lsanAt9ssioociinat‘iNo,
ilth hastlie
!attended the reyeption tit Ewshottthal1.11Ple•ce•p.
The brides -Another reeeiVed in a frock
. .
, Women's Missionary Society and- the
••th black ac-,
Now get real relief from brenehlew iniseriso this (IOW" •
• action way -with the herae-proveall ntedieatioira that'
6 ssiosegeq, aTAtDRY Iro c42416
• ,
Penetrates •
deep/ into bronchial
tubes with soothing
medicinal vapors. ,
To get the benefits of this corn- gone, Now don't take c
binedl PENETRATINO-ST1MULATING ac- with untried remedieS-get
tion, just ruh throet, chest, and' lief from bronchitis miscues ttie
back with Vicks VapoRub at night with ciouble-action, time-
-bedtime. VapoRntegoes to work_tekted:
in--Stan-Hy -2 ways -at -once as ,•
shown above --to ease bronchitis FOR ADDED IKLIEF-4Vielt a
coughing, loosen -congestion,, re- of Vapoltub in aleowin
lievemuscular soreness, andspeed water. inhale the steaming
restful, comforting sleep. Often (*eel vepors. Peel them
by morning most of the misery is nagging irritation!
thest and back say-
purchased from Geo, Rutledge to
lot purchaserlrom Jas. mcintyre on
the scorner at the boundary. A.large
crowd. gathered, arotind toesee LW, 4rp.i.Y
Jeep and a caterpillar °Snowplough
drawing the house, en skids. Harry
Watson and Ernest MeIlw,ain super-
vised the Job.
The people 'of Nile were 'sorry to
hear of the accident to Harold Knight,
l 11,1s bl , gray. COUI,
invitation is extended '44pe fa any
ceesories. "The young couple spent ,a [
RA tli In st
others wishing to atte • IS •
l'hOiseyn10011 ill 1•04(19i _,1,1_14#i_.;\_•:_p_wcastle, I
. For travelling Mrs. ,C.arter 'wore a.- aitil...:-.-11,Y4wdoentylai;e-otd.--Plitmey,:tn. -ult.ft7r.olirbriee-unnililtiss
grey pinstripe Suit and black aentes-
, ., . ,i to give an address as part of the
sories. • •
mil ne frofir-over.. eagn--=1:/f-e. Clifford }-11rOgralIti." ' "' - ' --, - ' ,a ,•,,,,,th,,,- -,4•,:
. Carler, of Auburn. retnieted on the 1 . Owen Moore has morneeqee 1, hotise
Queen Elizabeth aud was ,ins.4 at the i .
i Auburn depot by his sisters, brother 'l711,17-•-- -,,,,
, aud father. Pte. Carter says ft is a
• real thrill returning to one's native
a hill. :Space betweeif hills should be •
,•-!zgt.. Fred Hickifizin, Toronto, Who
at least fifteen. inches to salon fothreeently returned from overseas, is
' visiting" ' • .1 d nt Ur and
spreading and Cultivation.
1 -t u
Mrs. (Jet). Bean. I land; 'friends , and ' relatives. Pto,
• A large cruWd attended the deuce in Carter married an English -girl who he
1 about
in Biliousness is just another name KINGSRRIDGE, Felt. . 26. mrs, the k'oresters' Hall last Friday night hopes will come o
_ sponsored by the LadieS' Victory Club to two months.. The•son of hir. and Mrs.
Ler a clogged or sluggish liver.- It .M„artlia ONeill rettirned home on Sun
is a very common complaint, but can day after visiting in Detroit for the Music was supplied by Garnet Ferrier [Joint Carter, Pte:. Carter wasWen at
. tind his brehestra.• - , , . I Eastend, Sask.„ +pill 24tlin 1921, and•
be quickly remedied by stiniuktibik past _two, months. -
Mr. Thomas Quigley eame home on 1 Vorty iears Mairied.-Mr and Mrs''' at -tended echeol- Mete.; . Ile came to
accumulated raass, the poisons are ,
. 1 Saturday froni Detroit, after laying up ' Sanitiel _Deer of Hullett township re- 1 oetario in 1936 and wOrked in a
• the flow of .bile. This softs ns the
his boat there. ; cently• celebrated •their fortieth. wed -1 1-losterY. fiiaory at WOodStoeli. ' "The
- carried: out (4 the, system, and the 'ding anniversary. ' „They have been.; next year his parents, brother and
Twee -Servicemen ' lionored.OnMhn-
liver and &wets are relieved and ' -
"toned up. ,
day _evening the parish hall was the teeideuts of this communi y e • • sisters came ta-Ontario and: settled -bn
Milburn's T..axa-Liver Pills quicken
• oL aeentege_gateierneg _eon seen ly after their • marriage at Parkhill.'
honor to Naee Martin and was formerly Mary Jane
ae'rtin• Mrs. Daer
and' enliven the sluggish liver, open- Cqurtney, recently home .from ' deer_ uberville. daughter- of Mi.• • and Mrs.
• ins up every channel, by causing a . seas.- Dancing • was 'enjoyed to , 'Tames Tuberrille, Parkhill. They .Pebruttry, 194-3, and with his unit
free tiowStf- bile and thus cleansing Carruthers orehestrar-and during an • have three children,- John and Bert HI°°k part in the invasion of Sicily;
They are 'small awl easy,fo• take. 1 -called 'the., stage and Rev. Father , Eliz,abeth), of Aubbrn. • he had been stationed since June,* -19,13.
The Woods ;farm' two miles north of
burn. lit&--estrter joined -the `48th
'fig. -blenders" in 1940. Inent 'Overseas in
. ,
e liver of the clogging impurities. intermission the. two 3:oung wen were Daer,
thHullett; and Mrs. A. KirkcoTiell going there from North Africa, _where
•. • •
Quigley expressed the 'good. wishes of, Wedding-Annfieisary.-M r. and mrs..i He received special mention -for
Do not gripe, weaken or sicken.
this community .in -a hearty ,welcome Harold Sprung quietly celebrated their , bravery \in a „new•spaPer despatefl. from
Ont. •and presented them with 'the proceeds thirty-tiftli nvedding anniversary. . at: Italy, October 16, 1043. • He and two
of the eN ening'. Like • most of the their farm Mane in Heflett township. other men on patrol at theedge of a
Rachel Patter- iown had a brush with a German
returned men they. don*t talk much, Mrs. Sprung, the folmer
extfi'Msedel their feelings' in son, is a daughter of the late Mr. and sentry. The Canadians blazed away
but , they
The T. Milburn Co Ltd.. Toronto.
Fmerali Home -
13 MONTRE.1L. ST. : Our Funeral Chapel: combines
ihe dignity of, a place of wership,
end the 'refinement of a quiet
veehlenee. •
PlElIONE 120
Fun M. J.onvE, Director
YOU are- invited to listen to
"Music for Sunday' program over
CKNX, Wingliam, each Sunday
afternoon at 3 p.m. .
are invited to insci our
stock in
Clinton Exeter Seaforth
Phone 141
Enquiries promptly attended - to, •
Cunningham & Prydo
No` extrai eh fge fOr the 114
(dour Puneral fit(ime, Toro n.
to Street. A
• Prompt mbulance
Phone 335 Rex. 35D or 7
1 'feW, Well-ChoSeli Words. -referring to Mrs. 1 "1-
,'terson• Te.ey w -are, war_ vith tomMY gtilis•and soon the sentry
was put out of business. ',One year
the Many parcel-, and mussttge* pf ried zit the bride's lionie by • Re .
ing, Aer their aelrringe later, Italy, Pte. Carter: was
g••)(id '1 hs tnoy had received oVer_ Andrew La ft
they first on 'the farm. where Hwounded„while• lighting at the Gothic
of all they- Were graielat f•ir the "116 •'."- Ari -hare -11•"1 11°"' reside :Lien Ili relurired- tongl
- Eand, where-
from 111 11 fris•ittk here. bat most
Prz1Y-ers for 1 ht ir 'safe •return 110
"„tyfter which be worked in the arnay
hr t'n 1110%ed' to tlivir present home. he 'received fUrther hospital treatio.\e!.
la conclusitin " e appieei•ate Tiwy a1ifiily ,
all thiand 111 tilt u.1.fter the
\S'irgiier <.tvvuod; Airs.. :,tores. 1 te. Catter.s si1
111:steis ale s
applan,-'the -For thC-
It are. Nt.
es Eean
lor ). Toronto; _Donald, clari,stt ellrter, at' home, -Mrs. 'John.
s o'" .,.
.1.rinstrong (Elva ), of Auburn, and
11.3 iy „I 4, ‘4 ITTi‘,,11 1 hp dallee home, :111(1 1;te. Jack, overseas.
Airs..Wiley (Irene), of Vaucouver, and
wee _ rest: (lied 51(1 -vas :1 very en- • i•II-LI-11'!-11:• M(1.thig' • - The -13•Y•P•i:'
joyoble oven i og.• : • held their ne,uthly meeting in the a • brother, I/arold Carter, lives at
church haselovnt ufl 111.1thly evening, home..
BELFAST• with curie Itaithby In charge • and •
' .N.Irs. It. .1. PliiIiips at the .,piano. ,A --° ' •LEEB URN
ern° was given by Dolma Ilaggitt, and
, BELFAST, Feb. 27i.- -Mr. aud Mr,,. at reading -by Elsie Mae Nine. ' The
I John Campbell aro both confined -10 Serrptnre. was read by Hazel Dodds
.1)(..(1. Aire hope for. •their <speedy • re- and a rending was given by Royce
cavery. - - - ' • Phillips. The offering was received by
'At D -Des c im hell has received G • t 11 ithb • ho c: "''"The Life
rs. 3 p
rant a 5. P ,
word • of the death of her auut, Mrs. of John Bunyan," was given by Mrs..
ROY= Burchell of Dublin. Deceased Ilaggitt. A piano duet was rend -
was formerly Edna Fowler. ered by Mrs. Wm. Craig and her. daugh-
Quite a number from this community 'ter; Miss Ila Craig. Mrs. Earl Raithby
IEiletRN„, Feb. '1-.)6.,--j-Mr. Ward
Jewell has come back to his hOrne
here:• after having- spent the winter
in Goderich. He will be working.
18 Godericit.
Farm Forum. ---The Farm Forum
met on Monday niglet_at theehome of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyer. As this
attended the hockey match in LucknoW' closed the' meeting with prayer. •- was review night, many enestions were
Saturday evening. Carter—Cox.—on .'September 15th, asked and, there was a good discussion.
The W.M:S. -of Hackett's United11945, at St. Mary's church, Ewshott, There Was an attendance lof, twenty -
thumb will hold their nest meeting
at She home of Mrs. Andreiv Ritchie.
0fiCanfiRr.memasaanmataterfr-MIMMIa., NIB
-or Money0aok
nor quids relief -from Crhin caused bv 'eczema.
„ti„,to.',,e,,,s, pea }110,0 pimples and other Irchiaq
re. rooling..medlcoted. 11403
D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Grence1es0oiid
at01nle34! vonitorts and quickli ealrae
nig,itc.hir.g.. Don t stiffer. AAlvyour rugstr2
-040:47 401 D. D. • •PRESCRIPTION.
. Guaranteed worlimanzabip at
prices that will please you.
Call at our office; Phone 2424 or
drop tIfs a line to BOIL lfil, Gode-
rieh. , We will be pleased to call .
and help choose a suitable nate,* .
Otritli for your faMily plat.
E. A. BPOrOiVillf
St, Andrew's Hi.
• „,--
DEAD or El
quii6kly removuil Clic=, Sanitary Truclz.`lhone oollect
D1Or1601INT01,1 235 EITRATIPOnn
'William Stone Sionsilmited
England, Irene, daughter of Mr§. live- Mrs. IL Linklater-and Mrs. Win.
hert. Cox, (1 Sandpit Cottage, -Ewsitott , Meyer. were in charge of the Tecrea-.
and the late Mr. Cox, was married to' aerial period*. The next -meeting will
Ptre_Clifford darter, youngest son of be held at the home- of Mr. and Mrs.
)Jr. and Mrs. John Carter, Auburn. R. Buchanan, weather aed roads per-
" ev. E. -V. Kingston officiated. Miss ranting.
Hoare was at the organ. The bride,1- Meeting. -Mrs. Wm. Sallows
given ln .marriage by her eldest bra- gave her home for. the February meet -
Sher, Frederick Cqx, wore a white gown ifig of the W.M.S. Mrs. M. Horton,
with train, net veil embroidered with was in charge. There was a good -at-'
loveise, knots and ivy' leaves, and he11 Sendai -ice. The theme of the -call to
With an orange blossom headdresS. worship was- "God's healing • power,".
, She wore the'bridegroonCiegift. a gold and the leader -read some. _further
. cross and chain. Her shower' bouquetenotes from the missionary leaffet. Mrs.
was of dark -red carnations tied with • A. Bogie led in the responsive reading. .
ribbons in the hridegTooth's RTimental of.. Isaiah M. and Mrs. B. Bogie led. in
colors. , Her' attendants were Mrs, t. prayer. Denis' of business were dise''
J. neeker sls matron of• honor and Miss cuksed. Miss Helen Clark was able to
DoraTfly 1)ungey a bildeSnatild, both be present, and gave the •chapter in the
wearing., pink gowns, I•iink rosebud study' hook. and also gaveitems On-
temperhnde. Mrs. -Veit ' Clark read
Se_sge_seteeseesels'Eag' from the leaflets items on Angola,
Africa. The meeting was closed with
singing ,n . prayer:. A. daintylunh
Was ServV and as 800181 time spent.
while erecting an aerial. Just how the
accident happened is not luiosirn, but
It is feared he took a weak spell.
!Amy he is hurt will really not lie,
known until adc-ke-ray is en,
Sickness is the order of the day.
around Nile,, some with bad colds and
some with 'Ulu."
If-otVerii can't see where ion stand,
who fell from the roof of his hosise „they'll soon see where yon fall.
.- . Painful,- -Pus filled Boils -.
the Cause of ,.:'-', ugh Miser
._. •. ,..if you suer from boils You know how sick and •
' . miserable they Made you feel. • .
Boils etreAneontward indication of impurities in
the eystein, and just'vvhen you think yon areridof-
, ...one ?mot r crops up to • . . 1.1 .k.,,,i',prolong
` •
your ini-sery. All the lancing and poultioing yeti .cau do -they -not stop mor -.. ---
991113,ng,.., -4:•••• t,' - . ..,_„,_ .
' ---. -To---beili'oyme• boils.-AroTS1001 aiiiiilrif-y the,'Illood, co whi silt v
that eider-elielete blood medicine, Burrkek Blopd.Bitters, a elui,n!.e to ovn
:what it will (fo.'m helping yotf.get rid of them?.Thousands have 'Cisf,d it for ,
.,,o, thiii-pOrpose.fgrAth,d..pAst....60,,year4.9.,,.....WAy.,Aut yo.ke •
...... ,--____,.......
TI .• ',. M:11, -urn C')., T.i.1,1t,d,,,Tor,lito,.Ont..
Hundreds: -‘every year come to_Ontaria
to cheer their favourites. WO can't -
.ahiays give them "blue -line seats,» but
let's be sure—in all our dealings witb.
them—.they get the best we have to
offer. In short, let's see they have a
swell timel . • •
The answer is pientyl In the nextecolumn
are some of the things any-
one can do. The euggestione
come from a well-known
Ontario boteLman:
1. Kno7,theplaces.ofinterest and beauty
•• spots in yoiir district arid tell people
all about thein. •
-2. When you write your friends in the
Stat,s tell thein about the places they
would enjoy visiting.
3. Try to make any visitor glad he came.
4:Take tithe to' give requested informa- .
• tion fully and graciously, .
5. In business dealings, remember Cana -
.4's reputation for courtesy and fair-
ness' depends • op you.
. 'Y..-
6. To sum it up, rollow the "golden Rule."
(-4 -1\\
b\/' c••
c.•vf',(V,‘,.„1 \
\••+,- „
•.1, 0:
e.0 qtr
- •4000,0000.10
ST. HELENS, Feb. 25. -LAC. Frank
McQuiltin, who canto from • England
on the Queen Elizabeth, arrived home
on Saturday night.
Messrs:' 1)urnin Phillips, Wallace
Miner and GordOn McPherson nttended
fife 'convention Of .rural municipalities
and the 000 Roads convention in 'Por-
tnd this week.
Returned Man Honored., - Calvin
Purvis. recently returned from over-
sees, was; guest of' honor at 0 gathering
epoireored by the Womeii'e Institute
in tlfe ilommunity hall opTriday night.
After lunch, an address WO t4 reed by
•Walittee Miller and -Ross Merherson
on behalf of the eommunity nnule tht?,
preeentntion of a billfold ond war nay-
eertilleate. MIIPie for dancing
, t5ifl11 prnvided bsi the VayloteMeGee
Worth his weight in gold!
The Province Of Ontario
profits to almost the
same mrtent from the
tourist business an it
does from the gold min-
ing industry. It is up to
each one of as to see that
it goes on growing.
Thisdiograin, based on figures
supplied by the Hotel Associ.
ation, shows how everyone
benefits from the Ontario
tourist income. Everyjourist
dollar is shared this way . . .
1. Uotels; 2, Retail stores;
3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.;'
5. Amusements; 6. Garages.
• It woth wayal_
They treat us. roSTally
when we visit them . . .
we can't do less than
return the complfinent.
Remember that it costs
Money to take a holiday
let's see they get
a good return for every
penny they spend. ••
es:11:: •
Tun° laCooltalo Hondo?'
CPT1B, 10:30 P.M., Mutt., Pei. •
(cVoi,' 0%o tiodlioy crue)
ON THE PUBtac itotrzEgi
e. •