HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-28, Page 1`ittVETIC-NINTlit ions Heat Talk' on Salesmanship :1C • Speaker Says Salesmen Are Made, Not Born, and. Advocates Training The merits of staatiletie raber in comparison with the aateral rubber products weee retrieWed briefly by Mr, L G. Needier), of the Goodeiele Rubber CompanY, Ii a preffteeto his address on "Oaleamanehip Unfrozen" at the Uwe Club meeting on Friday evetting last- There) was a large attendanee. Mr. NeedleSought to correct some rairtapprehensionit es to the qualities of products of arthieial rubber, particul- arly tires; which, he claimed, were in nearly all respects equal.to tires made from. natural rubber. ImpreVemeut was contently being effected in the , synthetic article, and even When fiti"- tural rubber :is again available, he said, a coneidikable proportlea :of' the synthetic product will be used. ., Passing on to his main theme, the speaker dealt with various phases of salesmaiisiiiii- aft -Seeh by him in a long aud intimate acquaintance with the tire and Service station trade„ and especially with the problems of re- habilitation as normal coinpetitioe, ,is returning in the. trade. During the war period there was no need-, for sales promotion plans, minds had' been diverted from selling, and now that -youngmen were returning froin War and engaging in business it was' neceet- sary to polfeh, and 'sharpen up trade methods and ge into actioa with, tran- ing plans to pick up business (nice more. The speaker disagreed entirely with the old dictum, that "selesinen are born, not *made," •coatending that it was the other way anund, they were nortilerre. „ telt there -Isea better vl• itgret doing anything," he said, "it can be learned. -1211 can be learned, it, 'nn be taught. . . . Salesmanship can be learned by the trials and errors of experience, or it can be taught and learned in a broader, faster,more scientific way leteanodern 6aining--pror grams. • The speaker gave illustrations of _ poor salesmanship and told of plans . worked out by the Goodrich company to promote the adoption of better Methods by their dealers. The Com'. pally, ba 8 a variety 'of training courses to neeen different departments of the dealer's business. • The speaker urged that the returned, men should behelpedin re-establishing .a successful cevilian status. "Let's be prepared to help the-m-Alifitly. Make for the years they have lost while lighting for us, that we may continue • enjey the freedom and opportimitY r every man to eecceed by his own' TLIII and merit." • e se, the speaker was introduced by Lion Stan prevett and an expression of 'ap- preCiation,of the address was extended by Lion Richard Stewart. Lion W. C. Attridge gaVe a report of the zone meeting held at Mitchell last week, and told of the oratorical contest to be held for the zone at Seafortie on March 1.5111, which 'each club- in the zone may enter a contestant. The zone winner may go on to -further come petitiOns. Presideut Bruce Tennant presided. FRANK FOX,, TO .TQ NEE MARCH 15TH A change irethe'Provincial constabul- ary in Huron Counts is to beseffected on March J,Stli. Provincial Constable Frank Fox- will be transferred to Kitchener and will be replaced by Provincial Constable Harold Gaul, at present at Kitcherter. • Provincial Constable Fox took up his duties here. tis. ellief constable on June Ist,,1941, and has made many friend In Goderich and the county since come lag here. Ile completes nineteen yeare In the pollee service onMa.rcli lst. Mri3.-1110x and children will remain in bloderach for some time. Lucknow Eihiated by Flying Juniors Sepoy Town Team Defeated., on Their Own Ice Wednesday Night -Score . 5-4 Alinest everyone said it Couldn't be done, -but Louzon's Flyers acconiplished the .impossible on Wednesday- night - defeated the •highly -touted Lucknow -team On their own ice by a score of '5-4, thus winning •'the' -locale-Junior- "C" group . championehip in two straight games and eliminating Luck- -- new. trope further play. sito pick a here from the • Goderich team in the thrill -packed game would be impossible, so well did each mem- ber perform. Perhaps it was, Jackie Stoddart who broke the -3:3 deadlock in the 'third period, perhaps it was Jbe, N'Velthers whose final Flyer titIlY.:PieiVeti^ ,the margin of victoryari'r it' might have beep Ginn, _who__ performed like an acrobat in keeping the puck out of. the Goderich cage in the dying minutes of the game. Ken Miller, checking George 'hia 'tenaciously at .centre ieer-tuad John Holities, who was - a tower of Strength on the Flyers' defence, were shin leg:lights.- - • First Blood for Lucknow The Chin boys turned on the pres-. sure front the opening whistle, .but Gettertelie eheeked -well to,' break Op' theireplays until at 7.10 of the period George phi.n sent' brother Bill.in the clear wtth a neat pass and Brill made no mietakea beating Ginn with a high -IIIP shot. The Flyers bad the goal back inimediately. -Newcombe- getting the puck from the face-off and -round- ing twe men before passing to Miller; whoebeat Or cleanly, Lucknow re- gained their -lead 25 seconds later, till Chin Acoring on a neat solo effort. --AS the Flyers fought Wit, Orr, in the Lueknow cage, was, calledupon to pull off several smart saves, his nicest effort being_when Walther broke In alone on. the Lucknow net , Orr left hiscake ten. 'feet ta 'smother Walth.er's' shot. When Ainslie and -Milner were penalized within fifteen seconds. of each other it looked like a goal or two for Lucknow with a two - fain advantage, but Stevenson, hot- • headed defenceman; threw his team's chance •out the window by trying to do a war dance on'Ginn's head while brandishing his stick at ether Goderich playerse His • deserved penally eased the pressureten the Flyers. , -Phe --teames were at ,full strength again wheu George Chin broke loose, to beat- Ghat .ped_ send Lucknow two • goals. up, at Mao. The Flyers' sup- porters were beginningrto get anxious, - but not so the Flyers, who got one goal GODERICH, ONTARIO, TEURSDAY, '.41E13RIJARY 28th, 1946 Musical Evening at or* Street Church •-, Robert SprouIos YfelUlg 11011141011 4.8SIStS ()heir in Fine Program OBITUARY •0" An exceptionally 'fine -concert of, secular music wate presented by the choir of North street United church lest Friday evening in the chueeh auditorium. Robert Sproule, talented young London vielfnist,, who was guest artist, tixecuted his nurabers with his usual excellence and *brilliance. They Included: "Traumerel," by Schuntanni "Minuet," by .Mozart, "Adoration," by Borowski, "Houree," by Bach, 'Noe- turne," by Chopin, "Sereatide," by Haydn, "Itonsande," . by Svendsen, "Allegro," bY Fiocco, "Intermezzo," by Provost, and "Czardas," by Monti. Two fine solos, "The Curfew" and "Give Me an Open Road," were sung by Mr. ceeii. Attridge., The Misees- Barbara and Margaret Henry, •popular 0111 any program, charnied the audience with two lively pittneeenumbers, "The * Jolly_ Blacks smirtlas,2 and -"The Haymakers' Frnate " Ketelbey:s "In a Persian Market" waste. ape,cial treat, as tut. Organ aale by Mrs. Hetherington. The picture of the market Scene' as outlined on tHe program was vividly presented to the auditory senses. The excitement of theargival of the caravan;%the,precise and ittitely approach of the princess, • the fascinating., babel, of the market 'Plftee, and then quietness slowly set- tling over all, were clearly broughttut, -Played as they- Were with perfect technique. •• Mrs. Hetherington directed her choir In very finished -renditions of such ever -popular and well-known pieces as "Soldiers", Chorus," "Dear Land of Homei" ctEferlyt-One Morning," "Sweet and Low," "Come to the Fair," "Hail, Smiling Morn," and a ladies', chorus, t'Where'er You Walk." • ;airs. Iletheringtoheaceemimniedathe solo number's and Mrs. J. 0. Mac- Dougall assisted at the piano for the ehoir -numbers,- • After the program, the ladies et the Evening Auxiliary served lunch to those takilig part in the program, and their friends. A rLANNED raoaiww - TO Boon GODEEIOH Ae a prelude to the tisit of a. deputation to Ottawa, to atilt for an appropriation for needed harbor improvements and to approach the Goveitiment on ,other matters, the Board of Trade is planning an - advertising "(spread" in a city daily to bring the facilitieetof the town, from an induptrial, a mer- cantile and a tourist viewpoint,„ to public attentien. ••Among tiae,matters to be taken up at Ottawa are certain points in connection ,witla the propose,d,nortil road to the harbor end the housiag question, PrOgeess in all these ninatters is considered to ,be vital to Goderich and its future pros- perity. To procure funds for the ad- •- vertising venture, which is being undertaken in conjunction with the Town Council, the Board of Trade 1t3 canvassing the business section - and the industries of the town, • .and it is hoped-, that e the canvass will xneet with a generous response and a general approval of thas move for -the adyancement of- the --interests of- Goderieh. . 'a I -ATE •NICHOLSON bitek thirty seconds later, elontairn '. Miss Frances Kate Nicholson, daugh- taking iieheys' nice vase to score at • L . ter of the lateler. .Meicolin Nicholsota 16.47. • Forty-three seconds after' that-11.1nd besides visiting in this immediate . aod 'Mrs. NiCholson'of doderie'll, died- Walther 'tied the game at 3-3 by firing ' district he and airs, Richardson spent - on •Weilnesday at- Thredo, -Onto, after a high shoe which struck Orr on the I smite -clays in- the Beaforth district, a short nines& .Alisa Nieholeon spent shoulder- and glanced into the net. where theta have relatiees, "her° tirlhood in Goderich, but bad rer .. A* the. second peo,a: Veiled ct inn . . sided in Teletie -Sive 1916, She wes a evaft _called:Aaiun te Putt oii severa11ance . member of St. George's- church . here eaVee on efferts by Stevenson, Bill ,and at Toledo was a member ef Trin- Chin and,Wilson. Orr, at the opposite • ity Episcopal church. She Is karviVed end, also showed he knew something by two•brothers, Malcolm Of Windsor about his jolt, particularly when he '-- and Jasper of Toledo. The funeral moved fast to stop a backhander from - will take place in Goderich on the ar- Bisset's -Stick. For the most part the rival of the noon train on Sat- setond period was -featured by . close urday and burial .will take place ' _checking, neither team managing' to Maitland cemetery. * spore. • — Jim Hisset, who has the -hardest PERSONAL ME SUTYDEN PASSING OF .¥' -MASON-- MOURNE His many friendieliteGoderieletwere• shocked to hear eif the sudden death of J. Edminid Mason at Toronto on 'Friday afternoon. Mr. Masan, a avell- known automobile dealer and retired banker; had been taking part in a curling boaspiel when he was stricken. He had finished a hard-fought gaine and had left the ice When he suddenly Collapsed, about 3 p.m. A close friend, who was with Mr. Meson at the tithe, eummoned medical aid and when death was established notified' the' family Isere.. -Mr. MliSon•had bee u m Sronoitto • all week, repreSenting therKitchener *Granite Curling Club at the bonspiel. Ails seta Dettale, _lied been with him daring the week and hail driveu Mr. Mason to the rink -for the -genie_ . Deceased was liern in Ituilett town- ship fifty-seven years ago, the sou of Benjanila itnd Harriet Manning Mason, He began las banking career as a youth at, Myth with the.Bank of Ham- ilton, „which later was merged with the. *auk. wt.*seeteli.ce.-• In 1909 he was fW'�.Fhie uand after a year there he was seat to the bank's "head, office in Winnipeg. In 1912 he reeeived the appointment of manager of the branch Ile Manitou, Mau., ,tatel held that position suecessfullyr until hetes forced to retire,. becauSe- of ill - health iu .1928. Be moved with his family to Goderich in 1929 and. had resided here ever since., „ In 1935 Mr. Mason took the position Mies Esther. MacMatheIrippen, spent the week -end at. her ,home.. Sgt.' Donald Colliery Toronto, spent the' -week-end 'With' Mrs. Collier and Sathdrar Victoria Street. e • . -Miss-Bernice Faller- left on. Saturday for Hamilton, Where she is taking. a position. --- Mr. and Mrs. Loring Sinith, of De-. troit, Were guests - with Mr. and Mrs. of sales - representative for Hudson 11. Je-Watlis the past two weeks. ' e Motors and just -lately was appointed I'4 -.See 18 in Cookeyille, representative for Reo Motorse looking after the practice of Dr...Tames He was an enthusiastic sportsman, Pinkney or a few *weeks. both 'actively, and in the role of spec - Corporals. bouald Rutherford •and tator, He Was a enenrbee of the On - Ewan. Ross of Woodstock and Corn- tarice Bird' Dog Association,also of wall, respectively, haeebeen visiting the Goderich Lawn Bowlihgecinb and at the home er- Mr. end "Mrs. S. R. of the Kitchener and. London Curling MacMathe The young' men recently Chins. ,tle was a keen supporter of returned to. Canada' on the (Sueen local hockey 'rind tiasebalt-teams„ tbe former after three years' Surviving, besides his wife,- the overseas service and the latter after former liessie R., 'Taylor of Blyth, is, five years. - • a, deughtt:r, Maegitret Ire and a son, ,Itecene.earsitors in _Godeeich and„dis- trict were Mr. and Mrs. John A. Richardson .of Duluth, Minn., Mr. Richardson, at retired marine engineer, is a son of the lateeale. and Mrs. Thomas Richard -son of Port Albert, Kincardine Bowled Out by Juveniles Lions Lose Game at Kincardine • but Win the Round with 21-8 Score n Tasting their firat defeat of the season -a 4-2 setback at Kincardine -- On Tuesday- night, the Juvenile Lione nevertheless won their W.O.A.A. play - SKATING OAPNIVAL NEXT WEEK'S BIG . EVENT Friday evening, Ma.relt*Stie; is the date you ahould reeenve ,for the gala. Gederielt Lione Cliob akatbag carnina• le featuring fancy and comie performers fretn-the Stratferd liartire eltating club. The visiting ellib, under 'the striae - tion of Miss Ltvelsin Steiss, WilltpreSeilt a variety 6f. trouble and sole..aetS interspereed by comedy ekite and With a • , bey,Leg twelve girls tevrovide beauty oft round against Kincardine 21-8, by Jo abiiii-daicce in chorus inunnera. ettgwetzailon _whior has_conie to oenp..z:„, virtue of their decieiVe 1044Win in the due Of- the Meet intereetiag of the a *eel* pla.Ce in the affeetione of the tirSt ganae here on. Saturday night, Selo perfomeaees will be live -year-old liictory on the round glvea the 14'ons youthful talent in thie initniber ",Tales Wayne Graham, 'who will eXIldbit--41-$ t‘lave.o.rAigatt • tpoinyaddovwanncse alarthether yin_ wthilei stilts Jnne Harribsgton Will Joe an - of Vienua•Woods.': 4 skating act on entertant Arthur helm in the lust game by other of .the features. " , a the next round' thia, (Thursday) Other numbers f will tes'e"Vieuna evening, to their splendid per- Stlatid-r "Wedding • -of the Painted formance a Saturday night in Gode- 'In contraf3t Doll," "Gait , Earle:Jenne," and the 4' rich, theEmperor Waite. Lions Could do little right ha hThe Meticana number featuring solo Kincardine. anc} although tey domin- ated the plery-decittivel-Y in -t-lietitttlt 'tWe Iterterineri_With chorus,iii backgrotand to t"Black Magic," "• periods they couldn't seem ILO fetthe unes of Tico 'cligkt Tice" and "Jalousie," will climascs'the Ing on their passing plays or lieu& performance. anything °if amend the Kiucardine ,, an...........a... , - gintIT-Cartlidge-lii thel:Cincarditie nets denoting stumbling- block to the Lions as he p -tilled -ter brilliant saves ghout -the -game. tkoh:e..cm44tge,a., 411.t.oltesiei4z1d;afipc.itt into t to t at hr et tray with -aft "geMislibblitriirfrOni ttb.e opening whistle. They found the (lode - rich boys lost on he Wider ice surface and ,rounded -corners and took ad- • „....., Vantage of this to pump 'three goals . - ,--e-- r - past Johnston in the first period. What appeared to be a goal by -Mere in the last haff-mmute or piny in tins period was not credited by the goal -judge and To Have Red ross einhersliip Jrive Stili Much Work to' Be Done by ,OriCanixatiat • While, there will.be no. etimpaign.fOt" funds or the Red Creine „WS yore eitizena tvill be given an oppoltinA4 to .retain ttheir niepihereu n -late Two Business -Changeilhis-Week Worsell Brother*, (Over Their Father's Busifie Bast Street !Bety- Sold- - The hardware business of Carl W. Worsell on the, easf side of the Square has changed ',hands, the new pro- prietors being' Mr.:-.Worsell'e three; sons; thee referee u. talent the goal -judge's ' deciSion. Carl, ,jr., Bert'. and Harry, who wilt the •ganie- tied pared the Goderich lead _chan,ge-goes into effect -on -Friday Mena- Knicarelm• e Went four goals up ooperate the business in partnershipa-The on the round to eltiven early the _ • — , ..„ second period when Bell -combieeti Mr,. Worsell has for forty-five years - nicely with Courtneyitten a goal. Bet beett a._pluniber in Goderich and for that in ell Or the tllglit.rteretittatirbe lateteWineyeare has _opera.ted . his cardine and from that stage on.the, hardware business. He . believes he Lions 'took over inost of the piay.' has. now earned his retirement .and G arta-dire 4co ate n ue d ateieickeo_ut. eatiale- --lett-his -sons take- -ere Carl. _j r rich shuts aimed his way, combining' has been 'with his father in the hard - greet deaf of skill with e bit of ware shop for the last -ten • years, luck. However, at the 17.00 mark of eentle. Beet, bts, beetritarthe business the second triune -Ticker" Meru broke for tbre-e years and Harry had several the Godericti goose -egg, pushing the, years' -.experience.. before ,enlisting In puck in during a lively scramble. . 1.the, Canadian 'artily,- and has been back. .The Lions really got iuto high gear in it eince returning last fall from in the last period and a casual 'observer 'three years' overseas service. woutd have thoughtthey wete the team' , East Street Bakery -Sold. who faced a twelve -goal deficit_ The t Tbe' Beet- Street 'Bakery has beeu Warren twins, with Boll'. 4111n and sold, ,to 'Beverley. Beaton, who comes Westlake, pressed Kincardine in their from Seaforth, where be was employed end ter 'aline* at two "hletes but could at • Ceich's.- He took possession 'On not beat Cartlidge. Finally, at- theMonday last. He is a -married man seven -minute .inark, after skating -peel,' with a family. H. Barber, who _oper- three Kincardine men, Westlake bear; ated the business' for 'nearly three Cartlidge with a 'high hard *shot to years, has', gone to Stratford and will the corner of the net. Johnston pulled take a six months' rest for the benefit off several nice -saves in the Goderich1of his health: . net in the third period, but„ for the I mot part play was ,at the Kincardine MIDGETS KEEP UP end. Bisset broke through taet Knee 111EIR WINNING RECORD i; cardin„e detencemen and was all alone i . . • MRS. PETER COOK shot of ale. the. players on both teams, The -deat1ioceurted-sTen -guild:aye came lose to -breaking the' deadlock' :Febrary 10th, or Mary Webster, early in the third Period- When .he , Widow ef the late Peter:Cook, of AO- hlazed 'a shot,frera thiry feet out which field,. in her seventy-seVenth year. Mrs. Orr cettldn't even follow. The puck Cook veaa born in, Tipperary, Ireland, struck the goalpost -andeseleopped and lived practically all her married straight out, beteg only an inch too • life in..Ashfield. townehip, Her hus- far out. band predeceased her hi Deeember,- After eight -minutes of play, Stod- 193L Sarvivors -are one -sister, Mrs, deft put Goderich .one goal up, 4-3, Wm. Webster, of Cochrane; one bro- by bangleg in a loose puck after Orr ther, .James • Webster, of Goderich; had made a brilliant save in ,leaving three daughters, airs. J. W. McGee, his net -4o -stop Walther. Thirty sec- --of Goderieh; Mrs. .Geo. Hackett, of onds later, Walther. made the Flyers' Cochrane, and Airs. Bruce, Holland, ihargin more Comfortable when hie shot -Of _ Clinton; 4na,. two some, Thomas, •from the Side of the net struck' Orr's •• ,of aloderich, and Peter, of 'AShfield. leg Mid bounced into the cage.- . The funeral sereiee was -held at the George Chin reduced" the Flyers' lead residencein Ashfield on Tuesday tift-ete to on geal at 9.40 When loose clearing •• noon, the 12theand wart conducted by ‘011 the part of Godericheeleyers allowed Rev. Mr. Woolley, ptestar of Zion United him Id' mire the puck .and round the church;' of which- deceased was a mem- stloderich cage to poke • the pack into ber. Interment was in the family plot a corner of the net behind Ginn's .leg. • in Greenhill cemetery, Lucknow. The - , The Chins, Stevenson end Hall, pallbeareas, were two grandsons, Rey 'knowing, they were on the brink of Cook of Goderich, Wesley Holland of . (Continued on page 4) Clinton, atild four nephews, regorge e_ • _ _ Gibstan of LucknoW, Thate Webster of RECEIY-ES MOWS CERTIFICATE see annon, Earl Swan of Itucknota - John Morray Hayfield, Who has Vilif Cook of Dungannon. •been attending -thee navigation class at the Owen„ Sound Coital -tile, received THE NUATHER „ this first mate's -Certificate after having last peratures Of the Past week in tried his extuninations last week. Gederichewith those of thee-orrerseonde John is the son of Mrs. Hazel' 'alurray Ing week a year , ago, as officially and the late Donald Murray of .Hay - recorded,. were as 'follows: • field. He has been residing in Owen 1946 • 1945 Sound the last three winters, keeping Max. kin. Max. Min, fillip on the grail' freighter Capt. C. Thurs., Feb. 21 ' _ 24 15 D. .ftecord of -the Mohawk Navigation Fri., Feb. 22 7 . 12 44 32 to. Sat., Feb. 23 •..,.33 25 32 24 - -• — Sun., Feb. 24 ....29 20 - 34 26 KNOX CAlitaelli LADIES' AM mole, Feb. 25 11 40 . ' The monthly 11114 ting of the Ladies' Toes., Feb. 26 14 40 24 Aid of, )Knox ehureh was held on Fri - wed., Feb. 27 ....24 14 • 21' 17 alny last, with a splendid attendanee . te! _ of members.' Mrs. Alex. Straiton pre - ENGAGEMENT ANNouNcED siam. Plans were discussed and a Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Barton announce &lee set for a• rummage sale in early 1he enaaltement of their daughter, sPrineeeind a bazaar and fen in the Catherine mexid Bartote • to Jack fall• Mrs. Tinnier Cranetotn, eaul /awns Jerry, son 02 me, aunt mee, j, J. MateLaren rendered at dnet, 14 0(4111 Jerry, all of Goderitqt .the weddiatt panted by 'Mrs. Willis Fraser., .A 'tone teats, pill -41 eal tettoe rotates followed by Mrs. Katharine Presbyterian ehurch, ' 'Mailmen which Ayes 'enjoyed. , At Police Court this (Thursday) afternoon William J. Brentuall, who gave his address as Blyth, wits sen- tenced by Magistrate A. In 'Cook to nine days in jail fer vagrancy, the sentence, dating. from Februery , 20th when he was 'first lodged tita jail, A charge-Rttheft against Brentnall was withdrawn. A charge of leaving -the scene of an aceident, agalnet Wilfred 'atl. Peachey, Goderich, was .dismissed. IIitrVe-.Yi- Pettm'an of Goderich testified that his automobile, white perked in front of his • home -un- East street, had been dathaged by an automobile driven by Mr. Peechey on the evening. of Satur- day, February 16th. Hoth-et1r. Eeachey and his wife stated that they had been unaware of their car's striking, the Pettman automobile and claimed there were no marks whatever on their e'er. people of the town and ,digtriet. rractieally all Of the *len and we - men who went into the' servieestipoug Goderich have pleasant ezepriences 'relate of benents received frollitS the. Rd Grose while abroad, esit'.teeiallY Moak who were itualucity enough; to * taken prittonereI1hefr liree-and health Were saved , by Red Crisee pare._ All -donations a one dpItar or more In the past have carried with the,' membership in tlae- Society. -Whedlik memberships will alt Iran out in Mafitit of this year and tile Red Cres consequentlygiving citizens an °Met- tiMitY to -retainllieir, colitiebtion with ' • the Society .and so to laid their heilIP- andMiluence toward -.its peanelime, work. • • Many people have thought that the Red Cross is essentially a wartime organiza.tion. , This * not so, it being an axiom of the Organitation that ,Totts„ work is never done. • It stands ever- — ready to assist, it once, in all disaster relief, in the diseemination of health. propaganda ; it ' maintainee hospitals in many remote parts of the -Proeince. Where the population id* too scanty, to Maintaiar such pleas for them- selves; itsa.e.sists 'war Veterans at all - times, and in many other ways haps make Canada a bettee_place in *Web . (14• Nem li-ive.tfere of-etlie-Incat exerecutive'a • mailing letters to many bringing te tleeir attention the membership cam- paign. One dollar is the fee and this, tor 'larger- amounts _ be left at any of the banki3 or may g .mt! oieeet to A. M Robertson,. „ the braneh treasurer. President D. E. Campbell and the executive are confident that there' are many-. citizens who are anxious to continue•ten association which proved ea so helpful during .the war years. •re 44 • - GODERIPH YOUNG LA.10.32- IN _COML. With Judge Judge T. Mt Costello presiding and, twelve members of the ,Court House. staff sitting on' the jury, MI& Peggy Cooper of town was foimtl, guilty on e -chargeeetebrealablarra etire tract as seeretary of the firm oir Erskine & in order. a marree - and was sentenced to the use of certain silver flatware every day for the .re- mainder of her...life and Was exiled to Prince 'Rtipert, B.C., with her husband - to -be for one year, or fheeeabouts. The mock trial, staged in the home of County Treasure A. 11.• Erskirte, , ---, , hile mes• te erich •hockey fans North street, on' Wednesday evening, was a etapenete atrprise to ALM at one stage but he was oeeransions; \yr, . et c d , iind let- the puek get away from him. • were in tucknow, on Wednesday' even - Ile broke through 1., 1111 later , :Ind' ing the -Midget Lions ,were 4gtvieg 1 Cooper. Accused was escorted into-tlee first-clitss show of hockey agninst-t ' court -room by Sheriff -Nelson Hill, with 'pumped a terrine shot. dead on the' cle-rley in the 'erste-game: of their handcuffs Shingling • from his pocket ' net, bet 'Cartaidgeerlid It'he splits at the last nitinite• to get a leg in tin. way. Of 'goals -to eiamt W.( 1.A.A. round at West County Clerk NNorman Miller' was tile" . .1G -0,4 -luting itttorney, -cvhile Airs. UT_ the puck. . . treeet arena _ . , ...patting. their _oppoeents in weight _piu.i. laTIF(.1...L.'t•.ticli.g.,-is .i.ht.niti,s,'s. I for the 1-F-ellasedt . • Needham, -Alcli.iiy, Reno, H. Warren, ' - - • Domild E., boll" at home, 'awl a bio Bird, Weettake end .1. Ilitrrison .all. . ' rhe Gmle.rich :s•-"ngst.e.rs, '1111°11g1:1; Mirs Jt in Schiiefer was noeirt cleric tlitir, Harvey. of Seaford'. treceived penalties. ' _ -court -erteri--1 !NI -* - -.- --- he i-tht. in a nno,1 ovor,- p••,:iti,,,, never.. - A. Jotrge gathering or tow i1( Referee-Do4itty, Willkerton. 1.He,- ' ' .' ' • usual court -room roles. . The rest of • i hoiess ltV1(1,. a decided', superiority from all. weeks or life paid the hist' nnin-relaaner, Godeeith. - ,ill . tili' Court 11011-0 .11111 'ztetled as'jury. . •,::-.,, ;Hid enieri4cd -,o,1 ,upier- 4 toe funeral- service. held at the lainiay I, afternoon. Itev. Riehard Stewart con- stated teat !el ,- q-lei•ieli ,Toveniles , ducted' Che service, assisted by- Rev. bad thi, ye. ', Iribute of respect to Mr. Masou at the I , colliR-lx-ITING 11, N,n ,,E. Ri.:117.,i.,411,,c • e •-: _ . . ss nen cosisilo. v‘,.k.ile paSSing' sem- " ! of Atillises stati fl,',.,,pci. e ;': „at.ii i•lt Stuara. ' . .. , .. . l• •1,P,', 'f;i (.'2171o(21'.. ,Lro'i.iY('-'1.1hili(: 1 361"s1 1) ti g1:71;! . and relatives were present flame Tor- formed that thts is not ois 11 iiec.ilis ddt'il three more eorit(i 1.:'eurs).-.-11.1.1- • seeoial i,:esion. while holding C:fiesley e'ta(ire. ' 'Henri. it yoturgi Lii,..1 -,.„„u and favor-, It. A. alatonnell of Aubdene Friends chanipionrhip i -... . -,--- in, Onto, li.ityltener, .:Sti;a thrOY, Seaford), the Lion', won their grOutalast winter , - scvreless. Doak, Price iihd , McPhail -Clivean, lily ths Londusboro,.. Kintail but w e 1 e elan ineteds by Lucknow in I -and 'Auburn; 'The pallbearers were the tiret roued out of their (neap. The : c‘lio,itiiigi ;,,tlalic honors, to quake it 6-1 for Judge T. y. costeno, A.. L. Cole, Wil- reporter was not ttrounclb 'tale last' '''''''''''''-'2 , liam E. Tebbutt, Prank Donnelly, K.C.t winter end last week in attempting 10 T.! ..i....,Chosii.oS,,T g'iLilf.•01,,,,04,iii.:;t tc..r-rifY61111 I o.f perrod, Murphy Fred Rouse and W. Moorhead. find but 'how the Lions had aired thell'r-1,s,c'e"-, '" '''''' -I" 0 and , Iles one, but the Among the great nuniber. of beauti- peeviotie year was informed by etmena.- 1 "'"'''"' ' two nuire than balaneed this with. ful floral. tributes •were thoseafrom ber of the Juvenile executive that they rieg1e tallies by `P, rice atel-.S'enith and the Goderich Lions. Club; .Goderich had been eliminated by Lucknow in ' • ' two ley Beecene. Bowling Club, Godertch• Public School their own gaup. 'Perhaps there was . - 'Beard, Central Home tied School Club, a mistuelerstendieg on someone's pan; - ' rumjc imati,un:, .BOARD - Junior 1-Iocke-y fAub, Kitehener Curl- but we belie,ye. we have the right' of 1 r'' . ing Club, lIudson-• Motors • and Reo the matter- now. . 7. 1 Tile inaugurel meeting of the Public -Motors: --These-were -borne-- by George- -- -- ---- ----- - - .—, • First -•>,• period goals by Fulford, • . • tence,- the presentation -of the residenee on Market street on .Montlay In lost • week's Signal -Star it was' • to Alisti C,Jopex, On behalf , ftearom- at 1 McPhail' aottnist, one bV "wilre AT GOOD ROADS CONVENTION County Engineer Roy Pattersonwas in Torobto during the early part a the week attending the • annual con- vention of the Of:Wirt° Good Roads M.- Soeiation: Mr. Patterson Was the only .Goderieli -.man to attena. The con- vention concluded on • •Wedneedey nigh t. - Library Board for. 1946 was held at , Ryan, Lloyd Zinn, Neil MacKay, E. J. II. TAYLOR, GALT—% ' i the.: library- on Febrile ry a 5111 o Offieerse D. BroWn, CIMS. 'Black; Harry Wet- - , and committees.were chosen ns folawet 1 . RETIRING FROM BANK -i -Chairman, - A. Rougviee secretary son, William Bisset, Reg. Bell, A. H. , _ ,..e. .' , - treasurer. .Leo Waizak ; Reuse cola Erskine, Stan. Prevett,Arnold Mc- ' Connell, Jos. Baftont Gordon McManus. J. H. Taylor, manager of the Galeleuittee, H. R. Long, D. NI, ,Johnston, Jack Mtirphy and Jos. O'Brien. . a , branch of the Canadian Bank of Com -e Rev: B. H.. Farr; finance •corennitt4', The. interment was in ktaitlend merce since 1935, and ,formerly man= eL. .Witizak, It. O. Staples, Mrs.. J. Ler cemetery. ager of the (Soderich _branch, will' retire ,' Maire; book eommittee, the entire . in April, according to announcement I bonrd, with M. J. Stitder els chairmen. tiRADUATES IN MEDICAL COURSE John Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hay, of town, has passed - the final -year examinations in the medical course of the 'University a Toronto anti received his M.D. degree et the convocation 011 Friday Jests.' Mr. and 'Hrs. Ilny and Miss Catherine were in Toronto for the convocatfan. , Dr. Hay is now Non the staff of the Toronto General,Hoapital as an interner- Servicemen in the News Visiting with County Treasurer, Erskine and Mrs. Erskine this week is Mr. Erskine's brother, S/Sgt. Wil- liam Erskine, who lust week teturned from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth. Erskine was met at London on Thursday nfternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Erskine and arrived in Goderich that evening and since then bas been making aequaintanees 111 GOderich. Ile enlieted at London in May, 1010, and went overseas in Oetober of that year with the advance partt of Not 1 Army Workshops. For a year and nine Months he was tni duty at Canadiam Army heaSenarterta in London and once while at wort: Was bruieed and shaken 1)5 a biles: bowl) whiell landed only fifty feet- from the building he wani11. For 304011 maeiths he eerteil with the R.C.E.M.E, in the air:ay of aecupation, se:dinned at Leer," (itne ably known in Goderiche earle11) - ilh,treh. The , brelegreoin-to:be has. a potation ‘11 111 ,his eau an Prince Rdpert and ,expects to . be tbeie tor -at least at ot bee een • • ant, SPINE FRACTURE I, . FALL racavi ROOF or HOUSE, • • Humid Knight Of Nile, is in ver4- andrii Hospital sufferieg train scales. eussion apd a dOuhle fracture of the spine as a result .of a twenty -five-foot - farlefrom the roof -peak of his house atalnile-oa. Friday attep10011. 'Ile_ Was engaged in erecting an aerial' on the 'roof of his horae .1:then he elipped ar4 .. felfle the almost bare ground helot/. He was brought .by ambulance to Alex- andra Hospital, :wnere he was attended by Dr. J. M. Graham. tile ' was at • first in a 'setioue condition, but is nene belh•ved to be beyond danger, altheu in The Galt Reporter. - . ; Mr. Hong' ie we's appointed to, ,the 1 he will be confined to the hospital for <air. Taylor begau his .banking career , Huron. County Libre*" Astrinciation.. I SPVCP-All months. inakotland in 1902, 'coming to Canada 1 in. 1906 and being associated with thei . . leenk of Hathiltme Nvhieh later! ' . ' Geordie James mes Has .Been Twenty-five IU as .with the Bank •Of Cola- ' meree. Hte was manager of the Gode'l • - • , rich branch from 1931 to 1935. ' , • Goderhaapeople• will be interested -In t knowing that Phyllis. the eldest (laugh - tee Of Mr. and MrS,. Taylor, is at pre- sent at home in Galt. ... She:was teach- ing at Montreal but returned home Huron. County -eoesseeTeletrise. Through - owing to Ill -health. .. She. is now quite out the -queerer eentart the amiable improved and is.doing supply teachinelgteorge has-been e popolar fignee, with at Galt. Janet has been. a Itessesten I both court and County officials., For overseas duty and is, expected home fivellt.t-twe' years he has had -the ted - shortly. 18111)01* is a ,,11u_rs:iiintr, aitnine, ditiona1 duties of c•ourt crier, succeed - Toronto. att the Sick ' -Children's Hospital, . , James brouglit to , the attention of a, int the late John Knox. A ,pecaliar circumstaace that .Mr. FOAR 111,(1.40 1 ilitIligc(I4ftE,(4.11TeI0exN(141.,a 1 wCol(NvTlitthtel county or court position Wale Court Signiil-Star •• reporter is that each 061:11't.itl:•10.1e(1•10tinnit()tiellezilltitl•laistYlteldi.eLysetatialignIlilti InI1(1)1t,i(eielha.-,t-th one - exception, has been three officials durieg the in the Council eltaniber with rePresent- teentf five. yettrs he has beere there, *Oleos' of the Schoig Boards and tee 'Tigre +aye liven three ;(loinity judges, ITt1(.11•sValitit(e7:1)11taleilretiala1:1-vt5t."(1)11; 'Siejt(!ernact'l ."Vi.,00(itilieg..: three crown attorneys, three' sheriffs, three court clerks, three Candy 4orkso • , Years at the • Court ouse. .. . . . . . . . . . — . • . . . ' “eorge Jitmee on San:belay •coninuded, Mr . -James has had. a Jong iirilitars hie tweuty-fifth 3*ear as caretaker of onoitiii•oeer, hint ing' been aseociate/Le.W10 . the old 14-nreneelltegisnent for thirty - years. He served tbre.e years tuna spx, months overseas with the 33t3 • Huron Battalion in the 1014-13 tettge 'nein -bie rettrrn to aniallerielt hes eleAo tinned . with the -Huron (IleteszteD Ree,iment• until his retirement an at . regimental sergeant -major in 1030. get was also, aseociated with. the 0(41er:telt band for thirty-two yeare. . many. Ile inten: o,..... -visit other bro- thers and sisters in Oinarlo during his discharge. thirty days' leave byline? yeporting for e- perienee as court crier this •Ikfr. joilinSti .. .Asked what Ws :Most IntereSting'Ote (1roup Captain E. G. Fullerton, 14 p11041 that it trzts the itlellell. 11.1m. . A.F.C., - who was equnnanding officer, tilers' trial almost a atVatie ago,. *Iota of the Centralia ailvort, from Jul.t, three s sittings of the stwrente cetant . 11)221 to_svpteniber, 19t5, has reeeitted were held, the jury digagreeing-'each a long service rettrement and is new time, tesething. ht. the disoleirege et en pension. Ile Wiir i.onentne. for fuel a 1 ion a 1 ient roe tomailet ed :or Antler three ( ounty• Areast111 ' 8 a 1( 1 , AfeNeits. iit Paeli triol Mr. J0present to make 'hie home with -this eonstruction in Vnrious, itienleteanties (onto reporters. 'Iltel•xeeption Is 'ton rooting, the otartraintu -tf1.3 11110i1 2•G . Wife and fitmils in Exelter• With the in Ontario, awl a motion was- passed comity engineer. nirtnimhain. (Jerkily, with many .p7,4$11.10 , '11111A (h)sing (if No. 9 S.F.T.SS Centrattia, and that, the committee work tow 41415 lin . Nit• James was borh in , . e away: he reopening aa No. I F.T.s., Grout) consiruction of a. sport, orena 111'01,410 ' England. apd came to Canada at the ire.,vois 'nonrommitial Wlivu'a;:i.._(4 • Captain Fullertam \Vas trOnqerred to 'Hell 1414011 Wifillit ill4111(10. ,fth'ititieS 'Alr.V. of ("14111tV(.11 in 1,S93. lite -took his the command at Trentoh. ..,....., - . -•,.. ' , fi:.):.: ilitifse.t1:::1,;(4.(;1.11(1 4111 11)1, 14 1114 artificial' first; 1)�i t1)11 with the tote / joriathan his olthaola regar(lirg the 111'0110441.72AM, , miner at the Anion (naw Bedford) 'Armlet lareeer . , . itel Elieabeth Youutta • Alp. Janief,fr 13.10111i'r r.,,, tItiii 4111\41 ater..1 „tteniniett the army peratonuel A 'committee under the (1)14)111 111314)11 lintel. lie Warr ,,- Nearing to Canaultbythe vet•sel of SHopkinsonstSo apeonneo mitf u ni'411 A , 0 e - 4,tA,41 .n Ulnaeadt tiu4o In: otp:azs,, ..naobil ilergeant," eepeeted to lIrrns. to final at onitalife hication tont to, ea , and is' the father of sa.t,,onr,a,ini three nine. Ile 11,(I1)e9,*i:o11,,11, Ilfcr,' rtilloa ' 16 at Ihillin e, in the next 'few' tleeto 14 i quire floe) the tope 0 I littill:i,1171.tle i'.i.,•••• i (4,41;•:;.et•irlitse-irls.s . three' of \‘'hont tositly in a ret11111 to ki,'--‘• nal.'60 cclaV, astl 'viF,1-t, , i tier. . ' c fn. A. It. Masa E.11, 4,-Gotleateit. triiyared anal •the tote. ' A. ,,