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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1946-02-14, Page 3
11. ° a HURON C r FOREMOST RE Y • gl,E'. Ye INTU IL AR. GODI RICO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1946 i - .. .ir.. t h I41( 14 DUE DATES OF Forestry Contest � ��; SCHOOL NEWS �) RATION �S0�1P[iNS (i ter U►n�arxo °cc�:oo1s THIS' , . THIS' CoupoIIe now valid are • leatter�-116 n Rl meat 1 to 24 and sugar t 0 139 d eouponu 46 to t;Q. Suger coupene are now valid for the purchase of pre: nerves. ., DUDLEY eiu.k•.yi.1l S Barrister; Etc. Q1iice-Court House, Uoderich. Telephone fib. j. •Barrister, bite. Royal Wank • Bldg. Hamilton street, Godericli Phone 968. • teUTkililtLQND Dormer and eloiicitor OStee--.North St., Goderich. Phone 750 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ONT.EIT•H and MONTEITll, L'hartered Aecounya nts 51 Albert Street, fetratford ,,:TelQntti. (Vice: 302 Bay -Street W. CECIL ATTIRIDGE. A1TER.ED ACCOUNTANT - Tele hone: .Ounce 18, Residence 343. plum INSURANCE. MeleILLOF r MUTUAL -FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm . acid iso- lated town property" insured. Qitleers --•� President; Frank Mc- Gregor,;Clinton•, No. 5; Vice -President, Chris. Leonhu , Bornleol3n, No. 1; Manager and 'S6eretary-Tr isurer,. M. A. Reid,'Seaforth. Clinton.; Directors--Frat1:k McGregor, Chris. Leonliardt, Bornholm ; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. _ R. Archibald Seaforthi ; George-'L,eitch, --"Clams, ; E. J. Tre;wntriht,` Clamtone-Alex. ,Mc ing, Blyth.; Bush _Alexander,' Wal.toii J. L. Malone,' Worth. r, Brumfield* Agents-�iolln` E�mtB1:YY►. �A�,1�,� No. 1;GleO gee A. Dei lin No. 1; It: Finlay MCKercher, b , , J. F. I3rueter. B;rodlaagem Policy -holders can a all pay. meats and get their carte•teeeipted at the Royal ,Bank, Clinton; "Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. II. Reid's General Store,' Bayfield. rraizes Offered for Oornpetition ix }. WY jmi Eeynoidi oto eta ,trl®�—k tries -Up Besmil e of the • increase 3n number tti101aIlse of (students from curial areae,. It has beef decided to eeta:blisli" .a de] arteno3t Encouraged by the success of .the of agrwuiturtd scie' e' 'at the SUG PRICES 'orarstry competition for Ontario legiate. This department offers' facU- Unitewider course of stud in While' sugar prices in the d 'schools held 'tn., 1Si45, the. Ontario iileb. tUr a w a u y States will be increased one-half cent Hertic:ultural Association.- annouueew bhop, houxe a:.cuuuaui�°s; and estreCaa1ly e o d to' meet the increased cost through its secretary,.; Juni, A. Carroll, . in agriculture. '1.'hls course will com- p r p '� b iueuc.tr in September fun; Grade �? and intention of authorizing any increase u probably is of sugar an Canada,ac- Culture, that as similar. competition, hoard is investigeting 11130 the ad- aaf? ivaported °.raw sugar, there is no f. the Ontario. Department of Agri Grade • 10: The School i ' in the grace . Cording to an announcement by S. R. sponeured ui co-operation with , the :Ylsatbaiity of • eugaguig u vocational Noble, (sugar administrator far the Ontario Conservation and Research gµtuaaura; coumseUvr. 'Phis coluiun will Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Aesoe1atiou, will be head in :bulli. repast any further developments 'in tsese lines. The increased cost_ to . Capada for rawaLeet year some eighty schools tools sugar • will be .absorbed. g out -..of the part in the co1npe, uou, which re- As promised last week,• we introduce Sugar •Stabilization ' Fund built up quires the ptatnttg uz a retorestaation Ito you the teachers, ud, students. introduce over the past aum'ber of years. Lower pan of not less -Latta inaleau-aacre in Gracile 9A= The istucie is are Yortun of insurance and ocean freight in 1946j •bl 't the 'chool e may partially offset the increased raw " sugar costs so that the net. loss .on •raw sugar alit,, present will be about 80 cents per hundred pounds, In- creases in returns to Canadian sugar beet -growers will be granted without increasing the price of sugar to con- sumera. Inereased assistance ,on beet sugar. will famou nt to 60 cents per hundred pounds, , the entire .amount going to growers,- to -increase the -.-re- turns on sugar t beets by About $1.50 per toga. TICAL OTHERS ARE AOBING•_ have a ,workshop at home and in my spare time make. various `kinds of rtgveltaes. I would like to -sell these to retail stores. .Do I .need a license or, any other permiseiion? A: Yes, you _do need a license. AP - jilt.. F. J. Rb FORRST1 R, EYE, EAR, ).!"_ NOSE, THROAT ' Late House Surgeon New York _,eiphthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ' ant at Moorefield Eye - Hospital- and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES' • SUPPLIED 53- Waterloo . Street S., Stratford. phone -VT. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, March + 27th at 2 , pan. till 4.30 p.m. • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGI; SS THERAPIST Goderich, Diose 341 Office houis-••-10 to .12 a.ra►.t 2 to 5 VA 7 to 8 p.tu , Tuesday; Friday. and Saturday. 10 to 12 a.m.. only,- on Wednesday, Monda1 and Thursday at`MitciielL Mineral} . fume. - baths _by aplmh3tn�t Drily. A_• N. ATKINSON - 51 South Bt. Registered under Drugleea Practitioners. Act for the.Province" of Ontario. • Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. - 58 years in business. Canada's largest Fire Inns. Co.,: Get the rates and broad cover-. arge on our store or • place - of business m GORDON JEWELL .1 E.R. 6 Goderich Phone Carlow 21-r-4, J. W: CRAIG!E.� nRsvaxos sad. F.1AL 1`iTwx'i PHONE •24 GODHfiIOII A.--L-COLE Optometrist-Optieian Eyes' Exami'ned, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderieb, Ont. Geo. G. MacEwen` Fire, ,Aecident and Motor Car Insurance OrticE- 1�110NtC MPLK - WEST STREET • MORE 230 GODEIUCII P. .l. RYAN R rl >keataso insurasee -Office and Residence.,: 11 Trstf.Igar Street Phone -663 FOR SALE -Houses of all kinds, choice building lots, business pro- -perty and several good farm. aze, as near as posse e o � . property. The regulatiolee are alum it foram teacher. • Miss [eNaughton's the same as last year, with some ought chain es. J udgang will be ee ,�,picasunt disposition endears her to the tee basis ox vU puuits tor the Tlunta- hearts of her pupils. bite has a way tion, •r.0 poi:nts tor coLtectaous of /eaves of anticipating difficulties and elimin- and 30 paints for a forestry quiz sting them is t1i Buil. 'toilet students. competition. in which teams of nae belie�re has assimilated all the stuowits will take part. eThw Sear knowledge in the world, and she has happy faculty of imp,3arting it to 9A' course of studycom- prises histor science and art,taught by" a fins" Mc Nal ghtoki ; Freie , by -Miss Powell • mus c byMrs. Hetherin ton mathematics, y Mr.Scott; -n andgeography, by "Mr. `rands ;: home economics, by Miss Gardiner; shop, by Mr. Walkom ; hys sal training, for e boys by Mr. Paeue. and -for the girls y s e . The studen S of Grade 9A are as follows: Joan Allison, Gretta Arbour, Gordon Argyle,' Eugene Baker, Marion. Bogie, Beverly Brown, AIan Buchanan, Carol Campbell; SylviaCraddock, Margaret Craig, Catherine a tuft, Ray- mond Cott, Marion Dougherty, Mary Ann Erskine, . Jim Fellows; ' Eleanor Fuller, Arthur Griffiths, Gene Hamil- ton, . R.ose _Hartman, Patricia Haetney, 'ric Holmes, Rosemarie Hunfalvy,. •cold Jeffrey; Edith Jenkin, Marie Johnston, Phyllis Xohnston Donald Kernighai, Jean Kirkconnell; Joan, Menzies, Walter Moore, Jack Picker- ing, Kathleen Raymond, Jim Roberts, Sally Sharpe, Betty Sowerby, Reta 80.11. - e4aUse. 9._ .. C eseinp ary t , (?) behavior of tke students during a 'car belonging to Dr. Connors, of that the past v�,ee'k, this column refrains town, around 1.30 a.m. From there from criticism and can offer no advice.- they drove to Grand Bend, where the �- • postoflice robbery was •attempted. In 'Tile •leasketball'•schedu1e„ interrupted the midst of forcing the postofhce safe, for the activities:' of the at-home, pro- according to testimony, they • were seeded With the girls' game on Fehr*, startled by the sound of an automobile, axry_.1 1i, ulnen Grandes _l1 and 12 vrere and 'fed to their own -car, . Upon_their deadlocked in a score of 8-8. ' Victoria pulling away .their road` was partialJy- 'obstructed by the • other, automobile, driven by Lawrence--�'llasen of. Grand Bend, and the # sideswiped this auto- mobile, malting their getaway. A- _short . tiis'tance_-from_ London__the stolen automobile ran out of gasoline and the four set out to walk into London. -They were accosted by Pro- vincial Constable Wellehiser, - who questioned- _ them and upon becoming suspicious placed them under arrest. Principal witness for ,-the accused was Stanley Jones, who had already Four Youths Get Penitentiary Ter ended testified that 'IL' tonne •nail Cornish had bean, asleep e ,,W uk 8 car, while Tiedemann tint ea'e3 4 Y 9 ,1 • • i '. DL 'd. 4. ia. - �., is tee um a T de man; who also had pleeded l�cnilty, ��°'QDYit ' a;t �$ Flat Grand stated, . lie. w eser,: • , tka a.t .1311 pout' laud ?l1 e 'node the attempted entry. ' Eergi - J�`oato '1 oe d biles Pearl, Gable, ielao resides. xaext St0lth C ale:dared that,. upon! ��. tv the pts-�tUYiice, ' being =aliened by tlno „so',�ra4d' of an. Bentea?ces ranging from taro and. autoaakoba -'1e t iii had doolged" Mt, Beer ,a-haalf ' to three and a -half years in window and »ad r-eeel three risen out - Kingston Penitentiary were , imposed side .tl postdli'ice. She could aaot pi Magistrate A. F. Cobh at the week- identify,,.tite:u, 'blit gage., a description,' of the -automobile,. which • fitted , the ly court lest Thursday on three London stelae Ateeeue cur. youths and a Grand Bend youth found - -� guilty an charges of breaking in and To catch a gjiupse of tomorrow's entering the-pontoilice at Grand Bend world tale o Peak s�rciutadi year own with intent. ' Two of the ybu1hs, Henry Tiedeman, home today. o Brand Bend, and Stanley Jones, of g'—'"------'''''''' . r P r y_,� �, " London, pleaded guilty to the charge. i •--� Jack Elstone, of London, and Roy I Cornish, of London, pleaded' not guilty, but Elstone changed his plea before in fa,ssessing Miss E. McNaaught n as sentence was passed. All four hada previously been sentenced at Lbndon to two years in penitentiary for theft¢ of an automobile an London. i Magistrate Makins sentenced Tiede - man and Jones to two and a -half `years, Elstone to three years and , Cornish to three • and` aaialf years,�3\ gretrter emphasis will be lead on hay -lilac the sentences not to run concurrently mag the forestry plot adjacent to the others. s with the London sentences. A. further -school grounder' y b sentence of two years was irupused on __.... _ ,_ ate• . For we purpose of the competition, all tour .-by the ^l�Fagistrate for the the Province has again .been divided t , g , theft of an automobile at Atwood, into six zones, as follows: b S t English _ but this is to run 'concurrently* with-_- Zone la --Essex,. Kent, Lambton, the sentence for the Grand Bend entry. Herron, West Elgin. Tiedeman was also sentenced to Zone lb -=East Elgin, Middlesex, p l° g three abonths, concurrently, or $100 and Perth{ Norfolk and Oxford. b Miss Besse costs, for theft of an automobile at` ;Gone 2 n Weiland, a Lincoln; Ha anddi- Exeter, grin r to the Grand Bend affair. Wand; Wentworth, Halton, Brant Cornish, Awell-dressed, rather good - Zone -3 --Bruce, looking youth,- conducted his and tone -3 =Bruce, Grey, d)uiferin, Elstone's °defence, bused on the plea Simone, WeQnta pn, Peeler and York. C 1 C * loll S 1 " that while they, were involved in the Lone 4��nttixio, Durham, North--.,��'"`�' tunberi ._ .theft of - the_ Atwood cer they .did not "._ Hastings', Victoria, Peterborough,' take part he the Grand l3end entry, } Addington. Prince Edward, Lennox and being asleep in ' the automobile at the Addington. time. LDONALD B. BLUE • . EX.PEILIENCE1i AUCT1O1NiSE1; Licensed for --Counties of .Huron and Bruce RIPL Y, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. G,ernighan, Division Court' Clerk, Goderich„ EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- ewered. Immediate arrangements ,a -can be made for Sales- Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. 4 Charge moderate and Batista& tion Guaranteed, , 19tf Gone 5 =--Renfrew, Lanark, Carle- The pr-psecution- called on a number ton, - Grenville, Prescott, _. Russell, of -witnesses, including Londont - police Duhdas, Glengarry, Stormont, Leeds detectives. Provincial polaceeethe auto and 'Frouteaac. - mobile owners arid several Grand Bend In each zone there will be $50,in residents to prove that the four young prize money, donated jointly by J. E. men had' firsstolen a car in London, Carter - of Guelph and the Ontario driven to Listowel, then to Atwood, Conservation td Reforestation As- where they developed motor trouble. gociation., The winning plot in each Wil B f th i At Atwood evidence showed they stole zone will then become a competitor for the Provincial award, for Which $100 in prize money.has .been o,a•'^ by J E Carter. • s ~ ' •, The regulations require tl . AA' be made to the sekool inspector in each- county or areae not later that, „March 1st of 1946. The judging will be done as soon as possible after October lst, and the entries of the first prize schools in ea-elh zone for the .Provincial competition. mustbe in the hands oflJ. A. Carroll not later limn October 15. - In --view of the keen interest shown in- the competition lest year, it is expected that even a larger number of entries will be made in the 1946 event. • 8AAOIwD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH For. information; stet, write RJ ; 4, Seaforth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth, or 867; Goderich. ITAL T EPHONE 47 Now = "grit f MIA ^World," .with Veronica ':[eke _alicl_ d o � flie Brackent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ° "The Ilouseon92nd Street t" Now it er.kn be 6t1i6Wn'! A, titory of intrigue and mystery involving deielopeynent of 'ill%mie energy. Starring William Eythe,.Lioy►,!: Nolan, Signe Hasse and Gene Loekhaart 3`hnrsday, Friday and Saturdays ' James Cagney, Sidney, Robert Armstrong arid Porter Hall Oagney'e mightiest Mad 'fightingent i A torrid notion' tale' 3n which ti serlippy marine runs into solne'treachero9s €sons of Nippon° "Blood On theSun" -' e COrP*40Akcrg 9nailniate. oriel Lizabeth 8040, in !Ton Ciixno Mopg Iitjhtiocos Stimlaesday, $t%turda •.and flelidaA' shat (.36 ,p.m. C ply to the representative of the W.F. T.B. in the district where. you =reside. YOU may alar be required to have prices fixed. The pricing ofil er of the Board at London will also give you complete information if you send him details of the goods -you will. manu- facture. • ei..-Where does Canada purchase sugar 2 A. -Under Combined Food. Board procedure, Canada and the United Kingdom share equitably the quan- tities of sugar bought for joint account by the M i ►stry of Food from the Empire and the Dominican Republic. The balance automatically comes f •roan Cuba, vvhbse ctop ,is purchased by, the U.S:A. and allocated to, the Combined Food Board. - - Q. -Is it possible for Canada to obtain more sugar? A. -No. .Neither Canada nor any other country can ,buy as much as. it might wish to obtain. - The world's kupply • is allocated by the Combined Fdod Board 'equitably among the claimant countries. • Each country whleh imports sugar presents a state- ment showing. how :.much sugar it produces and how much it needs to import.. .Q, --The restaurant . where t have been eating. since the outbreak: sof ' then war has stopped .serving butter with the noonday meal? 'Is it allowed to do so? - A. -Restaurants tire • quotas users. They may use their supplies as they flee fit. Your restaurant hap eridentlyr stopped Serving butter because the quota was - recently cut-- to malntaia consumer rations while national sup- plies are low.. ..,..1111,.._._ Baechler was the, capable referee: Following are the teams r Grade 11 -Ruth Bogie 2, Joan Scott, Rita Chisholm- 6,.lizabeth Chishol>ii, Dorothy _ B.radleyk-.-__Marion _-Freeth, Marilyn Butler, Dorothy -Johnston. °rade 12 -Audrey Ginn 2, Madeline Smith, Eleanor Martin 2, Dorothy Holmes, - Mary Graham, Barbara Henry 4. On February 8th, 10B girls defeated '1OA girls with a score of 15-10. The Line-up was as • follows: Grade 10B -Aileen ,Castle 4, Dorene Baker 6, Molly Bisset 5, Vivian Glenn, Grace Hayden, Joan -Baechler: Grade 10A --Betty Craig 4, Eleanor Willis, Marie Wall - 6, Helen Mont - 1 gomery, Maxine Oke, Ruth, Thairlow, S. -How can -I be sure that I can raise the price • of Ian article which' I have been producing? A. --A special committee has been set - up in_Ottawa to interpret. the new miter- sus ndhi `"p ir`ic - ceili�n fi gg on'cer- tain goods. Please send your problem to- your nearest focal , V .FT,I3:`Office or the London regional office, and it will be given early attention, s• WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Bus Scheilulo now M effect Leaves aves Goderieli daily including Surat) 7.45 a.m.: 12.25 prin.; •4.15 p.m. ' Arrives Gioderich daily • 1'1.50,, a.m.; 3.45' win., 9.20 p.m. Leaves .Sunday® and holidays 5.00 p.m. ' and 9.30 p.m. The. 8,004m. bus goes di. elet to Londoaa Connections at ('1l ,t... for -London, • Armstrong orrICL Nfi a ud OPTOMETRIST Sqoore See.,Aramti At . Luc uw every ' Veil orro ,g to S. , CONEMIRMION LIFE WINO-.044 Fire Preferred Ratc8 tor• Preferred d ' Risks. ACCIDENT & SICI NESS Consult - ". MO. PARRISH, 'Lu101.vw Phone B2-13 DOngulnuori '' tt; .4. • • They used t® pore hundreds to Onta to ski, _ our friends 'a from the States; •:Fear their sakes and our own, . let's all do' our X3es# to bring them -back.... And give them a. good.ti ne when they -condo! ‘--‘• r.; -iU aeee Ontario profits almost as one twa t b1191-: nen as from gold mining. It's: up to us to keep this business growing. "Let's rrsaEe sure they always comp backs Every tourist dbllar:'i sbaired' 1. Hu 2-Stores;3.Restaurants; - 4,Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse ments; 6. 'Garages.-- - PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC 'INTEREST -air -JOHN LABATT LIMITED Flora MacDonald. - On February 12th, 9A girls wrested l a . victory from 9B girls, the score being 12-7. Here are the teams: Grade 9A--M°arion. Bogie, -Eleanor Fuller, .• Kathleen Raymond, Joan; Menzies 2, Gretta Arbour, Reta. Wilson, is Mary Ann Erskine, lei rie Johnston, Marion Dougherty 4, Betty Sowerby 4, Edith Jenkin 2. . , Gracie 9B -Marjorie Overholt, Shir- ley Robertson, Marion Reis, Betty Taylor, Peggy Stubbiatgt,on -5, Lois Mugford, Ruth Stokes 2, Hattie White- man, Marie Raithby, Ruth Hoy, Dolores Beadle, Marion Powell. Miss Bisset refereed both games. On . February .12th, the. 101i -boys' went down to elefeat before the 10A boys With a score of 16-10. Mr. Payne was, the referee, .-"Fallowing are the teams - Grade 16A -K. Wilmot 6, B. Mac-. Donald 8, 13. Moore, „ B. Lemaire 2, V. Postill. Grade 10B -P. Spain, R. Sproule 4, J., Massey 6, L. Baker, E. Clutton. HONORED ON SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A social affair which ' Is ` of local interest took place recently when M•r. and Mrs. W. T. Maize, of 81� Lambert, Que., were honored on the - occasion of their .twenty-fifth wedding annivers- ary by the management and staff o the Western British -American Insur- ince Companies,. of . whish Mr. Maize is . office manager. The- affair toe the form of a dinner; and was held at the Queen's Hotel in Montreal, where li f lents ° Mr. and Mrs. -Maize -were t e et~ip of a chest of fiat allver. The couple 1 the anniversary. at a at St. Lambert, Quile ave - their honkie ,,and ti': f f-riends. • e a1lo - celebrate receptioe hel where they large circle Before her tliarriage Mrs. Maize was Hazel. Augustine, daughter of Mr, O. E. Augustine of Blytir, and the late Mrs. Augustine. Mr. Maize is a tsbn of the late -Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Maize of Ashfield. The couple were married in Erskine Presbyterian church, Dun - garment by the Rev.. G. Gomm. Mrs. Maize will be remembered here as oho sang 'on dafrerent oecasions in local churelies.-Blyth Standard. WOLF SHOT NEAR KINTAIL Another wolf has been shot in the Ut�ttrpit;,;;'1Vingltairn, 1Va11ta?rtgn, Port district, Lloyd :3tc!cn, of near Lucknon�w, Elgin ant 'Owen°' tilitrti. r° oaraL•t4otla `liaggin otic on `ridgy afternoon on Cotntae,ftioes at i tratfgrdl Io W the' -lake shorai-1iorth of 'tinfoil. Two Riteltienea',- Gluetph, iitarriiltoie :atai4�r Toronto, i wolves were sighted by Mr. Steen, but Cormertionm at Mitchell for Listowel he managed tti drop only the oiie. and London. . • N thone llritigh' E • ebange phone 691, or 117. 11 Atcunk bombs wiii be • as iiit1itmarce tilt, we wake up to teamwork. 1 Wha ° FARMERS •• • - Q to grow. .for the f�urlst frode-" More am the products you can self most readily to ars who visit your district:- Poultry, Butter, Eggs.' tors Vegetables. • • That hat is the experience of ;farmers living in the Wasaga Beach-Cottingwood aria, who sold the following, to tourists during the 1945 season : ' Poultry .:.. 434,840 lbs,..._ �• Butter .......... ,.... 1, ... 68,000 lost r • EgSit . 536,925 do_z• . �h�3sat ..:..., t .. .� 1 2,250436:090205 , (34,00 rb3. law vegetables 4,800,000 lbs. That's a lot of produce to sell .! And it put a lot of money into the pockets of farmers 'iffy you. It' is -our aim to so build up and advertise The Blue Water Highway District that every one of you will make es much money from tourists as possible. To do this, e need your support. With' your support; we'll get-- more et --more tourists, and this is how you'll benefit: • Touristsbrrm your market right to your,door. They ►buy- produce from you.. They palPgood °prices. .0 hey not only bring snore Money direct to 'you, the framer 1'hey, buy gas, papers,- souvenirs, clothing, in your locality. They patronise• your churches, theatres, dame -halls. "i'hey urs-ityour t#octorg, your dentists, yC�FI� :. .. r druggist,. in cfher words, tourists leave a lot of honey in your district. -They raise yoltr standard. of living. . - 8 © yes hate a definite state •1,1 the tourist industry! Let's not take a back seat to any tourist resort in Canada. . Let's work to see that our district.—from Watlacebu rg on the Snye Carte - to. OriNi:t in Lake Couehiching' wets a .good share ©f the tourist trade --end keeps it ! In the fast inatys ; ' it's up tit you, whether or not your district will attract and hold tenrists . Encourage your nerghonrs r , . your cauncallers . ar Overvbody 0. to support The Blue Wmtiet Highwa ''Assaciatinn. ' ti Le,* p. ° IJooti' t the !flue,teii .Ifx jjb xa