HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-28, Page 3• eerre
DUDLEY E. .4401LaiMe
Barrister, Etc.'? •
• Office VeurL 110tiee; Uoderich..
Telephone 55,:
DUN 'PAP4o I' —II Or Sherwood Fox to I
EATIoN Ofpi:ONS Retire from Western .1i §C110014 NEWS
Witsiii,4 AT ririiip
Torit*nato P±esidelloY Of
jf.' K. HUNTE!'
Barrister, Etc.
Royal- Bank Bldg.
Hapailton Street, Guderich '
Phone- 968, •
Wlicek; SUTHARLAN - — -----
' * - Barrister and Solicitor
Oillee—Nerth St., Godericia. Phone 750
Chartered Accounmuts
51 Albert Street, Stratford
Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street
Telephone: Othet. 184...Residence- .843.
---- Chartered Aceoinita.nta
London — Kitchener
J. H. K. Broughton, C.A.--Resident
" Partner
512 Huron & Erie Bldg.
Phone Met. 2788, Londini. '.
For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc.
Bookkeeping Systems Installed: ,
1.?..„1„.. les i ra tit.i.ti M MI tillV
Financial Statements
Wage Summaries ,
I3usinees sand Persoual Income Tax
, ALBERT--S1:10R-E— ,
Office ;Corner NorthstSt. and .SqUare
Phone 070. ReSidence
hated WWII property insured.
_Oil -Accra Pre.sideat, Frank* Me --
Clinton, No. 5; Vice -President,
Chris. Leonhardt, Bernholan, No. 1;
Manager and ,Secretary -Treasurer, M.
A. Reid, Seaforth.
Direetor&—lerank MeCtregor; Clinton;
Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex.
Broadfoot, Seaforth; W: Archibald,
Seaforth; George • Leitch, Clinton; E.
J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McilWilig,
• thigh Alexander, Walton.; J.
D. Malone, seaforth.
Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefteld,
No. 1; °George A*:* Watt, Myth, No. i;
R. Finlay McKercher, Dublin, No. A;
J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen.
Pcilicy-hOlders can make all pay
• ments and get their cards eeceipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
J. H. 'Reid's General Store,.Baytield.
Coupons now valid age sugar. 40
to, 70 and SI, bntter 110 te, 130 and
and R2,and meat i; to W. •
]Aatee coupoias 1,10 to 130 ;expire
today, February 28. •
. Virden * rch t t ay 31 eugar
.of 89 Atli
Instead of
-s be goott,,fov the purchaise
ounce* of maple syrup
0sua1 value of 48 ounces.
—Attbhun1erth� Canadiase ration
system 150 million pounds of meat are
being made available yearly to famine -
stricken Europe, the wholehearted
co-operation of farmers, distributors
and consumers must be maintained if
the ration plan is to continue its
According to a statement issued by
the Ration Administration of the War-
time Prices and Trade Board the ad-
ditional meat being made available to
Europe is an important achievement
and farmers are being urged to give
their co-operation.
They are asked particularly to col -
lea meat coupons front, the ration
books of • the, !members of their house -
.bold when, they consume meat slaught-
ered by.themselves and to collect ration
Coupons for the. meat they sell to
neighboring farmers or to licensed
Under the ration regulations,
farmers are 4i•equirecl to turn in these
coupons to the Local Ration Board
by the 10th, pf each month.
-One meat couponsmust be turned in
for., every lour pounds of meat con-
sumed in the household, hitt the
fanner does hot needsto-turia in more
W. CitA161E
and -
Geo. G. MacEwan
Fire, _Accident and Motor Car,
Late House Surgeon N--..e.W--'-York
Ophtlialmic:aud Aural HoSiiital, assist-
ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and .
0.11ntsiemi _ &ware: - Threat sellosiel! aisf
Real 'Estate and Insurance.
Once a nd. , Residence ';
H Trafalgar Street
Intone 663
FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds.
choice huitdidg jots, business Ke.7
,,Perty and several good farms.
'London, England.
5;1 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267. .
Next visit Bedford .flotel, G-aderich,
Wednesday, &Ludt 27th at, 2 p.m.
tilt 4.30 P•411.
Goderich, Phone -341
Officc. hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5
and 7 to p.m., Tuesday, Friday .abd
10- to 12 'a.in. onlyon Wednesday.
Monday and ThurSaay at Mitchell.
Mineral- fume baths • by appointment
only. -
, . South St-
-Registered under under Drugless Practitioners
Act for the Province of Ontario."
• l'!"m".7"1"1"1!!!!!!"21111"1"°"6.0.*!.'"e'!"!!"..._
Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted
Phone 33 GodelAch, Ont.
Licensed for Counties of' Huron
and Bruce -
For indorknatiou apply to J. N.
lisiernighan-r litivisia0 Court Clerk.
Goderich, Ont.
Correspondence promptly an-
swered. Immediate arrangements
can be made for Sales Date by...
calling Phone 203. Clinton.
Charge moderate and satisfac-
tion Guaranteed, • 19tf
Uniliersity in, i9 -Fred
Laudon Woe -President n
i)r. w. liherwood Fee, „president of
the Universal of Western Ontario,
having signified his desire to retire
freerthat office in 1948, the governors
Of the University have chosen Dr. G.
Edward Hail, dean of the faculty
of medicine, to be hiet successor.
, Another appointment, which becomes
effective at once, is that of,Prof. Fred
Landon, librarian of the University,
as vice-president. Mr. Landon will
continue' in charge of the libraries.
Dr. ,k1Ox, who ii a summer eeeident
of Goderich, has been with Western
nearly thirty years, since 1927 as presi-
dent, and has seen it eXpand from a
small institution to its present pro-
portions as one of the important uni-
yerSities of Canada—fronf a.- student
boar of 150 to one of more than 3,
Dr. Fox can boast of a long list of
degrees: B.A., M.A., Ph.D.,. D.Litt.,
F.R:C.S. He is the author of several
books, r particularly in the of
chtsSics. He has been especially inter-
ested in furthering an understanding
of the grench people of Canada, .and
'under his direetion each year English-
speaking students goto the eQuebee
town of Trois Pistoles to learn On-
than hall the valid, meat coupods iu
the household's ration books. •
When they sell Meat to neighboring
farmers, they must collect one ration
coupon for each fonr pounds *of meat
sold even rIrinettnrcutlecting-coupons
which may not yet be, valid.
slaughterers 'they • Must not sell less
than a, quarter of beef or a side Of
pork and they must collect a iation
cheque Or. ohrationrailon documents for
the full poundage of the meat, accerd-
ing-to the Wholesale ineUt =pen chart,
which every, licensed slaughterer has
in his possession,
Q.—Is there • a ceiling price ou
Oly ,itcynolds' 4"
The commencement elier'cises will be
held in the auditorium of the
on Friday, March 8thseit,
' Court liouse-Isme
1 beaadullY Mat lt„t" burronn(Uads and cfor the tainner to belt,4401-ed law choir
addcd t-30 Initch to the PICIUMillWrIeV:3: ttr, latter part of Nara, ft, Was 411, •
, .
. uf tin. town,, The leiter of, Charleri cided to donate to the Itioging
Athrocatea' a New Ba .,, iii—Healc., o-Niw. xs,r4rli, in -Lasts --*Vetsasiliary tele -come -of ili& t nR--Wear
. te iiagnal4itar woe quoted ae' ovidence,.,ove2 IrOm. the Ielet hazgle_rt
aidgeell rieoitillegl at voting of the oho -en -eta surprise With which! of , thankfi woo eed.4 rosa or. Aildrijt '
— People's .ffieeting v former residents 4tnta vieitere W the i expreesing appreciatIon Of the. lettet
town learned of the proposal tm do ",! and gift received from tbe,.110.waati41.14,
Public debating- has been rathei "out away With the Preeent edurt *Mee. f _late Scripturer.lenen„wukp, read
DebaterS CUSS PrOpused re 'al of a 4'maniiificont t the Qboirloft arzoiintaicilt
tAid,itiy" iig whieli'harnionieed, imum zirAcnu aud gencyta Km,;,•-•4140nacit'at
This %Neck the teaehere and students of style for some years—hi this town Tile PeePle of England would never, it
think of doing away with
of Grade 1.0A bow to their public. •It least --but it was revived in relation W448 said,
to a timely and interestina subject Eit r
historic buildings such an We t e
Is the happy privilege of 10A eeudents • Abbey und St. Paul's Cathedral. 1.0or
Mrs. BleQuarrle, and a Vleaoing
"Abide with •Die,". was rouIere4
Mrs. Fowler. T 'e bcolc "0004/ 1,19
'Lirusader Claim Oannek).4 yaw
Y e . g3 11 e LP, °121 a new building only inferior ,waterial viewed by Blies M. Ca.mpbell and,
to be under the tiujimrvision of Miss the young peopie's societies of North. would he available, good builders also touch ertioyed. After 3 6041111:11a
l'owell combines thorougluiess and teriati church discussed,. pes and
efficiency with a delightful, sense of lathe question of a new , comity court
excessive. The money now in the bands leadership of Group I was brought to
huox aura. yaw. was re- i of the County could be used to better a close. '
humor and a ready wit. Her deep °"e' 1;1 •
preeented y Peter . Walter .., and Ger
,7t...i purpose, in the Unproven:lent a roads,
I in live stock improvement and In other
Mee powelk as, Perm teacher._ Mieestreet_JeInited eleurela And were.6eareei„.,and,_04, _ ost be hour, a., successful =cellar „undo. -too
understanding of the idiosyncrasies of ; rude. Beattie, who upheld the affirm -
the average teen-ager, has won' for her I alive of ' the resolution that "the pre -1 undertakings. '
It was (=tended that at a cost cl
prises French, taught by Miss Powell; iliTheneryneag4adtiBveinwhiaoos
pupils. 10A.'s eOuree of bandy corn- I Immediately by a -modern structure."
Naughtobny;,-Itliiissstory,issbeyt ;,,.M.erns.glil:thig.gaonud; .sa tt r e teht Y regular,. P . S . , and meeting
t h the de boas t e t he was, heldNorth
the esteem and deep ailection. of her I sent court house should be replaced -,
geogr,aphy, by Mr. Francia; shop, bys
Mr. Walkonse -homes _economies, by
and mathematics, by Miss Mc-
dwe4ns.t chairman
1 rt illh the 111;f oarntahlUssstreet 8
street young eople. Wa.rred Finlay
rtahekaedn, of theNorthi
swii,bpe.r114,Prweesii:F could be remodelled, vault space pro -
00,000 the interior of the court house
needed changesliaade so that the pre-
sent building would last another
vided in "the basement,- and' other
hundred years. It would be utter ex-
travagance to wreck the building.
In rebuttal of theieopponenteteeirgw,
Miss Gardiner ;- physical_ training and
coined the visitors f Knox _church. meats the affirmative held that a new
health, for the girls, by miss Bisset,
The young debate all spoke well the sue one and would give viiitors
building would be more beautiful than
and physical training and health, for
0. and the. question which has: beep.
the boy's, by Mr. Francis.
agitating the people 6r. fjodericli 44, .a better, impression of the town. -I
of etire-whole:"Ounty during recent was really- the parisisand not the- old'
The students of Grade 10A are iis -
weeks was pretty thoroughly discussed. cOuri house, that made -the • centre of
follows: rilelens Aikenhead. Howard
For the affirmative it was argued ,_ the. town so attractive. , "
Aitken, Carlyle Bannister, Betty Craig, , Peter Walter concluded the debate
that the horse and baggy days have
Jack Eedy, Brutie Finlay, Kenneth
Florence pass'ed, it is an agg b.f progress, new with the observation that there was
Grigg, Charles '11.1wthorne,
,hicTentions have brought changes, and
, one point on which he agreed with his
Jewell? Jack Ladd, Robert LeMaire,-
this county, like the rest of the world, opponents—"the" old court house is a
)3ruce MacDonald, Flora 'MacDonald,'
must look forward. The present
Bob Moore, Yvonne Moore, i‘laxine
eereee., of date; the °like and 'vault accom- • uteN7,)
relic," ,
The judges of the debate were Mrs.
'Sally MacDonald, Helen Montgomery,'
court house,...It was* contended, is out Decision for the Affirmative '
Oke, Doreen. Orr, Bertha Popp,
Nlin.4.14.et twat_ 1 modation is inadequate; the high ceil- 0B. H. 'Farr, Miss Eva 'Somer-
Postal; Arlyue Rouse, .
heat i lig 07:liens-lye; the ville and Mr. J. H: Niniread. Mr.'
erturd,wituth Thurlow, Evelyn Turton, , ilcig's 4llike Kinkead brut' 'lit in their il. cisi
cotat room _,.t.,s. antiquated; 'there is no
Marie Wall, Harold Warren, Eleanor
accommodation for witnesses, He
which was in favor of the affirmative.
Wil,lAs, Kenneth Wilmot, John Wilson.i.k.n.Per
who . haVe to wander around in the complimented, the speakers highly
The eunduct, 4),f aratte---10N-staidents
hall until they are called to the court on their performance:
on the whole has been, to,uso a French
, . ' room. It was a grand building. when ' . • .
..phrase',-"coninte ci Cbuiiite cii: GOLF CLUIVS ANNUelle ,311EETIN.G-
1 * , - --
- lit was erected ninety yeimrs 1111:0 llt '
was contended; the men who:.,:were i
. It at., annual organizational Meeting
• -
_ _,
Coniiithing with tile 1 basketball' il
'Seriesaami 1:,'ebruttr.y1.21:•,,t • 1,1te loin/wing' respimsible for .its erection wOuld, if: of the Alzmitlatid Golf Cl.'_,1) was held'
, games' were Played : . - they Wel'o here Today, be the -first 'to at the. Court iliouse on Thursday eN en-
building te suit thee,Ing
igixtsisea\t‘iiefho_liss..gcti)11.1.es_o. di .e...fLietst.ed mtiebeiss9eSt ' _t:iiiiid veost:11 ttiroliiii:\t/s'
'Ilit;n1herS. -4)7.• T.''..k. Graham -wag figqin
one of the wealthiest last, with.* a fair 'attendance of
.. .;,t, countieS in the Provinee and - should
. refereed the giuue. Followin"
!have -a. court house to, compare with elected president. ' Other onicers Ivere-i
Vice-president, F. R. ,i0,1arrow; secre-
i-iine-up: .• s IN -,1
il those of Otill,:t*., smelter _ csesnetes„ s with. Ja.r.YAreasurer.-1Y_,,,....1,4mithurs,t ;
,! 11A----4arion Bogio„ Eleanor Fuller
Mirtliernie' C'Ett, 'Joan -',S1-eii•-/.-fil.,s7'
(''''ri'i'i.'iCluirtryritl, Irt)E6 o';i7C4fil'Idlli tax fhieaCteoufnot4y ttrhele.;se_ , directors, Judge T. Mf. Costello, ,D. D.
Mooney, Dr. N. C,.„JacksOnFrank
I Arbour, • litahleen Raymond 6, Reta
•John.s years would meet the cost of It----tiew-t-Gurry, T. it- Patter-s:on;,_141 ,A._ Cool-
! Wilsoii, Rose liartnian, Marie
building. Money may not be so readily thurst. • The club, plans to bold a
1932 used ston, Marion • Dougherty 6. Betty
available a , few ,yearki hence; novv formal dance shortly after Easter.
There /is a ceiling price SoWerby 10, Edith Jenkin 2.
ou ail types 'of ;Used ears, no matter I 913e-Macijorie Overholt, -Shirley. the time to build and provide -ein-1
,Under p esent conditions, its was
tails regardieg the partieuler car. you! Lois Mugford 2, Ruth Stokes, :Hattie !
pointed out, the Ceirifte• is paying -sent
have mu miud. 1,ve shall inform you eon -I Wightinan, Marion Raithby 4, Shirley
for the Children's Aid and police of-
cerning the eerrect ceiling price , Robertson 2, Marion Reis, .:‘.bble Crich. i
flees, which .could be accommodated
in the new building and the rent, saved:
Q.-4 gave my tenant a notice to • In a vdry clesely 'r• contested gamej
, ,
The _Negative_
vaeate but did not . put irm writingAlratte-12 girtsdefeated -Grade-11 girls-
' 'pee value of the preseut court, hotiSe
with a ecore of 5-4. Victoria Baechler
as an historic -landmark and -the waste.; I
:was .the capable referee. Following
fuluess of demolishing a perfectlyd •
are the teams: .- •
. ,
building were Stressed by the speegkPeers '
tenant a notice to vacate you must put '' Grade 12—Noteen MeKaye 2, Audrey
for the negative. :There was f.t....sgreral
-it ---in writing Vier it mut be op a Ginn 3, _.Eleanor .M.ar tin, _
i Outcry, ' if was asserted, against the
form provided by the Board: We •S'Initlf; Dorothy iloStnes, Mary Graham..
have yeterred the matter to our rentals Grade hi—Mason Freeth I4Fotby
atlicailwho will send Yoti- further •in- Bradley, Ramona .Thter, Margaret
formation regarding' this matter. Bowra, Ruth Bogie, Elizabeth Chis-
. - holm, Rita Chisholm 4.
-g-,---I was in the hospltal' for liwe.i
days, and was asked for my ration !, _ .1 ml mil evening battle the C.C.1. Grads
book. Coupons representing a month's won over the LeghTn to the time, of
supply Of 'butter, sugar and meat were : -19-;i0. _Mr. Snider refereed. -Here are
renio‘ed: Is this not too mummy.? How . the teams:
I -Many day's must one stay in hospital G.C.-I -GradS----.J,Iin Halmos. Doug
I before surrendering coupons for .ra- , MacDonald I.,, Chester *WNW! 10.1,,Wpzila-
tioned food? ' . . ! ham Sittherlanct It, Cintrles Nall.,
-A„-----Yatt must stay i-ri tamp -I -tat - -f-o-r-:- •La -t -c1: -%an 21,4.
fourteen. days before ration coupons ' Loi4ion-- Jot; (1' Utica, Bud Worthy
may be detached from your book. sl, 12, .iorry G hum 7, •iievlionnelly'd, Jatik 7
the end of the tw a week::; and :Jain' ' M;tsscy 5.
each two 'weeks' cartttinubus residemice ' • .
lone valid butter coupon; one valid (in FridaS; March 1st, the Teen Age
sugar coupon amid J,wo valid meat Chin wilt meet 41 I .%, 1)..th.,4 t,lie. C01- .
coupons are SurrenderetL . hi your . logiate. .(..!ii.ctus M,10" MacI5Onithl, the '
case •the hospital had not the right popular en tertainer, will . be present.,
to. detach coupons from your ration A la rge mitt endance is hoped for.. ,' _
book. -
their model ye‘r, If you- supply. de -I Robertson; Ruth Hey, Betty Taylor; ploymeet %is seOrkers.
Now, .1 Understand that it should have
been put in writing.'
'A. --If you may legally give your
1 __. For iriformaion,:etc.,. write ,
R.R. 4, Seaforth; or phone (col-
lect) Seafortli, or 861; Goderich. •
, .
expecting my wife and; wersaKonal French.
Still on the sunny side Of seventy
years, he is -active and vigorous and
--declares ;that he is 'looking forward •
to. a time when he "can „do some
botany, fishing, reading,.. writing*, ft•nd
really live."
Professor Landon --
Prof. LandZm ,is, a native Londoner.
wile has won distinction in the field
of Canadian history.. He is the author
of the work eLakliton" Which has
had a wide cOnstituency of reade'rs on
both sides Of the international bound-
ary. Ile is in great demand ae
public speaker, and a, feW irgo
addressed a -meeting in Goderich under
the *auspices of the. Lions Club. .
son from Overseas sometime this:
Month. How can they obtain ration;
books for meat, sugar, preserves and '
A.—Apply to the local ration board,
in your city and present credentials i
aelfying your wife and son. They i
will, if these documents are satisfact-i
ory, obtain their ration bks.
Q.—I am' a Ca nad hi n just- dis-.1
charged from the U.S. Army.. 'Have'
1 a -sight to a priority suit purchase!
certificate? 1
A.—'Yes: Any ,Canadian -discharged i
from the American forces may obtain '
a priority suit purchase certificate at
any local ration board or ration branch;
provided he can establish his Canadian
citizenship and his. discharge certificate ,
issued after May 1, 1945.
Now -.Ren e Cietir's grand. sto7, "And &Thea There Were None"
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—
'Tell an enxelting story of - the kind of woman most men want—but
shouldn't have—even If she rot ld, be found !!-
WasVanesa Mfutual Fire Insu-
rance Co: 50 'years in business,
Canada's largest Fire Ins.. Co.
Get the rates and broad 'cover-
arseon your- tere or place of
business from _
_ kn. 0 Goderieh.
_ ' 'Phone, Cadotv 21-r-4.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
Peggy Ryan, Jon Ifallo Loathe Allbritton and Alan Mowbray
'Bus Schedul'e noy_v_in. effect
-Leaves Goderich daily including Sunday
7.1a a.m.; 12.20 p.m.; 4.15 p.m.
Arrives Gederieh daily
11.50 a.m.; 3.45 p.m.; 9.20 p.m.
Leaves Sundays and holidays
. , 8.00 p.m. and 9.3Q' p.m.
The 8.00, p.m. bits goes di ect to London
only. -
Connections at (*Tinton for Londoll
Detreit, Winhmann. Walkerlon. Per!c
11,10n and Owen Sound.
Compel ions at Strut ford for Woodetoet
Witaitener, Guelph. Hamilton and
, Toronto.
•siipinorted by a east 44, top-flight vomedians in the adolescent blush -
Of -the -year.
Conting—"STATI1 FAIR," with Clparles,Winninger.
Matinees tleteditiesalay,',.qaturday, andlIolidlttys tt1,30
Connections at Mitchell for •Lietowel
atid London.
.r infoeinitine phone Jteitiqh
change phone 1191 or 7.17.
To,liti-ve 'eight grandparents living is'
the rather unusual record of Marlene
and Reginald Portion, age two years
amid six months, and children of' Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Purdon of the White-
church community. The grandparents
are. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aitchison and
Mr. and Mrs, John Purdon, and the
great-gfandparents are Mrs. . Jas.
Gaunt, Mr. Wm. Purdon and Mi*. and
Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt. of. Myth.—
Lucknow _Sentinel.
001.WRICII T-0-1—VNSIIIIS Feb. 26.—
Me. Mauriceinrwood of -Thamesville
iaSt Week ,with his parents,
andMrs. 0. Harwood..
The members of the W.M.S. held a
quilting ,,bee at the honie of Mrs.
Gera Id Orr on Wednesday. A pot'
luck Supper was enjoyed.
The executive of the Dramatic Club
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
tverett 3Iellwain on Thursday even-
ing and outlined the year:s act I'm Hies.
ilu,4poct or It. 'O. StItplespaid his of-
ficial t isit to Unian k4ehool 'on Monday.
net . Lit Tfirner occrovd the imlpit
at Union church on Sunday, doliiering .
a, line sermon in the series of sermOnS
Oum 'ITh,. Crnsade for CliMst' and IIis
Kiiigdom--,''Beside Still WatCr."
NA:bal.s yeeinlVersion. any.,
hov%,?" a:1104111,,ie. "Weil," replied the ;
is 150 little, Q's,;t1), eTader„ "it's lilmIllhumg
ml,ohmineml palltti, lit. nie:"
There was quite a large turn -out
at the regular 'meeting. on February
20th of the Women's Association of
North street United church. ' Mrs.
Price, vice-presidents was in 'the chair -
in the athsenee .of the -president, 'Mrs.
Mooney. Business transacted was aS
fellows : Appointment of Mrs. J. Snider
to take Mrs. Buchanan's place on the
choir gown cemmittee; appointesent of
Mrs. Warrener and: Mrs. Heitman tc
investigate the need of Curtains for
. Piai4 eS or
"Pretid RIsk
-Phone 8243 Dungannon'
M. regniariy mak*
up and ohip Household Purniture. Can-
;011dated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Satikaorft-,
ewan .:Iberta, British -Columbia end to
ire or phone for reduiced.„---,
t r.rotablished I555,
lug frienai—she
, never went out any'
rnor'e,-always too
tired. "Nerves", she
thought—but. it was
her kidneys—the 151-.
iters of her blood—,
that needed attention: She _use0-Daddr.s-
Kidney Pills donee. The improved action
-4mpurities ana excels zekts. 4
-of her kidneys helped to dear awaAOgnLbtsed
. bacsache, headache, lack el energy di's-
appeared. Dodd's Kidney Fills contain.
essential oils and medicinal inpredieras
that act directly upon the kidneys-,..andi
help restore their normal action. 144
rs •
!— •
ve ; it :,vcr ‘v,t-11 rtjany, a coin and have COrne
to . the conclUsion thzt a tlurist dollar, lust., hasn't got
timr, for a priv,i-e .iife' kept too busy passing from
one pocKet to anodler Which :s a very good thing
becausa mariey in a s)ck Joesil`t help anyone.
Yes; tour...“ dollars are. busy, 6ver _the -counter_ articles.
—but they dcn't do .ciu any good unless they pass ,,over
the counters in your d'itrict.
yr,Lr'',ie 'got -to attract t_ouriSi'ts -to your district—The
Blue Water Highway District,. ,,which extends from
\AL,-4W-Icehurn on the Snye, prte on Lake
Courhichincl you 'have thi, 'bait-- -the blucs't lakes the
most refrochin,'ir, the ftnt heaches, thp most hosnes!ile
peonle in the world --Rut \,:--umiv6Act ta4e11 tol.ristc thiS
—r.sr 1-1Lr,v mf.h., oo eke‘../hore n t nrwing thit The, B!ue
Water LItcliw••": exiSti
1[7: ,u tell them thr(,c.--,:, The Blur, Wat€
_4.5fpgiation, sy-kiich is es-Fsfitially You bOcal.se
exrsft without you r,rid voter seintes.rt
(!lee- eou've told th,c7r, they f crne and' spend money
,-)ur strict.. Teive,aewspere r boy sells more plpers.
'TI grocer sells more 'groceries. The farmer sells more
; lane vegetables. The minister, has : p bigder-
ei'i-^rebation In fart, each and every resident of The
.61,:r, Water District benefits from the increased prosperity
re.' itng from tourist demand.
it cannot'
o you can see, a Pot of prosperity hinges on The fillue
Wai.or Hiway Association. /tad its succss depends on
You. Suppeet it vocaPhi. Encobrafie your ugiahbours•-,
. . . your councillors . everybody . . . to suppo5t
The Blue Water HkraWnAnf Association. He It Wag
emorisf money to you and veer caeiglabour.
37,ditg4re the
Boost the tie Wage; iligt3.1!c:i