The Exeter Times, 1885-9-10, Page 51 i L1.OWAY'S PI LLS &OINTMENT $10 IROMWAPelp1 The above reward will be paid for the conviction' of those Merchants who are selling inferior Machine Oils, and calling them Mco11's Laraine The only genuine is manufactured by eColl Bros. 86 Co, Toronto. FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, EXETER. Burdock Cures .Dc,.,.t1te&S, dos.; of Appt.'tilc, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, .Af esti rns of the .Liver and Kidneys, BLOOD Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Half .Rheum, Scrofula, ,_ErJsipelasand all diseases a ivto f from Impure Blood, od, _Deranged &oniutclt, or 'irr,ryabzr action of the Bowel& ENOWNFD REMEDIES. e fair, takes ant to s if he hlxl, lamed oud of "well ith a fine e coat. It, in- t you )S LIT A ---•Se- hecke,. lead eft•' . utiou, )(Moro over ilil(l�u� on t the ter van s IE S, SPS lroad table ides, Hus- easy t to "$aw's Your Liver?" In the conic opera. of "The Mika- do" hie imperial highness says "To make, to some extent, Each evil Liver A running river Of harmless merriment." A nobler task tbau Beaking evil livers, rivers of harmless merriment no person, lung or layrnane, could take upon himself. The liver among the ancients was considered the source of all a man's evil irnpulees, and the °haueea ars teal to one today that if one's liver is in au ugly condition of discontent, someone's head will be mashed before night 1 'flow's your liver.?"" is equivalent to the iuquiry; .Are you a bear or an Regal to -day? Nine -tenths of the 'pure -crewed, twee,' ' the actions for divorce, the curtain lectures, the family rows, not to speak of murders, crimes and other calamities are prompted by the irritating effect of the inactivity of the liver urn the bruin. Fothergill, the this great aspt:oialist, says and he knows. kin Mao knows thee to pre-- Rent eneh. eatestr'l)hiea 'tattling equals Warner's safe sore renownedi throughout the world, as a maker of "Tach evil Liver A. running river Of harmless merriment.' ' EN. . `tae" 1 . At thethe►t<.x'itltt*l�#til fe 1lt the last quarter, but the mare failed to respond and finished the circuit in 2.1.8. A magnificent floral collar was presented to Mr. Bair by the Narrag- ansett asci. oration and a handsome horseshoe by five lady friends, .It was generally admitted thatthe break might have contributed three seoonds to time, but that under the eonditlopa the snare o' uld not have beaten 8.10. The employment of bioyolists aa sponte in the military menceavres at Viatica proved a great 81100039. Interesting Items. Advicos from Allababad ray it is believed Gen. Roberts swill urge an: increase of the Indian army by 10,000 British troops and 17,QQ0 natives. THERE IS NO EXCUSE • There is no excuse for the many pale, sal- low, weary lookiug females throughout our land, when Burdock 13lood Bitters will regu- late their troubles and renew their health, strength and vigor at so small a cost. Ileo, Geo. 11 Tho •er of I was afflicted with gouty and Chalk deposits around my joints, eularged and inflamed; could not walk; pain was intense, Particularly at the ehauge in tete weather; was confined to any bed; gave up all hopes of living; used Giles' Iodide Ammonia ` Lin- ninlent and fills, which remedies restored my health dispersed the enlargements and removed the pain. Mrs. Virginia, E. Brad- shaw, Stafford Store, Vn, Sold at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store, The nnrcyised statement of inland revenue of the Dominion for July and August shows total receipts for the two mouths of 0618.- 419.84. Tao total amount of inland revenue collected for the year ending June 30th was $6,917,635.01. President Cleveland has bought a span of horses for 55,000. The animals are of the ilambletonlan breed.. Are you made miserable by indigestion, :constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yel- low skim P Sbilolt's "Fritz" Emmet's $#,000 stage dog was aecidenttdly strangled to death Saturday night in the barn un Enimet's ground near. Albany. CATARRH- A NEW TREATMENT Tho } Bourbon, p Y Pezha s ti most extracrdinax success that Ind., says : "Tenth myself and wife owo our has been achieved in modern medicine has lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sols tarrh Out of Usti patients treated daring the ► � 44‘1.4%21-i' ,stlll�rt by J, it ; Brusrnfug, thetas. th fully t cont have � �_ been coxed of tins stubborn malady. This is buffaloes ere limy bred at Gooduigltt, HAIR a' 1 been attained by the Dixon treatment for ea. r '..f -.• nanonine per sin. ns F Over Over AoYea: Foothill, Nurseries a.errea. The Lastest in the Dominion, SALESMEN WANTED To begin cenvassiug at once on s'an sales, Stogy employment to suecebsfulmen. Good agents are earning from $40 to $70 per mouth and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE . 1VEI.LINGTON. Batt., and kettle eel -es readily sell at 560 a head, HORSEMEN', ATTENTION. When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice a day. and apply McGregor S: 1arke's Carbolic Ce- rate. It is undoubtedly the finest lhealiug teed cleausing application for it. Be euro you get 3,1eUregor fi Parao's. Sold for 25e. per box, et Dr, 13rowwuiug a droit store, x ' " a r at' at t1. The Fifth Presbyterian Church et Ciu. the -tale of sal plus ak 1e cMuati has tendered a uuauimous call to Ontario ex.perimeutal fano took place Bev. ,T. 0. Watt,NA. A., formerly pastor of Saturday, at Guelph. The morning Knox Church. Toronto. was threatetlitlg. but towards noon TO THE RESCUE. the weather cleared, I'roceodinge Qocuuaenoed with a strictly temperance luuchooit. It was a battle of the breeds. The shorthorns opened the W 1i ('rocker druggist Waterdowvn and ball, two Booth bulls Making $140 and $12,7 respectively. 1PIien a Booth nonethe less startling when it is remembered +^�•� i , thatuotlivelier cent. of patients presenting Ft stc,r'es ry eS3, theutselves to the. regular t rae tltloner are be- her fG ,. netltted. while the uatetit utea%iues and other advertised cures. never record a cure at all. tural co'er. Starting with the claim now gener=ally uclieved nto-,i e-, Dewar •'f stops toe front f ' inere wee growth, end wit. not soil the sl=it its a flair Cr.; steg, it has t.e by the inostscienttti.emen that disease is due to the presence of living uarasites in the tissue. 31r.11ixou at once adapted his euro to their extermination --tats oteconpli;be,i, he claims t s ,_ v , ,e i' t+ rr practically roved soil the tr- the C,s It t t t 11, I ruauouev uojuest(oued. as cures efeete4 ray Wm four years age aro 4:ore, still. NO oue else has attempted to cure Catarrh in tnis uinauer.and no other treatment ever eured Catarrh. fits apl+ltcatfon of the remedy is simple, and eau bit done at howa, and the =never. Gu' present beason of the ear is the most favor- anteedeee ir.leee able fora speedy aim permanent euro, alta majority speedy being at one treat- 1 1 F h A repr.rcd by robot- Sufferers should correspond with Iiarlrnesa $G Co. London, Ant, Sold byafPrue Cetf au 1 Pat‘ lit 11- 1,: Dealers.. "When all other remedies fail" for Bowel elessrs, A. 1f .1a1?tO ie SON, .W., 4,ing street Coluplaiuta, (a'1ie, Cratups, Dysentery,etc., west,Torouto,c'auada, and suelose stamp for then Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild traw. 1:,:z, berry canes to the rescue." Titus writes thou treakis°ort Catarrh, .t(a+treat Star, �'4Tov, ad�ta that "its aides are large and iuereeuiug," 13iltou above, alias Cutter, started a store ' in :Iloutrt'al, sold good' remarkably cheap, caw ns.1e 1.90 and a Batas heifer got Aato debt It3,000 sad now seeks refuge in coif of the Wild Eyes tribe, $280 t:ltioaga. I', I. Davideor, put in the next lot -.••a 1?Z,U1D LIGHTNING. Soototl heifer -.-'at title sum and no. All sufferers from that terrible torment, body alUv ed Lima but the olaaul. Neuralgia, eau be made harpy in oue ulo. w nut.�ut lava 4'4114' applic3tlon of Fluid 1.1, 1.- pioli of the f„�ruiketltaulr etrttiu brad t l 1 parts, and uiug briskly rubbttl uu sinful eaved bis favorites from taiiing 800. without 110141# any 1,11,48%14111g luetlieine ciao. and place. The lferwfored brought after da with little et r Ito rt. f . Fluid Light - $2.50, ht$250, $'?.'.�,d, $850 Laud $2$O. The tliug ai�+ares as effectually Toothache, Polled Augue fetched $'.',O0, $10+1 Lntul+al;u, itlieutuatit.tn, Heartache. and is $8.10, $180, $825, $1120, $800 And . only sistore. tory per bottle at Dr, liroxui 's Sts. The tfolsteins made $100 The Hanoverian is aiubt:,lded on the rock and $65. The M'ralt ee were quite at Trepasey auel will be a tont loss. She is OUR in the cold, making .$30, $3,1, in eighteen fathoms. ` $90andTf10, 'the Jars(ly boom lshilw�lt a Catarrh Ilenaieay a positive cure f r Catarrh. Diphtheria fusel t'antlier mouth. eeemt'tialso to have alackentd con-Ba11e .1. W. Browning. I,ODON, 11I7RRQN AND BRUCE IR'F. inn'oltTrt. Mixed. hail. Lou•lo.n.depaRt ....•. 0 ee A.: i. t ee l;rd. en it io Henson li 45 034 Flippen '•l 0a 0 :"J 1lraeotield 911 6:W 7i t0 A 9 C.a . l4i lilvtliu t, 7 ',"o1 ndaclp o 101 liefrevs .. 11 el I, 4iu,iui arrit It J`! te. 0 6 o l t fi t•rs, 'Mixed . Afai1. 44 inghanL+%p;tat i :ti ♦-lr 11 en A.m. Beilaraw a s 40 13, e3 cos..' Myth r so 1' ,I, hnudtshoro ,, . , nth 32 ;e+i Clinton •e it 1 ;: liracellrld 1131 3 i fiiitleea - 9 PO 305 Rentali 9 PI 9 12 Exetort+ 31 9 03 Conduit arrive. - , . ,. 10 i3 3 30 i701117131i,A,11771T siderably, titres imported animals A 13I, tiz `iIl Cit. tiFi50\. 1 UNDERTAKER & making only $100, $O i none $80. The frtatful tarot -ort o the year is prolific � UNDERTAKER On the whole the sale must have been nitn maul forum 1 ,owl (',intltltitllta, anelt • pica tr+turfs', and strong a miaow al Diarrhe=a Ilyeelitury,('trete, Vholcraafor t pt b 1) hits, Cholera Infanttua ,wt., as n sefe•i;uard and leo=trivet carr for diose distressing and e•ften sudden. and dangerous ettncka nothing eau Rupees that old and reliable medicine Dr. Fewwler's Extract of Wild. Stawlierry. The German press ertutinuully worn poor Germans from emigrating to Eugland, where a similar distress to that prevailing throug- out Germany exists CtiuLEt .I'IIEVENTATlvE. In abler to w ithstaud Cholera and melt like epidemics: perfect purity of Chide, and the proper action of the 'stomach. aro required. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use McGreg. or's Speedy Cnro for Dyspepsia autt Impure Blood, There is no purer, safer or more re- liable remedy iii existence for Indigestion, DY8pepsia, Costiveness, ore. Ask yuur neigh- bor or any person who has used it. Sold by Dr. Browning. Trial bottle given free, 1 "Say," raid the editor's smart little son, as he entered a store, "do yon lu'ep nails' "Oh, yes," responded the storekeeper, "we have kept them for years" "Well," returned the boy, starting for the door, ',you ought to advertise, mid then yon wouldn't keep them su leay."—Norristown tiered. ti 0 ! 4 Were ('xpressi•d on the ativisability of the e urots pursued by the department in ninl.eeg these a cpeneive import,. !diens and selliug at such a tromeud• ions Liss. Mr, Robert Sims,. tate Eden Mills' Mer. chant, Says .lir. t'aeleon'a Stomach Bittern is by far the best Minn; preparation in that neighborhood and that all his customers are t delighted with it. He selle large quantities of it. Have, you Dyspepsia try it. The Smallpox. - Dr. Coveraton, Chairman of the pro- - itici {val lloartl olebeulth, hes submitt• 1i ed to the Board a lnngthy report giv ing result of his investigations in Montreal regarding the slnall•pox epidemto there. lie highly praises tile work of the local Board of Liealtk ante particularly tho Trade Sesutary Association in guarding against the spread of the disease, and expresses the opinion that their combiued efforts will shortly diminish, tf not absolutely stamp out the disease. Mrs Eliza G. Kemble, of 66 Trinity street, Toronto, writes to the Telegram giving a recipe for the prevention and cure of small pox. She says it is harmless when taken by a well per- son. It will also cure scarlet fever. Here is the recipe as I have used it and cured my children of scarlet fever and smallpox. Wheu learned physicians said she patient must die, it cared :—Sulphate of zinc, 1 gr. ; fox glove(digitalie,) 1 gr. ; 1 teaspoon• ful of sugar Mix with two table- spoonfuls of water, When thorough- ly mixed add four ounces of water. Take a teaspoonful every hour. Either disease will disapuear in twelve hours Fora child smaller A DANGEROUS CONDITION. One of the most dangerous conditions is a negleetel Kidney complaint. When you snffer from weary aching back, weakness and other urinary troubles apply to tho back a Burdock Porous Plaster, and take Burdock Blood Bitters, the beat system reg- ulator known for the Liver, Kidneys, Stom- ach and Bowels. The receipts and expenditure for August on account of the Consolidated Fund were respectively 2,502,876 and $3,225,877. A. Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Romedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning. Tho vote of thanks passed by the Imper- ial Parliament to the Canadian voyageurs is published in the Canada Ga;.ette, POISONED. Scarcely a family exists but that some member is suffering with bad blood and poisoned secretions from constipation giving rise to Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions, Catarrh and other complaints iadioating lurking blood poison which a few bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters would eradicate from ' doses according to age. For a pre- i lai(tire srs.ystemRu:ssell Stevenson, Sister of the Countess of Dufferin, died at sea while on her way from Canada to England. The body has been lauded At Londonderry. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a receipe the t wa llo r e you, FREE EE o CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self -ad. dressed envelope to Env, 7osliPE T. Inman Station D, New York City. A SURE THING. A Sons Cuss eon SUU;arsu Courrett *rs.--- Procure from your druggist one 37i -cent bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Straw- Mtaald S.' Triad. berry and use according to directions. It is infalliable for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, venlive take a teaspooetful before each meal. Children lees quantity, ac- cording to age. If counties would compel physiaiaus to use this there would be no need of pest -houses. If you value advice and experience use this for that J�terrible disease. The writer ear's sa has given the above recipe as a preventive when smallpox was prevailing, and found it to cor- respond with the above statemeute; it is therefore conceded not only a cure but a preventive Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and Maud S. made an unauooeesfnl Cholera Infantum. attempt Thursday to lower her re- Iiollotoay'spills.--When inclement wen cord. Owing to the weather the conditions were somewhat unfavor• IF able as a brisk wind blew up the- air was crisp toll and the 0 sire loin t and chilly. John Murphy drove the Longman to force the ace. runner g p The first quarter was made in .33 secs., while the half was completed of impure air the blood becomes foul and the in 1.081, the fastest half mile on re- secrot ons vitiatod, these Pills resent a cord, the trotting queen fairly flying readyaud efficient Ineans of cleansing the ver the cource. She, left her feet, former and correcting the latter. By this o salutary proceeding desease is arrested at its however, afterinssing the pole, but outset, its pains and inconveniences averted, was quickly steadied, ptassing the 'and rho nervous structures saved: from the three, quarts r pole in 1.40, Murphy depressing effects entailed upon them by an dressed closely neon Bair's eniky on illness. titer checks to a considerable extent the action of the skin, au alterative is required to compensate the body by means of other Channels. Holloway's Pills can be coiafi. clently recommended aa -rho easiest, surest, , and safest meaus of attaining this desirable end without wealtoning the most delicate or incommoding the most feeble. When from frequently recurring chills or the inhalation Walnut t Rosewood Caskets :trio Corms or•rvr,nt Dssclllnxlov. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand.; FUNERALS FURNZSEED AND CoN- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled, t.: -.GIVE ME CALL. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich. brown color, or deep black, as maybe desired. By its use light or red hair maybe darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimu- lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease pawn::ar to the scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Drs ♦i t ,, the Victor is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perftune. MR. C. P. ]3Rrciwti writes from Kirby, O. July/ 3, 1852 : "Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short tiino 1 became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of ArER'a HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fail- ing of the hair and started a new growth. 1 have now a full head of hair growing vigor- ously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparation I should have been entirely bald." J.W. lowln , proprietor of the 11c.drahur (Ohio) Enquirer says : " At nit's 1f Ant tt Vroon is a most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The Vico t is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." 111R. AxouS FArrauA:Rx, leader of tiro celebrated "Fairbairn Fanttly'" of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Roston, Jfaa, I c L 0, 1880: "Ever since my hair began to gine sil- very evidence of the change which ih,t.:j time procureth, I have used Avil s ll wta Vtoon, and' so havo been able to undo.:tn ataappearance of youthfulness—a matter of cousiderablo consequence to ministers, ora- tors, actors,'and fact every one who Iive' in the oyes of the public." Dias. 0..4. PRESCOTT, writing froiu IS Elim SI. Charlestown Mass, April 14, 1682, says: "7.luo'years ago about 'two-thirds of my Lair tante off. It [hauled yen, rapidly, and l was fast growing bald. on rising Al'rcti s 11.w:1: -foot the tall stopped. and a, now growth Y !b commenced, f=url :n about a mouth naw hent was contpletoly covered with short hair. It has eonttuned to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. I regularlyusod but one bottle of the Vicon, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." • We have hundreds of similar testimonials to. the efficacy of AYER's HAIR Vroox. It needs but a trial to conviuco the tuost akepti- oat of its value. PREPARED EY '. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. COMPARISON OF PRICES INVITED THE PILLS Purify the Bic o,l, conker all Disorders ee the LIVER, STO;sL Chi, KIDNEYS, AND BOW They invigorate:nt restore to health Debilitated C'.anotituti,it5, arid ate Complaints incidental to Fernnles of ail ages. Ferr eitiltlre a awl the keel THE OINTMENT ltlttlole in alt tare 1>rleeleas an infallible remedy or Bird Legs, Bad Breasts. old 1Vicenude, Sores µtri F.: 61s. It le f,uu 'a s for Clout and Rheumatism. FOR DISOICIiERit OF TUE CUES? l'r 114s No VOW:. ur Sore Throats, Brouchitifi, Coughs. t'oles.(ilt,udelar Swct-liitigs.au4 alt ,':iu tl^sea it hasno rival'•. e for contracted � �, , , and f c nttatke l aw l t,i: j ie»ts itacts like a charm, The Pills and 0uttnaeutare sold etTnawi,tnHer sow'Ax'iiEeteblistinieW,, 78 NEW OXFOIID•STREETlate 083. OXFORD—STREET LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor fit Sfetil to '..iii ,:o:ma 1 +'.,,:it 1••, 1;A., 1 s. 9d. le. fd., lis., 221., and 33s, each. Thio 2s. 9.1. size t' nttalua three times the a �uuti twof the 11 1361„ size • the. 4e. 61 ,, tleesixteeneal• 2..E a tirt .tha- c . tho e 1, size tlfty •twvit tines tin' gnat►tity of the smallest Ile=xes anti Pete, Full eririte d directions are, affixed to• trail Ilex diad Pet, ante can las hast isi 34, !enemies... L t." Purchasers should 11 4; t+, ala, T ;1.e1 6 -ti the Pots and Bows.. If the address is not ,33 Oxford Street. Lenten. they are eeutioue. L7171- ememei mmeeek• 0 ruellillemilllireeibiLe Nevidikit C2 0;0 THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES t . afur SEWING MACHINE CO ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL, ST. LOUiS MO. ATLANTA GA. Iia aLeL BY •` Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. ONE DOOR NORTH VOLS(')N'S BANK. FON CUL rOUBI 101 PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDIJEFD to Bake room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand, All Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you. to order now and derive a benefit from pur ohasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SOUTI (OTT. Fn.t.hi,tnable Tailor, Exeter. teeter Post °M fee Time Table. itL&ILS Anixv5 Ij GLOBE. $i5ktbny Woodbam Winchelsea andElimvilee ... .., .. 7.80 r, 8 30 a:m South,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, S1anitoba, United States, lingli,lr and foreign mails ... ... .... w South, east west North and east, including Goderieb. 1,Viugham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratend, Toronto, Aion:real, and Pastern States... ... North east,dic ,.. 3.15 a.m. 5.45 p.m. MOO a.m 1.80 p.m. 0.00 a. In. 2.80 m! 8.00 a. 5.80 p 7,15p.m 0:80 r Sarepto Tuesdays, Thursdays mudSaturdays ,.. 3'15 a m 10'$ 4 MONEY ()EDENS 0o 40 �o ne*OraorOtlicointhanerailtonofOait a�,�Gr, o �a Isuocirnti butte on auditor i any \1:o 3 � . IL rid 7 din NewCouu.diaael,Italy,Australii,NewSouth W11183,las7* zol nu1 . FrancelleP LlAlgeria, eiia the Ce la S eeen'Ivoiw L r I9enmar{' U �n •r t bados. POST OFF 1.0ES.1VINGSH set$rh�rr8ekei`„➢ot aesleehthe ~ahrlt;us Switzerland.Austria-Hungary,ritutu[a Tuitud 'States, sIe 'rFaspd'l 1Jepositswiilaxreceived at this ofioe from $1 to 9300. Depositors nawtp, ese-e jteost • $p•o lunger-Groneral's speCiaiperirissioueau deposit ,S1000. 1)ontei$on Savings/$p ti te ft rpr.{ op t It terost at 4 et cuntper aunulu will boa 1 ene.y 1 nose oa, ceivetlttot,OtL.tn.to4p:m. t L? l ol, la 6 gt iii , Pt,� �re8c1. bebod r ee v 41, 0ficohonrsi:oin7.30a.tu.to, 1, `�tebt>>�$lQ+ po 1i Bja$ Letter sintondeilfor rogistrationmostboposted.1:iminnt:eslister e-tl' c'ownt,Jft bhmall�`lte $1Vg bf o l' lr?” (loonies to the addresses. FQ+ gee a� 110 "; . L:"w w ti ti quest 11 °nnitiso ui ttoi w,1111n. ivti t+r na of "ef Y. '�l .L v �..i' �� � k-.. - I 1� li it t5 par tiVr til) Jq � � Q EXE']'1 11, 0\'.C'id1Io. D.J01.17,13, l'ovti agier, $gyp ri}a �$ri'�b$6', a pie ane beg 14e�fc